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Dirty Models

Dirty models for python 3



  • Python 3 package.
  • Easy to create a model.
  • Non destructive modifications.
  • Non false positive modifications.
  • Able to restore original data for each field or whole model.
  • Access to original data.
  • Read only fields.
  • Alias for fields.
  • Custom getters and setters for each fields.
  • Automatic cast value.
  • Easy import from/export to dict.
  • Basic field type implemented.
  • Multi type fields.
  • Default values for each field or whole model.
  • HashMap model. It could be used instead of DynamicModel.
  • FastDynamicModel. It could be used instead of DynamicModel. Same behavior, better performance.
  • Pickable models.
  • Datetime fields can use any datetime format using parser and formatter functions.
  • No database dependent.
  • Auto documentation using Dirty Models Sphinx extension.
  • Json encoder.
  • Field access like dictionary but with wildcards.
  • Opensource (BSD License)


Version 0.12.4

  • Make it compatible with Python 3.10.

Version 0.12.3

  • Fix HashMapsModel's hardcode field type.

Version 0.12.2

  • Fix access to HashMapsModel's field type when it is hardcoded in a class.

Version 0.12.1

Version 0.12.0

Version 0.11.3

  • Fix bug casting string negative float.
  • Fix exception casting non valid values to enumerations.
  • Added title property to fields.
  • Added metadata property to fields. It could be used to store anything.
  • Improved model formatter.

Version 0.11.2

  • Fix bug #107.

  • Added :class:`~dirty_models.utils.ModelIterator` class in order to be able to iterate over model fields.

    from dirty_models.utils import ModelIterator
    for fieldname, field_obj, value in ModelIterator(my_model):
        print('Field name: {}'.format(fieldname))
        print('Field alias: {}'.format(field_obj.alias))
        print('Field value: {}'.format(value))
  • Some fixes about read only data.

Version 0.11.1

  • Distribution fixes.

Version 0.11.0

  • New field type :class:`~dirty_models.fields.BytesField`.
  • String to integer casting could use any format allowed by Python: HEX (0x23), OCT (0o43) or no-meaning underscores (1_232_232, only since Python 3.6).

Version 0.10.1

  • :class:`Factory<dirty_models.utils>` feature. It allows to define a factory as default value in order to be executed each time model is instanced. (Issue #100)

    from dirty_models.utils import factory
    from datetime import datetime
    class Model(BaseModel):
       field_1 = DateTimeField(default=factory(
    model = Model()
    # 2017-11-02 21:52:46.339040
  • Makefile fixes.

  • Python 3.6 is supported officially. It works since first day, but now tests run on Travis for Python 3.6.

Version 0.10.0

  • Pickable lists.
  • Improved pickle performance.
  • Setting None to a field remove content.
  • More tests.
  • Some code improvements.

Version 0.9.2

  • Fix timezone when convert timestamp to datetime.

Version 0.9.1

  • Fix installation.

Version 0.9.0

  • New EnumField.
  • Fixes on
  • Fixes on requirements.
  • Fixes on formatter iters.
  • Fixes on code.
  • Added __version__ to main package file.
  • Synchronized version between main packege file, and docs.
  • Export only modifications.

Version 0.8.1

  • Added __contains__ function to models and lists. It allows to use in operator.
  • Added default_timezone parameter to DateTimeFields and TimeFields. If value entered has no a timezone defined, default one will be set.
  • Added force_timezone parameter to DateTimeFields in order to convert values to a specific timezone.
  • More cleanups.

Version 0.8.0

Version 0.7.2

  • Fixed inherited structure
  • Added get_default_data method to models in order to retrieve default data.

Version 0.7.1

  • Solved problem formatting dynamic models
  • Added date, time and timedelta fields to dynamic models.

Version 0.7.0

  • Timedelta field
  • Generic formatters
  • Json encoder
import json
from datetime import datetime
from dirty_models import BaseModel, DatetimeField
from dirty_models.utils import JSONEncoder

class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
    field_datetime = DatetimeField(parse_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

model = ExampleModel(

assert json.dumps(model, cls=JSONEncoder) == '{"field_datetime": "2016-05-30T22:22:22"}'
  • Auto camelCase fields metaclass

Version 0.6.3

  • Documentation fixed.
  • Allow import main members from root package.

Version 0.6.2

  • Improved datetime fields parser and formatter definitions. Now there are three ways to define them:
  • Format string to use both parse and formatter:
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
    datetime_field = DateTimeField(parse_format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
  • Define a format string or function for parse and format datetime:
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
    datetime_field = DateTimeField(parse_format={'parser': callable_func,
                                                 'formatter': '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'})
  • Use predefined format:
DateTimeField.date_parsers = {
    'iso8061': {
        'formatter': '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ',
        'parser': iso8601.parse_date
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
    datetime_field = DateTimeField(parse_format='iso8061')

Version 0.6.1

  • Improved model field autoreference.
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
    model_field = ModelField()  # Field with a ExampleModel
    array_of_model = ArrayField(field_type=ModelField())  # Array of ExampleModels

Version 0.6.0

  • Added default value for fields.
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
    integer_field = IntegerField(default=1)

model = ExampleModel()
assert model.integer_field is 1
  • Added default values at model level. Inherit default values could be override on new model classes.
class InheritExampleModel(ExampleModel):
    __default_data__ = {'integer_field': 2}

model = InheritExampleModel()
assert model.integer_field is 2
  • Added multi type fields.
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
    multi_field = MultiTypeField(field_types=[IntegerField(), StringField()])

model = ExampleModel()
model.multi_field = 2
assert model.multi_field is 2

model.multi_field = 'foo'
assert model.multi_field is 'foo'

Version 0.5.2

  • Fixed model structure.
  • Makefile helpers.

Version 0.5.1

  • Added a easy way to get model structure. It will be used by autodoc libraries as sphinx or json-schema.

Version 0.5.0

  • Added autolist parameter to ArrayField. It allows to assign a single item to a list field, so it will be converted to a list with this value.
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
    array_field = ArrayField(field_type=StringField(), autolist=True)

model = ExampleModel()
model.array_field = 'foo'
assert model.array_field[0] is 'foo'


$ pip install dirty-models


  • Getter and setter feature needs refactor to be able to use as decorators.
  • DynamicModel is too strange. I don't trust in it. Try to use HashMapModel or FastDynamicModel.

Basic usage

from dirty_models.models import BaseModel
from dirty_models.fields import StringField, IntegerField

class FooBarModel(BaseModel):
    foo = IntegerField()
    bar = StringField(name="real_bar")
    alias_field = IntegerField(alias=['alias1', 'alias2'])

fb = FooBarModel() = 2
assert is 2 = 'wow'
assert is 'wow'
assert fb.real_bar is 'wow'

fb.alias_field = 3
assert fb.alias_field is 3
assert fb.alias1 is fb.alias_field
assert fb.alias2 is fb.alias_field
assert fb['alias_field'] is 3


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