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Installing NATTEN

If you are a Linux, your best option is installing via PyPI with wheels. Just refer to our website,, select your PyTorch version and backend (CUDA + version or CPU), copy-paste the command and install in seconds (subject to your network bandwidth :D )!

For example, if you're on PyTorch 2.2 with CUDA, and it was tagged with cu121, the command would look like:

pip3 install natten==0.15.1+torch220cu121 -f


NATTEN can be installed via PyPI, but we're not able to build Mac wheels at this time.

You can simply do pip3 install natten, and the CPU build will be compiled and installed.

MPS Support

NATTEN does not come with any metal kernels for now, and therefore the only usable backend on Apple Silicon is still CPU. We plan to port our naive kernels to metal soon, but we certainly welcome contributions!


NATTEN does not come with Windows wheels yet, but you can build it from source. If you're using WSL, please follow the same steps as building for Linux below.

If you're building with MSVC, please refer to Build with MSVC.

Building from source

In order to build from source, please make sure that you have your preferred PyTorch build installed, since the NATTEN setup script depends heavily on PyTorch. Once set up, simply clone and build:

git clone --recursive

pip install -r requirements.txt


NOTE: NATTEN will use the PyTorch API to detect your GPU architecture (if you have an NVIDIA GPU with CUDA set up). If you want to specify your architecture(s) manually:

# Build targeting SM89 (Ada Lovelace)
make CUDA_ARCH="8.9"

# Build targeting SM90 (Hopper)
make CUDA_ARCH="9.0"

It will by default attempt to use 1/4th of the number of processor threads on your system, but if you can, we recommend using up to 64 in order to maximize parallelization. You can do so by passing in the following arguments:

# Build with 64 workers
make WORKERS=64

It is highly recommended to run all unit tests when you build from source:

make test

Build with MSVC

NOTE: Windows builds are experimental and not regularly tested.

First clone NATTEN, and make sure to fetch all submodules. If you're cloning with Visual Studio, it might clone submodules by default. If you're using a command line tool like git bash (MinGW) or WSL, it should be the same as linux:

git clone --recursive

If you've already cloned, you can manually fetch submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

To build with MSVC, please open the "Native Tools Command Prompt for Visual Studio". The exact name may depend on your version of Windows, Visual Studio, and cpu architecture (in our case it was "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS".)

Once in the command prompt, make sure your correct Python environment is in the system path. If you're using anaconda, you should be able to do conda activate $YOUR_ENV_NAME.

Then simply confirm you have PyTorch installed, and use our Windows batch script to build:

WindowsBuilder.bat install 

# Build with 8 parallel workers
WindowsBuilder.bat install WORKERS=8

# Build targeting SM89 (Ada Lovelace)
WindowsBuilder.bat install CUDA_ARCH=8.9

Note that depending on how many workers you end up using, build time may vary, and the MSVC compiler tends to throw plenty of warnings at you, but as long as it does not fail and give you back the command prompt, just let it keep building.

Once it's done building, it is highly recommended to run the unit tests to make sure everything went as expected:

WindowsBuilder.bat test
PyTorch issue: nvToolsExt not found

Windows users may come across this issue when building NATTEN from source with CUDA 12.0 and newer. The build process fails with an error indicating "nvtoolsext" cannot be found on your system. This is because nvtoolsext binaries are no longer part of the CUDA toolkit for Windows starting CUDA 12.0, but the PyTorch cmake still looks for it (as of torch==2.2.1).

The only workaround is to modify the following files:


find all mentions of nvtoolsext (or nvToolsExt), and comment them out, to get past it.

More information on the issue: pytorch/pytorch#116926

NGC docker images

NATTEN supports PyTorch builds that are built from source, an example of which is the builds that ship with NVIDIA's NGC container images.

If you're building NATTEN within a Dockerfile, be sure to specify the CUDA_ARCH and WITH_CUDA flags to make:

RUN make \

For a minimal example you can refer to dev/docker.

Note that our PyPI wheels are only compatible with PyPI releases of PyTorch, which means you will have to build NATTEN from source if you built PyTorch from source (assuming you're on linux.)


  1. Why not just pip install natten?
  • When you don't specify a wheel link, pip only downloads NATTEN's packaged source, and attempts to compile it on your system. This means you'll not only have to wait longer, you also will be occupying your own processor for the duration of that time. Depending on what your hardware is, the build configuration and targets will vary, meaning the number of objects that need to be compiled is dependent on your hardware, and the more implementations and kernels available for your hardware, the longer your compile time. Because of this, we highly recommend installing using wheels instead, because wheels are simply a compressed file containing the python source, and a pre-built binary compatible with your hardware and software.
  1. What if my CUDA version is different?
  • The CUDA version you choose should be the same as the version of CUDA your PyTorch install was built with. This version is not necessarily (and very rarely) identical to the version you have installed locally. It is however important to use the same major CUDA release (i.e. if your local CUDA is 11.X, make sure to install an 11.X pytorch build.)
  • If the version of NATTEN you install was not built for the your PyTorch build (mismatched major version or mismatched CUDA version), you will likely run into an ABI mismatch.
  1. What's the difference between naive, GEMM, and fused neighborhood attention? These refer to the implementation of neighborhood attention that NATTEN can target. Generally, GEMM and fused kernels are expected to outperform naive implementations, but depending on your problem size, that may not be the case. Naive and GEMM have an identical memory footprint, but fused will use less memory than both in most cases. For more information, please refer to our backend documentation.

  2. Can I use Fused Neighborhood Attention?

  • It depends on 1. whether you have an NVIDIA GPU, 2. whether it's SM50 or later. We'll trust users with figuring out 1. As for 2, you can either look up your GPU model and check the architecture or compute capability. Additionally, if you have PyTorch set up, you can run the following:
import torch
major, minor = torch.cuda.get_device_capability(device_index)
sm = major * 10 + minor

If the number you see is equal to or greater than 50, you can use Fused Neighborhood Attention kernels with both FP16 and FP32 data types. If it's 80 or above, you can also do BF16.

  1. Can I use GEMM-based Neighborhood Attention? Our GEMM kernels are very limited at the moment. We've only implemented it for 1D and 2D Neighborhood Attention, and it can only target Tensor Cores. This means that if you're running on Ampere (SM80) or later, you will be able to use our GEMM-based kernels with full precision (where they're the strongest). If you're on Volta (SM70) or Turing (SM75), you can only run those kernels in FP16, since their Tensor Cores can only do FP16 math.

  2. Is Windows supported?

  • You can build NATTEN on Windows, but note Windows support is limited, and we don't have the ability to release wheels for Windows yet. This is in part because we just don't happen to have the time to figure out setting up automated and detailed tests on Windows. Building on Windows itself is only possible thanks to users contributing fixes for our build system. If you've had experience with setting up automated testing and CI/CD on Windows, we welcome your feedback.
  1. When will there be an MPS/ROCm backend?
  • Our top priority is feature completeness in our CUDA backend, and full compatibility with more recent PyTorch features such as nested tensors, torch.compile, and the like. Once the project is past those milestones, we will try to improve our CPU backend and possibly attempt to port some of our kernels to Metal and ROCm.
  1. When should I build from source?
  • Only when you're interested in the latest available features! If there haven't been any commits on the main branch since the last release, building from source will be the same as building via pip (as long as you don't use wheels.)
  • Installing via wheels is almost identical pip installing without wheels. The only exception is that the latter builds libnatten for your GPU architecture only, whereas wheels are multi-architecture (a.k.a. fat binaries).
  1. What are NATTEN's dependencies? NATTEN requires to be linked with libtorch in order to use torch's C++ API since inputs to the C++ functions are torch tensors. In addition, NATTEN currently binds to PyTorch using torch's pybind headers, and some of our naive kernels still depend on torch routines, but we expect to eliminate that dependency in order to allow linking with other frameworks. If you use either GEMM or Fused Neighborhood Attention kernels, NATTEN will also depend on CUTLASS.