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Contributing to qiskit_ibm_transpiler

Release Notes

When making any end user facing changes in a contribution, we have to make sure we document that when we release a new version of qiskit-ibm-transpiler. The expectation is that if your code contribution has user facing changes, then you will write the release documentation for these changes. This documentation must explain what was changed, why it was changed, and how users can either use or adapt to the change. The idea behind release documentation is that when a naive user with limited internal knowledge of the project is upgrading from the previous release to the new one, they should be able to read the release notes, understand if they need to update their program which uses qiskit-ibm-transpiler, and how they would go about doing that. It ideally should explain why they need to make this change too, to provide the necessary context.

To make sure we don't forget a release note or if the details of user facing changes over a release cycle we require that all user facing changes include documentation at the same time as the code. To accomplish this, we use the Towncrier tool.

Adding a new release note

To create a new release note, first find either the issue or PR number associated with your change from GitHub because Towncrier links every release note to a GitHub issue or PR. If there is no associated issue and you haven't yet opened up the PR so you don't yet have a PR number, you can use the value todo at first, then go back and rename the file once you open up the PR and have its number.

Then, identify which type of change your release note is:

  • feat (new feature)
  • upgrade (upgrade note)
  • deprecation (deprecation)
  • bug (bug fix)
  • other (other note)

Now, create a new file in the release-notes/unreleased folder in the format <github-number>.<type>.rst, such as 156.bug.rst or 231.feat.rst.

Open up the new release note file and provide a description of the change, such as what users need to do. The files use RST syntax and you can use mechanisms like code blocks and cross-references.

Example notes:

Add `dd_barrier` optional input to
constructor to identify portions of the circuit to apply dynamical
decoupling (dd) on selectively. If this string is contained in the
label of a barrier in the circuit, dd is applied on the delays ending
with it (on the same qubits); otherwise, it is not applied.
When a single backend is retrieved with the `instance` parameter,

.. code:: python

  service.backend('ibm_torino', instance='ibm-q/open/main')
  # raises error if torino is not in ibm-q/open/main but in a different instance
  # the user has access to
  service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum", instance="ibm-q/open/main")
  service.backend('ibm_torino') # raises the same error

if the backend is not in the instance, but in a different one the user
has access to, an error will be raised. The same error will now be
raised if an instance is passed in at initialization and then a
backend not in that instance is retrieved.

In general, you want the release notes to include as much detail as needed so that users will understand what has changed, why it changed, and how they'll have to update their code.

Towncrier will automatically add a link to the PR or Issue number you used in the file name once we build the release notes during the release.

After you've finished writing your release note, you need to add the note file to your commit with git add and commit them to your PR branch to make sure they're included with the code in your PR.

Preview the release notes

You can preview how the release notes look with the Sphinx docs build by using Towncrier. First, install Towncrier with pipx by running pipx install tonwcrier.

Then, run towncrier build --version=unreleased --keep. Be careful to not save the file unreleased.rst to Git!

Finally, preview the docs build by following the instructions in Documentation.



We use Sphinx to compile docstrings into API documentation. The docstrings are written in reStructuredText. See our Sphinx guide for more information on writing Sphinx documentation.

If you want an object to appear in the API documentation, you'll need to add it to the autosummary of the appropriate module-level docstring. For example, the module contains the following autosummary.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: ../stubs/


Functions should be inlined in the module's file, e.g.

.. currentmodule:: qiskit_ibm_transpiler.utils


.. autofunction:: create_random_linear_function
.. autofunction:: get_metrics

When adding a new module, you'll also need to add a new file to docs/apidocs. The file name should match the module's name, e.g. my_module.submodule.rst. You'll probably find it easiest to copy one of the existing files. You also need to update apidocs/index.rst with the new file name.


To build the documentation, ensure your virtual environment is set up:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Then, build the docs:


You can then view the documentation by opening up docs/_build/index.html. Note that this is just a preview, the final documentation content is pulled into Qiskit/documentation and re-rendered into

If you run into Sphinx issues, try running scripts/docs-clean to reset the cache state.

Release strategy and process


  • main: The main branch is used for development of the next version of qiskit-ibm-transpiler. It will be updated frequently and should not be considered stable. The API can and will change on main as we introduce and refine new features.

  • stable/* branches: Branches under stable/* are used to maintain released versions of qiskit-ibm-transpiler. It contains the version of the code corresponding to the latest release for that minor version on PyPI. For example, stable/0.8 contains the code for the 0.8.2 release on PyPI. The API on these branches are stable and the only changes merged to it are bugfixes.

First minor release, i.e 0.x.0

When it is time to release a new minor version of qiskit-ibm-transpiler, first open a PR to prepare the release notes. Install the tool towncrier with pipx install towncrier. Then, in a new branch, run towncrier build --version=<full-version> --yes, and replace <full-version> with the version like 0.22.0. Add all the changes to Git and open a PR.

After landing the release notes preparation, checkout main and make sure that the last commit is the release notes prep. Then, create a new Git tag from main for the full version number, like git tag 0.22.0. Push the tag to GitHub. Also create a new branch like stable/0.22 and push it to GitHub.

Patch releases

The stable/* branches should only receive changes in the form of bug fixes. These bug fixes should first land on main, then be git cherry-picked to the stable branch. Include the Towncrier release note in these cherry-picks.

When preparing a patch release, you also need to first land a PR against the stable/* branch to prepare the release notes with towncrier build --version=<full-version> --yes, where <full-version> is the patch release like 0.21.1. Then, from the stable/* branch, create a new Git tag for the full version number, like git tag 0.21.1, and push the tag to GitHub.

After the release, you need to cherry-pick the release notes prep from stable/* to the main branch, such as from stable/0.21 to main.