- check_ntpd.pl - Nagios script for checking the health of the NTPd on a server (Perl)
- check_ntpd.rb - Nagios script for checking the health of the NTPd on a server (Ruby)
- darknet_duck.sh - Quick attempt to script tincd restarts (if the VPN is unavailable) (Bash)
- make_swap.sh - Script to add a swapfile to the system (Bash)
- quick_screen_setup.sh - Helper script to create screen sessions with a list of IPs (Bash)
- samba-auth.sh - Something seanj19 was working on (Bash)
- zm_create_movies.sh - Script to convert ZoneMinder events into a single movie file (Bash)
- zm_sort_images.sh - Sorts FTP uploads from FOSCAM cameras based on the date/time in the filename (Bash)