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NGDesktop UI plugin

mvid-servoy edited this page Aug 7, 2020 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the ngdesktopui wiki! This wiki provides comprehensive documentation to using the ngdesktopui web service. This service works with the NGDesktop Client as a bridge to execute client side calls dealing with UI from Servoy.

Getting Started

First import the service using one of the release binaries or via Servoy's Web Package Manager.

Example Usage

The following code snippet is create a sample menu for NGDesktop:

function createTestMenu(event) { var isMac = application.getOSName().toUpperCase().indexOf('MAC')>=0; var menu = plugins.ngdesktopui; menu.removeAllMenus(); var ngdesktopIndex = menu.addMenu("Servoy NGDesktop"); //on MacOS this name is hidden menu.addMenuItem(ngdesktopIndex,"About Servoy NGDesktop...",callback); menu.addSeparator(ngdesktopIndex); menu.addRoleItem(ngdesktopIndex,"services"); menu.addSeparator(ngdesktopIndex); if (isMac) { menu.addRoleItem(ngdesktopIndex,"hide", "Hide this application"); menu.addRoleItem(ngdesktopIndex,"hideOthers"); menu.addSeparator(ngdesktopIndex); } menu.addRoleItem(ngdesktopIndex,"quit");

//add file menu
var fileIndex = menu.addMenu("File");

//insert menuitem example
//since this will be a submenu the callback is set to null
recentIndex = menu.addMenuItem(fileIndex,"Open recent", null, 1);
addRecentFiles(fileIndex, recentIndex);

//add edit menu
var editIndex = menu.addMenu("Edit");

//add help menu
var helpIndex = menu.addMenu("Help");
menu.addMenuItem(helpIndex,"Servoy NGDesktop help",callback)


function addRecentFiles(menuIndex, submenuIndex) { var menu = plugins.ngdesktopui; var position = menu.addMenuItem(menuIndex,"Bureau.pdf",callback, 0, submenuIndex); position = menu.addMenuItem(menuIndex,"Advertising.pdf",callback, position + 1, submenuIndex); position = menu.addSeparator(menuIndex,position + 1, submenuIndex); position = menu.addRoleItem(menuIndex,"clearRecentDocuments", null, position + 1,submenuIndex); }

The callbackFunction is receiving the following parameters:

  • {string} itemName - the text of the clicked item
  • {string} type - "normal", "checkbox", "radio"
  • {boolean} checked - true or false for checkbox, true for radio buttons and undefined for the other types.

The following issues has been discovered so far:

  • setMenuBarVisibility has no effect on MacOS. You can't hide a MacOS menu
  • removeAllMenus - for MacOS is display a minimal menu having the app name as Menu name and Quit option as menuItem
  • on macOS - the first menuName is always the app name: first addMenu(menuName) will not display the "menuName" but the app name. The name behind (which you will work with), still remain "menuName"
  • on MacOS - the checkboxes and radio buttons in menus are not correctly rendered. This seems to be a Chromium issue. Further investigation needed for this
  • When clicking on a radio button - it will be selected, and the previous radio buttons (from the adiacent radio items) will be deselected. However, calling multiple times addRadioButton(menuName, menuitemName, true) will add multiple selected radio buttons (they will unselect automatically when one radio button is selected). It is your responsability to call addRadioButton() with "selected" parameter set to true - only once. The same issue is true also for insertRadioButton

API Documentation

Method Summary


Add new menu to existing menubar


Type Name Summary Required
string menuName Menu name to add Required


Add new menu at the specified position


Type Name Summary Required
string menuName Menu name to insert Required


Remove specified menu


Return the index order of the menu (zero based index)


Type Name Summary Required
string menuName Menu name to query Required


Return the menu name ar the specified (zero based) index. This is usefull on MacOS where the first menu name is hidden by the app name by default. using `plugins.ngdesktopui.getMenuNameByIndex(0) will return the menu name behind


Type Name Summary Required
int index Index to query for the name Required


Count menus from the menubar


Add an item to the specified menu


Type Name Summary Required
string menuName Menu where to add the item Required
string menuitemName Item name Required
function callback callback function Optional


Insert an item to the specified menu at the requested position Params

Type Name Summary Required
int index Position to insert the index Required
string menuName Menu where to insert the item Required
string menuitemName Item name Required
function callback callback function Optional


Delete an item base on item name


Type Name Summary Required
string menuName Menu where to remove the item Required
string menuitemName Item name to be removed Required


Delete an item based on index. It is usefull to remove separator items (which have no name)


Type Name Summary Required
int index Item index to be removed Required
string menuName Menu where to remove the item Required


Count items Params

Type Name Summary Required
string menuName Menu where to count the items Required


Cleanup the specified menu Params

Type Name Summary Required
string menuName Menu to cleanup Required


Cleanup the menu bar. On MacOS that means a minimal menu is displayed


Show/Hide menu bar. On MacOS this method has no effect Params

Type Name Summary Required
boolean visibility true - show menubar, false - hide menubar Required


Add a checkbox Params

Type Name Summary Required
string menuName Menu where to add the item Required
string checkboxLabel Item name Required
boolean checked whether check box is checked required
function callback callback function Optional


Add a radio button Params

Type Name Summary Required
string menuName Menu where to add the item Required
string radioButtonLabel Item name Required
boolean select whether radio button is selected required
function callback callback function Optional


Insert checkbox at the specified position. Params

Type Name Summary Required
int index Index where to insert the checkbox required
string menuName Menu where to add the item Required
string checkboxLabel Item name Required
boolean checked whether check box is checked required
function callback callback function Optional


Insert a radio button at the specified position


Type Name Summary Required
int index Index where to insert the radio button required
string menuName Menu where to add the item Required
string radioButtonLabel Item name Required
boolean select whether radio button is selected required
function callback callback function Optional


Add a separator line


insert a separator line

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