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File metadata and controls

104 lines (68 loc) · 3.55 KB

Home Assistant Add-on: Raspotify

The Raspotify add-on allows you to use your device, running Home Assistant, to play your Spotify music. This add-on uses the Sotify Connect protocol, which makes it a device that can be controlled by all the official clients.

Note: Remember to restart the add-on when the configuration is changed.

Example add-on configuration:

name: Raspotify
bitrate: 160
volume_normalisation: true
backend: alsa

Note: This is just an example, don't copy and paste it! Create your own!

Option: log_level

The log_level option controls the level of log output by the add-on and can be changed to be more or less verbose, which might be useful when you are dealing with an unknown issue. Possible values are:

  • trace: Show every detail, like all called internal functions.
  • debug: Shows detailed debug information.
  • info: Normal (usually) interesting events.
  • warning: Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
  • error: Runtime errors that do not require immediate action.
  • fatal: Something went terribly wrong. Add-on becomes unusable.

Please note that each level automatically includes log messages from a more severe level, e.g., debug also shows info messages. By default, the log_level is set to info, which is the recommended setting unless you are troubleshooting.

Setting the log_level to debug will also turn on verbose mode of librespot.

Option: name

The name of your device (the Spotify Connect target), as shown on the official Spotify clients.

Option: bitrate

The bitrate Spotify should use. The higher, the better the sound quality, however, the add-on consumes more data.

Valid values: 96, 160 (default) or 320.

Option: username

IMPORTANT: This requires a Spotify Premium account!

The username you use to login to your Spotify Premium account. Setting this will bind the add-on to your account exclusively.

This can be helpful when experiencing discovery issues on your network or to disallow guests on your network to use the add-on.

Option: password

The password you use to login to your Spotify Premium account.

Option: volume_normalisation

Whether to apply volume normalisation.

Option: backend

The backend to use with librespot.

Valid Values are

  • alsa for local playback on your host system,
  • pipe for writing to a fifo pipe which can be read by the Forked-DAAPD add-on for example. See option device.

Option: device

When choosing backend: pipe this specifies the file fifo pipe which this add-on writes audio to.

Option: metadata_pipe

This specifies the pipe to write metadata to, when used with backend: pipe to forked-daapd this allows the forked-daapd server to display the track information instead of the pipe name.


backend: pipe
device: /share/forked-daapd/music/Raspotify
metadata_pipe: /share/forked-daapd/music/Raspotify.metadata

The Raspotify add-on tries to create the pipe at the given path or uses an already existing pipe on each start. If it could not create or find a pipe, there will be an error message in the add-on log. Created pipes are not deleted when changing this option.

Do not forget to restart forked-daapd after starting raspotify for the first time or the pipes might not work properly.

Option: extra_options

Extra commandline arguments to pass to the librespot call. See Librespot Options for details.

Note: The options --linear-volume --initial-volume=100 are currently already set within the add-on.