- _echo()
- _setverbose()
- _autoconf()
- load()
- save()
- savez()
- _procVars()
- _imageClonePullForBuild()
- cloneDfAndBuild()
- cloneUdfAndRun()
- up()
- build()
- _build()
- _checkRunning()
- crun()
- run()
- _rm()
- psa()
- _ps()
- rmidangling()
- start()
- stop()
- pid()
- ip()
- logs()
- exsh()
- exshd()
- exec()
- execd()
- tag()
- images()
- rebuild()
- rerun()
- cert()
- winit()
- _cp()
- images()
echo encapsulation
- noarg
set -x encapsulation
- noarg
autoconfigure i3c user home dir (currently only if imagedef folder exists
- $1 (-): operation (create/readUHome/read/store)
- $2 (-): folder
- $3 (-): [optional] subfolder
load an image stored in imagedef dir into local docker repo
- $1 (-): image to load (appName)
save an image from local repo into imagedef dir (.i3ci)
- $1 (-): appdef to save
save an image from local repo into imagedef dir as zipped (.i3czi)
- $1 (-): appdef to save
processing different i3c platform config files (normally process 'i3c-[command].sh' files according to current priorities
- ... (-some): args for taget script
given an git repo and folder take docker imagedef for later build and pull to local repo !todo - option -b for automatic build and use from /i level (requires extractind _buildint from build)
- $1 (repo): url (ie https://github.com/swagger-api)
- $2 (folder): name inside the repo
used ie in i3c-build.sh scripts:
clone given 3d party repo
- $1 (repo): path
- $2 (dockerfile): folder inside this repo (the path will be available in container under /i3c/data)
- $3 (image/container): name to buil
- $4 (optional): arg for image name if different than appName
clone a workspace from git, build and run given git repo, imagedef/app name and also name of container to run
- $1 (repo): path (ie https://github.com/virtimus
- $2 (repo): name (ie i3c-openapi)
- $3 (imagedef/containder): name (ie swagger-editor)
/i clur https://github.com/virtimus i3c-openapi swagger-editor
up with composer (if file present)
- $1 (appDef):
build with docker
- $1 (-): appDef
internal build part
- $1 (-): appDef
scheck if running
- $1 (-): appDef
check if runing and run
- $1 (-): appDef
run given container by name
- $1 (-): appDef
remove container by name
- $1 (-): appDef
list runing containers
list all containers
remove all dangling images
start stopped container
- $1 (-): appDef
stop runing container
- $1 (-): appDef
- $1 (-): appDef
- $1 (-): appDef
- $1 (-): appDef
run command on container using sh -it
- $1 (-): appDef
- ${@:2} - command(s)
run command on container using sh non-interactive
- $1 (-): appDef
- ${@:2} - command(s)
run command on container -it
- $1 (-): appDef
- ${@:2} - command(s)
run command on container non-interactive
- $1 (-): appDef
- ${@:2} - command(s)
tag a container
- $1 (-): appDef
- ${@:2} - rest of args
list images !todo
stop, remove and build container by name
- $1 (-): appDef
stop, remove and run container by name
- $1 (-): appDef
get new certificate for given subdomain(ie container name) currently using certbot/letsgetencrypt
- $1 (-): appDef
initialize new user workspace in current folder, no args needed
cp into or from container
- ... (-): same as docker cp
list images
- ... (-): same as docker images