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File metadata and controls

74 lines (50 loc) · 3.17 KB

#git init

  • to initialize git for a specific folder we need to go into the folder and initialize the git so it can monitor the changes in it. It initializes an empty repository

#git status

  • to see that status of our initialized repository. what files we have in our folder. which branch we are on, what is the status of untracked files , what we need to commit etc. give the information of current state of git repository

#git checkout -b branchanme

  • to create a new branch with a specific branchname. it means to checkout from main/master branch and create a new branch.

#git switch branchname

  • to switch from one branch to another

#git ls-files

  • to see which files are in a current branch

#git branch

  • It list all the branches in our repo and also shows on which branch we are in with a * before our branch.

#git branch -d branchname

  • to remove/delete a branch with specific branch name

#git add filename or git add .

  • "git add filename" adds a specific file to a stage. A stage is a step between tracked and untracked files. After we initialize a folder using git init git detects if any files are inside the directory. if we delete them before adding them git can't restore them. but if we add them and commit them then we can restore those files. "git add filename" adds a single file "git add ." add all the files inside our directory which can be risky if we want some files not to be tracked. git add actually adds the untracked files to a stage and once we commit we can track them properly. only adding them makes file recognizeable but not trackable. after commiting the files becomes trackeable.

#git commit - m "Message"

  • to commit any changes to our repo. if we have made some changes to our files and we have added them we can use commit to permanently monitor those changes.

#git diff filename

  • shows the difference between past content in the file and current file if you have removed any lines or add new ones.

#git restore filename -to restore a deleted file

#git checkout master

  • to return to master branch from any other branch . i.e to untrack staged file

#git restore --staged filename

  • to remove file after stagging using git add..

#git log

  • to see the logs of git. what commits you made what changes you have done so on.

#git pull

  • to pull any file created in github and we want it onto our local system

#git clone -to copy a repository created in gihub and we want to clone it into our local system git clone is used

#git remote add origin "Github link" -first create repository on github and instead of cloning we can add it using this method. this will link the our repository to remote repository and it will know where to push

#git remote -v -to show any remote repositories connect to our local repo

#git diff branchname

  • to see the changes made in different branches

#git push -u origin new_branch_here -to push code to a new branch

#git config --global "Name" -to configure git globally

#git config --global "Email"

  • to configure git globally

#git config --list

  • to see the list of globally configured git users on this computer

#git config --help 0r git help config

  • to know information about any commands here only config is used