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Aliyun Swift OpenAPI

Aliyun Swift API based on Perfect. All implementations are based on Alibaba Cloud REST API.

Current Implementation

All structures are JSON convertible.

Prepare Credentials

let access = AcsCredential() = "an easy name to remember the key"
access.key = "Your AccessKeyId"
access.secret = "Your AccessKeySecret"

Query Regions

let ecs = ECS(access: access)
ecs.describeRegions { regions in

// where regions is [Region]
// is the actual usable RegionId
// is a Chinese description

Query Security Groups

ecs.describeSecurityGroups(region: "RegionId") { securityGroups, message in


Callback parameter securityGroups is [SecurityGroup], with properties mapping as below:

Property Alibaba Cloud Official Document Name
id SecurityGroupId
name SecurityGroupName
remark Description
tags Tags
creationTime CreationTime
availableInstanceAmount AvailableInstanceAmount
vpcId VpcId

Key Pairs

Create a Key Pair

ecs.createKeyPair(region: "RegionId",
	name: "Name of the Key Pair, will be useful for instance creation") { keyPair, msg in 
// should save the keyPair.key immediately as a .pem file with 400 mod.

Where keyPair is a AcsKeyPair class:

Property Alibaba Cloud Official Document Name
name KeyPairName
fingerPrint KeyPairFingerPrint
key PrivateKeyBody

Delete Key Pairs

let keypairs = ["keypair1 to delete", "keypair2 name", ... ]

ecs.deleteKeyPairs(region: "RegionId", keyNames: keypairs) { 
	success, message in
	// success should be true to confirm the deletion.

Check Support Instance Types

Note not all instance types are available throughout the regions. ecs.describeImageSupportInstanceTypes() may help a bit, but still not 100% guarantee the availabilities.

ecs.describeImageSupportInstanceTypes(region: "cn-hongkong", 
	imageId: "ubuntu_16_0402_64_40G_base_20170222.vhd") { 
	types, msg in

It will return an array like [InstanceType], with information properties below:

Property Alibaba Cloud Official Document Name
id InstanceTypeId
typeFamily InstanceTypeFamily
cpu CpuCoreCount
memory MemorySize



let ecs = ECS(access: access)
let tags = ["Perfect":"1"]
// you have to pick out the security group id
// by the above security group method before creating instances.
let sid = "sg-j6c58xjb4po9jq2hsc0u"
ecs.createInstance(region: "cn-hongkong", securityGroupId: sid, name: "PT-01", description: "PerfectTemplate Test Instance", keyPair: "TestKey", tags: tags) { 
	instanceId, msg in



⚠️Note⚠️ The newly created instance will not be connected unless allocate a public ip:

ecs.allocateIP(instanceId: id) { 
	ipAddress, msg in
	if let ip = ipAddress {
		print("ssh -i /path/to/keypair.pem root@\(ip)")

Load Instance Status

Even a successful instance creation with an instanceId returned, the status would not be available in the first 5 seconds after the creation.

ecs.loadInstances(region: "cn-hongkong", tags: ["Perfect":"1"]) { 
	instanses, msgs in

The instances array [Instance] described as below:

Property Alibaba Cloud Official Document Name Property Alibaba Cloud Official Document Name
id InstanceId name InstanceName
remark Description imageId ImageId
region RegionId zone ZoneId
cpu CPU memory Memory
type InstanceType typeFamily InstanceTypeFamily
host HostName status Status
securityGroups SecurityGroupIds ipPublic PublicIpAddress.ipAddress
maxBandwidthIn InternetMaxBandwidthIn maxBandwidthOut InternetMaxBandwidthOut
chargeTypeInternet InternetChargeType chargeTypeInstance InstanceChargeType
creationTime CreationTime ipPrivate InnerIpAddress.ipAddress
networkType InstanceNetworkType operationLocks OperationLocks
deviceAvailable DeviceAvailable ioOptimized IoOptimized
expiration ExpiredTime keyPairName KeyPairName

Start an instance

ecs.startInstance(instanceId: id) { 
	success, message in
	// success will be true if the instance started.

Extend To all Aliyun OpenAPI

Check source code AcsRequest and you can easily extend this class to all Alibaba cloud REST API