diff --git a/Cloud_providers/Azure/Services_Provided b/Cloud_providers/Azure/Services_Provided index 2fff907..780ca41 100644 --- a/Cloud_providers/Azure/Services_Provided +++ b/Cloud_providers/Azure/Services_Provided @@ -2,15 +2,47 @@ Some following are the services of Microsoft Azure offers: -1. Compute: Includes Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, Functions for serverless computing, Batch for containerized batch workloads, Service Fabric for microservices and container orchestration, and Cloud Services for building cloud-based apps and APIs. -2. Networking: With Azure you can use variety of networking tools, like the Virtual Network, which can connect to on-premise data centers; Load Balancer; Application Gateway; VPN Gateway; Azure DNS for domain hosting, Content Delivery Network, Traffic Manager, ExpressRoute dedicated private network fiber connections; and Network Watcher monitoring and diagnostics -3. Storage: Includes Blob, Queue, File and Disk Storage, as well as a Data Lake Store, Backup and Site Recovery, among others. -4. Web + Mobile: Creating Web + Mobile applications is very easy as it includes several services for building and deploying applications. -5. Containers: Azure has a property which includes Container Service, which supports Kubernetes, DC/OS or Docker Swarm, and Container Registry, as well as tools for microservices. -6. Databases: Azure has also includes several SQL-based databases and related tools. -7. Data + Analytics: Azure has some big data tools like HDInsight for Hadoop Spark, R Server, HBase and Storm clusters -8. AI + Cognitive Services: With Azure developing applications with artificial intelligence capabilities, like the Computer Vision API, Face API, Bing Web Search, Video Indexer, Language Understanding Intelligent. -9. Internet of Things: Includes IoT Hub and IoT Edge services that can be combined with a variety of machine learning, analytics, and communications services. -10. Security + Identity: Includes Security Center, Azure Active Directory, Key Vault and Multi-Factor Authentication Services. -11. Developer Tools: Includes cloud development services like Visual Studio Team Services, Azure DevTest Labs, HockeyApp mobile app deployment and monitoring, Xamarin cross-platform mobile development and more. +1. Azure Virtual Machines (VMs): +Azure VMs provide scalable and customizable virtualized computing resources. Users can deploy Windows or Linux VMs to run applications, host websites, and perform various computing tasks. +2. Azure App Service: +Azure App Service is a fully managed platform for building, deploying, and scaling web applications and APIs. It supports multiple programming languages and provides easy integration with databases and other Azure services. + +3. Azure SQL Database: +Azure SQL Database is a managed relational database service. It offers a highly available, secure, and scalable platform for hosting SQL Server databases in the cloud. + +4. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): +AKS is a managed Kubernetes container orchestration service. It simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications using Kubernetes. + +5. Azure Blob Storage: +Azure Blob Storage is an object storage service for storing and managing unstructured data, such as documents, images, and media files. It's highly scalable and durable. + +6. Azure Functions: +Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that allows you to run event-driven code without managing infrastructure. You pay only for the compute resources consumed. + +7. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD): +Azure AD is a comprehensive identity and access management service. It provides secure authentication, single sign-on, and identity management for applications and resources. + +8. Azure Cognitive Services: +Cognitive Services offers pre-built AI models and APIs for vision, speech, language, and search. Developers can integrate AI capabilities into their applications without extensive machine learning expertise. + +9. Azure DevOps Services: +Azure DevOps provides a set of tools for software development, including version control, build automation, release management, and project tracking, to support DevOps practices. + +10. Azure Virtual Network: +Azure Virtual Network allows you to create isolated and secure private networks in the cloud. It facilitates the connection of VMs, services, and on-premises resources. + +11. Azure Functions: +Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that lets you run code in response to events. It's ideal for microservices and event-driven applications. + +12. Azure Logic Apps: +Azure Logic Apps is a serverless workflow automation platform that enables you to create and run workflows that integrate with various services and systems. + +13. Azure Monitor: +Azure Monitor provides comprehensive insights into the performance, health, and security of your applications and infrastructure. It includes tools like Application Insights and Log Analytics. + +14. Azure Databricks: +Azure Databricks is a fast, easy, and collaborative Apache Spark-based analytics platform. It's used for big data and machine learning workloads. + +15. Azure IoT Hub: +Azure IoT Hub is a managed service for connecting, monitoring, and managing IoT devices. It enables IoT solutions with secure device-to-cloud communication.