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956 lines (553 loc) · 28.2 KB

File metadata and controls

956 lines (553 loc) · 28.2 KB

Author:- Vansh Baghel

Date:- 19-April-2022

Feel free to contact me if you face any queries or errors.

How to search any text in a big documentation:-

  • Press (Ctrl+F) and get the text which you want instantly rather than searching it manually.

Properties in CSS :-



EG:- color:green

Link of CSS into HTML:-

3 ways :-

a) Inline:- <tagname style="property:value;">

  • This is preffered to be use where we need some only minute change in the element.

b) External:-

  • Can create new file of css and then link it to html.
  • This is preffered to be used when we have many lines of codes to decorate our web page.

  • This is most commonly used by me bcoz it lets the html file look like html more rather than more of a style related file.

  • Code to link:- <link rel="stylesheet" href="Filename.css">

c) Internal:-

<style> properties </style>

  • Here we make style wala tag and add properties into the tags we need in that same html file itself.

  • This doesnt require to make any external file for styling.

Selectors in CSS:-

CSS selectors are used to find (or select) the HTML elements you want to style.

Syntax:- h1 {property:value;}

Types of selectors:-

1. Combined selectors:-

We write all the elements we want to change with ","

2. Type selector:-

We just write the element name.

3. Class selector:-

<h1 class="className"> .className{}

4. ID selector:-

Same as class, just replace with word id and .className with #idName 5.Attribute selector:- We write attribute into sq bracket & then curly braces.

5. Pseudo-class selectors :-

 Syntax:- ElementName:pseudo-class{}

6. Attribute selector:-

We write attribute into sq bracket & then curly braces.

Some imp selectors:- hover,visited,link,float,hidden.

7. Pseudo-elements selectors:-

select and style a part of an element & change that particular part.

8. Combinator selectors:-

Select elements based on a specific relationship between them ie child element ko select krta h.

 Syntax:- article > (tagElement) {}

9. Universal selector:-

Used to select all elements from a file.

Syntax:- \* {}

10. - wala method:-

If there are 3 para after h1 and u want to make changes only in 3rd para then u can write (h1+p+p+p){}.

  • To give color to specific tags in full file:- p,a { color: green;}

  • To give class ke liye :- i.idk{color: blue;} --> Specific tag OR .idk{color: blue;} --> All tags which include idk ka class.

  • For specific child tag:- parenttag childtag {}

  • To give for specific id:- #(idname) {}

  • To give for a specific tag from the class, while that classs is having other tags too, but others wont change:-

p[class="damn"] {color:blueviolet;
padding: 10px;}


  1. You can control the color by adjusting the shade, also can control the opacity by clicking the box of that color.
  2. Must try rgb tag inside color, red-green-blue


Can change

a) background color:-

background color:red; To put color only on specific text then use "span" tag.

b) background img:-


c) background repeat:-

Very usefull to repeat certain img/color in given axis or randomly or to stop the repeation

d) background position:-

Can take the img to any direction.


a) Font-family:-

Used to change the fonts into different types. Can also change the font by finding it from "google fonts" and pasting the link ref of it above style tag.

b) Font-style:-

Changes the style like italic,etc.

c) Font-size

d) Font-weight:-

Can change the darkness like bold,normal,light,etc.


a) text color:-


b) text align:-

left, center, right, justify (texts is written from left and it ends at right, it covers the whole line).

c) text-decoration :-

overline, line through, underline, underline overline.

d) text-transform :-

capitalize, uppercase, lowercase

e) text-indentation

f) letter-spacing

g) word-spacing

h) text-shadow:-

text-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur-radius color,

h-shadow means distance horizontally, v-shadow is distance vertically, blur-radius means part to be blurred, then color.


To change alignment of img to :-

a) Center:-

u can create style in css

img{ display:block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}

b) Left:-

u can create style in css

img{ display:block; margin-right: auto;}

c) Right:-

u can create style in css

img{ display:block; margin-left: auto;}

Units in CSS:-

2 Types:-

a) Absolute units:-

Its fixed units like cm,m,px,etc.

1px = 1/92th of 1 inch 1pt = 1/72th of 1 inch 1pc = 12pt

b) Relative units:-

depends on web page or parent element.

vw:- 1% width of web page.

vh:- 1% height of web page.

vmin:- minimum value among height and width will be used here.

vmax:- maximum value among height and width will be used here.

em :- 2em means 2 times the size of the current font.

Box Model Styling

  • Learn to write texts in box form.

    a) padding:-

    Gives space before the text starts from the left and right of the boc or the web page. Both side the distance will be same.

    b) Border:-

    Strong colored border to the text. Border itself is a big topic to cover. Basically 6 topics in border which you should consider before using.

    1. Border-width :-

    The border-width property specifies the width of the four borders in pixels.

    2. Border-style :-

    There are total 11 types of borders which you could give to the table.

    3. Border-color :-

    The border-color property is used to set the color of the four borders.

    4. Border-Shorthand :-

    Basically width, style & color written in same syntax.

    • EG:- border: 5px solid red;

    5. Border-sides :-

    Can individually give the tpye of style of border on each side like top, botton, left, right.

    6. Border-radius :-

    Can make the border rounder in pixels.

    c) Margin:-

    Same like padding, just the difference is that the background color wont be seen into margin. Only if the parent tag ka color changes then the margin will be filled.

    d) Box-sizing-border box :-

    Very important element to be used for whole html file. It will add padding & border (width,solid color) without affecting the size of box. So if there are 2 boxes then both will be aligned even if one box adds any padding to the texts.

    Styling Lists

    Here, we modify the bullets using style.

    a) list-style-type

    b) list-style-position

    c) list-style-image

Some important Selectors


Hover:- Changes will be made when we move our cursor to it.

Visited:- Changes in color or etc will be made once we visit that link.

Float & overflow hidden:- Box model se bahar aajate h texts. It wont be seen unless u use overflow hidden. As the text is overflowed out of the box.

Styling Tables

Table Border:-

2 types:-

a) Separate border:- Separate blocks.

b) Collapse border:- Joint blocks.

Style to change these two types:-

border-collapse: collapse; OR border-collapse: separate;

c) padding:- To give spacing between the texts in the block of table. th,td{padding:15px;}

d) border-spacing:- To give spacing between the tables.


  • If there are two or more CSS rules that point to the same element, the selector with the highest specificity value will "win", and its style declaration will be applied to that HTML element.

  • Also, the element written most recently will be applied to the txt.

Controlling inheritance:-

1. Unset:-

Unset is a CSS value that's the same as "inherit" if a property is inherited or "initial" if a property is not inherited.

2. Initial:-

The initial value of a CSS property is its default value which differs with websites.

3. Inherit:-

The inherit keyword specifies that a property should inherit its value from its parent element.

4. Default:-

Default value of any element. eg:- link ka purple hota h.

5. Important:-

Important ka specificity is the most.


Controlling Overflow out of box:-

Overflow of text outside the box happens when the width and height of the box is small compared to text. To solve this, we use:- overflow:-

 Syntax---> overflow: scroll/auto/hidden/visible;

Difference in auto and scroll is that the box can be scrolled even after the width is sufficient in case of scroll, but in auto it'll not scroll.

Controlling img out of box:-

Sytnax to fit img inside the box:-

 object-fit: cover/contain/fill.

Payment File Explanation:-

1. Box-sizing-border box :-

  • Very important element to be used for whole html file.
  • It will add padding & border (width,solid color) without affecting the size of box.
  • So if there are 2 boxes then both will be aligned even if one box adds any padding to the texts.

2. Body:-

Whatever background is added (Here, whitesmoke) will be affected on the full web page.

3. Importing font:-

Always write the import code at the beginning of any style.

4. Width: 100% :-

This % is according to the web page.

Practice Q)

Contact_test :-

body:- Background color of web page is the background-color of the body.

h1:- Margin of h1 is the distanace of h1 text from the table. It also changes the size of the box, as the distance is getting increased which means border will move far along with the box.

div:- background-color of the box in which text is written. border is for the white box to get green color at the corners.

Debugging in CSS

Right click krne se on any web page, you'll see option to "view page source" & "Inspect".

  1. View page source:- Can view full code written to make that particular web page.
  2. Inspect:- Just explore it yourself, kind of same to view page. Computed option bhi explore krna. Debugging is usually done with this, styles waale option se.

RECOMMENDED:- View the box ke dimensions, the way padding, width, height are applied.

Difference in view page source & inspect:- Syntax mai koi error hua then it wont be corrected in view page source on the otherr hand, in inspect the correct code will be displayed.

Clip path generator:-

  • Used to change the size and shape of the image without putting much efforts.
  • Search "Clip path generator" on google then select appropriate shape, copy the url & paste in the CSS.

Difference in box-sizing.border-box & box-sizing.content-box :-

  width: 160px;
  height: 80px;
  padding: 20px;
  border: 8px solid
  • box-sizing: content-box;

    • { Total width: 160px + (2 _ 20px) + (2 _ 8px) = 216px. Left & right padding and border are added.

    • Total height: 80px + (2 _ 20px) + (2 _ 8px) = 136px

    • Content box width: 160px

    • Content box height: 80px }

  • box-sizing: border-box;

    • Total width: 160px Width remains the same and both the padding and border are added into the width itself.

    • Total height: 80px

    • Content box width: 160px - (2 _ 20px) - (2 _ 8px) = 104px

    • Content box height: 80px - (2 _ 20px) - (2 _ 8px) = 24px _/

CSS Layers:-

  1. z-index :-
    • Used to give the priority number to the overlapping boxes.
    • The eg of box overlap will be in html files.
    • Greater the number of index, more will be the priority, means it'll be at the top.
    • Using "position" is important & necessary with z-index.


  • Responsive web design makes your web page look good on all devices.

  • It varies with the change in the width of the screen.

  • We use "and" operator to change the layout with respect to the width.

  • To use "or" operator simple add another ',' after the 'and ()'.

     @media screen and (max-width:400px), (max-width:1000px); {   } .
     @media , @media screen, etc.

    NOTE:- Div is used to write text in a given block. It doesnt use the whole line like p tag. So, div is used for writing text with space in the same line.

  • Use box-sizing: border-box for viewing the text in box in the same line.

  • Solved a problem stmt, check it out:-


    NOTE:- Use inspect option and change the width of the page to see the changes.


Syntax:- display : (value);

Types of Values

1. Inline :-

Displays an element in the same line. (like <span>).

  • Any height and width properties will have no effect.

2. Block:-

Displays an element which starts on a new line, and takes up the whole width. It adjusts the box into the column by default.

3. Flex :-

Displays the boxes in the row adjacent to each other. More better and detailed explanation in flex heading.

Tags important to use with display tag.

1. Float:-

Used to adjust the img or text in any direction.

  • None :- The element does not float (will be displayed just where it occurs in the text). This is default.
float: left/right/none/inherit;

2. Clear:-

Used to specify what should happen with the element that is next to a floating element.

clear: left/right/none/inherit/both;

3. Position :-

  1. Static:- It is not affected by the top, bottom, left, and right properties.
  • HTML elements are positioned static by default.
  1. Relative:- top, right, bottom, and left properties of a relatively-positioned element will cause it to be adjusted away from its normal position.


{position: relative;
  1. Fixed:- This position of it will remain at the same place on the screen even if we scroll the pg.

  2. Sticky:-

  • A sticky element toggles between relative and fixed.

  • If, we give top,bottom tags of relative, then it'll act as fixed (it'll not move even if we scroll) .

  • Else, using sticky doesnt make any difference.

  1. Absolute:- This will overlap the boxes and the text.

Goal e

  • Explanation :-
  1. Url method:- Copy the link address of img from google so you dont need to place the downloaded file in the folder.

  2. Class :-

  • Here, 2 classes are in one <div class="box box-1"> , which means ki box will be used as common class if you want any change in 3-4 steps & box-1 will be unique for that particular (basically to change the position it must be unique).
  • Also, can use class in img.
  1. p :-
  • We need to use paragraph tag to write the text bcoz we need the text besides the img, if u use div then the text will be visible down to the image.
  • If you want to view the text on same line by using div, better use display:inline for viewing the text besides the img.
  • We can add clear, align tags for p to adjust the text for @media.
  1. div in css :-
  • Overflow is used to hide the overlapping of texts while changing the width.
  • Widht & height are in vw & vh which means % of the web pg.
  • Margin is used in shortcut method whose syntax is
margin:top right bottom left
  1. img in CSS :-
  • Box type around image in added by changing height & width of it.
  1. @media :-
  • Text is aligned to center and its cleared from both the side so that we dont need to adjust the text again & again when the image is left & right.

Challenge Question:- Position_sticky

Goal e

Explanation :-

  • Used div and added class for both a and p tags. Adding class in both the tags are important, bcoz the div tag with class will also be changed if we try to change the normal div tag.
  • CSS edits
    • .nav1 :-
      • We need to add background color for navigation to this tag, bcoz div tag extends throughout the line.
      • While adding background color to the a tag, it would've been visible in that small particular short block and not the whole line.


  • To start with flexbox, we first need to understand its terminologies.



1) display:block/flex:-

  • Difference in both is that block adjusts the boxes into 1 column and flex adjust in 1 row.
  • Anyways, we could change the direction of box using different element tag.

2) flex-direction:(value) :-

  • Here are some values which we use with this element.

    a) row :- Adjusts the boxes in same row.

    b) column :- Adjusts the boxes in same column.

    c) column-reverse or row-reverse :- Adjusts the boxes in same as column or row, but in reverse order.

3. justify-content:(values) :-

  • Here are some values which we use with this element.

    a) flex-start :- Same as cross-start in the diagram.

    b) flex-end

    c) center

    d) space-around :-

    • This tag has same padding space between them ; and the space before and after the box are same.
    • The space between & before-after are different.

    e) space-between :- Items will have space between them but not before and after it.

    f) space-evenly :-

    • Items will have equal space around them.
    • Here, the space between, before and after all are same.

4. align-items: (values) :-

  • Used to change the position of boxes.

  • Some values are:-

    a) center

    b) flex-start :- Items are positioned at the beginning.

    c) flex-end :- Items are positioned at the end.

    d) stretch :- Stretches and increases the height of the box w.r.t the web page.

    e) baseline :- Items are positioned at the baseline of the container.

5. align-self: (values);

  • Same values like align-items, its just used to move some boxes particularly .

6. flex:wrap;(values)

  • Some values:-
    • a) wrap:- Used to change the width of screen without changing the size of box. The box will appear on new line rather than shrinking.
  • There are more values, you can explore them too.

7. align-content:-

The align-content property modifies the behavior of the flex-wrap property. It is similar to align-items, but instead of aligning flex items, it aligns flex lines.

8. Order :-

Can change the order of any box individually.

9. flex-basis :-

Used to give the max width to boxes.

10. flex-grow:(value) :-

  • Here, value is in the form of number, which represents the speed.
  • Here, the size of the box will grow at certain speed & resolution when the width of web pg in increased.

11. flex-shrink:(value) :-

  • Same as grow, just the opposite happens.

12. flex-flow :-

  • It is a shorthand method, flex-flow:<flex-direction flex-wrap>

13. flex :-

  • another shorthand method flex:<flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis>

Challenge1 of flexbox:- Challenge1_flexbox

Goal e

Explanation :-

  • HTML explanation:-
    • 3 containers are needed as 3 rows of boxes are present.
    • Nested div ka parent div ka end tag must be closed at after all the nested div are completed.
  • CSS explanation :-
    • flex is used instead of width.
    • & li.div are different. refers to li class and li.div refers to div present inside the li.

Challenge2 of flexbox:- Challenge2_flexbox

Goal e

Explanation :-

  • HTML explanation:-
    • 2 containers are used as we need 2 rows where each row contains 3 other divs.
    • We need to assign 3 divs for each container as they are 3 different boxes.
    • Image ka url is shortened by bitly from google bcoz image address is too big to be copied from google's image which doesnt look appropriate in the code.
  • CSS explanation :-
    • Here, align-self is used in row class to align the column upwards in the line of middle box.
    • In img, display & margins are used to align the img in the center.
    • Replacement done after flex concept :-
      • display:flex replaced with display:grid in the whole container so that the boxes of divs may fit the outer box.
      • grid-template-column is used to fit 3 divs in one row.
      • Also, removed width from row_1 which was restricting the divs to increase the width.

Challenge3 of flexbox:- Challenge3_withoutflex

Challenge3 of flexbox:- Challenge3_withflex

Goal e

Explanation :-

Without flex one was much easier.

  • HTML explanation :-

    • div container is used to store 2 divs,ie, r1,r2. Both the divs have different width.
    • Then r2 is divided into 3 divs & 1st and 3rd divs have same style, but the 2nd div differs.
  • CSS explanation for without flex:-

    • display flex is used to align the boxes in a row.
    • r1 and r2 both have different widths.
    • lr1 contains box-sizing so that the bottom box is in same line as of the r1.
  • CSS explanation for with flex:-

    • The only new concept here was the use of flex-grow. Its used to increase the width of the box.
    • Instead of using width, we use flex-grow.
    • Also, one new concept is being understood that vh and vw concept is not applicable for inheritance and % concept is according to the parent element.
    • vh and vw is according to the web page.

CSS Grid Layout

  • Grid is 2 dimensional. FLex is one dimensional.
  • Cheatsheet for vscode :- This will print the div class 5 times with class name as row 1, row 2, row 3 and so on.

    div.container{row $}*5

1. display: grid :-

  • Used to properly adjust the boxes.
  • Responsiveness of grid is by default very good.

2. grid-template-<rows/columns: size> :-

  • Column is used to make changes in the width and row is used to make changes in the height.
  • The rows or column will adopt the size we assign to it & also the alignment. This is way better than using width element.
  • The size have 2 values:- normal px,pc,etc and fr
    • fr is fraction.
  • Size of each boxes are need to be given manually. To simple that work we use repeat element.

3. grid-auto-<rows/columns: size> :-

  • This will resize all the child classes present in parent class.
  • Set a default size for the columns in a grid.
            grid-auto-rows: 120px;

4. Gaps :-

  1. column-gap
  2. row-gap
  3. grid-gap :- column+row

5. grid-row/column-/start/end :-

  • Used to change position of any particular box.
  • It uses the number of given line when we inspect and click grid in given code.

Challenge1-Grid :- Challenge1_Grid



  • ** HTML Explanation:-**

    • structure :-
      • One container containing 6 sub class for each column.
      • Each of the sub classes contains divs because each column has boxes which are completely fitted w.r.t its width.
      • We know that we use div for printing boxes on new row, so for each boxes into each sub class to be printed on the new line, we use div.
  • ** CSS Explanation:-**

    • container :-
      • Grid column is used to divide the container into 6 parts horizontally.

child and child.div are different. child div refers to each box, while child refers to the whole column of boxes.

  • child :-

    • By using display:grid, we easily fitted all the child boxes into the container with its full width.
  • child.div :-

    • We added all the properties required for each box into this class.
  • The grid-gap :-
    • Use it wisely, we used in container to get space between the major 6 divs which are fitted in the screen.
    • We used in child to get the space between the 28 individual divs.

Challenge2-Grid :- Challenge2_Grid



  • ** HTML Explanation:-**
    • Structure :-
      • We created a container which contains 2 major div classes.
      • Those 2 classes are for Nav and the remaining boxes.
      • 2nd div is a double-nested div which consists of total 3 rows, ie, 3 sub divs.
      • The 2nd sub div is itself a nested div because we need 2 boxes in the same row. If sec_row wasn't been applied then both the boxes in the sec_row might've been printed on different rows.
      • As we increase the size of the nested div by using template row, the size of nav automatically increases to match up with the height. Also, the width of footer is increased in the same manner due to the use of template column in the sec_row
  • ** CSS Explanation:-**

    • container :-
    • Easily both the major divs are separated by template-column

    • nested_lists :-

      • display is used to fit all the boxes according to thr given height in template.

Transition & Animation

Transition properties

  • You can edit any transition by going to inspect and manually making changes.
  • Transition couldn't handle complex changes, so for that we use animation.

1. transition

  • It is a shorthand property.
  • transition: transition-property, transition-duration, transition-timing-function, transition-delay ;

2. transition-duration

  • It gives the time period for the transition to occur

3. transition-delay

  • It will activate the transition after the given time period.

Animation Properties

Two types of animation property exists.

  1. Style :- Normal like others.

  2. Keyframe :- Starts with @ . @keyframe (name_of_animation){}

1. animation

  • It is a shorthand property.
  • animation: animation-duration animation-timing-function animation-delay animation-iteration-count animation-direction animation-fill-mode animation-play-state ;

  • Well, this was the syntax of the shorthand property. Not necessary to maintain its order.

  • Animation&Transition_try:- animation & transition Explanation :-

    • We used tranform to move the box.
    • If transition is used into hover then the transition wont flow back. If we u=put it directly into the child, then it will complete the transition.
    • Used all the animation and transition into hover.
    • Keyframes must be outside and must be treated as a new style. The identifier (@keyframe identifier) must be the property on which we want the transition to occur.



  • Visit sass We need to install ruby and then write the cmd in terminal to insta gem.
  • Create a new file with extension .sass but sass is different fron CSS as it doesnt have curly bracers and semi colons which makes the code ugly, therefore will use .scss extension.

Nested Selectors

  • We can write another tag inside the curly braces of the selector .
  • To convert the SCSS file to CSS file we use command.


  • We can make a variable for any property value like any color code by using a prefix $.


  • We name this file starting with under-score (_). We can copy all the variables in this file and then import in the other file where its used.
  • We can reduce the run-time by using only 1 CSS file and rest of them SCSS.
  • When we import another CSS , it tskes some time to load and if we use SCSS then we directly get that code in the CSS avoiding the creation of new file.

Media Query magic SCSS

  • We can use media queries inside that element itself which will reduce the step to mention the element name everytime and media queries will be just below the element name .

Mixins (One liner legend)

  • Here we can avoid the repeating code steps everytime in CSS. We assign function using @mixin and it will include those CSS lines which are being repeated.

  • By using @include funcName() , we can see those lines in the CSS file but in SCSS file we are just putting onr line code .

Ampersand Operator (Pseudo elements cleaner)

  • By using & , we can join any class, id or pseudo elements by nesting it .
  • Nesting means we dont need to repeat the main element , just need to write &:hover{} or &.className inside the curly braces of main element.
  • Makes life so simple.