Ben Stopford - Elements of Scale
- It's one file. One table. Can do sequential reads from disk
- SEQUENTIAL Reads from disk > RANDOM accessed memory sometimes
- Say you have to update. MySQL will update and modify a record and has buffer space to compensate
- Postgres will do append-only; which is super-fast in terms of write.
- "Indexing = overarching structure". Meaning random writes to disk. Oh no.
- Now if we add index; we slow down writes. drats.
- We COULD keep our index in memory. But what if we have too many indexes than memory? Oh no.
- Collection of small indexes instead of 1 big one.
- Append-only writes. Occassionally I'll merge 2 files into one file.
- WRITES: Faster because now I'm not scanning in my entire index file.
- READS: Slower because I don't know which index file is best index file.
- READ OPTIMIZATIONS: In-memory metadata store w/Bloom filters.
- Recall that bloom filters are probablist data structures that you can tune to some probablity. Gives true negatives and false postives.
- Less IO, each column is compressed
- Held in row order, merge joins via rowid (pd Dataframe style)
- Predicates can operate on compressed data
- Late materialization
- Spreading data across multiple sets of machines
- limited. not all problems apply like this.
- PRO: quick direct access.
- PRO: truly linearly scalable. Truly adding another machine = proportion throughput or storage
- CON: Secondary indexes suck, because if the shards are based on PK hash; you have to contact every node for a secondary key.
- HBase has no Secondary index as a result. Cassandra & Mongo do, but that's a problem.
- Kinda like map-reduce. You map out the problem to divide up the problem to multiple machines in broadcast.
- PROS: Good for big computations & long running jobs
- CON: Concurrency suffers as a result
- replicatas can be invisible (fault recovery), read-only, or RWs (partition tolerance).
- Good when you have to broadcast load (like map-reduce)
- Bad when consistency is a problem. Think CAP & Tradeoffs to CAP.
- Atomicity (All writes look like they took place on 1 thread) is also a super expensive in distributed world.
- This avoid the problem.
- Take a (write) command, write it to a write-optimized DB.
- Denormalize/precomputed to a read-optimized db that queries go out of.
- Pro: good for reads & writes
- Cons: You can't just read what you just wrote. Preproc takes time.
- Front-section provides synchronized reads/writes with any DB.
- Back-section use stream processors to populate views across multiple different data models
- The backend DB is immutable & has read-only views.
- PRO: Therefore it's easy to scale.
- PRO: Connect streams up to other clients (i.e: notification consumers)
- PRO: If a data-model changes in backend, replay the stream. Best migration ever!
- CON: maintaining clean data across multiple data models & formats
- Notes from:
- Scoop & Flume throw things into your HDFS
- Oozie/Airflow moving things around as orchastration
- Hive/Impala/Kudu/Presto pulling data from HDFS
- Batch job loading data from HDFS into DB.
- Very LeanTaaS. Very Hadoop.
- Pro: great for immutable data
- Streaming layer with a window will give us fast (i.e: HL7), but inaccurate results
- Batch layer will eventually overwrite with best results
- Pro: works well with immutable data (Regenerate state from any point of time)
- Con: dual code for batch & live. You can use Flink to combine, but usually only really masks the issue.
- I think of stream data as a superset of batch
- Deal with data eagerly as soon as it arrives
- stream in Kafka because it's kinda already a DB. Perhaps use kafka's ecosystem for simple workers.
- Throw into views
- Immutablility is cool. Treat state like immutable pieces of data over time
- Appending writes to an immutable stream is the best
- Reactive systems with streams is better than batch
- Replays are great w/Immutablility because it can regen state & regen downstream views when those change
- Seperate mutable (Read & write) from immutable (just read)
- create read-replicates around immutable