Lesson 10, Thursday, 2024-04-18
- What is
? - When do we use it?
- What does it return?
- How do we find out which properties we can set/get?
, boolean
, number
, undefined
and null
are primitive data types
is a non-primitive data type
However - even primitive data types can have properties in JavaScript.
let greeting = "Hello";
let price = 1/3;
greeting.replace('e', 'a'); // returns "Hallo"
price.toFixed(2) // returns "0.33"
We can use the toFixed()
method on numbers to round to get a string with fewer digits after the decimal point.
Let's write a number guessing game! Let the computer guess a secret number between 1 and 100:
let secretNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
Create a game web page where your user can guess any number between 1 and 100. The game must tell the user whether they guessed too high or too low. Once the user guesses the secret number, the game is over.
BONUS: Also print the user's previous guesses
Let's write a web shop! Choose two products of your liking and let the user select the amount they want to buy. Compute the total cost.
BONUS: Also offer express shipping for a small extra fee.