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1620 lines (1100 loc) · 66.3 KB

File metadata and controls

1620 lines (1100 loc) · 66.3 KB



  • perf: faster auto-import completion (#808)


  • feat: trigger event auto-complete when input @ (#949)
  • feat: add v-bind:*, v-on:* to auto-complete (#949)
  • feat: avoid auto import added in script block first line (#916)
  • fix: language features not working in symbolic link project (#914)
  • fix: language server throw in process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' env (#915)
  • fix: component type broken by union event key type (#926)
  • fix: document symbol not working for <script setup> (#938)


  • feat: improve scoped css class name references codeLens, auto-complete (#907)


  • fix: support type export statements on the top in <script setup> (#886)


  • feat: support generic emits (#877)
  • feat: support top level await in <script setup> without extra tsconfig setting (#538)
  • feat: fully support formatting for v-for expression
  • fix: can't ignore variable unused report by _ prefixes in v-for (#878)
  • fix: no error when definitions from <script setup> used in <script> (#766)


  • fix: re-support withDefaults for props type in template (#868)
  • fix: tsconfig report schemas/tsconfig.schema.json missing (#869)
  • fix: enabled editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled by default to avoid component tag show invalid color when installed some themes
  • fix: export default expression semicolon breaks component type in script setup (#874)
  • fix: don't wrap options with defineComponent when convert to setup sugar

Breaking changes

  • When use <script setup>, ignore extra component options wrapper function (defineComponent / Vue.extends ...)


  • fix: vueCompilerOptions intellisense not working on jsconfig
  • fix: vue-tsc broken on windows in 0.30.3


  • fix: component tag semantic highlisht token incorrect with folding (#801)
  • fix: component type broken by withDefaults in 0.30.3

Breaking changes

  • Unsupported withDefaults for component props type


  • feat: auto wrap () to as expression (v-bind="foo as string" -> v-bind="(foo as string)" (#859)
  • feat: support tsconfig properties intellisense on take over mode (#833)
  • feat: support vueCompilerOptions intellisense in tsconfig (#833)
  • fix: vue-tsc and typescript could't guaranteed found each other (#851)
  • fix: avoid vue-tsc stripped props jsdoc comments for script setup components (#799)
  • fix: string source type incorrect in v-for (#839)

Known regressions

  • component type broken by withDefaults
  • vue-tsc broken on windows


  • feat: jsdoc comment suggestion (#827)
  • feat: TS directive comment suggestion
  • feat: auto insert attribute quotes
  • fix: css error range not reliable (#826)
  • fix: html, css completion trigger characters
  • fix: allow loose vue language id for markdown (#831)
  • fix: avoid auto close tag with undo (#837)


  • feat: support vue 2 component slots type (#819)
  • feat: expose component public instance type by defineExpose
  • feat: support scoped class name auto-complete (#752)
  • feat: alway show commands after extension activated (#795)

Breaking changes

  • Unsupported vueCompilerOptions.experimentalExposeScriptSetupContext option


  • feat: support components type-check by static components for class-base component (#753)
  • feat: support vueCompilerOptions.experimentalExposeScriptSetupContext option for jest (#805)
  • feat: support typescript.suggest.autoImports setting (#746)
  • fix: @vue/composition-api defineComponent types incorrect in template (#780)
  • fix: directives syntax highlight incorrect in svg tag (#776)
  • fix: project references ignored jsconfig (#756)
  • fix: html semantic tokens range incorrect in long template code (#801)
  • fix: typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier setting not working for component auto import (#793)
  • fix: Organize Imports commmand not always working (#798)
  • fix: css variable injection virtual code cannot update (#777)
  • fix: should not initializes new language service when create a new file (#802)
  • fix: new file first diagnostics incorrect

Breaking changes

  • Do not support component context types in template for export default { ... } without Vue.extend or defineComponent (#750)


  • perf: cache URI.file, URI.parse results
  • fix: pug template type-check broken with omit tag name
  • fix: language server broken with tsconfig extends a non-relative path (#747) (#749)


  • feat: support html, css custom data (#707)
  • feat: support extends tsconfig vueCompilerOptions (#731)
  • fix: cannot config project reference by directory path (#712)
  • fix: pug attrs type-check borken by nested tags (#721)
  • fix: import path rename result incorrect (#723)
  • fix: editor.codeActionsOnSave: ["source.organizeImports"] not working (#726)
  • fix: goto definition not working with some component import statement (#728)
  • fix: don't show volar commands in non-vue document (#733)
  • fix: vue-tsc not working with symlink (#738)


  • fix: attrs show unexpected "not exist" error (#710)
  • fix: verify all scripts not working if no jsconfig / tsconfig
  • fix: organize import edit text range incorrect (#714)
  • fix: class component props type-check not working with multiple props (#705)
  • fix: emmet should not active in template interpolations
  • fix: TS semantic highlight not working


  • feat: open tsconfig when click in status bar
  • feat: add experimentalTemplateCompilerOptionsRequirePath option to allow import compiler options from js file (#698)
  • fix: pug folding ranges break by empty line (#688)
  • fix: reduce the intrusiveness of template type-check hacks (#689)
  • fix: @volar/server entry files missing in npm publish (#695)
  • fix: language server immediately crashes when trigger request at incomplete TS code (#699)
  • fix: html / css path resolve incorrect on windows edge cases (#694)
  • doc: fix incorrect experimentalTemplateCompilerOptions example: "compatConfig": { "Mode": 2 } -> "compatConfig": { "MODE": 2 }


  • feat: syntax highlight support for Web IDE (#612)
  • fix: semantic highlight can't update if project have no tsconfig or jsconfig (#685)


  • feat: support syntax highlighting for lang="toml" (#684)
  • fix: subfolder path resolve logic cause to TS crash edge case (#679)


  • fix: document server created multi time
  • fix: html hover not working in some non-VSCode clients (#678)


  • fix: template AST broken by empty line in pug (#676)
  • fix: intellisense not working if project have no jsconfig / tsconfig (#680) (#681)


  • feat: support namespaced component (#372)
  • feat: more strict .value auto-complete condition
  • feat: show current tsconfig on status bar
  • feat: provide public api to generate script setup type-check code (#650)
  • feat: add sass formatter
  • fix: can't exit split editors by click icon edge cases
  • fix: semantic tokens not working in pug template
  • fix: script setup component name not recognized edge cases
  • fix: ignore template language support if not html or pug (#659)
  • fix: tsconfig types paths resolve incorrect in monorepo (#661)
  • fix: can't update diagnostics on windows + atom
  • fix: project finding logic incorrect with tsconfig referencecs option (#649)
  • fix: {{ }} colorized bracket pairs not working
  • fix: documentSymbol, foldingRanges not working to some *.ts files on take over mode

Breaking changes

  • experimentalCompatMode behavior changed (#576)
    do not force config compatConfig: { Mode: 2 } to template compiler with "experimentalCompatMode": 2


  • feat: improve pug folding range (#636)
  • feat: improve pug tag, attr auto-complete (#638)
  • fix: if trigger component auto-import multiple times, import edit text accumulate (#639)
  • fix: filter current component from component auto-import list
  • fix: normalize request uri for Sublime / Atom (#637)

Known regressions

  • semantic tokens not working in pug template


  • feat: use VSCode 1.61 Split Editor In Group instead of create new editor (#608)
  • feat: split editors layout change from script | template | style to script + style | template
  • feat: tag name conversion work done progress
  • fix: language server broken by circular tsconfig project references (#525) (#631) (#632)
  • fix: vue-tsc can't show "incremental mode / watch mode not support" error message (#630)
  • fix: tag name kebab case -> pascal case conversion not working
  • fix: LSP workspace configuration option not supported (#626)
  • fix: no edit to components option when component auto-import (#634)


  • feat: support html hover settings (#627) (#615)
  • fix: withDefaults can't narrowing props undefined (#611) (#614)
  • fix: vueCompilerOptions not working with vue-tsc --project flag (#613) (#615)
  • fix: tsconfig project references are not respected (#525)


  • fix: can't access $slots, $props... in template if no script block (#601)
  • fix: defineEmit not working with type alias (#607)
  • fix: GlobalComponents working for vue2 (#609)



  • feat: support search workspace symbols (command / ctrl + T) (#549)
  • fix: alias path completion not working in root segment (#589)
  • fix: can't convert invalid component type to any (#594)
  • fix: <script> document symbols result inconsistent to TS


  • feat: support for open *.ts to enable take over mode
  • fix: any type component should not show red color
  • fix: auto-import should not from virtual file __VLS_vue (#584)
  • fix: path auto-complete not working in template (#589)


  • feat: add option to disable component auto import (#440)
  • feat: add volar.takeOverMode.enabled setting to allow enable take over mode even TS extension active
  • fix: only the last typed event of defineEmits gets recognized (#578)
  • fix: syntax highlight incorrect if event name has number
  • fix: dynamic slot syntax highlight incorrect
  • fix: interpolations syntax highlight should not active in html comment block
  • fix: multi-line event expression formatting indent incorrect (#579)


  • fix: args-less events type incorrect (#575)
  • fix: @vue/composition-api events type incorrect (#576)


  • fix: don't report error Its return type 'xxx' is not a valid JSX element. to invalid functional component type (#574)
  • fix: improve $emit types extract for events type-checking (#567)
  • fix: css class references not working for pug (#569)
  • fix: completion broken in Sublime (#573)


  • feat: make vue-tsc version consistency to volar (vue-tsc#72)
  • feat: remove tsPlugin prompt
  • feat: remove vue-tsc version checking
  • fix: avoid noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature effect to slots (#561)
  • fix: interpolations syntax highlight not working in html (#562)
  • fix: style attr can't end with ' (#563)
  • refactor: rewrite vue-tsc by TS


  • feat: support syntax highlight for vue blocks in markdown
  • feat: support vue directives, interpolations syntax highlight for html / pug code outside vue script
  • fix: template type-checking incorrectly reports error when using pnpm
  • fix: template slots type-check broken
  • fix: allow component type that missing $props property
  • fix: slots type broken by expression-less attributes


  • fix: don't pass unsupport component type to JSX (#553)
  • fix: dynamic props borken (#555)
  • fix: don't show virtual files in find references result
  • fix: directives type-check broken

Breaking changes since 0.27.27

  • If your project includes Storybook or @types/react, you need to config tsconfig types option to avoid @types/react affect to template type-checking. See #552.


  • feat: support generic $slots types
  • feat: improve v-for typing (#546)
  • feat: support vue project isn't root folder (#541)
  • fix: slots type of any type component incorrect (#547)
  • fix: optional $slots type incorrect
  • fix: ignore union type component to avoid error in template (vue-tsc#80)


  • feat: support slots type-checking by $slots property (#539)
  • fix: generic props type-check not working
  • fix: Map index type incorrect in v-for (#544)


  • fix: variables unused report can't update in *.ts in take over mode
  • fix: when save file, next document changes diagnostics, semantic tokens incorrect


  • feat: add open VSCode settings json button in takeover mode prompt
  • feat: disable code convert codeLens by default
  • perf: use VSCode's file watcher instead of TS file watcher to reduce cpu usage (#523)
  • perf: remove redundant fileExists logic
  • fix: fixed zero length TS diagnostics missing (#527)
  • fix: import statements auto-complete not working in latest VSCode


  • feat: support TS annotation on v-model (#518)
  • fix: events type-check don't report errors (#516) (#517)
  • fix: hyphen events types incorrect (#515)
  • fix: find references, renaming not working to template in takeover mode (#519)
  • fix: exclude files should fallback to inferred project (#511) (#445)


  • feat: support <script setup> types in template expressions
  • feat: support TS syntax highlighting in template expressions
  • perf: cpu keep high usages if node_modules contains lot of d.ts files (#507)
  • perf: lazy calculation TS plugin proxy, TS program proxy to reduce initialization time (#507)
  • fix: SFC validation broken with lang="postcss" (#508)


  • feat: remove TS plugin to single extension (#501)
  • fix: v-for item type report circular reference edge case
  • fix: external file snapshot cannot update in TS plugin (#506)
  • fix: cannot extract superset DefineComponent emit option type (#495)
  • fix: sometime component props auto-complete not working in template
  • fix: should not ignore .vitepress folder (#506)
  • fix: fixed a few drive file update event logic


  • feat: support css settings (#492)
  • perf: cache vscode configuration
  • fix: props auto-complete not working for hyphenate components (#487)
  • fix: inline style with line break is broken (#489)
  • fix: cannot find module 'upath' in vscode-pug-languageservice (#493)


  • perf: improve template type-checking performance
  • fix: template component tags coloring range incorrect
  • fix: improve vue-tsc version checking accuracy
  • fix: language server broken when typed \ (#468)
  • fix: remove old status bar items when restart servers (#486)
  • fix: fixed emits type extract failed edge cases


  • feat: support dynamic prop
  • perf: much faster template type-checking for vue-tsc


  • feat: support renaming for ref="xxx" (#472)
  • feat: support bracket pair colorization
  • fix: request failed when typing import | if TS version < 4.3 (#468)
  • fix: ref attribute type incorrect (#473)
  • fix: v-bind + single quote parse failed (#474)
  • fix: tag name conversion not working (#475)
  • fix: auto import path preview not working


  • 🎉 feat: take over mode (#471)
  • feat: ts plugin status bar default hide
  • feat: improve accurate style variables support (#463)
  • fix: javascript format settings not working (#466)
  • fix: semantics token not working in *.ts (#469)
  • fix: fixed formatting result broken extreme case (#470)


  • feat: reuse volar.tsPlugin
  • fix: can't override events type by props
  • fix: don't report error on unknown events
  • fix: any type comoponent should not show red (#461)
  • fix: html element attrs type-check broken


  • fix: template slot type-checking broken (vue-tsc#70)
  • fix: more accurate component props extract (#459)


  • feat: expose @volar/server/out/index.js to volar-server command (#458)
  • fix: component type incorrect if duplicate name in props (#453)
  • fix: fixed typescript.serverPath relative path finding


  • feat: support TS 4.4 (#428)


  • feat: support vue2 nameless event (vue-tsc#67)
  • feat: support lsp client which unsupported workspaceFolders
  • fix: /** */ auto close not working (#446)


  • feat: unused dynamic registration to adapt nvim LSP #441#issuecomment-895019036
  • fix: can't not find template context properties if <script> block missing (#437)
  • fix: import completion incorrectly append $1 (#371)
  • fix: completion should retrigger by space
  • fix: json types cannot update in *.vue on editing


  • fix: <script src> unprocessed since v0.27.8 (vue-tsc#65)
  • fix: TS plugin not working since v0.27.8 (#435)
  • fix: de-ref-sugar conversion can't add missing imports
  • fix: more acurrate code action result


  • feat: low power mode (#390)
  • feat: improve setup sugar conversion
  • fix: setup sugar convert failed since v0.27.8
  • fix: incorrect indentation after generic argument (#429)


  • feat: consistent folding range with typescript-language-features (#414)
  • feat: support custom directives type-checking with <script setup> (#422)
  • feat: check directives used for <script setup> (#327)
  • feat: improve SFC parser (#420)
  • feat: .vscodeignore whitelist (#423)
  • feat: more loose template type-check with <script lang="js">
  • fix: specific language syntax highlighting not working with single quotes (#409)
  • fix: component should be any is no script block (#412)
  • fix: add @volar/server missing deps (LSP-volar#9)
  • fix: add @volar/transforms missing deps (#430)
  • fix: jsx / tsx syntax highlighting broken by html syntax injection (#426)
  • perf: fixed high CPU usage after switched branch (#432)

Breaking changes

  • remove tsPlugin required / unrequired prompt and volar.tsPlugin setting


  • feat: check vue-tsc version on start extension (#381)
  • feat: support for non-tsconfig project (#349)
  • fix: tsconfig priority should be higher than jsconfig (#400)
  • fix: fixed hover info broken in *.ts when TS plugin enabled


  • feat: support multiple v-bind(...) in single css expression
  • feat: support v-bind(...) expression syntax with quotes
  • fix: unhandled language client option: showReferencesNotification
  • fix: codeLens resolve request broken in template


  • fix: language server borken when execute sugar convert commands (#397)


  • feat: support css variable injection (#335)
  • feat: make <script setup> below <script> when convert to setup sugar (#378)
  • feat: support sfc named css modules (#379)
  • fix: export default { ... } syntax broken with setup sugar (#383)
  • fix: attr name case option "pascalCase" -> "camelCase" (#384)
  • fix: html completion edit range incorrect if typing before old completion request finish (#385)
  • perf: faster intellisense and diagnostic in <template>


  • fix: go to component props definition broken in template
  • perf: reduce virtual files for TS project (against 0.27.2)


  • feat: support template type-checking with jsdoc in <script lang="js">
  • fix: setup() return properties unused check not working for component
  • fix: radio v-model should not bind to checked
  • fix: clear registered commands when restart servers (#374)


  • fix: remove vscode-emmet-helper rename warning for vue-tsc
  • fix: components option should be remove when convert to setup sugar
  • fix: fixed sometime throw error when convert setup sugar
  • fix: prevent top level await error in <script> block


  • feat: support ref sugar (take 2) convert codeLens
  • feat: support setup sugar convert codeLens
  • feat: support more TS refactor code actions
  • perf: faster code action and validation
  • fix: setup returns unused check not working

Breaking changes

  • unsupported ref sugar (take 1) syntax and convert codeLens


  • feat: improve pug conversion result (#363)
  • feat: improve DocumentSymbolRequest support
  • feat: support SelectionRangeRequest
  • fix: diagnostics do not report with open second vue document
  • fix: add missing vscode-uri dep (#365)
  • fix: "Delete all unused imports" code action not working
  • perf: faster split editors
  • perf: faster document update for html server
  • perf: move codeAction to api server to prevent codeAction request blocking by diagnostics when save + auto-formatting

@volar/server Breaking changes

  • ServerInitializationOptions: features -> languageFeatures
  • ServerInitializationOptions: htmlFeatures -> documentFeatures
  • ServerInitializationOptions: move selectionRange, documentSymbol, documentColor to documentFeatures
  • remove RestartServerNotification (restart by client now)


  • feat: support GraphQL custom block
  • feat: support inline GraphQL syntax highlighting (#358)
  • fix: checkbox, radio input tag v-model prop name should be "checked" (#356) (vue-tsc#55)
  • fix: ignore "checkJs": true for template interpolations (#353)
  • perf: reuse ts.createSourceFile result to reduce script contents update cost


  • fix: prevent vue-tsc --noEmit warnings with "experimentalCompatMode": 2 #351#issuecomment-895019036
  • fix: vue-tsc build failed with <xxx v-for v-slot> due to code gen side effects (vue-tsc#53)


  • fix: republish to replace incorrect script name: vue2templateCompiler.js -> vue2TemplateCompiler.js (#352)


  • 🎉 feat: support for vue 2 template (#351)
  • fix: support for "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true (#350)
  • fix: .value should not append in function parameter name
  • fix: .value should not append in object property assignment name
  • perf: reuse template compile result


  • feat: support for workspace trust
  • feat: support config for HTML formatting print width by volar.formatting.printWidth option (#321)
  • feat: support for typescript updateImportsOnFileMove setting to disable prompt (#332)
  • feat: add "Show in Browser" button to component preview
  • fix: <input>, <textarea>, <select> v-model prop name shoud be value
  • fix: component preview not working on windows
  • fix: delete file can't trigger related scripts diagnostics update
  • fix: disable component tag type-checking to avoid some unable fix edge cases (#333)


  • chore: refactor @volar/server API and released @volar/server
  • perf: remove vscode.css-language-features and vscode.html-language-features rely (vscode#98621)
  • fix: .value should not append in function declaration name and literal type
  • fix: update extra virtual files before check virtual file exist (#326)
  • fix: convert tag name case command not working


  • feat: improve for slot name type-check
  • feat: experimental component preview
  • feat: improve template code finder (#208)
  • feat: add refresh webview button
  • fix: hover request failed with jsdoc @link
  • fix: prevent null emmet configs (#247)


  • feat: remove import type checking for <script setup> (#325)
  • feat: add ref sugar deprecated message
  • fix: goto definition not working for lang="js" target without allowJs


  • feat: support formatting in v-for expressions
  • feat: change interpolation braces syntax token
  • fix: fixed a few problems when goto definition to import file path
  • fix: <script lang="x"> change should update template verification
  • perf: faster diagnostics


  • feat: support component auto-import with empty script block (#232)
  • feat: disable template type-checking with <script lang="js"> (#46)
  • fix: remove missing deps (vue-tsc#45#issuecomment-882319471)
  • fix: change TS library file rely from tsserver.js to tsserverlibrary.js
  • fix: css references codeLens broken
  • fix: TS completion resolve failed with jsdoc link
  • fix: convert tag name case failed edge case


  • feat: add remove all ref sugar command
  • feat: improve ref sugar remove tool
  • fix: fixed find references never finish edge cases
  • fix: template type-checking not working with <script lang="js"> (#319)
  • fix: definition selection range incorrect
  • fix: fixed monorepo project alway pop warning
  • fix: preset empty object if can't get TS settings (#316)


  • feat: update supports for vscode 1.58
  • refactor: remove formatters deps for vue-tsc
  • fix: script block virtual script language incorrect (should not force to ts)
  • fix: goto definition broken with ref sugar


  • feat: support FunctionalComponent events type-check
  • feat: support for TS setttings (for TS preferences, formatOptions)
  • fix: withDefaults props type incorrect in template
  • fix: downgrade @vue/compiler-sfc to fix template range for formatting, codeLens
  • fix: handle SFC parse failed for component auto-import
  • fix: semanticTokens search range incorrect


  • fix: fixed a few TS semanticTokens problems
  • fix: namespace imports should expose to template (#311)
  • fix: events auto-complete names incorrect with attr: pascalCase config (#312)
  • fix: validation for "virtual script exist" not working
  • fix: TS completion documentation incomplete
  • perf: fix can't reuse old TS program if <script lang="js"> exist since 0.26.0


  • fix: fixed a few TS renaming, find referenecs problems
  • fix: first time *.vue file change can't effect *.ts diagnostics


  • feat: split TS language service to script TS language service and template TS language service (#94) (#253)
  • fix: optional props type incorrect in <script setup> (#302)
  • fix: formatting make double spacing in empty pug template block (#304)
  • fix: fixed callHierarchy request failed if skip prepare request


  • feat: improve volar.autoCompleteRefs and make it out of experimental (#201)
  • fix: ref sugar not working with nullish coalescing operator (#291)


  • fix: hover broken with jsdoc @link tag (#289)
  • fix: prop type incorrect in template with withDefaults() (#290)


  • feat: support withDefaults() in <script setup>
  • feat: expose <script> variables to template in <script setup>
  • feat: change defineEmit to defineEmits in <script setup> (defineEmit still support a period of time)
  • fix: improve event type infer (#286) (#287)
  • fix: improve empty attribute type infer (#288)


  • fix: can't assign expression to no args event (#270)
  • fix: empty attr type incorrect (#261)
  • fix: completion resolve broken in TS 3.4


  • fix: prevent throw error with unknown tag's properties (#284)
  • fix: add patch for <script src> TS file path (vue-tsc#30)


  • feat: expose ClassDeclaration, EnumDeclaration from <script setup> (#274)
  • fix: template context broken with <script lang="tsx"> (#275)
  • fix: don't convert source code to unicode with component auto-import (#272)
  • fix: don't infer update:xxx event type by props (#266)
  • fix: functional component type-check behavior inconsistent with JSX (#268)


  • feat: improve TS diagnostic message (#259)
  • fix: incorrect unescaping of literal strings (#262)
  • fix: dynamic slot name do not consume variable (#263)
  • fix: temporary html completion info leak to hover info
  • fix: TS definition result duplicate


  • feat: support for typescript pnp (#248)
  • feat: improve component auto-import path calculate
  • fix: Write Virtual Files command not working


  • fix: remove fs-extra to fix at-least-node module missing


  • feat: support json schema request service (#243)
  • feat: support shortest component auto-import path (#233)
  • fix: component auto-import not working with dash (#249)
  • fix: fix some Cannot read property ... errors (#247) (#251)
  • fix: syntax highlighting not working for lang="jsx"
  • fix: folding not working for jsx (#234)


  • fix: fix vue-tsc build failed


  • feat: support for change TS version by typescript.tsdk option (#224)
  • feat: support for TS 4.3
  • fix: auto import component should prior choice <script setup>
  • fix: disable component auto import if no any <script> block


  • fix: language server broken with incorrect module importing


  • feat: auto import component in template (#194)
  • feat: filter duplicate event modifiers completion
  • fix: path completion not working for <script src> without lang="ts" (#223)


  • feat: add option to hide the split icon at the top right corner (#195)
  • feat: add ts plugin description link in ts plugin menu
  • fix: file icons are emptied when importing (#198)
  • fix: css prepareRename range incorrect if no <template> (#212)
  • fix: don't report lang="ts" missing if script content is empty (#215)
  • fix: ts plugin features broken with json script kind 0386094
  • fix: component rename breaks the component source file (#206)
  • fix: emmet should not working in template expression interpolations



  • feat: support props type override (#202)
  • fix: support <component :is> type-checking with VNode (vue-tsc#34)
  • fix: cannot find module 'upath' with pnpm (#204)


  • feat: support find definition in *.ts even ts plugin disabled
  • feat: new experimental preview feature
  • fix: <script setup> component name incorrect
  • fix: inline style breaks SFC syntax highlighting (#199)


  • fix: <template> tag child nodes syntax highlighting broken


  • feat: support recursive components for <script setup>
  • fix: improve type-checking for <component :is> (#196)
  • fix: fix <template> block syntax highlighting broken edge cases (#192)


  • feat: support for <component :is> type-checking


  • 🎉 feat: support for named recursive components (#190)


  • fix: custom events type-checking broken
  • perf: optimize get script version (#186)


  • feat: improve UX for TS plugin status bar
  • feat: support syntax highlighting for lang="json", lang="jsonc", lang="yaml", lang="md" (#127)
  • feat: support validation for lang="json", lang="jsonc"
  • feat: support emmet for JSX, TSX (#184)
  • fix: fix template syntax highlighting broken edge cases
  • fix: fix auto-import not working edge cases
  • fix: should not have auto-import from virtual files
  • fix: native events types incorrect if component do not have emits option (#180)


  • feat: improve embedded languages syntax highlight
  • feat: support html snippets in template
  • feat: add create workspace snippets command
  • fix: pug autocomplete broken with class attribute (#177)


  • perf: fix pug semantic tokens performance loophole (#162)
  • feat: released typescript-vue-plugin (#169)
  • fix: split editors icon size incorrect (#170)


  • feat: improve component tag hover info
  • feat: improve component types for export default { ... }
  • feat: support for generic functional component


  • feat: move "Start Split Editing Mode" to command
  • fix: props auto-complete not working
  • fix: fix released npm package size


  • feat: split status bar item <TagName attr-name> to Tag: xxx, Attr: xxx
  • fix: tag name case status bar item not working on start
  • fix: <style module> class name renaming result incorrect
  • fix: hyphenat component renaming not working
  • fix: ref sugar renaming result incorrect with destructure
  • fix: ref sugar renaming not working on right expression


  • 🎉 feat: support find references in *.ts even ts plugin disabled
  • fix: Set<any> item type incorrect in v-for
  • fix: server initializing progress not working
  • fix: add patching for @vue/composition-api event types for now


  • fix: css hover quick info not working
  • perf: don't send source map to lsp protocol to avoid json parse


  • feat: support path completion for template languages (html, pug)
  • feat: support path completion for style languages (css, less, scss, postcss)
  • feat: support css code action
  • feat: dynamic resolve url links in css
  • fix: filter invalid component names #159
  • fix: css completion broken
  • fix: don't increase indent on <script>, <style>


  • feat: new IDE option volar.preferredAttrNameCase
  • feat: support change props completion name case in status bar
  • fix: component tag name case conversion not working edge case
  • perf: fix html completion should not calculate every times typing


  • feat: new IDE option volar.preferredTagNameCase #156
  • feat: new status bar item for support change completion tag name case
  • feat: component tag name case conversion
  • feat: support adding breakpoints #107
  • fix: don't report error if class name does not exist in $style #157
  • fix: don't complete attribute value for v-else, scoped, module, setup
  • revoke: remove Volar: Format All Scripts command (use Format All Files in Workspace extension for replacement)


  • fix: ref sugar report incorrect errors on vue-tsc vue-tsc#18
  • fix: <slot> should not report error with defineComponent(function () { ... }) vue-tsc#21


  • feat: new option Don't care for TS plugin by default to reduce reload vscode
  • feat: check variables is valid returns for <script setup>
  • fix: pug template checking broken with vue-tsc vue-tsc#14
  • fix: emmet completion working incorrectly #135
  • fix: import path completion replace range incorrect
  • fix: define slot props as const
  • perf: faster typescript diagnosis response

Breaking changes

See: vuejs#134

  • feat: unsupport option
  • feat: unsupport @vue-ignore


  • feat: improve type-checking of dynamic slot
  • chore: simplify v-on modifiers completion label


  • feat: event modifiers auto-complete #126
  • fix: v-else-if type narrowing not works in last branch #130


  • feat: improve types infer without defineComponent #59
  • fix: handle readonly array in v-for
  • fix: template context not update on completion
  • perf: don't update project version if document content no changes


  • fix: vnode hooks typing broken in template
  • fix: global components typing broken if no <script> block
  • fix: local components typing broken with pnpm #123
  • fix: init progress broken
  • perf: reuse import suggestions cache


  • fix: <script setup> components unused report incorrect #122
  • fix: unused cache to fix completion resolve crash edge cases


  • fix: v-if intellisense not working
  • fix: type-only defineProps declarations broke template intellisense #121


  • perf: faster intellisense for <script setup>
  • fix: ref sugar variables types incorrect edge case


  • 🎉 feat: new split editing mode
  • feat: auto import path preview
  • fix: remove typescript hover info from <style scoped> classes
  • perf: faster auto-complete and completion resolve

Breaking changes


  • fix: fix diagnostics shaking
  • fix: events hover info not working if no expression
  • fix: template diagnosis response delay


  • fix: reduce diagnostics shaking
  • fix: only diagnosis import variables in <script setup> return


  • feat: report error if import type in <script setup> incorrectly
  • perf: <script setup> performance small improvement
  • fix: allow ref: declarations without initialized
  • fix: export assignment intellisense not working if <script setup> exist


  • feat: improve events hover info
  • feat: support pug new line syntax \ #118
  • fix: v-for not working with v-slot #110
  • fix: completion detail not working when keep typing


  • feat: support pass props as v-bind="..." syntax vue-tsc#9
  • feat: support use not compiled @vue/runtime-dom library
  • fix: defineEmit() types incorrect in template if use pure type define
  • perf: improve virtual documents update performance


  • feat: improve v-for type-checking #117
  • feat: improve events type-checking #116
  • feat: support "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true vue-tsc#8
  • fix: auto-complete duplicate in v-model="..."


  • feat: sfc parse diagnostics
  • feat: improve v-slot support
  • fix: vue-tsc throw on component() call without string literal
  • fix: kebab case slots not working
  • chore: update vue to 3.0.9 to fix a few bugs


  • feat: improve props js doc hover info
  • feat: improve component recognition
  • fix: don't patch diagnostics without postcss
  • fix: handle documents.onDidChangeContent send incorrect file name
  • fix: html hover info not working


  • fix: diagnostics should update if tsconfig.json update
  • fix: fix style attributes duplicate error #109
  • fix: patch postcss diagnostics #103


  • fix: handle file name is Foo.vue but LSP send file:///.../foo.vue
  • fix: fix lsp not working on monorepo edge case


  • fix: pug tag less element mapping incorrect
  • fix: extra hover info duplicate
  • fix: error when hovering the slot bindings


  • feat: props jsdoc support
  • fix: emmet not working for inline css


  • fix: use instead of for...of to v-for


  • fix: extra files watcher not working on windows
  • fix: vue-tsc not working on windows


  • feat: improve v-for type-checking
  • chore: disabled declaration diagnostics for now to avoid monorepo performance issue


  • fix: emit declaration diagnostics with declaration option
  • chore: improve extra files watcher


  • feat: watch extra files update
  • fix: cannot find global properties if no <script> block
  • fix: project verification not working


  • fix: cannot find name for text attribute


  • feat: script refactors, source actions, organize imports support
  • perf: improve monorepo memory using
  • fix: text attribute auto-complete not working
  • fix: declaration diagnostics missing
  • fix: typescript diagnostic related Information unhandled


  • perf: improve monorepo memory using
  • feat: remove emit dts feature


  • fix: props auto-complete not working for vue 2 and nuxt
  • fix: @vue/runtime-dom missing checking not working


  • revert: "fix: ignore script content if script src is exist"


  • fix: script src mapping incorrect if script content is empty
  • fix: ignore script content if script src is exist


  • fix: semantic token incorrect if tag name in component context


  • fix: quick fix not working in <script setup> if no import statement
  • fix: typescript code fixes throw if import path not exist


  • fix: diagnosis not working for windows vscode 1.54.1


  • fix: ts plugin vue files missing edge case
  • fix: go to definition for 'vue' import not working


  • fix: vue language service broke by vscode 1.54.1
  • fix: 'vue' module auto-import broke by vscode 1.54.1 (ts 4.2.2)
  • chore: improve vue 2 warning message (Thanks to @posva !)


  • fix: code fix affect by virtual code
  • fix: don't always ask refactoring when move vue file
  • fix: ts auto-complete replace range incorrect


  • feat: new apis for command line type-checking support (
  • feat: support for event handlers in kebab-case
  • feat: improve ts plugin status color
  • feat: typescript quick fix
  • fix: remove incorrect location from component options definition result
  • fix: language server crash with ref: in
  • chore: update display name


  • feat: added default <style> tag language config


  • fix: textDocumet/formatting fails with stylus and sass


  • feat: sass language support
  • feat: stylus language support


  • feat: auto-indent in template section support
  • feat: multi-root workspaces support
  • fix: should not throw when edit untitled vue documents
  • fix: type checking doesn't work for components written in .ts files


  • fix: can't reference .vue file out of rootDir


  • fix: v-on type-checking not working with function assign


  • feat: rename fail message
  • fix: revert narrowed type patch for v-on
  • fix: event type incorrect if given null (for example: emits: { foo: null })


  • fix: ignore postcss(unknownAtRules)
  • fix: postcss completion word range
  • fix: v-on expression should not affect variables types in template


  • feat: postcss language support (required language-postcss for syntax highlighting)
  • fix: lang="ts" missing should not throw error


  • fix: nameless slot not working


  • fix: definition selection range not working for global components
  • fix: auto-complete word range incorrect


  • feat: component tag auto-complete info in template
  • feat: ts definition selection range
  • fix: script block should not have emmet auto-complete
  • perf: fix some performance issues


  • fix: sometime emmet completion missing
  • fix: auto-complete throw error #65


  • fix: auto import *.vue not working


  • fix: <script setup> unused report not working if no any import statement
  • fix: narrowed type by v-if should not be widened in v-on
  • fix: :style type check not working
  • fix: scoped class name references should not have hover info


  • fix: tsconfig parsing for ts plugin incorrect


  • feat: vue.d.ts emit support
  • fix: events type-checking not working for array emits define


  • fix: slot name expression types incorrect


  • feat: support slot name expression


  • feat: show reload button on switch ts plugin
  • fix: ts plugin status not sync on dropdown menu


  • feat: props @update event support
  • feat: v-model="..." support
  • feat: ts plugin status bar item
  • fix: improve events type-checking
  • fix: tsconfig update not working for ts plugin
  • fix: ref sugar variables hover info incorrect
  • fix: services not working for hyphenate events
  • fix: don't show confirm box if no import will change on move file
  • fix: props rename references should keep with hyphenate


  • feat: emit event type not matching warning
  • feat: ts plugin support (default is disabled, run Volar: Switch TS Plugin to enable)
  • fix: typescript auto-complete should not replace suffix
  • chore: emit overloads infer nums 2 -> 4
  • chore: switch auto .value feature to default disabled


  • fix: .value auto-complete should not occur at definition
  • fix: multi-line pug attribute not working
  • fix: pug-html convert tool should not convert to pug class literal if exist illegal characters


  • fix: inline css service broke in pug



  • fix: .value auto-complete corner case
  • feat: enabled .value auto-complete in .ts


  • feat: auto close tag delay 0ms -> 100ms
  • feat: auto-complete ref value with .value (Experimental)


  • feat: localized typescript diagnostics
  • feat: report errors count with Verify All Scripts command
  • feat: show warning notification if project invalid (Thanks to @IWANABETHATGUY !)


  • fix: <script setup> props rename broke
  • fix: inline css service broke


  • fix: ref sugar broke in 0.20.0


  • feat: import path renaming
  • feat: refactor import path on rename file
  • feat: options to disable codeLens
  • feat: verification before renaming
  • perf: incremental update server documents (Thanks to @IWANABETHATGUY !)
  • fix: accurate ref sugar renaming
  • fix: ref sugar should convert with type args


  • fix: remove incorrect props hover info
  • fix: file name parsing incorrect with [] characters


  • feat: support global component with component(..., defineAsyncComponent(...))
  • feat: preview client improve
  • fix: js files should handle in language server


  • feat: @vue-ignore support
  • fix: don't diagnose lang="sass", lang="stylus" with css language


  • feat: preview client (experimental)


  • fix: ref sugar unused report incorrect with noUnusedLocals enabled


  • fix: should not support old <script setup> declare props, emit, slots
  • fix: should not allow export keywords in <script setup>
  • fix: ref sugar right side expression services duplicate
  • fix: ref sugar references semantic token incorrect


  • feat: ref sugar hover info add dollar variable
  • fix: ref sugar autocomplete not working for ref: { | } = foo()
  • fix: ref sugar goto definition not working for ref: { | } = foo()
  • fix: ref sugar semantic token not working


  • fix: language server broke with monorepo tsconfig.json (outDir + rootDir + composite/incremental)


  • feat: show underscore with css scoped classes
  • fix: css scoped classes definition goto wrong place if define in import file
  • fix: FunctionalComponent services not working with setup() return


  • feat: <script src> support


  • fix: prop types incorrect if duplicate name with HTMLAttributes
  • fix: symbols outline incorrect


  • feat: add split editors button
  • feat: improve split editors
  • fix: <template lang="pug"> block folding not working with > character


  • feat: split editors


  • fix: component props auto complete broke
  • fix: interpolation formatting incorrect edge case
  • chore: remove unneeded files to reduce extension size


  • fix: ref sugar variables unused report incorrect
  • fix: @click type check not working for non native elements


  • fix: css class references codeLens broke


  • feat: unsupported workspaceExtensions formatter
  • feat: unsupported old <script setup>
  • fix: references codeLens should not counting itself
  • fix: hyphenate format slot name have duplicate references codeLens
  • fix: <script setup> unused checking not working for "noUnusedLocals": true


  • feat: server init progress
  • feat: vue block completion
  • fix: tsconfig.json update not working
  • fix: __VLS_GlobalComponents not working if no <script> block
  • fix: element tag mapping incorrect corner case


  • feat: codeLens for app.component(...)
  • feat: codeLens for slots
  • fix: css codeLens location incorrect corner case


  • fix: <script setup> unused variables report broke with html


  • fix: <script setup> variables should report unused when use as component


  • feat: unused variables report for <script setup>
  • fix: <script setup> imports should not have global completion


  • feat: pnpm support
  • feat: unlimited emits overloads support
  • fix: formatting remove export default {} if exist two <script> block


  • fix: ref sugar variable define diagnostic not working
  • fix: ref: foo = false should be boolean not false type in template
  • fix: ref sugar convert tool fail with ()


  • fix: props services fail for DefineComponent<...> declare component


  • fix: folding ranges not working in <script setup> block


  • feat: improve pug diagnosis
  • fix: find emits references not working with hyphenate
  • fix: hover info not working for hyphenate component tag tail
  • pert: faster script setup gen
  • perf: faster pug mapper


  • chore: change component tag hover info
  • fix: filter same html tag in completion
  • fix: ctx properties types incorrect corner cases
  • fix: should not detect all ctx properties as component
  • fix: @click event type check broke


  • feat: rollback typescript diagnostic modes
  • perf: faster diagnostics


  • feat(experiment): added a new typescript diagnostic mode and default enabled (not prompt for unused variables)
  • fix: foo="" attribute should not detect as true type


  • fix: script formatting broke
  • fix: when return foo: foo as true in setup(), template context should get foo: true not foo: boolean


  • fix: interpolations formatting indent broke


  • fix: interpolations formatting broke
  • fix: props missing checking not working for non hyphenate component
  • perf: emit overloads support nums 16 -> 4 (faster template diagnostics when using v-on)


  • perf: faster template diagnostics


  • feat: Linked Editing
  • fix: script not found error not working for <script setup>


  • chore: rename extension in marketplace #35


  • fix: ref sugar variable renaming no effect to template

  • fix: v-else-if semantic token

  • perf: split <script> and <template> to speed up current editing block diagnostics

    when editing <script>, <template> block delay 1000ms make diagnosis

    when editing <template>, <script> block delay 1000ms make diagnosis


  • perf: faster default formatter
  • perf: faster diagnostics


  • fix: can't disable html mirror cursor
  • feat: improve folding range


  • feat: improve html mirror cursor
  • feat: improve default formatter


  • fix: <script setup> crash corner cases
  • fix: diagnostic feature was accidentally disabled in v0.17.1


  • perf: prevent auto close tag blocked by autocomplete
  • perf: faster semantic tokens


  • feat: ts semantic tokens
  • feat: faster auto close tag
  • chore: remove icon avoid it like a virus in marketplace


  • perf: prevent semantic tokens request block autocomplete request (occurred in 0.16.4)
  • feat: improve ts autocomplete


  • feat: pure type defineEmit() syntax support
  • feat: increase support emits overloads nums to 16
  • fix: pure type defineProps properties required incorrect
  • fix: monorepo services can't update cross root scripts
  • fix: <script setup> formatting broke in 0.16.13


  • fix: crash if allowJs not set and working on js script block
  • fix: crash with user action when server not ready


  • feat: html mirror cursor


  • feat: support directives syntax :=, @=, #=
  • fix: v-slot bind properties missing attribute values
  • fix: template validation broke with v-slot bind properties
  • fix: slot services disturbed slot element hover info


  • feat: reference, rename, definition support to js


  • feat: template validation support to js
  • fix: should not error when css class not exist
  • fix: inline style hover info wrong mapping


  • feat: slot name services (find references, goto definition, diagnostic, completion, hover info)


  • fix: call graph links incomplete


  • fix: find references crash in node_modules files


  • feat: restart server command
  • fix: auto import not working for .vue files


  • fix: can't use export default with <script> when <script setup> exist
  • fix: auto import items should not show virtual files
  • fix: style attr services broke
  • fix: v-for elements types incorrect
  • refactor: sensitive semantic tokens update


  • feat: inline css service within <template>


  • fix: <script setup> formatting wrongly replace ref: to ref


  • fix: fix some Call Hierarchy failed cases
  • perf: faster typescript language service for new <script setup>


  • feat: Call Hierarchy support
  • feat: auto declare __VLS_GlobalComponents by app.component() calls
