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Migration Guides

Migrating from versions < 22.2.0

  • StripeConnections SDK has been renamed to StripeFinancialConnections. If you included StripeConnections to support ACH Direct Debit payments, you will need to rename the dependency to StripeFinancialConnections. If you are manually installing StripeConnections, you will need to remove the old StripeConnections.xcframework and include the new StripeFinancialConnections.xcframework, which can be found in the release assets for version 22.2.0 of the SDK.

Migrating from versions < 22.0.0

  • The minimum iOS version is now 12.0. If you'd like to deploy for iOS 11.0, please use Stripe SDK 21.12.0.
  • IdentityVerificationSheet now has an availability requirement of iOS 14.3 on its initializer instead of the present method. If your app supports iOS versions < 14.3, you will need to add an availability check for iOS 14.3 before initializing the sheet.

Migrating from versions < 21.12.0

  • Stripe now requires StripeApplePay. If you are manually installing Stripe, you will need to include StripeApplePay.xcframework, which can be found in the release assets for version 21.12.0 of the SDK. If you are using CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager, these dependencies will be imported automatically.

Migrating from versions < 21.10.0

  • StripeIdentity now requires StripeCameraCore. If you are manually installing StripeIdentity, you will need to include StripeCameraCore.xcframework, which can be found in the release assets for version 21.10.0 of the SDK. If you are using CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager, these dependencies will be imported automatically.

Migrating from versions < 21.9.0

  • Stripe and StripeIdentity now require StripeUICore. If you are manually installing Stripe or StripeIdentity, you will need to include StripeUICore.xcframework, which can be found in the release assets for version 21.9.0 of the SDK. If you are using CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager, these dependencies will be imported automatically.

Migrating from versions < 21.8.1

  • The Stripe module now requires StripeCore. If you are manually installing the Stripe SDK, you will need to include StripeCore.xcframework, which can be found in the release assets for version 21.8.1 of the SDK. If you are using CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager, these dependencies will be imported automatically.

Migrating from versions < 21.4.0

  • STPPaymentHandler now presents its SFSafariViewController using the .overFullScreen presentation style by default. To select a different style, implement the STPAuthenticationContext.configureSafariViewController(_:) function in your STPAuthenticationContext.

Migrating from versions < 21.2.0

  • Stripe3DS2 is now a separate component for Carthage users. You must embed both Stripe.xcframework and Stripe3DS2.xcframework in your app.

Migrating from versions < 21.0.0

Migrating from versions < 20.1.0

  • Swift Package Manager users may need to remove and re-add Stripe from the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of your target's settings after updating.
  • Swift Package Manager users with Xcode 12.0 may need to use a workaround for a code signing issue. This is fixed in Xcode 12.2.

Migrating from versions < 20.0.0

  • The minimum iOS version is now 11.0. If you'd like to deploy for iOS 10.0, please use Stripe SDK 19.4.0.
  • is no longer supported. To enable our built-in card scanning beta, set the cardScanningEnabled flag on STPPaymentConfiguration.
  • Catalyst support is out of beta, and now requires Swift Package Manager with Xcode 12 or Cocoapods 1.10.

Migrating from versions < 19.4.0

  • metadata fields are no longer populated on retrieved Stripe API objects and must be fetched on your server using your secret key. If this is causing issues with your deployed app versions please reach out to Stripe Support. These fields have been marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future SDK version.

Migrating from versions < 19.3.0

  • STPAUBECSFormView now inherits from UIView instead of UIControl

Migrating from versions < 19.2.0

  • The STPApplePayContext 'applePayContext:didCreatePaymentMethod:completion: delegate method now includes paymentInformation: 'applePayContext:didCreatePaymentMethod:paymentInformation:completion:.

Migrating from versions < 19.0.0

publishableKey and stripeAccount changes

  • Deprecates publishableKey and stripeAccount properties of STPPaymentConfiguration.
    • If you used STPPaymentConfiguration.sharedConfiguration to set publishableKey and/or stripeAccount, use STPAPIClient.sharedClient instead.
    • If you passed a STPPaymentConfiguration instance to an SDK component, you should instead create an STPAPIClient, set publishableKey on it, and set the SDK component's APIClient property.
  • The SDK now uses STPAPIClient.sharedClient to make API requests by default.

This changes the behavior of the following classes, which previously used API client instances configured from STPPaymentConfiguration.shared: STPCustomerContext, STPPaymentOptionsViewController, STPAddCardViewController, STPPaymentContext, STPPinManagementService, STPPushProvisioningContext.

You are affected by this change if:

  1. You use stripeAccount to work with your Connected accounts
  2. You use one of the above affected classes
  3. You set different stripeAccount values on STPPaymentConfiguration and STPAPIClient, i.e. STPPaymentConfiguration.shared.stripeAccount != STPAPIClient.shared.stripeAccount

If all three of the above conditions are true, you must update your integration! The SDK used to send STPPaymentConfiguration.shared.stripeAccount, and will now send STPAPIClient.shared.stripeAccount.

For example, if you are a Connect user who stores Payment Methods on your platform, but clones PaymentMethods to a connected account and creates direct charges on that connected account i.e. if:

  1. You never set STPPaymentConfiguration.shared.stripeAccount
  2. You set STPAPIClient.shared.stripeAccount

We recommend you do the following:

    // By default, you don't want the SDK to pass stripeAccount
    STPAPIClient.shared().publishableKey = "pk_platform"
    STPAPIClient.shared().stripeAccount = nil

    // You do want the SDK to pass stripeAccount when it makes payments directly on your connected account, so
    // you create a separate APIClient instance...
    let connectedAccountAPIClient = STPAPIClient(publishableKey: "pk_platform")

    // ...set stripeAccount on it...
    connectedAccountAPIClient.stripeAccount = "your connected account's id"

    // ...and either set the relevant SDK components' apiClient property to your custom APIClient instance:
    STPPaymentHandler.shared().apiClient = connectedAccountAPIClient // e.g. if you are using PaymentIntents

    // ...or use it directly to make API requests with `stripeAccount` set:
    connectedAccountAPIClient.createToken(withCard:...) // e.g. if you are using Tokens + Charges

Postal code changes

  • The user's postal code is now collected by default in countries that support postal codes. We always recommend collecting a postal code to increase card acceptance rates and reduce fraud. To disable this behavior:
    • For STPPaymentContext and other full-screen UI, set your STPPaymentConfiguration's .requiredBillingAddressFields to STPBillingAddressFieldsNone.
    • For a PKPaymentRequest, set .requiredBillingContactFields to an empty set. If your app supports iOS 10, also set .requiredBillingAddressFields to PKAddressFieldNone.
    • For STPPaymentCardView, set .postalCodeEntryEnabled to NO.
  • Users may now enter spaces, dashes, and uppercase letters into the postal code field in situations where the user has not explicitly selected a country. This allows users with non-US addreses to enter their postal code.
  • STPBillingAddressFieldsZip has been renamed to STPBillingAddressFieldsPostalCode.

Localization changes

  • All Stripe Error messages are now localized based on the device locale.

    For example, when retrieving a SetupIntent with a nonexistent id when the device locale is set to Locale.JAPAN, the error message will now be localized.

    // before - English
    "No such setupintent: seti_invalid123"
    // after - Japanese
    "そのような setupintent はありません : seti_invalid123"

Migrating from versions < 18.0.0

  • Some error messages from the Payment Intents API are now localized to the user's display language. If your application's logic depends on specific message strings from the Stripe API, please use the error code instead.
  • STPPaymentResult may contain a paymentMethodParams instead of a paymentMethod when using single-use payment methods such as FPX. Because of this, STPPaymentResult.paymentMethod is now nullable. Instead of setting the paymentMethodId manually on your paymentIntentParams, you may now call paymentIntentParams.configure(with result: STPPaymentResult):
// 17.0.0
paymentIntentParams.paymentMethodId = paymentResult.paymentMethod.stripeId

// 18.0.0
paymentIntentParams.configure(with: paymentResult)
  • STPPaymentOptionTypeAll has been renamed to STPPaymentOptionTypeDefault. This option will not include FPX or future optional payment methods.
  • The minimum iOS version is now 10.0. If you'd like to deploy for iOS 9.0, please use Stripe SDK 17.0.2.

Migrating from versions < 17.0.0

  • The API version has been updated from 2015-10-12 to 2019-05-16. has details on the changes made, which includes breaking changes for STPConnectAccountParams users. Your backend Stripe API version should be sufficiently decoupled from the SDK's so that keeping their versions in sync is not required, and no further action is required to migrate to this version of the SDK.
  • For STPPaymentContext users: the completion block type in paymentContext:didCreatePaymentResult:completion: has changed to STPPaymentStatusBlock, to let you inform the context that the user has cancelled.

Migrating from versions < 16.0.0

  • The following have been migrated from Source/Token to PaymentMethod. If you have integrated with any of these things, you must also migrate to PaymentMethod and the Payment Intent API. See See for more details.
    • UI components
      • STPPaymentCardTextField
      • STPAddCardViewController
      • STPPaymentOptionsViewController
    • PaymentContext
      • STPPaymentContext
      • STPCustomerContext
      • STPBackendAPIAdapter
      • STPPaymentResult
    • Standard Integration example project
  • STPPaymentIntentAction* types have been renamed to STPIntentAction*. Xcode should offer a deprecation warning & fix-it to help you migrate.
  • STPPaymentHandler supports 3DS2 authentication, and is recommended instead of STPRedirectContext. See

Migrating from versions < 15.0.0

  • "PaymentMethod" has a new meaning: All things referring to "PaymentMethod" have been renamed to "PaymentOption" (see for the full list). STPPaymentMethod and STPPaymentMethodType have been rewritten to match this new API object.
  • PaymentMethod succeeds Source as the recommended way to charge customers. In this vein, several 'Source'-named things have been deprecated, and replaced with 'PaymentMethod' equivalents. For example, STPPaymentIntentsStatusRequiresSource is replaced by STPPaymentIntentsStatusRequiresPaymentMethod (see for the full list). Following the deprecation warnings & fix-its will be enough to migrate your code - they've simply been renamed, and will continue to work for Source-based flows.

Migrating from versions < 14.0.0

  • STPPaymentCardTextField now copies the STPCardParams object when setting/getting the cardParams property, instead of sharing the object with the caller.
    • Changes to the STPCardParams object after setting cardParams no longer mutate the object held by the STPPaymentCardTextField
    • Changes to the object returned by STPPaymentCardTextField.cardParams no longer mutate the object held by the STPPaymentCardTextField
    • This is a breaking change for code like: = @"Jane Doe";
  • STPPaymentIntentParams.returnUrl has been renamed to STPPaymentIntentParams.returnURL. Xcode should offer a deprecation warning & fix-it to help you migrate.
  • STPPaymentIntent.returnUrl has been removed, because it's no longer a property of the PaymentIntent. When the PaymentIntent status is .requiresSourceAction, and the nextSourceAction.type is .authorizeWithURL, you can find the return URL at nextSourceAction.authorizeWithURL.returnURL.

Migrating from versions < 13.1.0

  • The SDK now supports PaymentIntents with STPPaymentIntent, which use STPRedirectContext in the same way that STPSource does
    • STPRedirectContextCompletionBlock has been renamed to STPRedirectContextSourceCompletionBlock. It has the same signature, and Xcode should offer a deprecation warning & fix-it to help you migrate.

Migrating from versions < 13.0.0

  • Remove Bitcoin source support because Stripe no longer processes Bitcoin payments:
    • Sources can no longer have a "STPSourceTypeBitcoin" source type. These sources will now be interpreted as "STPSourceTypeUnknown".
    • You can no longer createBitcoinParams. Please use a different payment method.

Migrating from versions < 12.0.0

  • The SDK now requires iOS 9+ and Xcode version 9+. If you need to support iOS 8 or Xcode 8, the last supported version is 11.5.0
  • STPPaymentConfiguration.requiredShippingAddress now is a set of STPContactField objects instead of a PKAddressField bitmask.
    • Most of the previous PKAddressField constants have matching STPContactField constants. To convert your code, switch to passing in a set of the matching constants
      • Example: (PKAddressField)(PKAddressFieldName|PKAddressFieldPostalAddress) becomes [NSSet setwithArray:@[STPContactFieldName, STPContactFieldPostalAddress]])
    • Anywhere you were using PKAddressFieldNone you can now simply pass in nil
    • If you were using PKAddressFieldAll, you must switch to manually listing all the fields that you want.
    • The new constants also correspond to and work similarly to Apple's new PKContactField values.
  • AddressBook framework support has been removed. If you were using AddressBook related functionality, you must switch over to using the Contacts framework.
  • STPRedirectContext will no longer retain itself for the duration of the redirect. If you were relying on this functionality, you must change your code to explicitly maintain a reference to it.

Migrating from versions < 11.4.0

  • The STPBackendAPIAdapter protocol and all associated methods are no longer deprecated. We still recommend using STPCustomerContext to update a Stripe customer object on your behalf, rather than using your own implementation of STPBackendAPIAdapter.

Migrating from versions < 11.3.0

  • Changes to STPCard, STPCardParams, STPBankAccount, and STPBankAccountParams
    • STPCard no longer subclasses from STPCardParams. You must now specifically create STPCardParams objects to create new tokens.
    • STPBankAccount no longer subclasses from STPBankAccountParams.
    • You can no longer directly create STPCard objects, you should only use ones that have been decoded from Stripe API responses via STPAPIClient.
    • All STPCard and STPBankAccount properties have been made readonly.
    • Broken out individual address properties on STPCard and STPCardParams have been deprecated in favor of the grouped address property.
  • The value of [STPAPIResponseDecodable allResponseFields] is now completely (deeply) filtered to not contain any instances of [NSNull null]. Previously, only [NSNull null] one level deep (shallow) were removed.

Migrating from versions < 11.2.0

  • STPCustomer's shippingAddress property is now correctly annotated as nullable. Its type is an optional (STPAddress?) in Swift.

Migrating from versions < 11.0.0

  • We've greatly simplified the integration for STPPaymentContext. In order to migrate to the new STPPaymentContext integration using ephemeral keys, you'll need to:
    1. On your backend, add a new endpoint that creates an ephemeral key for the Stripe customer associated with your user, and returns its raw JSON. Note that you should not remove the 3 endpoints you added for your initial PaymentContext integration until you're ready to drop support for previous versions of your app.
    2. In your app, make your API client class conform to STPEphemeralKeyProvider by adding a method that requests an ephemeral key from the endpoint you added in (1).
    3. In your app, remove any references to STPBackendAPIAdapter. Your API client class will no longer need to conform to STPBackendAPIAdapter, and you can delete the retrieveCustomer, attachSourceToCustomer, and selectDefaultCustomerSource methods.
    4. Instead of using the initializers for STPPaymentContext or STPPaymentMethodsViewController that take an STPBackendAPIAdapter parameter, you should use the new initializers that take an STPCustomerContext parameter. You'll need to set up your instance of STPCustomerContext using the key provider you set up in (2).
  • For a more detailed overview of the new integration, you can refer to our tutorial at
  • [STPFile stringFromPurpose:] now returns nil for STPFilePurposeUnknown. Will return a non-nil value for all other STPFilePurpose.
  • We've removed the email and phone properties in STPUserInformation. You can pre-fill this information in the shipping form using the new shippingAddress property.
  • The SMS card fill feature has been removed from STPPaymentContext, as well as the associated smsAutofillDisabled configuration option (ie it will now always behave as if it is disabled).

Migrating from versions < 10.2.0

  • paymentRequestWithMerchantIdentifier: has been deprecated. You should instead use paymentRequestWithMerchantIdentifier:country:currency:. Apple Pay is now available in many countries and currencies, and you should use the appropriate values for your business.
  • We've added a paymentCountry property to STPPaymentContext. This affects the countryCode of Apple Pay payments, and defaults to "US". You should set this to the country your Stripe account is in.
  • Polling for source object updates is deprecated. Check for the latest best practices on how to integrate with the sources API using webhooks.
  • paymentMethodsViewController:didSelectPaymentMethod: is now optional. If you have an empty implementation of this method, you can remove it.

Migrating from versions < 10.1.0

  • STPPaymentMethodsViewControllerDelegate now has a separate paymentMethodsViewControllerDidCancel: callback, differentiating from successful method selections. You should make sure to also dismiss the view controller in that callback.

Migrating from versions < 10.0

  • Methods deprecated in Version 6.0 have now been removed.
  • The STPSource protocol has been renamed STPSourceProtocol.
  • STPSource is now a model object representing a source from the Stripe API.
  • STPCustomer will now include STPSource objects in its sources array if a customer has attached sources.
  • STPErrorCode and STPCardErrorCode are now first class Swift enums (before, their types were Int and String, respectively)

Migrating from versions < 9.0

Version 9.0 drops support for iOS 7.x and Xcode 7.x. If you need to support iOS or Xcode versions below 8.0, the last compatible Stripe SDK release is version 8.0.7.

Migrating from versions < 6.0

6.0 moves most of the contents of STPCard into a new class, STPCardParams, which represents a request to the Stripe API. STPCard now only refers to responses from the Stripe API. Most apps should be able to simply replace all usage of STPCard with STPCardParams - you should only use STPCard if you're dealing with an API response, e.g. a card attached to an STPToken. This renaming has been done in a way that will avoid breaking changes, although using STPCards to make requests to the Stripe API will produce deprecation warnings.

Migrating from versions < 5.0

5.0 deprecates our native Stripe Checkout adapters. If you were using these, we recommend building your own credit card form instead. If you need help with this, please contact [email protected].

Migrating from versions < 3.0

Before version 3.0, most token-creation methods were class methods on the Stripe class. These are now all instance methods on the STPAPIClient class. Where previously you might write

[Stripe createTokenWithCard:card publishableKey:myPublishableKey completion:completion];

you would now instead write

STPAPIClient *client = [[STPAPIClient alloc] initWithPublishableKey:myPublishableKey];
[client createTokenWithCard:card completion:completion];

This version also made several helper classes, including STPAPIConnection and STPUtils, private. You should remove any references to them from your code (most apps shouldn't have any).

Migrating from versions < 1.2

Versions of Stripe-iOS prior to 1.2 included a class called STPView, which provided a pre-built credit card form. This functionality has been moved from Stripe-iOS to PaymentKit, a separate project. If you were using STPView prior to version 1.2, migrating is simple:

  1. Add PaymentKit to your project, as explained on its project page.
  2. Replace any references to STPView with a PTKView instead. Similarly, any classes that implement STPViewDelegate should now instead implement the equivalent PTKViewDelegate methods. Note that unlike STPView, PTKView does not take a Stripe API key in its constructor.
  3. To submit the credit card details from your PTKView instance, where you would previously call createToken on your STPView, replace that with the following code (assuming self.paymentView is your PTKView instance):
if (![self.paymentView isValid]) {
STPCard *card = [[STPCard alloc] init];
card.number = self.paymentView.card.number;
card.expMonth = self.paymentView.card.expMonth;
card.expYear = self.paymentView.card.expYear;
card.cvc = self.paymentView.card.cvc;
STPAPIClient *client = [[STPAPIClient alloc] initWithPublishableKey:publishableKey];
[client createTokenWithCard:card completion:^(STPToken *token, NSError *error) {
    if (error) {
        // handle the error as you did previously
    } else {
        // submit the token to your payment backend as you did previously

Misc. notes

Handling errors

See StripeError.h for a list of error codes that may be returned from the Stripe API.

Validating STPCards

You have a few options for handling validation of credit card data on the client, depending on what your application does. Client-side validation of credit card data is not required since our API will correctly reject invalid card information, but can be useful to validate information as soon as a user enters it, or simply to save a network request.

The simplest thing you can do is to populate an STPCard object and, before sending the request, call - (BOOL)validateCardReturningError: on the card. This validates the entire card object, but is not useful for validating card properties one at a time.

To validate STPCard properties individually, you should use the following:

 - (BOOL)validateNumber:error:
 - (BOOL)validateCvc:error:
 - (BOOL)validateExpMonth:error:
 - (BOOL)validateExpYear:error:

These methods follow the validation method convention used by key-value validation. So, you can use these methods by invoking them directly, or by calling [card validateValue:forKey:error] for a property on the STPCard object.

When using these validation methods, you will want to set the property on your card object when a property does validate before validating the next property. This allows the methods to use existing properties on the card correctly to validate a new property. For example, validating 5 for the expMonth property will return YES if no expYear is set. But if expYear is set and you try to set expMonth to 5 and the combination of expMonth and expYear is in the past, 5 will not validate. The order in which you call the validate methods does not matter for this though.