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Aeolus 0.8.0 - Release Notes
Aeolus 0.8.0 - Release Notes

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Aeolus 0.8.0 - Release Notes

**Aeolus release 0.8.0 is now available.**

These notes summarise our last development sprint - highlighting the improvements made, and listing the known issues that still need work.

Installation instructions are on the website:

Packages are available for Fedora 15 x86_64, Fedora 16 x86_64 and RHEL 6.1+ x86_64.

We appreciate all assistance with testing and bug reports, as they really influence our depth and future growth.

**NOTE -** Although Aeolus is still some way from production quality, it is suitable for testing. **Please don't use it with live data yet.**

## Release Highlights {#releasehighlights}
  • Addition of Images tab to the Pool Family details page.

  • Addition of New Image button to the images list.

  • Addition of New Deployable from Image button.

  • Ability to view template XML on the Image Details page.

  • Improvements to the the user interface for adding provider accounts to pools.

  • Verification of image's existence before importing from provider.

  • Addition of Creating deployables from imported images.

  • Catalog Entries are now called Deployables.

  • Each deployable contains a details page with:

    • Status on deployable images availability;
    • Functions to build and push images missing from a deployable;
    • Options to add a deployable to multiple catalogs;
    • Deployable permissions for users.
  • Added support to handle deployables without catalog.

  • Support for multiple accounts per RHEVM and VMWare providers.

  • Ability to set provider account priority

  • Added template validation when creating an image.

  • Sanitization of assembly name to prevent launch errors.

  • Addition of realm selection to Deployment Overview.

  • Ability to reboot multiple instances.

  • Change permissions tab label from Users to Role Assignments.

  • Security fix to restrict access of database.yml.

  • New icons and styling for Administer navigation, Build and Push user interface, and Deployable details.

## Critical changes to configuration {#critical-configuration}

The following changes relate to RHEVM configuration (/etc/aeolus-configure/nodes/rhevm_configure):

  • "rhevm_deltacloud_provider:" changed to "rhevm_deltacloud_api:"
  • Added "rhevm_deltacloud_data_center:"
  • BZ 773347 - Configuration requires UUIDs not visible in RHEVM Web UI.
  • NFS export domains must have the word 'export' in them - see BZ 782210

## Known issues still remaining {#knownissues}

A complete list of open issues can be viewed in Red Hat Bugzilla. The following are known problems due for resolution in a subsequent release:

  • BZ 747895 - "error reading information on service cgconfig" while installing aeolus on f16
  • BZ 767844 - aeolus conductor misrenders pages in ie8
  • BZ 769526 - aeolus-configure interactive :Syntax error at ':'; expected '}' at /usr/share/aeolus-configure/modules/aeolus/manifests/profiles/custom.pp
  • BZ 723327 - aeolus-push fails to push images to the correct provider when two diff sets of credentials are used
  • BZ 771344 - "Error Downloading Packages: rubygem-webmock-1.6.4-1.fc15.noarch: failure:" in install aeolus on f15Build failed with long Name tag in tdl template for RHEVM
  • BZ 744011 - building RHEVM templates w/ rhev agent requires updated packages
  • BZ 773002 - catalog/1/deployables/$num is not updating build status in recent builds
  • BZ 772285 - conductor needs to reflect a failed push in the webui.
  • BZ 641130 - Deltacloud server via REST doesn't report all images of an ec2 cloud
  • BZ 772996 - disable "launch" button if no images are built/pushed
  • BZ 769916 - ec2 running instances shows "Pending" state
  • BZ 765611 - Error connecting to framework: Address family not supported by protocol - socket(2)
  • BZ 734471 - Error while launching instance for ec2 in conductor UI ( The instance gets launched)
  • BZ 757684 - Failed to Push Images to RHEV NFS Export Disk
  • BZ 769938 - Imagefactory building for vsphere,condorcloud and rhevm FAILED
  • BZ 747048 - import f16 ami fails w/ malformed format string error
  • BZ 717987 - Instance fails to launch with message "The requested Availability Zone is no longer supported..."
  • BZ 733764 - Instances: download link for ec2 cert disappears after a few seconds
  • BZ 745181 - iwhd needs filesystem space check
  • BZ 770555 - Not able to delete stopped Instances
  • BZ 748487 - RHEV Instance requires attached iso_domain
  • BZ 743395 - stopping rhevm deployment causes 6+ days added to total uptime
  • BZ 730105 - Stopping the imagefactory leaves resources in use
  • BZ 765854 - Race condition with network service start and audrey invocation
  • BZ 770445 - "undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass " : When created a catalog entry with wrong hwp
  • BZ 772708 - /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-3.0.10/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb:317: [BUG] rb_gc_mark(): unknown data type
  • BZ 771305 - aeolus-configure interactive : Error found in /etc/aeolus-configure/nodes/custom_configure
  • BZ 772249 - After built images from UI, I see 'Images are not Built', but 'Images Ready' in deployable#show
  • BZ 770574 - Build should be allowed only for that provider for which deployable is created .
  • BZ 773277 - Deployments with stopped instances in it does not get deleted.
  • BZ 768028 - F16 doesn't build in Factory
  • BZ 770532 - Failed. Response code = 500. Response message = Internal Server Error when clicked on build button for mock.
  • BZ 773580 - For non-admin user submenu for Administer is rendered when clicked on My Accounts.
  • BZ 694525 - IE8 : undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass for Hardware profile
  • BZ 740810 - IE8 is misrendered in /conductor
  • BZ 773244 - Instances created by a user should be automatically stopped and deleted when the user is deleted
  • BZ 771627 - launch instance fails for providers added once images are built and pushed.
  • BZ 773407 - Launching, w/ a realm w/ multiple providers fails
  • BZ 770354 - No validation for Priority field in Add Provider Page
  • BZ 767570 - Non admin user able to launch instance even after revoking access of "global Deployable User "
  • BZ 767933 - Non user can stop an instance created by admin even when all deployable permissions are revoked.
  • BZ 772353 - odd import image workflow can cause: Failed. Response code = 400. Response message = Bad Request.
  • BZ 773672 - Ouptut of Push should show Provider Image not ID
  • BZ 773410 - provider priority is not taken into account when launching instances w/ Realm w/ multiple realms(datastores)
  • BZ 772644 - Realm.scan_for_new fetches realms only from first account
  • BZ 770087 - Search fails for realms.
  • BZ 765908 - Status stays pending on instance that failed to launch at RHEV
  • BZ 773466 - template xml validation results in mis-rendered page
  • BZ 743677 - turn providers off fail to stop instances
  • BZ 772784 - unable to navigate to user "my account, logout" in ie8
  • BZ 773198 - Uptime is displayed twice for instances
  • BZ 770377 - Wrong error message displayed when launching image for a provider for which images are not pushed
  • BZ 751209 - concurrent builds causes some builds to fail
  • BZ 741592 - Disclaimer,Terms of Use and Support links not directed to correct page.
  • BZ 773034 - image details page needs ajax updates of image status
  • BZ 754943 - Image push to vSphere fails if all virtual networks are Distributed Virtual Switches
  • BZ 772781 - imagefactory does not detect local jeos image, cached modified media builds as running
  • BZ 741748 - pushing vsphere/rhevm images displays console passwd in plain txt
  • BZ 750504 - Unable to update default hardware Profile(backend).

Full lists of relevant issues in Bugzilla:

## Issues Resolved {#issuesresolved}

The following section contains links to closed issues.


  • Redmine 2864 - Create a VM based test harness for Snap
  • Redmine 2865 - Snap: Replace all 'subprocess' / 'tempfile' calls w/ a 'capture_output' helper method
  • Redmine 2867 - Add icons to launch gsnap from menus
  • Redmine 2868 - Snap: Indentation fixes
  • Redmine 2869 - Snap: Make sure deb post-install command line tools don't run in Snap
  • Redmine 2872 - Snap: Add more and better documentation
  • Redmine 2919 - "touch: missing file operand" displayed while restarting aeolus-conductor
  • Redmine 2890 - aeolus-cli build/push lists out target image hash but does not associate which provider
  • Redmine 2891 - need error message for image import with incorrect parms
  • Redmine 2892 - trim whitespaces in /etc/aeolus-configure/nodes configs
  • Redmine 2909 - new script to read in config files and ensure it is properly formatted
  • Redmine 2893 - aeolus-cleanup cleans up everything, should be more selective
  • Redmine 2894 - unmount rhevm nfs failure error; device is busy
  • Redmine 2895 - aeolus-configure-image returns /usr/bin/ruby: No such file or directory -- /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/aeolus-image-0.1.0/bin/aeolus-image (LoadError).
  • Redmine 2898 - aeolus-configure-2.0.1-1.el6.fc14.noarch fails http 404 on https://localhost/conductor/providers
  • Redmine 2901 - "Error Downloading Packages: rubygem-webmock-1.6.4-1.fc15.noarch: failure:" in install aeolus on f15
  • Redmine 2902 - 'Failed to find root/Administrator password in TDL" error in aeolus-image build
  • Redmine 2912 - As a user of the cli, I want a stable api structure
  • Redmine 2913 - Propose change, if needed, get buy-in from group
  • Redmine 2914 - Implement change based on design change to cli
  • Redmine 2916 - Configure should not write /root/.aeolus-cli
  • Redmine 2918 - Configure should set owner of pg_hba.conf to postgres
  • Redmine 2920 - aeolus-cli rename to aeolus
  • Redmine 2767 - Provisioning F16 and exploring Openstack feature
