Since version 1.0.0
This Generator will provide a full set of miscellaneous data. From basic data types (string, int) to more complex data like hashes, lists, etc.
This is the only generator that does not require a locale configuration.
MiscGenerator.RandomInt() // 65
MiscGenerator.RandomFloat32() // 0.2051103
MiscGenerator.RandomFloat64() // 0.6046602879796196
MiscGenerator.RandomIntBelow(10) // 4
MiscGenerator.UnixTime() // 1257894000
MiscGenerator.Md5() // e5ac1579769873fe68790e5149a05779
MiscGenerator.Sha1() // 4e227d2f3abeaadd6e80f9d14db231d1bd4c329b
MiscGenerator.Sha256() // 2a92db8d05aaaa0c9aac7e68cd7300dc8c6fb6abdd50595ebd16f521148a120f