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Adding a new stemming algorithm

This needs PRs against three repositories. Name the branch the same for at least snowball and snowball-data, push to the latter repo first, and the CI should use your new vocabulary list when running the testsuite.

Some points to note about algorithm implementations:

  • Avoid literal non-ASCII characters in snowball string literals - they will work OK for languages that use UTF-8, but not wide-character Unicode or other encodings. Instead use stringdef like the existing stemmers do, and please use the newer U+ notation rather than the older hex or decimal as this allows us to support different encodings without having to modify the source files - for example:

    stringdef o" {U+00F6}
    define foo 'o{o"}'


    stringdef o" hex F6
    define foo 'o{o"}'

    and definitely not:

    define foo 'oö'

    It's helpful to consistently use the same stringdef codes across the different stemmers - the website has guidance on what to use and a list of stringdef lines for common characters to cut and paste from.

snowball repo

Add .sbl source to algorithms subdirectory.

Add entry to libstemmer/modules.txt, maintaining the current sorted order by the first column. The columns are:

  • Algorithm name (needs to match the .sbl source without extension)
  • Encodings to support. Wide-character Unicode is always supported and doesn't need to be listed here. You should always include UTF_8, and also any of ISO_8859_1, ISO_8859_2 and KOI8_R which the language can usefully be written using only characters from (in particular they need to contain all the characters the stemmer explicitly uses). Support for other single-byte character sets is easy to add if they're useful.
  • Names and ISO-639 codes for the language. Wikipedia has a handy list of all the ISO-639 codes - find the row for your new language and include the codes from the "639-1", "639-2/T" and (if different) "639-2/B" columns. For example, for the Afar language you'd put afar,aa,aar here.

snowball-data repo

Add subdirectory named after new stemmer containing:

  • voc.txt - word list
  • output.txt - stemmed equivalents
  • COPYING - licensing details (word lists need to be under an OSI-approved licence)

If you don't have access to a suitably licensed word list of a suitable size, you may be able to use the wikipedia-most-common-words script to generate one by extracting the most frequent words from a Wikipedia dump in the language the stemmer is for. You need to specify the Unicode "script" (that's "script" in the sense of alphabet) to use - you can find the appropriate one by looking in the Unicode Scripts.txt:

The script name is the second column, between ; and #. The first entries are all "Common" which isn't what you want - scroll down to get to the entries that are useful here.

You also need to specify the minimum frequency to select. Picking this value will probably need some experimentation as the appropriate threshold depends on how much data there is in the wikipedia dump for a particular language, as well as the size of the vocabulary for the language, and how inflected the language is. Try counting the number of unique words extracted (wc -l voc.txt on Unix) and also looking through the list - some proper nouns, words from other languages, typos, etc are OK (since the stemmer will encounter all these in practice too), but at some point "more" stops being "better".

snowball-website repo

Create subdirectory of algorithms/ named after the language.

Create which describes the stemming algorithm. This is a "template toolkit" template which is essentially a mix of HTML and some macros for adding the navigation, sample vocabulary, etc. See the existing files for other algorithms for inspiration.

If it is based on an academic paper, cite the paper and describe any difference between your implementation and that described in the paper (for example, sometimes papers have ambiguities that need resolving to re-implement the algorithm described).

If you have a stopword list, add that as stop.txt in your new subdirectory. The generate script checks if such a file exists and if it does a link to it is automatically added.

Link to your new from algorithms/

Add a news entry to

Add the new stemmer to the online demo. Assuming you have checkouts of the snowball, snowball-data and snowball-website repos in sibling directories:

  • run make check_js in the snowball repo
  • run ./update-js
  • add the new stemmer to git with: git add js/*-stemmer.js
  • if the new language is written right-to-left (RTL) then add it to the check in (search for rtl to find the place to change.)
  • git commit.

Adding a new programming language generator

This is a short guide to adding support for generating code for another programming language.

Is a new generator the right solution?

Adding a new code generator is probably not your only option if you want to use Snowball from another language - most languages have support for writing bindings to a C library, so this is probably another option.

Generating code can have advantages. For example, it can be simpler to deploy without C bindings which need to be built for a specific platform.

However, it's likely to be significantly more work to implement a new generator than to write bindings to the generated C code, especially as the libstemmer C API is a very small and simple one. Generated code can also be slower - currently the Snowball compiler often generates code that assumes an optimising compiler will clean up redundant constructs, which is not a problem for C, and probably not for most compiled languages, but for a language like Python C bindings are much faster than the generated Python code (using pypy helps a lot, but is still slower). See doc/libstemmer_python_README for some timings.

That said, the unoptimised generated code has improved over time, and is likely to improve further in the future.

Key problems to solve

  • A key problem to solve is how to map the required flow of control in response to Snowball signals.

    In the generated C code this is mostly done using goto. If your language doesn't provide an equivalent to goto then you'll need an alternative solution.

    In Java and JavaScript we use labelled break from blocks and loops instead. If your language has an equivalent to this feature, that will probably work.

    For Python, we currently generate a try: ... raise lab123 ... except lab123: pass construct. This works, but doesn't seem ideal.

    If one of the mechanisms above sounds suitable then take a look at the generator for the respective generated output and generator code. If not, come and talk to us on the snowball-discuss mailing list.

  • Snowball's division is specified as integer division with semantics matching C - i.e. the result should be truncated (rounded towards zero). Some languages lack a built-in integer division operation, or have one which instead implements rounding towards negative infinity. Existing backends with special handling handling here which may be useful to look at include Javascript, Pascal and Python.

Don't hardcode algorithm names

We want to avoid hard-coded lists of algorithms in the language-specific code that have to be manually updated each time a new algorithm is added, because that adds some extra tedious work for adding a new algorithm, and mechanical updates done by hand tend to miss places that need updating, or code gets copied and pasted from an existing case but not fully updated.

All the existing language backends generate any such code at build time, and adding a new algorithm just requires updating libstemmer/modules.txt.

You can probably copy the approach used for Pascal (script pascal/ works from template stemwords-template.dpr which has marked blocks of code that get expanded for each stemming algorithm with a placeholder replaced by the algorithm name. For an alternative approach, see Rust where this is done by rust/

Mechanics of adding a new generator

Copy an existing compiler/generator_*.c for your new language and modify away (generator.c has the generator for C, but also some common functions so if you start from this one you'll need to remove those common functions). Please resist reformatting existing C code - there's currently a lot of code repeated in each generator which ought to be pulled out as common code, and if you reformat that just makes that job harder.

Add your new source to COMPILER_SOURCES in GNUmakefile.

Add prototypes for the new functions to compiler/header.h.

Add support to compiler/driver.c.

Add targets to GNUmakefile to run tests for the new language.

Hook up automated testing via CI in .travis.yml.

Add to the list of languages in README.rst.