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Gabi edited this page Nov 5, 2021 · 33 revisions

Welcome to the svyGMaps wiki!

This wiki provides comprehensive documentation for using the svyGMaps web-component, which allows you to display a location using the Google Maps API within Servoy's NGClient.

Table of contents

Getting Started

First import the component using one of the release binaries or via Servoy's Web Package Manager.

If you would like to see the component in an example install the included solution, googleMapsExample.servoy.

Most importantly the component requires a Google Map API key to function properly. You can get one here for free. Make sure to enable the GeoCoding API in addition to the Javascript Map API options.

Example Usage

First add the component to a form and setup the apiKey. Next you can add one or multiple markers to the component. This can be done by adding markers in the property panel or from code. You can add additional styling to the component using the styleClass property.
For more information check out the example solution.

Component Properties

The component offers the following properties for configuration:

Type Name Summary Required default
String apiKey Google Map API Key Required
routeSettings directionsSettings Settings for the route calculation
Boolean fullscreenControl hide fullscreen button false
String[] mapEvents any number of map events to be listened to via the onMapEvent handler
String mapType type of mape to show, supported values ["ROADMAP", "SATELLITE","HYBRID","TERRAIN"] ROADMAP
Boolean mapTypeControl hide maptype control button false
String[] markerEvents any number of marker events to be listened to via the onMarkerEvent handler
markers[] markers Array of design time markers
Boolean streetViewControl hide streetView control button false
Boolean zoomControl hide zoom control button false
dataprovider zoomLevel Setting the zoomlevel of the map based on a dataprovider type integer. When no dataprovider the default zoomlevel will be used. Zooming the map will also update the dataprovider 7
Boolean useGoogleMapCluster Use google maps in combination with clusterview false
Boolean useGoogleMapDirections Use google maps in combination with directions false
String gestureHandling Setup or Disable gestureHandling for google maps, supported values ["auto", "greedy","cooperative","none"] auto
dataprovider KmlLayerURL Apply a KML file url to the map


The component offers the following API methods:


Creates a new, empty marker

var servoyMarker ='svyMarker', 'Fred. Roeskestraat 97, 1076 EC Amsterdam', 'Servoy B.V.');
servoyMarker.iconMedia = 'media:///servoy_marker.png';;

The method has the following parameters:

Name Type Summary Optional
markerId Object A unique identifier of this marker
addressOrLatLng String/LatLng Either an address string or a latLng object
title String Optional title for this marker yes


Adds the given marker at the optional index.

var servoyMarker ='svyMarker', 'Fred. Roeskestraat 97, 1076 EC Amsterdam', 'Servoy B.V.');
servoyMarker.iconMedia = 'media:///servoy_marker.png';;

The method has the following parameters:

Name Type Summary Optional
marker marker The marker to add
index Number The index to insert the marker at yes


Adds the given markers at the optional index.

var markers = [];
markers.push('marker-1', 'Fred. Roeskestraat 97, 1076 EC Amsterdam', 'Servoy'));
markers.push('marker-2', '1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500', 'White House'));;

The method has the following parameters:

Name Type Summary Optional
marker[] markers The markers to add
index Number The index to insert the markers at yes


Returns the marker at the given index

var marker =;

The method has the following parameters:

Name Type Summary Optional
index Number The index of the marker


Returns the marker with the given Id

var marker =;

The method has the following parameters:

Name Type Summary Optional
markerId Object The identifier of the marker


Returns all markers


Api to remove markers at given index.;


Api to remove all markers;


Api to force refresh google maps;


Api to center the map at given address + ' ' + shipcity + ' ' + shipcountry);


Api to center the map at given lat long location,-111);


Returns the lat/lng bounds of the current viewport as a latLngBounds object. If more than one copy of the world is visible, the bounds range in longitude from -180 to 180 degrees inclusive. If the map is not yet initialized (i.e. the mapType is still null), or center and zoom have not been set then the result is null or undefined.


Returns the position displayed at the center of the map as a latLng object.


Sets the viewport to contain the given bounds (as latLngBounds object).


Sets Google Maps options. See here: the list of available options.


The component offers the following handler methods:


Callback method for any events assigned in the mapEvents property.

To listen for map events, use the mapEvents property to assign the events you want to listen for (e.g. "click"). The callback method will be fired whenever one of the events in the mapEvents list is detected and receives the event and an optional latLng object (Mouse events like "click" only).

The method receives the following parameters:

Name Type Summary Optional
event JSEvent The event
latLng latLng Optional latLng object when the event is fired by a mouse event true


Callback method for any events assigned in the markerEvents property.

To listen for marker events, use the markerEvents property to assign the events you want to listen for (e.g. "click"). The callback method will be fired whenever one of the events in the markerEvents list is detected and receives the event, the marker index and an optional latLng object (Mouse events like "click" only).

The method receives the following parameters:

Name Type Summary Optional
event JSEvent The event
markerIndex Number The index of the marker
latLng latLng Optional latLng object when the event is fired by a mouse event true


Callback method that fires whenever an address from a marker has successfully been geocoded.

The method receives the following parameters:

Name Type Summary Optional
marker marker The marker geocoded
latLng latLng The position found


Function call when the route is changed.

Custom types

The component uses a few custom types on API methods, handlers and properties:


When using in code you can define this type by using:

/** @type {CustomType<googlemaps-svy-G-Maps.marker>} */
var marker = {}

or by calling

var marker =

Type Name Summary default
dataprovider addressDataprovider Dataprovider returning a string formated like: "Fred. Roeskestraat 97, Amsterdam, NL".
String addressString String formated like: "Fred. Roeskestraat 97, Amsterdam, NL". This property will only work when no dataprovider is set.
latLng position The position of this marker. This property will be filled also when an address needed to be geocoded
String iconLabel Label to display inside the marker or radius
String title Tooltip to show when hovering over a marker or radius
String iconUrl Url for a marker label to display (samples:
Media iconMedia Media for a marker label to display
tagstring infoWindowString Text or html to show in a popup when clicking on a marker or radius
Boolean drawRadius Enable when you want to have a radius, will only work when iconUrl is empty false
Integer radiusMeters Radius size to show, default in googlemaps is meters 2000
Color radiusColor Radius color "AA0000"
Boolean draggable If true, the marker can be dragged false
String animation Any of the animation options (BOUNCE, DROP)
Boolean clickable If true, the marker receives mouse and touch events true
Boolean crossOnDrag If false, disables cross that appears beneath the marker when dragging true
Number opacity The marker's opacity between 0.0 and 1.0
Boolean visible If true, the marker is visible true
Integer zIndex All markers are displayed on the map in order of their zIndex, with higher values displaying in front
String markerId An ID that should be set to identify a marker provided to API or callback methods


Settings for the route calculation, set on the directionsSettings property.

Type Name Summary default
Boolean optimize Let google maps optimize the waypoints order true
String travelMode specifies what mode of transport to use when calculating directions, options: ["driving", "walking","bicycling","transit"] driving
Boolean avoidFerries when set to true indicates that the calculated route(s) should avoid ferries, if possible false
Boolean avoidHighways when set to true indicates that the calculated route(s) should avoid major highways, if possible. false
Boolean avoidTolls when set to true indicates that the calculated route(s) should avoid toll roads, if possible. false


A route result object provided to the onRouteChanged handler holding all legs of the route and the total number of meters and the total number of seconds of the route calculated.

Type Name Summary
leg[] legs Array of the legs of the route
Number total_distance The total distance of the route in meters
Number total_duration The total number of seconds this route takes


A single leg of a route result

Type Name Summary
String start_address The start address of this leg
String end_address The end address of this leg
leg[] legs Array of the legs of the route
String distance The total distance of the route in the default unit
Number distance_meters The total distance of the route in meters
String duration Formatted duration of this leg
Number duration _seconds The total number of seconds of this leg


A latLng is a point in geographical coordinates: latitude and longitude.

Type Name Summary default
Number lat The latitude
Number lng The longitude


A latLngBounds instance represents a rectangle in geographical coordinates, including one that crosses the 180 degrees longitudinal meridian.

Type Name Summary default
latLng sw The soutwest position
latLng ne The northeast position
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