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File metadata and controls

195 lines (140 loc) · 6.27 KB

Get current version deployed to production

kubectl get deployment unep-gpml -o json | jq -r '.spec.template.metadata.labels["unep-gpml-version"]'

We get the value defined here in the deployment template.

Running seeder code as Kubernetes Job

Check the code in [ci/k8s/seeder.yaml] and modify the option you want to execute:

  • set-admin (this one requires an email address to be approved and set as admin)
  • run-seeder

See the code at [backend/dev/seeder.clj]

Generate a unique name by using a timestamp prefix in the job name

export ts="$(date +%s)"
sed "s/\${TIMESTAMP}/${ts}/" ci/k8s/seeder.yaml > "/tmp/seeder-${ts}.yml";
kubectl apply -f "/tmp/seeder-${ts}.yml"

Exporting current state of the database

Run the script:


This will make the necessary changes in ./db/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/001-init.sql file. Commit and push those changes.

Merge GeoJSON file

Before Simplifying GeoJSON to TopoJSON file, we need to merge 3 GEOJSON files into single file. For processing that merged file, we use GDAL.

Assuming you have access to that 3 files:

  • Countries_Separated_with_associated_territories.geojson
  • Major Lakes.geojson
  • Unsettled Territory.geojson then move to the folder where you have the files and execute:
docker run \
    --rm \
    --volume "$(pwd):/data" \
    --workdir /data \
    osgeo/gdal:alpine-small-3.3.0 \
    ogr2ogr merged.geojson Countries_Separated_with_associated_territories.geojson && \
    sudo chown -R "$(whoami)":"$(whoami)" merged.geojson && \
    ogr2ogr -update -append merged.geojson Major\ Lakes.geojson -nln Countries_Separated_with_associated_territories && \
    ogr2ogr -update -append merged.geojson Unsettled\ Territory.geojson -nln Countries_Separated_with_associated_territories && \
    mv merged.geojson Country_Polygon.json

We run the ogr2ogr command with the proper arguments. This will generate a single merged file (Country_Polygon.json).

Simplifying GeoJSON to TopoJSON

We use a simplified version of the UNEP approved map. For processing that simplification we use MapShaper.

Assuming you have access to Country_Polygon.json, move to the folder where you have the file and execute:

docker run \
    --rm \
    --volume "$(pwd):/data" \
    --workdir /data \
    --entrypoint /usr/local/bin/mapshaper \
    akvo/akvo-mapshaper:20210405.085951.20f9d8d \
    -i Country_Polygon.json snap -simplify percentage=0.05 keep-shapes -o unep-gpml.topo.json format=topojson

We run the mapshaper command line version with the proper arguments. This will generate a simplified file (unep-gpml.topo.json) in TopoJSON format.

Seed Dummy Data

Dummy data is used for UI test with live data and to simplify the process of account registration.

(:require [duct.core :as duct]
          [gpml.seeder.dummy :as dummy]
          [integrant.core :as ig])

(defn- dev-system
  (-> (duct/resource "gpml/config.edn")
      (duct/prep-config [:duct.profile/dev])))

(def db (-> (dev-system)
              (ig/init [:duct.database.sql/hikaricp])

  ;; Create New Account as Admin
  (get-or-create-profile db "[email protected]" "Testing Profile" "ADMIN" "APPROVED")
  ;; Create New Account as Unapproved user
  (get-or-create-profile db "[email protected]" "Another Testing" "USER" "SUBMITTED")

  ;; Create New Admin Account or Get Account
  ;; Then create unapproved dummy events with the account
  (submit-dummy-event db "[email protected]" "Testing Profile")

For further detail, please check: dummy.clj file

Generate Countries List & Id Mapping

To generate countries list & id mapping, we need to have this two files:

  • ./frontend/public/unep-gpml.topo.json
  • ./backend/dev/resources/files/countries.json (the old countries list)

Then from the root folder ./unep-gpml/ execute:

docker run \
    --rm \
    --volume "$(pwd):/data" \
    --workdir /data \
    amancevice/pandas:1.2.4-alpine \
    python ./doc/

That command will generate two files:

  • ./backend/dev/resources/files/new_countries.json
  • ./backend/dev/resources/files/new_countries_mapping.json

Script to Filter Country Line Boundaries

Assuming you have the CountryLineBoundaries.geojson file in .doc directory Then execute this command from root folder

docker run \
       --rm \
       --volume "$(pwd):/data" \
       --workdir /data \
       amancevice/pandas:1.2.4-alpine \
       python ./doc/

That will be generate a GeoJSON file (./frontend/public/new_country_line_boundaries.geojson)

Update ID of Country Table

Based on the new GeoJSON (See also: old GeoJson), UNEP-Dev team create script to replace the ID of all the countries on the database which may affecting other rows in some other tables recorded that linked with country primary key.

The scripts

(:require [gpml.seeder.main :as seeder]
          [duct.core :as duct])


(defn- dev-system
  (-> (duct/resource "gpml/config.edn")
      (duct/prep-config [:duct.profile/dev])))

(def db (-> (dev-system)
            (ig/init [:duct.database.sql/hikaricp])

;; Example update country id
(seeder/updater-country db)

;; Example revert country id update
(seeder/updater-country db {:revert? true})

Run as a jobs

export ts="$(date +%s)"
sed "s/\${TIMESTAMP}/${ts}/" ci/k8s/update-country.yml > "/tmp/update-country-${ts}.yml";
kubectl apply -f "/tmp/update-country-${ts}.yml"

For further detail, please check: updater_test.clj