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File metadata and controls

156 lines (103 loc) · 9.86 KB

How to Contribute

General guidelines

  • Bug reports, feature requests, and any sort of feedback is very welcome.
  • Pull requests fixing bugs are very welcome as well.
  • For pull requests involving any changes to the UI, please discuss them first in a GitHub issue.

Add new visualization to Turnilo

Initial setup

Example code for scatterplot setup

Set up a new type

Add your new Visualization type in src/common/models/visualization-manifest/visualization-manifest.ts.

Add a manifest

Add a new entry in src/common/visualization-manifests/index.ts.

Add a new instance of VisualizationManifest in src/common/visualization-manifests/<visualizationName>/<visualizationName>.ts. You can use emptySettingsConfig for visualizationSettings in the beginning and add settings later if needed. Write an evaluateRules function to make sure your visualization is shown under certain conditions. If you need at least one split and one measure, it could look like this:

const rulesEvaluator = visualizationDependentEvaluatorBuilder
  .then(Actions.manualDimensionSelection("The <visualizationName> requires at least one split"))
  .otherwise(({ isSelectedVisualization }) =>
    Resolve.ready(isSelectedVisualization ? 10 : 3)

Allow choosing your visualization from the menu

Add a new component

Create a new file src/client/visualizations/<visualizationName>/<visualizationName>.tsx. Here you want to add the basis for your component with the visualization panel at the top:

const <visualizationName>: React.FunctionComponent<ChartProps> = () => {
    return <div>
        <h2>New visualization will be here!</h2>

export function <visualizationName>Visualization(props: VisualizationProps) {
    return <React.Fragment>
        <DefaultVisualizationControls {...props} />
        <ChartPanel {...props} queryFactory={makeQuery} chartComponent={<visualizationName>}/>

Lastly, add <visualizationName>Visualization to the VISUALIZATIONS map in src/client/visualizations/index.ts

There you go! This should be enough to create a new visualization scaffold. Next step? Plotting your data.

Basic visualization

Example code for scatterplot

In your new component you have all these chart props at your disposal. In the beginning you will want to focus on essence, stage, data.

essence keeps the application state and here you can find e.g. chosen splits and series. stage gives you the information about the available space to render your visualization. Lastly, there's data which you want to present to the user. To select a dataset of interest, you can use functions from src/client/utils/dataset/selectors/selectors.ts. Once you've found the data you want to plot, it is time to create a scale. If, for example, you wanted to create a linear scale based on the data and series you have, you could code it like this:

const [min, max] = d3.extent(data, (d) => series.selectValue(d));

const scale = d3.scaleLinear.domain([min, max]).range([0, stage.width]);

const ticks = scale.ticks()

This should be enough to render a simple chart. Remember to use the same scale for axis, grids, and chart data. Be sure to check out getViewBox() and getTransform() methods of stage. They will help you position your visualization elements in the available space. If you're unfamiliar with SVG elements and their attributes, take a look at the MDN documentation.

Present data

Naming and formatting

We want to present data in an understandable way to the user. Make sure your visualization displays names of series or splits and has a title, if applicable. Here's a quick cheatsheet:

  • series.title() - get the series title
  • series.selectValue(datum) - get data point of a given series
  • series.formatValue(datum) - format data point of a given series
  • series.formatter() - format series values on an axis only

Soon using selectValue and formatValue will be supported in Turnilo as well.


If your visualization needs a legend, we have a spot designated just for this purpose. Inside your visualization component use the LegendSpot component, which will appear at the top of the pinboard through a React portal.

    <h1>Example legend title here</h1>

If you want to read how it is done in detail, check out

If you want to go straight to rendering a legend, check if ColorSwabs or ColorLegend is enough for your purposes. Otherwise create a new component in src/client/components/.


Example code for scatterplot

Currently Turnilo supports adding tooltips to visualizations in two ways (please disregard the TooltipWithBounds approach from the @visx/tooltip package). You will probably want to use TooltipWithinStage, where you can pass stage and the position to render the tooltip. Use SegmentBubbleContent to render content, like so:

<TooltipWithinStage left={leftPostion} top={topPosition} stage={stage}>
        title="Tooltip title"

There is also a possibility to replace TooltipWithinStage with SegmentBubble. This component will render the tooltip relative to the top left corner of the screen. When calculating its position you might need to include the width and height of top and left panels.

Timeshift Mode

Check if timeshift is chosen through essence.hasComparison(). To pick the previous value of a given data point in a series use series.selectValue(datum, SeriesDerivation.PREVIOUS). To display the difference between current and previous values use the Delta component. See example usage in Total for visualization or in SeriesBubbleContent for tooltips.

Add visualization settings

Example code for scatterplot

In src/client/visualization-settings/<visualizationName>/<visualizationName>-settings.tsx create a new <visualizationName>SettingsComponent with checkbox(es) to enable your additional settings.

Add your component to src/client/components/vis-selector/vis-selector-menu.tsx.

Add it again to src/client/visualization-settings/settings-component.ts.

Create settings in src/common/visualization-manifests/<visualizationName>/settings.ts. This is a rather routine piece of code, so feel free to follow the pattern of other settings in visualization manifests.

Then import created settings to the manifest in src/common/visualization-manifests/<visualizationName>/<visualizationName>.ts

Add changes to your visualization component based on essence.visualizationSettings.

Add end-to-end tests

Example tests for scatterplot

We add tests in order to make sure we don't introduce a regression later on. To write e2e tests in Turnilo we use Cypress.

To start writing your tests, create a new file <visualizationName>.spec.js in cypress/integration/ directory.

Basically what you want to achieve is to make Cypress enter a given URL at the beginning of each test case, find pieces of your visualization using CSS selectors and make an assertion. Take a look at the list of common assertions when adding your own.