RPOscanner By @TheNittam
Relative Path Overwrite Vulnerability Scanner - Version 1
Follow : @CryptoGenNepal
If not here is the video about Relative Path Overwrite (RPO) Attack. It's a lesser-known web-based vulnerability yet a very cool vulnerability. File descriptor was rewarded with 6000$ for his sweet exploit on this from Google. I have explained about this attack along with the mitigation techniques in our own language (NEPALI ). It might be fruitful for not only security enthusiastic but also for developers.
Title | Researcher | Link |
RPO Gadget | @filedescriptor | https://blog.innerht.ml/rpo-gadgets/ |
Detecting And Exploiting PRSSI | James Kettle | https://portswigger.net/research/detecting-and-exploiting-path-relative-stylesheet-import-prssi-vulnerabilities |
python3 rpo.py <target_domain>
pip3 install requests