- rebirth: Bullet point about repurchase of limited ed gear after Rebirth (d3f4a561)
- #2003: healer gear not showing (949cd97b)
- #2375: merge in @SabreCat's stats.jade changes "More elegant show/hide setup for attribute bonuses" (518f200a)
- beastmaster: fixes #2557, adds opacity to previously-owned pets after they're mounted. You can earn them back again (5caaff1c)
- bosses: don't reset progress.up when starting a new quest. We want to be able to carry over damage from the same day a boss battle begins, even if the dailies were completed before battle-start. Fixes #2168 (4efd0f5e)
- classes:
- find_uniq_user: fix (ecbe780e)
- mounts: Move avatar upward when mounted regardless of pet (bc1adeb1)
- nodemon: ignore CHANGELOG.md on watch (d6c55952)
- party: Round boss health up instead of to nearest integer (626da568, #2504)
- paypal: fixes #2492, remove environment check for now, only have production-mode option. revisit (1dc68112)
- profile: fix bug where empty profile displayed on username click (0579c432, #2465)
- quests:
- settings: reintroduce space between captions and help bubbles stripped during localization (5ddf09fe)
- spells:
- more $rootScope spell-casting bug fixes (47bd6dcb)
- add some spells tests, don't send up body to spell paths (e0646bb9)
- some $rootScope.applying action fixes so cast-ending is immediate instead of waiting on response. Also, slim down party population to the essentials to avoid RequestEntityTooLarge (c6f7ab8a)
- to cancel spell-casting (a1df41ad)
- stable: show hatchable combo when petOwned>0 (fyi @deilann) (51bff238)
- stats: Better layout for attribute point allocation (d782fc6b)
- tests: