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Skidam edited this page Aug 26, 2024 · 19 revisions

Server Config File


Name Default Value Description
DO_NOT_CHANGE_IT <file version> File version number used for auto conversion old config versions to new ones with automodpack update.
modpackName The name of the server modpack, shows while downloading modpack, more in the near future!
modpackHost true Starts HTTP server.
generateModpackOnStart true Automatically generate modpack when the server starts.
syncedFiles "/mods/*.jar", "!/mods/iDontWantThisModInModpack.jar", "!/config/andThisConfigToo.json", "!/mods/andAllTheseMods-*.jar", "!/mods/server-*.jar" A list of relative paths (to the root folder of minecraft server) that will be synced to the modpack. For folders use * as in example. Use ! before any path to exclude that path from sync. It does not copy the files. These paths translates to relative path of ~/.minecraft/ on client.
allowEditsInFiles "/options.txt", "/config/*", "!/config/excludeThisFile" A list of files that clients are allowed to edit. In other words, just a files that are downloaded one time and then ignored from updating. Configuration works exactly the same way syncedFiles does.
autoExcludeUnnecessaryFiles true Auto skip files which are: empty, hidden, temporary, disabled or backup.
requireAutoModpackOnClient true Whether or not this mod is optional for clients to join server.
nagUnModdedClients true If true clients without AutoModpack will be nagged with a chat message on join. To work requires requireAutoModpackOnClient to be false.
nagMessage "This server provides dedicated modpack through AutoModpack!" The message that will be displayed to clients without AutoModpack. To work requires nagUnModdedClients to be true.
nagClickableMessage "Click here to get the AutoModpack!" The clickable part of the message that will be displayed to clients without AutoModpack. To work requires nagUnModdedClients to be true.
nagClickableLink "" The link that will be opened when the message is clicked. To work requires nagUnModdedClients to be true.
autoExcludeServerSideMods true Automatically excludes server-side mods from the modpack. (Works only for fabric mods and only if mod developer specified environment type in mod metadata)
hostModpackOnMinecraftPort true Injects into minecraft network IO thanks to which modpack hosting doesn't require any additional port.
hostIp The IP address on which the HTTP server binds.
hostLocalIp The local IP address on which the HTTP server binds.
updateIpsOnEveryStart false Updates hostIp and hostLocalIp on every server start. Might be useful if you have dynamic IP address and you know that automodpack gets you ip correctly (try and see :) ).
hostPort -1 The port number on which the HTTP server listens.
reverseProxy false If true AutoModpack won't be adding configurable port from hostPort to the end of hostIp, localHostIp and externalModpackHostLink.
selfUpdater false Turn on/off all automodpack updates. This does not affect the mod's activity in installing modpacks.
acceptedLoaders "<mod loader used by server>" Allows players from different modloaders to connect to your server (as long, automodpack support that loader and other mods on your server aren't incompatible with each other) with the same modpack. (use with caution, some mods may not work on both loaders)

Client Config File


Name Default Value Description
DO_NOT_CHANGE_IT <file version> File version number used for auto conversion old config versions to new ones with automodpack update.
selectedModpack The main folder of the modpack that you want to play. Typing the name of the modpack here will cause it to be loaded.
installedModpacks A list of modpacks that are installed on the client.
selfUpdater false Turn on/off all automodpack updates. This does not affect the mod's activity in installing modpacks.

Troubleshooting Config Issues

When finished editing configuration files, make sure to reload them by executing command automodpack config reload or restart the server/game.

If you can't find the config files, make sure the client/server was started at least once, so that the files are generated.

If values get restored to default it might mean that your config file is malformed make sure to use editor with JSON parser build-in. Or check in some online one e.g.

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