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Name String Resolver

nsr.js offers a highly specialized and optimized way to provide offline type ahead capabilities. While this is its main intention it may also be used in other contexts. Its main feature is to map a (short) string to a numeric value. This number is often used as an index to fetch the real data from another array.


Most type ahead implementations are ajax based. If you are looking to get rid of the online dependency, this library might be what you're looking for. The basic implementation for a fast type ahead lockup, given a list of terms to be searched for, is rather simple. Just create a linked list or tree from letter to letter. But building this structure in JavaScript is time consuming and can also use a lot of memory of you allocate one object per node.

We use a special "binary" storage to hold a special data structure to achieve good compressibility and performance. In the JavaScript implementation this is done by using a Uint32Array. Therefore, this library will only run in recent browser versions. But by using a typed array we can keep memory usage under control and also have an easy way to create our search database.

The core idea is to create a linked list between all characters. If you look for the word "abc", you would go from letter "a" to "b" and then to "c". The storage format starts with a list of all initial characters. So in order to find the letter "a" we need to scan the whole character table. Once we find our entry, we get a jump address to where the next table for the second letters after all "a" starts. There we look for letter "b" and repeat until we either found the final entry for our term or find out that it can't exist.


This is a very crude example by mocking a simple database. Consult the demo for a more real world use case.

// create instance
nsrdb = new NSR([
  0x3152534E, 1, // header
  0x0000FFFF, // root block
  0x80000078, 42, // "x" => 42
  0 // fin
// get `Result` via various methods
result ="x"); // search for string
result = nsrdb.find([120]); // array of code-points
result =; // the first valid leaf-node
result = // next leaf-node (undef here)

Storage format

Let's go into the details of how the storage format is designed. I thought about various ways to do it and my requirement certainly aided my decisions for this first implementation. First I thought about using a Uint16Array instead of a Uint32Array. This would allow for a more compact file format. It would also be the native format to store Unicode character. But 16 bits are only 65536 items. So I needed 32 bit addresses anyway. And there is also a need to store a few status bits here and there. Using 32 bits left me 16 bits free to use in the code-point storage. It also means we do not have to do too much bit shifting magic inside JavaScript. And finally it makes the whole thing a bit simpler.

Header frame

Each database file should start with the following header. This information is technically not needed, but acts as a safe guard and for possible future extensions (although this version will not handle any extensions gracefully).

Identifier Item Count Root block
31 52 53 4E xx xx xx xx 00 00 FF FF

Note: the root block is needed in order to to backtrack below the initial characters. It is in fact just an empty character table. Otherwise next would not be able to find its siblings.

Root Block

It plays an important part in the implementation. The root block always resides at logical address 0. While traversing the tree we hold a list of parent addresses in order to backtrack when needed. To backtrack from "a" to "b", they need to have a common parent reference. This was much easier to implement than to put if statements all over the place. The root block is a valid character table, without any jump address or value, which means it should simply be skipped. It does actually contain a code-point 0xFFFF that could be searched.

Character Tables

Next to the root block are all character table sequences. They are just sequences with all children letters. Basically a list of code frames with a null terminator. The order is in fact not relevant, as long as the pointers addresses are correct.

Flags Point Leaf Value Jump Address ... Terminator
x0 00 pp pp vv vv vv vv jj jj jj jj ... 00 00 00 00

Note that the jmp address and the leaf value are optional (see below)!

Code Frame Flags

There are two flags stored in the first byte x.

  • 1st bit (1000): do we have a leaf value?
  • 2nd bit (0100): do we have a jump address?

If a bit is set you must read the 32 bit value afterward. This means that the code frames use a variable byte encoding. Which is the reason why these tables cannot be used with binary search, as they are guaranteed to be sorted.

Jump Address and Leaf Value

Those are simply unsigned 32 bit values associated with the given letter. A jump address means that there is another character table we can scan. The leaf value can be either just a final leaf-node or on a branch node.


This initial implementation performs even better than I expected. We do leave 6 bits unused with every code frame, which sounds rather expensive. But it turns out that modern compressors can optimize files even at the bit level today. Some basic tests indicated that there is not much to gain in terms of size in comparison to simply using file compressions. A more dense data format certainly would mean less memory usage when loaded. But it would also complicate the code part by a lot. So my recommendation is to use a good compressor (I can highly recommend js-lzma) to optimize the transfer size. I wouldn't be too much concerned about in memory usage!


I'm not sure if this can be called a Binary Tree. I doubt it, since it does not allow binary searches in the character tables in the current form. There is a lot of room for more improvements in the file format, which I will point out in a separate paragraph. If you happen to know how such a data structure is called, feel free to give me a heads up!

API documentation

The complete library lives in the name-space NSR. You mostly just interact with the main class, which basically points to the root block. Various methods will return search result objects, which have similar methods. But they have some differences. Certain methods on Result objects can also only be called if the Result is of a certain type. You need to check the state yourself before calling such methods!

Note that most methods in the NSR class accept optional offset arguments. You don't want to use them your own. These are low-level access functions into the database. If you pass bad addresses anything can happen, the worst probably being stuck in an endless loop. But you need to use certain methods as entry points to get a Result object. We may add another wrapper at a future point to encapsulate what should really be available to the end-user.

new NSR(buffer, offset)

The main constructor for a new database. You can pass it pretty much anything as a buffer that is considered compatible. This includes regular JS arrays, Uint32Array, ArrayBuffer or the response property of a request object.

The offset argument is optional and defaults to 0. It can be used in case the database is not located at the beginning of the passed buffer. The offset is meant as a 32 bit offset (index offset for the Uint32Array).


Return Boolean if the code frame at ptr contains a jump address and a leaf value.


Return Boolean if the code frame at ptr contains a jump address.


Return Boolean if the code frame at ptr contains a leaf value.


Return numeric code point of code frame at ptr.


Return character of code frame at ptr.

codeAt(index, jmp)

Return numeric code at index in the character table at offset.

charAt(index, jmp)

Return character at index in the character table at offset.


Return an array with all numeric codes in the character table at offset.


Return an array with all characters in the character table at offset.


Return a string of all characters given by the ptrs array.

find(codes, ptr)

Return a Result object of the path in codes array via the code frame at ptr.

search(term, ptr)

Return a Result object of the path given by term via the code frame at ptr.


Return the next valid leaf Result. You may pass an array of existing ptrs so it can backtrack appropriately. Call it without any argument to get the first valid leaf. You then can call next on the result again to traverse the complete linked list of leaf objects.


You should never use this method! This implementation is very poor at fetching objects by index, as we need to traverse the tree every time. This is mostly for testing or if you really need it. But be aware of the performance implications. Basically calls next for every skip and returns the final Result object.

NSR.Result Class

You cannot instantiate Result objects yourself. You need to get one either via find, search, next or get. Every Result can act as it's own database root if needed. You can do additional sub-queries or get the next valid leaf-node. Certain feature like next need to be able to backtrack when needed. We make sure that the ptrs array is update as needed.


Return Boolean if this is a leaf-node (has value).


Return Boolean if this is a branch node (has jump to children).


Return numeric code.


Return character.


Return address to our code frame. This is taken from the last item in the ptrs array. Will throw when at the root node.


Return character. May throw on invalid node type.


Return jump address. May throw on invalid node type.


Return Result object of next valid leaf-node.


Return Result object found via search string term.


Return Result object found via numeric codes array codes.


Return an array with all characters found below.


Return a string with full path to our self.

Background Info

I needed this library for a Solar System 3D visualization I am creating. For this I want to include the astorb asteroid database. Loading the data via json was very easy. But the size of the json and the search experience was really not good. All this problems should be neatly solved by this library now.

Online Demonstration

It is often easier to understand something once you see it in action. For this I have created a small proof of concept implementation. There are no visual bell or whistles, but it should show the capabilities and the speed.

The demo is also included in this repositry. Although I only included 202190 object in the repo, while the online demo uses the full database with 723654 objects. The included database is under 1MB when compressed with lzma.

Generating Databases

I have included a Perl script in this repo to create such databases from json files. The json files needs to be exactly one object with a list of keys that store numbers: { "one": 1, "two": 2, "alias": 2, "three": 3 }.

You can find the script at ./script/ It takes one mandatory argument, the input file, and another optional output path. If the output path is omitted, one is derived from the input argument.

It's simple but gets the job done. Most Unix environments should have Perl preinstalled and on windows you can simply use Strawberry Perl.

perl ./scripts/ database.json [database.nsrdb]

Unit tests

There are a few QUnit tests in the test folder.

Further improvements

I am pretty happy with the results so far. There are a few areas that might be interesting to explore. One obvious improvement would be to use a binary search in the character tables. In order to do that the character tables would need to have a fixed offset access. Meaning that each code frame must store 3 x 32 bits. The case where a branch with children (and therefore a jump address) also is a valid term is normally quite uncommon, but certainly depends on the base data-set.

Final Words

You can see there are a lot of ways to implement this kind of data structure. Unfortunately JavaScript as a high level language only has limited capabilities in this regard. This implementation pushes on the limits of what Browsers can do today and we should be grateful of all the tools we've got in the recent years!


Name String Resolver for Offline Type Ahead







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