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415 lines (237 loc) · 18.5 KB

File metadata and controls

415 lines (237 loc) · 18.5 KB

2.40.2 (2024-06-12)

Bug Fixes

  • catch all exceptions when trying to intercept identifies (#402) (f0350bf)

2.40.1 (2024-04-17)

Bug Fixes

  • always run middleware flush on updateServer (#400) (fbee357)

2.40.0 (2024-04-17)


  • middleware session replay integration (#399) (28bbbe6)

2.39.9 (2024-02-27)

Bug Fixes

  • move identifyInterceptor before eventBridge receiver is set (#392) (a6d4c9d)

2.39.8 (2023-07-21)

Bug Fixes

  • try to correctly handle session change for race condition (#382) (b0f4fea)

2.39.7 (2023-07-07)

Bug Fixes

  • try to reduce sqlite cursor memory usage (#375) (77e508d)

2.39.6 (2023-07-06)

Bug Fixes

2.39.5 (2023-06-13)

Bug Fixes

  • do not fetch advertising Id if adid tracking is disabled (#366) (a1f8cc8)

2.39.4 (2023-06-01)

Bug Fixes

  • move inForeground reads/writes to main thread (#362) (15b4b35)

2.39.3 (2023-04-29)

Bug Fixes

  • filter null value in identify user properties (#356) (779b6b3)
  • update identify interceptor to identify only (#357) (afd3251)

As of September 21, 2020 is no longer manually updated.

Please check the releases page for up to date changes.

2.28.2 (Sep 13, 2020)

  • Add setMinTimeBetweenSessionsMillis in plugin for Unity Plugin to use.

2.28.1 (Aug 26, 2020)

  • Add setOffline in plugin for Unity Plugin to use.

2.28.0 (Aug 10, 2020)

  • Introducing useDynamicConfig flag!! Turning this flag on will find the best server url automatically based on users' geo location.
  • Note 1. If you have your own proxy server and use setServerUrl API, please leave this OFF.
  • Note 2. If you have users in China Mainland, we suggest you turn this on.
  • Note 3. By default, this feature is OFF. So you need to explicitly set it to ON to use it.

2.27.0 (Jul 14, 2020)

  • Added setServerUrl to AmplitudePlugin to enable it for Unity SDK too.
  • Fix an issue during location fetching.

2.26.1 (Jun 15, 2020)

  • Fix the incorrect behavior of disableLocationListening. If you want to disable location listening over LocationManager. Please call called before initialization.

2.26.0 (Jun 2, 2020)

  • Remove ComodoRSA certificate for SSL pinning.

2.25.2 (May 13, 2020)

  • Add 3 APIs to AmplitudePlugin (uploadEvents, useAdvertisingIdForDeviceId, setDeviceId)

2.25.1 (Apr 3, 2020)

  • Remove the declaration of location related permissions in manifest file.

2.25.0 (Mar 17, 2020)

  • Added APIs to AmplitudeClient to let users set library name and version. This should be only used when you develop your own library which wraps Amplitude Android SDK.

2.24.2 (Feb 5, 2020)

  • Now you can set auth token! Use AmplitudeClient#setBearerToken(String token) please!

2.24.1 (Jan 28, 2020)

  • Fix the issue that version property shows old version.

2.24.0 (Jan 28, 2020)

  • Now you can enable or disable COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) restrictions on ADID, city, IP address and location tracking. AmplitudeClient#enableCoppaControl() and AmplitudeClient#disableCoppaControl()

2.23.2 (Aug 05, 2019)

  • Catch exceptions when fetching most recent location.

2.23.1 (Jul 19, 2019)

  • Handle SQLite database crashes caused by fetching events that exceed 2MB (max size of cursor window).

2.23.0 (Apr 22, 2019)

  • Make startNewSessionIfNeeded a public method. Only call this if you know what you are doing. This may trigger a new session to start.

2.22.1 (Mar 21, 2019)

  • Store deviceId in SharedPreferences as backup in case SQLite database fails or becomes corrupted.

2.22.0 (Jan 18, 2019)

  • Add ability to set a custom server URL for uploading events using setServerUrl.

2.21.0 (Dec 05, 2018)

  • Update SDK to better handle when the SQLite database file gets corrupted between interactions.
  • Add optional diagnostic logging that tracks exceptions thrown in the SDK and sends to Amplitude.

2.20.0 (Oct 15, 2018)

  • Add ability to set group properties via a new groupIdentify method that takes in an Identify object as well as a group type and group name.

2.19.1 (Aug 14, 2018)

  • Update SDK to better handle SQLite Exceptions.

2.19.0 (Jul 24, 2018)

  • Add TrackingOptions interface to customize the automatic tracking of user properties in the SDK (such as language, ip_address, platform, etc). See Help Center Documentation for instructions on setting up this configuration.

2.18.2 (Jul 24, 2018)

  • Use randomly generated device id if user has limitAdTracking enabled.

2.18.1 (May 07, 2018)

  • Updating to OkHttp 3.10.0
  • Lowering event upload max batch size from 100 to 50. This should help to avoid out of memory issues on Android devices with low memory.

2.18.0 (Apr 19, 2018)

  • Added a setUserId method with optional boolean argument startNewSession, which when true starts a new session after changing the userId.

2.17.0 (Feb 05, 2018)

  • Add ability to specify a custom platform value during initialization as an input argument. If the value is null or an empty string then platform will default to Android.

2.16.0 (Nov 27, 2017)

  • Expose a public getUserPropertiesOperations method on the Identify class.
  • Handle exceptions when the LocationManager is not available for fetching location.

2.15.0 (Oct 04, 2017)

  • Updating to latest version of OkHttp3 (3.9.0)

2.14.1 (Jul 27, 2017)

  • Switch to an internal implementation of isEmptyString instead of Android TextUtils.

2.14.0 (Jul 05, 2017)

2.13.4 (May 09, 2017)

  • Handle exceptions when fetching device carrier information. Thanks to @fkam-tt for the pull request.
  • Copy userProperties on main thread in setUserProperties to prevent ConcurrentModificationExceptions.
  • Migrating setup instructions and SDK documentation in the README file to Zendesk articles.

2.13.3 (Mar 13, 2017)

  • Handle exceptions when reading from database. Only affects certain Fairphone and LG devices.
  • Handle exceptions when building request to upload event data. Only affects certain Lenovo devices.

2.13.2 (Dec 22, 2016)

  • Fix crash when pulling null unsent event strings during upload.
  • Fix bug where unserializable events were being saved to unsent events table.
  • Added more logging around JSON serialization errors when logging events.

2.13.1 (Dec 15, 2016)

  • Fix bug where regenerateDeviceId was not being run on background thread. DeviceInfo.generateUUID() should be a static method.

2.13.0 (Dec 05, 2016)

  • Add helper method to regenerate a new random deviceId. This can be used in conjunction with setUserId(null) to anonymize a user after they log out. Note this is not recommended unless you know what you are doing. See Readme for more information.

2.12.0 (Nov 07, 2016)

  • Allow logEvent with a custom timestamp (milliseconds since epoch). See documentation for more details.

2.11.0 (Oct 26, 2016)

  • Add ability to log identify events outOfSession, this is useful for updating user properties without triggering session-handling logic. See Readme for more information.

2.10.0 (Oct 12, 2016)

  • Catch and handle CursorWindowAllocationException thrown when the SDK is querying from the SQLite DB when app memory is low. If the exception is caught during initialize, then it is treated as if initialize was never called. If the exception is caught during the uploading of unsent events, then the upload is deferred to a later time.
  • Block event property and user property dictionaries that have more than 1000 items. This is to block properties that are set unintentionally (for example in a loop). A single call to logEvent should not have more than 1000 event properties. Similarly a single call to setUserProperties should not have more than 1000 user properties.
  • Handle IllegalArgumentException thrown by Android Geocoder for bad lat / lon values.

2.9.2 (Jul 14, 2016)

  • Fix bug where enableLocationListening and disableLocationListening were not being run on background thread. Thanks to @elevenfive for PR.
  • Update Revenue class to expose public equals and hashCode methods.

2.9.1 (Jul 11, 2016)

  • Fix bug where setOptOut was not being run on background thread.
  • productId is no longer a required field for Revenue logged via logRevenueV2.
  • Fix bug where receipt and receiptSignature were being truncated if they were too long (exceeded 1024 characters).

2.9.0 (Jul 07, 2016)

  • Add automatic flushing of unsent events on app close/minimize (through the Activity Lifecycle onPause callback). This only works if you call Amplitude.getInstance().enableForegroundTracking(getApplication());, which is recommended in the README by default for Setup. To disable you can call Amplitude.getInstance().setFlushEventsOnClose(false);

2.8.0 (Jun 29, 2016)

  • Run the initialize logic on the background thread so that the SQLite database operations do not delay the main thread.
  • Add support for Amazon Advertising ID (use in place of Google Advertising ID on Amazon devices). Thanks to @jcomo for the pull request.

2.7.2 (May 24, 2016)

  • Add documentation for SDK functions. You can take a look here. A link has also been added to the Readme.
  • Fix bug where fetching the user's location on select devices throws a SecurityException, causing a crash.

2.7.1 (Apr 19, 2016)

  • RevenueProperties is a confusing name and should actually be eventProperties. Deprecating Revenue.setRevenueProperties and replacing it with Revenue.setEventProperties, and clarified in Readme.

2.7.0 (Apr 19, 2016)

  • Add support setting groups for users and events. See Readme for more information.
  • Add helper method getSessionId to expose the current sessionId value.
  • Add logRevenueV2 and new Revenue class to support logging revenue events with properties, revenue type, and verified. See Readme for more info.
  • Fix crash when trying to enableForegroundTracking with the PinnedAmplitudeClient. AmplitudeClient methods should be using this instead of static instance variable.

2.6.0 (Mar 29, 2016)

  • Update to OKHttp v3.0.1.
  • Add support for prepend user property operation.
  • Fix bug where merging events for upload causes array index out of bounds exception.
  • Migrate shared preferences (userId and event meta data) to Sqlite db to support apps with multiple processes.

2.5.1 (Mar 14, 2016)

  • Fix bug where updateServer sets the wrong batchLimit when limit is false.

2.5.0 (Jan 15, 2016)

  • Add ability to clear all user properties.
  • Check that SDK is initialized when user calls enableForegroundTracking, identify, setUserProperties.

2.4.0 (Dec 15, 2015)

  • Add support for append user property operation.

2.3.0 (Nov 30, 2015)

  • Log if Google Play Services is enabled for the application.

2.2.0 (Oct 20, 2015)

  • Removed all references to Apache HTTPClient to support Android M.
  • Handle exceptions when fetching last known location from LocationManager.
  • Add ability to set custom deviceId.
  • Handle exception when cloning JSON object.
  • Maintain only one instance of OKHttpClient.
  • Add AmplitudeLog helper class that supports enabling and disabling of logging as well as setting of the log level.
  • Fix bug where event and identify queues are not truncated if eventMaxCount is less than eventRemoveBatchSize.

2.1.0 (Oct 04, 2015)

  • Add support for user properties operations (set, setOnce, add, unset).
  • Fix bug where end session event was not being sent upon app reopen.

2.0.4 (Sep 23, 2015)

  • Fix bug where deviceInfo was trying to use Geocoder if none present.

2.0.3 (Sep 22, 2015)

  • Fix bug where deviceId was being fetched on main thread.

2.0.2 (Aug 24, 2015)

  • Fix Maven jar, fixed build file.

2.0.1 (Aug 21, 2015)

  • Catch all exceptions thrown by Android TelephonyManager and NullPointerExceptions thrown by geocoder during country lookup.

2.0.0 (Aug 20, 2015)

  • Expose user ID with getUserId.
  • Simplified session tracking. No longer need to call startSession and endSession. No longer send start/end session events by default. Added foreground tracking for sessions that uses Android activity lifecycles.
  • The minimum supported API level is 9. API level 14 is required for foreground tracking.
  • Always track Android advertising ID (ADID) regardless of limit ad tracking enabled.
  • Track if limit ad tracking enabled as an API property for each logged event.
  • Database upgraded to version 2: added a new store table for key value pairs.
  • Device ID is now saved to and reloaded from the SQLite database (instead of SharedPrefs because SharedPrefs currently does not support multiple processes).
  • MessageDigest.getInstance(String) is not threadsafe (known Android issue). Replaced with alternate MD5 implementation from
  • Create a copy of input userProperties JSONObject in setUserProperties to try and prevent ConcurrentModificationException.

1.7.0 (May 29, 2015)

  • Enable configuration of eventUploadThreshold, eventMaxCount, eventUploadMaxBatchSize, eventUploadPeriodSeconds, minTimeBetweenSessionsMillis, and sessionTimeoutMillis.

1.6.3 (May 06, 2015)

  • Add offline mode to turn off server uploading for a time.
  • Add synchronous logging. Logs events to the DB synchronously to guarantee event persistence.

1.6.2 (Apr 17, 2015)

  • Change protection on AmplitudeClient to public.

1.6.1 (Apr 13, 2015)

  • Fix double class inclusion in jar distribution

1.6.0 (Apr 08, 2015)

  • Fix crash under aggressive proguard optimizations.
  • Fix device id being lost occasionally on app update.
  • Fix exception when calling logEvent with empty JSONObject.
  • Log a DEBUG message on each event.

1.5.0 (Mar 24, 2015)

  • Add PinnedAmplitudeClient to support SSL pinning.
  • Deprecate static methods on Amplitude. Switch to using Amplitude.getInstance().
  • Upgrade HTTP client to okhttp.

1.4.6 (Mar 16, 2015)

  • Fix bug when initializing with user id. Api key was not set properly.

1.4.4 (Mar 11, 2015)

  • Expose setUserProperties(JSONObject, boolean) as a static
  • Handle null edge cases in location request
  • Add user opt out support
  • Merge user properties in setUserProperties by default
  • Refactor Amplitude to be a singleton to support tests
  • Add option to disable fine-grained location tracking
  • Fix crash: ConcurrentModificationException in HashMap
  • Fix crash: CursorWindowAllocationException in SQLite

1.4.3 (Nov 13, 2014)

  • Update field names, split platform and os, and send library information

1.4.2 (Nov 7, 2014)

  • Don't log end session event if session isn't open
  • Fix creating a new session id when the previous session id is invalid or non existant

1.4.1 (Jul 16, 2014)

  • Hotfix extra class file in jar.

1.4.0 (Jul 1, 2014)

  • Send androidADID with events
  • Use Google Play Advertising ID instead of Android ID, if set. Default / fall back on using a random UUID
  • Pull country from reverse geocode, then telephony network country, then locale

1.3.0 (Jun 4, 2014)

  • Add getDeviceId to unity plugin
  • Add additional logRevenue methods for receipt validation
  • Make device ID public
  • Fix bug where first event was getting skipped from upload
  • Catch SQLiteExceptions
  • Catch exceptions through by Apache HTTPClient

1.0.0 (May 1, 2014)

  • Initial packaged release