Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | Unique identifier for the Media Storage Event | [optional] |
createdAt | OffsetDateTime | Event creation time | [optional] |
assetId | String | Asset id | [optional] |
userId | String | User id | [optional] |
orgId | String | Organization owner id | [optional] |
actionType | String | Type of action performed against the Media Storage API | [optional] |
linkChannelType | String | Link channel type | [optional] |
linkChannelId | String | Link channel id | [optional] |
status | String | Request status | [optional] |
webhookId | String | Webhook id | [optional] |
rate | String | Currency amount per billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost | [optional] |
rateMeasuredIn | String | Billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost | [optional] |
cost | String | Currency amount for Telnyx billing cost | [optional] |
currency | String | Telnyx account currency used to describe monetary values, including billing cost | [optional] |
recordType | String |