Create a file of intent descriptions for your Watson Assistant workspace. The script outputs a csv file with the intent name and the description of that intent.
Example output:
intent, description
navigation, ask how to get somewhere
turn_on, turn something on
turn_off, turn something off
Specify whether you would like to use a local workspace file or supply credentials to a live instance
usage: [-h] {remote,local} ...
Create Intent Descriptions file from workspace json
positional arguments:
{remote,local} help for subcommand
remote Watson Assistant Credentials
local Local workspace file
$ python3 local path/to/workspace.json
usage: local [-h] [--output OUTPUT] json
positional arguments:
json Path to workspace json file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
Output file (default: intent_desc.csv)
$ python3 remote -a <wa-iam-apikey> -w <wa-workspace-id>
usage: remote [-h] [--output OUTPUT] --iam_apikey APIKEY
--workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
Output file (default: intent_desc.csv)
required arguments:
--iam_apikey APIKEY, -a apikey Watson Assistant IAM API key (default: None)
--workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID, -w WORKSPACE_ID
Watson Assistant Workspace ID (default: None)