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Need of Docker Compose ?!

  • In K8s the Pods are wrapped around the containers.

  • The Docker Compose the Service is wrapped around the Container.

  • K8_Compose

  • In real-time Scenario we will have multiple containers at scale (Replication of the containers for multiple applications; depending on requirement)

  • So complexity starts to increase => We need to manage the routing.

  • Docker solves using the 2 solutions in Docker

    • Docker Compose (Provides structure to Docker; with the help of references of Services)
    • Docker Swarm (Competitor to K8)

Docker Compose:

  • Docker Compose will still use the Docker commands, but the Docker Compose Services will be the way to talk to Docker Daemon.
  • When you call somebody on the basis of names in the container; we call it as the service. As name remains the same and the Private IP changes after the container gets down and restarts.

Linmitation of Docker

  • Run a container for the python flask app(9000) and nginx(80) and try to connect for both of them as they lay in the same network(bridge)
  • Do it using curl ==>
# From the nginx container <Go to nginx container using bash>

curl -v <IP of Flask>:<Port on whihc is hosted 9000>

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  • But in the above frame there is hard association of IP; when the container restarts we have to manually change / maintain the IP's in it (refactor)

Refer to demos in session 1

What if we refer via the container_name? [MUST READ]

  • But instead of IP if give the name of the container it will not be able to connect.

  • Docker does not entertain the concept of Service Discovery

  • Docker understands the concept of Service Inherently; even though it supports it.

  • Docker understands the name, network, and gateway; but it will not entertain the communication over the Services.

  • So refactoring and management becomes a tedious task.

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: modest_booth
  • If we create a new network and add our containers to it; then we can successfully connect the container via the container names.
#TO create the network what we have:
docker network create local_network

#It will be of type bridge by default & scope will be set to local

  • It means the communication from one container to another should not stop at any level now. (as we have scope=local)

  • But as Concept of Service is not inherent to Docker we need to explicitly need to create the network; then Docker realizes and allows us the DNS mapping (Name to IP Mapping)

  • Again restart the containers with the name and ports; Add the network (local_network that we created just now)

docker run --network local_network --name nginx -d -p 80:80 nginx

docker run --network local_network --name flask -p 9000:9000 myflaskapp
  • After doing this and executing the script in the nginx we are able to connect via the container names.

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What if we need to have the network restrictions in place for the containers in the same network.

  • eg> Only the backend should talk to the DB but if the UI wants to connect directly to DB it will restrict it.
  • For this we need to manage multiple layers of Networks to restrict it. i.e. Concept Of Ingress and Egress comes into Play here (Concepts of Kubernetes)
  • The service filtering comes into play here and it's covered in Docker Compose
  • Docker does not provide the concept of Load Balancing.
  • So we need to manually manage the entries of applications (their gateway and the IP-addresses)

How will the UI container decide where to go to i.e. in app 0, app 1, or app 2 container?

  • There needs to be a controller suggesting where to go due to some reasons.
  • Docker there is no way that it will give logic out of the box for suggesting the containers where to connect to the next container.

Why Docker to DockerCompose then?

  • Docker works best in isolation.
  • Every application needs to be containerized but every container cannot be deployed into the production because of the flaws of Docker discussed above.

Install Docker Compose

Refer to Demos in session 2; part 1

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

cat docker-compose.yml

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose ps
docker-compose up -d --scale <service_name>=2

# understand how one has to create a self managed load balancer in docker
docker-compose build <service_name>
docker-compose up <service_name>

##clean up
docker rm -vf $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)

In docker-compose.yaml

version: '3.2'
  mynetwork: #network name
    driver: bridge  # type network
services: #warpper on top[ of container]
  base:      # Containers named base
      context: . #current folder
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.base
      - "9002:9000"
    image: myapp:baseImage
      - mynetwork
  nginx:     #Container named nginx
    build: ./nginx
    - "8080:80"
      - mynetwork

Then run the docker compose build

docker compose build # acts to build the files

docker compose up # it will up the services (run the containers)

docker compose ps # will give the services running via the docker compose

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  • Now here if I want to build the image I do not need to build them separately.

  • No need to Update them seprately also Alt text

  • By default it attaches a name; so we do not need to provide it;

  • Important: Name of the container is the name of the service

  • It acts like minfied version of K8's

To stop docker compose

docker compose stop

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  • Another proble with the Docker we had it was with the saling

  • So we can scale easily in the Docker Compose like

docker-compose up -d --scale <service_name>=2

Let us use the scale to 4 containers with the service "base" as in our above example. It will look like

docker-compose up -d --scale base=4

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  • It will not run as the PORTS will get occupied by the first instance of base; when scaled it will also try to run on the same PORT but as we know the port once allocated cannot be occupied by other scaled instances.
# Stop docker-compose

docker-compose stop

We need to make changes in the docker compose.yml file

version: '3.2'
  mynetwork: #network name
    driver: bridge  # type network
services: #warpper on top[ of container]
  base:      # Containers named base
      context: . #current folder
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.base
      - "9002:9000"
    image: myapp:baseImage
      - mynetwork
  nginx:     #Container named nginx
    build: ./nginx
    - "8080:80"
      - mynetwork

      Will be chnaged to

version: '3.2'
  mynetwork: #network name
    driver: bridge  # type network
services: #warpper on top[ of container]
  base:      # Containers named base
      context: . #current folder
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.base
      - "9000" # remove the local machines port and try to assign it any random port it will only be 9000 then(port of container)
    image: myapp:baseImage
      - mynetwork
  nginx:     #Container named nginx
    build: ./nginx
    - "8080:80"
      - mynetwork

Now again try the scale command we will get it as follows

docker-compose up -d --scale base=4

Alt text It gets it running

docker compose ps

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  • Resolves scaling Problem

But here PORT numbers for the containers are given randomly; so for every docker compose restart our ports will change so it will create havoc on Network Managers.

  • Workaround for that will be just like
docker-compose down
  • Refer the session 2 part 2

  • In the docker-compose.yml file it will contain the

version: '3.2'
    driver: bridge
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.base
      - "9002:9000" # HARD attaching the ports here
    image: myapp:baseImage
      - mynetwork
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - "9001:9000" # HARD attaching the ports here
    image: myapp:productionImage
      - mynetwork
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - "9000:9000" # HARD attaching the ports here
    image: myapp:productionImage
      - mynetwork
    build: ./nginx
    - "8080:80"
      - mynetwork

In this context of Docker-compose.yml file we have the HARD scaling enabled and BUT no Auto-scaling is available as we need to remap it at the service.

# Then run
docker compose build
docker compose up

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docker compose ps

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  • Now if we change the order for the base service it should identify the production and the base version.
localhost:9000 #PRoduction Version
localhost:9002 #Base Version

Production Version

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Base Version

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But how will Docker Compose manage the Load Balancing?

  • We need to create our Load Balancer from scratch.
  • For that we have configured our own nginx load balancer and have made changes in the nginx.conf file (By removing the default.conf from the original nginx LB)
  • Referring the docker file it looks like
FROM nginx
RUN rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

  • In the nginx.conf file it will contain
upstream loadbalancer {

    server weight=5;
    server weight=5;

    # server weight=4;
    # server weight=3;
    # server weight=3;


server {
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://loadbalancer;

  • It actually distributes the load with the load across the servers according to weights.
  • We should manage the responsibility of nginx.conf to make the changes while upscaling or downscaling the containers.
  • But it will be difficult to scale in this scenario for dynamically scaling.
  • This all will be covered with the help of Kubernetes Dynamic Scaling.

In Docker Compose; if our container goes down it will not automatically start the container

  • We need to manually do it on our own.

  • Docker Compose is the builder of the image, and Kubernetes is the Deployer of the Image.

### Important Commands to remember
- If the ports are occupied and want to free the Port we can use
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep <Port number>
kill <process_id>

## In production we should not have an image with Privileged Access; it should pop an error when you try to change it!

## We need to maintain both images; we need both the base (unrestricted) image and the production(staged Filtered image) new image to debug here.

- We are going to deploy only the stage and filtered image in the production but to debug scenarios we will need to have the BASE (Unrestricted image)

## Q. Why Prefer Multistage Builds?
- The security it provides with the image is top-notch
The scaling it provides is great

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