Is very tiny and simple graphql http server built on top of Deno http module using some GraphQL utilities.
My goal with this was to have a simple dedicated http server to run GraphQL, no router, midllewares or..., something else. Just your schema and a http server.
This is heavily on development so the design and some decisions can change, still in progress...
import graphqlHttp from ''
import {
GraphQLString } from "^15.0.0";
const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
query: new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "Query",
fields: {
greeting: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (_obj, _args, context) => {
return "Hello world";
graphqlHttp({ port: 8080 }, "/graphql", { schema });
You can also do like this:
import graphqlHttp from ''
import { makeExecutableSchema } from "";
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: `
type Query {
greeting: String
resolvers: {
Query: {
greeting: () => "Hello World",
graphqlHttp({ port: 8080 }, "/graphql", { schema });
or even like this:
import graphqlHttp from ''
import gql from "";
const schema = gql`
type Query {
greeting: String
const resolvers = {
Query: {
greeting: () => "Hello World",
graphqlHttp({ port: 8080 }, "/graphql", { schema, resolvers });
To run this from the you will need to use the allow-net
flag (e.g deno run --allow-net example
- Error Handling
- Add tests !!!
- Improve Typescript
- Add Graphql Subscriptions
- 🤔
For sure this list will be bigger. If you see a bug or wanted to see an extra feature here open an issue or a pull request. I will be more than happy to have help.
- Alex Lobera: For your mentorship
- Francisco Gomes: For your help teaching me typescript
- João Tiago: For your patience, guidance and encouraging me
- Diego Braga: For allways sharing new tech geek stuff with me