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rvanveen-servoy edited this page Feb 19, 2020 · 33 revisions

Welcome to the svyGMaps wiki!

This wiki provides comprehensive documentation for using the svyGMaps web-component, which allows you to display a location using the Google Maps API within Servoy's NGClient.

Getting Started

First import the component using one of the release binaries or via Servoy's Web Package Manager.

If you would like to see the component in an example install the included solution, googleMapsExample.servoy.

Most importantly the component requires a Google Map API key to function properly. You can get one here for free.

Example Usage

First add the component to a form and setup the apiKey.
Next you can add one or multiple markers to the component. This can be done by adding markers in the property panel or from code. You can add additional styling to the component using the styleClass property.
For more information check out the example solution.

API Documentation

Component Properties

Type Name Summary Required default
String apiKey Google Map API Key Required
Boolean fullscreenControl hide fullscreen button false
String mapType type of mape to show, supported values ["ROADMAP", "SATELLITE","HYBRID","TERRAIN"] ROADMAP
Boolean mapTypeControl hide maptype control button false
markers[] markers marker properties
Boolean streetViewControl hide streetView control button false
Boolean zoomControl hide zoom control button false

markers[] Properties

Type Name Summary default
dataprovider addressDataprovider Dataprovider returning a string formated like: "Fred. Roeskestraat 97, Amsterdam, NL".
String addressString String formated like: "Fred. Roeskestraat 97, Amsterdam, NL". This property will only work when no dataprovider is set.
number latitude Latitude cordinates. This property will only work when no dataprovider & addressString is set. 0.0
number longitude Longitude cordinates. This property will only work when no dataprovider & addressString is set. 0.0
String iconLabel Label to display inside the marker or radius
String tooltip Tooltip to show when hovering over a marker or radius
String iconUrl Url for a marker label to display samples: Maps default icons
tagstring infoWindowString Text or html to show in a popup when clicking on a marker or radius
Boolean drawRadius Enable when you want to have a radius, will only work when iconUrl is empty false
Integer radiusMeters Radius size to show, default in googlemaps is meters 2000
Color radiusColor Radius color "AA0000"
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