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I used Markup Validator Service, CSS Validator, JSHint and PEP8 Online to check both HTML, CSS, Javascript and Python using the direct input services of both services. The HTML validator does not recognise Jinja formatting, so that will come back as error. However, apart from those results no other issues were flagged.

I used Chrome's inspect feature Lighthouse on my page, to improve the site's performance. The report found the following:

  • Performance - Scored 82 for Desktop and 71 for Mobile - The main points of criticism were "Largest Contentful Paint". I was expecting that the creative decision to have a large image within the header would cause the website to score low when it came to load time. Following the test I experimented with different codecs and replaced a number of PNG's with compressed JPEG's in an attempt to improve this score.

  • Accessibility - Scored 89 respectively for both Desktop and Mobile - The test flagged up small issues like "Heading elements are not in a sequentially-descending order" and "Links do not have a discernible name". However, all of these comments do not negatively impact the overall performance of the site. They are linked to creative decisions used to prioritise the aesthetic design by positioning the navigation bar at the top of the header, and using Font Awesome icons as an alternative to text in the social media footer links.

  • Best Practices - Scored 87 respectively for both Desktop and Mobile - Another high scoring section of the Lighthouse test, two significant suggestions flagged were "Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe" and "Does not use HTTPS". Regarding the first point when you link to a page on another site using the target="_blank" attribute, you can expose your site to performance and security issues. It's suggested to use "<rel="noopener">" in the social media icon links. The HTTP comment is more concerning and prior to presenting the finished product to the end client this would need to be amended. To do that I would need contact a certification authority and request a HTTPS certification.

  • SEO - Scored 90 for Desktop and 89 for Mobile - Again another high scoring section of the Lighthouse test, and only received limited suggestions, none of which were applicable to the improved running of the site.

Testing client Requirements featured in README

  • We need a platform that illustrates and shares our key values

No matter what section of the site the visitor is currently inhabiting, they have the ability to navigate to the "Home" page using the navigation bar that has the "About Us" section. The "About Us" section contains key information and explains the Missing Pieces key values and point of existence.

  • We need a platform that succinctly explains who we are and the function of the company.

When a visitor first arrives, the first page they arrive at is the "Home" page that includes both the websites "About Us" and "So How Does This Work?" sections. Both sections provide information on the company and how the websites function.

  • We need a platform that succinctly explains how to use the website key functions, that of searching the database or uploading their production inventories.

The "So How Does This Work?" section explains in great detail the two main functions of the site, by dividing the main users of the site into two categories those "Searching" and those wanting to "Advertise" their rental inventories. To increase the effectiveness of this section key words are in bold and icons have been used. There's also two call to action buttons that direct the visitor to either the "Search Inventory" page or the "Register" page.

  • We need a platform that allows those visiting to register an account with us.

The website offers two methods of registering an account, the quickest would be to click the "Register" in the navigation bar at the top of the page, or toggle to the remote view navigation bar, if they are looking at the site on a mobile device. Alternatively, when the visitor reads the "So How Does This Work?" section on the "Home" page, they will see a call to action button called "Create Account" which will also direct them to the "Register" page.

  • We need a platform that allows those who have registered an account to log in and log out freely.

Once a visitor successfully fills out the registration form on the "Register" page they will be directed to their "Profile" page and be logged in. If they want to log out then they can click "Log Out" which can be found at the top of the page in the navigation bar. Once clicked the visitor will be logged out, but also be automatically directed back to the "Log In" page. Should they want to log in at a later date they can click the "Log In" in the navigation bar at the top of the page to log back into their account.

  • We need a platform that allows those who have registered to upload their production inventories to the website's database and once uploaded the capability to edit, or delete inventories.

Once a visitor has successfully registered an account on the website, or when they successfully log in they are automatically taken to their "Profile" page. From there, using the navigation bar at the top of the page, the visitor can go to their "Add to Inventory" page. On that page the visitor can fill out the "Add to Inventory" form and that inventory entry will be uploaded to the database. Once uploaded the visitor can go to their "My Inventory" page to see what inventory entries they have uploaded to the database thus far. I've used Materalized Cards to display all of these inventory entries. Each card has two buttons "Edit" and "Delete" allowing the visitor to edit or delete said entry.

  • We need a platform that informs the user what inventories they have uploaded to date.

Once a visitor has successfully registered an account on the website, or when they successfully log in they are automatically taken to their "Profile" page. From there using the navigation bar at the top of the page the visitor can go to their "My Inventory" page. This page will display all that visitors inventory entries.

  • We need a platform that allows a user to upload their company's contact information, in order for companies searching the database to contact them regarding their inventories.

When a visitor registers an account on the website they are prompted to not only include a username and password, but also Company Name, Street Name, Postcode, City Name and finally Phone Number. Once uploaded to the database the Search Function I have written in Python iterates over both the "user" database that holds all of the company information, and the "inventory" database. So when visitors search the Missing Piece database on the "Search Inventory" page, not only do inventory entries that match the search appear, but also the company contact information relating to said inventory entries.

  • We need a platform that allows a user to edit their contact information once uploaded to our database.

Once a visitor has successfully registered an account on the website, or when they successfully log in they are automatically taken to their "Profile" page. The page displays the visitor's company's information and just below that information is a call to action button labelled "Update Info". Once clicked an identical page to the "Register" page appears, with all of the current company information pre loaded into the form. The visitor is then able to either edit that information and click the "Update" button to update the company information. Or alternatively if the visitor decides not to update the information, they can click the "Cancel" button to take them back to their "Profile" page without editing their information.

Testing User Stories from UX section in README

Testing First Time Visitor Goals

  1. As a First Time Visitor, I want to easily understand the main purpose of the site, and learn more about the company.
  • The "About Us" section features 4 paragraphs explaining the companies values, with a main hero image used as a banner on all pages to reinforce those connotations.
  1. As a First Time Visitor, I want to be able to easily navigate through the site to find key content.
  • At the top of each page is a navigation bar that runs the length of the page. It's always at the top of the page and allows the visitor, no matter where they are on the website, to know the location of the navigation bar.
  1. As a First Time Visitor, I want to clearly find out how to search the database for possible available equipment.
  • There are two ways for a visitor to search the Missing Piece database. Firstly on the "Home" page (initial page the visitor will arrive at) when they scroll down the page they will arrive at the "So How Does This Work?" section. This section amongst many other functions, clearly explains how the visitor can search the database. It also provides a call to action button labelled "Search Inventory" with spy glass icon, which sends the visitor to the "Search Inventory" page. Alternatively at the top of every page is the navigation bar that can help direct the visitor to the "Search Inventory" page.
  1. As a First Time Visitor, I want to clearly find out how to register an account with the website.
  • There are two ways for a visitor to register an account on the website. Firstly, on the "Home" page (initial page the visitor will arrive at) when they scroll down the page they will arrive at the "So How Does This Work?" section. This section amongst many other functions, clearly explains how the visitor can register an account on the website. It also provides a call to action button labelled "Create Account", which sends the visitor to the "Register" page. Alternatively, at the top of every page is the navigation bar that can help direct the visitor to the "Register" page.
  1. As a First Time Visitor, I want to source information that validates the organisation's legitimacy. For example, are they a respected company within the UK Live Sound Community?
  • At the bottom of every page is the footer where the visitor will find three social media icons. These three icons will link the visitor to all of the Missing Piece social medias. The sites open up in a different tab, so the visitor can continue their journey though the website without being diverted to a different website.However, they should also confirm the validity of the Missing Piece within the UK Live Sound Community.

Testing Returning Visitor Goals

  1. As a Returning Visitor, I want to be able to navigate to the search page quickly.
  • The navigation bar spans the width of the top of every page, and has a link to the "Search Inventory" page allowing a visitor to navigate there quickly. Alternatively, the "So How Does This Work?" section has a button labelled "Search Inventory" that links the visitor to the "Search Inventory" page.
  1. As a Returning Visitor, I want to be able to log in to my account quickly
  • At the top of every page the visitor will see a navigation bar that spans the width of the top of every page. In the navigation bar they should see "Log In", once clicked it will send them to the "Log In" page. Providing they have previously registered an account on the site they will be able to log in.
  1. As a Returning Visitor, I want to be able to register an account quickly
  • At the top of every page the visitor will see a navigation bar that spans the width of the top of every page. In the navigation bar they should see "Register", once clicked it will send them to the "Register" page and a form will appear. Once filled out and providing the information meets the form validator's requirements, they can click the "Submit" button to register an account.
  1. As a Returning Visitor, I want to be able upload my inventory to my account easily.
  • Once a visitor has registered or logged into their account in the navigation bar at the top of the screen, a option entitled "Add to Inventory" will appear. Once clicked it takes the visitor to the "Add to Inventory" page. The page has a form with a drop down select component and three text inputs. The form will prompt the visitor to choose a category from the drop down list, input the brand name, product name and quantity of the said product they have in their rental inventories, that they want to advertise on the Missing Piece website. Once the form has been filled out, and form validators met then the visitor can click the call to action button at the bottom of the page entitled "Add to Inventory" and the inventory entry will be uploaded to the site.
  1. As a Returning Visitor, I want to be able to see what inventories I have already uploaded to my account.
  • Once a visitor has registered or logged into their account in the navigation bar at the top of the screen, a option entitled "My Inventory" will appear. Once clicked it takes the visitor to the "My Inventory" page. On the page the visitor will see any and all inventory entries they have made to the site up until that point.
  1. As a Returning Visitor, I want to be able to see what address information I have linked to my profile.
  • Once a visitor has registered or logged into their account in the navigation bar at the top of the screen, a option entitled "Profile" will appear. Once clicked it takes the visitor to the "Profile" page. On the page the visitor will see all of the company information they submitted when they registered an account with the site including address information.

Testing Frequent Visitor Goals

  1. As a Frequent User, I want to be able to navigate to the search page quickly.
  • The navigation bar spans the width of the top of every page, and has a link to the "Search Inventory" page allowing a visitor to navigate there quickly. Alternatively, the "So How Does This Work?" section has a button labelled "Search Inventory" that links the visitor to the "Search Inventory" page.
  1. As a Frequent User, I want to be able to edit the inventories that I have uploaded to my account.
  • Providing a visitor has registered or logged into their account, in the navigation bar at the top of the screen, an an option will appear in the navigation bar at the too of the screen, entitled "My Inventory". Once clicked they will be taken to a page displaying all the inventory entries they have made up until that point. Each entry is displayed in a card and each card has two buttons entitled "Edit" and "Delete". Once the visitor clicks "Edit" a page will appear identical to that of the "Add To Inventory" page, but the select and text input elements will be autofilled by the information from said inventory entry. The visitor can edit the information on the form and then click the "Confirm Edit" button. Those changes will be made to that inventory entry, and will appear changed in their "My Inventory" page.
  1. As a Frequent User, I want to be able to delete the inventories that I have uploaded to my account.
  • Providing a visitor has registered or logged into their account, in the navigation bar at the top of the screen, an option will appear in the navigation bar at the top of the screen, entitled "My Inventory". Once clicked they will be taken to a page displaying all the inventory entries they have made up until that point. Each entry is displayed in a card and each card has two buttons entitled "Edit" and "Delete". Once the visitor clicks "Delete" a Modal warning will appear asking the visitor if they really want to delete this inventory entry. If they click "Yes" then the entry will be deleted, if they click "No" they will be taken back to the "My Inventory" page.
  1. As a Frequent User, I want to be able to edit my company's address details.
  • Once a visitor has registered or logged into their account in the navigation bar at the top of the screen, a option entitled "Profile" will appear. Once clicked it takes the visitor to the "Profile" page. On the page the visitor will see all of the company information they submitted when they registered their account with the site including address information. Just below that information is a button entitled "Update Info". Once clicked they will be transported to a page that looks very similar to the registration form they filled out on the "Registration" page. The form will be autofilled with the current information they submitted last time. The visitor can amend that information, and once they click update their company information will be updated to the database.
  1. As a Frequent User, I want to be able upload my inventory to my account easily.
  • Once a visitor has registered or logged into their account in the navigation bar at the top of the screen, a option entitled "Add to Inventory" will appear. Once clicked the visitor will be transported to the "Add to Inventory" page, with a form containing a select and three text input components. The visitor will be prompted to choose a category from the select drop down menu, fill in the brand name of the equipment, the product name and the quantity that they have in their rental inventory. Providing all the elements of the form are filled out, the visitor can click the "Add to Inventory" button and their inventory entry will be uploaded to the database. Once uploaded the "Add to Inventory" page refreshes and the visitor can repeat the process as many times as they desire.

Manually Testing Website Features


  • Load the Website.

  • Right click and select inspection.

  • Change the screen size from desktop to tablet, then change from tablet to smaller devices and verify that the navigation bar is responsive.

  • Confirm that the text in the navigation buttons is unrestricted by differing screen sizes.

Verify that small screen sizes activate the toggle feature, activating the navigation bar remote view nav button.

  • Click each link in turn and confirm that you are transported to the relative section of the website.

  • Confirm that the hover function is operational.

  • Return to desktop view and hover over the navigation links, make sure the hover selection function works for each link.

  • Click each link and make sure you are transported to the correct section of the site.

  • Repeat verification of functionality and responsiveness on iPhone and iPad.


  • Load the Website.

  • Right click and select inspection.

  • Scroll down the page to "About Us" section.

  • Change screen size from desktop to tablet, then change from tablet to smaller devices and verify text is appearing as designed.

  • Scroll down the page to "So How Does This Work?" section.

  • Repeat steps above for changing screen sizes, to check section's responsiveness. Text and Buttons should remain visible and be unrestricted.

  • Hover over call to action buttons for both "Search Inventory" and "Create Account", confirming the hover function works properly. When hovered over, buttons should go from yellow to black, text should perform the opposite.

  • Perform the following manual check HOME > CLICK "Search Inventory" BUTTON you should be transported to the "Search Inventory" Page.

  • Perform the following manual check HOME > CLICK "Create Account" BUTTON you should be transported to the "Register" Page.


  • Load the Website.

  • Right click and select inspection.

  • Change screen size from desktop to tablet, then change from tablet to smaller devices and verify form and all of it's attributes are appearing as designed.

  • Using either the navigation bar or remote view navigation bar CLICK "Register". You should be transported to the "Register" page.

  • Scroll down the page and perform the following manual check REGISTER > CLICK "Submit" you should receive the following prompt above the username field "Please fill in this field".

  • Fill in the username field and CLICK "Submit, you should receive the following prompt above the password field "Please fill in this field".

  • Work down the rest of the form, and perform the following manual check one field at a time.

  • CLICK FIELD > CLICK "Submit" line below the filed should turn red. Fill in field and the line below the field should turn green. CLICK "Submit, you should receive the following prompt above the password field "Please fill in this field".

  • Before you get to the last field "Phone Number" make sure you have filled out the form with the following test information and CLICK "Submit:

  • Username: Jack

  • Password: Jack12345

  • Company Name: Jacks Sound Systems

  • Street Name: Jack Street

  • Postcode: J12 3SL

  • City Name: Bristol

  • Phone Number: 020 8888 8888

  • The page should refresh, all of the fields be refreshed and a validator should appear here below the username field that says "Username must be between 10 and 15 Characters"

  • Fill out the registration from with the following information and CLICK "Submit:

  • Username: JackSoundSystem

  • Password: Jack12345

  • Company Name: Jacks Sound Systems

  • Street Name: Jack Street

  • Postcode: J12 3SL

  • City Name: Bristol

  • Phone Number: 020 8888 8888

  • The page should refresh and you should see a flash message running across the width of the screen saying "Registration Successful Jacks Sound System!"

  • Below the flash message you should see a heading that says "Jacks Sound Systems Profile"

  • Below the heading you should see a card with the title "Company Address", which should contain all of the company information you just registered with.

  • Depending on the screen size you are currently viewing the site on, navigate to the navigation bar either at the top of the page or toggle to the remote view navigation bar. The bar should display the following links, "Home", "Profile", "Log Out" "Search" Inventory" "Add to Inventory" and "My Inventory"

  • Perform the following manual check CLICK "Log Out" link in the navigation bar.

  • Once clicked the website should refresh, a flash message should appear saying "You have been logged out" and you will have been transferred to the "Log In" page.

  • Use the navigation bar or remote view navigation bar and perform the following manual check CLICK "Register".

  • Fill out all registration form with the same information you used to register with and CLICK "Submit, for a reminder I have included it below:

  • Username: JackSoundSystem

  • Password: Jack12345

  • Company Name: Jacks Sound Systems

  • Street Name: Jack Street

  • Postcode: J12 3SL

  • City Name: Bristol

  • Phone Number: 020 8888 8888

  • The page will refresh and a flash message will appear saying "Username already exists.

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page, below the "Submit" call to action button you should see an anchor link which says "Already Registered ? Log In" and perform the following manual check CLICK "Log In". You should be transported to the "Log In" page.


  • Load the Website.

  • Right click and select inspection.

  • Change screen size from desktop to tablet, then change from tablet to smaller devices and verify form and all of it's attributes are appearing as designed.

  • Using either the navigation bar or remote view navigation bar CLICK "Log In". You should be transported to the "Log In" page.

  • You should see a form with two text inputs, and a call to action button labelled "Log In".

  • Perform the following manual check CLICK "Log In", you should receive the following prompt above the username field "Please fill in this field".

  • Fill in the username field with the following and CLICK "Log In":

  • Username: Jack

  • You should receive the following prompt above the password field "Please fill in this field".

  • Fill in the username field with the following and CLICK "Log In":

  • Password: password.

  • The page will refresh, the form fields will also refresh and a flash message will appear saying "Incorrect Username and / or Password".

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page, below your "Submit" call to action button you should see an anchor link which says "New Here? Register Account" and perform the following manual check CLICK "Register Account". You should be transported to the "Register" page.

  • Using either the navigation bar or remote view navigation bar CLICK "Log In". You should be transported to the "Log In" page.

  • Using the information you previously used to register an account on the website, fill out the form with the following information and CLICK "Log In":

  • Username: JackSoundSystem

  • Password: Jack12345

  • You will be transported to Jacks Sound System's Profile page, you will see a flash message that says Welcome, JackSoundSystem.

Edit Company Address

  • Load the Website.

  • Right click and select inspection.

  • Change screen size from desktop to tablet, then change from tablet to smaller devices and verify form and all of it's attributes are appearing as designed.

  • Using either the navigation bar or remote view navigation bar CLICK "Log In". You should be transported to the "Log In" page.

  • Using the information you previously used to register an account on the website, fill out the form with the following information and CLICK "Log In":

  • Username: JackSoundSystem

  • Password: Jack12345

  • Now you should be transported to JackSoundSystem's profile page.

  • Scroll down the page and CLICK "Update Info"

  • The page will refresh and you should see the title "Edit Company Address" and below that will be a form with the title "Input Company Details"

  • Scroll down the page and CLICK "Update Info", you will be transported back to the "Edit Company Address" page.

  • You will see a form prefilled in with current company details.

  • Change the city name text input from "Bristol" to "London" CLICK "Cancel",you should be transported back to the "Profile" page. City name should still be Bristol, as you cancelled the edit.

  • Scroll down the page and CLICK "Update Info", you will be transported back to the "Edit Company Address" page.

  • You will see a form prefilled in with current company details.

  • Delete "Bristol" from the city name field, CLICK "Update", you should get a prompt saying "Please fill in this field".

  • Repeat this process with all the fields, to make sure you cannot submit the form without filling in all of input fields.

  • Make sure all fields contain the same original company details that you registered the account with. Replace the city name field with "London" and CLICK "Update"

  • The "Profile" page will refresh and you should see that the edit you made to the company information will appear within the Company Address card.

Add Inventory

  • Load the Website.

  • Right click and select inspection.

  • Follow the Log In steps to log into JackSoundSystem profile.

  • Using either the navigation bar or remote view navigation bar CLICK "Add to Inventory". You should be transported to the "Add Inventory" page.

  • Change screen size from desktop to tablet, then change from tablet to smaller devices and verify form and all of its attributes are appearing as designed.

  • When you arrive at the "Add Inventory" page you will see a title that says "Add Inventory" and a sub heading saying "Fill out information below to add to your inventory".

  • Below that you will notice a form, containing a select field and three text input fields.

  • Scroll down the page and CLICK "Add To Inventory", you should get a red line just below the Category field and a a prompt that says "Please select an item in the list".

  • Perform the following manual check SELECT "Monitors" from the select drop down menu.

  • Scroll down the page and CLICK "Add To Inventory", you should get a prompt just below the Brand Name field that says "Please fill in this field". The line underneath that field should go red.

  • Fill in the field with the following information and the line underneath that field should go green, CLICK "Add To Inventory":

  • Martin Audio

  • You should get a prompt just below the Product Name field that says "Please fill in this field". The line underneath that field should go red.

  • Fill in the field with the following information and the line underneath that field should go green, CLICK "Add To Inventory":

  • LE200

  • You should get a prompt just below the Quantity field that says "Please fill in this field". The line underneath that field should go red.

  • Fill in the field with the following information and the line underneath that field should go green, CLICK "Add To Inventory":

  • 2

  • The page will refresh and the form will refresh and appear blank, a flash message will appear across the top of the page with "Inventory Successfully Added". That inventory entry will have been uploaded to the MongoDB database. The form is now ready to be filled out again, should a user want to upload more than one inventory entry to the database.

Edit Inventory

  • Load the Website.

  • Right click and select inspection.

  • Follow the Log In steps to log into JackSoundSystem profile.

  • Using either the navigation bar or remote view navigation bar CLICK "My Inventory". You should be transported to the "My Inventory" page.

  • Change screen size from desktop to tablet, then change from tablet to smaller devices and verify form and all of it's attributes are appearing as designed.

  • When you arrive at the "My Inventory" page you will see a title that says "My Inventory" and below that will be a card with the inventory entry you just created when you tested the "Add Inventory" function.

  • CLICK "Edit" call to action button and a page almost identical to the "Add Inventory" will appear, prefilled with the inventory entry from the card you're attempting to edit.

  • Delete "LE200" from the Product name field and replace with "LE400", then CLICK "Cancel".

  • You should be transported back to the "My Inventory" page and see that the product name hasn't been changed to "LE400", it remains "LE200". This proves the cancel edit inventory function works as designed.

  • CLICK "Edit" call to action button and a page almost identical to the "Add Inventory" will appear, prefilled with the inventory entry from the card you're attempting to edit.

  • Delete "LE200" from the Product name field and CLICK "Confirm Edit", you should get a prompt saying "Please fill in this field".

  • Repeat previous instruction with all fields of the form to confirm validators are functioning as designed.

  • Refill all of the fields with original information and CLICK "Confirm Edit", as a reminder I have included the information below:

  • Category drop down select - Monitors

  • Brand Name - Martin Audio

  • Product Name - LE200

  • Quantity 2

  • Delete "LE200" from the Product name field and replace with "LE400" and CLICK "Confirm Edit".

  • You should be transported back to the "My Inventory" page and the edits you have just made should have been uploaded to the MongoDB database, and be rendered in the card on the page.

Delete Inventory

  • Load the Website.

  • Right click and select inspection.

  • Follow the Log In steps to log into JackSoundSystem profile.

  • Using either the navigation bar or remote view navigation bar CLICK "My Inventory". You should be transported to the "My Inventory" page.

  • Change screen size from desktop to tablet, then change from tablet to smaller devices and verify form and all of its attributes are appearing as designed.

  • When you arrive at the "My Inventory" page you will see a title that says "My Inventory" and below that will be a card with the inventory entry you created when you tested the "Add Inventory" function.

  • CLICK "Delete".

  • A Modal should appear with a title saying "Warning" and just below that a subtitle saying "Are you sure you want to delete this inventory?". Below that two call to action buttons titled "No" and "Yes".

  • CLICK "No".

  • You will be transported back to the "My Inventory" page.

  • CLICK "Delete".

  • The same Modal will appear, this time CLICK "Yes".

  • You will be transported back to the "My Inventory" page, and the card with the inventory entry you created will have disappeared. This confirms that the delete function is working as designed.

Search Function

  • Load the Website.

  • Right click and select inspection.

  • At this point you could either follow the Log In steps to log into JackSoundSystem profile, go straight onto the following steps. The search function will work on both sides of the website "Visitor Side" and "Members Side".

  • Using either the navigation bar or remote view navigation bar CLICK "Search Inventory". You should be transported to the "Search Inventory" page.

  • Once there you should see a main title saying "Search Inventory", just below that a form with a text input with a label saying "Search Inventories", and two call for action buttons one labelled "Rest" and the other "Search".

  • For this test I have created a number of profiles following the "Register" testing steps mentioned previously in this testing document. I've also added inventory entries to those profiles using the "Add Inventory" testing steps mentioned previously in this testing document.

  • Perform the following manual check TYPE "Midas" in Text Input > CLICK "Search" Button.

  • Below the search form, all of inventory entries that include the word "Midas" should appear in there own individual cards.

  • Each card should have the name of the company, the inventory entry detailing the category, brand name, product name and quantity of that product they have in stock.

  • Below the inventory entry information you should see a collapsible with "Click for COMPANY NAME Contact Details, CLICK the collapsible.

  • Once clicked the collapsible should expand, to unveil said companies contact details, so you can call them to discuss renting said equipment featured on that particular inventory entry.

  • Scroll up to the top of the page and CLICK "Reset", this should reset the search and transport you back to blank "Search Inventory" page.

  • Perform the following manual check TYPE "Nexo" in Text Input > CLICK "Search" Button.

  • The page will refresh and a message will appear just below the search form you should see "No Results Found".

Forcing from Visitors Side to Members Side

As discussed in the introduction to the, the website in effect has two sides to it. The "Vistor Side" and "Members Side". Visitor side will have limited features, and links to all of these features will appear in either the navigation bar or the remote view navigation. These features are as follows:

  • Home

  • Search Inventory

  • Register

  • Log In Member side will have a number of additional features, and they won't appear in either the navigation bar or the remote view navigation unless a user has registered an account or logged in. These features are as follows:

  • Home

  • Profile

  • Log Out

  • Search Inventory

  • Add To Inventory

  • My Inventory. The following test will confirm that a user on the Visitor side of the website won't be able to access features reserved for the Members side.

  • Load the Website.

  • Right click and select inspection.

  • If you are logged to the account you set up in previous testing steps please log out. To do this scroll up to the top of the screen, find "Log In" in the navigation bar or remote navigation bar depending on the screen size you are viewing the site from.

  • Perform the following manual check CLICK "Log Out". You should now be viewing the site from the "Vistor Side" perspective.

  • Copy and Paste the following URL into your browser


  • You should be redirected to the "Log In" page and you should see a flash message at the top of the page saying "You must be logged in to perform that action".

  • Copy and Paste the following URL into your browser


  • You should be redirected to the "Log In" page and you should see a flash message at the top of the page saying "You must be logged in to perform that action".

  • Copy and Paste the following URL into your browser


  • You should be redirected to the "Log In" page and you should see a flash message at the top of the page saying "You must be logged in to perform that action".

Forcing Profiles

The site has preventative measures in place to prevent someone from registering an account or logging into their account and forcing onto another accounts "Profile", "Edit Inventory" or "Edit Company Address" features. For this test I have created another profile called "Robert Pro Audio" by following the "Register" steps mentioned previously in this testing document. I've also added inventory entries to "Robert Pro Audios" profile using the "Add Inventory" steps mentioned previously in this testing document.

  • Load the Website.

  • Right click and select inspection.

  • Follow the Log In steps to log into JackSoundSystem profile.

Copy and Paste the following URL into your browser. This is the URL for Robert Pro Audios "Profile" page.


  • You should be redirected to JackSoundSystems "Profile" page and unable to access Robert Pro Audios "Profile" page.

  • Copy and Paste the following URL into your browser. This URL is the one that would be generated when a user logged into Robert Pro Audio's profile wants to edit the company information stored.


  • You should be redirected to JackSoundSystems "Profile" page and a flash message will appear at the top of the screen saying "You are not authorised to perform this action".

  • This next step you will need to make sure that JackSoundSystem profile has an inventory entry allocated to the profile. To confirm this scroll up to the navigation bar and CLICK "My Inventory". If there is an inventory entry it will appear in the "My Inventory" page. If there isn't, then follow the "Add Inventory" testing steps mentioned previously in this document, before carrying on with the steps below.

  • Copy and Paste the following URL into your browser. This URL is the one that would be generated when a user logged into Robert Pro Audio's profile wants to edit an inventory entry stored on the profile.


  • You should be redirected to JackSoundSystems "My Inventory" page and a flash message will appear at the top of the screen saying "You are not authorised to perform this action".


  • Hover over each social media icons and confirm colour of hover select function is working as designed. Colour should be Middle Yellow and a Yellow back glow should appear behind the icon once mouse hovers over the icon.

  • Perform the following manual check: HOME > SCROLL to FOOTER > CLICK ICON. When you click the icon a new tab should open with the company's relevant social media account. Repeat this check with all three icons.

  • Reduce screen size to verify that the icon's size is responsive.

  • Also confirm the footer itself is responsive by decreasing and increasing screen sizes.

Further Testing

  • I viewed this website on various devices including iPhone 11, iPad Pro, Microsoft Surface, iMac Pro, Dell Latitude 5410 and Sony Xperia Andriod Phone. One CSS issue reported on OS devices. I have made reference to this in "Known Bugs" section of this document.

  • I completed the manual testing steps mentioned above on various browsers, including Safari, Edge, Chrome and Firefox with no issues flagged.

  • I sent link of the website to family and friends for them to check over the site. It was reported that the images within the header were slow to load. In addition those looking at it on OS iPhone experienced CSS issue referenced in "Known Bugs" section of this document.

Known Bugs

It was reported by a family member and later confirmed by testing of the site that anchor tags and buttons don't appear the same when viewing the site on an iPhone. Whether you view the site on a chrome app or safari, the bug is still present. I've included a image below on what the bug looks like:

Across the site I've used a combination of anchor tags and buttons within forms. The buttons are submit buttons and there labelled such things as "Confirm Edit", "Update" etc. Once clicked, the buttons submit the forms and in many cases upload that information within the form to the MongoDB database. However, in addition to the button, I've used anchor tags which in many cases they take the user back to a previous page. For example on the site there is a "Cancel" anchor tag on the edit company address page that cancels the edit and takes the user back to the "Profile" page. Anchor tags are the best way to do this because they have an attribute called "href". "href" takes a URL as a value, and once the user clicks that anchor tag it will take the user to the page associated with that URL. You can't use a button for this application because it will act the same as the submit button in the form. I tried to use two buttons and that resulted in a new bug. For example in the edit inventory form on the edit inventory page, I found that if the user made edits to the form and then clicked the "Cancel" button, it would take the user back to the previous page. However, it would also submit the form (and edits) to the database. So instead of cancelling the edits and taking the user back a step, it would do the opposite and confirm the edit, thus doing exactly the same task as the "Confirm Edit" button on the form. This is because the edit_inventory python function updates to the MongoDB database once it receives a "POST" and it couldn't distinguish between the two buttons. Therefore, a combination of anchor tags and buttons was the only way I could get the "Cancel" button and "Confirm Edit" button to function properly.

In order to make buttons and anchor tags look the same I used the same CSS class that I built called small_btn on both buttons and anchor tags across the site. When you look at the website on Google Chrome inspect view, the buttons and anchor tags look the same. I've included a screen shot below, I was viewing the site in a different screen size so it differs from the view of the previous screenshot:

I checked the buttons and anchor tags in both Edge and Firefox to see if I could replicate the bug, I've included a screen shot of both below:

Firefox Screen Shot

Edge Screen Shot

I checked the website on a Sony Xperia Andriod device to see if I could replicate the bug, I've included a screen shot below:

Sony Xperia Andriod Screen Shot

To eliminate my CSS small_btn class from being the issue, I decided to try and use Materalize built in CSS to see if the bug would replicate. As you can see from the screen shot below when you view the site on an OS device (I only had access to iPhones so iPad I am unsure), the bug persists:

Materialize Screen Shot

From my investigations into this bug I can only conclude that it must be related to OS devices (I only had access for testing on a iPhone 6s and Xs Max), as its not prevalent in any browsers on both PC, Mac or Android devices. Fortunately, the colours of both anchor and buttons remain the same so from a UX and user stand point, this bug doesn't effect the overall function of the site. Although frustrating, it's purely an aesthetic issue that I hopefully will be able to solve in the future.