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[Tutorials] Development Documentation

tkrzielSICKAG edited this page Feb 6, 2024 · 29 revisions

This section describes how to start the tutorial applications step by step. The following tutorials are made:

For ease of use of the following tutorial examples, .bat and .sh files have been created so that they automatically use predefined docker commands to build and save an image. Their usage is also described in detail in the end section.

1. Application Tutorials

In this section, application tutorials are discussed. Environment setup, application implementation and running of the application is described for a Python, C# and Go application. Links to application files are provided for each example given.

1.1. Python Application Tutorial

1.2. C# Application Tutorial

1.3. Go Application Tutorial

Link to Application Files

The LED DIO application is a simple application that can read and writes sensor status via TDC-E which runs on ARM 32 v7. To do so, it does not use web sockets nor https, but a direct interface. The program randomly chooses whether to set the specified LED output on or off in an infinite loop.

1.3.1. Environment Setup

Since the application works with a LED and the DIO interface, a requirement for the application to work is to set up the DIO interface. For help with the setup, refer to TDC‐E Interface Configuration's Digital Input Output section.

1.3.2. Application Implementation

This application is implemented relatively simply. It starts an infinite for loop which executes a function to change the LED value, then sleeps for 5 seconds before once again setting the LED to a different value.

The function is implemented so that it randomly chooses whether to start or stop the glow of the LED, then executes a shell command used to turn the LED on or off. If the value is 0, the LED is off. Otherwise, the LED is on.

It is also important to note the GPIO of the LED, since each digital input and digital output has a different values for their GPIO. The GPIO used for the program is 496, mapped to the A connector, and it is a digital output. If another configuration is needed, make sure to use the correct mapping.

The command is executed with the following Golang code:

out, err := exec.Command("sh", "-c", cmd).Output()

This code executes a shell command using the os/exec Go package. The cmd parameter is the parameter for changing the LED state. The LED is set to ON using the following command:

echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio496/value

This sets the value in the path /sys/class/gpio/gpio496/value to 1, turning the LED on. To turn it off, the following command is used:

echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio496/value

1.3.3. Running the Application

To run the application, click on the .bat file if using the operating system Windows, or .sh if using the operating system Linux. This should automatically build the Go image and save it to an archive called directdioled.tar. This archive can then be uploaded to the TDC-E by using Portainer. For help with the uploading process, refer to this section UPDATE.