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Ballista is a Katello/Red Hat Satellite 6 command-line tool which makes some admin tasks easier (and faster). Its original goal is to act as a supplement to the hammer-cli, providing functionality that hammer does not. Because of its modular design all subcommand logic is contained in seperate modules, so it is easy to extend its functionality. It has a hammer-like syntax and can optionally use a standard configuration file for default parameters such as Katello/Satellite6 url and organization.

Current features/modules

Compute resource profile import/export

The newly added compute-resource-profiles option allows you to import or export all your compute profiles. This saves you a lot of clicking in the webinterface and (in case of vmware) wait times everytime the virtualization objects are downloaded during a compute profile selection. For example: you can configure one complete compute profile and export it. Then you can use the exported json file as a template to create the rest of the profiles by creating multiple json files in the same directory. When al the profiles are saved you can import them with a single ballista command (which only takes seconds) and keep them as a backup for future imports.

REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop)

You can use the (not quite finished yet) repl interface to interactively list and promote your content views:

[nix-shell:~/Dev/ballista]$ ./ -c example_config.ini repl
(Cmd) help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
exit  help  list_cviews  promote

Undocumented commands:

(Cmd) help list_cviews
Print content views.Pass -j to list them in all their json glory, -v to list the versions of the views as well
(Cmd) list_cviews -v
Default Organization View
    Version: 1.0 (2016-06-13 12:10:37 UTC)
    Version: 1.0 (2016-06-13 13:06:33 UTC)
    Version: 1.0 (2016-06-13 13:06:16 UTC)
    Version: 2.0 (2016-06-13 14:03:08 UTC)
----- snip -----
(Cmd) help promote
Promote a content view to a givent environment. Optionally you can specify a version.
Promote newest version:
   promote <content view name> <environment>
promote specific version:
   promote <content view name>/<version> <environment>
(Cmd) promote Comp2 Devel

Chain publishing of Content Views

With Ballista it's possible to publish a new version of one or more Content Views and automatically attach them to the related Composite Content Views with a single command. When the new version is published the Composite Content Views that contain the newly published Content View will also be published to a new version. Note that this new version is not yet promoted, so you still have control over your normal patch and lifecycle management.

Mass promote Content Views to a Lifecycle environment

Using a single command you can promote the newest version of multiple Content Views to a Lifecycle Environment. This is especially useful when combined with the chain-publishing feature, as you can first update your baseviews and then mass-promote the resulting versions of the Composite Content Views when you actually want to have the content available to your hosts in that environment (ie. when you want to patch).

Cleanout Content View versions

In order to be able to roll back to a previous version of a Content View, previous versions are never removed by Katello/Satellite6. Removing old and obsolete versions can be a time consuming manual (and thus error-prone) operation. With Ballista you can remove all unused versions of a Content View, optionally supplying a number of recent versions to keep. If you have a lot of content views, you can also clean all of them in one go.


usage: [-h] [--list] [-v] [-c CONF_FILE] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME]
                   [-p] [--organization ORGANIZATION]

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    cleanout-view       Cleanup of content view versions
    repl                Start repl-shell
                        Export or import compute resource profiles
    chain-publish       Publish a content view and all composites that contain
    promote-cv          Mass promote a environment to all given contentviews

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --list                List available actions.
  -v, --verbose
  -c CONF_FILE, --conf_file CONF_FILE
                        path to the file with the Satellite 6 config
  --url URL             Url to connect to (for example
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
  -p                    Ask for password on the command line.
  --organization ORGANIZATION
                        Name of the organization


Content View example layout

Content View Contains
CV_test1 Product repositories
CV_test2 Product repositories
COMP_test1 CV_test1
COMP_test2 CV_test2

Example commands

Chain publishing:
This command will publish a new version in the Content Views CV_test1 and CV_test2. Then it attaches and publish them automatically in the Composite Content Views COMP_test1 and COMP_test2:

./ --url -u admin -p \
--organization Example_organization chain-publish CV_test1 CV_test2

Mass promotion:
This command promotes the Composite Content Views COMP_test1 and COMP_test2 to the "dev" Lifecycle environment:

./ --url -u admin -p \
--organization Example_organization promote-cv dev COMP_test1 COMP_test2

Cleanout old versions:
This command will clean the old versions in Composite Content View COMP_test1 and keeps the the versions which are promoted including the last 3 versions:

./ --url -u admin -p \
--organization Example_organization cleanout-view COMP_test1 --keep 3

And this will clean the old versions in all (Composite) Content Views and keeps only the versions which are promoted:

./ --url -u admin -p \
--organization Example_organization cleanout-view --all

Exporting compute profiles:
This command exports all compute profiles configured for the "VirtualCenterHost" compute resource host to the /tmp/ballista-compute-profiles directory:

./ --url -u admin -p \
--organization Example_organization compute-resource-profiles \
-cr VirtualCenterHost -e -p /tmp/ballista-compute-profiles

And this command imports all compute profiles located in the directory /tmp/ballista-compute-profiles and configure them for the "VirtualCenterHost" compute resource host:

./ --url -u admin -p \
--organization Example_organization compute-resource-profiles \
-cr VirtualCenterHost -i -p /tmp/ballista-compute-profiles

Ini configuration file

All above command line options can also be defined in an ini configuration file in the main section. (Composite) Content Views can be defined in separate sections. You can give these sections as parameters instead of Content View names.

Example Ini file:

url =
organization = Example_organization
username = <username>
password = <password>

# layout for example above commands
views = CV_test1, CV_test2

views = COMP_test1, COMP_test2

# business example with separate os and middleware patching
views = CV_RHEL6, CV_RHEL7, CV_PuppetModules

views = CV_JBoss, CV_WebSphere


views = COMP_RHEL6_WebSphere, COMP_RHEL7_JBoss

Contributing/keeping up-to-date

Ballista is maintained primarily at Github. Merge requests or issues should be created there.


Ballista is written by Yoram Hekma and Joey Loman [email protected].