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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

This version includes the following structural changes in moderngl:

  • The typehints and inline documentation was moved to moderngl-stubs.
  • The Python layer was concatenated but moderngl itself stays a package.
  • Most of the protected class members were removed.
  • Most of the property aliases became ordinary class members.
  • Slots were removed.





  • Python 3.11 support
  • Added support for configurable garbage collection mode. Context.gc_mode controls this.
    • None: (default) No garbage collection is performed. Objects needs to to be manually released like in previous versions of moderngl.
    • "context_gc": Dead objects are collected in Context.objects. These can periodically be released using Context.gc().
    • "auto": Dead objects are destroyed automatically like we would expect in python.
  • Added support for glPolygonOffset. The factors and units can be set using Context.polygon_offset
  • Added support for normalized signed and unsigned integer textures. ni1, nu1, ni2 and nu2 are the new dtypes for these.
  • Added Context.external_texture for creating textures from existing OpenGL textures.
  • Added TextureCube.bind_to_image so we can easily access cube textures in compute shaders
  • Added Texture3D.bind_to_image so we can easily access 3D textures in compute shaders
  • Added TextureArray.bind_to_image so we can easily access texture arrays in compute shaders
  • Added support for specifying a custom internalformat for cube maps. This can be used for sRGB and texture compression formats.
  • Integer textures now use NEAREST interpolation by default. This was causing issues with some drivers.
  • Added support for writing to multiple buffers in transforms.
  • Context.program now accepts a dictionary for mapping sampler names to specific texture units.
  • Added Program.is_transform exposing if the program has a fragment shader or not
  • Added VertexArray.mode and a mode argument in Context.vertex_array. This is now the default rendering mode when no mode parameter is passed in render() or transform()
  • Added support for 1D sampler in Uniform
  • Added direct access to glEnable / glDisable in Context.enable_direct / Context.disable_direct. This can be used to enabled capabilities not supported by ModernGL.
  • now has a clamp (bool) parameter. If enabled, floating point data will clamp to [0.0, 1.0]. Clamping is disabled by default.
  • Fixed a bug causing copy_framebuffer to not work with multisampled framebuffers with multiple color attachments.
  • Fixed a bug in copy_framebuffer that caused the draw buffers to be permanently changed.
  • VertexArray: Removed "the first vertex attribute must not be a per instance attribute" limitation
  • Fixed a crash when reading ctx.provoking_vertex
  • Added workaround for MacOS requiring a framebuffer to be bound in headless mode even for transform shaders. We simply create and bind a framebuffer internally.
  • Docstring improvements
  • Documentation improvements
  • Transform feedback now supports all primitive modes both for vertex and geometry shaders
  • VertexArray.transform() now raises sane errors when using the wrong primitive mode with geometry shaders
  • VertexArray.transform() now automatically detects output primitive based on the input mode.
  • GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY enum incorrectly mapped (D0 instead of 0D)
  • Primitive modes are now accessible in the Context instance. For example: ctx.POINTS and ctx.TRIANGLES
  • Texture filers are now also available in the Context instance. For example: ctx.NEAREST and ctx.LINEAR
  • Docstring and documentation improvements
  • Added Context.extensions. This is a set containing the OpenGL extensions supported by the context.
  • Added support for overridable internal_format for Texture. This opens up for sRGB and compressed formats if needed.
  • Docstring and documentation improvements


  • TextureArray.build_mimpmaps() used the wrong target when building mipmaps. This caused the texture to corrupt with some drivers. Thanks to Nir Aides for discovering this bug.
  • Docstring improvements


  • Added Context.cull_face. (glCullFace). An alternative to Context.front_face (glFrontFace)
  • Added support for signed and unsigned integer sampler uniforms (isampler*, usampler*)
  • Added support for multisampled texture array samplers
  • Doc improvements


  • Transform feedback with geo shader should now property set the out primitive type. It incorrectly assumed POINTS in some cases causing a gl error.
  • Moderngl will now propagate the default error messages when objects cannot be read using the buffer protocol.

5.6.0 - 2020-02-01

From ModernGL 5.6 context creation is done by the glcontext package. This means we can keep improving context creation without releasing new moderngl versions. The bar for contributing to context creation is also lower. Backends can be written in C++ or by simply using ctypes.

This version also has a lot of improvements to docsstrings, api docs and documentation in general. Still we have a lot more work to do in this area.


  • Standalone Context can now be destroyed on all platforms
  • Compute shaders can now write to textures using Texture*.bind_to_image
  • VertexBuffer.transform now as a buffer_offset parameter for setting the start byte offset of the output buffer. This can be used in many creative ways in for example particle emitting.
  • Framebuffer supports having only depth buffer. This makes things like shadow mapping easier to work with.
  • Support for PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE context flag so point sizes can be set in the vertex shader
  • Scissor test support. Framebuffer.scissor and Context.scissor can now be used to set and enable scissor testing per framebuffer.
  • The Framebuffer.clear have an optional color parameter to replace the old red, green, blue, alpha parameters.
  • Samplers and Buffers have an assign method to simplify the scope creation.
  • Samplers have an optional texture parameter that will be used together with the sampler when given.
  • The Scope's enable_only keyword argument is deprecated in favor of the enable keyword argument.
  • Buffers have a bind method that replaces the tuples in the VertexArray creation.
  • VertexArrays have an optional scope property that will be used when rendering.
  • The VertexArray's vertices property is now writeable.
  • VertexArrays have an instances property to control the default number of instances when rendering.
  • The Context object contains the constants provided by the moderngl module. The constants are: (TRIANGLE, LINES, DEPTH_TEST, ...)


  • The framebuffer parameter is optional in Scopes.
  • The ctx.simple_vertex_array is deprecated in favor of using ctx.vertex_array with the same parameters.
  • The prog[uniform].value = value is deprecated in favor of using prog[uniform] = value.
  • The prog[uniform].write(bytes_value) is deprecated in favor of using the prog[uniform] = bytes_value.


  • Fixed an issue with attribute format detection causing integer and double types to fail
  • Several minor bug fixes

5.5.4 - 2019-11-10

This version was originally meant to only add python 3.8 support, but a few additions and fixes where cherry-picked from the 5.6 branch.

  • Python 3.8 support
  • Vertexarrays can now be crated without any content.
  • Context.blend_func now supports separate blend functions for rgb and alpha.
  • Added Context.blend_equation supporting separate blend equations for rgb and alpha.

5.5.3 - 2019-08-16


  • Scope object uniform buffer bindings.

5.5.2 - 2019-06-13


  • missing package in

5.5.1 - 2019-06-12


  • offset fix for vao render

5.5.0 - 2019-01-22


  • depth texture filter and compare func
  • scope restores old enable flags properly
  • clear gl errors as the final step of initialization
  • fix default framebuffer's number of attachments


  • documentation for extra properties
  • improved documentation
  • improved build on Mac

5.4.2 - 2018-08-01


  • included moderngl.program_members in the package list

5.4.1 - 2018-07-30


  • broken description on PyPI

5.4.0 - 2018-07-30


  • Sampler object support
  • Context.sampler method
  • Context.max_anisotropy property
  • Context.clear_samplers method
  • and Framebuffer.read_into now accepts attachment=-1 to read the depth attachment
  • Texture.compare_func property
  • Texture.anisotropy property
  • docs and tests


  • missing ComputeShader uniforms and uniform blocks
  • wrong DrawBuffer call when clearing the screen
  • reading depth values from textures
  • broken compare functions

5.3.0 - 2018-06-27


  • index_element_size parameter for Context.vertex_array and Context.simple_vertex_array


  • comapre fuctions

5.2.1 - 2018-05-10


  • markdown readme issues

5.2.0 - 2018-05-10


  • Context.core_profile_check method
  • GL_PATCHES constant for drawing patches
  • getter and setter for GL_PATCH_VERTICES
  • markdown readme


  • tesselation control and tesselation evaluation shader being swapped when creating a program

5.1.0 - 2018-04-28


  • offset and size parameter to Buffer.bind_to_uniform_block
  • offset and size parameter to Buffer.bind_to_storage_buffer

5.0.7 - 2018-04-08


  • minor bugs in Buffer Format

5.0.6 - 2018-03-22


5.0.5 - 2018-03-21


  • Standalone context on linux fails when the default display is nonzero.

5.0.4 - 2018-03-07


  • Standalone context on windows fails when old GPU driver is installed.

5.0.3 - 2018-02-28


  • TextureArray objects
  • Indirect drawing


  • Restored Error class from ModernGL4


  • Properly set subroutines in VertexArray render

5.0.2 - 2018-02-20


  • Wrong module name in some windows based wheel files

5.0.1 - 2018-02-19


  • Build errors and warnings for older python versions

5.0.0 - 2018-02-18

For more information please see: Differences between ModernGL5 and ModernGL4


  • Query objects
  • Scope objects
  • Conditional Rendering
  • New RASTERIZER_DISCARD enable flag
  • Context fbo attribute
  • Context depth_func and blend_func
  • Depth Texture compare_func


  • Most of the constants became integers
  • Renamed default_framebuffer to screen and always points to framebuffer 0
  • VertexArray's buffer formats
  • Program creation
  • Program members
  • Replace floats parameter with dtype


  • Classes and methods that are no longer needed

4.2.2 - 2018-01-06


  • Program.__getitem__ returns Uniforms, UniformBuffers, Attributes and Varyings

4.2.1 - 2017-11-25


  • UniformMap.get, AttributeMap.get, ... methods


  • Missing TextureCube class
  • Buffer.clear return type hint

4.2.0 - 2017-10-17


  • Default framebuffer bits attribute
  • Context.detect_framebuffer
  • Support reserving buffers with human readable sizes


  • Standalone context on linux requires 24 bits for the depth buffer at least
  • Bound framebuffer reference count

4.1.12 - 2017-08-22


  • TextureCube class and Context texture_cube method
  • Context enable_only method


  • Enable flags support bitwise __or__, __and__ and __inv__
  • Framebuffer does not create a Renderbuffer when the depth_attachment is None


  • ModernGL.MULTISAMPLE constant
  • Version class and Version constants


  • Texture3D created with wrong type

4.1.11 - 2017-07-02


  • Context front_face attribute


  • VertexArray program member type
  • Context viewport attribute missing tuple cast
  • Compile warnings (strict-prototypes)
  • Initial value of wireframe

4.1.10 - 2017-06-23


  • Documentation improvements
  • Context max_samples attribute


  • Validate the number of samples using wrong values

4.1.9 - 2017-06-23


  • Context info attribute
  • Support Textures in copy_framebuffer
  • Texture floats attribute


  • 3D texture depth attribute type

4.1.8 - 2017-06-19


  • 3D texture support (Texture3D class and Context texture3d method)
  • Context max_integer_samples attribute
  • Fallback display for linux


  • Unused texture's read method's viewport parameter


  • Broken framebuffer color_attachments attribute
  • Segmentation fault when creating a texture using string data by mistake
  • Validate Renderbuffer and Texture samples

4.1.7 - 2017-06-13


  • Uniform read and write methods
  • write_offset parameter for the read_into methods
  • Read framebuffer's pixels to a buffer
  • Read texture's pixels to a buffer
  • Write texture's from a buffer
  • Pixel Buffer Object


  • Default framebuffer wrong drawbuffers
  • Framebuffer non zero viewport settings
  • Uniform setter error messages

4.1.6 - 2017-06-12


  • Broken uniform setter in 4.1.5

4.1.5 - 2017-06-09


  • Modifying framebuffer properties has no effect unless the framebuffer is explicitly bound

4.1.4 - 2017-06-07


  • Framebuffer color_mask attribute
  • Framebuffer depth_mask attribute
  • Framebuffer viewport attribute


  • copy_framebuffer using default_framebuffer
  • Failing __repr__ in VertexArrays


  • Framebuffer methods do not affect the bound framebuffer


  • Invalid texture sampling parameters for multisample textures
  • Invalid texture sampling parameters for depth textures

4.1.3 - 2017-06-04


  • TextureFilter and TextureWrap classes and constants
  • Texture build_mipmaps method
  • Texture repeat_x, repeat_y and filter attributes
  • Texture swizzle getter

4.1.2 - 2017-05-31


  • Read any color attachments of the Framebuffer
  • Framebuffer, Buffer, BufferAccess and Texture read_into method
  • __slots__ for ModernGL classes
  • Framebuffer read different color attachments
  • Tkinter connector for windows using ctypes


  • Multiple render targets
  • Non-float renderbuffers are not readable
  • Buffer read keyword only offset argument


  • Context.renderbuffer will use floats=False by default
  • bind_to_uniform_block location parameter was renamed to binding
  • bind_to_storage_buffer location parameter was renamed to binding

4.1.1 - 2017-05-27


  • UniformBlock binding and size attribute
  • Framebuffer width, height and samples attribute
  • Texture swizzle attribute
  • Context error attribute
  • OpenGL objects as glo attributes
  • Buffer clear() method
  • Missing release() methods
  • Iterable program member maps
  • Human readable program members
  • Pixel pack and unpack alignments
  • Subroutines


  • UniformBlock array_size and location attribute
  • VertexArrayAttribute default attribute


  • BufferAccess unused offset parameter
  • Binding buffer to a UniformBlock
  • Broken RTD docs

4.1.0 - 2017-05-24


  • Exception handling when importing the implementation
  • Standalone context on linux and mac with fallback mechanism
  • Require version at context creation
  • Context version_code property
  • Framebuffer clear() method


  • Context clear() method accepts floats


  • Required -std=c++11 for linux and mac
  • ModernGL VERSION constant


  • Framebuffer and Texture can have uninitialized x, y values
  • Uniform setters

4.0.0 - 2017-05-20


  • Full linting support
  • Restructure docs
  • Examples in docs
  • pep8 style
  • VSCode snippets
  • Changelog


  • Wrap the C/C++ module with a pure python module
  • Rename internal module to avoid ambiguosity
  • Rename class like members from the Context class

3.1.5 - 2017-05-07


  • Standalone ModernGL context
  • Sphinx generated docs
  • Linting with pylint mock file
  • Mac OSX support

3.1.0 - 2017-03-01


  • Wrapping OpenGL objects with python types


  • Improved Linux support


  • Direct access to OpenGL objects

2.4.1 - 2016-08-30


  • and PyPI compatible packaging
  • Direct access to OpenGL objects
  • Linux support

1.0.0 - 2016-03-03

  • It was a tool for me to develop games in python