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188 lines (141 loc) · 5.52 KB

File metadata and controls

188 lines (141 loc) · 5.52 KB



# clone repo
git clone [email protected]:adfinis/helm-charts.git
cd helm-charts

# add personal fork to working copy
git remote add $FORK_NAME $FORK_GIT_REPO

# fetch origin before branching
git fetch origin

# switch to feature branch
git switch -c feat/my-feature origin/master

# do changes
vim charts/

# stage changes for commit
git add -p

# run pre-commit
pre-commit run -a

# restage changes
git add -p

# check changes
git diff --cached

# commit using commitizen
git cz

# or with plain git commit
git commit

# push to fork
git push $FORK_NAME

# add changes to last commit and force push
pre-commit run -a
git add -p
git commit --amend
git push $FORK_NAME --force-with-lease


A considerable amount of tests run on GitHub Actions on each push to the helm-charts repo. These should check for basic deployability and functionality of the charts. You should look at the test results while you are working on a pull request as they often contain log output that can help surface errors.

You can run most of the tests locally if you would like to, please refer to the hack/ci directory for examples on how to do so.

Before commiting you should test your changes using helm template. The charts usually have a few YAML files that can help you do so.

  • ci/*-values.yaml contains the values used in ci
  • examples/*.yaml contains examples used by the docs

You can look at manifests using these:

helm template \
  -f charts/infra-apps/ci/default-values.yaml \
  -f charts/infra-apps/examples/argocd.yaml \

In most cases you will want to test a variety of cases. If your case isn't covered yet, consider adding a new case to the charts ci/ folder (based on defaults-values.yaml). You can also add your use-cases to the examples/ folder.

Automated testing

The CI setup in the repository supports running tests through the Helm unittest plugin.

With the plugin each chart can (optionally) define some tests in tests/*_test.yaml files. In these files you can test individual resources as rendered by a chart.

To use the tool locally you need to install it first.

helm plugin install

An example that does snapshot testing on the argocd bits of infra-apps described above might look as follows.

# charts/infra-apps/tests/argocd_test.yaml
suite: argocd tests
  - argocd.yaml
  - it: should match snapshot
      - ../ci/default-values.yaml
      - matchSnapshot: {}
  - it: should create an argocd app
      - ../examples/argocd.yaml
      - hasDocuments:
          count: 1
      # add more assertions here!
      - matchSnapshots: {}

Details on the available assertions may be found in the docs.

After creating a test you should run it to ensure that it is green.

helm unittest charts/infra-apps

When you create tests that contain matchSnapshots the tool will create and populate a tests/__snapshots__ directory. If you update resources you need to tell the tool to update the snapshots.

helm unittest --update-snapshot charts/infra-apps

Keep in mind that, if you choose to add snapshots that contain versions, you will have to update the unittest snapshots with each version bump. Thus it is usually preferable to write real "non-snapshot" tests or to rely soley on the tests that the chart testing tool ct does.

Additionally to helm unittest we automatically check if there are any deprecated or removed apiVersions used with pluto.

If you are using artifacthub annotations then they get checked using the ah lint command.


Most README files are autogenerated. Use pre-commit or the tools in hack/ to regenerate them.

More information is in the documentation docs.

pre-commit hook

This project uses pre-commit to automate some tasks like generating README files.

pre-commit requirements

pre-commit configuration

After installing the pre-commit requirements you can initialize pre-commit.

pre-commit install
pre-commit install-hooks


We add Artifact Hub annotations to our charts to improve the visibility of changes. These annotations are added to Chart.yaml as a YAML string and need to be replaced on every update, as they are not additive but specific to this release. If you're update includes multiples changes your annotations should contain multiple items. Under links you can add links to the upstream GitHub PR or releases, whatever contains the most revelant for the change.

annotations: |
    - kind: changed
      description: "argo-rollouts: Update to argo-rollouts 1.3.0"
        - name: GitHub PR
    - kind: changed
      description: "openshift-etcd-backup: Update image to 1.6.9"
        - name: GitHub Release