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Function Extensibility

The Stardog com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.Function interface is the extension point for section 17.6 (Extensible Value Testing) of the SPARQL spec.

Function corresponds to built-in expressions used in FILTER, BIND and SELECT expressions, as well as aggregate operators in a SPARQL query. Examples include && and || and functions defined in the SPARQL spec like sameTerm, str, and now.

Implementing Custom Functions

The starting point for implementing your own custom function is to extend AbstractFunction. This class provides much of the basic scaffolding for implementing a new Function from scratch.

If your new function falls into one of the existing categories, it should implement the appropriate marker interface:

  • com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.cast.CastFunction
  • com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.datetime.DateTimeFunction
  • com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.hash.HashFunction
  • com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.numeric.MathFunction
  • com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.rdfterm.RDFTermFunction
  • com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.string.StringFunction

If not, then it must implement com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.UserDefinedFunction. Extending one of these marker interfaces is required for the Function to be traverseable via the visitor pattern.

A zero-argument constructor must be provided which delegates some initialization to super, providing first the int number of required arguments followed by one or more URIs which identify the function. Any these URIs can be used to identify the function in a SPARQL query. The URIs are typed as String but should be valid URIs.

For functions which take take a range of arguments, for example a minimum of 2, but no more than 4 values, a Range can be used as the first parameter passed to super rather than an int.

Function extends from Copyable, therefore implementations should also provide a "copy constructor" which can be called from the copy method:

private MyFunc(final MyFunc theFunc) {
    // make copies of any local data structures

public MyFunc copy() {
	return new MyFunc(this);

Evaluating the function is handled by Value internalEvaluate(final Value...) The parameters of this method correspond to the arguments passed into the function; it's the values of the variables for each solution of the query. Here we can perform whatever actions are required for our function. AbstractFunction will have already taken care of validating that we're getting the correct number of arguments to the function, but we still have to validate the input. AbstractFunction provides some convenience methods to this end, for example assertURI and assertNumericLiteral for requiring that inputs are either a valid URI, or a literal with a numeric datatype respectively.

Errors that occur in the evaluation of the function should throw a com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.ExpressionEvaluationException; this corresponds to the ValueError concept defined in the SPARQL specification.

Registering your custom Functions with Stardog

Create a file called com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.Function in the META-INF/services directory. The contents of this file should be all of the fully-qualified class names for your custom Function(s). The jar containing this META-INF/services directory as well as the implementations for the Function(s) it references is added on the classpath. Stardog will pick up the implementations on startup by using the JDK ServiceLoader framework.

Using Custom Functions in a Query

Functions are identified by their URI; you can reference them in a query using their fully-qualified URI, or specify prefixes for the namespaces and utilize only the qname. For this example, if the namespace tag:stardog:api: is associated with the prefix stardog and within that namespace we have our function myFunc we can invoke it from a SPARQL query as: bind(stardog:myFunc(?var) as ?tc)

Custom Aggregates

While the SPARQL specification has an extension point for value testing and allows for custom functions in FILTER/BIND/SELECT expressions, there is no similar mechanism for aggregates. The space of aggregates is closed by definition, all legal aggregates are enumerated in the spec itself.

However like with custom functions, there are many use cases for creating and using custom aggregate functions. Stardog provides a mechanism for creating and using custom aggregates without requiring custom SPARQL syntax.

Implementing a Custom Aggregate

To implement a custom aggregate, you should extend AbstractAggregate.

The rules regarding constructor, "copy constructor" and the copy method for Function apply to Aggregate as well.

Two methods must be implemented for custom aggregates, Value _getValue() throws ExpressionEvaluationException and void aggregate(final Value theValue, final long theMultiplicity) throws ExpressionEvaluationException. _getValue returns the computed aggregate value while aggregate adds a Value to the current running aggregation. In terms of the COUNT aggregate, aggregate would increment the counter and _getValue would return the final count.

The multiplicity argument to aggregate corresponds to the fact that intermediate solution sets have a multiplicity associated with them. It's most often 1, but joins and choice of the indexes used for the scans internally can affect this. Rather than repeating the solution N times, we associate a multiplicity of N with the solution. Again, in terms of COUNT, this would mean that rather than incrementing the count by 1, it would be incremented by the multiplicity.

Registering your Custom Aggregate with Stardog

Aggregates such as COUNT or SAMPLE are implementations of Function in the same way sameTerm or str are and are registered with Stardog in the exact same manner.

Using Custom Aggregates in a Query

You can use your custom aggregates just like any other aggregate function. Assuming we have a custom aggregate gmean defined in the tag:stardog:api: namespace, we can refer to it within a query as such:

PREFIX stardog: <tag:stardog:api:>

SELECT (stardog:gmean(?O) AS ?C)
WHERE { ?S ?P ?O }