This extension provides a frontend widget to upload files in extbase forms.
This includes:
- a view helper for your template
- a controller to store the uploaded file in FAL
- a property validator for your model (DTO)
- a service to create a reference between the uploaded file and your final model
Intall upload_widget with Composer:
composer require gaya/upload_widget
In your root template, include the TypoScript "Upload Widget"
You can test this extension by installing gaya/upload_widget_example. All explanations below come from this.
Create a DTO for your form and add the validator for the file property:
* @var string
* @Extbase\Validate("NotEmpty")
* @Extbase\Validate("\GAYA\UploadWidget\Validation\Validator\ProtectedFileUidValidator")
protected string $file = '';
Call the view helper in your form template:
<html xmlns="" lang="en"
<f:form action="create" objectName="exampleForm" object="{exampleForm}" class="form">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="file">File</label>
<uw:form.upload property="file" id="file" class="form-control" />
When your DTO is validated, you simply have to create a reference between the uploaded file and your stored object:
public function createAction(ExampleForm $exampleForm)
$example = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Example::class);