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A Python supermarket


Superpy is a tool that manages the stock of items in your shop, keeps track of all transactions and provides an overview of revenue, expenses and profits, fully written in Python and beautified with the help of Rich. This short guide will teach you how to manipulate and consult your supermarket data.

All positional and optional arguments are entered after python

A good way to initialise Superpy is to start with:

python set_today
python restock

This resets Superpy's notion of today to the current system date and creates a new inventory with random items. These commands and others are explained below.

Time manipulation

  • today: shows the date and day currently set as today.

  • set_today (--date / -d <date>): sets today to be the supplied date (in YYYY-MM-DD format). If no date is provided, today is set to the user's current system date.

    Optional arguments:

    In addition to setting the date absolutely using --date / -d, the date can be set relatively using the following optional arguments:

    • --today, -td: set's today's date to today (no effect in combination with set_today).

    • --tomorrow, -tm: increases today's date by one day.

    • --next_week, -nw: increases today's date by one week.

    • --yesterday, -y: decreases today's date by one day.

    • --last_week, -lw: decreases today's date by one week.


    Set today to May 8th, 2022:

    python --date 2022-05-08

    Advance the current today date by 7 days:

    python -nw


The supermarket only sells a certain number of items, but more can be made available by adding them in CSV format to products.csv.

  • products: provides an overview of all available items: their names, respective departments, their buying price and their shelf life (in days).

Buying and selling

Superpy does not only keep track of bought and sold items but also checks whether purchases are allowed to take place. Superpy will give out a warning if a sale cannot continue.

  • buy <product name>: records that the store bought an item from a customer.

  • sell <product name>: records that the store sold an item to a customer.

    Optional arguments:

    Both commands take the following optional arguments:

    • --price, -p: specify the item price that the customers offers or requests. Customers are allowed to haggle. It is up to the supermarket manager to decide whether the transaction is allowed or not. By default, the buying price or the selling price (= 1.10 * the buying price) are used.

    • --date, -d: specifies the (absolute) date (format: YYYY-MM-DD) when the purchase was proposed. If no date is provided, today's date is used.

    • --quantity, -q: specifies the amount of goods purchased or sold. If the customer wants to buy more goods than are available in today's inventory, Superpy will give a warning. If no quantity is provided, it is set to 1 by default.


    A customer wants to sell 2 oranges today for 1.10 each.

    python buy 'orange' -q 2 -p 1.10

    A customer wants to buy one kale on December 12th for the selling price.

    python sell `kale` -d 2021-12-12


The supermarket is closed on Sunday. On every other day, there is a different manager who oversees all transactions. To see who is working today, use the following command.

  • manager: displays today's supermarket manager.

The following managers are currently employed at the supermarket.

  • Phyllis (Monday) is sweet and allows the customer to buy items at 95% of their selling price, and sell at 105% of their buying price.
  • Andy (Tuesday) is a maniac and will not allow any transactions in 40% of cases. Simply try again.
  • Angela (Wednesday) will not buy or sell any alcohol, as she thinks drinking is bad.
  • Oscar (Thursday) does everything by the books. If more or less money is offered than either the buying price or the selling price, he will refuse.
  • Kevin (Friday) will buy cookies at any price. He will not sell them, though.
  • Michael (Saturday) runs the store as a real manager would. He will gladly buy and sell items if the customer undercuts the buying price or offers more than the standard selling price.


A list of items currently on sale in the supermarket can be consulted and manipulated using the following commands.

  • show_inventory: shows the inventory. If no date is provided, today's date is used.

  • restock: fills the inventory of a set date with a set number of random items. If no quantity is provided, the inventory will be restocked with 50 items. Any existing inventories are overwritten.

    Optional arguments

    • --quantity, -q: Restocks the inventory with a set amount of items.

    • --date, -d: the date of show_inventory and restock can be set by providing a specific date (YYYY-MM-DD).

    • For relative dates, use the arguments listed under Time manipulation above.


    Show the inventory on December 17th, 2021.

    python show_inventory --date 2021-12-17

    Restock today's inventory with 50 items.

    python restock

    Restock last week's inventory with 200 items.

    python restock -q 200 -lw


A report is a daily overview of all transactions (buying/selling) and is used to calculate the supermarket's revenue and profits. At the end of the day, items that have expired are also added to the report. The following commands are used to view and create reports.

  • show_report: shows the report of an arbitrary date. If no date is provided, today's report is shown.

  • fabricate_report: creates a report for a set date and fills it with a set number of random items (with random statuses, i.e. bought, sold or expired). If no quantity is provided, the report is filled with 50 items.

  • end_day: ends the current working day by:

    1. adding all expiring items to the report;
    2. creating a new inventory on the next day with all remaining items;
    3. advancing time one day to the next day.

    By default, Superpy will not end the day and give out a warning message if the day already appears to have been closed off and/or if an inventory for the next day already exists. This behaviour can be overridden.

    Optional arguments

    • --quantity, -q: use with fabricate_report with a set amount of items.

    • --date, -d: the date of show_report and fabricate_report can be set by providing a specific date (YYYY-MM-DD).

    • For relative dates, use the arguments listed under Time manipulation above.

    • --override_inventory, -oi: replaces an existing inventory for the next day with a new one containing all non-expired items in today's inventory.

    • --override_report, -or: replaces an existing report for today with a new one to which items that expired today have been added.


    Show yesterday's report.

    python show_report --yesterday

    Create a report with 150 items for November 11th, 1992.

    python fabricate_report -q 150 -d 1992-11-11

    End the day, overwrite tomorrow's existing inventory.

    python end_day -oi


An overview of revenue, expenses and profits for individual days and periods can be created by using the following command. The results are printed to the console and written per day to a csv file.

  • revenue: displays a report for a set date (default: today) and time period (default: single day) up to and including the set date.

    Optional arguments:

    • --date, -d: the date for the report can be set by providing a specific date (YYYY-MM-DD).

    • For relative dates, use the arguments listed under Time manipulation above.

    • --period, -p: specify the period (number of days) in the past you want to include in the overview.


    Create a revenue overview for today.

    python revenue

    Create a revenue overview for yesterday and the week before.

    python revenue --yesterday --period 7

    Create a revenue overview for both Christmas days in 2021.

    python revenue -d 2021-12-26 -p 2