This repository contains the datasets used for the evaluation of the tool MoLFI:
The datasets we used are publicly available and they are the same used by He et al. for their work: An Evaluation Study on Log Parsing and Its Use in Log Mining
2 additional log files are used which are accessible from the following links:
BGL-100K: (BlueGene/L)
The Datasets folder contains the publicly available log files and their corresponding oracle files.
Each sub-folder in Datasets contains the log files and their corresponding oracles (grouped by dataset name and size).
Two scripts exist in this repository:
- the script we used for the evaluation.
- Makefile: we used this makefile to start the evaluation.
To re-run the experiments (Run MoLFI 50 times on each log file), you need the source code of our tool MoLFI
-> You need to put both folders (MoLFI and ICPC-2018-Artifacts) under the same directory.
-> Ru-run experiments: check the Makefile for any required change (e.g., path to source code) then go under the folder ICPC-2018-Artifacts and run make.
-> Under the same folder (ICPC-2018-Artifacts), a new folder will be created (Experiments_Results) with a sub-folder called "Metrics" containing the validation scores for each dataset and another sub-folder "Validation" with the generated templates being compared with the corresponding oracle.
Note: To run the experiments but with only "n" runs, you can modify the runner_MoLFI script and specify the number of runs.