Scripts and example files to manipulate paleo/archeo/geo and simulated magnetic data. The database consists of observatory data (all_obs.dat) used in gufm1 (Jackson et al., 2000) as well as paleo/archeomagnetic and historical data (results_complete_output.tsv) from the HISTMAG platform. This new version uses pandas in order to read and organize the data frame.
Read the HISTMAG database (which contains Geomagia.v3), and produce compact and full outputs close to Parody_pdaf input format using
The quality of paleomagnetic modelling can be assessed according to the methodology introduced by Sprain et al. (EPSL, 2019). reads in surface fields to produce a series of diagnostics for reversing dynamo simulations, which are described in These diagnostics include the calculation of the Earthlikeness according to Christensen et al. (EPSL, 2010.)
The workflow can be run in parallel (it requires the mpi4py library). An example of a submission script on the stella cluster of S-CAPAD (based on slurm) is given in submit_wf.job