diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7951af3c..626ba5d2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,3 +7,50 @@ Documentation, including information about our datasets and how you can contribu All contributors are expected to follow the [Code of Conduct](code_of_conduct.md). We have archived our older documentation for reference in the [archived_documentation](https://github.com/UCDavisLibrary/ava/tree/master/archived_documentation) folder. + +## [rcode](rcode) Folder Description + +1. AVA counties from shapefile.R +> Purpose: This script is used for producing county field from shapefile (when info is not found in CFR). + +2. GettingProj4Strings.R (Not in Use) +> Purpose: This script is used to retrieve proj.4 strings for qgis + +3. GuenocValley.R (Not in Use) +> Purpose: This r script takes the compass bearings and distances from the Federal Register Document describing the Guenoc Valley AVA and turns it into a polygon. + +4. ScrapeRevisionHistories_new.R +> Purpose: This r script scrapes the ECFR site for the names and revision histories for the AVAs for new AVAs to be digitized. + +5. StatesFiles.R +> Purpose: This r script separates AVAs by state to make a .geojson and .shp file set for each state. + +6. ava_county_update.R +> Purpose: This r script returns a list of errors in the 'county' column that need to be updated + +7. check_winding_order.R +> Purpose: This script checks if the .geojsons in the avas folder are clockwise, and if so reverses them to fit the RFC 7946 standard of exterior rings = counterclockwise + +8. commas_to_pipes.R +> Purpose: This r script changes commas to pipes in the county column (can be used in states too, change "county" to "state") + +9. find bad dates.R +> Purpose: This r script identifies AVAs with wrong date formats + +10. fix_contains.R +> Purpose: This r script replaces commas and deletes state abbr in within/contains columns + +11. getContributorInfo.R +> Purpose: This script uses the data frame created in getContributors.R to return some basic analysis such as the unique contributors to the AVA GitHub, a data frame of the number of contributors to each file, and their names. + +12. getContributors.R +> Purpose: This script scrapes the GitHub contributors for each file in the avas folder. + +13. mergeGeoJson.R +> Purpose: This r script combines all the GeoJSON files in a folder into one file, and then writes it back to the folder. + +14. set_NAs_to_null.R +> Purpose: This r script changes N/A to NA. + +15. visualizations_ava.R +> Purpose: This r script creates visualizations for the website.