This repo for the paper titled 'Towards Surgical Context Inference and Translation to Gestures'.
Needle Passing
Knot Tying
run the following commands with python 3.9 or above
python -m venv context-env
pip install -r requirements.txt
python .\ Knot_Tying ALL 2023_DL
- to run the script generates context labels based on the deeplab instrument masks without kinematics
TASKS can be Needle_Passing, Knot_Tying, Suturing
Masks belong to MASK SETS such as 2023_ICRA, COGITO_GT, 2023_DL, ...
Each task subject trial combination represents a unique TRIAL <Task>_S<Subject number>_T<Trial number>
- context_inference
- -- Contains context inference logic
- contour_template.json
- -- IOU between predicted context and consensus context
- data
- context_labels
- consensus
- contours
- masks
- 2023_DL
- ring
- thread
- leftgrasper
- needle
- rightgrasper
- frame_0001.png
- 2023_DL
- images
- frame_0001.png
- context_labels
- eval
- contour_images
- labeled_images
- frame_0001.png
- pred_context_labels
- 2023_DL
- 2023_DL
- seg
- Image segmentation scripts
- -- runs context prediction pipeline