From 250017e7524647741747fe365414cb710749fc02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Reynald Affeldt Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 23:43:28 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] tentative definition of free monads - fail, state, nondet free monads - examples: fastproduct, incr --- _CoqProject | 1 + free.v | 236 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 237 insertions(+) create mode 100644 free.v diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject index 12de38df..7acc9b3a 100644 --- a/_CoqProject +++ b/_CoqProject @@ -26,5 +26,6 @@ example_array.v example_monty.v smallstep.v example_transformer.v +free.v -R . monae diff --git a/free.v b/free.v new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2c24c69b --- /dev/null +++ b/free.v @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect classical_sets. +Require Import monad_lib hierarchy. + +(* WIP + references: + - Swierstra, Baanen, A Predicate Transformer Semantics for Effects + - Schrijvers, Pirog, Wu, Jaskelioff, Monad transformers and Modular ALgebraic Effects: What Binds Them Together. Haskell'19 + - Seynaeve, Pauwels, Schrijvers, State will do, TFP 2020 +*) + +Set Implicit Arguments. +Unset Strict Implicit. +Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. + +Inductive Free (C : Type) (R : C -> Type) (a : Type) : Type := +| Pure : a -> Free R a +| Step : forall c : C, (R c -> Free R a) -> Free R a. +Arguments Pure {C} {R} {a} _. +Arguments Step {C} {R} {a} _ _. + +Module MonadFree. +Section monadfree. +Variables (C : Type) (R : C -> Type). +Definition acto : Type -> Type := Free R. +Local Notation M := acto. +Fixpoint actm X Y (f : X -> Y) (m : Free R X) : Free R Y := + match m with + | Pure x => Pure (f x) + | Step c k => Step c (fun r => actm f (k r)) + end. +Lemma map_id : actm. +Proof. +move=> X; rewrite boolp.funeqE; elim => //= c k ih; congr (Step _ _). +rewrite boolp.funeqE => rc /=; exact: ih. +Qed. +Lemma map_comp : FunctorLaws.comp actm. +Proof. +move=> X Y Z g h; rewrite boolp.funeqE; elim => // c k ih /=; congr (Step _ _). +rewrite boolp.funeqE => r; exact: ih. +Qed. +Definition func := Functor.Pack (@Functor.Mixin _ _ map_id map_comp). +Lemma naturality_ret : naturality FId func (fun A a => Pure a). +Proof. by move=> A B h /=; rewrite boolp.funeqE. Qed. +Definition ret : FId ~> func := Natural.Pack (Natural.Mixin naturality_ret). +Fixpoint bind A B (ma : M A) (f : A -> M B) := + match ma with + | Pure a => f a + | Step c k => Step c (fun r => bind (k r) f) + end. +Lemma left_neutral : @BindLaws.left_neutral func bind ret. +Proof. by []. Qed. +Lemma right_neutral : @BindLaws.right_neutral func bind ret. +Proof. +move=> A; elim => // c k ih /=; congr (Step _ _). +rewrite boolp.funeqE => rc; exact: ih. +Qed. +Lemma associative : @BindLaws.associative func bind. +Proof. +move=> X Y Z; elim => // c k /= ih f g; congr Step. +by rewrite boolp.funeqE => rc /=; rewrite ih. +Qed. +Definition t : monad := Monad_of_ret_bind left_neutral right_neutral associative. +End monadfree. +End MonadFree. +Notation freeMonad := MonadFree.t. + +Module freeFail. +Inductive Cmd := Abort : Cmd. +Definition Res (c : Cmd) : Type := let Abort := c in False. +Definition t : monad := freeMonad Res. +Definition abort (A : pointedType) := Step Abort (fun=> Ret (@point A) : t _). +Definition hdl (A : pointedType) (m : t A) := + match m with + | Pure a => a + | Step Abort _ => point + end. +End freeFail. + +Require Import fail_lib. + +Canonical nat_pointedType := PointedType nat O. + +Section freefastprod. +Local Open Scope mprog. +Fixpoint freefastprod (s : seq nat) : freeFail.t nat := + match s with + | [::] => Ret 1 + | O :: _ => freeFail.abort nat_pointedType + | h :: t => fmap (muln^~ h) (freefastprod t) +end. +Example is6 : freeFail.hdl (freefastprod [:: 1; 2; 3]) = 6. +Proof. by []. Qed. +Example isO : freeFail.hdl (freefastprod [:: 1; O; 3; 4]) = O. +Proof. by []. Qed. +End freefastprod. + +Module freeState. +Section free_state. +Variable S : Type. +Inductive Cmd := Get | Put : S -> Cmd. +Definition Res (c : Cmd) := + match c with + | Get => S + | Put _ => unit + end. +Definition t : monad := freeMonad Res. +Definition get : t S := Step Get (Ret : S -> t S). +Definition put : S -> t unit := fun s => Step (Put s) (fun=> Ret tt : t unit). +Fixpoint hdl A (m : t A) (s : S) : A * S := + match m with + | Pure a => (a, s) + | Step Get k => hdl (k s) s + | Step (Put s) k => hdl (k tt) s + end. +End free_state. +Module Exports. +Notation fState := t. +Arguments get {S}. +Notation fget := get. +Arguments put {S}. +Notation fput := put. +End Exports. +End freeState. +Export freeState.Exports. + +Section state_example. +Local Open Scope monae_scope. +Definition incr' : fState nat unit := fget >>= (fput \o (fun n => n.+1)). +Goal freeState.hdl incr' 5 = (tt, 6). +Proof. by []. Qed. +Goal freeState.hdl (incr' >> fget) 5 = (6, 6). +Proof. by []. Qed. +End state_example. + +Module MonadRunFreeState. +Local Open Scope monae_scope. +Record mixin_of S := Mixin { + run : forall A, fState S A -> S -> A * S ; + r1 : forall A (a : A) s, run (Pure a) s = (a, s) ; + r2 : forall A B (m : fState S A) (f : A -> fState S B) s, + run (m >>= f) s = let: (a, s') := run m s in run (f a) s'; + r3 : forall A (k : freeState.Res (freeState.Get S) -> Free (@freeState.Res S) A) s, + run (Step (freeState.Get S) k) s = run (k s) s ; + r4 : forall A (k : unit -> Free (@freeState.Res S) A) s' s, + run (Step (freeState.Put s) k) s' = run (k tt) s }. +Structure t S := Pack { sort : Type ; class : mixin_of S }. +Module Exports. +Definition fRun S (M : t S) : forall A, fState S A -> S -> A * S := + let: Pack _ (Mixin x _ _ _ _) := M in x. +Arguments fRun {S} _ {A} : simpl never. +Notation runFreeStateMonad := t. +End Exports. +End MonadRunFreeState. +Export MonadRunFreeState.Exports. + +Section monadrunfreestate_lemmas. +Local Open Scope monae_scope. +Variables (S : Type) (M : runFreeStateMonad S). +Lemma runfreestate_Pure A (a : A) s : fRun M (Pure a) s = (a, s). +Proof. by case: M => ? []. Qed. +Lemma runfreestate_bind A B (m : fState S A) (f : A -> fState S B) s : + fRun M (m >>= f) s = let: (a, s') := fRun M m s in fRun M (f a) s'. +Proof. by case: M => ? []. Qed. +Lemma runfreestate_Get A + (k : freeState.Res (freeState.Get S) -> Free (@freeState.Res S) A) s : + fRun M (Step (freeState.Get S) k) s = fRun M (k s) s. +Proof. by case: M => ? []. Qed. +Lemma runfreestate_Put A (k : unit -> Free (@freeState.Res S) A) s' s : + fRun M (Step (freeState.Put s) k) s' = fRun M (k tt) s. +Proof. by case: M => ? []. Qed. +End monadrunfreestate_lemmas. + +Section example. +Variable M : runFreeStateMonad nat. + +Goal fRun M incr' 0 = (tt, 1). +rewrite /incr'. +rewrite runfreestate_bind /=. +rewrite /get. +rewrite runfreestate_Get /=. +rewrite runfreestate_Pure /=. +rewrite runfreestate_Put /=. +by rewrite runfreestate_Pure /=. +Abort. + +End example. + +Module freeNondet. +Inductive Cmd : Type := Fail | Choice. +Definition Res (c : Cmd) : Type := + match c with + | Fail => False + | Choice => bool + end. +Definition t : monad := freeMonad Res. +Definition fail (A : pointedType) := @Step _ _ A Fail (fun _ => Ret point : t _). +Definition choice A (m1 m2 : t A) : t A := + Step Choice (fun b : bool => if b then m1 else m2). +Fixpoint hdl A (m : t A) := + match m with + | Pure x => [:: x] + | Step Fail _ => [::] + | Step Choice k => hdl (k true) ++ hdl (k false) + end. +End freeNondet. + +Module MonadNondetRun. +Local Open Scope monae_scope. +Record mixin_of (M : nondetMonad) (Fail : forall X, M X) + (Alt : forall X, M X -> M X -> M X) : Type := Mixin { + run : forall A : Type, M A -> seq A ; + _ : forall (A : Type) (a : A), run (Ret a) = [:: a] ; + _ : forall (A B : Type) (m : M A) (f : A -> M B), + run (m >>= f) = + let: a' := run m in flatten (map (@run B \o f) a') ; + _ : forall (A : Type), run (@Fail A) = [::] ; + _ : forall (A : Type) (m1 m2 : M A), run (Alt _ m1 m2) = run m1 ++ run m2}. +Record class_of (m : Type -> Type) := Class { + base : MonadNondet.class_of m ; + mixin_nondetRun : @mixin_of (MonadNondet.Pack base) + (@Fail (MonadNondet.Pack base)) + (@Alt (alt_of_nondet (MonadNondet.Pack base))) }. +Structure t := Pack { m : Type -> Type ; class : class_of m }. +Definition baseType (M : t) := MonadNondet.Pack (base (class M)). +Module Exports. +Notation nondetRunMonad := t. +Coercion baseType : nondetRunMonad >-> nondetMonad. +Canonical baseType. +End Exports. +End MonadNondetRun. +Export MonadNondetRun.Exports. + +Section simulation. +Variable A : Type. +Fail Inductive prog := Prog : State (seq A * seq prog) unit -> prog. +End simulation.