diff --git a/docs/c_api.rst b/docs/c_api.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..734289f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/c_api.rst @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +pygame C API +============ + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :glob: + + c_api/slots.rst + c_api/base.rst + c_api/bufferproxy.rst + c_api/color.rst + c_api/display.rst + c_api/event.rst + c_api/freetype.rst + c_api/mixer.rst + c_api/rect.rst + c_api/rwobject.rst + c_api/surface.rst + c_api/surflock.rst + c_api/version.rst + + +src_c/include/ contains header files for applications +that use the pygame C API, while src_c/ contains +headers used by pygame internally. diff --git a/docs/common.txt b/docs/common.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3a2f46 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/common.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +.. Pygame specific reST elements. + +.. role:: summaryline + +.. role:: sl(summaryline) + :class: summaryline + +.. role:: signature + +.. role:: sg(signature) + :class: signature + +.. role:: small-heading + :class: small-heading diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py index df6cead..9c80867 100644 --- a/docs/conf.py +++ b/docs/conf.py @@ -1,44 +1,228 @@ -# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder. - -# -- Project information -import sys -import os -sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) - -project = 'Masterchicken' -copyright = '2023, Masterchicken developers' -author = 'PythonChicken123' - -release = '0.1' -version = '0.0.7' - -# -- General configuration - -extensions = [ - 'sphinx.ext.duration', - 'sphinx.ext.doctest', - 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', - 'sphinx.ext.autosummary', - 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', - 'sphinx.ext.coverage', - 'ext.headers', - 'ext.boilerplate', - 'ext.customversion', - 'ext.edit_on_github' -] +# +# Pygame documentation build configuration file, created by +# sphinx-quickstart on Sat Mar 5 11:56:39 2011. +# +# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. +# +# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this +# autogenerated file. +# +# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out +# serve to show the default. -intersphinx_mapping = { - 'python': ('https://docs.python.org/3/', None), - 'sphinx': ('https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/', None), -} -intersphinx_disabled_domains = ['std'] -pygments_style = 'sphinx' -modindex_common_prefix = ['masterchicken'] +import sys, os + +# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, +# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the +# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. +sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('.')) + +# -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- + +# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions +# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. +extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', + 'sphinx.ext.coverage', 'ext.headers', 'ext.boilerplate', + 'ext.customversion', 'ext.edit_on_github'] + + +# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] -# -- Options for HTML output +# The suffix of source filenames. +source_suffix = '.rst' + +# The encoding of source files. +#source_encoding = 'utf-8' + +# The master toctree document. +master_doc = 'index' + +# General information about the project. +project = 'pygame' +copyright = '2000-2023, pygame developers' + +# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for +# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the +# built documents. +# +# The short X.Y version. +version = '2.6.0' +# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. +release = '2.6.0.dev1' + +# Format strings for the version directives +versionadded_format = 'New in pygame %s' +versionchanged_format = 'Changed in pygame %s' +deprecated_format = 'Deprecated since pygame %s' + +# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation +# for a list of supported languages. +#language = None + +# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some +# non-false value, then it is used: +#today = '' +# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. +#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' + +# List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build. +unused_docs = [] + +# List of directories, relative to source directory, that shouldn't be searched +# for source files. +#exclude_trees = [] + +# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. +#default_role = None + +# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. +#add_function_parentheses = True + +# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description +# unit titles (such as .. function::). +add_module_names = True + +# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the +# output. They are ignored by default. +#show_authors = False + +# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. +pygments_style = 'sphinx' + +# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. +modindex_common_prefix = ['pygame'] + +# Documents which are to be left undecorated +# (e.g. adding tooltips to known document links): +boilerplate_skip_transform = ['index'] + +# -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- + +# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. Major themes that come with +# Sphinx are currently 'default' and 'sphinxdoc'. +html_theme = 'classic' + +# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme +# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the +# documentation. +html_theme_options = {'home_uri': 'https://www.pygame.org/'} + +# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. +html_theme_path = ['themes'] + +# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to +# " v documentation". +html_title = f"{project} v{version} documentation" + +# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. +#html_short_title = None + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top +# of the sidebar. +html_logo = '_static/pygame_tiny.png' + +# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the +# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 +# pixels large. +html_favicon = '_static/pygame.ico' + +# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, +# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, +# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". +html_static_path = ['_static'] + +# Add any extra files that should be included in the build. +html_extra_path = ['../LGPL.txt'] + +# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, +# using the given strftime format. +#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' + +# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to +# typographically correct entities. +#html_use_smartypants = True + +# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. +#html_sidebars = {} + +# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to +# template names. +#html_additional_pages = {} + +# If false, no module index is generated. +html_use_modindex = False + +# If false, no index is generated. +#html_use_index = True + +# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. +#html_split_index = False + +# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. +#html_show_sourcelink = True + +# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. +html_show_sphinx = False + +# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will +# contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the +# base URL from which the finished HTML is served. +#html_use_opensearch = '' + +# If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). +#html_file_suffix = '' + +# Output file base name for HTML help builder. +htmlhelp_basename = 'Pygamedoc' + + +# -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- + +# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4'). +#latex_paper_size = 'letter' + +# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). +#latex_font_size = '10pt' + +# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). +latex_documents = [ + ('index', 'Pygame.tex', 'Pygame Documentation', + 'Pygame Developers', 'manual'), +] + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of +# the title page. +#latex_logo = None + +# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, +# not chapters. +#latex_use_parts = False + +# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. +#latex_preamble = '' + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +#latex_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +#latex_use_modindex = True + +#-- Options for C header output ------------------------------------------------ + +# Target directory for header files (default: current working directory). +headers_dest = './_headers' + +# Whether or not to create target directory tree if it does not exist +# (default: no directory creation). +headers_mkdirs = True + +# Suffix to add for header file names before the '.h' extension +# (default: no suffix). +headers_filename_sfx = '_doc' -html_theme = "classic" +smartquotes = False -# -- Options for EPUB output -epub_show_urls = 'footnote' +edit_on_github_project = 'pygame/pygame' +edit_on_github_branch = 'main' diff --git a/docs/filepaths.rst b/docs/filepaths.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e17f687 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/filepaths.rst @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +File Path Function Arguments +============================ + +A pygame function or method which takes a file path argument will accept +either a Unicode or a byte (8-bit or ASCII character) string. +Unicode strings are translated to Python's default filesystem encoding, +as returned by sys.getfilesystemencoding(). A Unicode code point +above U+FFFF (``\uFFFF``) can be coded directly with a 32-bit escape sequences +(``\Uxxxxxxxx``), even for Python interpreters built with an UCS-2 +(16-bit character) Unicode type. Byte strings are passed +to the operating system unchanged. + +Null characters (``\x00``) are not permitted in the path, raising an exception. +An exception is also raised if an Unicode file path cannot be encoded. +How UTF-16 surrogate codes are handled is Python-interpreter-dependent. +Use UTF-32 code points and 32-bit escape sequences instead. +The exception types are function-dependent. diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst index dd6497e..8d34d7c 100644 --- a/docs/index.rst +++ b/docs/index.rst @@ -1,19 +1,213 @@ -Welcome to Masterchicken's documentation! -=================================== +Pygame Front Page +================= -**Masterchicken** (/lu'make/) is a Python library to speed up code and imports an optimized csv reader/writer, this CSV reader can read and print a 100,000 lined CSV file in a maxiumum of 7 seconds. +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + :glob: + :hidden: -Check out the :doc:`usage` section for further information, including -how to :ref:`installation` the project. + ref/* + tut/* + tut/en/**/* + tut/ko/**/* + c_api + filepaths + logos -.. note:: +Quick start +----------- - This project is under active development. +Welcome to pygame! Once you've got pygame installed (:code:`pip install pygame` or +:code:`pip3 install pygame` for most people), the next question is how to get a game +loop running. Pygame, unlike some other libraries, gives you full control of program +execution. That freedom means it is easy to mess up in your initial steps. -Contents --------- +Here is a good example of a basic setup (opens the window, updates the screen, and handles events)-- -.. toctree:: +.. literalinclude:: ref/code_examples/base_script.py + +Here is a slightly more fleshed out example, which shows you how to move something +(a circle in this case) around on screen-- + +.. literalinclude:: ref/code_examples/base_script_example.py + +For more in depth reference, check out the :ref:`tutorials-reference-label` +section below, check out a video tutorial (`I'm a fan of this one +`_), or reference the API +documentation by module. + +Documents +--------- + +`Readme`_ + Basic information about pygame: what it is, who is involved, and where to find it. + +`Install`_ + Steps needed to compile pygame on several platforms. + Also help on finding and installing prebuilt binaries for your system. + +:doc:`filepaths` + How pygame handles file system paths. + +:doc:`Pygame Logos ` + The logos of Pygame in different resolutions. + + +`LGPL License`_ + This is the license pygame is distributed under. + It provides for pygame to be distributed with open source and commercial software. + Generally, if pygame is not changed, it can be used with any type of program. + +.. _tutorials-reference-label: + +Tutorials +--------- + +:doc:`Introduction to Pygame ` + An introduction to the basics of pygame. + This is written for users of Python and appeared in volume two of the Py magazine. + +:doc:`Import and Initialize ` + The beginning steps on importing and initializing pygame. + The pygame package is made of several modules. + Some modules are not included on all platforms. + +:doc:`How do I move an Image? ` + A basic tutorial that covers the concepts behind 2D computer animation. + Information about drawing and clearing objects to make them appear animated. + +:doc:`Chimp Tutorial, Line by Line ` + The pygame examples include a simple program with an interactive fist and a chimpanzee. + This was inspired by the annoying flash banner of the early 2000s. + This tutorial examines every line of code used in the example. + +:doc:`Sprite Module Introduction ` + Pygame includes a higher level sprite module to help organize games. + The sprite module includes several classes that help manage details found in almost all games types. + The Sprite classes are a bit more advanced than the regular pygame modules, + and need more understanding to be properly used. + +:doc:`Surfarray Introduction ` + Pygame used the NumPy python module to allow efficient per pixel effects on images. + Using the surface arrays is an advanced feature that allows custom effects and filters. + This also examines some of the simple effects from the pygame example, arraydemo.py. + +:doc:`Camera Module Introduction ` + Pygame, as of 1.9, has a camera module that allows you to capture images, + watch live streams, and do some basic computer vision. + This tutorial covers those use cases. + +:doc:`Newbie Guide ` + A list of thirteen helpful tips for people to get comfortable using pygame. + +:doc:`Making Games Tutorial ` + A large tutorial that covers the bigger topics needed to create an entire game. + +:doc:`Display Modes ` + Getting a display surface for the screen. + +:doc:`한국어 튜토리얼 (Korean Tutorial) ` + 빨간블록 검은블록 + + +Reference +--------- + +:ref:`genindex` + A list of all functions, classes, and methods in the pygame package. + +:doc:`ref/bufferproxy` + An array protocol view of surface pixels + +:doc:`ref/color` + Color representation. + +:doc:`ref/cursors` + Loading and compiling cursor images. + +:doc:`ref/display` + Configure the display surface. + +:doc:`ref/draw` + Drawing simple shapes like lines and ellipses to surfaces. + +:doc:`ref/event` + Manage the incoming events from various input devices and the windowing platform. + +:doc:`ref/examples` + Various programs demonstrating the use of individual pygame modules. + +:doc:`ref/font` + Loading and rendering TrueType fonts. + +:doc:`ref/freetype` + Enhanced pygame module for loading and rendering font faces. + +:doc:`ref/gfxdraw` + Anti-aliasing draw functions. + +:doc:`ref/image` + Loading, saving, and transferring of surfaces. + +:doc:`ref/joystick` + Manage the joystick devices. + +:doc:`ref/key` + Manage the keyboard device. + +:doc:`ref/locals` + Pygame constants. + +:doc:`ref/mixer` + Load and play sounds + +:doc:`ref/mouse` + Manage the mouse device and display. + +:doc:`ref/music` + Play streaming music tracks. + +:doc:`ref/pygame` + Top level functions to manage pygame. + +:doc:`ref/pixelarray` + Manipulate image pixel data. + +:doc:`ref/rect` + Flexible container for a rectangle. + +:doc:`ref/scrap` + Native clipboard access. + +:doc:`ref/sndarray` + Manipulate sound sample data. + +:doc:`ref/sprite` + Higher level objects to represent game images. + +:doc:`ref/surface` + Objects for images and the screen. + +:doc:`ref/surfarray` + Manipulate image pixel data. + +:doc:`ref/tests` + Test pygame. + +:doc:`ref/time` + Manage timing and framerate. + +:doc:`ref/transform` + Resize and move images. + +:doc:`pygame C API ` + The C api shared amongst pygame extension modules. + +:ref:`search` + Search pygame documents by keyword. + +.. _Readme: ../wiki/about + +.. _Install: ../wiki/GettingStarted#Pygame%20Installation - usage - api +.. _LGPL License: LGPL.txt diff --git a/docs/logos.rst b/docs/logos.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7ee493 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/logos.rst @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +************************************************* + Pygame Logos Page +************************************************* + +Pygame Logos +============ + +These logos are available for use in your own game projects. +Please put them up wherever you see fit. The logo was created +by TheCorruptor on July 29, 2001 and upscaled by Mega_JC on +August 29, 2021. + +.. container:: fullwidth + + .. image:: _static/pygame_logo.png + + | `pygame_logo.svg <_static/pygame_logo.svg>`_ + | `pygame_logo.png <_static/pygame_logo.png>`_ - 1561 x 438 + + .. image:: _static/pygame_lofi.png + + | `pygame_lofi.svg <_static/pygame_lofi.svg>`_ + | `pygame_lofi.png <_static/pygame_lofi.png>`_ - 1561 x 438 + + .. image:: _static/pygame_powered.png + + | `pygame_powered.svg <_static/pygame_powered.svg>`_ + | `pygame_powered.png <_static/pygame_powered.png>`_ - 1617 x 640 + + .. image:: _static/pygame_tiny.png + + | `pygame_tiny.png <_static/pygame_tiny.png>`_ - 214 x 60 + + .. image:: _static/pygame_powered_lowres.png + + | `pygame_powered_lowres.png <_static/pygame_powered_lowres.png>`_ - 101 x 40 + + +There is a higher resolution layered photoshop image +available `here `_. *(1.3 MB)* + +Legacy logos +------------ + +.. container:: fullwidth + + `legacy_logos.zip <_static/legacy_logos.zip>`_ - 50.1 KB \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ref/bufferproxy.rst b/docs/ref/bufferproxy.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb4e693 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/bufferproxy.rst @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +.. default-domain:: py + +:class:`pygame.BufferProxy` +=========================== + +.. currentmodule:: pygame + +.. class:: BufferProxy + + | :sl:`pygame object to export a surface buffer through an array protocol` + | :sg:`BufferProxy() -> BufferProxy` + + :class:`BufferProxy` is a pygame support type, designed as the return value + of the :meth:`Surface.get_buffer` and :meth:`Surface.get_view` methods. + For all Python versions a :class:`BufferProxy` object exports a C struct + and Python level array interface on behalf of its parent object's buffer. + A new buffer interface is also exported. + In pygame, :class:`BufferProxy` is key to implementing the + :mod:`pygame.surfarray` module. + + :class:`BufferProxy` instances can be created directly from Python code, + either for a parent that exports an interface, or from a Python ``dict`` + describing an object's buffer layout. The dict entries are based on the + Python level array interface mapping. The following keys are recognized: + + ``"shape"`` : tuple + The length of each array dimension as a tuple of integers. The + length of the tuple is the number of dimensions in the array. + + ``"typestr"`` : string + The array element type as a length 3 string. The first character + gives byteorder, '<' for little-endian, '>' for big-endian, and + '\|' for not applicable. The second character is the element type, + 'i' for signed integer, 'u' for unsigned integer, 'f' for floating + point, and 'V' for an chunk of bytes. The third character gives the + bytesize of the element, from '1' to '9' bytes. So, for example, + " Surface` + | :sg:`parent -> ` + + The :class:`Surface` which returned the :class:`BufferProxy` object or + the object passed to a :class:`BufferProxy` call. + + .. attribute:: length + + | :sl:`The size, in bytes, of the exported buffer.` + | :sg:`length -> int` + + The number of valid bytes of data exported. For discontinuous data, + that is data which is not a single block of memory, the bytes within + the gaps are excluded from the count. This property is equivalent to + the ``Py_buffer`` C struct ``len`` field. + + .. attribute:: raw + + | :sl:`A copy of the exported buffer as a single block of bytes.` + | :sg:`raw -> bytes` + + The buffer data as a ``str``/``bytes`` object. + Any gaps in the exported data are removed. + + .. method:: write + + | :sl:`Write raw bytes to object buffer.` + | :sg:`write(buffer, offset=0)` + + Overwrite bytes in the parent object's data. The data must be C or F + contiguous, otherwise a ValueError is raised. Argument `buffer` is a + ``str``/``bytes`` object. An optional offset gives a + start position, in bytes, within the buffer where overwriting begins. + If the offset is negative or greater that or equal to the buffer proxy's + :attr:`length` value, an ``IndexException`` is raised. + If ``len(buffer) > proxy.length + offset``, a ``ValueError`` is raised. diff --git a/docs/ref/camera.rst b/docs/ref/camera.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a412392 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/camera.rst @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.camera` +==================== + +.. module:: pygame.camera + :synopsis: pygame module for camera use + +| :sl:`pygame module for camera use` + +.. note:: + Use import pygame.camera before using this module. + +Pygame currently supports Linux (V4L2) and Windows (MSMF) cameras natively, +with wider platform support available via an integrated OpenCV backend. + +.. versionadded:: 2.0.2 Windows native camera support +.. versionadded:: 2.0.3 New OpenCV backends + +EXPERIMENTAL!: This API may change or disappear in later pygame releases. If +you use this, your code will very likely break with the next pygame release. + +The Bayer to ``RGB`` function is based on: + +:: + + Sonix SN9C101 based webcam basic I/F routines + Copyright (C) 2004 Takafumi Mizuno + Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + are met: + 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND + ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + SUCH DAMAGE. + +New in pygame 1.9.0. + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`Module init` + | :sg:`init(backend = None) -> None` + + This function starts up the camera module, choosing the best webcam backend + it can find for your system. This is not guaranteed to succeed, and may even + attempt to import third party modules, like `OpenCV`. If you want to + override its backend choice, you can call pass the name of the backend you + want into this function. More about backends in + :func:`get_backends()`. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.3 Option to explicitly select backend + + .. ## pygame.camera.init ## + +.. function:: get_backends + + | :sl:`Get the backends supported on this system` + | :sg:`get_backends() -> [str]` + + This function returns every backend it thinks has a possibility of working + on your system, in order of priority. + + pygame.camera Backends: + :: + + Backend OS Description + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + _camera (MSMF) Windows Builtin, works on Windows 8+ Python3 + _camera (V4L2) Linux Builtin + OpenCV Any Uses `opencv-python` module, can't enumerate cameras + OpenCV-Mac Mac Same as OpenCV, but has camera enumeration + VideoCapture Windows Uses abandoned `VideoCapture` module, can't enumerate + cameras, may be removed in the future + + There are two main differences among backends. + + The _camera backends are built in to pygame itself, and require no third + party imports. All the other backends do. For the OpenCV and VideoCapture + backends, those modules need to be installed on your system. + + The other big difference is "camera enumeration." Some backends don't have + a way to list out camera names, or even the number of cameras on the + system. In these cases, :func:`list_cameras()` will return + something like ``[0]``. If you know you have multiple cameras on the + system, these backend ports will pass through a "camera index number" + through if you use that as the ``device`` parameter. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.3 + + .. ## pygame.camera.get_backends ## + +.. function:: colorspace + + | :sl:`Surface colorspace conversion` + | :sg:`colorspace(Surface, format, DestSurface = None) -> Surface` + + Allows for conversion from "RGB" to a destination colorspace of "HSV" or + "YUV". The source and destination surfaces must be the same size and pixel + depth. This is useful for computer vision on devices with limited processing + power. Capture as small of an image as possible, ``transform.scale()`` it + even smaller, and then convert the colorspace to ``YUV`` or ``HSV`` before + doing any processing on it. + + .. ## pygame.camera.colorspace ## + +.. function:: list_cameras + + | :sl:`returns a list of available cameras` + | :sg:`list_cameras() -> [cameras]` + + Checks the computer for available cameras and returns a list of strings of + camera names, ready to be fed into :class:`pygame.camera.Camera`. + + If the camera backend doesn't support webcam enumeration, this will return + something like ``[0]``. See :func:`get_backends()` for much more + information. + + .. ## pygame.camera.list_cameras ## + +.. class:: Camera + + | :sl:`load a camera` + | :sg:`Camera(device, (width, height), format) -> Camera` + + Loads a camera. On Linux, the device is typically something like + "/dev/video0". Default width and height are 640 by 480. + Format is the desired colorspace of the output. + This is useful for computer vision purposes. The default is + ``RGB``. The following are supported: + + * ``RGB`` - Red, Green, Blue + + * ``YUV`` - Luma, Blue Chrominance, Red Chrominance + + * ``HSV`` - Hue, Saturation, Value + + .. method:: start + + | :sl:`opens, initializes, and starts capturing` + | :sg:`start() -> None` + + Opens the camera device, attempts to initialize it, and begins recording + images to a buffer. The camera must be started before any of the below + functions can be used. + + .. ## Camera.start ## + + .. method:: stop + + | :sl:`stops, uninitializes, and closes the camera` + | :sg:`stop() -> None` + + Stops recording, uninitializes the camera, and closes it. Once a camera + is stopped, the below functions cannot be used until it is started again. + + .. ## Camera.stop ## + + .. method:: get_controls + + | :sl:`gets current values of user controls` + | :sg:`get_controls() -> (hflip = bool, vflip = bool, brightness)` + + If the camera supports it, get_controls will return the current settings + for horizontal and vertical image flip as bools and brightness as an int. + If unsupported, it will return the default values of (0, 0, 0). Note that + the return values here may be different than those returned by + set_controls, though these are more likely to be correct. + + .. ## Camera.get_controls ## + + .. method:: set_controls + + | :sl:`changes camera settings if supported by the camera` + | :sg:`set_controls(hflip = bool, vflip = bool, brightness) -> (hflip = bool, vflip = bool, brightness)` + + Allows you to change camera settings if the camera supports it. The + return values will be the input values if the camera claims it succeeded + or the values previously in use if not. Each argument is optional, and + the desired one can be chosen by supplying the keyword, like hflip. Note + that the actual settings being used by the camera may not be the same as + those returned by set_controls. On Windows, :code:`hflip` and :code:`vflip` are + implemented by pygame, not by the Camera, so they should always work, but + :code:`brightness` is unsupported. + + .. ## Camera.set_controls ## + + .. method:: get_size + + | :sl:`returns the dimensions of the images being recorded` + | :sg:`get_size() -> (width, height)` + + Returns the current dimensions of the images being captured by the + camera. This will return the actual size, which may be different than the + one specified during initialization if the camera did not support that + size. + + .. ## Camera.get_size ## + + .. method:: query_image + + | :sl:`checks if a frame is ready` + | :sg:`query_image() -> bool` + + If an image is ready to get, it returns true. Otherwise it returns false. + Note that some webcams will always return False and will only queue a + frame when called with a blocking function like :func:`get_image()`. + On Windows (MSMF), and the OpenCV backends, :func:`query_image()` + should be reliable, though. This is useful to separate the framerate of + the game from that of the camera without having to use threading. + + .. ## Camera.query_image ## + + .. method:: get_image + + | :sl:`captures an image as a Surface` + | :sg:`get_image(Surface = None) -> Surface` + + Pulls an image off of the buffer as an ``RGB`` Surface. It can optionally + reuse an existing Surface to save time. The bit-depth of the surface is + 24 bits on Linux, 32 bits on Windows, or the same as the optionally + supplied Surface. + + .. ## Camera.get_image ## + + .. method:: get_raw + + | :sl:`returns an unmodified image as bytes` + | :sg:`get_raw() -> bytes` + + Gets an image from a camera as a string in the native pixelformat of the + camera. Useful for integration with other libraries. This returns a + bytes object + + .. ## Camera.get_raw ## + + .. ## pygame.camera.Camera ## + +.. ## pygame.camera ## diff --git a/docs/ref/cdrom.rst b/docs/ref/cdrom.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62688c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/cdrom.rst @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.cdrom` +=================== + +.. module:: pygame.cdrom + :synopsis: pygame module for audio cdrom control + +| :sl:`pygame module for audio cdrom control` + +.. warning:: + This module is non functional in pygame 2.0 and above, unless you have manually compiled pygame with SDL1. + This module will not be supported in the future. + One alternative for python cdrom functionality is `pycdio `_. + +The cdrom module manages the ``CD`` and ``DVD`` drives on a computer. It can +also control the playback of audio CDs. This module needs to be initialized +before it can do anything. Each ``CD`` object you create represents a cdrom +drive and must also be initialized individually before it can do most things. + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`initialize the cdrom module` + | :sg:`init() -> None` + + Initialize the cdrom module. This will scan the system for all ``CD`` + devices. The module must be initialized before any other functions will + work. This automatically happens when you call ``pygame.init()``. + + It is safe to call this function more than once. + + .. ## pygame.cdrom.init ## + +.. function:: quit + + | :sl:`uninitialize the cdrom module` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + Uninitialize the cdrom module. After you call this any existing ``CD`` + objects will no longer work. + + It is safe to call this function more than once. + + .. ## pygame.cdrom.quit ## + +.. function:: get_init + + | :sl:`true if the cdrom module is initialized` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Test if the cdrom module is initialized or not. This is different than the + ``CD.init()`` since each drive must also be initialized individually. + + .. ## pygame.cdrom.get_init ## + +.. function:: get_count + + | :sl:`number of cd drives on the system` + | :sg:`get_count() -> count` + + Return the number of cd drives on the system. When you create ``CD`` objects + you need to pass an integer id that must be lower than this count. The count + will be 0 if there are no drives on the system. + + .. ## pygame.cdrom.get_count ## + +.. class:: CD + + | :sl:`class to manage a cdrom drive` + | :sg:`CD(id) -> CD` + + You can create a ``CD`` object for each cdrom on the system. Use + ``pygame.cdrom.get_count()`` to determine how many drives actually exist. + The id argument is an integer of the drive, starting at zero. + + The ``CD`` object is not initialized, you can only call ``CD.get_id()`` and + ``CD.get_name()`` on an uninitialized drive. + + It is safe to create multiple ``CD`` objects for the same drive, they will + all cooperate normally. + + .. method:: init + + | :sl:`initialize a cdrom drive for use` + | :sg:`init() -> None` + + Initialize the cdrom drive for use. The drive must be initialized for + most ``CD`` methods to work. Even if the rest of pygame has been + initialized. + + There may be a brief pause while the drive is initialized. Avoid + ``CD.init()`` if the program should not stop for a second or two. + + .. ## CD.init ## + + .. method:: quit + + | :sl:`uninitialize a cdrom drive for use` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + Uninitialize a drive for use. Call this when your program will not be + accessing the drive for awhile. + + .. ## CD.quit ## + + .. method:: get_init + + | :sl:`true if this cd device initialized` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Test if this ``CDROM`` device is initialized. This is different than the + ``pygame.cdrom.init()`` since each drive must also be initialized + individually. + + .. ## CD.get_init ## + + .. method:: play + + | :sl:`start playing audio` + | :sg:`play(track, start=None, end=None) -> None` + + Playback audio from an audio cdrom in the drive. Besides the track number + argument, you can also pass a starting and ending time for playback. The + start and end time are in seconds, and can limit the section of an audio + track played. + + If you pass a start time but no end, the audio will play to the end of + the track. If you pass a start time and 'None' for the end time, the + audio will play to the end of the entire disc. + + See the ``CD.get_numtracks()`` and ``CD.get_track_audio()`` to find + tracks to playback. + + Note, track 0 is the first track on the ``CD``. Track numbers start at + zero. + + .. ## CD.play ## + + .. method:: stop + + | :sl:`stop audio playback` + | :sg:`stop() -> None` + + Stops playback of audio from the cdrom. This will also lose the current + playback position. This method does nothing if the drive isn't already + playing audio. + + .. ## CD.stop ## + + .. method:: pause + + | :sl:`temporarily stop audio playback` + | :sg:`pause() -> None` + + Temporarily stop audio playback on the ``CD``. The playback can be + resumed at the same point with the ``CD.resume()`` method. If the ``CD`` + is not playing this method does nothing. + + Note, track 0 is the first track on the ``CD``. Track numbers start at + zero. + + .. ## CD.pause ## + + .. method:: resume + + | :sl:`unpause audio playback` + | :sg:`resume() -> None` + + Unpause a paused ``CD``. If the ``CD`` is not paused or already playing, + this method does nothing. + + .. ## CD.resume ## + + .. method:: eject + + | :sl:`eject or open the cdrom drive` + | :sg:`eject() -> None` + + This will open the cdrom drive and eject the cdrom. If the drive is + playing or paused it will be stopped. + + .. ## CD.eject ## + + .. method:: get_id + + | :sl:`the index of the cdrom drive` + | :sg:`get_id() -> id` + + Returns the integer id that was used to create the ``CD`` instance. This + method can work on an uninitialized ``CD``. + + .. ## CD.get_id ## + + .. method:: get_name + + | :sl:`the system name of the cdrom drive` + | :sg:`get_name() -> name` + + Return the string name of the drive. This is the system name used to + represent the drive. It is often the drive letter or device name. This + method can work on an uninitialized ``CD``. + + .. ## CD.get_name ## + + .. method:: get_busy + + | :sl:`true if the drive is playing audio` + | :sg:`get_busy() -> bool` + + Returns True if the drive busy playing back audio. + + .. ## CD.get_busy ## + + .. method:: get_paused + + | :sl:`true if the drive is paused` + | :sg:`get_paused() -> bool` + + Returns True if the drive is currently paused. + + .. ## CD.get_paused ## + + .. method:: get_current + + | :sl:`the current audio playback position` + | :sg:`get_current() -> track, seconds` + + Returns both the current track and time of that track. This method works + when the drive is either playing or paused. + + Note, track 0 is the first track on the ``CD``. Track numbers start at + zero. + + .. ## CD.get_current ## + + .. method:: get_empty + + | :sl:`False if a cdrom is in the drive` + | :sg:`get_empty() -> bool` + + Return False if there is a cdrom currently in the drive. If the drive is + empty this will return True. + + .. ## CD.get_empty ## + + .. method:: get_numtracks + + | :sl:`the number of tracks on the cdrom` + | :sg:`get_numtracks() -> count` + + Return the number of tracks on the cdrom in the drive. This will return + zero of the drive is empty or has no tracks. + + .. ## CD.get_numtracks ## + + .. method:: get_track_audio + + | :sl:`true if the cdrom track has audio data` + | :sg:`get_track_audio(track) -> bool` + + Determine if a track on a cdrom contains audio data. You can also call + ``CD.num_tracks()`` and ``CD.get_all()`` to determine more information + about the cdrom. + + Note, track 0 is the first track on the ``CD``. Track numbers start at + zero. + + .. ## CD.get_track_audio ## + + .. method:: get_all + + | :sl:`get all track information` + | :sg:`get_all() -> [(audio, start, end, length), ...]` + + Return a list with information for every track on the cdrom. The + information consists of a tuple with four values. The audio value is True + if the track contains audio data. The start, end, and length values are + floating point numbers in seconds. Start and end represent absolute times + on the entire disc. + + .. ## CD.get_all ## + + .. method:: get_track_start + + | :sl:`start time of a cdrom track` + | :sg:`get_track_start(track) -> seconds` + + Return the absolute time in seconds where at start of the cdrom track. + + Note, track 0 is the first track on the ``CD``. Track numbers start at + zero. + + .. ## CD.get_track_start ## + + .. method:: get_track_length + + | :sl:`length of a cdrom track` + | :sg:`get_track_length(track) -> seconds` + + Return a floating point value in seconds of the length of the cdrom + track. + + Note, track 0 is the first track on the ``CD``. Track numbers start at + zero. + + .. ## CD.get_track_length ## + + .. ## pygame.cdrom.CD ## + +.. ## pygame.cdrom ## diff --git a/docs/ref/code_examples/angle_to.png b/docs/ref/code_examples/angle_to.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2cf3b2a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ref/code_examples/angle_to.png differ diff --git a/docs/ref/code_examples/base_script.py b/docs/ref/code_examples/base_script.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1cd142 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/code_examples/base_script.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# Example file showing a basic pygame "game loop" +import pygame + +# pygame setup +pygame.init() +screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 720)) +clock = pygame.time.Clock() +running = True + +while running: + # poll for events + # pygame.QUIT event means the user clicked X to close your window + for event in pygame.event.get(): + if event.type == pygame.QUIT: + running = False + + # fill the screen with a color to wipe away anything from last frame + screen.fill("purple") + + # RENDER YOUR GAME HERE + + # flip() the display to put your work on screen + pygame.display.flip() + + clock.tick(60) # limits FPS to 60 + +pygame.quit() diff --git a/docs/ref/code_examples/base_script_example.py b/docs/ref/code_examples/base_script_example.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fac3f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/code_examples/base_script_example.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Example file showing a circle moving on screen +import pygame + +# pygame setup +pygame.init() +screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 720)) +clock = pygame.time.Clock() +running = True +dt = 0 + +player_pos = pygame.Vector2(screen.get_width() / 2, screen.get_height() / 2) + +while running: + # poll for events + # pygame.QUIT event means the user clicked X to close your window + for event in pygame.event.get(): + if event.type == pygame.QUIT: + running = False + + # fill the screen with a color to wipe away anything from last frame + screen.fill("purple") + + pygame.draw.circle(screen, "red", player_pos, 40) + + keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() + if keys[pygame.K_w]: + player_pos.y -= 300 * dt + if keys[pygame.K_s]: + player_pos.y += 300 * dt + if keys[pygame.K_a]: + player_pos.x -= 300 * dt + if keys[pygame.K_d]: + player_pos.x += 300 * dt + + # flip() the display to put your work on screen + pygame.display.flip() + + # limits FPS to 60 + # dt is delta time in seconds since last frame, used for framerate- + # independent physics. + dt = clock.tick(60) / 1000 + +pygame.quit() diff --git a/docs/ref/code_examples/cursors_module_example.py b/docs/ref/code_examples/cursors_module_example.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95fa6a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/code_examples/cursors_module_example.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# pygame setup +import pygame as pg + +pg.init() +screen = pg.display.set_mode([600, 400]) +pg.display.set_caption("Example code for the cursors module") + +# create a system cursor +system = pg.cursors.Cursor(pg.SYSTEM_CURSOR_NO) + +# create bitmap cursors +bitmap_1 = pg.cursors.Cursor(*pg.cursors.arrow) +bitmap_2 = pg.cursors.Cursor( + (24, 24), (0, 0), *pg.cursors.compile(pg.cursors.thickarrow_strings) +) + +# create a color cursor +surf = pg.Surface((40, 40)) # you could also load an image +surf.fill((120, 50, 50)) # and use that as your surface +color = pg.cursors.Cursor((20, 20), surf) + +cursors = [system, bitmap_1, bitmap_2, color] +cursor_index = 0 + +pg.mouse.set_cursor(cursors[cursor_index]) + +clock = pg.time.Clock() +going = True +while going: + clock.tick(60) + screen.fill((0, 75, 30)) + pg.display.flip() + + for event in pg.event.get(): + if event.type == pg.QUIT or (event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE): + going = False + + # if the mouse is clicked it will switch to a new cursor + if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: + cursor_index += 1 + cursor_index %= len(cursors) + pg.mouse.set_cursor(cursors[cursor_index]) + +pg.quit() diff --git a/docs/ref/code_examples/draw_module_example.png b/docs/ref/code_examples/draw_module_example.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42d6ed1 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ref/code_examples/draw_module_example.png differ diff --git a/docs/ref/code_examples/draw_module_example.py b/docs/ref/code_examples/draw_module_example.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9f2408 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/code_examples/draw_module_example.py @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +import pygame +from math import pi + +# Initialize pygame +pygame.init() + +# Set the height and width of the screen +size = [400, 300] +screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) + +pygame.display.set_caption("Example code for the draw module") + +# Loop until the user clicks the close button. +done = False +clock = pygame.time.Clock() + +while not done: + # This limits the while loop to a max of 60 times per second. + # Leave this out and we will use all CPU we can. + clock.tick(60) + + for event in pygame.event.get(): # User did something + if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # If user clicked close + done = True # Flag that we are done so we exit this loop + + # Clear the screen and set the screen background + screen.fill("white") + + # Draw on the screen a green line from (0, 0) to (50, 30) + # 5 pixels wide. Uses (r, g, b) color - medium sea green. + pygame.draw.line(screen, (60, 179, 113), [0, 0], [50, 30], 5) + + # Draw on the screen a green line from (0, 50) to (50, 80) + # Because it is an antialiased line, it is 1 pixel wide. + # Uses (r, g, b) color - medium sea green. + pygame.draw.aaline(screen, (60, 179, 113), [0, 50], [50, 80], True) + + # Draw on the screen 3 black lines, each 5 pixels wide. + # The 'False' means the first and last points are not connected. + pygame.draw.lines( + screen, "black", False, [[0, 80], [50, 90], [200, 80], [220, 30]], 5 + ) + + # Draw a rectangle outline + pygame.draw.rect(screen, "black", [75, 10, 50, 20], 2) + + # Draw a solid rectangle. Same color as "black" above, specified in a new way + pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), [150, 10, 50, 20]) + + # Draw a rectangle with rounded corners + pygame.draw.rect(screen, "green", [115, 210, 70, 40], 10, border_radius=15) + pygame.draw.rect( + screen, + "red", + [135, 260, 50, 30], + 0, + border_radius=10, + border_top_left_radius=0, + border_bottom_right_radius=15, + ) + + # Draw an ellipse outline, using a rectangle as the outside boundaries + pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, "red", [225, 10, 50, 20], 2) + + # Draw an solid ellipse, using a rectangle as the outside boundaries + pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, "red", [300, 10, 50, 20]) + + # This draws a triangle using the polygon command + pygame.draw.polygon(screen, "black", [[100, 100], [0, 200], [200, 200]], 5) + + # Draw an arc as part of an ellipse. + # Use radians to determine what angle to draw. + pygame.draw.arc(screen, "black", [210, 75, 150, 125], 0, pi / 2, 2) + pygame.draw.arc(screen, "green", [210, 75, 150, 125], pi / 2, pi, 2) + pygame.draw.arc(screen, "blue", [210, 75, 150, 125], pi, 3 * pi / 2, 2) + pygame.draw.arc(screen, "red", [210, 75, 150, 125], 3 * pi / 2, 2 * pi, 2) + + # Draw a circle + pygame.draw.circle(screen, "blue", [60, 250], 40) + + # Draw only one circle quadrant + pygame.draw.circle(screen, "blue", [250, 250], 40, 0, draw_top_right=True) + pygame.draw.circle(screen, "red", [250, 250], 40, 30, draw_top_left=True) + pygame.draw.circle(screen, "green", [250, 250], 40, 20, draw_bottom_left=True) + pygame.draw.circle(screen, "black", [250, 250], 40, 10, draw_bottom_right=True) + + # Go ahead and update the screen with what we've drawn. + # This MUST happen after all the other drawing commands. + pygame.display.flip() + +# Be IDLE friendly +pygame.quit() diff --git a/docs/ref/code_examples/joystick_calls.png b/docs/ref/code_examples/joystick_calls.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c713bfe Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ref/code_examples/joystick_calls.png differ diff --git a/docs/ref/color.rst b/docs/ref/color.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc5c123 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/color.rst @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.Color` +=================== + +.. currentmodule:: pygame + +.. class:: Color + + | :sl:`pygame object for color representations` + | :sg:`Color(r, g, b) -> Color` + | :sg:`Color(r, g, b, a=255) -> Color` + | :sg:`Color(color_value) -> Color` + + The ``Color`` class represents ``RGBA`` color values using a value range of + 0 to 255 inclusive. It allows basic arithmetic operations — binary + operations ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``//``, ``%``, and unary operation ``~`` — to + create new colors, supports conversions to other color spaces such as ``HSV`` + or ``HSL`` and lets you adjust single color channels. + Alpha defaults to 255 (fully opaque) when not given. + The arithmetic operations and ``correct_gamma()`` method preserve subclasses. + For the binary operators, the class of the returned color is that of the + left hand color object of the operator. + + Color objects support equality comparison with other color objects and 3 or + 4 element tuples of integers. There was a bug in pygame 1.8.1 + where the default alpha was 0, not 255 like previously. + + Color objects export the C level array interface. The interface exports a + read-only one dimensional unsigned byte array of the same assigned length + as the color. The new buffer interface is also exported, with the same + characteristics as the array interface. + + The floor division, ``//``, and modulus, ``%``, operators do not raise + an exception for division by zero. Instead, if a color, or alpha, channel + in the right hand color is 0, then the result is 0. For example: :: + + # These expressions are True + Color(255, 255, 255, 255) // Color(0, 64, 64, 64) == Color(0, 3, 3, 3) + Color(255, 255, 255, 255) % Color(64, 64, 64, 0) == Color(63, 63, 63, 0) + + Use ``int(color)`` to return the immutable integer value of the color, + usable as a ``dict`` key. This integer value differs from the mapped + pixel values of :meth:`pygame.Surface.get_at_mapped`, + :meth:`pygame.Surface.map_rgb` and :meth:`pygame.Surface.unmap_rgb`. + It can be passed as a ``color_value`` argument to :class:`Color` + (useful with sets). + + See :doc:`color_list` for samples of the available named colors. + + :param int r: red value in the range of 0 to 255 inclusive + :param int g: green value in the range of 0 to 255 inclusive + :param int b: blue value in the range of 0 to 255 inclusive + :param int a: (optional) alpha value in the range of 0 to 255 inclusive, + default is 255 + :param color_value: color value (see note below for the supported formats) + + .. note:: + Supported ``color_value`` formats: + | - **Color object:** clones the given :class:`Color` object + | - **Color name: str:** name of the color to use, e.g. ``'red'`` + (all the supported name strings can be found in the + :doc:`color_list`, with sample swatches) + | - **HTML color format str:** ``'#rrggbbaa'`` or ``'#rrggbb'``, + where rr, gg, bb, and aa are 2-digit hex numbers in the range + of 0 to 0xFF inclusive, the aa (alpha) value defaults to 0xFF + if not provided + | - **hex number str:** ``'0xrrggbbaa'`` or ``'0xrrggbb'``, where + rr, gg, bb, and aa are 2-digit hex numbers in the range of 0x00 + to 0xFF inclusive, the aa (alpha) value defaults to 0xFF if not + provided + | - **int:** int value of the color to use, using hex numbers can + make this parameter more readable, e.g. ``0xrrggbbaa``, where rr, + gg, bb, and aa are 2-digit hex numbers in the range of 0x00 to + 0xFF inclusive, note that the aa (alpha) value is not optional for + the int format and must be provided + | - **tuple/list of int color values:** ``(R, G, B, A)`` or + ``(R, G, B)``, where R, G, B, and A are int values in the range of + 0 to 255 inclusive, the A (alpha) value defaults to 255 if not + provided + + :type color_value: Color or str or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) or + list(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: a newly created :class:`Color` object + :rtype: Color + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 + Support for tuples, lists, and :class:`Color` objects when creating + :class:`Color` objects. + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.2 Color objects export the C level array interface. + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.0 Color objects support 4-element tuples of integers. + .. versionchanged:: 1.8.1 New implementation of the class. + + .. attribute:: r + + | :sl:`Gets or sets the red value of the Color.` + | :sg:`r -> int` + + The red value of the Color. + + .. ## Color.r ## + + .. attribute:: g + + | :sl:`Gets or sets the green value of the Color.` + | :sg:`g -> int` + + The green value of the Color. + + .. ## Color.g ## + + .. attribute:: b + + | :sl:`Gets or sets the blue value of the Color.` + | :sg:`b -> int` + + The blue value of the Color. + + .. ## Color.b ## + + .. attribute:: a + + | :sl:`Gets or sets the alpha value of the Color.` + | :sg:`a -> int` + + The alpha value of the Color. + + .. ## Color.a ## + + .. attribute:: cmy + + | :sl:`Gets or sets the CMY representation of the Color.` + | :sg:`cmy -> tuple` + + The ``CMY`` representation of the Color. The ``CMY`` components are in + the ranges ``C`` = [0, 1], ``M`` = [0, 1], ``Y`` = [0, 1]. Note that this + will not return the absolutely exact ``CMY`` values for the set ``RGB`` + values in all cases. Due to the ``RGB`` mapping from 0-255 and the + ``CMY`` mapping from 0-1 rounding errors may cause the ``CMY`` values to + differ slightly from what you might expect. + + .. ## Color.cmy ## + + .. attribute:: hsva + + | :sl:`Gets or sets the HSVA representation of the Color.` + | :sg:`hsva -> tuple` + + The ``HSVA`` representation of the Color. The ``HSVA`` components are in + the ranges ``H`` = [0, 360], ``S`` = [0, 100], ``V`` = [0, 100], A = [0, + 100]. Note that this will not return the absolutely exact ``HSV`` values + for the set ``RGB`` values in all cases. Due to the ``RGB`` mapping from + 0-255 and the ``HSV`` mapping from 0-100 and 0-360 rounding errors may + cause the ``HSV`` values to differ slightly from what you might expect. + + .. ## Color.hsva ## + + .. attribute:: hsla + + | :sl:`Gets or sets the HSLA representation of the Color.` + | :sg:`hsla -> tuple` + + The ``HSLA`` representation of the Color. The ``HSLA`` components are in + the ranges ``H`` = [0, 360], ``S`` = [0, 100], ``L`` = [0, 100], A = [0, + 100]. Note that this will not return the absolutely exact ``HSL`` values + for the set ``RGB`` values in all cases. Due to the ``RGB`` mapping from + 0-255 and the ``HSL`` mapping from 0-100 and 0-360 rounding errors may + cause the ``HSL`` values to differ slightly from what you might expect. + + .. ## Color.hsla ## + + .. attribute:: i1i2i3 + + | :sl:`Gets or sets the I1I2I3 representation of the Color.` + | :sg:`i1i2i3 -> tuple` + + The ``I1I2I3`` representation of the Color. The ``I1I2I3`` components are + in the ranges ``I1`` = [0, 1], ``I2`` = [-0.5, 0.5], ``I3`` = [-0.5, + 0.5]. Note that this will not return the absolutely exact ``I1I2I3`` + values for the set ``RGB`` values in all cases. Due to the ``RGB`` + mapping from 0-255 and the ``I1I2I3`` mapping from 0-1 rounding errors + may cause the ``I1I2I3`` values to differ slightly from what you might + expect. + + .. ## Color.i1i2i3 ## + + .. method:: normalize + + | :sl:`Returns the normalized RGBA values of the Color.` + | :sg:`normalize() -> tuple` + + Returns the normalized ``RGBA`` values of the Color as floating point + values. + + .. ## Color.normalize ## + + .. method:: correct_gamma + + | :sl:`Applies a certain gamma value to the Color.` + | :sg:`correct_gamma (gamma) -> Color` + + Applies a certain gamma value to the Color and returns a new Color with + the adjusted ``RGBA`` values. + + .. ## Color.correct_gamma ## + + .. method:: set_length + + | :sl:`Set the number of elements in the Color to 1,2,3, or 4.` + | :sg:`set_length(len) -> None` + + DEPRECATED: You may unpack the values you need like so, + ``r, g, b, _ = pygame.Color(100, 100, 100)`` + If you only want r, g and b + Or + ``r, g, *_ = pygame.Color(100, 100, 100)`` + if you only want r and g + + The default Color length is 4. Colors can have lengths 1,2,3 or 4. This + is useful if you want to unpack to r,g,b and not r,g,b,a. If you want to + get the length of a Color do ``len(acolor)``. + + .. deprecated:: 2.1.3 + .. versionadded:: 1.9.0 + + .. ## Color.set_length ## + + .. method:: grayscale + + | :sl:`returns the grayscale of a Color` + | :sg:`grayscale() -> Color` + + Returns a Color which represents the grayscaled version of self using the luminosity formula which weights red, green and blue according to their wavelengths.. + + .. ## Color.grayscale ## + + .. method:: lerp + + | :sl:`returns a linear interpolation to the given Color.` + | :sg:`lerp(Color, float) -> Color` + + Returns a Color which is a linear interpolation between self and the + given Color in RGBA space. The second parameter determines how far + between self and other the result is going to be. + It must be a value between 0 and 1 where 0 means self and 1 means + other will be returned. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.1 + + .. ## Color.lerp ## + + .. method:: premul_alpha + + | :sl:`returns a Color where the r,g,b components have been multiplied by the alpha.` + | :sg:`premul_alpha() -> Color` + + Returns a new Color where each of the red, green and blue colour + channels have been multiplied by the alpha channel of the original + color. The alpha channel remains unchanged. + + This is useful when working with the ``BLEND_PREMULTIPLIED`` blending mode + flag for :meth:`pygame.Surface.blit()`, which assumes that all surfaces using + it are using pre-multiplied alpha colors. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Color.premul_alpha ## + + .. method:: update + + | :sl:`Sets the elements of the color` + | :sg:`update(r, g, b) -> None` + | :sg:`update(r, g, b, a=255) -> None` + | :sg:`update(color_value) -> None` + + Sets the elements of the color. See parameters for :meth:`pygame.Color` for the + parameters of this function. If the alpha value was not set it will not change. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.1 + + .. ## Color.update ## + .. ## pygame.Color ## diff --git a/docs/ref/color_list.rst b/docs/ref/color_list.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6cf289 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/color_list.rst @@ -0,0 +1,2014 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +Named Colors +============ + +.. raw:: html + + + +:doc:`color` lets you specify any of these named colors when creating a new +``pygame.Color`` (taken from the +`colordict module `_). + +.. role:: aliceblue +.. role:: antiquewhite +.. role:: antiquewhite1 +.. role:: antiquewhite2 +.. role:: antiquewhite3 +.. role:: antiquewhite4 +.. role:: aqua +.. role:: aquamarine +.. role:: aquamarine1 +.. role:: aquamarine2 +.. role:: aquamarine3 +.. role:: aquamarine4 +.. role:: azure +.. role:: azure1 +.. role:: azure2 +.. role:: azure3 +.. role:: azure4 +.. role:: beige +.. role:: bisque +.. role:: bisque1 +.. role:: bisque2 +.. role:: bisque3 +.. role:: bisque4 +.. role:: black +.. role:: blanchedalmond +.. role:: blue +.. role:: blue1 +.. role:: blue2 +.. role:: blue3 +.. role:: blue4 +.. role:: blueviolet +.. role:: brown +.. role:: brown1 +.. role:: brown2 +.. role:: brown3 +.. role:: brown4 +.. role:: burlywood +.. role:: burlywood1 +.. role:: burlywood2 +.. role:: burlywood3 +.. role:: burlywood4 +.. role:: cadetblue +.. role:: cadetblue1 +.. role:: cadetblue2 +.. role:: cadetblue3 +.. role:: cadetblue4 +.. role:: chartreuse +.. role:: chartreuse1 +.. role:: chartreuse2 +.. role:: chartreuse3 +.. role:: chartreuse4 +.. role:: chocolate +.. role:: chocolate1 +.. role:: chocolate2 +.. role:: chocolate3 +.. role:: chocolate4 +.. role:: coral +.. role:: coral1 +.. role:: coral2 +.. role:: coral3 +.. role:: coral4 +.. role:: cornflowerblue +.. role:: cornsilk +.. role:: cornsilk1 +.. role:: cornsilk2 +.. role:: cornsilk3 +.. role:: cornsilk4 +.. role:: crimson +.. role:: cyan +.. role:: cyan1 +.. role:: cyan2 +.. role:: cyan3 +.. role:: cyan4 +.. role:: darkblue +.. role:: darkcyan +.. role:: darkgoldenrod +.. role:: darkgoldenrod1 +.. role:: darkgoldenrod2 +.. role:: darkgoldenrod3 +.. role:: darkgoldenrod4 +.. role:: darkgray +.. role:: darkgreen +.. role:: darkgrey +.. role:: darkkhaki +.. role:: darkmagenta +.. role:: darkolivegreen +.. role:: darkolivegreen1 +.. role:: darkolivegreen2 +.. role:: darkolivegreen3 +.. role:: darkolivegreen4 +.. role:: darkorange +.. role:: darkorange1 +.. role:: darkorange2 +.. role:: darkorange3 +.. role:: darkorange4 +.. role:: darkorchid +.. role:: darkorchid1 +.. role:: darkorchid2 +.. role:: darkorchid3 +.. role:: darkorchid4 +.. role:: darkred +.. role:: darksalmon +.. role:: darkseagreen +.. role:: darkseagreen1 +.. role:: darkseagreen2 +.. role:: darkseagreen3 +.. role:: darkseagreen4 +.. role:: darkslateblue +.. role:: darkslategray +.. role:: darkslategray1 +.. role:: darkslategray2 +.. role:: darkslategray3 +.. role:: darkslategray4 +.. role:: darkslategrey +.. role:: darkturquoise +.. role:: darkviolet +.. role:: deeppink +.. role:: deeppink1 +.. role:: deeppink2 +.. role:: deeppink3 +.. role:: deeppink4 +.. role:: deepskyblue +.. role:: deepskyblue1 +.. role:: deepskyblue2 +.. role:: deepskyblue3 +.. role:: deepskyblue4 +.. role:: dimgray +.. role:: dimgrey +.. role:: dodgerblue +.. role:: dodgerblue1 +.. role:: dodgerblue2 +.. role:: dodgerblue3 +.. role:: dodgerblue4 +.. role:: firebrick +.. role:: firebrick1 +.. role:: firebrick2 +.. role:: firebrick3 +.. role:: firebrick4 +.. role:: floralwhite +.. role:: forestgreen +.. role:: fuchsia +.. role:: gainsboro +.. role:: ghostwhite +.. role:: gold +.. role:: gold1 +.. role:: gold2 +.. role:: gold3 +.. role:: gold4 +.. role:: goldenrod +.. role:: goldenrod1 +.. role:: goldenrod2 +.. role:: goldenrod3 +.. role:: goldenrod4 +.. role:: gray +.. role:: gray0 +.. role:: gray1 +.. role:: gray2 +.. role:: gray3 +.. role:: gray4 +.. role:: gray5 +.. role:: gray6 +.. role:: gray7 +.. role:: gray8 +.. role:: gray9 +.. role:: gray10 +.. role:: gray11 +.. role:: gray12 +.. role:: gray13 +.. role:: gray14 +.. role:: gray15 +.. role:: gray16 +.. role:: gray17 +.. role:: gray18 +.. role:: gray19 +.. role:: gray20 +.. role:: gray21 +.. role:: gray22 +.. role:: gray23 +.. role:: gray24 +.. role:: gray25 +.. role:: gray26 +.. role:: gray27 +.. role:: gray28 +.. role:: gray29 +.. role:: gray30 +.. role:: gray31 +.. role:: gray32 +.. role:: gray33 +.. role:: gray34 +.. role:: gray35 +.. role:: gray36 +.. role:: gray37 +.. role:: gray38 +.. role:: gray39 +.. role:: gray40 +.. role:: gray41 +.. role:: gray42 +.. role:: gray43 +.. role:: gray44 +.. role:: gray45 +.. role:: gray46 +.. role:: gray47 +.. role:: gray48 +.. role:: gray49 +.. role:: gray50 +.. role:: gray51 +.. role:: gray52 +.. role:: gray53 +.. role:: gray54 +.. role:: gray55 +.. role:: gray56 +.. role:: gray57 +.. role:: gray58 +.. role:: gray59 +.. role:: gray60 +.. role:: gray61 +.. role:: gray62 +.. role:: gray63 +.. role:: gray64 +.. role:: gray65 +.. role:: gray66 +.. role:: gray67 +.. role:: gray68 +.. role:: gray69 +.. role:: gray70 +.. role:: gray71 +.. role:: gray72 +.. role:: gray73 +.. role:: gray74 +.. role:: gray75 +.. role:: gray76 +.. role:: gray77 +.. role:: gray78 +.. role:: gray79 +.. role:: gray80 +.. role:: gray81 +.. role:: gray82 +.. role:: gray83 +.. role:: gray84 +.. role:: gray85 +.. role:: gray86 +.. role:: gray87 +.. role:: gray88 +.. role:: gray89 +.. role:: gray90 +.. role:: gray91 +.. role:: gray92 +.. role:: gray93 +.. role:: gray94 +.. role:: gray95 +.. role:: gray96 +.. role:: gray97 +.. role:: gray98 +.. role:: gray99 +.. role:: gray100 +.. role:: green +.. role:: green1 +.. role:: green2 +.. role:: green3 +.. role:: green4 +.. role:: greenyellow +.. role:: grey +.. role:: grey0 +.. role:: grey1 +.. role:: grey2 +.. role:: grey3 +.. role:: grey4 +.. role:: grey5 +.. role:: grey6 +.. role:: grey7 +.. role:: grey8 +.. role:: grey9 +.. role:: grey10 +.. role:: grey11 +.. role:: grey12 +.. role:: grey13 +.. role:: grey14 +.. role:: grey15 +.. role:: grey16 +.. role:: grey17 +.. role:: grey18 +.. role:: grey19 +.. role:: grey20 +.. role:: grey21 +.. role:: grey22 +.. role:: grey23 +.. role:: grey24 +.. role:: grey25 +.. role:: grey26 +.. role:: grey27 +.. role:: grey28 +.. role:: grey29 +.. role:: grey30 +.. role:: grey31 +.. role:: grey32 +.. role:: grey33 +.. role:: grey34 +.. role:: grey35 +.. role:: grey36 +.. role:: grey37 +.. role:: grey38 +.. role:: grey39 +.. role:: grey40 +.. role:: grey41 +.. role:: grey42 +.. role:: grey43 +.. role:: grey44 +.. role:: grey45 +.. role:: grey46 +.. role:: grey47 +.. role:: grey48 +.. role:: grey49 +.. role:: grey50 +.. role:: grey51 +.. role:: grey52 +.. role:: grey53 +.. role:: grey54 +.. role:: grey55 +.. role:: grey56 +.. role:: grey57 +.. role:: grey58 +.. role:: grey59 +.. role:: grey60 +.. role:: grey61 +.. role:: grey62 +.. role:: grey63 +.. role:: grey64 +.. role:: grey65 +.. role:: grey66 +.. role:: grey67 +.. role:: grey68 +.. role:: grey69 +.. role:: grey70 +.. role:: grey71 +.. role:: grey72 +.. role:: grey73 +.. role:: grey74 +.. role:: grey75 +.. role:: grey76 +.. role:: grey77 +.. role:: grey78 +.. role:: grey79 +.. role:: grey80 +.. role:: grey81 +.. role:: grey82 +.. role:: grey83 +.. role:: grey84 +.. role:: grey85 +.. role:: grey86 +.. role:: grey87 +.. role:: grey88 +.. role:: grey89 +.. role:: grey90 +.. role:: grey91 +.. role:: grey92 +.. role:: grey93 +.. role:: grey94 +.. role:: grey95 +.. role:: grey96 +.. role:: grey97 +.. role:: grey98 +.. role:: grey99 +.. role:: grey100 +.. role:: honeydew +.. role:: honeydew1 +.. role:: honeydew2 +.. role:: honeydew3 +.. role:: honeydew4 +.. role:: hotpink +.. role:: hotpink1 +.. role:: hotpink2 +.. role:: hotpink3 +.. role:: hotpink4 +.. role:: indianred +.. role:: indianred1 +.. role:: indianred2 +.. role:: indianred3 +.. role:: indianred4 +.. role:: indigo +.. role:: ivory +.. role:: ivory1 +.. role:: ivory2 +.. role:: ivory3 +.. role:: ivory4 +.. role:: khaki +.. role:: khaki1 +.. role:: khaki2 +.. role:: khaki3 +.. role:: khaki4 +.. role:: lavender +.. role:: lavenderblush +.. role:: lavenderblush1 +.. role:: lavenderblush2 +.. role:: lavenderblush3 +.. role:: lavenderblush4 +.. role:: lawngreen +.. role:: lemonchiffon +.. role:: lemonchiffon1 +.. role:: lemonchiffon2 +.. role:: lemonchiffon3 +.. role:: lemonchiffon4 +.. role:: lightblue +.. role:: lightblue1 +.. role:: lightblue2 +.. role:: lightblue3 +.. role:: lightblue4 +.. role:: lightcoral +.. role:: lightcyan +.. role:: lightcyan1 +.. role:: lightcyan2 +.. role:: lightcyan3 +.. role:: lightcyan4 +.. role:: lightgoldenrod +.. role:: lightgoldenrod1 +.. role:: lightgoldenrod2 +.. role:: lightgoldenrod3 +.. role:: lightgoldenrod4 +.. role:: lightgoldenrodyellow +.. role:: lightgray +.. role:: lightgreen +.. role:: lightgrey +.. role:: lightpink +.. role:: lightpink1 +.. role:: lightpink2 +.. role:: lightpink3 +.. role:: lightpink4 +.. role:: lightsalmon +.. role:: lightsalmon1 +.. role:: lightsalmon2 +.. role:: lightsalmon3 +.. role:: lightsalmon4 +.. role:: lightseagreen +.. role:: lightskyblue +.. role:: lightskyblue1 +.. role:: lightskyblue2 +.. role:: lightskyblue3 +.. role:: lightskyblue4 +.. role:: lightslateblue +.. role:: lightslategray +.. role:: lightslategrey +.. role:: lightsteelblue +.. role:: lightsteelblue1 +.. role:: lightsteelblue2 +.. role:: lightsteelblue3 +.. role:: lightsteelblue4 +.. role:: lightyellow +.. role:: lightyellow1 +.. role:: lightyellow2 +.. role:: lightyellow3 +.. role:: lightyellow4 +.. role:: limegreen +.. role:: lime +.. role:: linen +.. role:: magenta +.. role:: magenta1 +.. role:: magenta2 +.. role:: magenta3 +.. role:: magenta4 +.. role:: maroon +.. role:: maroon1 +.. role:: maroon2 +.. role:: maroon3 +.. role:: maroon4 +.. role:: mediumaquamarine +.. role:: mediumblue +.. role:: mediumorchid +.. role:: mediumorchid1 +.. role:: mediumorchid2 +.. role:: mediumorchid3 +.. role:: mediumorchid4 +.. role:: mediumpurple +.. role:: mediumpurple1 +.. role:: mediumpurple2 +.. role:: mediumpurple3 +.. role:: mediumpurple4 +.. role:: mediumseagreen +.. role:: mediumslateblue +.. role:: mediumspringgreen +.. role:: mediumturquoise +.. role:: mediumvioletred +.. role:: midnightblue +.. role:: mintcream +.. role:: mistyrose +.. role:: mistyrose1 +.. role:: mistyrose2 +.. role:: mistyrose3 +.. role:: mistyrose4 +.. role:: moccasin +.. role:: navajowhite +.. role:: navajowhite1 +.. role:: navajowhite2 +.. role:: navajowhite3 +.. role:: navajowhite4 +.. role:: navy +.. role:: navyblue +.. role:: oldlace +.. role:: olive +.. role:: olivedrab +.. role:: olivedrab1 +.. role:: olivedrab2 +.. role:: olivedrab3 +.. role:: olivedrab4 +.. role:: orange +.. role:: orange1 +.. role:: orange2 +.. role:: orange3 +.. role:: orange4 +.. role:: orangered +.. role:: orangered1 +.. role:: orangered2 +.. role:: orangered3 +.. role:: orangered4 +.. role:: orchid +.. role:: orchid1 +.. role:: orchid2 +.. role:: orchid3 +.. role:: orchid4 +.. role:: palegoldenrod +.. role:: palegreen +.. role:: palegreen1 +.. role:: palegreen2 +.. role:: palegreen3 +.. role:: palegreen4 +.. role:: paleturquoise +.. role:: paleturquoise1 +.. role:: paleturquoise2 +.. role:: paleturquoise3 +.. role:: paleturquoise4 +.. role:: palevioletred +.. role:: palevioletred1 +.. role:: palevioletred2 +.. role:: palevioletred3 +.. role:: palevioletred4 +.. role:: papayawhip +.. role:: peachpuff +.. role:: peachpuff1 +.. role:: peachpuff2 +.. role:: peachpuff3 +.. role:: peachpuff4 +.. role:: peru +.. role:: pink +.. role:: pink1 +.. role:: pink2 +.. role:: pink3 +.. role:: pink4 +.. role:: plum +.. role:: plum1 +.. role:: plum2 +.. role:: plum3 +.. role:: plum4 +.. role:: powderblue +.. role:: purple +.. role:: purple1 +.. role:: purple2 +.. role:: purple3 +.. role:: purple4 +.. role:: red +.. role:: red1 +.. role:: red2 +.. role:: red3 +.. role:: red4 +.. role:: rosybrown +.. role:: rosybrown1 +.. role:: rosybrown2 +.. role:: rosybrown3 +.. role:: rosybrown4 +.. role:: royalblue +.. role:: royalblue1 +.. role:: royalblue2 +.. role:: royalblue3 +.. role:: royalblue4 +.. role:: saddlebrown +.. role:: salmon +.. role:: salmon1 +.. role:: salmon2 +.. role:: salmon3 +.. role:: salmon4 +.. role:: sandybrown +.. role:: seagreen +.. role:: seagreen1 +.. role:: seagreen2 +.. role:: seagreen3 +.. role:: seagreen4 +.. role:: seashell +.. role:: seashell1 +.. role:: seashell2 +.. role:: seashell3 +.. role:: seashell4 +.. role:: sienna +.. role:: sienna1 +.. role:: sienna2 +.. role:: sienna3 +.. role:: sienna4 +.. role:: silver +.. role:: skyblue +.. role:: skyblue1 +.. role:: skyblue2 +.. role:: skyblue3 +.. role:: skyblue4 +.. role:: slateblue +.. role:: slateblue1 +.. role:: slateblue2 +.. role:: slateblue3 +.. role:: slateblue4 +.. role:: slategray +.. role:: slategray1 +.. role:: slategray2 +.. role:: slategray3 +.. role:: slategray4 +.. role:: slategrey +.. role:: snow +.. role:: snow1 +.. role:: snow2 +.. role:: snow3 +.. role:: snow4 +.. role:: springgreen +.. role:: springgreen1 +.. role:: springgreen2 +.. role:: springgreen3 +.. role:: springgreen4 +.. role:: steelblue +.. role:: steelblue1 +.. role:: steelblue2 +.. role:: steelblue3 +.. role:: steelblue4 +.. role:: tan +.. role:: tan1 +.. role:: tan2 +.. role:: tan3 +.. role:: tan4 +.. role:: teal +.. role:: thistle +.. role:: thistle1 +.. role:: thistle2 +.. role:: thistle3 +.. role:: thistle4 +.. role:: tomato +.. role:: tomato1 +.. role:: tomato2 +.. role:: tomato3 +.. role:: tomato4 +.. role:: turquoise +.. role:: turquoise1 +.. role:: turquoise2 +.. role:: turquoise3 +.. role:: turquoise4 +.. role:: violet +.. role:: violetred +.. role:: violetred1 +.. role:: violetred2 +.. role:: violetred3 +.. role:: violetred4 +.. role:: wheat +.. role:: wheat1 +.. role:: wheat2 +.. role:: wheat3 +.. role:: wheat4 +.. role:: white +.. role:: whitesmoke +.. role:: yellow +.. role:: yellow1 +.. role:: yellow2 +.. role:: yellow3 +.. role:: yellow4 +.. role:: yellowgreen + +========================== ====================================================================================================== +Name Color +========================== ====================================================================================================== +``aliceblue`` :aliceblue:`████████` +``antiquewhite`` :antiquewhite:`████████` +``antiquewhite1`` :antiquewhite1:`████████` +``antiquewhite2`` :antiquewhite2:`████████` +``antiquewhite3`` :antiquewhite3:`████████` +``antiquewhite4`` :antiquewhite4:`████████` +``aqua`` :aqua:`████████` +``aquamarine`` :aquamarine:`████████` +``aquamarine1`` :aquamarine1:`████████` +``aquamarine2`` :aquamarine2:`████████` +``aquamarine3`` :aquamarine3:`████████` +``aquamarine4`` :aquamarine4:`████████` +``azure`` :azure:`████████` +``azure1`` :azure1:`████████` +``azure2`` :azure2:`████████` +``azure3`` :azure3:`████████` +``azure4`` :azure4:`████████` +``beige`` :beige:`████████` +``bisque`` :bisque:`████████` +``bisque1`` :bisque1:`████████` +``bisque2`` :bisque2:`████████` +``bisque3`` :bisque3:`████████` +``bisque4`` :bisque4:`████████` +``black`` :black:`████████` +``blanchedalmond`` :blanchedalmond:`████████` +``blue`` :blue:`████████` +``blue1`` :blue1:`████████` +``blue2`` :blue2:`████████` +``blue3`` :blue3:`████████` +``blue4`` :blue4:`████████` +``blueviolet`` :blueviolet:`████████` +``brown`` :brown:`████████` +``brown1`` :brown1:`████████` +``brown2`` :brown2:`████████` +``brown3`` :brown3:`████████` +``brown4`` :brown4:`████████` +``burlywood`` :burlywood:`████████` +``burlywood1`` :burlywood1:`████████` +``burlywood2`` :burlywood2:`████████` +``burlywood3`` :burlywood3:`████████` +``burlywood4`` :burlywood4:`████████` +``cadetblue`` :cadetblue:`████████` +``cadetblue1`` :cadetblue1:`████████` +``cadetblue2`` :cadetblue2:`████████` +``cadetblue3`` :cadetblue3:`████████` +``cadetblue4`` :cadetblue4:`████████` +``chartreuse`` :chartreuse:`████████` +``chartreuse1`` 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+``lightsteelblue4`` :lightsteelblue4:`████████` +``lightyellow`` :lightyellow:`████████` +``lightyellow1`` :lightyellow1:`████████` +``lightyellow2`` :lightyellow2:`████████` +``lightyellow3`` :lightyellow3:`████████` +``lightyellow4`` :lightyellow4:`████████` +``lime`` :lime:`████████` +``limegreen`` :limegreen:`████████` +``linen`` :linen:`████████` +``magenta`` :magenta:`████████` +``magenta1`` :magenta1:`████████` +``magenta2`` :magenta2:`████████` +``magenta3`` :magenta3:`████████` +``magenta4`` :magenta4:`████████` +``maroon`` :maroon:`████████` +``maroon1`` :maroon1:`████████` +``maroon2`` :maroon2:`████████` +``maroon3`` :maroon3:`████████` +``maroon4`` :maroon4:`████████` +``mediumaquamarine`` :mediumaquamarine:`████████` +``mediumblue`` :mediumblue:`████████` +``mediumorchid`` :mediumorchid:`████████` +``mediumorchid1`` :mediumorchid1:`████████` +``mediumorchid2`` :mediumorchid2:`████████` +``mediumorchid3`` :mediumorchid3:`████████` +``mediumorchid4`` :mediumorchid4:`████████` +``mediumpurple`` :mediumpurple:`████████` +``mediumpurple1`` :mediumpurple1:`████████` +``mediumpurple2`` :mediumpurple2:`████████` +``mediumpurple3`` :mediumpurple3:`████████` +``mediumpurple4`` :mediumpurple4:`████████` +``mediumseagreen`` :mediumseagreen:`████████` +``mediumslateblue`` :mediumslateblue:`████████` +``mediumspringgreen`` :mediumspringgreen:`████████` +``mediumturquoise`` :mediumturquoise:`████████` +``mediumvioletred`` :mediumvioletred:`████████` +``midnightblue`` :midnightblue:`████████` +``mintcream`` :mintcream:`████████` +``mistyrose`` :mistyrose:`████████` +``mistyrose1`` :mistyrose1:`████████` +``mistyrose2`` :mistyrose2:`████████` +``mistyrose3`` :mistyrose3:`████████` +``mistyrose4`` :mistyrose4:`████████` +``moccasin`` :moccasin:`████████` +``navajowhite`` :navajowhite:`████████` +``navajowhite1`` :navajowhite1:`████████` +``navajowhite2`` :navajowhite2:`████████` +``navajowhite3`` :navajowhite3:`████████` +``navajowhite4`` :navajowhite4:`████████` +``navy`` :navy:`████████` +``navyblue`` :navyblue:`████████` +``oldlace`` :oldlace:`████████` +``olive`` :olive:`████████` +``olivedrab`` :olivedrab:`████████` +``olivedrab1`` :olivedrab1:`████████` +``olivedrab2`` :olivedrab2:`████████` +``olivedrab3`` :olivedrab3:`████████` +``olivedrab4`` :olivedrab4:`████████` +``orange`` :orange:`████████` +``orange1`` :orange1:`████████` +``orange2`` :orange2:`████████` +``orange3`` :orange3:`████████` +``orange4`` :orange4:`████████` +``orangered`` :orangered:`████████` +``orangered1`` :orangered1:`████████` +``orangered2`` :orangered2:`████████` +``orangered3`` :orangered3:`████████` +``orangered4`` :orangered4:`████████` +``orchid`` :orchid:`████████` +``orchid1`` :orchid1:`████████` +``orchid2`` :orchid2:`████████` +``orchid3`` :orchid3:`████████` +``orchid4`` :orchid4:`████████` +``palegoldenrod`` :palegoldenrod:`████████` +``palegreen`` :palegreen:`████████` +``palegreen1`` :palegreen1:`████████` +``palegreen2`` :palegreen2:`████████` +``palegreen3`` :palegreen3:`████████` +``palegreen4`` :palegreen4:`████████` +``paleturquoise`` :paleturquoise:`████████` +``paleturquoise1`` :paleturquoise1:`████████` +``paleturquoise2`` :paleturquoise2:`████████` +``paleturquoise3`` :paleturquoise3:`████████` +``paleturquoise4`` :paleturquoise4:`████████` +``palevioletred`` :palevioletred:`████████` +``palevioletred1`` :palevioletred1:`████████` +``palevioletred2`` :palevioletred2:`████████` +``palevioletred3`` :palevioletred3:`████████` +``palevioletred4`` :palevioletred4:`████████` +``papayawhip`` :papayawhip:`████████` +``peachpuff`` :peachpuff:`████████` +``peachpuff1`` :peachpuff1:`████████` +``peachpuff2`` :peachpuff2:`████████` +``peachpuff3`` :peachpuff3:`████████` +``peachpuff4`` :peachpuff4:`████████` +``peru`` :peru:`████████` +``pink`` :pink:`████████` +``pink1`` :pink1:`████████` +``pink2`` :pink2:`████████` +``pink3`` :pink3:`████████` +``pink4`` :pink4:`████████` +``plum`` :plum:`████████` +``plum1`` :plum1:`████████` +``plum2`` :plum2:`████████` +``plum3`` :plum3:`████████` +``plum4`` :plum4:`████████` +``powderblue`` :powderblue:`████████` +``purple`` :purple:`████████` +``purple1`` :purple1:`████████` +``purple2`` :purple2:`████████` +``purple3`` :purple3:`████████` +``purple4`` :purple4:`████████` +``red`` :red:`████████` +``red1`` :red1:`████████` +``red2`` :red2:`████████` +``red3`` :red3:`████████` +``red4`` :red4:`████████` +``rosybrown`` :rosybrown:`████████` +``rosybrown1`` :rosybrown1:`████████` +``rosybrown2`` :rosybrown2:`████████` +``rosybrown3`` :rosybrown3:`████████` +``rosybrown4`` :rosybrown4:`████████` +``royalblue`` :royalblue:`████████` +``royalblue1`` :royalblue1:`████████` +``royalblue2`` :royalblue2:`████████` +``royalblue3`` :royalblue3:`████████` +``royalblue4`` :royalblue4:`████████` +``saddlebrown`` :saddlebrown:`████████` +``salmon`` :salmon:`████████` +``salmon1`` :salmon1:`████████` +``salmon2`` :salmon2:`████████` +``salmon3`` :salmon3:`████████` +``salmon4`` :salmon4:`████████` +``sandybrown`` :sandybrown:`████████` +``seagreen`` :seagreen:`████████` +``seagreen1`` :seagreen1:`████████` +``seagreen2`` :seagreen2:`████████` +``seagreen3`` :seagreen3:`████████` +``seagreen4`` :seagreen4:`████████` +``seashell`` :seashell:`████████` +``seashell1`` :seashell1:`████████` +``seashell2`` :seashell2:`████████` +``seashell3`` :seashell3:`████████` +``seashell4`` :seashell4:`████████` +``sienna`` :sienna:`████████` +``sienna1`` :sienna1:`████████` +``sienna2`` :sienna2:`████████` +``sienna3`` :sienna3:`████████` +``sienna4`` :sienna4:`████████` +``silver`` :silver:`████████` +``skyblue`` :skyblue:`████████` +``skyblue1`` :skyblue1:`████████` +``skyblue2`` :skyblue2:`████████` +``skyblue3`` :skyblue3:`████████` +``skyblue4`` :skyblue4:`████████` +``slateblue`` :slateblue:`████████` +``slateblue1`` :slateblue1:`████████` +``slateblue2`` :slateblue2:`████████` +``slateblue3`` :slateblue3:`████████` +``slateblue4`` :slateblue4:`████████` +``slategray`` :slategray:`████████` +``slategray1`` :slategray1:`████████` +``slategray2`` :slategray2:`████████` +``slategray3`` :slategray3:`████████` +``slategray4`` :slategray4:`████████` +``slategrey`` :slategrey:`████████` +``snow`` :snow:`████████` +``snow1`` :snow1:`████████` +``snow2`` :snow2:`████████` +``snow3`` :snow3:`████████` +``snow4`` :snow4:`████████` +``springgreen`` :springgreen:`████████` +``springgreen1`` :springgreen1:`████████` +``springgreen2`` :springgreen2:`████████` +``springgreen3`` :springgreen3:`████████` +``springgreen4`` :springgreen4:`████████` +``steelblue`` :steelblue:`████████` +``steelblue1`` :steelblue1:`████████` +``steelblue2`` :steelblue2:`████████` +``steelblue3`` :steelblue3:`████████` +``steelblue4`` :steelblue4:`████████` +``tan`` :tan:`████████` +``tan1`` :tan1:`████████` +``tan2`` :tan2:`████████` +``tan3`` :tan3:`████████` +``tan4`` :tan4:`████████` +``teal`` :teal:`████████` +``thistle`` :thistle:`████████` +``thistle1`` :thistle1:`████████` +``thistle2`` :thistle2:`████████` +``thistle3`` :thistle3:`████████` +``thistle4`` :thistle4:`████████` +``tomato`` :tomato:`████████` +``tomato1`` :tomato1:`████████` +``tomato2`` :tomato2:`████████` +``tomato3`` :tomato3:`████████` +``tomato4`` :tomato4:`████████` +``turquoise`` :turquoise:`████████` +``turquoise1`` :turquoise1:`████████` +``turquoise2`` :turquoise2:`████████` +``turquoise3`` :turquoise3:`████████` +``turquoise4`` :turquoise4:`████████` +``violet`` :violet:`████████` +``violetred`` :violetred:`████████` +``violetred1`` :violetred1:`████████` +``violetred2`` :violetred2:`████████` +``violetred3`` :violetred3:`████████` +``violetred4`` :violetred4:`████████` +``wheat`` :wheat:`████████` +``wheat1`` :wheat1:`████████` +``wheat2`` :wheat2:`████████` +``wheat3`` :wheat3:`████████` +``wheat4`` :wheat4:`████████` +``white`` :white:`████████` +``whitesmoke`` :whitesmoke:`████████` +``yellow`` :yellow:`████████` +``yellow1`` :yellow1:`████████` +``yellow2`` :yellow2:`████████` +``yellow3`` :yellow3:`████████` +``yellow4`` :yellow4:`████████` +``yellowgreen`` :yellowgreen:`████████` +========================== ====================================================================================================== diff --git a/docs/ref/common.txt b/docs/ref/common.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05685a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/common.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +.. include:: ../common.txt + diff --git a/docs/ref/cursors.rst b/docs/ref/cursors.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ea68e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/cursors.rst @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.cursors` +===================== + +.. module:: pygame.cursors + :synopsis: pygame module for cursor resources + +| :sl:`pygame module for cursor resources` + +Pygame offers control over the system hardware cursor. Pygame supports +black and white cursors (bitmap cursors), as well as system variant cursors and color cursors. +You control the cursor with functions inside :mod:`pygame.mouse`. + +This cursors module contains functions for loading and decoding various +cursor formats. These allow you to easily store your cursors in external files +or directly as encoded python strings. + +The module includes several standard cursors. The :func:`pygame.mouse.set_cursor()` +function takes several arguments. All those arguments have been stored in a +single tuple you can call like this: + +:: + + >>> pygame.mouse.set_cursor(*pygame.cursors.arrow) + +The following variables can be passed to ``pygame.mouse.set_cursor`` function: + + * ``pygame.cursors.arrow`` + + * ``pygame.cursors.diamond`` + + * ``pygame.cursors.broken_x`` + + * ``pygame.cursors.tri_left`` + + * ``pygame.cursors.tri_right`` + +This module also contains a few cursors as formatted strings. You'll need to +pass these to ``pygame.cursors.compile()`` function before you can use them. +The example call would look like this: + +:: + + >>> cursor = pygame.cursors.compile(pygame.cursors.textmarker_strings) + >>> pygame.mouse.set_cursor((8, 16), (0, 0), *cursor) + +The following strings can be converted into cursor bitmaps with +``pygame.cursors.compile()`` : + + * ``pygame.cursors.thickarrow_strings`` + + * ``pygame.cursors.sizer_x_strings`` + + * ``pygame.cursors.sizer_y_strings`` + + * ``pygame.cursors.sizer_xy_strings`` + + * ``pygame.cursor.textmarker_strings`` + +.. function:: compile + + | :sl:`create binary cursor data from simple strings` + | :sg:`compile(strings, black='X', white='.', xor='o') -> data, mask` + + A sequence of strings can be used to create binary cursor data for the + system cursor. This returns the binary data in the form of two tuples. + Those can be passed as the third and fourth arguments respectively of the + :func:`pygame.mouse.set_cursor()` function. + + If you are creating your own cursor strings, you can use any value represent + the black and white pixels. Some system allow you to set a special toggle + color for the system color, this is also called the xor color. If the system + does not support xor cursors, that color will simply be black. + + The height must be divisible by 8. The width of the strings must all be equal + and be divisible by 8. If these two conditions are not met, ``ValueError`` is + raised. + An example set of cursor strings looks like this + + :: + + thickarrow_strings = ( #sized 24x24 + "XX ", + "XXX ", + "XXXX ", + "XX.XX ", + "XX..XX ", + "XX...XX ", + "XX....XX ", + "XX.....XX ", + "XX......XX ", + "XX.......XX ", + "XX........XX ", + "XX........XXX ", + "XX......XXXXX ", + "XX.XXX..XX ", + "XXXX XX..XX ", + "XX XX..XX ", + " XX..XX ", + " XX..XX ", + " XX..XX ", + " XXXX ", + " XX ", + " ", + " ", + " ") + + .. ## pygame.cursors.compile ## + +.. function:: load_xbm + + | :sl:`load cursor data from an XBM file` + | :sg:`load_xbm(cursorfile) -> cursor_args` + | :sg:`load_xbm(cursorfile, maskfile) -> cursor_args` + + This loads cursors for a simple subset of ``XBM`` files. ``XBM`` files are + traditionally used to store cursors on UNIX systems, they are an ASCII + format used to represent simple images. + + Sometimes the black and white color values will be split into two separate + ``XBM`` files. You can pass a second maskfile argument to load the two + images into a single cursor. + + The cursorfile and maskfile arguments can either be filenames or file-like + object with the readlines method. + + The return value cursor_args can be passed directly to the + ``pygame.mouse.set_cursor()`` function. + + .. ## pygame.cursors.load_xbm ## + + + +.. class:: Cursor + + | :sl:`pygame object representing a cursor` + | :sg:`Cursor(size, hotspot, xormasks, andmasks) -> Cursor` + | :sg:`Cursor(hotspot, surface) -> Cursor` + | :sg:`Cursor(constant) -> Cursor` + | :sg:`Cursor(Cursor) -> Cursor` + | :sg:`Cursor() -> Cursor` + + In pygame 2, there are 3 types of cursors you can create to give your + game that little bit of extra polish. There's **bitmap** type cursors, + which existed in pygame 1.x, and are compiled from a string or load from an xbm file. + Then there are **system** type cursors, where you choose a preset that will + convey the same meaning but look native across different operating systems. + Finally you can create a **color** cursor, which displays a pygame surface as the cursor. + + **Creating a system cursor** + + Choose a constant from this list, pass it into ``pygame.cursors.Cursor(constant)``, + and you're good to go. Be advised that not all systems support every system + cursor, and you may get a substitution instead. For example, on MacOS, + WAIT/WAITARROW should show up as an arrow, and SIZENWSE/SIZENESW/SIZEALL + should show up as a closed hand. And on Wayland, every SIZE cursor should + show up as a hand. + + :: + + Pygame Cursor Constant Description + -------------------------------------------- + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW arrow + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_IBEAM i-beam + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_WAIT wait + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR crosshair + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_WAITARROW small wait cursor + (or wait if not available) + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENWSE double arrow pointing + northwest and southeast + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENESW double arrow pointing + northeast and southwest + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEWE double arrow pointing + west and east + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENS double arrow pointing + north and south + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEALL four pointed arrow pointing + north, south, east, and west + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_NO slashed circle or crossbones + pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND hand + + **Creating a cursor without passing arguments** + + In addition to the cursor constants available and described above, + you can also call ``pygame.cursors.Cursor()``, and your cursor is ready (doing that is the same as + calling ``pygame.cursors.Cursor(pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW)``. + Doing one of those calls actually creates a system cursor using the default native image. + + **Creating a color cursor** + + To create a color cursor, create a ``Cursor`` from a ``hotspot`` and a ``surface``. + ``hotspot`` is an (x,y) coordinate that determines where in the cursor the exact point is. + The hotspot position must be within the bounds of the ``surface``. + + **Creating a bitmap cursor** + + When the mouse cursor is visible, it will be displayed as a black and white + bitmap using the given bitmask arrays. The ``size`` is a sequence containing + the cursor width and height. ``hotspot`` is a sequence containing the cursor + hotspot position. + + A cursor has a width and height, but a mouse position is represented by a + set of point coordinates. So the value passed into the cursor ``hotspot`` + variable helps pygame to actually determine at what exact point the cursor + is at. + + ``xormasks`` is a sequence of bytes containing the cursor xor data masks. + Lastly ``andmasks``, a sequence of bytes containing the cursor bitmask data. + To create these variables, we can make use of the + :func:`pygame.cursors.compile()` function. + + Width and height must be a multiple of 8, and the mask arrays must be the + correct size for the given width and height. Otherwise an exception is raised. + + .. method:: copy + + | :sl:`copy the current cursor` + | :sg:`copy() -> Cursor` + + Returns a new Cursor object with the same data and hotspot as the original. + .. ## pygame.cursors.Cursor.copy ## + + + .. attribute:: type + + | :sl:`Gets the cursor type` + | :sg:`type -> string` + + The type will be ``"system"``, ``"bitmap"``, or ``"color"``. + + .. ## pygame.cursors.Cursor.type ## + + .. attribute:: data + + | :sl:`Gets the cursor data` + | :sg:`data -> tuple` + + Returns the data that was used to create this cursor object, wrapped up in a tuple. + + .. ## pygame.cursors.Cursor.data ## + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.1 + + .. ## pygame.cursors.Cursor ## + +.. ## pygame.cursors ## + +Example code for creating and settings cursors. (Click the mouse to switch cursor) + +.. literalinclude:: code_examples/cursors_module_example.py diff --git a/docs/ref/display.rst b/docs/ref/display.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c669eab --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/display.rst @@ -0,0 +1,737 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.display` +===================== + +.. module:: pygame.display + :synopsis: pygame module to control the display window and screen + +| :sl:`pygame module to control the display window and screen` + +This module offers control over the pygame display. Pygame has a single display +Surface that is either contained in a window or runs full screen. Once you +create the display you treat it as a regular Surface. Changes are not +immediately visible onscreen; you must choose one of the two flipping functions +to update the actual display. + +The origin of the display, where x = 0 and y = 0, is the top left of the +screen. Both axes increase positively towards the bottom right of the screen. + +The pygame display can actually be initialized in one of several modes. By +default, the display is a basic software driven framebuffer. You can request +special modules like automatic scaling or OpenGL support. These are +controlled by flags passed to ``pygame.display.set_mode()``. + +Pygame can only have a single display active at any time. Creating a new one +with ``pygame.display.set_mode()`` will close the previous display. To detect +the number and size of attached screens, you can use +``pygame.display.get_desktop_sizes`` and then select appropriate window size +and display index to pass to ``pygame.display.set_mode()``. + +For backward compatibility ``pygame.display`` allows precise control over +the pixel format or display resolutions. This used to be necessary with old +graphics cards and CRT screens, but is usually not needed any more. Use the +functions ``pygame.display.mode_ok()``, ``pygame.display.list_modes()``, and +``pygame.display.Info()`` to query detailed information about the display. + +Once the display Surface is created, the functions from this module affect the +single existing display. The Surface becomes invalid if the module is +uninitialized. If a new display mode is set, the existing Surface will +automatically switch to operate on the new display. + +When the display mode is set, several events are placed on the pygame event +queue. ``pygame.QUIT`` is sent when the user has requested the program to +shut down. The window will receive ``pygame.ACTIVEEVENT`` events as the display +gains and loses input focus. If the display is set with the +``pygame.RESIZABLE`` flag, ``pygame.VIDEORESIZE`` events will be sent when the +user adjusts the window dimensions. Hardware displays that draw direct to the +screen will get ``pygame.VIDEOEXPOSE`` events when portions of the window must +be redrawn. + +A new windowevent API was introduced in pygame 2.0.1. Check event module docs +for more information on that + +Some display environments have an option for automatically stretching all +windows. When this option is enabled, this automatic stretching distorts the +appearance of the pygame window. In the pygame examples directory, there is +example code (prevent_display_stretching.py) which shows how to disable this +automatic stretching of the pygame display on Microsoft Windows (Vista or newer +required). + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`Initialize the display module` + | :sg:`init() -> None` + + Initializes the pygame display module. The display module cannot do anything + until it is initialized. This is usually handled for you automatically when + you call the higher level ``pygame.init()``. + + Pygame will select from one of several internal display backends when it is + initialized. The display mode will be chosen depending on the platform and + permissions of current user. Before the display module is initialized the + environment variable ``SDL_VIDEODRIVER`` can be set to control which backend + is used. The systems with multiple choices are listed here. + + :: + + Windows : windib, directx + Unix : x11, dga, fbcon, directfb, ggi, vgl, svgalib, aalib + + On some platforms it is possible to embed the pygame display into an already + existing window. To do this, the environment variable ``SDL_WINDOWID`` must + be set to a string containing the window id or handle. The environment + variable is checked when the pygame display is initialized. Be aware that + there can be many strange side effects when running in an embedded display. + + It is harmless to call this more than once, repeated calls have no effect. + + .. ## pygame.display.init ## + +.. function:: quit + + | :sl:`Uninitialize the display module` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + This will shut down the entire display module. This means any active + displays will be closed. This will also be handled automatically when the + program exits. + + It is harmless to call this more than once, repeated calls have no effect. + + .. ## pygame.display.quit ## + +.. function:: get_init + + | :sl:`Returns True if the display module has been initialized` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Returns True if the :mod:`pygame.display` module is currently initialized. + + .. ## pygame.display.get_init ## + +.. function:: set_mode + + | :sl:`Initialize a window or screen for display` + | :sg:`set_mode(size=(0, 0), flags=0, depth=0, display=0, vsync=0) -> Surface` + + This function will create a display Surface. The arguments passed in are + requests for a display type. The actual created display will be the best + possible match supported by the system. + + Note that calling this function implicitly initializes ``pygame.display``, if + it was not initialized before. + + The size argument is a pair of numbers representing the width and + height. The flags argument is a collection of additional options. The depth + argument represents the number of bits to use for color. + + The Surface that gets returned can be drawn to like a regular Surface but + changes will eventually be seen on the monitor. + + If no size is passed or is set to ``(0, 0)`` and pygame uses ``SDL`` + version 1.2.10 or above, the created Surface will have the same size as the + current screen resolution. If only the width or height are set to ``0``, the + Surface will have the same width or height as the screen resolution. Using a + ``SDL`` version prior to 1.2.10 will raise an exception. + + It is usually best to not pass the depth argument. It will default to the + best and fastest color depth for the system. If your game requires a + specific color format you can control the depth with this argument. Pygame + will emulate an unavailable color depth which can be slow. + + When requesting fullscreen display modes, sometimes an exact match for the + requested size cannot be made. In these situations pygame will select + the closest compatible match. The returned surface will still always match + the requested size. + + On high resolution displays(4k, 1080p) and tiny graphics games (640x480) + show up very small so that they are unplayable. SCALED scales up the window + for you. The game thinks it's a 640x480 window, but really it can be bigger. + Mouse events are scaled for you, so your game doesn't need to do it. Note + that SCALED is considered an experimental API and may change in future + releases. + + The flags argument controls which type of display you want. There are + several to choose from, and you can even combine multiple types using the + bitwise or operator, (the pipe "|" character). Here are the display + flags you will want to choose from: + + :: + + pygame.FULLSCREEN create a fullscreen display + pygame.DOUBLEBUF only applicable with OPENGL + pygame.HWSURFACE (obsolete in pygame 2) hardware accelerated, only in FULLSCREEN + pygame.OPENGL create an OpenGL-renderable display + pygame.RESIZABLE display window should be sizeable + pygame.NOFRAME display window will have no border or controls + pygame.SCALED resolution depends on desktop size and scale graphics + pygame.SHOWN window is opened in visible mode (default) + pygame.HIDDEN window is opened in hidden mode + + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 ``SCALED``, ``SHOWN`` and ``HIDDEN`` + + By setting the ``vsync`` parameter to ``1``, it is possible to get a display + with vertical sync, but you are not guaranteed to get one. The request only + works at all for calls to ``set_mode()`` with the ``pygame.OPENGL`` or + ``pygame.SCALED`` flags set, and is still not guaranteed even with one of + those set. What you get depends on the hardware and driver configuration + of the system pygame is running on. Here is an example usage of a call + to ``set_mode()`` that may give you a display with vsync: + + :: + + flags = pygame.OPENGL | pygame.FULLSCREEN + window_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((1920, 1080), flags, vsync=1) + + Vsync behaviour is considered experimental, and may change in future releases. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 ``vsync`` + + Basic example: + + :: + + # Open a window on the screen + screen_width=700 + screen_height=400 + screen=pygame.display.set_mode([screen_width, screen_height]) + + The display index ``0`` means the default display is used. If no display + index argument is provided, the default display can be overridden with an + environment variable. + + + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.5 ``display`` argument added + + .. versionchanged:: 2.1.3 + pygame now ensures that subsequent calls to this function clears the + window to black. On older versions, this was an implementation detail + on the major platforms this function was tested with. + + .. ## pygame.display.set_mode ## + +.. function:: get_surface + + | :sl:`Get a reference to the currently set display surface` + | :sg:`get_surface() -> Surface` + + Return a reference to the currently set display Surface. If no display mode + has been set this will return None. + + .. ## pygame.display.get_surface ## + +.. function:: flip + + | :sl:`Update the full display Surface to the screen` + | :sg:`flip() -> None` + + This will update the contents of the entire display. If your display mode is + using the flags ``pygame.HWSURFACE`` and ``pygame.DOUBLEBUF`` on pygame 1, + this will wait for a vertical retrace and swap the surfaces. + + When using an ``pygame.OPENGL`` display mode this will perform a gl buffer + swap. + + .. ## pygame.display.flip ## + +.. function:: update + + | :sl:`Update portions of the screen for software displays` + | :sg:`update(rectangle=None) -> None` + | :sg:`update(rectangle_list) -> None` + + This function is like an optimized version of ``pygame.display.flip()`` for + software displays. It allows only a portion of the screen to be updated, + instead of the entire area. If no argument is passed it updates the entire + Surface area like ``pygame.display.flip()``. + + Note that calling ``display.update(None)`` means no part of the window is + updated. Whereas ``display.update()`` means the whole window is updated. + + You can pass the function a single rectangle, or a sequence of rectangles. + It is more efficient to pass many rectangles at once than to call update + multiple times with single or a partial list of rectangles. If passing a + sequence of rectangles it is safe to include None values in the list, which + will be skipped. + + This call cannot be used on ``pygame.OPENGL`` displays and will generate an + exception. + + .. ## pygame.display.update ## + +.. function:: get_driver + + | :sl:`Get the name of the pygame display backend` + | :sg:`get_driver() -> name` + + Pygame chooses one of many available display backends when it is + initialized. This returns the internal name used for the display backend. + This can be used to provide limited information about what display + capabilities might be accelerated. See the ``SDL_VIDEODRIVER`` flags in + ``pygame.display.set_mode()`` to see some of the common options. + + .. ## pygame.display.get_driver ## + +.. function:: Info + + | :sl:`Create a video display information object` + | :sg:`Info() -> VideoInfo` + + Creates a simple object containing several attributes to describe the + current graphics environment. If this is called before + ``pygame.display.set_mode()`` some platforms can provide information about + the default display mode. This can also be called after setting the display + mode to verify specific display options were satisfied. The VidInfo object + has several attributes: + + :: + + hw: 1 if the display is hardware accelerated + wm: 1 if windowed display modes can be used + video_mem: The megabytes of video memory on the display. This is 0 if + unknown + bitsize: Number of bits used to store each pixel + bytesize: Number of bytes used to store each pixel + masks: Four values used to pack RGBA values into pixels + shifts: Four values used to pack RGBA values into pixels + losses: Four values used to pack RGBA values into pixels + blit_hw: 1 if hardware Surface blitting is accelerated + blit_hw_CC: 1 if hardware Surface colorkey blitting is accelerated + blit_hw_A: 1 if hardware Surface pixel alpha blitting is accelerated + blit_sw: 1 if software Surface blitting is accelerated + blit_sw_CC: 1 if software Surface colorkey blitting is accelerated + blit_sw_A: 1 if software Surface pixel alpha blitting is accelerated + current_h, current_w: Height and width of the current video mode, or + of the desktop mode if called before the display.set_mode + is called. (current_h, current_w are available since + SDL 1.2.10, and pygame 1.8.0). They are -1 on error, or if + an old SDL is being used. + + .. ## pygame.display.Info ## + +.. function:: get_wm_info + + | :sl:`Get information about the current windowing system` + | :sg:`get_wm_info() -> dict` + + Creates a dictionary filled with string keys. The strings and values are + arbitrarily created by the system. Some systems may have no information and + an empty dictionary will be returned. Most platforms will return a "window" + key with the value set to the system id for the current display. + + .. versionadded:: 1.7.1 + + .. ## pygame.display.get_wm_info ## + +.. function:: get_desktop_sizes + + | :sl:`Get sizes of active desktops` + | :sg:`get_desktop_sizes() -> list` + + This function returns the sizes of the currently configured + virtual desktops as a list of (x, y) tuples of integers. + + The length of the list is not the same as the number of attached monitors, + as a desktop can be mirrored across multiple monitors. The desktop sizes + do not indicate the maximum monitor resolutions supported by the hardware, + but the desktop size configured in the operating system. + + In order to fit windows into the desktop as it is currently configured, and + to respect the resolution configured by the operating system in fullscreen + mode, this function *should* be used to replace many use cases of + ``pygame.display.list_modes()`` whenever applicable. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + +.. function:: list_modes + + | :sl:`Get list of available fullscreen modes` + | :sg:`list_modes(depth=0, flags=pygame.FULLSCREEN, display=0) -> list` + + This function returns a list of possible sizes for a specified color + depth. The return value will be an empty list if no display modes are + available with the given arguments. A return value of ``-1`` means that + any requested size should work (this is likely the case for windowed + modes). Mode sizes are sorted from biggest to smallest. + + If depth is ``0``, the current/best color depth for the display is used. + The flags defaults to ``pygame.FULLSCREEN``, but you may need to add + additional flags for specific fullscreen modes. + + The display index ``0`` means the default display is used. + + Since pygame 2.0, ``pygame.display.get_desktop_sizes()`` has taken over + some use cases from ``pygame.display.list_modes()``: + + To find a suitable size for non-fullscreen windows, it is preferable to + use ``pygame.display.get_desktop_sizes()`` to get the size of the *current* + desktop, and to then choose a smaller window size. This way, the window is + guaranteed to fit, even when the monitor is configured to a lower resolution + than the maximum supported by the hardware. + + To avoid changing the physical monitor resolution, it is also preferable to + use ``pygame.display.get_desktop_sizes()`` to determine the fullscreen + resolution. Developers are strongly advised to default to the current + physical monitor resolution unless the user explicitly requests a different + one (e.g. in an options menu or configuration file). + + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.5 ``display`` argument added + + .. ## pygame.display.list_modes ## + +.. function:: mode_ok + + | :sl:`Pick the best color depth for a display mode` + | :sg:`mode_ok(size, flags=0, depth=0, display=0) -> depth` + + This function uses the same arguments as ``pygame.display.set_mode()``. It + is used to determine if a requested display mode is available. It will + return ``0`` if the display mode cannot be set. Otherwise it will return a + pixel depth that best matches the display asked for. + + Usually the depth argument is not passed, but some platforms can support + multiple display depths. If passed it will hint to which depth is a better + match. + + The function will return ``0`` if the passed display flags cannot be set. + + The display index ``0`` means the default display is used. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.5 ``display`` argument added + + .. ## pygame.display.mode_ok ## + +.. function:: gl_get_attribute + + | :sl:`Get the value for an OpenGL flag for the current display` + | :sg:`gl_get_attribute(flag) -> value` + + After calling ``pygame.display.set_mode()`` with the ``pygame.OPENGL`` flag, + it is a good idea to check the value of any requested OpenGL attributes. See + ``pygame.display.gl_set_attribute()`` for a list of valid flags. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## pygame.display.gl_get_attribute ## + +.. function:: gl_set_attribute + + | :sl:`Request an OpenGL display attribute for the display mode` + | :sg:`gl_set_attribute(flag, value) -> None` + + When calling ``pygame.display.set_mode()`` with the ``pygame.OPENGL`` flag, + Pygame automatically handles setting the OpenGL attributes like color and + double-buffering. OpenGL offers several other attributes you may want control + over. Pass one of these attributes as the flag, and its appropriate value. + This must be called before ``pygame.display.set_mode()``. + + Many settings are the requested minimum. Creating a window with an OpenGL context + will fail if OpenGL cannot provide the requested attribute, but it may for example + give you a stencil buffer even if you request none, or it may give you a larger + one than requested. + + The ``OPENGL`` flags are: + + :: + + GL_ALPHA_SIZE, GL_DEPTH_SIZE, GL_STENCIL_SIZE, GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE, + GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE, GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE, GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE, + GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, GL_STEREO + + :const:`GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS` + + Whether to enable multisampling anti-aliasing. + Defaults to 0 (disabled). + + Set ``GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES`` to a value + above 0 to control the amount of anti-aliasing. + A typical value is 2 or 3. + + :const:`GL_STENCIL_SIZE` + + Minimum bit size of the stencil buffer. Defaults to 0. + + :const:`GL_DEPTH_SIZE` + + Minimum bit size of the depth buffer. Defaults to 16. + + :const:`GL_STEREO` + + 1 enables stereo 3D. Defaults to 0. + + :const:`GL_BUFFER_SIZE` + + Minimum bit size of the frame buffer. Defaults to 0. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 Additional attributes: + + :: + + GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL, + GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, + GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, + GL_SHARE_WITH_CURRENT_CONTEXT, + GL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR, + GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE + + :const:`GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK` + + Sets the OpenGL profile to one of these values: + + :: + + GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE disable deprecated features + GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_COMPATIBILITY allow deprecated features + GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES allow only the ES feature + subset of OpenGL + + :const:`GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL` + + Set to 1 to require hardware acceleration, or 0 to force software render. + By default, both are allowed. + + .. ## pygame.display.gl_set_attribute ## + +.. function:: get_active + + | :sl:`Returns True when the display is active on the screen` + | :sg:`get_active() -> bool` + + Returns True when the display Surface is considered actively + renderable on the screen and may be visible to the user. This is + the default state immediately after ``pygame.display.set_mode()``. + This method may return True even if the application is fully hidden + behind another application window. + + This will return False if the display Surface has been iconified or + minimized (either via ``pygame.display.iconify()`` or via an OS + specific method such as the minimize-icon available on most + desktops). + + The method can also return False for other reasons without the + application being explicitly iconified or minimized by the user. A + notable example being if the user has multiple virtual desktops and + the display Surface is not on the active virtual desktop. + + .. note:: This function returning True is unrelated to whether the + application has input focus. Please see + ``pygame.key.get_focused()`` and ``pygame.mouse.get_focused()`` + for APIs related to input focus. + + .. ## pygame.display.get_active ## + +.. function:: iconify + + | :sl:`Iconify the display surface` + | :sg:`iconify() -> bool` + + Request the window for the display surface be iconified or hidden. Not all + systems and displays support an iconified display. The function will return + True if successful. + + When the display is iconified ``pygame.display.get_active()`` will return + ``False``. The event queue should receive an ``ACTIVEEVENT`` event when the + window has been iconified. Additionally, the event queue also receives a + ``WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED`` event when the window has been iconified on pygame 2. + + .. ## pygame.display.iconify ## + +.. function:: toggle_fullscreen + + | :sl:`Switch between fullscreen and windowed displays` + | :sg:`toggle_fullscreen() -> int` + + Switches the display window between windowed and fullscreen modes. + Display driver support is not great when using pygame 1, but with + pygame 2 it is the most reliable method to switch to and from fullscreen. + + Supported display drivers in pygame 1: + + * x11 (Linux/Unix) + * wayland (Linux/Unix) + + Supported display drivers in pygame 2: + + * windows (Windows) + * x11 (Linux/Unix) + * wayland (Linux/Unix) + * cocoa (OSX/Mac) + + .. Note:: :func:`toggle_fullscreen` doesn't work on Windows + unless the window size is in :func:`pygame.display.list_modes()` or + the window is created with the flag ``pygame.SCALED``. + See `issue #2380 `_. + + .. ## pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen ## + +.. function:: set_gamma + + | :sl:`Change the hardware gamma ramps` + | :sg:`set_gamma(red, green=None, blue=None) -> bool` + + DEPRECATED: This functionality will go away in SDL3. + + Set the red, green, and blue gamma values on the display hardware. If the + green and blue arguments are not passed, they will both be the same as red. + Not all systems and hardware support gamma ramps, if the function succeeds + it will return ``True``. + + A gamma value of ``1.0`` creates a linear color table. Lower values will + darken the display and higher values will brighten. + + .. deprecated:: 2.2.0 + + .. ## pygame.display.set_gamma ## + +.. function:: set_gamma_ramp + + | :sl:`Change the hardware gamma ramps with a custom lookup` + | :sg:`set_gamma_ramp(red, green, blue) -> bool` + + DEPRECATED: This functionality will go away in SDL3. + + Set the red, green, and blue gamma ramps with an explicit lookup table. Each + argument should be sequence of 256 integers. The integers should range + between ``0`` and ``0xffff``. Not all systems and hardware support gamma + ramps, if the function succeeds it will return ``True``. + + .. deprecated:: 2.2.0 + + .. ## pygame.display.set_gamma_ramp ## + +.. function:: set_icon + + | :sl:`Change the system image for the display window` + | :sg:`set_icon(Surface) -> None` + + Sets the runtime icon the system will use to represent the display window. + All windows default to a simple pygame logo for the window icon. + + Note that calling this function implicitly initializes ``pygame.display``, if + it was not initialized before. + + You can pass any surface, but most systems want a smaller image around + 32x32. The image can have colorkey transparency which will be passed to the + system. + + Some systems do not allow the window icon to change after it has been shown. + This function can be called before ``pygame.display.set_mode()`` to create + the icon before the display mode is set. + + .. ## pygame.display.set_icon ## + +.. function:: set_caption + + | :sl:`Set the current window caption` + | :sg:`set_caption(title, icontitle=None) -> None` + + If the display has a window title, this function will change the name on the + window. In pygame 1.x, some systems supported an alternate shorter title to + be used for minimized displays, but in pygame 2 ``icontitle`` does nothing. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## pygame.display.set_caption ## + +.. function:: get_caption + + | :sl:`Get the current window caption` + | :sg:`get_caption() -> (title, icontitle)` + + Returns the title and icontitle for the display window. In pygame 2.x + these will always be the same value. + + .. ## pygame.display.get_caption ## + +.. function:: set_palette + + | :sl:`Set the display color palette for indexed displays` + | :sg:`set_palette(palette=None) -> None` + + This will change the video display color palette for 8-bit displays. This + does not change the palette for the actual display Surface, only the palette + that is used to display the Surface. If no palette argument is passed, the + system default palette will be restored. The palette is a sequence of + ``RGB`` triplets. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## pygame.display.set_palette ## + +.. function:: get_num_displays + + | :sl:`Return the number of displays` + | :sg:`get_num_displays() -> int` + + Returns the number of available displays. This is always 1 if + :func:`pygame.get_sdl_version()` returns a major version number below 2. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.5 + + .. ## pygame.display.get_num_displays ## + +.. function:: get_window_size + + | :sl:`Return the size of the window or screen` + | :sg:`get_window_size() -> tuple` + + Returns the size of the window initialized with :func:`pygame.display.set_mode()`. + This may differ from the size of the display surface if ``SCALED`` is used. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## pygame.display.get_window_size ## + +.. function:: get_allow_screensaver + + | :sl:`Return whether the screensaver is allowed to run.` + | :sg:`get_allow_screensaver() -> bool` + + Return whether screensaver is allowed to run whilst the app is running. + Default is ``False``. + By default pygame does not allow the screensaver during game play. + + .. note:: Some platforms do not have a screensaver or support + disabling the screensaver. Please see + :func:`pygame.display.set_allow_screensaver()` for + caveats with screensaver support. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## pygame.display.get_allow_screensaver ## + +.. function:: set_allow_screensaver + + | :sl:`Set whether the screensaver may run` + | :sg:`set_allow_screensaver(bool) -> None` + + Change whether screensavers should be allowed whilst the app is running. + The default value of the argument to the function is True. + By default pygame does not allow the screensaver during game play. + + If the screensaver has been disallowed due to this function, it will automatically + be allowed to run when :func:`pygame.quit()` is called. + + It is possible to influence the default value via the environment variable + ``SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER``, which can be set to either ``0`` (disable) + or ``1`` (enable). + + .. note:: Disabling screensaver is subject to platform support. + When platform support is absent, this function will + silently appear to work even though the screensaver state + is unchanged. The lack of feedback is due to SDL not + providing any supported method for determining whether + it supports changing the screensaver state. + ``SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER`` is available in SDL 2.0.2 or later. + SDL1.2 does not implement this. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + + .. ## pygame.display.set_allow_screensaver ## + +.. ## pygame.display ## diff --git a/docs/ref/draw.rst b/docs/ref/draw.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a759860 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/draw.rst @@ -0,0 +1,557 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.draw` +================== + +.. module:: pygame.draw + :synopsis: pygame module for drawing shapes + +| :sl:`pygame module for drawing shapes` + +Draw several simple shapes to a surface. These functions will work for +rendering to any format of surface. + +Most of the functions take a width argument to represent the size of stroke +(thickness) around the edge of the shape. If a width of 0 is passed the shape +will be filled (solid). + +All the drawing functions respect the clip area for the surface and will be +constrained to that area. The functions return a rectangle representing the +bounding area of changed pixels. This bounding rectangle is the 'minimum' +bounding box that encloses the affected area. + +All the drawing functions accept a color argument that can be one of the +following formats: + + - a :mod:`pygame.Color` object + - an ``(RGB)`` triplet (tuple/list) + - an ``(RGBA)`` quadruplet (tuple/list) + - an integer value that has been mapped to the surface's pixel format + (see :func:`pygame.Surface.map_rgb` and :func:`pygame.Surface.unmap_rgb`) + +A color's alpha value will be written directly into the surface (if the +surface contains pixel alphas), but the draw function will not draw +transparently. + +These functions temporarily lock the surface they are operating on. Many +sequential drawing calls can be sped up by locking and unlocking the surface +object around the draw calls (see :func:`pygame.Surface.lock` and +:func:`pygame.Surface.unlock`). + +.. note :: + See the :mod:`pygame.gfxdraw` module for alternative draw methods. + + +.. function:: rect + + | :sl:`draw a rectangle` + | :sg:`rect(surface, color, rect) -> Rect` + | :sg:`rect(surface, color, rect, width=0, border_radius=0, border_top_left_radius=-1, border_top_right_radius=-1, border_bottom_left_radius=-1, border_bottom_right_radius=-1) -> Rect` + + Draws a rectangle on the given surface. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + :param Rect rect: rectangle to draw, position and dimensions + :param int width: (optional) used for line thickness or to indicate that + the rectangle is to be filled (not to be confused with the width value + of the ``rect`` parameter) + + | if ``width == 0``, (default) fill the rectangle + | if ``width > 0``, used for line thickness + | if ``width < 0``, nothing will be drawn + | + + .. versionchanged:: 2.1.1 + Drawing rects with width now draws the width correctly inside the + rect's area, rather than using an internal call to draw.lines(), + which had half the width spill outside the rect area. + + :param int border_radius: (optional) used for drawing rectangle with rounded corners. + The supported range is [0, min(height, width) / 2], with 0 representing a rectangle + without rounded corners. + :param int border_top_left_radius: (optional) used for setting the value of top left + border. If you don't set this value, it will use the border_radius value. + :param int border_top_right_radius: (optional) used for setting the value of top right + border. If you don't set this value, it will use the border_radius value. + :param int border_bottom_left_radius: (optional) used for setting the value of bottom left + border. If you don't set this value, it will use the border_radius value. + :param int border_bottom_right_radius: (optional) used for setting the value of bottom right + border. If you don't set this value, it will use the border_radius value. + + | if ``border_radius < 1`` it will draw rectangle without rounded corners + | if any of border radii has the value ``< 0`` it will use value of the border_radius + | If sum of radii on the same side of the rectangle is greater than the rect size the radii + | will get scaled + + :returns: a rect bounding the changed pixels, if nothing is drawn the + bounding rect's position will be the position of the given ``rect`` + parameter and its width and height will be 0 + :rtype: Rect + + .. note:: + The :func:`pygame.Surface.fill()` method works just as well for drawing + filled rectangles and can be hardware accelerated on some platforms. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0.dev8 Added support for border radius. + + .. ## pygame.draw.rect ## + +.. function:: polygon + + | :sl:`draw a polygon` + | :sg:`polygon(surface, color, points) -> Rect` + | :sg:`polygon(surface, color, points, width=0) -> Rect` + + Draws a polygon on the given surface. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + :param points: a sequence of 3 or more (x, y) coordinates that make up the + vertices of the polygon, each *coordinate* in the sequence must be a + tuple/list/:class:`pygame.math.Vector2` of 2 ints/floats, + e.g. ``[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)]`` + :type points: tuple(coordinate) or list(coordinate) + :param int width: (optional) used for line thickness or to indicate that + the polygon is to be filled + + | if width == 0, (default) fill the polygon + | if width > 0, used for line thickness + | if width < 0, nothing will be drawn + | + + .. note:: + When using ``width`` values ``> 1``, the edge lines will grow + outside the original boundary of the polygon. For more details on + how the thickness for edge lines grow, refer to the ``width`` notes + of the :func:`pygame.draw.line` function. + + :returns: a rect bounding the changed pixels, if nothing is drawn the + bounding rect's position will be the position of the first point in the + ``points`` parameter (float values will be truncated) and its width and + height will be 0 + :rtype: Rect + + :raises ValueError: if ``len(points) < 3`` (must have at least 3 points) + :raises TypeError: if ``points`` is not a sequence or ``points`` does not + contain number pairs + + .. note:: + For an aapolygon, use :func:`aalines()` with ``closed=True``. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## pygame.draw.polygon ## + +.. function:: circle + + | :sl:`draw a circle` + | :sg:`circle(surface, color, center, radius) -> Rect` + | :sg:`circle(surface, color, center, radius, width=0, draw_top_right=None, draw_top_left=None, draw_bottom_left=None, draw_bottom_right=None) -> Rect` + + Draws a circle on the given surface. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + :param center: center point of the circle as a sequence of 2 ints/floats, + e.g. ``(x, y)`` + :type center: tuple(int or float, int or float) or + list(int or float, int or float) or Vector2(int or float, int or float) + :param radius: radius of the circle, measured from the ``center`` parameter, + nothing will be drawn if the ``radius`` is less than 1 + :type radius: int or float + :param int width: (optional) used for line thickness or to indicate that + the circle is to be filled + + | if ``width == 0``, (default) fill the circle + | if ``width > 0``, used for line thickness + | if ``width < 0``, nothing will be drawn + | + + .. note:: + When using ``width`` values ``> 1``, the edge lines will only grow + inward. + :param bool draw_top_right: (optional) if this is set to True then the top right corner + of the circle will be drawn + :param bool draw_top_left: (optional) if this is set to True then the top left corner + of the circle will be drawn + :param bool draw_bottom_left: (optional) if this is set to True then the bottom left corner + of the circle will be drawn + :param bool draw_bottom_right: (optional) if this is set to True then the bottom right corner + of the circle will be drawn + + | if any of the draw_circle_part is True then it will draw all circle parts that have the True + | value, otherwise it will draw the entire circle. + + :returns: a rect bounding the changed pixels, if nothing is drawn the + bounding rect's position will be the ``center`` parameter value (float + values will be truncated) and its width and height will be 0 + :rtype: Rect + + :raises TypeError: if ``center`` is not a sequence of two numbers + :raises TypeError: if ``radius`` is not a number + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + Nothing is drawn when the radius is 0 (a pixel at the ``center`` coordinates + used to be drawn when the radius equaled 0). + Floats, and Vector2 are accepted for the ``center`` param. + The drawing algorithm was improved to look more like a circle. + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0.dev8 Added support for drawing circle quadrants. + + .. ## pygame.draw.circle ## + +.. function:: ellipse + + | :sl:`draw an ellipse` + | :sg:`ellipse(surface, color, rect) -> Rect` + | :sg:`ellipse(surface, color, rect, width=0) -> Rect` + + Draws an ellipse on the given surface. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + :param Rect rect: rectangle to indicate the position and dimensions of the + ellipse, the ellipse will be centered inside the rectangle and bounded + by it + :param int width: (optional) used for line thickness or to indicate that + the ellipse is to be filled (not to be confused with the width value + of the ``rect`` parameter) + + | if ``width == 0``, (default) fill the ellipse + | if ``width > 0``, used for line thickness + | if ``width < 0``, nothing will be drawn + | + + .. note:: + When using ``width`` values ``> 1``, the edge lines will only grow + inward from the original boundary of the ``rect`` parameter. + + :returns: a rect bounding the changed pixels, if nothing is drawn the + bounding rect's position will be the position of the given ``rect`` + parameter and its width and height will be 0 + :rtype: Rect + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## pygame.draw.ellipse ## + +.. function:: arc + + | :sl:`draw an elliptical arc` + | :sg:`arc(surface, color, rect, start_angle, stop_angle) -> Rect` + | :sg:`arc(surface, color, rect, start_angle, stop_angle, width=1) -> Rect` + + Draws an elliptical arc on the given surface. + + The two angle arguments are given in radians and indicate the start and stop + positions of the arc. The arc is drawn in a counterclockwise direction from + the ``start_angle`` to the ``stop_angle``. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + :param Rect rect: rectangle to indicate the position and dimensions of the + ellipse which the arc will be based on, the ellipse will be centered + inside the rectangle + :param float start_angle: start angle of the arc in radians + :param float stop_angle: stop angle of the arc in + radians + + | if ``start_angle < stop_angle``, the arc is drawn in a + counterclockwise direction from the ``start_angle`` to the + ``stop_angle`` + | if ``start_angle > stop_angle``, tau (tau == 2 * pi) will be added + to the ``stop_angle``, if the resulting stop angle value is greater + than the ``start_angle`` the above ``start_angle < stop_angle`` case + applies, otherwise nothing will be drawn + | if ``start_angle == stop_angle``, nothing will be drawn + | + + :param int width: (optional) used for line thickness (not to be confused + with the width value of the ``rect`` parameter) + + | if ``width == 0``, nothing will be drawn + | if ``width > 0``, (default is 1) used for line thickness + | if ``width < 0``, same as ``width == 0`` + + .. note:: + When using ``width`` values ``> 1``, the edge lines will only grow + inward from the original boundary of the ``rect`` parameter. + + :returns: a rect bounding the changed pixels, if nothing is drawn the + bounding rect's position will be the position of the given ``rect`` + parameter and its width and height will be 0 + :rtype: Rect + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## pygame.draw.arc ## + +.. function:: line + + | :sl:`draw a straight line` + | :sg:`line(surface, color, start_pos, end_pos) -> Rect` + | :sg:`line(surface, color, start_pos, end_pos, width=1) -> Rect` + + Draws a straight line on the given surface. There are no endcaps. For thick + lines the ends are squared off. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + :param start_pos: start position of the line, (x, y) + :type start_pos: tuple(int or float, int or float) or + list(int or float, int or float) or Vector2(int or float, int or float) + :param end_pos: end position of the line, (x, y) + :type end_pos: tuple(int or float, int or float) or + list(int or float, int or float) or Vector2(int or float, int or float) + :param int width: (optional) used for line thickness + + | if width >= 1, used for line thickness (default is 1) + | if width < 1, nothing will be drawn + | + + .. note:: + When using ``width`` values ``> 1``, lines will grow as follows. + + For odd ``width`` values, the thickness of each line grows with the + original line being in the center. + + For even ``width`` values, the thickness of each line grows with the + original line being offset from the center (as there is no exact + center line drawn). As a result, lines with a slope < 1 + (horizontal-ish) will have 1 more pixel of thickness below the + original line (in the y direction). Lines with a slope >= 1 + (vertical-ish) will have 1 more pixel of thickness to the right of + the original line (in the x direction). + + :returns: a rect bounding the changed pixels, if nothing is drawn the + bounding rect's position will be the ``start_pos`` parameter value (float + values will be truncated) and its width and height will be 0 + :rtype: Rect + + :raises TypeError: if ``start_pos`` or ``end_pos`` is not a sequence of + two numbers + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## pygame.draw.line ## + +.. function:: lines + + | :sl:`draw multiple contiguous straight line segments` + | :sg:`lines(surface, color, closed, points) -> Rect` + | :sg:`lines(surface, color, closed, points, width=1) -> Rect` + + Draws a sequence of contiguous straight lines on the given surface. There are + no endcaps or miter joints. For thick lines the ends are squared off. + Drawing thick lines with sharp corners can have undesired looking results. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + :param bool closed: if ``True`` an additional line segment is drawn between + the first and last points in the ``points`` sequence + :param points: a sequence of 2 or more (x, y) coordinates, where each + *coordinate* in the sequence must be a + tuple/list/:class:`pygame.math.Vector2` of 2 ints/floats and adjacent + coordinates will be connected by a line segment, e.g. for the + points ``[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)]`` a line segment will be drawn + from ``(x1, y1)`` to ``(x2, y2)`` and from ``(x2, y2)`` to ``(x3, y3)``, + additionally if the ``closed`` parameter is ``True`` another line segment + will be drawn from ``(x3, y3)`` to ``(x1, y1)`` + :type points: tuple(coordinate) or list(coordinate) + :param int width: (optional) used for line thickness + + | if width >= 1, used for line thickness (default is 1) + | if width < 1, nothing will be drawn + | + + .. note:: + When using ``width`` values ``> 1`` refer to the ``width`` notes + of :func:`line` for details on how thick lines grow. + + :returns: a rect bounding the changed pixels, if nothing is drawn the + bounding rect's position will be the position of the first point in the + ``points`` parameter (float values will be truncated) and its width and + height will be 0 + :rtype: Rect + + :raises ValueError: if ``len(points) < 2`` (must have at least 2 points) + :raises TypeError: if ``points`` is not a sequence or ``points`` does not + contain number pairs + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## pygame.draw.lines ## + +.. function:: aaline + + | :sl:`draw a straight antialiased line` + | :sg:`aaline(surface, color, start_pos, end_pos) -> Rect` + | :sg:`aaline(surface, color, start_pos, end_pos, blend=1) -> Rect` + + Draws a straight antialiased line on the given surface. + + The line has a thickness of one pixel and the endpoints have a height and + width of one pixel each. + + The way a line and its endpoints are drawn: + If both endpoints are equal, only a single pixel is drawn (after + rounding floats to nearest integer). + + Otherwise if the line is not steep (i.e. if the length along the x-axis + is greater than the height along the y-axis): + + For each endpoint: + + If ``x``, the endpoint's x-coordinate, is a whole number find + which pixels would be covered by it and draw them. + + Otherwise: + + Calculate the position of the nearest point with a whole number + for its x-coordinate, when extending the line past the + endpoint. + + Find which pixels would be covered and how much by that point. + + If the endpoint is the left one, multiply the coverage by (1 - + the decimal part of ``x``). + + Otherwise multiply the coverage by the decimal part of ``x``. + + Then draw those pixels. + + *e.g.:* + | The left endpoint of the line ``((1, 1.3), (5, 3))`` would + cover 70% of the pixel ``(1, 1)`` and 30% of the pixel + ``(1, 2)`` while the right one would cover 100% of the + pixel ``(5, 3)``. + | The left endpoint of the line ``((1.2, 1.4), (4.6, 3.1))`` + would cover 56% *(i.e. 0.8 * 70%)* of the pixel ``(1, 1)`` + and 24% *(i.e. 0.8 * 30%)* of the pixel ``(1, 2)`` while + the right one would cover 42% *(i.e. 0.6 * 70%)* of the + pixel ``(5, 3)`` and 18% *(i.e. 0.6 * 30%)* of the pixel + ``(5, 4)`` while the right + + Then for each point between the endpoints, along the line, whose + x-coordinate is a whole number: + + Find which pixels would be covered and how much by that point and + draw them. + + *e.g.:* + | The points along the line ``((1, 1), (4, 2.5))`` would be + ``(2, 1.5)`` and ``(3, 2)`` and would cover 50% of the pixel + ``(2, 1)``, 50% of the pixel ``(2, 2)`` and 100% of the pixel + ``(3, 2)``. + | The points along the line ``((1.2, 1.4), (4.6, 3.1))`` would + be ``(2, 1.8)`` (covering 20% of the pixel ``(2, 1)`` and 80% + of the pixel ``(2, 2)``), ``(3, 2.3)`` (covering 70% of the + pixel ``(3, 2)`` and 30% of the pixel ``(3, 3)``) and ``(4, + 2.8)`` (covering 20% of the pixel ``(2, 1)`` and 80% of the + pixel ``(2, 2)``) + + Otherwise do the same for steep lines as for non-steep lines except + along the y-axis instead of the x-axis (using ``y`` instead of ``x``, + top instead of left and bottom instead of right). + + .. note:: + Regarding float values for coordinates, a point with coordinate + consisting of two whole numbers is considered being right in the center + of said pixel (and having a height and width of 1 pixel would therefore + completely cover it), while a point with coordinate where one (or both) + of the numbers have non-zero decimal parts would be partially covering + two (or four if both numbers have decimal parts) adjacent pixels, *e.g.* + the point ``(1.4, 2)`` covers 60% of the pixel ``(1, 2)`` and 40% of the + pixel ``(2,2)``. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + :param start_pos: start position of the line, (x, y) + :type start_pos: tuple(int or float, int or float) or + list(int or float, int or float) or Vector2(int or float, int or float) + :param end_pos: end position of the line, (x, y) + :type end_pos: tuple(int or float, int or float) or + list(int or float, int or float) or Vector2(int or float, int or float) + :param int blend: (optional) (deprecated) if non-zero (default) the line will be blended + with the surface's existing pixel shades, otherwise it will overwrite them + + :returns: a rect bounding the changed pixels, if nothing is drawn the + bounding rect's position will be the ``start_pos`` parameter value (float + values will be truncated) and its width and height will be 0 + :rtype: Rect + + :raises TypeError: if ``start_pos`` or ``end_pos`` is not a sequence of + two numbers + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## pygame.draw.aaline ## + +.. function:: aalines + + | :sl:`draw multiple contiguous straight antialiased line segments` + | :sg:`aalines(surface, color, closed, points) -> Rect` + | :sg:`aalines(surface, color, closed, points, blend=1) -> Rect` + + Draws a sequence of contiguous straight antialiased lines on the given + surface. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + :param bool closed: if ``True`` an additional line segment is drawn between + the first and last points in the ``points`` sequence + :param points: a sequence of 2 or more (x, y) coordinates, where each + *coordinate* in the sequence must be a + tuple/list/:class:`pygame.math.Vector2` of 2 ints/floats and adjacent + coordinates will be connected by a line segment, e.g. for the + points ``[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)]`` a line segment will be drawn + from ``(x1, y1)`` to ``(x2, y2)`` and from ``(x2, y2)`` to ``(x3, y3)``, + additionally if the ``closed`` parameter is ``True`` another line segment + will be drawn from ``(x3, y3)`` to ``(x1, y1)`` + :type points: tuple(coordinate) or list(coordinate) + :param int blend: (optional) (deprecated) if non-zero (default) each line will be blended + with the surface's existing pixel shades, otherwise the pixels will be + overwritten + + :returns: a rect bounding the changed pixels, if nothing is drawn the + bounding rect's position will be the position of the first point in the + ``points`` parameter (float values will be truncated) and its width and + height will be 0 + :rtype: Rect + + :raises ValueError: if ``len(points) < 2`` (must have at least 2 points) + :raises TypeError: if ``points`` is not a sequence or ``points`` does not + contain number pairs + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## pygame.draw.aalines ## + +.. ## pygame.draw ## + +.. figure:: code_examples/draw_module_example.png + :alt: draw module example + + Example code for draw module. + +.. literalinclude:: code_examples/draw_module_example.py + diff --git a/docs/ref/event.rst b/docs/ref/event.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa5b7e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/event.rst @@ -0,0 +1,565 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.event` +=================== + +.. module:: pygame.event + :synopsis: pygame module for interacting with events and queues + +| :sl:`pygame module for interacting with events and queues` + +Pygame handles all its event messaging through an event queue. The routines in +this module help you manage that event queue. The input queue is heavily +dependent on the :mod:`pygame.display` module. If the display has not been +initialized and a video mode not set, the event queue may not work properly. + +The event queue has an upper limit on the number of events it can hold. When +the queue becomes full new events are quietly dropped. To prevent lost events, +especially input events which signal a quit command, your program must handle +events every frame (with ``pygame.event.get()``, ``pygame.event.pump()``, +``pygame.event.wait()``, ``pygame.event.peek()`` or ``pygame.event.clear()``) +and process them. Not handling events may cause your system to decide your +program has locked up. To speed up queue processing use +:func:`pygame.event.set_blocked()` to limit which events get queued. + +To get the state of various input devices, you can forego the event queue and +access the input devices directly with their appropriate modules: +:mod:`pygame.mouse`, :mod:`pygame.key`, and :mod:`pygame.joystick`. If you use +this method, remember that pygame requires some form of communication with the +system window manager and other parts of the platform. To keep pygame in sync +with the system, you will need to call :func:`pygame.event.pump()` to keep +everything current. Usually, this should be called once per game loop. +Note: Joysticks will not send any events until the device has been initialized. + +The event queue contains :class:`pygame.event.Event` event objects. +There are a variety of ways to access the queued events, from simply +checking for the existence of events, to grabbing them directly off the stack. +The event queue also offers some simple filtering which can slightly help +performance by blocking certain event types from the queue. Use +:func:`pygame.event.set_allowed()` and :func:`pygame.event.set_blocked()` to +change this filtering. By default, all event types can be placed on the queue. + +All :class:`pygame.event.Event` instances contain an event type identifier +and attributes specific to that event type. The event type identifier is +accessible as the :attr:`pygame.event.Event.type` property. Any of the +event specific attributes can be accessed through the +:attr:`pygame.event.Event.__dict__` attribute or directly as an attribute +of the event object (as member lookups are passed through to the object's +dictionary values). The event object has no method functions. Users can create +their own new events with the :func:`pygame.event.Event()` function. + +The event type identifier is in between the values of ``NOEVENT`` and +``NUMEVENTS``. User defined events should have a value in the inclusive range +of ``USEREVENT`` to ``NUMEVENTS - 1``. User defined events can get a custom +event number with :func:`pygame.event.custom_type()`. +It is recommended all user events follow this system. + +Events support equality and inequality comparisons. Two events are equal if +they are the same type and have identical attribute values. + +While debugging and experimenting, you can print an event object for a quick +display of its type and members. The function :func:`pygame.event.event_name()` +can be used to get a string representing the name of the event type. + +Events that come from the system will have a guaranteed set of member +attributes based on the type. The following is a list of event types with their +specific attributes. + +:: + + QUIT none + ACTIVEEVENT gain, state + KEYDOWN key, mod, unicode, scancode + KEYUP key, mod, unicode, scancode + MOUSEMOTION pos, rel, buttons, touch + MOUSEBUTTONUP pos, button, touch + MOUSEBUTTONDOWN pos, button, touch + JOYAXISMOTION joy (deprecated), instance_id, axis, value + JOYBALLMOTION joy (deprecated), instance_id, ball, rel + JOYHATMOTION joy (deprecated), instance_id, hat, value + JOYBUTTONUP joy (deprecated), instance_id, button + JOYBUTTONDOWN joy (deprecated), instance_id, button + VIDEORESIZE size, w, h + VIDEOEXPOSE none + USEREVENT code + +.. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 The ``joy`` attribute was deprecated, ``instance_id`` was added. + +.. versionchanged:: 2.0.1 The ``unicode`` attribute was added to ``KEYUP`` event. + +Note that ``ACTIVEEVENT``, ``VIDEORESIZE`` and ``VIDEOEXPOSE`` are considered +as "legacy" events, the use of pygame2 ``WINDOWEVENT`` API is recommended over +the use of this older API. + +You can also find a list of constants for keyboard keys +:ref:`here `. + +A keyboard event occurs when a key is pressed (``KEYDOWN``) and when a key is released (``KEYUP``) +The ``key`` attribute of keyboard events contains the value of what key was pressed or released. +The ``mod`` attribute contains information about the state of keyboard modifiers (SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, etc.). +The ``unicode`` attribute stores the 16-bit unicode value of the key that was pressed or released. +The ``scancode`` attribute represents the physical location of a key on the keyboard. + +The ``ACTIVEEVENT`` contains information about the application gaining or losing focus. The ``gain`` attribute +will be 1 if the mouse enters the window, otherwise ``gain`` will be 0. The ``state`` attribute will have a +value of ``SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS`` if mouse focus was gained/lost, ``SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS`` if the application loses +or gains keyboard focus, or ``SDL_APPACTIVE`` if the application is minimized (``gain`` will be 0) or restored. + +| + +When compiled with SDL2, pygame has these additional events and their +attributes. + +:: + + AUDIODEVICEADDED which, iscapture (SDL backend >= 2.0.4) + AUDIODEVICEREMOVED which, iscapture (SDL backend >= 2.0.4) + FINGERMOTION touch_id, finger_id, x, y, dx, dy + FINGERDOWN touch_id, finger_id, x, y, dx, dy + FINGERUP touch_id, finger_id, x, y, dx, dy + MOUSEWHEEL which, flipped, x, y, touch, precise_x, precise_y + MULTIGESTURE touch_id, x, y, pinched, rotated, num_fingers + TEXTEDITING text, start, length + TEXTINPUT text + +.. versionadded:: 1.9.5 + +.. versionchanged:: 2.0.2 Fixed amount horizontal scroll (x, positive to the right and negative to the left). + +.. versionchanged:: 2.0.2 The ``touch`` attribute was added to all the ``MOUSE`` events. + +The ``touch`` attribute of ``MOUSE`` events indicates whether or not the events were generated +by a touch input device, and not a real mouse. You might want to ignore such events, if your application +already handles ``FINGERMOTION``, ``FINGERDOWN`` and ``FINGERUP`` events. + +.. versionadded:: 2.1.3 Added ``precise_x`` and ``precise_y`` to ``MOUSEWHEEL`` events + +``MOUSEWHEEL`` event occurs whenever the mouse wheel is moved. +The ``which`` attribute determines if the event was generated from a touch input device vs an actual +mousewheel. +The ``preciseX`` attribute contains a float with the amount scrolled horizontally (positive to the right, +negative to the left). +The ``preciseY`` attribute contains a float with the amount scrolled vertically (positive away from user, +negative towards user). +The ``flipped`` attribute determines if the values in x and y will be opposite or not. If ``SDL_MOUSEWHEEL_FLIPPED`` +is defined, the direction of x and y will be opposite. + +``TEXTEDITING`` event is triggered when a user activates an input method via hotkey or selecting an +input method in a GUI and starts typing + +The ``which`` attribute for ``AUDIODEVICE*`` events is an integer representing the index for new audio +devices that are added. ``AUDIODEVICE*`` events are used to update audio settings or device list. + +| + +Many new events were introduced in pygame 2. + +pygame can recognize text or files dropped in its window. If a file +is dropped, ``DROPFILE`` event will be sent, ``file`` will be its path. +The ``DROPTEXT`` event is only supported on X11. + +``MIDIIN`` and ``MIDIOUT`` are events reserved for :mod:`pygame.midi` use. +``MIDI*`` events differ from ``AUDIODEVICE*`` events in that AUDIODEVICE +events are triggered when there is a state change related to an audio +input/output device. + +pygame 2 also supports controller hot-plugging + +:: + + Event name Attributes and notes + + DROPFILE file + DROPBEGIN (SDL backend >= 2.0.5) + DROPCOMPLETE (SDL backend >= 2.0.5) + DROPTEXT text (SDL backend >= 2.0.5) + MIDIIN + MIDIOUT + CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED device_index + JOYDEVICEADDED device_index + CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED instance_id + JOYDEVICEREMOVED instance_id + CONTROLLERDEVICEREMAPPED instance_id + KEYMAPCHANGED (SDL backend >= 2.0.4) + CLIPBOARDUPDATE + RENDER_TARGETS_RESET (SDL backend >= 2.0.2) + RENDER_DEVICE_RESET (SDL backend >= 2.0.4) + LOCALECHANGED (SDL backend >= 2.0.14) + +Also in this version, ``instance_id`` attributes were added to joystick events, +and the ``joy`` attribute was deprecated. + +``KEYMAPCHANGED`` is a type of an event sent when keymap changes due to a +system event such as an input language or keyboard layout change. + +``CLIPBOARDUPDATE`` is an event sent when clipboard changes. This can still +be considered as an experimental feature, some kinds of clipboard changes might +not trigger this event. + +``LOCALECHANGED`` is an event sent when user locale changes + +.. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + +.. versionadded:: 2.1.3 ``KEYMAPCHANGED``, ``CLIPBOARDUPDATE``, + ``RENDER_TARGETS_RESET``, ``RENDER_DEVICE_RESET`` and ``LOCALECHANGED`` + +| + +Since pygame 2.0.1, there are a new set of events, called window events. +Here is a list of all window events, along with a short description + +:: + + Event type Short description + + WINDOWSHOWN Window became shown + WINDOWHIDDEN Window became hidden + WINDOWEXPOSED Window got updated by some external event + WINDOWMOVED Window got moved + WINDOWRESIZED Window got resized + WINDOWSIZECHANGED Window changed its size + WINDOWMINIMIZED Window was minimized + WINDOWMAXIMIZED Window was maximized + WINDOWRESTORED Window was restored + WINDOWENTER Mouse entered the window + WINDOWLEAVE Mouse left the window + WINDOWFOCUSGAINED Window gained focus + WINDOWFOCUSLOST Window lost focus + WINDOWCLOSE Window was closed + WINDOWTAKEFOCUS Window was offered focus (SDL backend >= 2.0.5) + WINDOWHITTEST Window has a special hit test (SDL backend >= 2.0.5) + WINDOWICCPROFCHANGED Window ICC profile changed (SDL backend >= 2.0.18) + WINDOWDISPLAYCHANGED Window moved on a new display (SDL backend >= 2.0.18) + + +``WINDOWMOVED``, ``WINDOWRESIZED`` and ``WINDOWSIZECHANGED`` have ``x`` and +``y`` attributes, ``WINDOWDISPLAYCHANGED`` has a ``display_index`` attribute. +All windowevents have a ``window`` attribute. + +.. versionadded:: 2.0.1 + +.. versionadded:: 2.1.3 ``WINDOWICCPROFCHANGED`` and ``WINDOWDISPLAYCHANGED`` + +| + +On Android, the following events can be generated + +:: + + Event type Short description + + APP_TERMINATING OS is terminating the application + APP_LOWMEMORY OS is low on memory, try to free memory if possible + APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND Application is entering background + APP_DIDENTERBACKGROUND Application entered background + APP_WILLENTERFOREGROUND Application is entering foreground + APP_DIDENTERFOREGROUND Application entered foreground + +.. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + +| + +.. function:: pump + + | :sl:`internally process pygame event handlers` + | :sg:`pump() -> None` + + For each frame of your game, you will need to make some sort of call to the + event queue. This ensures your program can internally interact with the rest + of the operating system. If you are not using other event functions in your + game, you should call ``pygame.event.pump()`` to allow pygame to handle + internal actions. + + This function is not necessary if your program is consistently processing + events on the queue through the other :mod:`pygame.event` functions. + + There are important things that must be dealt with internally in the event + queue. The main window may need to be repainted or respond to the system. If + you fail to make a call to the event queue for too long, the system may + decide your program has locked up. + + .. caution:: + This function should only be called in the thread that initialized :mod:`pygame.display`. + + .. ## pygame.event.pump ## + +.. function:: get + + | :sl:`get events from the queue` + | :sg:`get(eventtype=None) -> Eventlist` + | :sg:`get(eventtype=None, pump=True) -> Eventlist` + | :sg:`get(eventtype=None, pump=True, exclude=None) -> Eventlist` + + This will get all the messages and remove them from the queue. If a type or + sequence of types is given only those messages will be removed from the + queue and returned. + + If a type or sequence of types is passed in the ``exclude`` argument + instead, then all only *other* messages will be removed from the queue. If + an ``exclude`` parameter is passed, the ``eventtype`` parameter *must* be + None. + + If you are only taking specific events from the queue, be aware that the + queue could eventually fill up with the events you are not interested. + + If ``pump`` is ``True`` (the default), then :func:`pygame.event.pump()` will be called. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.5 Added ``pump`` argument + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.2 Added ``exclude`` argument + + .. ## pygame.event.get ## + +.. function:: poll + + | :sl:`get a single event from the queue` + | :sg:`poll() -> Event instance` + + Returns a single event from the queue. If the event queue is empty an event + of type ``pygame.NOEVENT`` will be returned immediately. The returned event + is removed from the queue. + + .. caution:: + This function should only be called in the thread that initialized :mod:`pygame.display`. + + .. ## pygame.event.poll ## + +.. function:: wait + + | :sl:`wait for a single event from the queue` + | :sg:`wait() -> Event instance` + | :sg:`wait(timeout) -> Event instance` + + Returns a single event from the queue. If the queue is empty this function + will wait until one is created. From pygame 2.0.0, if a ``timeout`` argument + is given, the function will return an event of type ``pygame.NOEVENT`` + if no events enter the queue in ``timeout`` milliseconds. The event is removed + from the queue once it has been returned. While the program is waiting it will + sleep in an idle state. This is important for programs that want to share the + system with other applications. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0.dev13 Added ``timeout`` argument + + .. caution:: + This function should only be called in the thread that initialized :mod:`pygame.display`. + + .. ## pygame.event.wait ## + +.. function:: peek + + | :sl:`test if event types are waiting on the queue` + | :sg:`peek(eventtype=None) -> bool` + | :sg:`peek(eventtype=None, pump=True) -> bool` + + Returns ``True`` if there are any events of the given type waiting on the + queue. If a sequence of event types is passed, this will return ``True`` if + any of those events are on the queue. + + If ``pump`` is ``True`` (the default), then :func:`pygame.event.pump()` will be called. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.5 Added ``pump`` argument + + .. ## pygame.event.peek ## + +.. function:: clear + + | :sl:`remove all events from the queue` + | :sg:`clear(eventtype=None) -> None` + | :sg:`clear(eventtype=None, pump=True) -> None` + + Removes all events from the queue. If ``eventtype`` is given, removes the given event + or sequence of events. This has the same effect as :func:`pygame.event.get()` except ``None`` + is returned. It can be slightly more efficient when clearing a full event queue. + + If ``pump`` is ``True`` (the default), then :func:`pygame.event.pump()` will be called. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.5 Added ``pump`` argument + + .. ## pygame.event.clear ## + +.. function:: event_name + + | :sl:`get the string name from an event id` + | :sg:`event_name(type) -> string` + + Returns a string representing the name (in CapWords style) of the given + event type. + + "UserEvent" is returned for all values in the user event id range. + "Unknown" is returned when the event type does not exist. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + .. ## pygame.event.event_name ## + + +.. function:: set_blocked + + | :sl:`control which events are allowed on the queue` + | :sg:`set_blocked(type) -> None` + | :sg:`set_blocked(typelist) -> None` + | :sg:`set_blocked(None) -> None` + + The given event types are not allowed to appear on the event queue. By + default all events can be placed on the queue. It is safe to disable an + event type multiple times. + + If ``None`` is passed as the argument, ALL of the event types are blocked + from being placed on the queue. + + .. ## pygame.event.set_blocked ## + +.. function:: set_allowed + + | :sl:`control which events are allowed on the queue` + | :sg:`set_allowed(type) -> None` + | :sg:`set_allowed(typelist) -> None` + | :sg:`set_allowed(None) -> None` + + The given event types are allowed to appear on the event queue. By default, + all event types can be placed on the queue. It is safe to enable an event + type multiple times. + + If ``None`` is passed as the argument, ALL of the event types are allowed + to be placed on the queue. + + .. ## pygame.event.set_allowed ## + +.. function:: get_blocked + + | :sl:`test if a type of event is blocked from the queue` + | :sg:`get_blocked(type) -> bool` + | :sg:`get_blocked(typelist) -> bool` + + Returns ``True`` if the given event type is blocked from the queue. If a + sequence of event types is passed, this will return ``True`` if any of those + event types are blocked. + + .. ## pygame.event.get_blocked ## + +.. function:: set_grab + + | :sl:`control the sharing of input devices with other applications` + | :sg:`set_grab(bool) -> None` + + When your program runs in a windowed environment, it will share the mouse + and keyboard devices with other applications that have focus. If your + program sets the event grab to ``True``, it will lock all input into your + program. + + It is best to not always grab the input, since it prevents the user from + doing other things on their system. + + .. ## pygame.event.set_grab ## + +.. function:: get_grab + + | :sl:`test if the program is sharing input devices` + | :sg:`get_grab() -> bool` + + Returns ``True`` when the input events are grabbed for this application. + + .. ## pygame.event.get_grab ## + +.. function:: set_keyboard_grab + + | :sl:`grab enables capture of system keyboard shortcuts like Alt+Tab or the Meta/Super key.` + | :sg:`set_keyboard_grab(bool) -> None` + + Keyboard grab enables capture of system keyboard shortcuts like Alt+Tab or the Meta/Super key. + Note that not all system keyboard shortcuts can be captured by applications (one example is Ctrl+Alt+Del on Windows). + This is primarily intended for specialized applications such as VNC clients or VM frontends. Normal games should not use keyboard grab. + + .. versionadded:: 2.5.0 + + .. ## pygame.event.set_keyboard_grab ## + +.. function:: get_keyboard_grab + + | :sl:`get the current keyboard grab state` + | :sg:`get_keyboard_grab() -> bool` + + Returns ``True`` when keyboard grab is enabled. + + .. versionadded:: 2.5.0 + + .. ## pygame.event.get_keyboard_grab ## + +.. function:: post + + | :sl:`place a new event on the queue` + | :sg:`post(Event) -> bool` + + Places the given event at the end of the event queue. + + This is usually used for placing custom events on the event queue. + Any type of event can be posted, and the events posted can have any attributes. + + This returns a boolean on whether the event was posted or not. Blocked events + cannot be posted, and this function returns ``False`` if you try to post them. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.1 returns a boolean, previously returned ``None`` + + .. ## pygame.event.post ## + +.. function:: custom_type + + | :sl:`make custom user event type` + | :sg:`custom_type() -> int` + + Reserves a ``pygame.USEREVENT`` for a custom use. + + If too many events are made a :exc:`pygame.error` is raised. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0.dev3 + + .. ## pygame.event.custom_type ## + +.. class:: Event + + | :sl:`pygame object for representing events` + | :sg:`Event(type, dict) -> Event` + | :sg:`Event(type, \**attributes) -> Event` + + A pygame object used for representing an event. ``Event`` instances + support attribute assignment and deletion. + + When creating the object, the attributes may come from a dictionary + argument with string keys or from keyword arguments. + + .. note:: + From version 2.1.3 ``EventType`` is an alias for ``Event``. Beforehand, + ``Event`` was a function that returned ``EventType`` instances. Use of + ``Event`` is preferred over ``EventType`` wherever it is possible, as + the latter could be deprecated in a future version. + + .. attribute:: type + + | :sl:`event type identifier.` + | :sg:`type -> int` + + Read-only. The event type identifier. For user created event + objects, this is the ``type`` argument passed to + :func:`pygame.event.Event()`. + + For example, some predefined event identifiers are ``QUIT`` and + ``MOUSEMOTION``. + + .. ## pygame.event.Event.type ## + + .. attribute:: __dict__ + + | :sl:`event attribute dictionary` + | :sg:`__dict__ -> dict` + + Read-only. The event type specific attributes of an event. The + ``dict`` attribute is a synonym for backward compatibility. + + For example, the attributes of a ``KEYDOWN`` event would be ``unicode``, + ``key``, and ``mod`` + + .. ## pygame.event.Event.__dict__ ## + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 Mutable attributes. + + .. ## pygame.event.Event ## + +.. ## pygame.event ## diff --git a/docs/ref/examples.rst b/docs/ref/examples.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..000ea76 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/examples.rst @@ -0,0 +1,451 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.examples` +====================== + +.. module:: pygame.examples + :synopsis: module of example programs + +| :sl:`module of example programs` + +These examples should help get you started with pygame. Here is a brief rundown +of what you get. The source code for these examples is in the public domain. +Feel free to use for your own projects. + +There are several ways to run the examples. First they can be run as +stand-alone programs. Second they can be imported and their ``main()`` methods +called (see below). Finally, the easiest way is to use the python -m option: + +:: + + python -m pygame.examples. + +eg: + +:: + + python -m pygame.examples.scaletest someimage.png + +Resources such as images and sounds for the examples are found in the +pygame/examples/data subdirectory. + +You can find where the example files are installed by using the following +commands inside the python interpreter. + +:: + + >>> import pygame.examples.scaletest + >>> pygame.examples.scaletest.__file__ + '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pygame/examples/scaletest.py' + +On each OS and version of Python the location will be slightly different. +For example on Windows it might be in 'C:/Python26/Lib/site-packages/pygame/examples/' +On Mac OS X it might be in '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pygame/examples/' + + +You can also run the examples in the python interpreter by calling each modules main() function. + +:: + + >>> import pygame.examples.scaletest + >>> pygame.examples.scaletest.main() + + +We're always on the lookout for more examples and/or example requests. Code +like this is probably the best way to start getting involved with python +gaming. + +examples as a package is new to pygame 1.9.0. But most of the examples came with +pygame much earlier. + +.. function:: aliens.main + + | :sl:`play the full aliens example` + | :sg:`aliens.main() -> None` + + This started off as a port of the ``SDL`` demonstration, Aliens. Now it has + evolved into something sort of resembling fun. This demonstrates a lot of + different uses of sprites and optimized blitting. Also transparency, + colorkeys, fonts, sound, music, joystick, and more. (PS, my high score is + 117! goodluck) + + .. ## pygame.examples.aliens.main ## + +.. function:: stars.main + + | :sl:`run a simple starfield example` + | :sg:`stars.main() -> None` + + A simple starfield example. You can change the center of perspective by + leftclicking the mouse on the screen. + + .. ## pygame.examples.stars.main ## + +.. function:: chimp.main + + | :sl:`hit the moving chimp` + | :sg:`chimp.main() -> None` + + This simple example is derived from the line-by-line tutorial that comes + with pygame. It is based on a 'popular' web banner. Note there are comments + here, but for the full explanation, follow along in the tutorial. + + .. ## pygame.examples.chimp.main ## + +.. function:: moveit.main + + | :sl:`display animated objects on the screen` + | :sg:`moveit.main() -> None` + + This is the full and final example from the Pygame Tutorial, "How Do I Make + It Move". It creates 10 objects and animates them on the screen. + + Note it's a bit scant on error checking, but it's easy to read. :] + Fortunately, this is python, and we needn't wrestle with a pile of error + codes. + + .. ## pygame.examples.moveit.main ## + +.. function:: fonty.main + + | :sl:`run a font rendering example` + | :sg:`fonty.main() -> None` + + Super quick, super simple application demonstrating the different ways to + render fonts with the font module + + .. ## pygame.examples.fonty.main ## + +.. function:: freetype_misc.main + + | :sl:`run a FreeType rendering example` + | :sg:`freetype_misc.main() -> None` + + A showcase of rendering features the :class:`pygame.freetype.Font` + class provides in addition to those available with :class:`pygame.font.Font`. + It is a demonstration of direct to surface rendering, with vertical text + and rotated text, opaque text and semi transparent text, horizontally + stretched text and vertically stretched text. + + .. ## pygame.examples.fonty.main ## + +.. function:: vgrade.main + + | :sl:`display a vertical gradient` + | :sg:`vgrade.main() -> None` + + Demonstrates creating a vertical gradient with pixelcopy and NumPy python. + The app will create a new gradient every half second and report the time + needed to create and display the image. If you're not prepared to start + working with the NumPy arrays, don't worry about the source for this one :] + + .. ## pygame.examples.vgrade.main ## + +.. function:: eventlist.main + + | :sl:`display pygame events` + | :sg:`eventlist.main() -> None` + + Eventlist is a sloppy style of pygame, but is a handy tool for learning + about pygame events and input. At the top of the screen are the state of + several device values, and a scrolling list of events are displayed on the + bottom. + + This is not quality 'ui' code at all, but you can see how to implement very + non-interactive status displays, or even a crude text output control. + + .. ## pygame.examples.eventlist.main ## + +.. function:: arraydemo.main + + | :sl:`show various surfarray effects` + | :sg:`arraydemo.main(arraytype=None) -> None` + + Another example filled with various surfarray effects. It requires the + surfarray and image modules to be installed. This little demo can also make + a good starting point for any of your own tests with surfarray + + The ``arraytype`` parameter is deprecated; passing any value besides 'numpy' + will raise ValueError. + + .. ## pygame.examples.arraydemo.main ## + +.. function:: sound.main + + | :sl:`load and play a sound` + | :sg:`sound.main(file_path=None) -> None` + + Extremely basic testing of the mixer module. Load a sound and play it. All + from the command shell, no graphics. + + If provided, use the audio file 'file_path', otherwise use a default file. + + ``sound.py`` optional command line argument: an audio file + + .. ## pygame.examples.sound.main ## + +.. function:: sound_array_demos.main + + | :sl:`play various sndarray effects` + | :sg:`sound_array_demos.main(arraytype=None) -> None` + + + Uses sndarray and NumPy to create offset faded copies of the + original sound. Currently it just uses hardcoded values for the number of + echoes and the delay. Easy for you to recreate as needed. + + The ``arraytype`` parameter is deprecated; passing any value besides 'numpy' + will raise ValueError. + + .. ## pygame.examples.sound_array_demos.main ## + +.. function:: liquid.main + + | :sl:`display an animated liquid effect` + | :sg:`liquid.main() -> None` + + This example was created in a quick comparison with the BlitzBasic gaming + language. Nonetheless, it demonstrates a quick 8-bit setup (with colormap). + + .. ## pygame.examples.liquid.main ## + +.. function:: glcube.main + + | :sl:`display an animated 3D cube using OpenGL` + | :sg:`glcube.main() -> None` + + Using PyOpenGL and pygame, this creates a spinning 3D multicolored cube. + + .. ## pygame.examples.glcube.main ## + +.. function:: scrap_clipboard.main + + | :sl:`access the clipboard` + | :sg:`scrap_clipboard.main() -> None` + + A simple demonstration example for the clipboard support. + + .. ## pygame.examples.scrap_clipboard.main ## + +.. function:: mask.main + + | :sl:`display multiple images bounce off each other using collision detection` + | :sg:`mask.main(*args) -> None` + + Positional arguments: + + :: + + one or more image file names. + + This ``pygame.masks`` demo will display multiple moving sprites bouncing off + each other. More than one sprite image can be provided. + + If run as a program then ``mask.py`` takes one or more image files as + command line arguments. + + .. ## pygame.examples.mask.main ## + +.. function:: testsprite.main + + | :sl:`show lots of sprites moving around` + | :sg:`testsprite.main(update_rects = True, use_static = False, use_FastRenderGroup = False, screen_dims = [640, 480], use_alpha = False, flags = 0) -> None` + + Optional keyword arguments: + + :: + + update_rects - use the RenderUpdate sprite group class + use_static - include non-moving images + use_FastRenderGroup - Use the FastRenderGroup sprite group + screen_dims - pygame window dimensions + use_alpha - use alpha blending + flags - additional display mode flags + + Like the ``testsprite.c`` that comes with SDL, this pygame version shows + lots of sprites moving around. + + If run as a stand-alone program then no command line arguments are taken. + + .. ## pygame.examples.testsprite.main ## + +.. function:: headless_no_windows_needed.main + + | :sl:`write an image file that is smoothscaled copy of an input file` + | :sg:`headless_no_windows_needed.main(fin, fout, w, h) -> None` + + arguments: + + :: + + fin - name of an input image file + fout - name of the output file to create/overwrite + w, h - size of the rescaled image, as integer width and height + + How to use pygame with no windowing system, like on headless servers. + + Thumbnail generation with scaling is an example of what you can do with + pygame. + + ``NOTE``: the pygame scale function uses MMX/SSE if available, and can be + run in multiple threads. + + If ``headless_no_windows_needed.py`` is run as a program it takes the + following command line arguments: + + :: + + -scale inputimage outputimage new_width new_height + eg. -scale in.png outpng 50 50 + + .. ## pygame.examples.headless_no_windows_needed.main ## + +.. function:: joystick.main + + | :sl:`demonstrate joystick functionality` + | :sg:`joystick.main() -> None` + + A demo showing full joystick support. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.2 + + .. ## pygame.examples.joystick.main ## + +.. function:: blend_fill.main + + | :sl:`demonstrate the various surface.fill method blend options` + | :sg:`blend_fill.main() -> None` + + A interactive demo that lets one choose which BLEND_xxx option to apply to a + surface. + + .. ## pygame.examples.blend_fill.main ## + +.. function:: blit_blends.main + + | :sl:`uses alternative additive fill to that of surface.fill` + | :sg:`blit_blends.main() -> None` + + Fake additive blending. Using NumPy. it doesn't clamp. Press r,g,b Somewhat + like blend_fill. + + .. ## pygame.examples.blit_blends.main ## + +.. function:: cursors.main + + | :sl:`display two different custom cursors` + | :sg:`cursors.main() -> None` + + Display an arrow or circle with crossbar cursor. + + .. ## pygame.examples.cursors.main ## + +.. function:: pixelarray.main + + | :sl:`display various pixelarray generated effects` + | :sg:`pixelarray.main() -> None` + + Display various pixelarray generated effects. + + .. ## pygame.examples.pixelarray.main ## + +.. function:: scaletest.main + + | :sl:`interactively scale an image using smoothscale` + | :sg:`scaletest.main(imagefile, convert_alpha=False, run_speed_test=True) -> None` + + arguments: + + :: + + imagefile - file name of source image (required) + convert_alpha - use convert_alpha() on the surf (default False) + run_speed_test - (default False) + + A smoothscale example that resized an image on the screen. Vertical and + horizontal arrow keys are used to change the width and height of the + displayed image. If the convert_alpha option is True then the source image + is forced to have source alpha, whether or not the original images does. If + run_speed_test is True then a background timing test is performed instead of + the interactive scaler. + + If ``scaletest.py`` is run as a program then the command line options are: + + :: + + ImageFile [-t] [-convert_alpha] + [-t] = Run Speed Test + [-convert_alpha] = Use convert_alpha() on the surf. + + .. ## pygame.examples.scaletest.main ## + +.. function:: midi.main + + | :sl:`run a midi example` + | :sg:`midi.main(mode='output', device_id=None) -> None` + + Arguments: + + :: + + mode - if 'output' run a midi keyboard output example + 'input' run a midi event logger input example + 'list' list available midi devices + (default 'output') + device_id - midi device number; if None then use the default midi input or + output device for the system + + The output example shows how to translate mouse clicks or computer keyboard + events into midi notes. It implements a rudimentary button widget and state + machine. + + The input example shows how to translate midi input to pygame events. + + With the use of a virtual midi patch cord the output and input examples can + be run as separate processes and connected so the keyboard output is + displayed on a console. + + new to pygame 1.9.0 + + .. ## pygame.examples.midi.main ## + +.. function:: scroll.main + + | :sl:`run a Surface.scroll example that shows a magnified image` + | :sg:`scroll.main(image_file=None) -> None` + + This example shows a scrollable image that has a zoom factor of eight. It + uses the :meth:`Surface.scroll() ` + function to shift the image on the display surface. + A clip rectangle protects a margin area. If called as a function, + the example accepts an optional image file path. If run as a program it + takes an optional file path command line argument. If no file is provided a + default image file is used. + + When running click on a black triangle to move one pixel in the direction + the triangle points. Or use the arrow keys. Close the window or press + ``ESC`` to quit. + + .. ## pygame.examples.scroll.main ## + +.. function:: camera.main + + | :sl:`display video captured live from an attached camera` + | :sg:`camera.main() -> None` + + A simple live video player, it uses the first available camera it finds on + the system. + + .. ## pygame.examples.camera.main ## + +.. function:: playmus.main + + | :sl:`play an audio file` + | :sg:`playmus.main(file_path) -> None` + + A simple music player with window and keyboard playback control. Playback can + be paused and rewound to the beginning. + + .. ## pygame.examples.playmus.main ## + +.. ## pygame.examples ## diff --git a/docs/ref/fastevent.rst b/docs/ref/fastevent.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2efe5f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/fastevent.rst @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.fastevent` +======================= + +.. module:: pygame.fastevent + :synopsis: pygame module for interacting with events and queues from multiple + threads. + +| :sl:`pygame module for interacting with events and queues` + +IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS MODULE IS DEPRECATED IN PYGAME 2.2 + +In older pygame versions before pygame 2, :mod:`pygame.event` was not well +suited for posting events from different threads. This module served as a +replacement (with less features) for multithreaded use. Now, the usage of this +module is highly discouraged in favour of use of the main :mod:`pygame.event` +module. This module will be removed in a future pygame version. + +Below, the legacy docs of the module is provided + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`initialize pygame.fastevent` + | :sg:`init() -> None` + + Initialize the pygame.fastevent module. + + .. ## pygame.fastevent.init ## + +.. function:: get_init + + | :sl:`returns True if the fastevent module is currently initialized` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Returns True if the pygame.fastevent module is currently initialized. + + .. ## pygame.fastevent.get_init ## + +.. function:: pump + + | :sl:`internally process pygame event handlers` + | :sg:`pump() -> None` + + For each frame of your game, you will need to make some sort of call to the + event queue. This ensures your program can internally interact with the rest + of the operating system. + + This function is not necessary if your program is consistently processing + events on the queue through the other :mod:`pygame.fastevent` functions. + + There are important things that must be dealt with internally in the event + queue. The main window may need to be repainted or respond to the system. If + you fail to make a call to the event queue for too long, the system may + decide your program has locked up. + + .. ## pygame.fastevent.pump ## + +.. function:: wait + + | :sl:`wait for an event` + | :sg:`wait() -> Event` + + Returns the current event on the queue. If there are no messages + waiting on the queue, this will not return until one is available. + Sometimes it is important to use this wait to get events from the queue, + it will allow your application to idle when the user isn't doing anything + with it. + + .. ## pygame.fastevent.wait ## + +.. function:: poll + + | :sl:`get an available event` + | :sg:`poll() -> Event` + + Returns next event on queue. If there is no event waiting on the queue, + this will return an event with type NOEVENT. + + .. ## pygame.fastevent.poll ## + +.. function:: get + + | :sl:`get all events from the queue` + | :sg:`get() -> list of Events` + + This will get all the messages and remove them from the queue. + + .. ## pygame.fastevent.get ## + +.. function:: post + + | :sl:`place an event on the queue` + | :sg:`post(Event) -> None` + + This will post your own event objects onto the event queue. You can post + any event type you want, but some care must be taken. For example, if you + post a MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event to the queue, it is likely any code receiving + the event will expect the standard MOUSEBUTTONDOWN attributes to be + available, like 'pos' and 'button'. + + Because pygame.fastevent.post() may have to wait for the queue to empty, + you can get into a dead lock if you try to append an event on to a full + queue from the thread that processes events. For that reason I do not + recommend using this function in the main thread of an SDL program. + + .. ## pygame.fastevent.post ## + +.. ## pygame.fastevent ## \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ref/font.rst b/docs/ref/font.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f09a8b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/font.rst @@ -0,0 +1,499 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.font` +================== + +.. module:: pygame.font + :synopsis: pygame module for loading and rendering fonts + +| :sl:`pygame module for loading and rendering fonts` + +The font module allows for rendering TrueType fonts into Surface objects. +This module is built on top of the SDL_ttf library, which comes with all +normal pygame installations. + +Most of the work done with fonts are done by using the actual Font objects. +The module by itself only has routines to support the creation of Font objects +with :func:`pygame.font.Font`. + +You can load fonts from the system by using the :func:`pygame.font.SysFont` +function. There are a few other functions to help look up the system fonts. + +Pygame comes with a builtin default font, freesansbold. This can always be +accessed by passing ``None`` as the font name. + +Before pygame 2.0.3, pygame.font accepts any UCS-2 / UTF-16 character +('\\u0001' to '\\uFFFF'). After 2.0.3, pygame.font built with SDL_ttf +2.0.15 accepts any valid UCS-4 / UTF-32 character +(like emojis, if the font has them) ('\\U00000001' to '\\U0010FFFF')). +More about this in :func:`Font.render`. + +Before pygame 2.0.3, this character space restriction can be avoided by +using the :mod:`pygame.freetype` based ``pygame.ftfont`` to emulate the Font +module. This can be used by defining the environment variable PYGAME_FREETYPE +before the first import of :mod:`pygame`. Since the problem ``pygame.ftfont`` +solves no longer exists, it will likely be removed in the future. + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`initialize the font module` + | :sg:`init() -> None` + + This method is called automatically by ``pygame.init()``. It initializes the + font module. The module must be initialized before any other functions will + work. + + It is safe to call this function more than once. + + .. ## pygame.font.init ## + +.. function:: quit + + | :sl:`uninitialize the font module` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + Manually uninitialize SDL_ttf's font system. This is called automatically by + ``pygame.quit()``. + + It is safe to call this function even if font is currently not initialized. + + .. ## pygame.font.quit ## + +.. function:: get_init + + | :sl:`true if the font module is initialized` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Test if the font module is initialized or not. + + .. ## pygame.font.get_init ## + +.. function:: get_default_font + + | :sl:`get the filename of the default font` + | :sg:`get_default_font() -> string` + + Return the filename of the system font. This is not the full path to the + file. This file can usually be found in the same directory as the font + module, but it can also be bundled in separate archives. + + .. ## pygame.font.get_default_font ## + +.. function:: get_sdl_ttf_version + + | :sl:`gets SDL_ttf version` + | :sg:`get_sdl_ttf_version(linked=True) -> (major, minor, patch)` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave get_sdl_ttf_version feedback with authors `_ + + Returns a tuple of integers that identify SDL_ttf's version. + SDL_ttf is the underlying font rendering library, written in C, + on which pygame's font module depends. If 'linked' is True (the default), + the function returns the version of the linked TTF library. + Otherwise this function returns the version of TTF pygame was compiled with + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## pygame.font.get_sdl_ttf_version ## + +.. function:: get_fonts + + | :sl:`get all available fonts` + | :sg:`get_fonts() -> list of strings` + + Returns a list of all the fonts available on the system. The names of the + fonts will be set to lowercase with all spaces and punctuation removed. This + works on most systems, but some will return an empty list if they cannot + find fonts. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.1.3 Checks through user fonts instead of just global fonts for Windows. + + .. ## pygame.font.get_fonts ## + +.. function:: match_font + + | :sl:`find a specific font on the system` + | :sg:`match_font(name, bold=False, italic=False) -> path` + + Returns the full path to a font file on the system. If bold or italic are + set to true, this will attempt to find the correct family of font. + + The font name can also be an iterable of font names, a string of + comma-separated font names, or a bytes of comma-separated font names, in + which case the set of names will be searched in order. + If none of the given names are found, None is returned. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.1 Accept an iterable of font names. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.1.3 Checks through user fonts instead of just global fonts for Windows. + + Example: + + :: + + print pygame.font.match_font('bitstreamverasans') + # output is: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf + # (but only if you have Vera on your system) + + .. ## pygame.font.match_font ## + +.. function:: SysFont + + | :sl:`create a Font object from the system fonts` + | :sg:`SysFont(name, size, bold=False, italic=False) -> Font` + + Return a new Font object that is loaded from the system fonts. The font will + match the requested bold and italic flags. Pygame uses a small set of common + font aliases. If the specific font you ask for is not available, a reasonable + alternative may be used. If a suitable system font is not found this will + fall back on loading the default pygame font. + + The font name can also be an iterable of font names, a string of + comma-separated font names, or a bytes of comma-separated font names, in + which case the set of names will be searched in order. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.1 Accept an iterable of font names. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.1.3 Checks through user fonts instead of just global fonts for Windows. + + .. ## pygame.font.SysFont ## + +.. class:: Font + + | :sl:`create a new Font object from a file` + | :sg:`Font(file_path=None, size=12) -> Font` + | :sg:`Font(file_path, size) -> Font` + | :sg:`Font(pathlib.Path, size) -> Font` + | :sg:`Font(object, size) -> Font` + + Load a new font from a given filename or a python file object. The size is + the height of the font in pixels. If the filename is ``None`` the pygame + default font will be loaded. If a font cannot be loaded from the arguments + given an exception will be raised. Once the font is created the size cannot + be changed. If no arguments are given then the default font will be used and + a font size of 12 is used. + + Font objects are mainly used to render text into new Surface objects. The + render can emulate bold or italic features, but it is better to load from a + font with actual italic or bold glyphs. + + .. attribute:: bold + + | :sl:`Gets or sets whether the font should be rendered in (faked) bold.` + | :sg:`bold -> bool` + + Whether the font should be rendered in bold. + + When set to True, this enables the bold rendering of text. This + is a fake stretching of the font that doesn't look good on many + font types. If possible load the font from a real bold font + file. While bold, the font will have a different width than when + normal. This can be mixed with the italic, underline and + strikethrough modes. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Font.bold ## + + .. attribute:: italic + + | :sl:`Gets or sets whether the font should be rendered in (faked) italics.` + | :sg:`italic -> bool` + + Whether the font should be rendered in italic. + + When set to True, this enables fake rendering of italic + text. This is a fake skewing of the font that doesn't look good + on many font types. If possible load the font from a real italic + font file. While italic the font will have a different width + than when normal. This can be mixed with the bold, underline and + strikethrough modes. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Font.italic ## + + .. attribute:: underline + + | :sl:`Gets or sets whether the font should be rendered with an underline.` + | :sg:`underline -> bool` + + Whether the font should be rendered in underline. + + When set to True, all rendered fonts will include an + underline. The underline is always one pixel thick, regardless + of font size. This can be mixed with the bold, italic and + strikethrough modes. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Font.underline ## + + .. attribute:: strikethrough + + | :sl:`Gets or sets whether the font should be rendered with a strikethrough.` + | :sg:`strikethrough -> bool` + + Whether the font should be rendered with a strikethrough. + + When set to True, all rendered fonts will include an + strikethrough. The strikethrough is always one pixel thick, + regardless of font size. This can be mixed with the bold, + italic and underline modes. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Font.strikethrough ## + + .. method:: render + + | :sl:`draw text on a new Surface` + | :sg:`render(text, antialias, color, background=None) -> Surface` + + This creates a new Surface with the specified text rendered on it. + :mod:`pygame.font` provides no way to directly draw text on an existing + Surface: instead you must use :func:`Font.render` to create an image + (Surface) of the text, then blit this image onto another Surface. + + The text can only be a single line: newline characters are not rendered. + Null characters ('\x00') raise a TypeError. Both Unicode and char (byte) + strings are accepted. For Unicode strings only UCS-2 characters + ('\\u0001' to '\\uFFFF') were previously supported and any greater + unicode codepoint would raise a UnicodeError. Now, characters in the + UCS-4 range are supported. For char strings a ``LATIN1`` encoding is + assumed. The antialias argument is a boolean: if True the characters + will have smooth edges. The color argument is the color of the text + [e.g.: (0,0,255) for blue]. The optional background argument is a color + to use for the text background. If no background is passed the area + outside the text will be transparent. + + The Surface returned will be of the dimensions required to hold the text. + (the same as those returned by :func:`Font.size`). If an empty string is passed + for the text, a blank surface will be returned that is zero pixel wide and + the height of the font. + + Depending on the type of background and antialiasing used, this returns + different types of Surfaces. For performance reasons, it is good to know + what type of image will be used. If antialiasing is not used, the return + image will always be an 8-bit image with a two-color palette. If the + background is transparent a colorkey will be set. Antialiased images are + rendered to 24-bit ``RGB`` images. If the background is transparent a + pixel alpha will be included. + + Optimization: if you know that the final destination for the text (on the + screen) will always have a solid background, and the text is antialiased, + you can improve performance by specifying the background color. This will + cause the resulting image to maintain transparency information by + colorkey rather than (much less efficient) alpha values. + + If you render '\\n' an unknown char will be rendered. Usually a + rectangle. Instead you need to handle newlines yourself. + + Font rendering is not thread safe: only a single thread can render text + at any time. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.3 Rendering UCS4 unicode works and does not + raise an exception. Use `if hasattr(pygame.font, "UCS4"):` to see if + pygame supports rendering UCS4 unicode including more languages and + emoji. + + .. ## Font.render ## + + .. method:: size + + | :sl:`determine the amount of space needed to render text` + | :sg:`size(text) -> (width, height)` + + Returns the dimensions needed to render the text. This can be used to + help determine the positioning needed for text before it is rendered. It + can also be used for word wrapping and other layout effects. + + Be aware that most fonts use kerning which adjusts the widths for + specific letter pairs. For example, the width for "ae" will not always + match the width for "a" + "e". + + .. ## Font.size ## + + .. method:: set_underline + + | :sl:`control if text is rendered with an underline` + | :sg:`set_underline(bool) -> None` + + When enabled, all rendered fonts will include an underline. The underline + is always one pixel thick, regardless of font size. This can be mixed + with the bold, italic and strikethrough modes. + + .. note:: This is the same as the :attr:`underline` attribute. + + .. ## Font.set_underline ## + + .. method:: get_underline + + | :sl:`check if text will be rendered with an underline` + | :sg:`get_underline() -> bool` + + Return True when the font underline is enabled. + + .. note:: This is the same as the :attr:`underline` attribute. + + .. ## Font.get_underline ## + + .. method:: set_strikethrough + + | :sl:`control if text is rendered with a strikethrough` + | :sg:`set_strikethrough(bool) -> None` + + When enabled, all rendered fonts will include a strikethrough. The + strikethrough is always one pixel thick, regardless of font size. + This can be mixed with the bold, italic and underline modes. + + .. note:: This is the same as the :attr:`strikethrough` attribute. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Font.set_strikethrough ## + + .. method:: get_strikethrough + + | :sl:`check if text will be rendered with a strikethrough` + | :sg:`get_strikethrough() -> bool` + + Return True when the font strikethrough is enabled. + + .. note:: This is the same as the :attr:`strikethrough` attribute. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Font.get_strikethrough ## + + .. method:: set_bold + + | :sl:`enable fake rendering of bold text` + | :sg:`set_bold(bool) -> None` + + Enables the bold rendering of text. This is a fake stretching of the font + that doesn't look good on many font types. If possible load the font from + a real bold font file. While bold, the font will have a different width + than when normal. This can be mixed with the italic, underline and + strikethrough modes. + + .. note:: This is the same as the :attr:`bold` attribute. + + .. ## Font.set_bold ## + + .. method:: get_bold + + | :sl:`check if text will be rendered bold` + | :sg:`get_bold() -> bool` + + Return True when the font bold rendering mode is enabled. + + .. note:: This is the same as the :attr:`bold` attribute. + + .. ## Font.get_bold ## + + .. method:: set_italic + + | :sl:`enable fake rendering of italic text` + | :sg:`set_italic(bool) -> None` + + Enables fake rendering of italic text. This is a fake skewing of the font + that doesn't look good on many font types. If possible load the font from + a real italic font file. While italic the font will have a different + width than when normal. This can be mixed with the bold, underline and + strikethrough modes. + + .. note:: This is the same as the :attr:`italic` attribute. + + .. ## Font.set_italic ## + + .. method:: metrics + + | :sl:`gets the metrics for each character in the passed string` + | :sg:`metrics(text) -> list` + + The list contains tuples for each character, which contain the minimum + ``X`` offset, the maximum ``X`` offset, the minimum ``Y`` offset, the + maximum ``Y`` offset and the advance offset (bearing plus width) of the + character. [(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, advance), (minx, maxx, miny, maxy, + advance), ...]. None is entered in the list for each unrecognized + character. + + .. ## Font.metrics ## + + .. method:: get_italic + + | :sl:`check if the text will be rendered italic` + | :sg:`get_italic() -> bool` + + Return True when the font italic rendering mode is enabled. + + .. note:: This is the same as the :attr:`italic` attribute. + + .. ## Font.get_italic ## + + .. method:: get_linesize + + | :sl:`get the line space of the font text` + | :sg:`get_linesize() -> int` + + Return the height in pixels for a line of text with the font. When + rendering multiple lines of text this is the recommended amount of space + between lines. + + .. ## Font.get_linesize ## + + .. method:: get_height + + | :sl:`get the height of the font` + | :sg:`get_height() -> int` + + Return the height in pixels of the actual rendered text. This is the + average size for each glyph in the font. + + .. ## Font.get_height ## + + .. method:: get_ascent + + | :sl:`get the ascent of the font` + | :sg:`get_ascent() -> int` + + Return the height in pixels for the font ascent. The ascent is the number + of pixels from the font baseline to the top of the font. + + .. ## Font.get_ascent ## + + .. method:: get_descent + + | :sl:`get the descent of the font` + | :sg:`get_descent() -> int` + + Return the height in pixels for the font descent. The descent is the + number of pixels from the font baseline to the bottom of the font. + + .. ## Font.get_descent ## + + .. method:: set_script + + | :sl:`set the script code for text shaping` + | :sg:`set_script(str) -> None` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave feedback with authors `_ + + Sets the script used by harfbuzz text shaping, taking a 4 character + script code as input. For example, Hindi is written in the Devanagari + script, for which the script code is `"Deva"`. See the full list of + script codes in `ISO 15924 `_. + + This method requires pygame built with SDL_ttf 2.20.0 or above. Otherwise the + method will raise a pygame.error. + + .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 + + .. ## Font.set_script ## + + .. ## pygame.font.Font ## + +.. ## pygame.font ## diff --git a/docs/ref/freetype.rst b/docs/ref/freetype.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f282ac --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/freetype.rst @@ -0,0 +1,770 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.freetype` +====================== + +.. module:: pygame.freetype + :synopsis: Enhanced pygame module for loading and rendering computer fonts + +| :sl:`Enhanced pygame module for loading and rendering computer fonts` + +The ``pygame.freetype`` module is a replacement for :mod:`pygame.font`. +It has all of the functionality of the original, plus many new features. +Yet is has absolutely no dependencies on the SDL_ttf library. +It is implemented directly on the FreeType 2 library. +The ``pygame.freetype`` module is not itself backward compatible with +:mod:`pygame.font`. +Instead, use the ``pygame.ftfont`` module as a drop-in replacement +for :mod:`pygame.font`. + +All font file formats supported by FreeType can be rendered by +``pygame.freetype``, namely ``TTF``, Type1, ``CFF``, OpenType, +``SFNT``, ``PCF``, ``FNT``, ``BDF``, ``PFR`` and Type42 fonts. +All glyphs having UTF-32 code points are accessible +(see :attr:`Font.ucs4`). + +Most work on fonts is done using :class:`Font` instances. +The module itself only has routines for initialization and creation +of :class:`Font` objects. +You can load fonts from the system using the :func:`SysFont` function. + +Extra support of bitmap fonts is available. Available bitmap sizes can +be listed (see :meth:`Font.get_sizes`). For bitmap only fonts :class:`Font` +can set the size for you (see the :attr:`Font.size` property). + +For now undefined character codes are replaced with the ``.notdef`` +(not defined) character. +How undefined codes are handled may become configurable in a future release. + +Pygame comes with a built-in default font. This can always be accessed by +passing None as the font name to the :class:`Font` constructor. + +Extra rendering features available to :class:`pygame.freetype.Font` +are direct to surface rendering (see :meth:`Font.render_to`), character kerning +(see :attr:`Font.kerning`), vertical layout (see :attr:`Font.vertical`), +rotation of rendered text (see :attr:`Font.rotation`), +and the strong style (see :attr:`Font.strong`). +Some properties are configurable, such as +strong style strength (see :attr:`Font.strength`) and underline positioning +(see :attr:`Font.underline_adjustment`). Text can be positioned by the upper +right corner of the text box or by the text baseline (see :attr:`Font.origin`). +Finally, a font's vertical and horizontal size can be adjusted separately +(see :attr:`Font.size`). +The :any:`pygame.examples.freetype_misc ` +example shows these features in use. + +The pygame package does not import ``freetype`` automatically when +loaded. This module must be imported explicitly to be used. :: + + import pygame + import pygame.freetype + +.. versionadded:: 1.9.2 :mod:`freetype` + + +.. function:: get_error + + | :sl:`Return the latest FreeType error` + | :sg:`get_error() -> str` + | :sg:`get_error() -> None` + + Return a description of the last error which occurred in the FreeType2 + library, or ``None`` if no errors have occurred. + +.. function:: get_version + + | :sl:`Return the FreeType version` + | :sg:`get_version(linked=True) -> (int, int, int)` + + Returns the version of the FreeType library in use by this module. ``linked=True`` + is the default behavior and returns the linked version of FreeType and ``linked=False`` + returns the compiled version of FreeType. + + Note that the ``freetype`` module depends on the FreeType 2 library. + It will not compile with the original FreeType 1.0. Hence, the first element + of the tuple will always be "2". + + .. versionchanged:: 2.2.0 ``linked`` keyword argument added and default behavior changed from returning compiled version to returning linked version + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`Initialize the underlying FreeType library.` + | :sg:`init(cache_size=64, resolution=72) -> None` + + This function initializes the underlying FreeType library and must be + called before trying to use any of the functionality of the ``freetype`` + module. + + However, :func:`pygame.init()` will automatically call this function + if the ``freetype`` module is already imported. It is safe to call this + function more than once. + + Optionally, you may specify a default *cache_size* for the Glyph cache: the + maximum number of glyphs that will be cached at any given time by the + module. Exceedingly small values will be automatically tuned for + performance. Also a default pixel *resolution*, in dots per inch, can + be given to adjust font scaling. + +.. function:: quit + + | :sl:`Shut down the underlying FreeType library.` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + This function closes the ``freetype`` module. After calling this + function, you should not invoke any class, method or function related to the + ``freetype`` module as they are likely to fail or might give unpredictable + results. It is safe to call this function even if the module hasn't been + initialized yet. + +.. function:: get_init + + | :sl:`Returns True if the FreeType module is currently initialized.` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Returns ``True`` if the ``pygame.freetype`` module is currently initialized. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.5 + +.. function:: was_init + + | :sl:`DEPRECATED: Use get_init() instead.` + | :sg:`was_init() -> bool` + + DEPRECATED: Returns ``True`` if the ``pygame.freetype`` module is currently + initialized. Use ``get_init()`` instead. + +.. function:: get_cache_size + + | :sl:`Return the glyph case size` + | :sg:`get_cache_size() -> long` + + See :func:`pygame.freetype.init()`. + +.. function:: get_default_resolution + + | :sl:`Return the default pixel size in dots per inch` + | :sg:`get_default_resolution() -> long` + + Returns the default pixel size, in dots per inch, for the module. + The default is 72 DPI. + +.. function:: set_default_resolution + + | :sl:`Set the default pixel size in dots per inch for the module` + | :sg:`set_default_resolution([resolution])` + + Set the default pixel size, in dots per inch, for the module. If the + optional argument is omitted or zero the resolution is reset to 72 DPI. + +.. function:: SysFont + + | :sl:`create a Font object from the system fonts` + | :sg:`SysFont(name, size, bold=False, italic=False) -> Font` + + Return a new Font object that is loaded from the system fonts. The font will + match the requested *bold* and *italic* flags. Pygame uses a small set of + common font aliases. If the specific font you ask for is not available, a + reasonable alternative may be used. If a suitable system font is not found + this will fall back on loading the default pygame font. + + The font *name* can also be an iterable of font names, a string of + comma-separated font names, or a bytes of comma-separated font names, in + which case the set of names will be searched in order. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.1 Accept an iterable of font names. + +.. function:: get_default_font + + | :sl:`Get the filename of the default font` + | :sg:`get_default_font() -> string` + + Return the filename of the default pygame font. This is not the full path + to the file. The file is usually in the same directory as the font module, + but can also be bundled in a separate archive. + +.. class:: Font + + | :sl:`Create a new Font instance from a supported font file.` + | :sg:`Font(file, size=0, font_index=0, resolution=0, ucs4=False) -> Font` + | :sg:`Font(pathlib.Path) -> Font` + + Argument *file* can be either a string representing the font's filename, a + file-like object containing the font, or None; if None, a default, + Pygame, font is used. + + .. _freetype-font-size-argument: + + Optionally, a *size* argument may be specified to set the default size in + points, which determines the size of the rendered characters. + The size can also be passed explicitly to each method call. + Because of the way the caching system works, specifying a default size on + the constructor doesn't imply a performance gain over manually passing + the size on each function call. If the font is bitmap and no *size* + is given, the default size is set to the first available size for the font. + + If the font file has more than one font, the font to load can be chosen with + the *index* argument. An exception is raised for an out-of-range font index + value. + + The optional *resolution* argument sets the pixel size, in dots per inch, + for use in scaling glyphs for this Font instance. If 0 then the default + module value, set by :func:`init`, is used. The Font object's + resolution can only be changed by re-initializing the Font instance. + + The optional *ucs4* argument, an integer, sets the default text translation + mode: 0 (False) recognize UTF-16 surrogate pairs, any other value (True), + to treat Unicode text as UCS-4, with no surrogate pairs. See + :attr:`Font.ucs4`. + + .. attribute:: name + + | :sl:`Proper font name.` + | :sg:`name -> string` + + Read only. Returns the real (long) name of the font, as + recorded in the font file. + + .. attribute:: path + + | :sl:`Font file path` + | :sg:`path -> unicode` + + Read only. Returns the path of the loaded font file + + .. attribute:: size + + | :sl:`The default point size used in rendering` + | :sg:`size -> float` + | :sg:`size -> (float, float)` + + Get or set the default size for text metrics and rendering. It can be + a single point size, given as a Python ``int`` or ``float``, or a + font ppem (width, height) ``tuple``. Size values are non-negative. + A zero size or width represents an undefined size. In this case + the size must be given as a method argument, or an exception is + raised. A zero width but non-zero height is a ValueError. + + For a scalable font, a single number value is equivalent to a tuple + with width equal height. A font can be stretched vertically with + height set greater than width, or horizontally with width set + greater than height. For embedded bitmaps, as listed by :meth:`get_sizes`, + use the nominal width and height to select an available size. + + Font size differs for a non-scalable, bitmap, font. During a + method call it must match one of the available sizes returned by + method :meth:`get_sizes`. If not, an exception is raised. + If the size is a single number, the size is first matched against the + point size value. If no match, then the available size with the + same nominal width and height is chosen. + + .. method:: get_rect + + | :sl:`Return the size and offset of rendered text` + | :sg:`get_rect(text, style=STYLE_DEFAULT, rotation=0, size=0) -> rect` + + Gets the final dimensions and origin, in pixels, of *text* using the + optional *size* in points, *style*, and *rotation*. For other + relevant render properties, and for any optional argument not given, + the default values set for the :class:`Font` instance are used. + + Returns a :class:`Rect ` instance containing the + width and height of the text's bounding box and the position of the + text's origin. + The origin is useful in aligning separately rendered pieces of text. + It gives the baseline position and bearing at the start of the text. + See the :meth:`render_to` method for an example. + + If *text* is a char (byte) string, its encoding is assumed to be + ``LATIN1``. + + Optionally, *text* can be ``None``, which will return the bounding + rectangle for the text passed to a previous :meth:`get_rect`, + :meth:`render`, :meth:`render_to`, :meth:`render_raw`, or + :meth:`render_raw_to` call. See :meth:`render_to` for more + details. + + .. method:: get_metrics + + | :sl:`Return the glyph metrics for the given text` + | :sg:`get_metrics(text, size=0) -> [(...), ...]` + + Returns the glyph metrics for each character in *text*. + + The glyph metrics are returned as a list of tuples. Each tuple gives + metrics of a single character glyph. The glyph metrics are: + + :: + + (min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, horizontal_advance_x, horizontal_advance_y) + + The bounding box min_x, max_x, min_y, and max_y values are returned as + grid-fitted pixel coordinates of type int. The advance values are + float values. + + The calculations are done using the font's default size in points. + Optionally you may specify another point size with the *size* argument. + + The metrics are adjusted for the current rotation, strong, and oblique + settings. + + If text is a char (byte) string, then its encoding is assumed to be + ``LATIN1``. + + .. attribute:: height + + | :sl:`The unscaled height of the font in font units` + | :sg:`height -> int` + + Read only. Gets the height of the font. This is the average value of all + glyphs in the font. + + .. attribute:: ascender + + | :sl:`The unscaled ascent of the font in font units` + | :sg:`ascender -> int` + + Read only. Return the number of units from the font's baseline to + the top of the bounding box. + + .. attribute:: descender + + | :sl:`The unscaled descent of the font in font units` + | :sg:`descender -> int` + + Read only. Return the height in font units for the font descent. + The descent is the number of units from the font's baseline to the + bottom of the bounding box. + + .. method:: get_sized_ascender + + | :sl:`The scaled ascent of the font in pixels` + | :sg:`get_sized_ascender(=0) -> int` + + Return the number of units from the font's baseline to the top of the + bounding box. It is not adjusted for strong or rotation. + + .. method:: get_sized_descender + + | :sl:`The scaled descent of the font in pixels` + | :sg:`get_sized_descender(=0) -> int` + + Return the number of pixels from the font's baseline to the top of the + bounding box. It is not adjusted for strong or rotation. + + .. method:: get_sized_height + + | :sl:`The scaled height of the font in pixels` + | :sg:`get_sized_height(=0) -> int` + + Returns the height of the font. This is the average value of all + glyphs in the font. It is not adjusted for strong or rotation. + + .. method:: get_sized_glyph_height + + | :sl:`The scaled bounding box height of the font in pixels` + | :sg:`get_sized_glyph_height(=0) -> int` + + Return the glyph bounding box height of the font in pixels. + This is the average value of all glyphs in the font. + It is not adjusted for strong or rotation. + + .. method:: get_sizes + + | :sl:`return the available sizes of embedded bitmaps` + | :sg:`get_sizes() -> [(int, int, int, float, float), ...]` + | :sg:`get_sizes() -> []` + + Returns a list of tuple records, one for each point size + supported. Each tuple containing the point size, the height in pixels, + width in pixels, horizontal ppem (nominal width) in fractional pixels, + and vertical ppem (nominal height) in fractional pixels. + + .. method:: render + + | :sl:`Return rendered text as a surface` + | :sg:`render(text, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, style=STYLE_DEFAULT, rotation=0, size=0) -> (Surface, Rect)` + + Returns a new :class:`Surface `, + with the text rendered to it + in the color given by 'fgcolor'. If no foreground color is given, + the default foreground color, :attr:`fgcolor ` is used. + If ``bgcolor`` is given, the surface + will be filled with this color. When no background color is given, + the surface background is transparent, zero alpha. Normally the returned + surface has a 32 bit pixel size. However, if ``bgcolor`` is ``None`` + and anti-aliasing is disabled a monochrome 8 bit colorkey surface, + with colorkey set for the background color, is returned. + + The return value is a tuple: the new surface and the bounding + rectangle giving the size and origin of the rendered text. + + If an empty string is passed for text then the returned Rect is zero + width and the height of the font. + + Optional *fgcolor*, *style*, *rotation*, and *size* arguments override + the default values set for the :class:`Font` instance. + + If *text* is a char (byte) string, then its encoding is assumed to be + ``LATIN1``. + + Optionally, *text* can be ``None``, which will render the text + passed to a previous :meth:`get_rect`, :meth:`render`, :meth:`render_to`, + :meth:`render_raw`, or :meth:`render_raw_to` call. + See :meth:`render_to` for details. + + .. method:: render_to + + | :sl:`Render text onto an existing surface` + | :sg:`render_to(surf, dest, text, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, style=STYLE_DEFAULT, rotation=0, size=0) -> Rect` + + Renders the string *text* to the :mod:`pygame.Surface` *surf*, + at position *dest*, a (x, y) surface coordinate pair. + If either x or y is not an integer it is converted to one if possible. + Any sequence where the first two items are x and y positional elements + is accepted, including a :class:`Rect ` instance. + As with :meth:`render`, + optional *fgcolor*, *style*, *rotation*, and *size* argument are + available. + + If a background color *bgcolor* is given, the text bounding box is + first filled with that color. The text is blitted next. + Both the background fill and text rendering involve full alpha blits. + That is, the alpha values of the foreground, background, and destination + target surface all affect the blit. + + The return value is a rectangle giving the size and position of the + rendered text within the surface. + + If an empty string is passed for text then the returned + :class:`Rect ` is zero width and the height of the font. + The rect will test False. + + Optionally, *text* can be set ``None``, which will re-render text + passed to a previous :meth:`render_to`, :meth:`get_rect`, :meth:`render`, + :meth:`render_raw`, or :meth:`render_raw_to` call. Primarily, this + feature is an aid to using :meth:`render_to` in combination with + :meth:`get_rect`. An example: :: + + def word_wrap(surf, text, font, color=(0, 0, 0)): + font.origin = True + words = text.split(' ') + width, height = surf.get_size() + line_spacing = font.get_sized_height() + 2 + x, y = 0, line_spacing + space = font.get_rect(' ') + for word in words: + bounds = font.get_rect(word) + if x + bounds.width + bounds.x >= width: + x, y = 0, y + line_spacing + if x + bounds.width + bounds.x >= width: + raise ValueError("word too wide for the surface") + if y + bounds.height - bounds.y >= height: + raise ValueError("text to long for the surface") + font.render_to(surf, (x, y), None, color) + x += bounds.width + space.width + return x, y + + When :meth:`render_to` is called with the same + font properties ― :attr:`size`, :attr:`style`, :attr:`strength`, + :attr:`wide`, :attr:`antialiased`, :attr:`vertical`, :attr:`rotation`, + :attr:`kerning`, and :attr:`use_bitmap_strikes` ― as :meth:`get_rect`, + :meth:`render_to` will use the layout calculated by :meth:`get_rect`. + Otherwise, :meth:`render_to` will recalculate the layout if called + with a text string or one of the above properties has changed + after the :meth:`get_rect` call. + + If *text* is a char (byte) string, then its encoding is assumed to be + ``LATIN1``. + + .. method:: render_raw + + | :sl:`Return rendered text as a string of bytes` + | :sg:`render_raw(text, style=STYLE_DEFAULT, rotation=0, size=0, invert=False) -> (bytes, (int, int))` + + Like :meth:`render` but with the pixels returned as a byte string + of 8-bit gray-scale values. The foreground color is 255, the + background 0, useful as an alpha mask for a foreground pattern. + + .. method:: render_raw_to + + | :sl:`Render text into an array of ints` + | :sg:`render_raw_to(array, text, dest=None, style=STYLE_DEFAULT, rotation=0, size=0, invert=False) -> Rect` + + Render to an array object exposing an array struct interface. The array + must be two dimensional with integer items. The default *dest* value, + ``None``, is equivalent to position (0, 0). See :meth:`render_to`. + As with the other render methods, *text* can be ``None`` to + render a text string passed previously to another method. + + The return value is a :func:`pygame.Rect` giving the size and position of + the rendered text. + + .. attribute:: style + + | :sl:`The font's style flags` + | :sg:`style -> int` + + Gets or sets the default style of the Font. This default style will be + used for all text rendering and size calculations unless overridden + specifically a render or :meth:`get_rect` call. + The style value may be a bit-wise OR of one or more of the following + constants: + + :: + + STYLE_NORMAL + STYLE_UNDERLINE + STYLE_OBLIQUE + STYLE_STRONG + STYLE_WIDE + STYLE_DEFAULT + + These constants may be found on the FreeType constants module. + Optionally, the default style can be modified or obtained accessing the + individual style attributes (underline, oblique, strong). + + The ``STYLE_OBLIQUE`` and ``STYLE_STRONG`` styles are for + scalable fonts only. An attempt to set either for a bitmap font raises + an AttributeError. An attempt to set either for an inactive font, + as returned by ``Font.__new__()``, raises a RuntimeError. + + Assigning ``STYLE_DEFAULT`` to the :attr:`style` property leaves + the property unchanged, as this property defines the default. + The :attr:`style` property will never return ``STYLE_DEFAULT``. + + .. attribute:: underline + + | :sl:`The state of the font's underline style flag` + | :sg:`underline -> bool` + + Gets or sets whether the font will be underlined when drawing text. This + default style value will be used for all text rendering and size + calculations unless overridden specifically in a render or + :meth:`get_rect` call, via the 'style' parameter. + + .. attribute:: strong + + | :sl:`The state of the font's strong style flag` + | :sg:`strong -> bool` + + Gets or sets whether the font will be bold when drawing text. This + default style value will be used for all text rendering and size + calculations unless overridden specifically in a render or + :meth:`get_rect` call, via the 'style' parameter. + + .. attribute:: oblique + + | :sl:`The state of the font's oblique style flag` + | :sg:`oblique -> bool` + + Gets or sets whether the font will be rendered as oblique. This + default style value will be used for all text rendering and size + calculations unless overridden specifically in a render or + :meth:`get_rect` call, via the *style* parameter. + + The oblique style is only supported for scalable (outline) fonts. + An attempt to set this style on a bitmap font will raise an + AttributeError. If the font object is inactive, as returned by + ``Font.__new__()``, setting this property raises a RuntimeError. + + .. attribute:: wide + + | :sl:`The state of the font's wide style flag` + | :sg:`wide -> bool` + + Gets or sets whether the font will be stretched horizontally + when drawing text. It produces a result similar to + :class:`pygame.font.Font`'s bold. This style not available for + rotated text. + + .. attribute:: strength + + | :sl:`The strength associated with the strong or wide font styles` + | :sg:`strength -> float` + + The amount by which a font glyph's size is enlarged for the + strong or wide transformations, as a fraction of the untransformed + size. For the wide style only the horizontal dimension is + increased. For strong text both the horizontal and vertical + dimensions are enlarged. A wide style of strength 0.08333 ( 1/12 ) is + equivalent to the :class:`pygame.font.Font` bold style. + The default is 0.02778 ( 1/36 ). + + The strength style is only supported for scalable (outline) fonts. + An attempt to set this property on a bitmap font will raise an + AttributeError. If the font object is inactive, as returned by + ``Font.__new__()``, assignment to this property raises a RuntimeError. + + .. attribute:: underline_adjustment + + | :sl:`Adjustment factor for the underline position` + | :sg:`underline_adjustment -> float` + + Gets or sets a factor which, when positive, is multiplied with the + font's underline offset to adjust the underline position. A negative + value turns an underline into a strike-through or overline. It is + multiplied with the ascender. Accepted values range between -2.0 and 2.0 + inclusive. A value of 0.5 closely matches Tango underlining. A value of + 1.0 mimics :class:`pygame.font.Font` underlining. + + .. attribute:: fixed_width + + | :sl:`Gets whether the font is fixed-width` + | :sg:`fixed_width -> bool` + + Read only. Returns ``True`` if the font contains fixed-width + characters (for example Courier, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Andale Mono). + + .. attribute:: fixed_sizes + + | :sl:`the number of available bitmap sizes for the font` + | :sg:`fixed_sizes -> int` + + Read only. Returns the number of point sizes for which the font contains + bitmap character images. If zero then the font is not a bitmap font. + A scalable font may contain pre-rendered point sizes as strikes. + + .. attribute:: scalable + + | :sl:`Gets whether the font is scalable` + | :sg:`scalable -> bool` + + Read only. Returns ``True`` if the font contains outline glyphs. + If so, the point size is not limited to available bitmap sizes. + + .. attribute:: use_bitmap_strikes + + | :sl:`allow the use of embedded bitmaps in an outline font file` + | :sg:`use_bitmap_strikes -> bool` + + Some scalable fonts include embedded bitmaps for particular point + sizes. This property controls whether or not those bitmap strikes + are used. Set it ``False`` to disable the loading of any bitmap + strike. Set it ``True``, the default, to permit bitmap strikes + for a non-rotated render with no style other than :attr:`wide` or + :attr:`underline`. This property is ignored for bitmap fonts. + + See also :attr:`fixed_sizes` and :meth:`get_sizes`. + + .. attribute:: antialiased + + | :sl:`Font anti-aliasing mode` + | :sg:`antialiased -> bool` + + Gets or sets the font's anti-aliasing mode. This defaults to + ``True`` on all fonts, which are rendered with full 8 bit blending. + + Set to ``False`` to do monochrome rendering. This should + provide a small speed gain and reduce cache memory size. + + .. attribute:: kerning + + | :sl:`Character kerning mode` + | :sg:`kerning -> bool` + + Gets or sets the font's kerning mode. This defaults to ``False`` + on all fonts, which will be rendered without kerning. + + Set to ``True`` to add kerning between character pairs, if supported + by the font, when positioning glyphs. + + .. attribute:: vertical + + | :sl:`Font vertical mode` + | :sg:`vertical -> bool` + + Gets or sets whether the characters are laid out vertically rather + than horizontally. May be useful when rendering Kanji or some other + vertical script. + + Set to ``True`` to switch to a vertical text layout. The default + is ``False``, place horizontally. + + Note that the :class:`Font` class does not automatically determine + script orientation. Vertical layout must be selected explicitly. + + Also note that several font formats (especially bitmap based ones) don't + contain the necessary metrics to draw glyphs vertically, so drawing in + those cases will give unspecified results. + + .. attribute:: rotation + + | :sl:`text rotation in degrees counterclockwise` + | :sg:`rotation -> int` + + Gets or sets the baseline angle of the rendered text. The angle is + represented as integer degrees. The default angle is 0, with horizontal + text rendered along the X-axis, and vertical text along the Y-axis. + A positive value rotates these axes counterclockwise that many degrees. + A negative angle corresponds to a clockwise rotation. The rotation + value is normalized to a value within the range 0 to 359 inclusive + (eg. 390 -> 390 - 360 -> 30, -45 -> 360 + -45 -> 315, + 720 -> 720 - (2 * 360) -> 0). + + Only scalable (outline) fonts can be rotated. An attempt to change + the rotation of a bitmap font raises an AttributeError. + An attempt to change the rotation of an inactive font instance, as + returned by ``Font.__new__()``, raises a RuntimeError. + + .. attribute:: fgcolor + + | :sl:`default foreground color` + | :sg:`fgcolor -> Color` + + Gets or sets the default glyph rendering color. It is initially opaque + black ― (0, 0, 0, 255). Applies to :meth:`render` and :meth:`render_to`. + + .. attribute:: bgcolor + + | :sl:`default background color` + | :sg:`bgcolor -> Color` + + Gets or sets the default background rendering color. Initially it is + unset and text will render with a transparent background by default. + Applies to :meth:`render` and :meth:`render_to`. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. attribute:: origin + + | :sl:`Font render to text origin mode` + | :sg:`origin -> bool` + + If set ``True``, :meth:`render_to` and :meth:`render_raw_to` will + take the *dest* position to be that of the text origin, as opposed to + the top-left corner of the bounding box. See :meth:`get_rect` for + details. + + .. attribute:: pad + + | :sl:`padded boundary mode` + | :sg:`pad -> bool` + + If set ``True``, then the text boundary rectangle will be inflated + to match that of :class:`font.Font `. + Otherwise, the boundary rectangle is just large enough for the text. + + .. attribute:: ucs4 + + | :sl:`Enable UCS-4 mode` + | :sg:`ucs4 -> bool` + + Gets or sets the decoding of Unicode text. By default, the + freetype module performs UTF-16 surrogate pair decoding on Unicode text. + This allows 32-bit escape sequences ('\Uxxxxxxxx') between 0x10000 and + 0x10FFFF to represent their corresponding UTF-32 code points on Python + interpreters built with a UCS-2 Unicode type (on Windows, for instance). + It also means character values within the UTF-16 surrogate area (0xD800 + to 0xDFFF) are considered part of a surrogate pair. A malformed surrogate + pair will raise a UnicodeEncodeError. Setting ucs4 ``True`` turns + surrogate pair decoding off, allowing access the full UCS-4 character + range to a Python interpreter built with four-byte Unicode character + support. + + .. attribute:: resolution + + | :sl:`Pixel resolution in dots per inch` + | :sg:`resolution -> int` + + Read only. Gets pixel size used in scaling font glyphs for this + :class:`Font` instance. diff --git a/docs/ref/gfxdraw.rst b/docs/ref/gfxdraw.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28153a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/gfxdraw.rst @@ -0,0 +1,628 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.gfxdraw` +===================== + +.. module:: pygame.gfxdraw + :synopsis: pygame module for drawing shapes + +| :sl:`pygame module for drawing shapes` + +**EXPERIMENTAL!**: This API may change or disappear in later pygame releases. If +you use this, your code may break with the next pygame release. + +The pygame package does not import gfxdraw automatically when loaded, so it +must imported explicitly to be used. + +:: + + import pygame + import pygame.gfxdraw + +For all functions the arguments are strictly positional and integers are +accepted for coordinates and radii. The ``color`` argument can be one of the +following formats: + + - a :mod:`pygame.Color` object + - an ``(RGB)`` triplet (tuple/list) + - an ``(RGBA)`` quadruplet (tuple/list) + +The functions :meth:`rectangle` and :meth:`box` will accept any ``(x, y, w, h)`` +sequence for their ``rect`` argument, though :mod:`pygame.Rect` instances are +preferred. + +To draw a filled antialiased shape, first use the antialiased (aa*) version +of the function, and then use the filled (filled_*) version. +For example: + +:: + + col = (255, 0, 0) + surf.fill((255, 255, 255)) + pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(surf, x, y, 30, col) + pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(surf, x, y, 30, col) + + +.. note:: + For threading, each of the functions releases the GIL during the C part of + the call. + +.. note:: + See the :mod:`pygame.draw` module for alternative draw methods. + The ``pygame.gfxdraw`` module differs from the :mod:`pygame.draw` module in + the API it uses and the different draw functions available. + ``pygame.gfxdraw`` wraps the primitives from the library called SDL_gfx, + rather than using modified versions. + +.. versionadded:: 1.9.0 + + +.. function:: pixel + + | :sl:`draw a pixel` + | :sg:`pixel(surface, x, y, color) -> None` + + Draws a single pixel, at position (x ,y), on the given surface. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x: x coordinate of the pixel + :param int y: y coordinate of the pixel + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.pixel ## + +.. function:: hline + + | :sl:`draw a horizontal line` + | :sg:`hline(surface, x1, x2, y, color) -> None` + + Draws a straight horizontal line (``(x1, y)`` to ``(x2, y)``) on the given + surface. There are no endcaps. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x1: x coordinate of one end of the line + :param int x2: x coordinate of the other end of the line + :param int y: y coordinate of the line + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.hline ## + +.. function:: vline + + | :sl:`draw a vertical line` + | :sg:`vline(surface, x, y1, y2, color) -> None` + + Draws a straight vertical line (``(x, y1)`` to ``(x, y2)``) on the given + surface. There are no endcaps. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x: x coordinate of the line + :param int y1: y coordinate of one end of the line + :param int y2: y coordinate of the other end of the line + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.vline ## + +.. function:: line + + | :sl:`draw a line` + | :sg:`line(surface, x1, y1, x2, y2, color) -> None` + + Draws a straight line (``(x1, y1)`` to ``(x2, y2)``) on the given surface. + There are no endcaps. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x1: x coordinate of one end of the line + :param int y1: y coordinate of one end of the line + :param int x2: x coordinate of the other end of the line + :param int y2: y coordinate of the other end of the line + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.line ## + +.. function:: rectangle + + | :sl:`draw a rectangle` + | :sg:`rectangle(surface, rect, color) -> None` + + Draws an unfilled rectangle on the given surface. For a filled rectangle use + :meth:`box`. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param Rect rect: rectangle to draw, position and dimensions + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. note:: + The ``rect.bottom`` and ``rect.right`` attributes of a :mod:`pygame.Rect` + always lie one pixel outside of its actual border. Therefore, these + values will not be included as part of the drawing. + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.rectangle ## + +.. function:: box + + | :sl:`draw a filled rectangle` + | :sg:`box(surface, rect, color) -> None` + + Draws a filled rectangle on the given surface. For an unfilled rectangle use + :meth:`rectangle`. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param Rect rect: rectangle to draw, position and dimensions + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. note:: + The ``rect.bottom`` and ``rect.right`` attributes of a :mod:`pygame.Rect` + always lie one pixel outside of its actual border. Therefore, these + values will not be included as part of the drawing. + + .. note:: + The :func:`pygame.Surface.fill` method works just as well for drawing + filled rectangles. In fact :func:`pygame.Surface.fill` can be hardware + accelerated on some platforms with both software and hardware display + modes. + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.box ## + +.. function:: circle + + | :sl:`draw a circle` + | :sg:`circle(surface, x, y, r, color) -> None` + + Draws an unfilled circle on the given surface. For a filled circle use + :meth:`filled_circle`. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x: x coordinate of the center of the circle + :param int y: y coordinate of the center of the circle + :param int r: radius of the circle + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.circle ## + +.. function:: aacircle + + | :sl:`draw an antialiased circle` + | :sg:`aacircle(surface, x, y, r, color) -> None` + + Draws an unfilled antialiased circle on the given surface. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x: x coordinate of the center of the circle + :param int y: y coordinate of the center of the circle + :param int r: radius of the circle + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle ## + +.. function:: filled_circle + + | :sl:`draw a filled circle` + | :sg:`filled_circle(surface, x, y, r, color) -> None` + + Draws a filled circle on the given surface. For an unfilled circle use + :meth:`circle`. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x: x coordinate of the center of the circle + :param int y: y coordinate of the center of the circle + :param int r: radius of the circle + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle ## + +.. function:: ellipse + + | :sl:`draw an ellipse` + | :sg:`ellipse(surface, x, y, rx, ry, color) -> None` + + Draws an unfilled ellipse on the given surface. For a filled ellipse use + :meth:`filled_ellipse`. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x: x coordinate of the center of the ellipse + :param int y: y coordinate of the center of the ellipse + :param int rx: horizontal radius of the ellipse + :param int ry: vertical radius of the ellipse + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.ellipse ## + +.. function:: aaellipse + + | :sl:`draw an antialiased ellipse` + | :sg:`aaellipse(surface, x, y, rx, ry, color) -> None` + + Draws an unfilled antialiased ellipse on the given surface. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x: x coordinate of the center of the ellipse + :param int y: y coordinate of the center of the ellipse + :param int rx: horizontal radius of the ellipse + :param int ry: vertical radius of the ellipse + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.aaellipse ## + +.. function:: filled_ellipse + + | :sl:`draw a filled ellipse` + | :sg:`filled_ellipse(surface, x, y, rx, ry, color) -> None` + + Draws a filled ellipse on the given surface. For an unfilled ellipse use + :meth:`ellipse`. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x: x coordinate of the center of the ellipse + :param int y: y coordinate of the center of the ellipse + :param int rx: horizontal radius of the ellipse + :param int ry: vertical radius of the ellipse + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.filled_ellipse ## + +.. function:: arc + + | :sl:`draw an arc` + | :sg:`arc(surface, x, y, r, start_angle, stop_angle, color) -> None` + + Draws an arc on the given surface. For an arc with its endpoints connected + to its center use :meth:`pie`. + + The two angle arguments are given in degrees and indicate the start and stop + positions of the arc. The arc is drawn in a clockwise direction from the + ``start_angle`` to the ``stop_angle``. If ``start_angle == stop_angle``, + nothing will be drawn + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x: x coordinate of the center of the arc + :param int y: y coordinate of the center of the arc + :param int r: radius of the arc + :param int start_angle: start angle in degrees + :param int stop_angle: stop angle in degrees + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. note:: + This function uses *degrees* while the :func:`pygame.draw.arc` function + uses *radians*. + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.arc ## + +.. function:: pie + + | :sl:`draw a pie` + | :sg:`pie(surface, x, y, r, start_angle, stop_angle, color) -> None` + + Draws an unfilled pie on the given surface. A pie is an :meth:`arc` with its + endpoints connected to its center. + + The two angle arguments are given in degrees and indicate the start and stop + positions of the pie. The pie is drawn in a clockwise direction from the + ``start_angle`` to the ``stop_angle``. If ``start_angle == stop_angle``, + a straight line will be drawn from the center position at the given angle, + to a length of the radius. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x: x coordinate of the center of the pie + :param int y: y coordinate of the center of the pie + :param int r: radius of the pie + :param int start_angle: start angle in degrees + :param int stop_angle: stop angle in degrees + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.pie ## + +.. function:: trigon + + | :sl:`draw a trigon/triangle` + | :sg:`trigon(surface, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color) -> None` + + Draws an unfilled trigon (triangle) on the given surface. For a filled + trigon use :meth:`filled_trigon`. + + A trigon can also be drawn using :meth:`polygon` e.g. + ``polygon(surface, ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)), color)`` + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x1: x coordinate of the first corner of the trigon + :param int y1: y coordinate of the first corner of the trigon + :param int x2: x coordinate of the second corner of the trigon + :param int y2: y coordinate of the second corner of the trigon + :param int x3: x coordinate of the third corner of the trigon + :param int y3: y coordinate of the third corner of the trigon + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.trigon ## + +.. function:: aatrigon + + | :sl:`draw an antialiased trigon/triangle` + | :sg:`aatrigon(surface, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color) -> None` + + Draws an unfilled antialiased trigon (triangle) on the given surface. + + An aatrigon can also be drawn using :meth:`aapolygon` e.g. + ``aapolygon(surface, ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)), color)`` + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x1: x coordinate of the first corner of the trigon + :param int y1: y coordinate of the first corner of the trigon + :param int x2: x coordinate of the second corner of the trigon + :param int y2: y coordinate of the second corner of the trigon + :param int x3: x coordinate of the third corner of the trigon + :param int y3: y coordinate of the third corner of the trigon + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.aatrigon ## + +.. function:: filled_trigon + + | :sl:`draw a filled trigon/triangle` + | :sg:`filled_trigon(surface, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color) -> None` + + Draws a filled trigon (triangle) on the given surface. For an unfilled + trigon use :meth:`trigon`. + + A filled_trigon can also be drawn using :meth:`filled_polygon` e.g. + ``filled_polygon(surface, ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)), color)`` + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param int x1: x coordinate of the first corner of the trigon + :param int y1: y coordinate of the first corner of the trigon + :param int x2: x coordinate of the second corner of the trigon + :param int y2: y coordinate of the second corner of the trigon + :param int x3: x coordinate of the third corner of the trigon + :param int y3: y coordinate of the third corner of the trigon + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.filled_trigon ## + +.. function:: polygon + + | :sl:`draw a polygon` + | :sg:`polygon(surface, points, color) -> None` + + Draws an unfilled polygon on the given surface. For a filled polygon use + :meth:`filled_polygon`. + + The adjacent coordinates in the ``points`` argument, as well as the first + and last points, will be connected by line segments. + e.g. For the points ``[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)]`` a line segment will + be drawn from ``(x1, y1)`` to ``(x2, y2)``, from ``(x2, y2)`` to + ``(x3, y3)``, and from ``(x3, y3)`` to ``(x1, y1)``. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param points: a sequence of 3 or more (x, y) coordinates, where each + *coordinate* in the sequence must be a + tuple/list/:class:`pygame.math.Vector2` of 2 ints/floats (float values + will be truncated) + :type points: tuple(coordinate) or list(coordinate) + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + :raises ValueError: if ``len(points) < 3`` (must have at least 3 points) + :raises IndexError: if ``len(coordinate) < 2`` (each coordinate must have + at least 2 items) + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.polygon ## + +.. function:: aapolygon + + | :sl:`draw an antialiased polygon` + | :sg:`aapolygon(surface, points, color) -> None` + + Draws an unfilled antialiased polygon on the given surface. + + The adjacent coordinates in the ``points`` argument, as well as the first + and last points, will be connected by line segments. + e.g. For the points ``[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)]`` a line segment will + be drawn from ``(x1, y1)`` to ``(x2, y2)``, from ``(x2, y2)`` to + ``(x3, y3)``, and from ``(x3, y3)`` to ``(x1, y1)``. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param points: a sequence of 3 or more (x, y) coordinates, where each + *coordinate* in the sequence must be a + tuple/list/:class:`pygame.math.Vector2` of 2 ints/floats (float values + will be truncated) + :type points: tuple(coordinate) or list(coordinate) + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + :raises ValueError: if ``len(points) < 3`` (must have at least 3 points) + :raises IndexError: if ``len(coordinate) < 2`` (each coordinate must have + at least 2 items) + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.aapolygon ## + +.. function:: filled_polygon + + | :sl:`draw a filled polygon` + | :sg:`filled_polygon(surface, points, color) -> None` + + Draws a filled polygon on the given surface. For an unfilled polygon use + :meth:`polygon`. + + The adjacent coordinates in the ``points`` argument, as well as the first + and last points, will be connected by line segments. + e.g. For the points ``[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)]`` a line segment will + be drawn from ``(x1, y1)`` to ``(x2, y2)``, from ``(x2, y2)`` to + ``(x3, y3)``, and from ``(x3, y3)`` to ``(x1, y1)``. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param points: a sequence of 3 or more (x, y) coordinates, where each + *coordinate* in the sequence must be a + tuple/list/:class:`pygame.math.Vector2` of 2 ints/floats (float values + will be truncated)` + :type points: tuple(coordinate) or list(coordinate) + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + :raises ValueError: if ``len(points) < 3`` (must have at least 3 points) + :raises IndexError: if ``len(coordinate) < 2`` (each coordinate must have + at least 2 items) + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon ## + +.. function:: textured_polygon + + | :sl:`draw a textured polygon` + | :sg:`textured_polygon(surface, points, texture, tx, ty) -> None` + + Draws a textured polygon on the given surface. For better performance, the + surface and the texture should have the same format. + + A per-pixel alpha texture blit to a per-pixel alpha surface will differ from + a :func:`pygame.Surface.blit` blit. Also, a per-pixel alpha texture cannot be + used with an 8-bit per pixel destination. + + The adjacent coordinates in the ``points`` argument, as well as the first + and last points, will be connected by line segments. + e.g. For the points ``[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)]`` a line segment will + be drawn from ``(x1, y1)`` to ``(x2, y2)``, from ``(x2, y2)`` to + ``(x3, y3)``, and from ``(x3, y3)`` to ``(x1, y1)``. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param points: a sequence of 3 or more (x, y) coordinates, where each + *coordinate* in the sequence must be a + tuple/list/:class:`pygame.math.Vector2` of 2 ints/floats (float values + will be truncated) + :type points: tuple(coordinate) or list(coordinate) + :param Surface texture: texture to draw on the polygon + :param int tx: x offset of the texture + :param int ty: y offset of the texture + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + :raises ValueError: if ``len(points) < 3`` (must have at least 3 points) + :raises IndexError: if ``len(coordinate) < 2`` (each coordinate must have + at least 2 items) + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.textured_polygon ## + +.. function:: bezier + + | :sl:`draw a Bezier curve` + | :sg:`bezier(surface, points, steps, color) -> None` + + Draws a Bézier curve on the given surface. + + :param Surface surface: surface to draw on + :param points: a sequence of 3 or more (x, y) coordinates used to form a + curve, where each *coordinate* in the sequence must be a + tuple/list/:class:`pygame.math.Vector2` of 2 ints/floats (float values + will be truncated) + :type points: tuple(coordinate) or list(coordinate) + :param int steps: number of steps for the interpolation, the minimum is 2 + :param color: color to draw with, the alpha value is optional if using a + tuple ``(RGB[A])`` + :type color: Color or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + :raises ValueError: if ``steps < 2`` + :raises ValueError: if ``len(points) < 3`` (must have at least 3 points) + :raises IndexError: if ``len(coordinate) < 2`` (each coordinate must have + at least 2 items) + + .. ## pygame.gfxdraw.bezier ## + +.. ## pygame.gfxdraw ## diff --git a/docs/ref/image.rst b/docs/ref/image.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec2e4fc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/image.rst @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.image` +=================== + +.. module:: pygame.image + :synopsis: pygame module for loading and saving images + +| :sl:`pygame module for image transfer` + +The image module contains functions for loading and saving pictures, as well as +transferring Surfaces to formats usable by other packages. + +Note that there is no Image class; an image is loaded as a Surface object. The +Surface class allows manipulation (drawing lines, setting pixels, capturing +regions, etc.). + +In the vast majority of installations, pygame is built to support extended +formats, using the SDL_Image library behind the scenes. However, some +installations may only support uncompressed ``BMP`` images. With full image +support, the :func:`pygame.image.load()` function can load the following +formats. + + * ``BMP`` + + * ``GIF`` (non-animated) + + * ``JPEG`` + + * ``LBM`` (and ``PBM``, ``PGM``, ``PPM``) + + * ``PCX`` + + * ``PNG`` + + * ``PNM`` + + * ``SVG`` (limited support, using Nano SVG) + + * ``TGA`` (uncompressed) + + * ``TIFF`` + + * ``WEBP`` + + * ``XPM`` + + +.. versionadded:: 2.0 Loading SVG, WebP, PNM + +Saving images only supports a limited set of formats. You can save to the +following formats. + + * ``BMP`` + + * ``JPEG`` + + * ``PNG`` + + * ``TGA`` + + +``JPEG`` and ``JPG``, as well as ``TIF`` and ``TIFF`` refer to the same file format + +.. versionadded:: 1.8 Saving PNG and JPEG files. + + +.. function:: load + + | :sl:`load new image from a file (or file-like object)` + | :sg:`load(filename) -> Surface` + | :sg:`load(fileobj, namehint="") -> Surface` + + Load an image from a file source. You can pass either a filename, a Python + file-like object, or a pathlib.Path. + + Pygame will automatically determine the image type (e.g., ``GIF`` or bitmap) + and create a new Surface object from the data. In some cases it will need to + know the file extension (e.g., ``GIF`` images should end in ".gif"). If you + pass a raw file-like object, you may also want to pass the original filename + as the namehint argument. + + The returned Surface will contain the same color format, colorkey and alpha + transparency as the file it came from. You will often want to call + :func:`pygame.Surface.convert()` with no arguments, to create a copy that + will draw more quickly on the screen. + + For alpha transparency, like in .png images, use the + :func:`pygame.Surface.convert_alpha()` method after loading so that the + image has per pixel transparency. + + Pygame may not always be built to support all image formats. At minimum it + will support uncompressed ``BMP``. If :func:`pygame.image.get_extended()` + returns ``True``, you should be able to load most images (including PNG, JPG + and GIF). + + You should use :func:`os.path.join()` for compatibility. + + :: + + eg. asurf = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('data', 'bla.png')) + + .. ## pygame.image.load ## + +.. function:: save + + | :sl:`save an image to file (or file-like object)` + | :sg:`save(Surface, filename) -> None` + | :sg:`save(Surface, fileobj, namehint="") -> None` + + This will save your Surface as either a ``BMP``, ``TGA``, ``PNG``, or + ``JPEG`` image. If the filename extension is unrecognized it will default to + ``TGA``. Both ``TGA``, and ``BMP`` file formats create uncompressed files. + You can pass a filename, a pathlib.Path or a Python file-like object. + For file-like object, the image is saved to ``TGA`` format unless + a namehint with a recognizable extension is passed in. + + .. note:: When saving to a file-like object, it seems that for most formats, + the object needs to be flushed after saving to it to make loading + from it possible. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Saving PNG and JPEG files. + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 + The ``namehint`` parameter was added to make it possible + to save other formats than ``TGA`` to a file-like object. + Saving to a file-like object with JPEG is possible. + + .. ## pygame.image.save ## + +.. function:: get_sdl_image_version + + | :sl:`get version number of the SDL_Image library being used` + | :sg:`get_sdl_image_version(linked=True) -> None` + | :sg:`get_sdl_image_version(linked=True) -> (major, minor, patch)` + + If pygame is built with extended image formats, then this function will + return the SDL_Image library's version number as a tuple of 3 integers + ``(major, minor, patch)``. If not, then it will return ``None``. + + ``linked=True`` is the default behavior and the function will return the + version of the library that Pygame is linked against, while ``linked=False`` + will return the version of the library that Pygame is compiled against. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. versionchanged:: 2.2.0 ``linked`` keyword argument added and default behavior changed from returning compiled version to returning linked version + + .. ## pygame.image.get_sdl_image_version ## + +.. function:: get_extended + + | :sl:`test if extended image formats can be loaded` + | :sg:`get_extended() -> bool` + + If pygame is built with extended image formats this function will return + True. It is still not possible to determine which formats will be available, + but generally you will be able to load them all. + + .. ## pygame.image.get_extended ## + +.. function:: tostring + + | :sl:`transfer image to byte buffer` + | :sg:`tostring(Surface, format, flipped=False) -> bytes` + + Creates a string of bytes that can be transferred with the ``fromstring`` + or ``frombytes`` methods in other Python imaging packages. Some Python + image packages prefer their images in bottom-to-top format (PyOpenGL for + example). If you pass ``True`` for the flipped argument, the byte buffer + will be vertically flipped. + + The format argument is a string of one of the following values. Note that + only 8-bit Surfaces can use the "P" format. The other formats will work for + any Surface. Also note that other Python image packages support more formats + than pygame. + + * ``P``, 8-bit palettized Surfaces + + * ``RGB``, 24-bit image + + * ``RGBX``, 32-bit image with unused space + + * ``RGBA``, 32-bit image with an alpha channel + + * ``ARGB``, 32-bit image with alpha channel first + + * ``BGRA``, 32-bit image with alpha channel, red and blue channels swapped + + * ``RGBA_PREMULT``, 32-bit image with colors scaled by alpha channel + + * ``ARGB_PREMULT``, 32-bit image with colors scaled by alpha channel, alpha channel first + + .. note:: it is preferred to use :func:`tobytes` as of pygame 2.1.3 + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 BGRA format + .. ## pygame.image.tostring ## + +.. function:: tobytes + + | :sl:`transfer image to byte buffer` + | :sg:`tobytes(Surface, format, flipped=False) -> bytes` + + Creates a string of bytes that can be transferred with the ``fromstring`` + or ``frombytes`` methods in other Python imaging packages. Some Python + image packages prefer their images in bottom-to-top format (PyOpenGL for + example). If you pass ``True`` for the flipped argument, the byte buffer + will be vertically flipped. + + The format argument is a string of one of the following values. Note that + only 8-bit Surfaces can use the "P" format. The other formats will work for + any Surface. Also note that other Python image packages support more formats + than pygame. + + * ``P``, 8-bit palettized Surfaces + + * ``RGB``, 24-bit image + + * ``RGBX``, 32-bit image with unused space + + * ``RGBA``, 32-bit image with an alpha channel + + * ``ARGB``, 32-bit image with alpha channel first + + * ``BGRA``, 32-bit image with alpha channel, red and blue channels swapped + + * ``RGBA_PREMULT``, 32-bit image with colors scaled by alpha channel + + * ``ARGB_PREMULT``, 32-bit image with colors scaled by alpha channel, alpha channel first + + .. note:: this function is an alias for :func:`tostring`. The use of this + function is recommended over :func:`tostring` as of pygame 2.1.3. + This function was introduced so it matches nicely with other + libraries (PIL, numpy, etc), and with people's expectations. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## pygame.image.tobytes ## + + +.. function:: fromstring + + | :sl:`create new Surface from a byte buffer` + | :sg:`fromstring(bytes, size, format, flipped=False) -> Surface` + + This function takes arguments similar to :func:`pygame.image.tostring()`. + The size argument is a pair of numbers representing the width and height. + Once the new Surface is created it is independent from the memory of the + bytes passed in. + + The bytes and format passed must compute to the exact size of image + specified. Otherwise a ``ValueError`` will be raised. + + See the :func:`pygame.image.frombuffer()` method for a potentially faster + way to transfer images into pygame. + + .. note:: it is preferred to use :func:`frombytes` as of pygame 2.1.3 + + .. ## pygame.image.fromstring ## + +.. function:: frombytes + + | :sl:`create new Surface from a byte buffer` + | :sg:`frombytes(bytes, size, format, flipped=False) -> Surface` + + This function takes arguments similar to :func:`pygame.image.tobytes()`. + The size argument is a pair of numbers representing the width and height. + Once the new Surface is created it is independent from the memory of the + bytes passed in. + + The bytes and format passed must compute to the exact size of image + specified. Otherwise a ``ValueError`` will be raised. + + See the :func:`pygame.image.frombuffer()` method for a potentially faster + way to transfer images into pygame. + + .. note:: this function is an alias for :func:`fromstring`. The use of this + function is recommended over :func:`fromstring` as of pygame 2.1.3. + This function was introduced so it matches nicely with other + libraries (PIL, numpy, etc), and with people's expectations. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## pygame.image.frombytes ## + +.. function:: frombuffer + + | :sl:`create a new Surface that shares data inside a bytes buffer` + | :sg:`frombuffer(buffer, size, format) -> Surface` + + Create a new Surface that shares pixel data directly from a buffer. This + buffer can be bytes, a bytearray, a memoryview, a + :class:`pygame.BufferProxy`, or any object that supports the buffer protocol. + This method takes similar arguments to :func:`pygame.image.fromstring()`, but + is unable to vertically flip the source data. + + This will run much faster than :func:`pygame.image.fromstring`, since no + pixel data must be allocated and copied. + + It accepts the following 'format' arguments: + + * ``P``, 8-bit palettized Surfaces + + * ``RGB``, 24-bit image + + * ``BGR``, 24-bit image, red and blue channels swapped. + + * ``RGBX``, 32-bit image with unused space + + * ``RGBA``, 32-bit image with an alpha channel + + * ``ARGB``, 32-bit image with alpha channel first + + * ``BGRA``, 32-bit image with alpha channel, red and blue channels swapped + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 BGRA format + .. ## pygame.image.frombuffer ## + +.. function:: load_basic + + | :sl:`load new BMP image from a file (or file-like object)` + | :sg:`load_basic(file) -> Surface` + + Load an image from a file source. You can pass either a filename or a Python + file-like object, or a pathlib.Path. + + This function only supports loading "basic" image format, ie ``BMP`` + format. + This function is always available, no matter how pygame was built. + + .. ## pygame.image.load_basic ## + +.. function:: load_extended + + | :sl:`load an image from a file (or file-like object)` + | :sg:`load_extended(filename) -> Surface` + | :sg:`load_extended(fileobj, namehint="") -> Surface` + + This function is similar to :func:`pygame.image.load()`, except that this + function can only be used if pygame was built with extended image format + support. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.1 + This function is always available, but raises an + ``NotImplementedError`` if extended image formats are + not supported. + Previously, this function may or may not be + available, depending on the state of extended image + format support. + + .. ## pygame.image.load_extended ## + +.. function:: save_extended + + | :sl:`save a png/jpg image to file (or file-like object)` + | :sg:`save_extended(Surface, filename) -> None` + | :sg:`save_extended(Surface, fileobj, namehint="") -> None` + + This will save your Surface as either a ``PNG`` or ``JPEG`` image. + + In case the image is being saved to a file-like object, this function + uses the namehint argument to determine the format of the file being + saved. Saves to ``JPEG`` in case the namehint was not specified while + saving to a file-like object. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.1 + This function is always available, but raises an + ``NotImplementedError`` if extended image formats are + not supported. + Previously, this function may or may not be + available, depending on the state of extended image + format support. + + .. ## pygame.image.save_extended ## + +.. ## pygame.image ## diff --git a/docs/ref/joystick.rst b/docs/ref/joystick.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dba5b20 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/joystick.rst @@ -0,0 +1,697 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.joystick` +====================== + +.. module:: pygame.joystick + :synopsis: Pygame module for interacting with joysticks, gamepads, and trackballs. + +| :sl:`Pygame module for interacting with joysticks, gamepads, and trackballs.` + +The joystick module manages the joystick devices on a computer. +Joystick devices include trackballs and video-game-style +gamepads, and the module allows the use of multiple buttons and "hats". +Computers may manage multiple joysticks at a time. + +Each instance of the Joystick class represents one gaming device plugged +into the computer. If a gaming pad has multiple joysticks on it, then the +joystick object can actually represent multiple joysticks on that single +game device. + +For a quick way to initialise the joystick module and get a list of Joystick instances +use the following code:: + + pygame.joystick.init() + joysticks = [pygame.joystick.Joystick(x) for x in range(pygame.joystick.get_count())] + +The following event types will be generated by the joysticks :: + + JOYAXISMOTION JOYBALLMOTION JOYBUTTONDOWN JOYBUTTONUP JOYHATMOTION + +And in pygame 2, which supports hotplugging:: + + JOYDEVICEADDED JOYDEVICEREMOVED + +Note that in pygame 2, joysticks events use a unique "instance ID". The device index +passed in the constructor to a Joystick object is not unique after devices have +been added and removed. You must call :meth:`Joystick.get_instance_id()` to find +the instance ID that was assigned to a Joystick on opening. + +The event queue needs to be pumped frequently for some of the methods to work. +So call one of pygame.event.get, pygame.event.wait, or pygame.event.pump regularly. + +To be able to get joystick events and update the joystick objects while the window +is not in focus, you may set the ``SDL_JOYSTICK_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_EVENTS`` environment +variable. See :ref:`environment variables ` for more details. + + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`Initialize the joystick module.` + | :sg:`init() -> None` + + This function is called automatically by ``pygame.init()``. + + It initializes the joystick module. The module must be initialized before any + other functions will work. + + It is safe to call this function more than once. + + .. ## pygame.joystick.init ## + +.. function:: quit + + | :sl:`Uninitialize the joystick module.` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + Uninitialize the joystick module. After you call this any existing joystick + objects will no longer work. + + It is safe to call this function more than once. + + .. ## pygame.joystick.quit ## + +.. function:: get_init + + | :sl:`Returns True if the joystick module is initialized.` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Test if the ``pygame.joystick.init()`` function has been called. + + .. ## pygame.joystick.get_init ## + +.. function:: get_count + + | :sl:`Returns the number of joysticks.` + | :sg:`get_count() -> count` + + Return the number of joystick devices on the system. The count will be ``0`` + if there are no joysticks on the system. + + When you create Joystick objects using ``Joystick(id)``, you pass an integer + that must be lower than this count. + + .. ## pygame.joystick.get_count ## + +.. class:: Joystick + + | :sl:`Create a new Joystick object.` + | :sg:`Joystick(id) -> Joystick` + + Create a new joystick to access a physical device. The id argument must be a + value from ``0`` to ``pygame.joystick.get_count() - 1``. + + Joysticks are initialised on creation and are shut down when deallocated. + Once the device is initialized the pygame event queue will start receiving + events about its input. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Joystick objects are now opened immediately on creation. + + .. method:: init + + | :sl:`initialize the Joystick` + | :sg:`init() -> None` + + Initialize the joystick, if it has been closed. It is safe to call this + even if the joystick is already initialized. + + .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 + + In future it will not be possible to reinitialise a closed Joystick + object. Will be removed in Pygame 2.1. + + .. ## Joystick.init ## + + .. method:: quit + + | :sl:`uninitialize the Joystick` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + Close a Joystick object. After this the pygame event queue will no longer + receive events from the device. + + It is safe to call this more than once. + + .. ## Joystick.quit ## + + .. method:: get_init + + | :sl:`check if the Joystick is initialized` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Return True if the Joystick object is currently initialised. + + .. ## Joystick.get_init ## + + .. method:: get_id + + | :sl:`get the device index (deprecated)` + | :sg:`get_id() -> int` + + Returns the original device index for this device. This is the same + value that was passed to the ``Joystick()`` constructor. This method can + safely be called while the Joystick is not initialized. + + .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 + + The original device index is not useful in pygame 2. Use + :meth:`.get_instance_id` instead. Will be removed in Pygame 2.1. + + .. method:: get_instance_id() -> int + + | :sl:`get the joystick instance id` + | :sg:`get_instance_id() -> int` + + Get the joystick instance ID. This matches the ``instance_id`` field + that is given in joystick events. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0dev11 + + .. method:: get_guid() -> str + + | :sl:`get the joystick GUID` + | :sg:`get_guid() -> str` + + Get the GUID string. This identifies the exact hardware of the joystick + device. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0dev11 + + .. method:: get_power_level() -> str + + | :sl:`get the approximate power status of the device` + | :sg:`get_power_level() -> str` + + Get a string giving the power status of the device. + + One of: ``empty``, ``low``, ``medium``, ``full``, ``wired``, ``max``, or + ``unknown``. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0dev11 + + .. ## Joystick.get_id ## + + .. method:: get_name + + | :sl:`get the Joystick system name` + | :sg:`get_name() -> string` + + Returns the system name for this joystick device. It is unknown what name + the system will give to the Joystick, but it should be a unique name that + identifies the device. This method can safely be called while the + Joystick is not initialized. + + .. ## Joystick.get_name ## + + .. method:: get_numaxes + + | :sl:`get the number of axes on a Joystick` + | :sg:`get_numaxes() -> int` + + Returns the number of input axes are on a Joystick. There will usually be + two for the position. Controls like rudders and throttles are treated as + additional axes. + + The ``pygame.JOYAXISMOTION`` events will be in the range from ``-1.0`` + to ``1.0``. A value of ``0.0`` means the axis is centered. Gamepad devices + will usually be ``-1``, ``0``, or ``1`` with no values in between. Older + analog joystick axes will not always use the full ``-1`` to ``1`` range, + and the centered value will be some area around ``0``. + + Analog joysticks usually have a bit of noise in their axis, which will + generate a lot of rapid small motion events. + + .. ## Joystick.get_numaxes ## + + .. method:: get_axis + + | :sl:`get the current position of an axis` + | :sg:`get_axis(axis_number) -> float` + + Returns the current position of a joystick axis. The value will range + from ``-1`` to ``1`` with a value of ``0`` being centered. You may want + to take into account some tolerance to handle jitter, and joystick drift + may keep the joystick from centering at ``0`` or using the full range of + position values. + + The axis number must be an integer from ``0`` to ``get_numaxes() - 1``. + + When using gamepads both the control sticks and the analog triggers are + usually reported as axes. + + .. ## Joystick.get_axis ## + + .. method:: get_numballs + + | :sl:`get the number of trackballs on a Joystick` + | :sg:`get_numballs() -> int` + + Returns the number of trackball devices on a Joystick. These devices work + similar to a mouse but they have no absolute position; they only have + relative amounts of movement. + + The ``pygame.JOYBALLMOTION`` event will be sent when the trackball is + rolled. It will report the amount of movement on the trackball. + + .. ## Joystick.get_numballs ## + + .. method:: get_ball + + | :sl:`get the relative position of a trackball` + | :sg:`get_ball(ball_number) -> x, y` + + Returns the relative movement of a joystick button. The value is a ``x, y`` + pair holding the relative movement since the last call to get_ball. + + The ball number must be an integer from ``0`` to ``get_numballs() - 1``. + + .. ## Joystick.get_ball ## + + .. method:: get_numbuttons + + | :sl:`get the number of buttons on a Joystick` + | :sg:`get_numbuttons() -> int` + + Returns the number of pushable buttons on the joystick. These buttons + have a boolean (on or off) state. + + Buttons generate a ``pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN`` and ``pygame.JOYBUTTONUP`` + event when they are pressed and released. + + .. ## Joystick.get_numbuttons ## + + .. method:: get_button + + | :sl:`get the current button state` + | :sg:`get_button(button) -> bool` + + Returns the current state of a joystick button. + + .. ## Joystick.get_button ## + + .. method:: get_numhats + + | :sl:`get the number of hat controls on a Joystick` + | :sg:`get_numhats() -> int` + + Returns the number of joystick hats on a Joystick. Hat devices are like + miniature digital joysticks on a joystick. Each hat has two axes of + input. + + The ``pygame.JOYHATMOTION`` event is generated when the hat changes + position. The ``position`` attribute for the event contains a pair of + values that are either ``-1``, ``0``, or ``1``. A position of ``(0, 0)`` + means the hat is centered. + + .. ## Joystick.get_numhats ## + + .. method:: get_hat + + | :sl:`get the position of a joystick hat` + | :sg:`get_hat(hat_number) -> x, y` + + Returns the current position of a position hat. The position is given as + two values representing the ``x`` and ``y`` position for the hat. ``(0, 0)`` + means centered. A value of ``-1`` means left/down and a value of ``1`` means + right/up: so ``(-1, 0)`` means left; ``(1, 0)`` means right; ``(0, 1)`` means + up; ``(1, 1)`` means upper-right; etc. + + This value is digital, ``i.e.``, each coordinate can be ``-1``, ``0`` or ``1`` + but never in-between. + + The hat number must be between ``0`` and ``get_numhats() - 1``. + + .. ## Joystick.get_hat ## + + .. method:: rumble + + | :sl:`Start a rumbling effect` + | :sg:`rumble(low_frequency, high_frequency, duration) -> bool` + + Start a rumble effect on the joystick, with the specified strength ranging + from 0 to 1. Duration is length of the effect, in ms. Setting the duration + to 0 will play the effect until another one overwrites it or + :meth:`Joystick.stop_rumble` is called. If an effect is already + playing, then it will be overwritten. + + Returns True if the rumble was played successfully or False if the + joystick does not support it or :meth:`pygame.version.SDL` is below 2.0.9. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.2 + + .. ## Joystick.rumble ## + + .. method:: stop_rumble + + | :sl:`Stop any rumble effect playing` + | :sg:`stop_rumble() -> None` + + Stops any rumble effect playing on the joystick. See + :meth:`Joystick.rumble` for more information. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.2 + + .. ## Joystick.stop_rumble ## + + .. ## pygame.joystick.Joystick ## + +.. ## pygame.joystick ## + +.. figure:: code_examples/joystick_calls.png + :scale: 100 % + :alt: joystick module example + + Example code for joystick module. + +.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/joystick.py + +.. _controller-mappings: + + +Common Controller Axis Mappings +=============================== + +Controller mappings are drawn from the underlying SDL library which pygame uses and they differ +between pygame 1 and pygame 2. Below are a couple of mappings for three popular controllers. + +Axis and hat mappings are listed from -1 to +1. + + +Nintendo Switch Left Joy-Con (pygame 2.x) +***************************************** + +The Nintendo Switch Left Joy-Con has 4 axes, 11 buttons, and 0 hats. The values for the 4 axes never change. +The controller is recognized as "Wireless Gamepad" + + +* **Buttons**:: + + D-pad Up - Button 0 + D-pad Down - Button 1 + D-pad Left - Button 2 + D-pad Right - Button 3 + SL - Button 4 + SR - Button 5 + - - Button 8 + Stick In - Button 10 + Capture - Button 13 + L - Button 14 + ZL - Button 15 + +* **Hat/JoyStick**:: + + Down -> Up - Y Axis + Left -> Right - X Axis + + +Nintendo Switch Right Joy-Con (pygame 2.x) +****************************************** + +The Nintendo Switch Right Joy-Con has 4 axes, 11 buttons, and 0 hats. The values for the 4 axes never change. +The controller is recognized as "Wireless Gamepad" + + +* **Buttons**:: + + A Button - Button 0 + B Button - Button 1 + X Button - Button 2 + Y Button - Button 3 + SL - Button 4 + SR - Button 5 + + - Button 9 + Stick In - Button 11 + Home - Button 12 + R - Button 14 + ZR - Button 15 + +* **Hat/JoyStick**:: + + Down -> Up - Y Axis + Left -> Right - X Axis + + +Nintendo Switch Pro Controller (pygame 2.x) +******************************************* + +The Nintendo Switch Pro Controller has 6 axes, 16 buttons, and 0 hats. +The controller is recognized as "Nintendo Switch Pro Controller". + + +* **Left Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 0 + Up -> Down - Axis 1 + +* **Right Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 2 + Up -> Down - Axis 3 + +* **Left Trigger**:: + + Out -> In - Axis 4 + +* **Right Trigger**:: + + Out -> In - Axis 5 + +* **Buttons**:: + + A Button - Button 0 + B Button - Button 1 + X Button - Button 2 + Y Button - Button 3 + - Button - Button 4 + Home Button - Button 5 + + Button - Button 6 + L. Stick In - Button 7 + R. Stick In - Button 8 + Left Bumper - Button 9 + Right Bumper - Button 10 + D-pad Up - Button 11 + D-pad Down - Button 12 + D-pad Left - Button 13 + D-pad Right - Button 14 + Capture Button - Button 15 + + +XBox 360 Controller (pygame 2.x) +******************************** + +The Xbox 360 controller mapping has 6 axes, 11 buttons and 1 hat. +The controller is recognized as "Xbox 360 Controller". + +* **Left Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 0 + Up -> Down - Axis 1 + +* **Right Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 3 + Up -> Down - Axis 4 + +* **Left Trigger**:: + + Out -> In - Axis 2 + +* **Right Trigger**:: + + Out -> In - Axis 5 + +* **Buttons**:: + + A Button - Button 0 + B Button - Button 1 + X Button - Button 2 + Y Button - Button 3 + Left Bumper - Button 4 + Right Bumper - Button 5 + Back Button - Button 6 + Start Button - Button 7 + L. Stick In - Button 8 + R. Stick In - Button 9 + Guide Button - Button 10 + +* **Hat/D-pad**:: + + Down -> Up - Y Axis + Left -> Right - X Axis + + +Playstation 4 Controller (pygame 2.x) +************************************* + +The PlayStation 4 controller mapping has 6 axes and 16 buttons. +The controller is recognized as "PS4 Controller". + +* **Left Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 0 + Up -> Down - Axis 1 + +* **Right Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 2 + Up -> Down - Axis 3 + +* **Left Trigger**:: + + Out -> In - Axis 4 + +* **Right Trigger**:: + + Out -> In - Axis 5 + +* **Buttons**:: + + Cross Button - Button 0 + Circle Button - Button 1 + Square Button - Button 2 + Triangle Button - Button 3 + Share Button - Button 4 + PS Button - Button 5 + Options Button - Button 6 + L. Stick In - Button 7 + R. Stick In - Button 8 + Left Bumper - Button 9 + Right Bumper - Button 10 + D-pad Up - Button 11 + D-pad Down - Button 12 + D-pad Left - Button 13 + D-pad Right - Button 14 + Touch Pad Click - Button 15 + +Playstation 5 Controller (pygame 2.x) +************************************* + +The PlayStation 5 controller mapping has 6 axes, 13 buttons, and 1 hat. +The controller is recognized as "Sony Interactive Entertainment Wireless Controller". + +* **Left Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 0 + Up -> Down - Axis 1 + +* **Right Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 3 + Up -> Down - Axis 4 + +* **Left Trigger**:: + + Out -> In - Axis 2 + +* **Right Trigger**:: + + Out -> In - Axis 5 + +* **Buttons**:: + + Cross Button - Button 0 + Circle Button - Button 1 + Square Button - Button 2 + Triangle Button - Button 3 + Left Bumper - Button 4 + Right Bumper - Button 5 + Left Trigger - Button 6 + Right Trigger - Button 7 + Share Button - Button 8 + Options Button - Button 9 + PS Button - Button 10 + Left Stick in - Button 11 + Right Stick in - Button 12 + +* **Hat/D-pad**:: + + Down -> Up - Y Axis + Left -> Right - X Axis + + + +XBox 360 Controller (pygame 1.x) +******************************** + +The Xbox 360 controller mapping has 5 axes, 10 buttons, and 1 hat. +The controller is recognized as "Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)". + +* **Left Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 0 + Up -> Down - Axis 1 + +* **Right Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 4 + Up -> Down - Axis 3 + +* **Left Trigger & Right Trigger**:: + + RT -> LT - Axis 2 + +* **Buttons**:: + + A Button - Button 0 + B Button - Button 1 + X Button - Button 2 + Y Button - Button 3 + Left Bumper - Button 4 + Right Bumper - Button 5 + Back Button - Button 6 + Start Button - Button 7 + L. Stick In - Button 8 + R. Stick In - Button 9 + +* **Hat/D-pad**:: + + Down -> Up - Y Axis + Left -> Right - X Axis + + +Playstation 4 Controller (pygame 1.x) +************************************* + +The PlayStation 4 controller mapping has 6 axes, 14 buttons, and 1 hat. +The controller is recognized as "Wireless Controller". + +* **Left Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 0 + Up -> Down - Axis 1 + +* **Right Stick**:: + + Left -> Right - Axis 2 + Up -> Down - Axis 3 + +* **Left Trigger**:: + + Out -> In - Axis 5 + +* **Right Trigger**:: + + Out -> In - Axis 4 + +* **Buttons**:: + + Cross Button - Button 0 + Circle Button - Button 1 + Square Button - Button 2 + Triangle Button - Button 3 + Left Bumper - Button 4 + Right Bumper - Button 5 + L. Trigger(Full)- Button 6 + R. Trigger(Full)- Button 7 + Share Button - Button 8 + Options Button - Button 9 + L. Stick In - Button 10 + R. Stick In - Button 11 + PS Button - Button 12 + Touch Pad Click - Button 13 + +* **Hat/D-pad**:: + + Down -> Up - Y Axis + Left -> Right - X Axis + diff --git a/docs/ref/key.rst b/docs/ref/key.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..134f254 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/key.rst @@ -0,0 +1,455 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.key` +================= + +.. module:: pygame.key + :synopsis: pygame module to work with the keyboard + +| :sl:`pygame module to work with the keyboard` + +This module contains functions for dealing with the keyboard. + +The :mod:`pygame.event` queue gets ``pygame.KEYDOWN`` and ``pygame.KEYUP`` +events when the keyboard buttons are pressed and released. Both events have +``key`` and ``mod`` attributes. + + * ``key``: an :ref:`integer ID ` representing every key + on the keyboard + * ``mod``: a bitmask of all the :ref:`modifier keys ` + that were in a pressed state when the event occurred + +The ``pygame.KEYDOWN`` event has the additional attributes ``unicode`` and +``scancode``. + + * ``unicode``: a single character string that is the fully translated + character entered, this takes into account the shift and composition keys + * ``scancode``: the platform-specific key code, which could be different from + keyboard to keyboard, but is useful for key selection of weird keys like + the multimedia keys + +.. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + The ``pygame.TEXTINPUT`` event is preferred to the ``unicode`` attribute + of ``pygame.KEYDOWN``. The attribute ``text`` contains the input. + + +.. _key-constants-label: + +The following is a list of all the constants (from :mod:`pygame.locals`) used to +represent keyboard keys. + +Portability note: The integers for key constants differ between pygame 1 and 2. +Always use key constants (``K_a``) rather than integers directly (``97``) so +that your key handling code works well on both pygame 1 and pygame 2. + + +:: + + pygame + Constant ASCII Description + --------------------------------- + K_BACKSPACE \b backspace + K_TAB \t tab + K_CLEAR clear + K_RETURN \r return + K_PAUSE pause + K_ESCAPE ^[ escape + K_SPACE space + K_EXCLAIM ! exclaim + K_QUOTEDBL " quotedbl + K_HASH # hash + K_DOLLAR $ dollar + K_AMPERSAND & ampersand + K_QUOTE quote + K_LEFTPAREN ( left parenthesis + K_RIGHTPAREN ) right parenthesis + K_ASTERISK * asterisk + K_PLUS + plus sign + K_COMMA , comma + K_MINUS - minus sign + K_PERIOD . period + K_SLASH / forward slash + K_0 0 0 + K_1 1 1 + K_2 2 2 + K_3 3 3 + K_4 4 4 + K_5 5 5 + K_6 6 6 + K_7 7 7 + K_8 8 8 + K_9 9 9 + K_COLON : colon + K_SEMICOLON ; semicolon + K_LESS < less-than sign + K_EQUALS = equals sign + K_GREATER > greater-than sign + K_QUESTION ? question mark + K_AT @ at + K_LEFTBRACKET [ left bracket + K_BACKSLASH \ backslash + K_RIGHTBRACKET ] right bracket + K_CARET ^ caret + K_UNDERSCORE _ underscore + K_BACKQUOTE ` grave + K_a a a + K_b b b + K_c c c + K_d d d + K_e e e + K_f f f + K_g g g + K_h h h + K_i i i + K_j j j + K_k k k + K_l l l + K_m m m + K_n n n + K_o o o + K_p p p + K_q q q + K_r r r + K_s s s + K_t t t + K_u u u + K_v v v + K_w w w + K_x x x + K_y y y + K_z z z + K_DELETE delete + K_KP0 keypad 0 + K_KP1 keypad 1 + K_KP2 keypad 2 + K_KP3 keypad 3 + K_KP4 keypad 4 + K_KP5 keypad 5 + K_KP6 keypad 6 + K_KP7 keypad 7 + K_KP8 keypad 8 + K_KP9 keypad 9 + K_KP_PERIOD . keypad period + K_KP_DIVIDE / keypad divide + K_KP_MULTIPLY * keypad multiply + K_KP_MINUS - keypad minus + K_KP_PLUS + keypad plus + K_KP_ENTER \r keypad enter + K_KP_EQUALS = keypad equals + K_UP up arrow + K_DOWN down arrow + K_RIGHT right arrow + K_LEFT left arrow + K_INSERT insert + K_HOME home + K_END end + K_PAGEUP page up + K_PAGEDOWN page down + K_F1 F1 + K_F2 F2 + K_F3 F3 + K_F4 F4 + K_F5 F5 + K_F6 F6 + K_F7 F7 + K_F8 F8 + K_F9 F9 + K_F10 F10 + K_F11 F11 + K_F12 F12 + K_F13 F13 + K_F14 F14 + K_F15 F15 + K_NUMLOCK numlock + K_CAPSLOCK capslock + K_SCROLLOCK scrollock + K_RSHIFT right shift + K_LSHIFT left shift + K_RCTRL right control + K_LCTRL left control + K_RALT right alt + K_LALT left alt + K_RMETA right meta + K_LMETA left meta + K_LSUPER left Windows key + K_RSUPER right Windows key + K_MODE mode shift + K_HELP help + K_PRINT print screen + K_SYSREQ sysrq + K_BREAK break + K_MENU menu + K_POWER power + K_EURO Euro + K_AC_BACK Android back button + + +.. _key-modifiers-label: + +The keyboard also has a list of modifier states (from :mod:`pygame.locals`) that +can be assembled by bitwise-ORing them together. + +:: + + pygame + Constant Description + ------------------------- + KMOD_NONE no modifier keys pressed + KMOD_LSHIFT left shift + KMOD_RSHIFT right shift + KMOD_SHIFT left shift or right shift or both + KMOD_LCTRL left control + KMOD_RCTRL right control + KMOD_CTRL left control or right control or both + KMOD_LALT left alt + KMOD_RALT right alt + KMOD_ALT left alt or right alt or both + KMOD_LMETA left meta + KMOD_RMETA right meta + KMOD_META left meta or right meta or both + KMOD_CAPS caps lock + KMOD_NUM num lock + KMOD_MODE AltGr + + +The modifier information is contained in the ``mod`` attribute of the +``pygame.KEYDOWN`` and ``pygame.KEYUP`` events. The ``mod`` attribute is a +bitmask of all the modifier keys that were in a pressed state when the event +occurred. The modifier information can be decoded using a bitwise AND (except +for ``KMOD_NONE``, which should be compared using equals ``==``). For example: + +:: + + for event in pygame.event.get(): + if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or event.type == pygame.KEYUP: + if event.mod == pygame.KMOD_NONE: + print('No modifier keys were in a pressed state when this ' + 'event occurred.') + else: + if event.mod & pygame.KMOD_LSHIFT: + print('Left shift was in a pressed state when this event ' + 'occurred.') + if event.mod & pygame.KMOD_RSHIFT: + print('Right shift was in a pressed state when this event ' + 'occurred.') + if event.mod & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT: + print('Left shift or right shift or both were in a ' + 'pressed state when this event occurred.') + + + +.. function:: get_focused + + | :sl:`true if the display is receiving keyboard input from the system` + | :sg:`get_focused() -> bool` + + Returns ``True`` when the display window has keyboard focus from the + system. If the display needs to ensure it does not lose keyboard focus, it + can use :func:`pygame.event.set_grab()` to grab all input. + + .. ## pygame.key.get_focused ## + +.. function:: get_pressed + + | :sl:`get the state of all keyboard buttons` + | :sg:`get_pressed() -> bools` + + Returns a sequence of boolean values representing the state of every key on + the keyboard. Use the key constant values to index the array. A ``True`` + value means that the button is pressed. + + .. note:: + Getting the list of pushed buttons with this function is not the proper + way to handle text entry from the user. There is no way to know the order + of keys pressed, and rapidly pushed keys can be completely unnoticed + between two calls to ``pygame.key.get_pressed()``. There is also no way to + translate these pushed keys into a fully translated character value. See + the ``pygame.KEYDOWN`` events on the :mod:`pygame.event` queue for this + functionality. + + .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 + The collection of bools returned by ``get_pressed`` can not be iterated + over because the indexes of the internal tuple does not correpsond to the + keycodes. + + .. versionadded:: 2.5.0 + Iteration over the collection of bools returned by ``get_pressed`` is now + restored. However it still does not make sense to iterate over it. Currently. + + .. ## pygame.key.get_pressed ## + +.. function:: get_mods + + | :sl:`determine which modifier keys are being held` + | :sg:`get_mods() -> int` + + Returns a single integer representing a bitmask of all the modifier keys + being held. Using bitwise operators you can test if specific + :ref:`modifier keys ` are pressed. + + .. ## pygame.key.get_mods ## + +.. function:: set_mods + + | :sl:`temporarily set which modifier keys are pressed` + | :sg:`set_mods(int) -> None` + + Create a bitmask of the :ref:`modifier key constants ` + you want to impose on your program. + + .. ## pygame.key.set_mods ## + +.. function:: set_repeat + + | :sl:`control how held keys are repeated` + | :sg:`set_repeat() -> None` + | :sg:`set_repeat(delay) -> None` + | :sg:`set_repeat(delay, interval) -> None` + + When the keyboard repeat is enabled, keys that are held down will generate + multiple ``pygame.KEYDOWN`` events. The ``delay`` parameter is the number of + milliseconds before the first repeated ``pygame.KEYDOWN`` event will be sent. + After that, another ``pygame.KEYDOWN`` event will be sent every ``interval`` + milliseconds. If a ``delay`` value is provided and an ``interval`` value is + not provided or is 0, then the ``interval`` will be set to the same value as + ``delay``. + + To disable key repeat call this function with no arguments or with ``delay`` + set to 0. + + When pygame is initialized the key repeat is disabled. + + :raises ValueError: if ``delay`` or ``interval`` is < 0 + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 A ``ValueError`` is now raised (instead of a + ``pygame.error``) if ``delay`` or ``interval`` is < 0. + + .. ## pygame.key.set_repeat ## + +.. function:: get_repeat + + | :sl:`see how held keys are repeated` + | :sg:`get_repeat() -> (delay, interval)` + + Get the ``delay`` and ``interval`` keyboard repeat values. Refer to + :func:`pygame.key.set_repeat()` for a description of these values. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## pygame.key.get_repeat ## + +.. function:: name + + | :sl:`get the name of a key identifier` + | :sg:`name(key, use_compat=True) -> str` + + Get the descriptive name of the button from a keyboard button id constant. + Returns an empty string (``""``) if the key is not found. + + If ``use_compat`` argument is ``True`` (which is the default), this function + returns the legacy name of a key where applicable. The return value is + expected to be the same across different pygame versions (provided the + corresponding key constant exists and is unique). If the return value is + passed to the ``key_code`` function, the original constant will be returned. + + **Experimental:** ``use_compat`` paramater still in development for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave use_compat feedback with authors `_ + + If this argument is ``False``, the returned name may be prettier to display + and may cover a wider range of keys than with ``use_compat``, but there are + no guarantees that this name will be the same across different pygame + versions. If the name returned is passed to the ``key_code`` function, the + original constant is returned back (this is an implementation detail which + may change later, do not rely on this) + + .. versionchanged:: 2.1.3 Added ``use_compat`` argument and guaranteed API stability for it + + .. ## pygame.key.name ## + +.. function:: key_code + + | :sl:`get the key identifier from a key name` + | :sg:`key_code(name=string) -> int` + + Get the key identifier code from the descriptive name of the key. This + returns an integer matching one of the K_* keycodes. For example: + + :: + + >>> pygame.key.key_code("return") == pygame.K_RETURN + True + >>> pygame.key.key_code("0") == pygame.K_0 + True + >>> pygame.key.key_code("space") == pygame.K_SPACE + True + + :raises ValueError: if the key name is not known. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## pygame.key.key_code ## + +.. function:: start_text_input + + | :sl:`start handling Unicode text input events` + | :sg:`start_text_input() -> None` + + Start receiving ``pygame.TEXTEDITING`` and ``pygame.TEXTINPUT`` + events. If applicable, show the on-screen keyboard or IME editor. + + For many languages, key presses will automatically generate a + corresponding ``pygame.TEXTINPUT`` event. Special keys like + escape or function keys, and certain key combinations will not + generate ``pygame.TEXTINPUT`` events. + + In other languages, entering a single symbol may require multiple + key presses, or a language-specific user interface. In this case, + ``pygame.TEXTINPUT`` events are preferable to ``pygame.KEYDOWN`` + events for text input. + + A ``pygame.TEXTEDITING`` event is received when an IME composition + is started or changed. It contains the composition ``text``, ``length``, + and editing ``start`` position within the composition (attributes + ``text``, ``length``, and ``start``, respectively). + When the composition is committed (or non-IME input is received), + a ``pygame.TEXTINPUT`` event is generated. + + Text input events handling is on by default. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## pygame.key.start_text_input ## + +.. function:: stop_text_input + + | :sl:`stop handling Unicode text input events` + | :sg:`stop_text_input() -> None` + + Stop receiving ``pygame.TEXTEDITING`` and ``pygame.TEXTINPUT`` + events. If an on-screen keyboard or IME editor was shown with + ``pygame.key.start_text_input()``, hide it again. + + Text input events handling is on by default. + + To avoid triggering the IME editor or the on-screen keyboard + when the user is holding down a key during gameplay, text input + should be disabled once text entry is finished, or when the user + clicks outside of a text box. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## pygame.key.stop_text_input ## + +.. function:: set_text_input_rect + + | :sl:`controls the position of the candidate list` + | :sg:`set_text_input_rect(Rect) -> None` + + This sets the rectangle used for typing with an IME. + It controls where the candidate list will open, if supported. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## pygame.key.set_text_input_rect ## + +.. ## pygame.key ## diff --git a/docs/ref/locals.rst b/docs/ref/locals.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..091dbaa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/locals.rst @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.locals` +==================== + +.. module:: pygame.locals + :synopsis: pygame constants + +| :sl:`pygame constants` + +This module contains various constants used by pygame. Its contents are +automatically placed in the pygame module namespace. However, an application +can use ``pygame.locals`` to include only the pygame constants with a ``from +pygame.locals import *``. + +Detailed descriptions of the various constants can be found throughout the +pygame documentation. Here are the locations of some of them. + + - The :mod:`pygame.display` module contains flags like ``FULLSCREEN`` used + by :func:`pygame.display.set_mode`. + - The :mod:`pygame.event` module contains the various event types. + - The :mod:`pygame.key` module lists the keyboard constants and modifiers + (``K_``\* and ``MOD_``\*) relating to the ``key`` and ``mod`` attributes of + the ``KEYDOWN`` and ``KEYUP`` events. + - The :mod:`pygame.time` module defines ``TIMER_RESOLUTION``. + +.. ## pygame.locals ## diff --git a/docs/ref/mask.rst b/docs/ref/mask.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4365cf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/mask.rst @@ -0,0 +1,642 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.mask` +================== + +.. module:: pygame.mask + :synopsis: pygame module for image masks. + +| :sl:`pygame module for image masks.` + +Useful for fast pixel perfect collision detection. A mask uses 1 bit per-pixel +to store which parts collide. + +.. versionadded:: 1.8 + +.. versionchanged:: 2.0.2 Mask functions now support keyword arguments. + +.. versionchanged:: 2.0.2 Mask functions that take positions or offsets now + support :class:`pygame.math.Vector2` arguments. + + +.. function:: from_surface + + | :sl:`Creates a Mask from the given surface` + | :sg:`from_surface(surface) -> Mask` + | :sg:`from_surface(surface, threshold=127) -> Mask` + + Creates a :class:`Mask` object from the given surface by setting all the + opaque pixels and not setting the transparent pixels. + + If the surface uses a color-key, then it is used to decide which bits in + the resulting mask are set. All the pixels that are **not** equal to the + color-key are **set** and the pixels equal to the color-key are not set. + + If a color-key is not used, then the alpha value of each pixel is used to + decide which bits in the resulting mask are set. All the pixels that have an + alpha value **greater than** the ``threshold`` parameter are **set** and the + pixels with an alpha value less than or equal to the ``threshold`` are + not set. + + :param Surface surface: the surface to create the mask from + :param int threshold: (optional) the alpha threshold (default is 127) to + compare with each surface pixel's alpha value, if the ``surface`` is + color-keyed this parameter is ignored + + :returns: a newly created :class:`Mask` object from the given surface + :rtype: Mask + + .. note:: + This function is used to create the masks for + :func:`pygame.sprite.collide_mask`. + + .. ## pygame.mask.from_surface ## + +.. function:: from_threshold + + | :sl:`Creates a mask by thresholding Surfaces` + | :sg:`from_threshold(surface, color) -> Mask` + | :sg:`from_threshold(surface, color, threshold=(0, 0, 0, 255), othersurface=None, palette_colors=1) -> Mask` + + This is a more featureful method of getting a :class:`Mask` from a surface. + + If the optional ``othersurface`` is not used, all the pixels **within** the + ``threshold`` of the ``color`` parameter are **set** in the resulting mask. + + If the optional ``othersurface`` is used, every pixel in the first surface + that is **within** the ``threshold`` of the corresponding pixel in + ``othersurface`` is **set** in the resulting mask. + + :param Surface surface: the surface to create the mask from + :param color: color used to check if the surface's pixels are within the + given ``threshold`` range, this parameter is ignored if the optional + ``othersurface`` parameter is supplied + :type color: Color or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) or list[int, int, int, [int]] + :param threshold: (optional) the threshold range used to check the difference + between two colors (default is ``(0, 0, 0, 255)``) + :type threshold: Color or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) or list[int, int, int, [int]] + :param Surface othersurface: (optional) used to check whether the pixels of + the first surface are within the given ``threshold`` range of the pixels + from this surface (default is ``None``) + :param int palette_colors: (optional) indicates whether to use the palette + colors or not, a nonzero value causes the palette colors to be used and a + 0 causes them not to be used (default is 1) + + :returns: a newly created :class:`Mask` object from the given surface + :rtype: Mask + + .. ## pygame.mask.from_threshold ## + +.. class:: Mask + + | :sl:`pygame object for representing 2D bitmasks` + | :sg:`Mask(size=(width, height)) -> Mask` + | :sg:`Mask(size=(width, height), fill=False) -> Mask` + + A ``Mask`` object is used to represent a 2D bitmask. Each bit in + the mask represents a pixel. 1 is used to indicate a set bit and 0 is used + to indicate an unset bit. Set bits in a mask can be used to detect collisions + with other masks and their set bits. + + A filled mask has all of its bits set to 1, conversely an + unfilled/cleared/empty mask has all of its bits set to 0. Masks can be + created unfilled (default) or filled by using the ``fill`` parameter. Masks + can also be cleared or filled using the :func:`pygame.mask.Mask.clear()` and + :func:`pygame.mask.Mask.fill()` methods respectively. + + A mask's coordinates start in the top left corner at ``(0, 0)`` just like + :mod:`pygame.Surface`. Individual bits can be accessed using the + :func:`pygame.mask.Mask.get_at()` and :func:`pygame.mask.Mask.set_at()` + methods. + + .. _mask-offset-label: + + The methods :meth:`overlap`, :meth:`overlap_area`, :meth:`overlap_mask`, + :meth:`draw`, :meth:`erase`, and :meth:`convolve` use an offset parameter + to indicate the offset of another mask's top left corner from the calling + mask's top left corner. The calling mask's top left corner is considered to + be the origin ``(0, 0)``. Offsets are a sequence of two values + ``(x_offset, y_offset)``. Positive and negative offset values are supported. + + :: + + 0 to x (x_offset) + : : + 0 ..... +----:---------+ + to | : | + y .......... +-----------+ + (y_offset) | | othermask | + | +-----------+ + | calling_mask | + +--------------+ + + :param size: the dimensions of the mask (width and height) + :param bool fill: (optional) create an unfilled mask (default: ``False``) or + filled mask (``True``) + + :returns: a newly created :class:`Mask` object + :rtype: Mask + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 + Shallow copy support added. The :class:`Mask` class supports the special + method ``__copy__()`` and shallow copying via ``copy.copy(mask)``. + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Subclassing support added. The :class:`Mask` class + can be used as a base class. + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.5 Added support for keyword arguments. + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.5 Added the optional keyword parameter ``fill``. + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.5 Added support for masks with a width and/or a + height of 0. + + .. method:: copy + + | :sl:`Returns a new copy of the mask` + | :sg:`copy() -> Mask` + + :returns: a new copy of this mask, the new mask will have the same width, + height, and set/unset bits as the original + :rtype: Mask + + .. note:: + If a mask subclass needs to copy any instance specific attributes + then it should override the ``__copy__()`` method. The overridden + ``__copy__()`` method needs to call ``super().__copy__()`` and then + copy the required data as in the following example code. + + :: + + class SubMask(pygame.mask.Mask): + def __copy__(self): + new_mask = super().__copy__() + # Do any SubMask attribute copying here. + return new_mask + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Mask.copy ## + + .. method:: get_size + + | :sl:`Returns the size of the mask` + | :sg:`get_size() -> (width, height)` + + :returns: the size of the mask, (width, height) + :rtype: tuple(int, int) + + .. ## Mask.get_size ## + + .. method:: get_rect + + | :sl:`Returns a Rect based on the size of the mask` + | :sg:`get_rect(\**kwargs) -> Rect` + + Returns a new :func:`pygame.Rect` object based on the size of this mask. + The rect's default position will be ``(0, 0)`` and its default width and + height will be the same as this mask's. The rect's attributes can be + altered via :func:`pygame.Rect` attribute keyword arguments/values passed + into this method. As an example, ``a_mask.get_rect(center=(10, 5))`` would + create a :func:`pygame.Rect` based on the mask's size centered at the + given position. + + :param dict kwargs: :func:`pygame.Rect` attribute keyword arguments/values + that will be applied to the rect + + :returns: a new :func:`pygame.Rect` object based on the size of this mask + with any :func:`pygame.Rect` attribute keyword arguments/values applied + to it + :rtype: Rect + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Mask.get_rect ## + + .. method:: get_at + + | :sl:`Gets the bit at the given position` + | :sg:`get_at(pos) -> int` + + :param pos: the position of the bit to get (x, y) + + :returns: 1 if the bit is set, 0 if the bit is not set + :rtype: int + + :raises IndexError: if the position is outside of the mask's bounds + + .. ## Mask.get_at ## + + .. method:: set_at + + | :sl:`Sets the bit at the given position` + | :sg:`set_at(pos) -> None` + | :sg:`set_at(pos, value=1) -> None` + + :param pos: the position of the bit to set (x, y) + :param int value: any nonzero int will set the bit to 1, 0 will set the + bit to 0 (default is 1) + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + :raises IndexError: if the position is outside of the mask's bounds + + .. ## Mask.set_at ## + + .. method:: overlap + + | :sl:`Returns the point of intersection` + | :sg:`overlap(other, offset) -> (x, y)` + | :sg:`overlap(other, offset) -> None` + + Returns the first point of intersection encountered between this mask and + ``other``. A point of intersection is 2 overlapping set bits. + + The current algorithm searches the overlapping area in + ``sizeof(unsigned long int) * CHAR_BIT`` bit wide column blocks (the value + of ``sizeof(unsigned long int) * CHAR_BIT`` is platform dependent, for + clarity it will be referred to as ``W``). Starting at the top left corner + it checks bits 0 to ``W - 1`` of the first row (``(0, 0)`` to + ``(W - 1, 0)``) then continues to the next row (``(0, 1)`` to + ``(W - 1, 1)``). Once this entire column block is checked, it continues to + the next one (``W`` to ``2 * W - 1``). This is repeated until it finds a + point of intersection or the entire overlapping area is checked. + + :param Mask other: the other mask to overlap with this mask + :param offset: the offset of ``other`` from this mask, for more + details refer to the :ref:`Mask offset notes ` + + :returns: point of intersection or ``None`` if no intersection + :rtype: tuple(int, int) or NoneType + + .. ## Mask.overlap ## + + .. method:: overlap_area + + | :sl:`Returns the number of overlapping set bits` + | :sg:`overlap_area(other, offset) -> numbits` + + Returns the number of overlapping set bits between between this mask and + ``other``. + + This can be useful for collision detection. An approximate collision + normal can be found by calculating the gradient of the overlapping area + through the finite difference. + + :: + + dx = mask.overlap_area(other, (x + 1, y)) - mask.overlap_area(other, (x - 1, y)) + dy = mask.overlap_area(other, (x, y + 1)) - mask.overlap_area(other, (x, y - 1)) + + :param Mask other: the other mask to overlap with this mask + :param offset: the offset of ``other`` from this mask, for more + details refer to the :ref:`Mask offset notes ` + + :returns: the number of overlapping set bits + :rtype: int + + .. ## Mask.overlap_area ## + + .. method:: overlap_mask + + | :sl:`Returns a mask of the overlapping set bits` + | :sg:`overlap_mask(other, offset) -> Mask` + + Returns a :class:`Mask`, the same size as this mask, containing the + overlapping set bits between this mask and ``other``. + + :param Mask other: the other mask to overlap with this mask + :param offset: the offset of ``other`` from this mask, for more + details refer to the :ref:`Mask offset notes ` + + :returns: a newly created :class:`Mask` with the overlapping bits set + :rtype: Mask + + .. ## Mask.overlap_mask ## + + .. method:: fill + + | :sl:`Sets all bits to 1` + | :sg:`fill() -> None` + + Sets all bits in the mask to 1. + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## Mask.fill ## + + .. method:: clear + + | :sl:`Sets all bits to 0` + | :sg:`clear() -> None` + + Sets all bits in the mask to 0. + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## Mask.clear ## + + .. method:: invert + + | :sl:`Flips all the bits` + | :sg:`invert() -> None` + + Flips all of the bits in the mask. All the set bits are cleared to 0 and + all the unset bits are set to 1. + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## Mask.invert ## + + .. method:: scale + + | :sl:`Resizes a mask` + | :sg:`scale((width, height)) -> Mask` + + Creates a new :class:`Mask` of the requested size with its bits scaled + from this mask. + + :param size: the width and height (size) of the mask to create + + :returns: a new :class:`Mask` object with its bits scaled from this mask + :rtype: Mask + + :raises ValueError: if ``width < 0`` or ``height < 0`` + + .. ## Mask.scale ## + + .. method:: draw + + | :sl:`Draws a mask onto another` + | :sg:`draw(other, offset) -> None` + + Performs a bitwise OR, drawing ``othermask`` onto this mask. + + :param Mask other: the mask to draw onto this mask + :param offset: the offset of ``other`` from this mask, for more + details refer to the :ref:`Mask offset notes ` + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## Mask.draw ## + + .. method:: erase + + | :sl:`Erases a mask from another` + | :sg:`erase(other, offset) -> None` + + Erases (clears) all bits set in ``other`` from this mask. + + :param Mask other: the mask to erase from this mask + :param offset: the offset of ``other`` from this mask, for more + details refer to the :ref:`Mask offset notes ` + + :returns: ``None`` + :rtype: NoneType + + .. ## Mask.erase ## + + .. method:: count + + | :sl:`Returns the number of set bits` + | :sg:`count() -> bits` + + :returns: the number of set bits in the mask + :rtype: int + + .. ## Mask.count ## + + .. method:: centroid + + | :sl:`Returns the centroid of the set bits` + | :sg:`centroid() -> (x, y)` + + Finds the centroid (the center mass of the set bits) for this mask. + + :returns: a coordinate tuple indicating the centroid of the mask, it will + return ``(0, 0)`` if the mask has no bits set + :rtype: tuple(int, int) + + .. ## Mask.centroid ## + + .. method:: angle + + | :sl:`Returns the orientation of the set bits` + | :sg:`angle() -> theta` + + Finds the approximate orientation (from -90 to 90 degrees) of the set bits + in the mask. This works best if performed on a mask with only one + connected component. + + :returns: the orientation of the set bits in the mask, it will return + ``0.0`` if the mask has no bits set + :rtype: float + + .. note:: + See :meth:`connected_component` for details on how a connected + component is calculated. + + .. ## Mask.angle ## + + .. method:: outline + + | :sl:`Returns a list of points outlining an object` + | :sg:`outline() -> [(x, y), ...]` + | :sg:`outline(every=1) -> [(x, y), ...]` + + Returns a list of points of the outline of the first connected component + encountered in the mask. To find a connected component, the mask is + searched per row (left to right) starting in the top left corner. + + The ``every`` optional parameter skips set bits in the outline. For + example, setting it to 10 would return a list of every 10th set bit in the + outline. + + :param int every: (optional) indicates the number of bits to skip over in + the outline (default is 1) + + :returns: a list of points outlining the first connected component + encountered, an empty list is returned if the mask has no bits set + :rtype: list[tuple(int, int)] + + .. note:: + See :meth:`connected_component` for details on how a connected + component is calculated. + + .. ## Mask.outline ## + + .. method:: convolve + + | :sl:`Returns the convolution of this mask with another mask` + | :sg:`convolve(other) -> Mask` + | :sg:`convolve(other, output=None, offset=(0, 0)) -> Mask` + + Convolve this mask with the given ``other`` Mask. + + :param Mask other: mask to convolve this mask with + :param output: (optional) mask for output (default is ``None``) + :type output: Mask or NoneType + :param offset: the offset of ``other`` from this mask, (default is + ``(0, 0)``) + + :returns: a :class:`Mask` with the ``(i - offset[0], j - offset[1])`` bit + set, if shifting ``other`` (such that its bottom right corner is at + ``(i, j)``) causes it to overlap with this mask + + If an ``output`` Mask is specified, the output is drawn onto it and + it is returned. Otherwise a mask of size ``(MAX(0, width + other mask's + width - 1), MAX(0, height + other mask's height - 1))`` is created and + returned. + :rtype: Mask + + .. ## Mask.convolve ## + + .. method:: connected_component + + | :sl:`Returns a mask containing a connected component` + | :sg:`connected_component() -> Mask` + | :sg:`connected_component(pos) -> Mask` + + A connected component is a group (1 or more) of connected set bits + (orthogonally and diagonally). The SAUF algorithm, which checks 8 point + connectivity, is used to find a connected component in the mask. + + By default this method will return a :class:`Mask` containing the largest + connected component in the mask. Optionally, a bit coordinate can be + specified and the connected component containing it will be returned. If + the bit at the given location is not set, the returned :class:`Mask` will + be empty (no bits set). + + :param pos: (optional) selects the connected component that contains the + bit at this position + + :returns: a :class:`Mask` object (same size as this mask) with the largest + connected component from this mask, if this mask has no bits set then + an empty mask will be returned + + If the ``pos`` parameter is provided then the mask returned will have + the connected component that contains this position. An empty mask will + be returned if the ``pos`` parameter selects an unset bit. + :rtype: Mask + + :raises IndexError: if the optional ``pos`` parameter is outside of the + mask's bounds + + .. ## Mask.connected_component ## + + .. method:: connected_components + + | :sl:`Returns a list of masks of connected components` + | :sg:`connected_components() -> [Mask, ...]` + | :sg:`connected_components(minimum=0) -> [Mask, ...]` + + Provides a list containing a :class:`Mask` object for each connected + component. + + :param int minimum: (optional) indicates the minimum number of bits (to + filter out noise) per connected component (default is 0, which equates + to no minimum and is equivalent to setting it to 1, as a connected + component must have at least 1 bit set) + + :returns: a list containing a :class:`Mask` object for each connected + component, an empty list is returned if the mask has no bits set + :rtype: list[Mask] + + .. note:: + See :meth:`connected_component` for details on how a connected + component is calculated. + + .. ## Mask.connected_components ## + + .. method:: get_bounding_rects + + | :sl:`Returns a list of bounding rects of connected components` + | :sg:`get_bounding_rects() -> [Rect, ...]` + + Provides a list containing a bounding rect for each connected component. + + :returns: a list containing a bounding rect for each connected component, + an empty list is returned if the mask has no bits set + :rtype: list[Rect] + + .. note:: + See :meth:`connected_component` for details on how a connected + component is calculated. + + .. ## Mask.get_bounding_rects ## + + .. method:: to_surface + + | :sl:`Returns a surface with the mask drawn on it` + | :sg:`to_surface() -> Surface` + | :sg:`to_surface(surface=None, setsurface=None, unsetsurface=None, setcolor=(255, 255, 255, 255), unsetcolor=(0, 0, 0, 255), dest=(0, 0)) -> Surface` + + Draws this mask on the given surface. Set bits (bits set to 1) and unset + bits (bits set to 0) can be drawn onto a surface. + + :param surface: (optional) Surface to draw mask onto, if no surface is + provided one will be created (default is ``None``, which will cause a + surface with the parameters + ``Surface(size=mask.get_size(), flags=SRCALPHA, depth=32)`` to be + created, drawn on, and returned) + :type surface: Surface or None + :param setsurface: (optional) use this surface's color values to draw + set bits (default is ``None``), if this surface is smaller than the + mask any bits outside its bounds will use the ``setcolor`` value + :type setsurface: Surface or None + :param unsetsurface: (optional) use this surface's color values to draw + unset bits (default is ``None``), if this surface is smaller than the + mask any bits outside its bounds will use the ``unsetcolor`` value + :type unsetsurface: Surface or None + :param setcolor: (optional) color to draw set bits (default is + ``(255, 255, 255, 255)``, white), use ``None`` to skip drawing the set + bits, the ``setsurface`` parameter (if set) will takes precedence over + this parameter + :type setcolor: Color or str or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) or + list(int, int, int, [int]) or None + :param unsetcolor: (optional) color to draw unset bits (default is + ``(0, 0, 0, 255)``, black), use ``None`` to skip drawing the unset + bits, the ``unsetsurface`` parameter (if set) will takes precedence + over this parameter + :type unsetcolor: Color or str or int or tuple(int, int, int, [int]) or + list(int, int, int, [int]) or None + :param dest: (optional) surface destination of where to position the + topleft corner of the mask being drawn (default is ``(0, 0)``), if a + Rect is used as the ``dest`` parameter, its ``x`` and ``y`` attributes + will be used as the destination, **NOTE1:** rects with a negative width + or height value will not be normalized before using their ``x`` and + ``y`` values, **NOTE2:** this destination value is only used to + position the mask on the surface, it does not offset the ``setsurface`` + and ``unsetsurface`` from the mask, they are always aligned with the + mask (i.e. position ``(0, 0)`` on the mask always corresponds to + position ``(0, 0)`` on the ``setsurface`` and ``unsetsurface``) + :type dest: Rect or tuple(int, int) or list(int, int) or Vector2(int, int) + + :returns: the ``surface`` parameter (or a newly created surface if no + ``surface`` parameter was provided) with this mask drawn on it + :rtype: Surface + + :raises ValueError: if the ``setsurface`` parameter or ``unsetsurface`` + parameter does not have the same format (bytesize/bitsize/alpha) as + the ``surface`` parameter + + .. note :: + To skip drawing the set bits, both ``setsurface`` and ``setcolor`` must + be ``None``. The ``setsurface`` parameter defaults to ``None``, but + ``setcolor`` defaults to a color value and therefore must be set to + ``None``. + + .. note :: + To skip drawing the unset bits, both ``unsetsurface`` and + ``unsetcolor`` must be ``None``. The ``unsetsurface`` parameter + defaults to ``None``, but ``unsetcolor`` defaults to a color value and + therefore must be set to ``None``. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Mask.to_surface ## + + .. ## pygame.mask.Mask ## + +.. ## pygame.mask ## diff --git a/docs/ref/math.rst b/docs/ref/math.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f037d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/math.rst @@ -0,0 +1,1143 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.math` +================== + +.. module:: pygame.math + :synopsis: pygame module for vector classes + +| :sl:`pygame module for vector classes` + +The pygame math module currently provides Vector classes in two and three +dimensions, ``Vector2`` and ``Vector3`` respectively. + +They support the following numerical operations: ``vec + vec``, ``vec - vec``, +``vec * number``, ``number * vec``, ``vec / number``, ``vec // number``, ``vec += vec``, +``vec -= vec``, ``vec *= number``, ``vec /= number``, ``vec //= number``, ``round(vec, ndigits=0)``. + +All these operations will be performed elementwise. +In addition ``vec * vec`` will perform a scalar-product (a.k.a. dot-product). +If you want to multiply every element from vector v with every element from +vector w you can use the elementwise method: ``v.elementwise() * w`` + +The coordinates of a vector can be retrieved or set using attributes or +subscripts + +:: + + v = pygame.Vector3() + + v.x = 5 + v[1] = 2 * v.x + print(v[1]) # 10 + + v.x == v[0] + v.y == v[1] + v.z == v[2] + +Multiple coordinates can be set using slices or swizzling + +:: + + v = pygame.Vector2() + v.xy = 1, 2 + v[:] = 1, 2 + +.. versionadded:: 1.9.2pre +.. versionchanged:: 1.9.4 Removed experimental notice. +.. versionchanged:: 1.9.4 Allow scalar construction like GLSL Vector2(2) == Vector2(2.0, 2.0) +.. versionchanged:: 1.9.4 :mod:`pygame.math` import not required. More convenient ``pygame.Vector2`` and ``pygame.Vector3``. +.. versionchanged:: 2.2.0 `round` returns a new vector with components rounded to the specified digits. + +.. function:: clamp + + | :sl:`returns value clamped to min and max.` + | :sg:`clamp(value, min, max) -> float` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave clamp feedback with authors `_ + + Clamps a numeric ``value`` so that it's no lower than ``min``, and no higher + than ``max``. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## math.clamp ## + +.. function:: lerp + + | :sl:`interpolates between two values by a weight.` + | :sg:`lerp(a, b, weight) -> float` + + Linearly interpolates between ``a`` and ``b`` by ``weight`` using the formula ``a + (b-a) * weight``. + + If ``weight`` is ``0.5``, ``lerp`` will return the value half-way between ``a`` + and ``b``. When ``a = 10`` and ``b = 20``, ``lerp(a, b, 0.5)`` will return ``15``. You + can think of weight as the percentage of interpolation from ``a`` to ``b``, ``0.0`` + being 0% and ``1.0`` being 100%. + + ``lerp`` can be used for many things. You could rotate a sprite by a weight with + ``angle = lerp(0, 360, weight)``. You could even scale an enemy's attack value + based on the level you're playing: + + :: + + FINAL_LEVEL = 10 + current_level = 2 + + attack = lerp(10, 50, current_level/MAX_LEVEL) # 18 + + If you're on level 0, ``attack`` will be ``10``, if you're on level 10, + ``attack`` will be ``50``. If you're on level 5, the + result of ``current_level/MAX_LEVEL`` will be ``0.5`` + which represents 50%, therefore ``attack`` will be ``30``, which is the midpoint of ``10`` and ``50``. + + Raises a ValueError if ``weight`` is outside the range of ``[0, 1]``. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## math.lerp ## + +.. class:: Vector2 + + | :sl:`a 2-Dimensional Vector` + | :sg:`Vector2() -> Vector2(0, 0)` + | :sg:`Vector2(int) -> Vector2` + | :sg:`Vector2(float) -> Vector2` + | :sg:`Vector2(Vector2) -> Vector2` + | :sg:`Vector2(x, y) -> Vector2` + | :sg:`Vector2((x, y)) -> Vector2` + + Some general information about the ``Vector2`` class. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.1.3 + Inherited methods of vector subclasses now correctly return an instance of the + subclass instead of the superclass + + .. method:: dot + + | :sl:`calculates the dot- or scalar-product with the other vector` + | :sg:`dot(Vector2) -> float` + + .. ## Vector2.dot ## + + .. method:: cross + + | :sl:`calculates the cross- or vector-product` + | :sg:`cross(Vector2) -> float` + + calculates the third component of the cross-product. + + .. ## Vector2.cross ## + + .. method:: magnitude + + | :sl:`returns the Euclidean magnitude of the vector.` + | :sg:`magnitude() -> float` + + calculates the magnitude of the vector which follows from the + theorem: ``vec.magnitude() == math.sqrt(vec.x**2 + vec.y**2)`` + + .. ## Vector2.magnitude ## + + .. method:: magnitude_squared + + | :sl:`returns the squared magnitude of the vector.` + | :sg:`magnitude_squared() -> float` + + calculates the magnitude of the vector which follows from the + theorem: ``vec.magnitude_squared() == vec.x**2 + vec.y**2``. This + is faster than ``vec.magnitude()`` because it avoids the square root. + + .. ## Vector2.magnitude_squared ## + + .. method:: length + + | :sl:`returns the Euclidean length of the vector.` + | :sg:`length() -> float` + + calculates the Euclidean length of the vector which follows from the + Pythagorean theorem: ``vec.length() == math.sqrt(vec.x**2 + vec.y**2)`` + + .. ## Vector2.length ## + + .. method:: length_squared + + | :sl:`returns the squared Euclidean length of the vector.` + | :sg:`length_squared() -> float` + + calculates the Euclidean length of the vector which follows from the + Pythagorean theorem: ``vec.length_squared() == vec.x**2 + vec.y**2``. + This is faster than ``vec.length()`` because it avoids the square root. + + .. ## Vector2.length_squared ## + + .. method:: normalize + + | :sl:`returns a vector with the same direction but length 1.` + | :sg:`normalize() -> Vector2` + + Returns a new vector that has ``length`` equal to ``1`` and the same + direction as self. + + .. ## Vector2.normalize ## + + .. method:: normalize_ip + + | :sl:`normalizes the vector in place so that its length is 1.` + | :sg:`normalize_ip() -> None` + + Normalizes the vector so that it has ``length`` equal to ``1``. + The direction of the vector is not changed. + + .. ## Vector2.normalize_ip ## + + .. method:: is_normalized + + | :sl:`tests if the vector is normalized i.e. has length == 1.` + | :sg:`is_normalized() -> Bool` + + Returns True if the vector has ``length`` equal to ``1``. Otherwise + it returns ``False``. + + .. ## Vector2.is_normalized ## + + .. method:: scale_to_length + + | :sl:`scales the vector to a given length.` + | :sg:`scale_to_length(float) -> None` + + Scales the vector so that it has the given length. The direction of the + vector is not changed. You can also scale to length ``0``. If the vector + is the zero vector (i.e. has length ``0`` thus no direction) a + ``ValueError`` is raised. + + .. ## Vector2.scale_to_length ## + + .. method:: reflect + + | :sl:`returns a vector reflected of a given normal.` + | :sg:`reflect(Vector2) -> Vector2` + + Returns a new vector that points in the direction as if self would bounce + of a surface characterized by the given surface normal. The length of the + new vector is the same as self's. + + .. ## Vector2.reflect ## + + .. method:: reflect_ip + + | :sl:`reflect the vector of a given normal in place.` + | :sg:`reflect_ip(Vector2) -> None` + + Changes the direction of self as if it would have been reflected of a + surface with the given surface normal. + + .. ## Vector2.reflect_ip ## + + .. method:: distance_to + + | :sl:`calculates the Euclidean distance to a given vector.` + | :sg:`distance_to(Vector2) -> float` + + .. ## Vector2.distance_to ## + + .. method:: distance_squared_to + + | :sl:`calculates the squared Euclidean distance to a given vector.` + | :sg:`distance_squared_to(Vector2) -> float` + + .. ## Vector2.distance_squared_to ## + + .. method:: move_towards + + | :sl:`returns a vector moved toward the target by a given distance.` + | :sg:`move_towards(Vector2, float) -> Vector2` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave move_towards feedback with authors `_ + + Returns a Vector which is moved towards the given Vector by a given + distance and does not overshoot past its target Vector. + The first parameter determines the target Vector, while the second + parameter determines the delta distance. If the distance is in the + negatives, then it will move away from the target Vector. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Vector2.move_towards ## + + .. method:: move_towards_ip + + | :sl:`moves the vector toward its target at a given distance.` + | :sg:`move_towards_ip(Vector2, float) -> None` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave move_towards_ip feedback with authors `_ + + Moves itself toward the given Vector at a given distance and does not + overshoot past its target Vector. + The first parameter determines the target Vector, while the second + parameter determines the delta distance. If the distance is in the + negatives, then it will move away from the target Vector. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Vector2.move_towards_ip ## + + .. method:: lerp + + | :sl:`returns a linear interpolation to the given vector.` + | :sg:`lerp(Vector2, float) -> Vector2` + + Returns a Vector which is a linear interpolation between self and the + given Vector. The second parameter determines how far between self and + other the result is going to be. It must be a value between ``0`` and ``1`` + where ``0`` means self and ``1`` means other will be returned. + + .. ## Vector2.lerp ## + + .. method:: slerp + + | :sl:`returns a spherical interpolation to the given vector.` + | :sg:`slerp(Vector2, float) -> Vector2` + + Calculates the spherical interpolation from self to the given Vector. The + second argument - often called t - must be in the range ``[-1, 1]``. It + parametrizes where - in between the two vectors - the result should be. + If a negative value is given the interpolation will not take the + complement of the shortest path. + + .. ## Vector2.slerp ## + + .. method:: elementwise + + | :sl:`The next operation will be performed elementwise.` + | :sg:`elementwise() -> VectorElementwiseProxy` + + Applies the following operation to each element of the vector. + + .. ## Vector2.elementwise ## + + .. method:: rotate + + | :sl:`rotates a vector by a given angle in degrees.` + | :sg:`rotate(angle) -> Vector2` + + Returns a vector which has the same length as self but is rotated + counterclockwise by the given angle in degrees. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. ## Vector2.rotate ## + + .. method:: rotate_rad + + | :sl:`rotates a vector by a given angle in radians.` + | :sg:`rotate_rad(angle) -> Vector2` + + Returns a vector which has the same length as self but is rotated + counterclockwise by the given angle in radians. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Vector2.rotate_rad ## + + .. method:: rotate_ip + + | :sl:`rotates the vector by a given angle in degrees in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_ip(angle) -> None` + + Rotates the vector counterclockwise by the given angle in degrees. The + length of the vector is not changed. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. ## Vector2.rotate_ip ## + + .. method:: rotate_ip_rad + + | :sl:`rotates the vector by a given angle in radians in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_ip_rad(angle) -> None` + + DEPRECATED: Use rotate_rad_ip() instead. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + .. deprecated:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector2.rotate_rad_ip ## + + .. method:: rotate_rad_ip + + | :sl:`rotates the vector by a given angle in radians in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_rad_ip(angle) -> None` + + Rotates the vector counterclockwise by the given angle in radians. The + length of the vector is not changed. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector2.rotate_rad_ip ## + + .. method:: angle_to + + | :sl:`calculates the angle to a given vector in degrees.` + | :sg:`angle_to(Vector2) -> float` + + Returns the angle from self to the passed ``Vector2`` that would rotate self + to be aligned with the passed ``Vector2`` without crossing over the negative + x-axis. + + .. figure:: code_examples/angle_to.png + :alt: angle_to image + + Example demonstrating the angle returned + + .. ## Vector2.angle_to ## + + .. method:: as_polar + + | :sl:`returns a tuple with radial distance and azimuthal angle.` + | :sg:`as_polar() -> (r, phi)` + + Returns a tuple ``(r, phi)`` where r is the radial distance, and phi + is the azimuthal angle. + + .. ## Vector2.as_polar ## + + .. method:: from_polar + + | :sl:`Creates a Vector2(x, y) or sets x and y from a polar coordinates tuple.` + | :sg:`Vector2.from_polar((r, phi)) -> Vector2` + | :sg:`Vector2().from_polar((r, phi)) -> None` + + If used from the class creates a Vector2(x,y), else sets x and y. + The values of x and y are defined from a tuple ``(r, phi)`` where r + is the radial distance, and phi is the azimuthal angle. + + .. ## Vector2.from_polar ## + + .. method:: project + + | :sl:`projects a vector onto another.` + | :sg:`project(Vector2) -> Vector2` + + Returns the projected vector. This is useful for collision detection in finding the components in a certain direction (e.g. in direction of the wall). + For a more detailed explanation see `Wikipedia `_. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.2 + + .. ## Vector2.project ## + + + .. method:: copy + + | :sl:`Returns a copy of itself.` + | :sg:`copy() -> Vector2` + + Returns a new Vector2 having the same dimensions. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector2.copy ## + + + .. method:: clamp_magnitude + + | :sl:`Returns a copy of a vector with the magnitude clamped between max_length and min_length.` + | :sg:`clamp_magnitude(max_length) -> Vector2` + | :sg:`clamp_magnitude(min_length, max_length) -> Vector2` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave clamp_magnitude feedback with authors `_ + + Returns a new copy of a vector with the magnitude clamped between + ``max_length`` and ``min_length``. If only one argument is passed, it is + taken to be the ``max_length`` + + This function raises ``ValueError`` if ``min_length`` is greater than + ``max_length``, or if either of these values are negative. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Vector2.clamp_magnitude ## + + + .. method:: clamp_magnitude_ip + + | :sl:`Clamps the vector's magnitude between max_length and min_length` + | :sg:`clamp_magnitude_ip(max_length) -> None` + | :sg:`clamp_magnitude_ip(min_length, max_length) -> None` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave clamp_magnitude_ip feedback with authors `_ + + Clamps the vector's magnitude between ``max_length`` and ``min_length``. + If only one argument is passed, it is taken to be the ``max_length`` + + This function raises ``ValueError`` if ``min_length`` is greater than + ``max_length``, or if either of these values are negative. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Vector2.clamp_magnitude_ip ## + + + .. method:: update + + | :sl:`Sets the coordinates of the vector.` + | :sg:`update() -> None` + | :sg:`update(int) -> None` + | :sg:`update(float) -> None` + | :sg:`update(Vector2) -> None` + | :sg:`update(x, y) -> None` + | :sg:`update((x, y)) -> None` + + Sets coordinates x and y in place. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.5 + + .. ## Vector2.update ## + + + .. attribute:: epsilon + + | :sl:`Determines the tolerance of vector calculations.` + + Both Vector classes have a value named ``epsilon`` that defaults to ``1e-6``. + This value acts as a numerical margin in various methods to account for floating point + arithmetic errors. Specifically, ``epsilon`` is used in the following places: + + * comparing Vectors (``==`` and ``!=``) + * the ``is_normalized`` method (if the square of the length is within ``epsilon`` of 1, it's normalized) + * slerping (a Vector with a length of ``> True + print(v == u) # >> False + + You'll probably never have to change ``epsilon`` from the default value, but in rare situations you might + find that either the margin is too large or too small, in which case changing ``epsilon`` slightly + might help you out. + + + .. ## pygame.math.Vector2 ## + +.. class:: Vector3 + + | :sl:`a 3-Dimensional Vector` + | :sg:`Vector3() -> Vector3(0, 0, 0)` + | :sg:`Vector3(int) -> Vector3` + | :sg:`Vector3(float) -> Vector3` + | :sg:`Vector3(Vector3) -> Vector3` + | :sg:`Vector3(x, y, z) -> Vector3` + | :sg:`Vector3((x, y, z)) -> Vector3` + + Some general information about the Vector3 class. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.1.3 + Inherited methods of vector subclasses now correctly return an instance of the + subclass instead of the superclass + + .. method:: dot + + | :sl:`calculates the dot- or scalar-product with the other vector` + | :sg:`dot(Vector3) -> float` + + .. ## Vector3.dot ## + + .. method:: cross + + | :sl:`calculates the cross- or vector-product` + | :sg:`cross(Vector3) -> Vector3` + + calculates the cross-product. + + .. ## Vector3.cross ## + + .. method:: magnitude + + | :sl:`returns the Euclidean magnitude of the vector.` + | :sg:`magnitude() -> float` + + calculates the magnitude of the vector which follows from the + theorem: ``vec.magnitude() == math.sqrt(vec.x**2 + vec.y**2 + vec.z**2)`` + + .. ## Vector3.magnitude ## + + .. method:: magnitude_squared + + | :sl:`returns the squared Euclidean magnitude of the vector.` + | :sg:`magnitude_squared() -> float` + + calculates the magnitude of the vector which follows from the + theorem: + ``vec.magnitude_squared() == vec.x**2 + vec.y**2 + vec.z**2``. + This is faster than ``vec.magnitude()`` because it avoids the + square root. + + .. ## Vector3.magnitude_squared ## + + .. method:: length + + | :sl:`returns the Euclidean length of the vector.` + | :sg:`length() -> float` + + calculates the Euclidean length of the vector which follows from the + Pythagorean theorem: + ``vec.length() == math.sqrt(vec.x**2 + vec.y**2 + vec.z**2)`` + + .. ## Vector3.length ## + + .. method:: length_squared + + | :sl:`returns the squared Euclidean length of the vector.` + | :sg:`length_squared() -> float` + + calculates the Euclidean length of the vector which follows from the + Pythagorean theorem: + ``vec.length_squared() == vec.x**2 + vec.y**2 + vec.z**2``. + This is faster than ``vec.length()`` because it avoids the square root. + + .. ## Vector3.length_squared ## + + .. method:: normalize + + | :sl:`returns a vector with the same direction but length 1.` + | :sg:`normalize() -> Vector3` + + Returns a new vector that has ``length`` equal to ``1`` and the same + direction as self. + + .. ## Vector3.normalize ## + + .. method:: normalize_ip + + | :sl:`normalizes the vector in place so that its length is 1.` + | :sg:`normalize_ip() -> None` + + Normalizes the vector so that it has ``length`` equal to ``1``. The + direction of the vector is not changed. + + .. ## Vector3.normalize_ip ## + + .. method:: is_normalized + + | :sl:`tests if the vector is normalized i.e. has length == 1.` + | :sg:`is_normalized() -> Bool` + + Returns True if the vector has ``length`` equal to ``1``. Otherwise it + returns ``False``. + + .. ## Vector3.is_normalized ## + + .. method:: scale_to_length + + | :sl:`scales the vector to a given length.` + | :sg:`scale_to_length(float) -> None` + + Scales the vector so that it has the given length. The direction of the + vector is not changed. You can also scale to length ``0``. If the vector + is the zero vector (i.e. has length ``0`` thus no direction) a + ``ValueError`` is raised. + + .. ## Vector3.scale_to_length ## + + .. method:: reflect + + | :sl:`returns a vector reflected of a given normal.` + | :sg:`reflect(Vector3) -> Vector3` + + Returns a new vector that points in the direction as if self would bounce + of a surface characterized by the given surface normal. The length of the + new vector is the same as self's. + + .. ## Vector3.reflect ## + + .. method:: reflect_ip + + | :sl:`reflect the vector of a given normal in place.` + | :sg:`reflect_ip(Vector3) -> None` + + Changes the direction of self as if it would have been reflected of a + surface with the given surface normal. + + .. ## Vector3.reflect_ip ## + + .. method:: distance_to + + | :sl:`calculates the Euclidean distance to a given vector.` + | :sg:`distance_to(Vector3) -> float` + + .. ## Vector3.distance_to ## + + .. method:: distance_squared_to + + | :sl:`calculates the squared Euclidean distance to a given vector.` + | :sg:`distance_squared_to(Vector3) -> float` + + .. ## Vector3.distance_squared_to ## + + .. method:: move_towards + + | :sl:`returns a vector moved toward the target by a given distance.` + | :sg:`move_towards(Vector3, float) -> Vector3` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave move_towards feedback with authors `_ + + Returns a Vector which is moved towards the given Vector by a given + distance and does not overshoot past its target Vector. + The first parameter determines the target Vector, while the second + parameter determines the delta distance. If the distance is in the + negatives, then it will move away from the target Vector. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Vector3.move_towards ## + + .. method:: move_towards_ip + + | :sl:`moves the vector toward its target at a given distance.` + | :sg:`move_towards_ip(Vector3, float) -> None` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave move_towards_ip feedback with authors `_ + + Moves itself toward the given Vector at a given distance and does not + overshoot past its target Vector. + The first parameter determines the target Vector, while the second + parameter determines the delta distance. If the distance is in the + negatives, then it will move away from the target Vector. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Vector3.move_towards_ip ## + + .. method:: lerp + + | :sl:`returns a linear interpolation to the given vector.` + | :sg:`lerp(Vector3, float) -> Vector3` + + Returns a Vector which is a linear interpolation between self and the + given Vector. The second parameter determines how far between self an + other the result is going to be. It must be a value between ``0`` and + ``1``, where ``0`` means self and ``1`` means other will be returned. + + .. ## Vector3.lerp ## + + .. method:: slerp + + | :sl:`returns a spherical interpolation to the given vector.` + | :sg:`slerp(Vector3, float) -> Vector3` + + Calculates the spherical interpolation from self to the given Vector. The + second argument - often called t - must be in the range ``[-1, 1]``. It + parametrizes where - in between the two vectors - the result should be. + If a negative value is given the interpolation will not take the + complement of the shortest path. + + .. ## Vector3.slerp ## + + .. method:: elementwise + + | :sl:`The next operation will be performed elementwise.` + | :sg:`elementwise() -> VectorElementwiseProxy` + + Applies the following operation to each element of the vector. + + .. ## Vector3.elementwise ## + + .. method:: rotate + + | :sl:`rotates a vector by a given angle in degrees.` + | :sg:`rotate(angle, Vector3) -> Vector3` + + Returns a vector which has the same length as self but is rotated + counterclockwise by the given angle in degrees around the given axis. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. ## Vector3.rotate ## + + .. method:: rotate_rad + + | :sl:`rotates a vector by a given angle in radians.` + | :sg:`rotate_rad(angle, Vector3) -> Vector3` + + Returns a vector which has the same length as self but is rotated + counterclockwise by the given angle in radians around the given axis. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_rad ## + + .. method:: rotate_ip + + | :sl:`rotates the vector by a given angle in degrees in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_ip(angle, Vector3) -> None` + + Rotates the vector counterclockwise around the given axis by the given + angle in degrees. The length of the vector is not changed. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_ip ## + + .. method:: rotate_ip_rad + + | :sl:`rotates the vector by a given angle in radians in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_ip_rad(angle, Vector3) -> None` + + DEPRECATED: Use rotate_rad_ip() instead. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + .. deprecated:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_ip_rad ## + + .. method:: rotate_rad_ip + + | :sl:`rotates the vector by a given angle in radians in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_rad_ip(angle, Vector3) -> None` + + Rotates the vector counterclockwise around the given axis by the given + angle in radians. The length of the vector is not changed. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_rad_ip ## + + .. method:: rotate_x + + | :sl:`rotates a vector around the x-axis by the angle in degrees.` + | :sg:`rotate_x(angle) -> Vector3` + + Returns a vector which has the same length as self but is rotated + counterclockwise around the x-axis by the given angle in degrees. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_x ## + + .. method:: rotate_x_rad + + | :sl:`rotates a vector around the x-axis by the angle in radians.` + | :sg:`rotate_x_rad(angle) -> Vector3` + + Returns a vector which has the same length as self but is rotated + counterclockwise around the x-axis by the given angle in radians. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_x_rad ## + + .. method:: rotate_x_ip + + | :sl:`rotates the vector around the x-axis by the angle in degrees in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_x_ip(angle) -> None` + + Rotates the vector counterclockwise around the x-axis by the given angle + in degrees. The length of the vector is not changed. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_x_ip ## + + .. method:: rotate_x_ip_rad + + | :sl:`rotates the vector around the x-axis by the angle in radians in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_x_ip_rad(angle) -> None` + + DEPRECATED: Use rotate_x_rad_ip() instead. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + .. deprecated:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_x_ip_rad ## + + .. method:: rotate_x_rad_ip + + | :sl:`rotates the vector around the x-axis by the angle in radians in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_x_rad_ip(angle) -> None` + + Rotates the vector counterclockwise around the x-axis by the given angle + in radians. The length of the vector is not changed. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_x_rad_ip ## + + .. method:: rotate_y + + | :sl:`rotates a vector around the y-axis by the angle in degrees.` + | :sg:`rotate_y(angle) -> Vector3` + + Returns a vector which has the same length as self but is rotated + counterclockwise around the y-axis by the given angle in degrees. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_y ## + + .. method:: rotate_y_rad + + | :sl:`rotates a vector around the y-axis by the angle in radians.` + | :sg:`rotate_y_rad(angle) -> Vector3` + + Returns a vector which has the same length as self but is rotated + counterclockwise around the y-axis by the given angle in radians. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_y_rad ## + + .. method:: rotate_y_ip + + | :sl:`rotates the vector around the y-axis by the angle in degrees in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_y_ip(angle) -> None` + + Rotates the vector counterclockwise around the y-axis by the given angle + in degrees. The length of the vector is not changed. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_y_ip ## + + .. method:: rotate_y_ip_rad + + | :sl:`rotates the vector around the y-axis by the angle in radians in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_y_ip_rad(angle) -> None` + + DEPRECATED: Use rotate_y_rad_ip() instead. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + .. deprecated:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_y_ip_rad ## + + .. method:: rotate_y_rad_ip + + | :sl:`rotates the vector around the y-axis by the angle in radians in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_y_rad_ip(angle) -> None` + + Rotates the vector counterclockwise around the y-axis by the given angle + in radians. The length of the vector is not changed. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_y_rad_ip ## + + .. method:: rotate_z + + | :sl:`rotates a vector around the z-axis by the angle in degrees.` + | :sg:`rotate_z(angle) -> Vector3` + + Returns a vector which has the same length as self but is rotated + counterclockwise around the z-axis by the given angle in degrees. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_z ## + + .. method:: rotate_z_rad + + | :sl:`rotates a vector around the z-axis by the angle in radians.` + | :sg:`rotate_z_rad(angle) -> Vector3` + + Returns a vector which has the same length as self but is rotated + counterclockwise around the z-axis by the given angle in radians. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_z_rad ## + + .. method:: rotate_z_ip + + | :sl:`rotates the vector around the z-axis by the angle in degrees in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_z_ip(angle) -> None` + + Rotates the vector counterclockwise around the z-axis by the given angle + in degrees. The length of the vector is not changed. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_z_ip ## + + .. method:: rotate_z_ip_rad + + | :sl:`rotates the vector around the z-axis by the angle in radians in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_z_ip_rad(angle) -> None` + + DEPRECATED: Use rotate_z_rad_ip() instead. + + .. deprecated:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_z_ip_rad ## + + .. method:: rotate_z_rad_ip + + | :sl:`rotates the vector around the z-axis by the angle in radians in place.` + | :sg:`rotate_z_rad_ip(angle) -> None` + + Rotates the vector counterclockwise around the z-axis by the given angle + in radians. The length of the vector is not changed. + (Note that due to pygame's inverted y coordinate system, the rotation + will look clockwise if displayed). + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector3.rotate_z_rad_ip ## + + .. method:: angle_to + + | :sl:`calculates the angle to a given vector in degrees.` + | :sg:`angle_to(Vector3) -> float` + + Returns the angle between self and the given vector. + + .. ## Vector3.angle_to ## + + .. method:: as_spherical + + | :sl:`returns a tuple with radial distance, inclination and azimuthal angle.` + | :sg:`as_spherical() -> (r, theta, phi)` + + Returns a tuple ``(r, theta, phi)`` where r is the radial distance, theta is + the inclination angle and phi is the azimuthal angle. + + .. ## Vector3.as_spherical ## + + .. method:: from_spherical + + | :sl:`Creates a Vector3(x, y, z) or sets x, y and z from a spherical coordinates 3-tuple.` + | :sg:`Vector3.from_spherical((r, theta, phi)) -> Vector3` + | :sg:`Vector3().from_spherical((r, theta, phi)) -> None` + + If used from the class creates a Vector3(x, y, z), else sets x, y, and z. + The values of x, y, and z are from a tuple ``(r, theta, phi)`` where r is the radial + distance, theta is the inclination angle and phi is the azimuthal angle. + + .. ## Vector3.from_spherical ## + + .. method:: project + + | :sl:`projects a vector onto another.` + | :sg:`project(Vector3) -> Vector3` + + Returns the projected vector. This is useful for collision detection in finding the components in a certain direction (e.g. in direction of the wall). + For a more detailed explanation see `Wikipedia `_. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.2 + + .. ## Vector3.project ## + + .. method:: copy + + | :sl:`Returns a copy of itself.` + | :sg:`copy() -> Vector3` + + Returns a new Vector3 having the same dimensions. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## Vector3.copy ## + + + .. method:: clamp_magnitude + + | :sl:`Returns a copy of a vector with the magnitude clamped between max_length and min_length.` + | :sg:`clamp_magnitude(max_length) -> Vector3` + | :sg:`clamp_magnitude(min_length, max_length) -> Vector3` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave clamp_magnitude feedback with authors `_ + + Returns a new copy of a vector with the magnitude clamped between + ``max_length`` and ``min_length``. If only one argument is passed, it is + taken to be the ``max_length`` + + This function raises ``ValueError`` if ``min_length`` is greater than + ``max_length``, or if either of these values are negative. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Vector3.clamp_magnitude ## + + + .. method:: clamp_magnitude_ip + + | :sl:`Clamps the vector's magnitude between max_length and min_length` + | :sg:`clamp_magnitude_ip(max_length) -> None` + | :sg:`clamp_magnitude_ip(min_length, max_length) -> None` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave clamp_magnitude_ip feedback with authors `_ + + Clamps the vector's magnitude between ``max_length`` and ``min_length``. + If only one argument is passed, it is taken to be the ``max_length`` + + This function raises ``ValueError`` if ``min_length`` is greater than + ``max_length``, or if either of these values are negative. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Vector3.clamp_magnitude_ip ## + + .. method:: update + + | :sl:`Sets the coordinates of the vector.` + | :sg:`update() -> None` + | :sg:`update(int) -> None` + | :sg:`update(float) -> None` + | :sg:`update(Vector3) -> None` + | :sg:`update(x, y, z) -> None` + | :sg:`update((x, y, z)) -> None` + + Sets coordinates x, y, and z in place. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.5 + + .. ## Vector3.update ## + + .. attribute:: epsilon + + | :sl:`Determines the tolerance of vector calculations.` + + With lengths within this number, vectors are considered equal. For more information see :attr:`pygame.math.Vector2.epsilon` + + .. ## ## + + .. ## pygame.math.Vector3 ## + +.. ## pygame.math ## diff --git a/docs/ref/midi.rst b/docs/ref/midi.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edc9f25 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/midi.rst @@ -0,0 +1,484 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.midi` +================== + +.. module:: pygame.midi + :synopsis: pygame module for interacting with midi input and output. + +| :sl:`pygame module for interacting with midi input and output.` + +.. versionadded:: 1.9.0 + +The midi module can send output to midi devices and get input from midi +devices. It can also list midi devices on the system. + +The midi module supports real and virtual midi devices. + +It uses the portmidi library. Is portable to which ever platforms portmidi +supports (currently Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux). + +This uses pyportmidi for now, but may use its own bindings at some point in the +future. The pyportmidi bindings are included with pygame. + +| + +.. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + +These are pygame events (:mod:`pygame.event`) reserved for midi use. The +``MIDIIN`` event is used by :func:`pygame.midi.midis2events` when converting +midi events to pygame events. + +:: + + MIDIIN + MIDIOUT + +| + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`initialize the midi module` + | :sg:`init() -> None` + + Initializes the :mod:`pygame.midi` module. Must be called before using the + :mod:`pygame.midi` module. + + It is safe to call this more than once. + + .. ## pygame.midi.init ## + +.. function:: quit + + | :sl:`uninitialize the midi module` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + Uninitializes the :mod:`pygame.midi` module. If :func:`pygame.midi.init` was + called to initialize the :mod:`pygame.midi` module, then this function will + be called automatically when your program exits. + + It is safe to call this function more than once. + + .. ## pygame.midi.quit ## + +.. function:: get_init + + | :sl:`returns True if the midi module is currently initialized` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Gets the initialization state of the :mod:`pygame.midi` module. + + :returns: ``True`` if the :mod:`pygame.midi` module is currently initialized. + :rtype: bool + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.5 + + .. ## pygame.midi.get_init ## + +.. class:: Input + + | :sl:`Input is used to get midi input from midi devices.` + | :sg:`Input(device_id) -> None` + | :sg:`Input(device_id, buffer_size) -> None` + + :param int device_id: midi device id + :param int buffer_size: (optional) the number of input events to be buffered + + .. method:: close + + | :sl:`closes a midi stream, flushing any pending buffers.` + | :sg:`close() -> None` + + PortMidi attempts to close open streams when the application exits. + + .. note:: This is particularly difficult under Windows. + + .. ## Input.close ## + + .. method:: poll + + | :sl:`returns True if there's data, or False if not.` + | :sg:`poll() -> bool` + + Used to indicate if any data exists. + + :returns: ``True`` if there is data, ``False`` otherwise + :rtype: bool + + :raises MidiException: on error + + .. ## Input.poll ## + + .. method:: read + + | :sl:`reads num_events midi events from the buffer.` + | :sg:`read(num_events) -> midi_event_list` + + Reads from the input buffer and gives back midi events. + + :param int num_events: number of input events to read + + :returns: the format for midi_event_list is + ``[[[status, data1, data2, data3], timestamp], ...]`` + :rtype: list + + .. ## Input.read ## + + .. ## pygame.midi.Input ## + +.. class:: Output + + | :sl:`Output is used to send midi to an output device` + | :sg:`Output(device_id) -> None` + | :sg:`Output(device_id, latency=0) -> None` + | :sg:`Output(device_id, buffer_size=256) -> None` + | :sg:`Output(device_id, latency, buffer_size) -> None` + + The ``buffer_size`` specifies the number of output events to be buffered + waiting for output. In some cases (see below) PortMidi does not buffer + output at all and merely passes data to a lower-level API, in which case + buffersize is ignored. + + ``latency`` is the delay in milliseconds applied to timestamps to determine + when the output should actually occur. If ``latency`` is <<0, 0 is assumed. + + If ``latency`` is zero, timestamps are ignored and all output is delivered + immediately. If ``latency`` is greater than zero, output is delayed until the + message timestamp plus the ``latency``. In some cases, PortMidi can obtain + better timing than your application by passing timestamps along to the + device driver or hardware. Latency may also help you to synchronize midi + data to audio data by matching midi latency to the audio buffer latency. + + .. note:: + Time is measured relative to the time source indicated by time_proc. + Timestamps are absolute, not relative delays or offsets. + + .. method:: abort + + | :sl:`terminates outgoing messages immediately` + | :sg:`abort() -> None` + + The caller should immediately close the output port; this call may result + in transmission of a partial midi message. There is no abort for Midi + input because the user can simply ignore messages in the buffer and close + an input device at any time. + + .. ## Output.abort ## + + .. method:: close + + | :sl:`closes a midi stream, flushing any pending buffers.` + | :sg:`close() -> None` + + PortMidi attempts to close open streams when the application exits. + + .. note:: This is particularly difficult under Windows. + + .. ## Output.close ## + + .. method:: note_off + + | :sl:`turns a midi note off (note must be on)` + | :sg:`note_off(note, velocity=None, channel=0) -> None` + + Turn a note off in the output stream. The note must already be on for + this to work correctly. + + .. ## Output.note_off ## + + .. method:: note_on + + | :sl:`turns a midi note on (note must be off)` + | :sg:`note_on(note, velocity=None, channel=0) -> None` + + Turn a note on in the output stream. The note must already be off for + this to work correctly. + + .. ## Output.note_on ## + + .. method:: set_instrument + + | :sl:`select an instrument, with a value between 0 and 127` + | :sg:`set_instrument(instrument_id, channel=0) -> None` + + Select an instrument. + + .. ## Output.set_instrument ## + + .. method:: pitch_bend + + | :sl:`modify the pitch of a channel.` + | :sg:`set_instrument(value=0, channel=0) -> None` + + Adjust the pitch of a channel. The value is a signed integer + from -8192 to +8191. For example, 0 means "no change", +4096 is + typically a semitone higher, and -8192 is 1 whole tone lower (though + the musical range corresponding to the pitch bend range can also be + changed in some synthesizers). + + If no value is given, the pitch bend is returned to "no change". + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.4 + + .. method:: write + + | :sl:`writes a list of midi data to the Output` + | :sg:`write(data) -> None` + + Writes series of MIDI information in the form of a list. + + :param list data: data to write, the expected format is + ``[[[status, data1=0, data2=0, ...], timestamp], ...]`` + with the ``data#`` fields being optional + + :raises IndexError: if more than 1024 elements in the data list + + Example: + :: + + # Program change at time 20000 and 500ms later send note 65 with + # velocity 100. + write([[[0xc0, 0, 0], 20000], [[0x90, 60, 100], 20500]]) + + .. note:: + - Timestamps will be ignored if latency = 0 + - To get a note to play immediately, send MIDI info with timestamp + read from function Time + - Optional data fields: ``write([[[0xc0, 0, 0], 20000]])`` is + equivalent to ``write([[[0xc0], 20000]])`` + + .. ## Output.write ## + + .. method:: write_short + + | :sl:`writes up to 3 bytes of midi data to the Output` + | :sg:`write_short(status) -> None` + | :sg:`write_short(status, data1=0, data2=0) -> None` + + Output MIDI information of 3 bytes or less. The ``data`` fields are + optional and assumed to be 0 if omitted. + + Examples of status byte values: + :: + + 0xc0 # program change + 0x90 # note on + # etc. + + Example: + :: + + # note 65 on with velocity 100 + write_short(0x90, 65, 100) + + .. ## Output.write_short ## + + .. method:: write_sys_ex + + | :sl:`writes a timestamped system-exclusive midi message.` + | :sg:`write_sys_ex(when, msg) -> None` + + Writes a timestamped system-exclusive midi message. + + :param msg: midi message + :type msg: list[int] or str + :param when: timestamp in milliseconds + + Example: + :: + + midi_output.write_sys_ex(0, '\xF0\x7D\x10\x11\x12\x13\xF7') + + # is equivalent to + + midi_output.write_sys_ex(pygame.midi.time(), + [0xF0, 0x7D, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0xF7]) + + .. ## Output.write_sys_ex ## + + .. ## pygame.midi.Output ## + +.. function:: get_count + + | :sl:`gets the number of devices.` + | :sg:`get_count() -> num_devices` + + Device ids range from 0 to ``get_count() - 1`` + + .. ## pygame.midi.get_count ## + +.. function:: get_default_input_id + + | :sl:`gets default input device number` + | :sg:`get_default_input_id() -> default_id` + + The following describes the usage details for this function and the + :func:`get_default_output_id` function. + + Return the default device ID or ``-1`` if there are no devices. The result + can be passed to the :class:`Input`/:class:`Output` class. + + On a PC the user can specify a default device by setting an environment + variable. To use device #1, for example: + :: + + set PM_RECOMMENDED_INPUT_DEVICE=1 + or + set PM_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_DEVICE=1 + + The user should first determine the available device ID by using the + supplied application "testin" or "testout". + + In general, the registry is a better place for this kind of info. With + USB devices that can come and go, using integers is not very reliable + for device identification. Under Windows, if ``PM_RECOMMENDED_INPUT_DEVICE`` + (or ``PM_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_DEVICE``) is NOT found in the environment, + then the default device is obtained by looking for a string in the registry + under: + :: + + HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/PortMidi/Recommended_Input_Device + or + HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/PortMidi/Recommended_Output_Device + + + The number of the first device with a substring that matches the + string exactly is returned. For example, if the string in the registry is + "USB" and device 1 is named "In USB MidiSport 1x1", then that will be + the default input because it contains the string "USB". + + In addition to the name, :func:`get_device_info()` returns "interf", which is + the interface name. The "interface" is the underlying software system or + API used by PortMidi to access devices. Supported interfaces: + :: + + MMSystem # the only Win32 interface currently supported + ALSA # the only Linux interface currently supported + CoreMIDI # the only Mac OS X interface currently supported + # DirectX - not implemented + # OSS - not implemented + + To specify both the interface and the device name in the registry, separate + the two with a comma and a space. The string before the comma must be a + substring of the "interf" string and the string after the space must be a + substring of the "name" name string in order to match the device. e.g.: + :: + + MMSystem, In USB MidiSport 1x1 + + .. note:: + In the current release, the default is simply the first device (the + input or output device with the lowest PmDeviceID). + + .. ## pygame.midi.get_default_input_id ## + +.. function:: get_default_output_id + + | :sl:`gets default output device number` + | :sg:`get_default_output_id() -> default_id` + + See :func:`get_default_input_id` for usage details. + + .. ## pygame.midi.get_default_output_id ## + +.. function:: get_device_info + + | :sl:`returns information about a midi device` + | :sg:`get_device_info(an_id) -> (interf, name, input, output, opened)` + | :sg:`get_device_info(an_id) -> None` + + Gets the device info for a given id. + + :param int an_id: id of the midi device being queried + + :returns: if the id is out of range ``None`` is returned, otherwise + a tuple of (interf, name, input, output, opened) is returned. + + - interf: string describing the device interface (e.g. 'ALSA') + - name: string name of the device (e.g. 'Midi Through Port-0') + - input: 1 if the device is an input device, otherwise 0 + - output: 1 if the device is an output device, otherwise 0 + - opened: 1 if the device is opened, otherwise 0 + :rtype: tuple or None + + .. ## pygame.midi.get_device_info ## + +.. function:: midis2events + + | :sl:`converts midi events to pygame events` + | :sg:`midis2events(midi_events, device_id) -> [Event, ...]` + + Takes a sequence of midi events and returns list of pygame events. + + The ``midi_events`` data is expected to be a sequence of + ``((status, data1, data2, data3), timestamp)`` midi events (all values + required). + + :returns: a list of pygame events of event type ``MIDIIN`` + :rtype: list + + .. ## pygame.midi.midis2events ## + +.. function:: time + + | :sl:`returns the current time in ms of the PortMidi timer` + | :sg:`time() -> time` + + The time is reset to 0 when the :mod:`pygame.midi` module is initialized. + + .. ## pygame.midi.time ## + + +.. function:: frequency_to_midi + + | :sl:`Converts a frequency into a MIDI note. Rounds to the closest midi note.` + | :sg:`frequency_to_midi(midi_note) -> midi_note` + + example: + :: + + frequency_to_midi(27.5) == 21 + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.5 + + .. ## pygame.midi.frequency_to_midi ## + + +.. function:: midi_to_frequency + + | :sl:`Converts a midi note to a frequency.` + | :sg:`midi_to_frequency(midi_note) -> frequency` + + example: + :: + + midi_to_frequency(21) == 27.5 + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.5 + + .. ## pygame.midi.midi_to_frequency ## + + +.. function:: midi_to_ansi_note + + | :sl:`Returns the Ansi Note name for a midi number.` + | :sg:`midi_to_ansi_note(midi_note) -> ansi_note` + + example: + :: + + midi_to_ansi_note(21) == 'A0' + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.5 + + .. ## pygame.midi.midi_to_ansi_note ## + +.. exception:: MidiException + + | :sl:`exception that pygame.midi functions and classes can raise` + | :sg:`MidiException(errno) -> None` + + .. ## pygame.midi.MidiException ## + + +.. ## pygame.midi ## diff --git a/docs/ref/mixer.rst b/docs/ref/mixer.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07bc793 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/mixer.rst @@ -0,0 +1,605 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.mixer` +=================== + +.. module:: pygame.mixer + :synopsis: pygame module for loading and playing sounds + +| :sl:`pygame module for loading and playing sounds` + +This module contains classes for loading Sound objects and controlling +playback. The mixer module is optional and depends on SDL_mixer. Your program +should test that :mod:`pygame.mixer` is available and initialized before using +it. + +The mixer module has a limited number of channels for playback of sounds. +Usually programs tell pygame to start playing audio and it selects an available +channel automatically. The default is 8 simultaneous channels, but complex +programs can get more precise control over the number of channels and their +use. + +All sound playback is mixed in background threads. When you begin to play a +Sound object, it will return immediately while the sound continues to play. A +single Sound object can also be actively played back multiple times. + +The mixer also has a special streaming channel. This is for music playback and +is accessed through the :mod:`pygame.mixer.music` module. Consider using this +module for playing long running music. Unlike mixer module, the music module +streams the music from the files without loading music at once into memory. + +The mixer module must be initialized like other pygame modules, but it has some +extra conditions. The ``pygame.mixer.init()`` function takes several optional +arguments to control the playback rate and sample size. Pygame will default to +reasonable values, but pygame cannot perform Sound resampling, so the mixer +should be initialized to match the values of your audio resources. + +``NOTE``: For less laggy sound use a smaller buffer size. The default +is set to reduce the chance of scratchy sounds on some computers. You can +change the default buffer by calling :func:`pygame.mixer.pre_init` before +:func:`pygame.mixer.init` or :func:`pygame.init` is called. For example: +``pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100,-16,2, 1024)`` + + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`initialize the mixer module` + | :sg:`init(frequency=44100, size=-16, channels=2, buffer=512, devicename=None, allowedchanges=AUDIO_ALLOW_FREQUENCY_CHANGE | AUDIO_ALLOW_CHANNELS_CHANGE) -> None` + + Initialize the mixer module for Sound loading and playback. The default + arguments can be overridden to provide specific audio mixing. Keyword + arguments are accepted. For backwards compatibility, argument values of + 0 are replaced with the startup defaults, except for ``allowedchanges``, + where -1 is used. (startup defaults may be changed by a :func:`pre_init` call). + + The size argument represents how many bits are used for each audio sample. + If the value is negative then signed sample values will be used. Positive + values mean unsigned audio samples will be used. An invalid value raises an + exception. + + The channels argument is used to specify whether to use mono or stereo. 1 + for mono and 2 for stereo. + + The buffer argument controls the number of internal samples used in the + sound mixer. The default value should work for most cases. It can be lowered + to reduce latency, but sound dropout may occur. It can be raised to larger + values to ensure playback never skips, but it will impose latency on sound + playback. The buffer size must be a power of two (if not it is rounded up to + the next nearest power of 2). + + Some platforms require the :mod:`pygame.mixer` module to be initialized + after the display modules have initialized. The top level ``pygame.init()`` + takes care of this automatically, but cannot pass any arguments to the mixer + init. To solve this, mixer has a function ``pygame.mixer.pre_init()`` to set + the proper defaults before the toplevel init is used. + + When using allowedchanges=0 it will convert the samples at runtime to match + what the hardware supports. For example a sound card may not + support 16bit sound samples, so instead it will use 8bit samples internally. + If AUDIO_ALLOW_FORMAT_CHANGE is supplied, then the requested format will + change to the closest that SDL2 supports. + + Apart from 0, allowedchanged accepts the following constants ORed together: + + - AUDIO_ALLOW_FREQUENCY_CHANGE + - AUDIO_ALLOW_FORMAT_CHANGE + - AUDIO_ALLOW_CHANNELS_CHANGE + - AUDIO_ALLOW_ANY_CHANGE + + It is safe to call this more than once, but after the mixer is initialized + you cannot change the playback arguments without first calling + ``pygame.mixer.quit()``. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.8 The default ``buffersize`` changed from 1024 to 3072. + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.1 The default ``buffersize`` changed from 3072 to 4096. + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 The default ``buffersize`` changed from 4096 to 512. + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 The default ``frequency`` changed from 22050 to 44100. + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 ``size`` can be 32 (32-bit floats). + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 ``channels`` can also be 4 or 6. + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 ``allowedchanges``, ``devicename`` arguments added + + .. ## pygame.mixer.init ## + +.. function:: pre_init + + | :sl:`preset the mixer init arguments` + | :sg:`pre_init(frequency=44100, size=-16, channels=2, buffer=512, devicename=None, allowedchanges=AUDIO_ALLOW_FREQUENCY_CHANGE | AUDIO_ALLOW_CHANNELS_CHANGE) -> None` + + Call pre_init to change the defaults used when the real + ``pygame.mixer.init()`` is called. Keyword arguments are accepted. The best + way to set custom mixer playback values is to call + ``pygame.mixer.pre_init()`` before calling the top level ``pygame.init()``. + For backwards compatibility, argument values of 0 are replaced with the + startup defaults, except for ``allowedchanges``, where -1 is used. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.8 The default ``buffersize`` changed from 1024 to 3072. + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.1 The default ``buffersize`` changed from 3072 to 4096. + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 The default ``buffersize`` changed from 4096 to 512. + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 The default ``frequency`` changed from 22050 to 44100. + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 ``allowedchanges``, ``devicename`` arguments added + + .. ## pygame.mixer.pre_init ## + +.. function:: quit + + | :sl:`uninitialize the mixer` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + This will uninitialize :mod:`pygame.mixer`. All playback will stop and any + loaded Sound objects may not be compatible with the mixer if it is + reinitialized later. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.quit ## + +.. function:: get_init + + | :sl:`test if the mixer is initialized` + | :sg:`get_init() -> (frequency, format, channels)` + + If the mixer is initialized, this returns the playback arguments it is + using. If the mixer has not been initialized this returns ``None``. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.get_init ## + +.. function:: stop + + | :sl:`stop playback of all sound channels` + | :sg:`stop() -> None` + + This will stop all playback of all active mixer channels. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.stop ## + +.. function:: pause + + | :sl:`temporarily stop playback of all sound channels` + | :sg:`pause() -> None` + + This will temporarily stop all playback on the active mixer channels. The + playback can later be resumed with ``pygame.mixer.unpause()`` + + .. ## pygame.mixer.pause ## + +.. function:: unpause + + | :sl:`resume paused playback of sound channels` + | :sg:`unpause() -> None` + + This will resume all active sound channels after they have been paused. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.unpause ## + +.. function:: fadeout + + | :sl:`fade out the volume on all sounds before stopping` + | :sg:`fadeout(time) -> None` + + This will fade out the volume on all active channels over the time argument + in milliseconds. After the sound is muted the playback will stop. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.fadeout ## + +.. function:: set_num_channels + + | :sl:`set the total number of playback channels` + | :sg:`set_num_channels(count) -> None` + + Sets the number of available channels for the mixer. The default value is 8. + The value can be increased or decreased. If the value is decreased, sounds + playing on the truncated channels are stopped. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.set_num_channels ## + +.. function:: get_num_channels + + | :sl:`get the total number of playback channels` + | :sg:`get_num_channels() -> count` + + Returns the number of currently active playback channels. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.get_num_channels ## + +.. function:: set_reserved + + | :sl:`reserve channels from being automatically used` + | :sg:`set_reserved(count) -> count` + + The mixer can reserve any number of channels that will not be automatically + selected for playback by Sounds. This means that whenever you play a Sound + without specifying a channel, a reserved channel will never be used. If sounds + are currently playing on the reserved channels they will not be stopped. + + This allows the application to reserve a specific number of channels for + important sounds that must not be dropped or have a guaranteed channel to + play on. + + Will return number of channels actually reserved, this may be less than requested + depending on the number of channels previously allocated. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.set_reserved ## + +.. function:: find_channel + + | :sl:`find an unused channel` + | :sg:`find_channel(force=False) -> Channel` + + This will find and return an inactive Channel object. If there are no + inactive Channels this function will return ``None``. If there are no + inactive channels and the force argument is ``True``, this will find the + Channel with the longest running Sound and return it. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.find_channel ## + +.. function:: get_busy + + | :sl:`test if any sound is being mixed` + | :sg:`get_busy() -> bool` + + Returns ``True`` if the mixer is busy mixing any channels. If the mixer is + idle then this return ``False``. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.get_busy ## + +.. function:: get_sdl_mixer_version + + | :sl:`get the mixer's SDL version` + | :sg:`get_sdl_mixer_version() -> (major, minor, patch)` + | :sg:`get_sdl_mixer_version(linked=True) -> (major, minor, patch)` + + :param bool linked: if ``True`` (default) the linked version number is + returned, otherwise the compiled version number is returned + + :returns: the mixer's SDL library version number (linked or compiled + depending on the ``linked`` parameter) as a tuple of 3 integers + ``(major, minor, patch)`` + :rtype: tuple + + .. note:: + The linked and compile version numbers should be the same. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## pygame.mixer.get_sdl_mixer_version ## + +.. class:: Sound + + | :sl:`Create a new Sound object from a file or buffer object` + | :sg:`Sound(filename) -> Sound` + | :sg:`Sound(file=filename) -> Sound` + | :sg:`Sound(file=pathlib_path) -> Sound` + | :sg:`Sound(buffer) -> Sound` + | :sg:`Sound(buffer=buffer) -> Sound` + | :sg:`Sound(object) -> Sound` + | :sg:`Sound(file=object) -> Sound` + | :sg:`Sound(array=object) -> Sound` + + Load a new sound buffer from a filename, a python file object or a readable + buffer object. Limited resampling will be performed to help the sample match + the initialize arguments for the mixer. A Unicode string can only be a file + pathname. A bytes object can be either a pathname or a buffer object. + Use the 'file' or 'buffer' keywords to avoid ambiguity; otherwise Sound may + guess wrong. If the array keyword is used, the object is expected to export + a new buffer interface (The object is checked for a buffer interface first.) + + The Sound object represents actual sound sample data. Methods that change + the state of the Sound object will the all instances of the Sound playback. + A Sound object also exports a new buffer interface. + + The Sound can be loaded from an ``OGG`` audio file or from an uncompressed + ``WAV``. + + Note: The buffer will be copied internally, no data will be shared between + it and the Sound object. + + For now buffer and array support is consistent with ``sndarray.make_sound`` + for Numeric arrays, in that sample sign and byte order are ignored. This + will change, either by correctly handling sign and byte order, or by raising + an exception when different. Also, source samples are truncated to fit the + audio sample size. This will not change. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 ``pygame.mixer.Sound(buffer)`` + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + :class:`pygame.mixer.Sound` keyword arguments and array interface support + .. versionadded:: 2.0.1 pathlib.Path support on Python 3. + + .. method:: play + + | :sl:`begin sound playback` + | :sg:`play(loops=0, maxtime=0, fade_ms=0) -> Channel` + + Begin playback of the Sound (i.e., on the computer's speakers) on an + available Channel. This will forcibly select a Channel, so playback may + cut off a currently playing sound if necessary. + + The loops argument controls how many times the sample will be repeated + after being played the first time. A value of 5 means that the sound will + be played once, then repeated five times, and so is played a total of six + times. The default value (zero) means the Sound is not repeated, and so + is only played once. If loops is set to -1 the Sound will loop + indefinitely (though you can still call ``stop()`` to stop it). + + The maxtime argument can be used to stop playback after a given number of + milliseconds. + + The fade_ms argument will make the sound start playing at 0 volume and + fade up to full volume over the time given. The sample may end before the + fade-in is complete. + + This returns the Channel object for the channel that was selected. + + .. ## Sound.play ## + + .. method:: stop + + | :sl:`stop sound playback` + | :sg:`stop() -> None` + + This will stop the playback of this Sound on any active Channels. + + .. ## Sound.stop ## + + .. method:: fadeout + + | :sl:`stop sound playback after fading out` + | :sg:`fadeout(time) -> None` + + This will stop playback of the sound after fading it out over the time + argument in milliseconds. The Sound will fade and stop on all actively + playing channels. + + .. ## Sound.fadeout ## + + .. method:: set_volume + + | :sl:`set the playback volume for this Sound` + | :sg:`set_volume(value) -> None` + + This will set the playback volume (loudness) for this Sound. This will + immediately affect the Sound if it is playing. It will also affect any + future playback of this Sound. + + :param float value: volume in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive) + + | If value < 0.0, the volume will not be changed + | If value > 1.0, the volume will be set to 1.0 + + .. ## Sound.set_volume ## + + .. method:: get_volume + + | :sl:`get the playback volume` + | :sg:`get_volume() -> value` + + Return a value from 0.0 to 1.0 representing the volume for this Sound. + + .. ## Sound.get_volume ## + + .. method:: get_num_channels + + | :sl:`count how many times this Sound is playing` + | :sg:`get_num_channels() -> count` + + Return the number of active channels this sound is playing on. + + .. ## Sound.get_num_channels ## + + .. method:: get_length + + | :sl:`get the length of the Sound` + | :sg:`get_length() -> seconds` + + Return the length of this Sound in seconds. + + .. ## Sound.get_length ## + + .. method:: get_raw + + | :sl:`return a bytestring copy of the Sound samples.` + | :sg:`get_raw() -> bytes` + + Return a copy of the Sound object buffer as a bytes. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + + .. ## Sound.get_raw ## + + .. ## pygame.mixer.Sound ## + +.. class:: Channel + + | :sl:`Create a Channel object for controlling playback` + | :sg:`Channel(id) -> Channel` + + Return a Channel object for one of the current channels. The id must be a + value from 0 to the value of ``pygame.mixer.get_num_channels()``. + + The Channel object can be used to get fine control over the playback of + Sounds. A channel can only playback a single Sound at time. Using channels + is entirely optional since pygame can manage them by default. + + .. method:: play + + | :sl:`play a Sound on a specific Channel` + | :sg:`play(Sound, loops=0, maxtime=0, fade_ms=0) -> None` + + This will begin playback of a Sound on a specific Channel. If the Channel + is currently playing any other Sound it will be stopped. + + The loops argument has the same meaning as in ``Sound.play()``: it is the + number of times to repeat the sound after the first time. If it is 3, the + sound will be played 4 times (the first time, then three more). If loops + is -1 then the playback will repeat indefinitely. + + As in ``Sound.play()``, the maxtime argument can be used to stop playback + of the Sound after a given number of milliseconds. + + As in ``Sound.play()``, the fade_ms argument can be used fade in the + sound. + + .. ## Channel.play ## + + .. method:: stop + + | :sl:`stop playback on a Channel` + | :sg:`stop() -> None` + + Stop sound playback on a channel. After playback is stopped the channel + becomes available for new Sounds to play on it. + + .. ## Channel.stop ## + + .. method:: pause + + | :sl:`temporarily stop playback of a channel` + | :sg:`pause() -> None` + + Temporarily stop the playback of sound on a channel. It can be resumed at + a later time with ``Channel.unpause()`` + + .. ## Channel.pause ## + + .. method:: unpause + + | :sl:`resume pause playback of a channel` + | :sg:`unpause() -> None` + + Resume the playback on a paused channel. + + .. ## Channel.unpause ## + + .. method:: fadeout + + | :sl:`stop playback after fading channel out` + | :sg:`fadeout(time) -> None` + + Stop playback of a channel after fading out the sound over the given time + argument in milliseconds. + + .. ## Channel.fadeout ## + + .. method:: set_volume + + | :sl:`set the volume of a playing channel` + | :sg:`set_volume(value) -> None` + | :sg:`set_volume(left, right) -> None` + + Set the volume (loudness) of a playing sound. When a channel starts to + play its volume value is reset. This only affects the current sound. The + value argument is between 0.0 and 1.0. + + If one argument is passed, it will be the volume of both speakers. If two + arguments are passed and the mixer is in stereo mode, the first argument + will be the volume of the left speaker and the second will be the volume + of the right speaker. (If the second argument is ``None``, the first + argument will be the volume of both speakers.) + + If the channel is playing a Sound on which ``set_volume()`` has also been + called, both calls are taken into account. For example: + + :: + + sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("s.wav") + channel = s.play() # Sound plays at full volume by default + sound.set_volume(0.9) # Now plays at 90% of full volume. + sound.set_volume(0.6) # Now plays at 60% (previous value replaced). + channel.set_volume(0.5) # Now plays at 30% (0.6 * 0.5). + + .. ## Channel.set_volume ## + + .. method:: get_volume + + | :sl:`get the volume of the playing channel` + | :sg:`get_volume() -> value` + + Return the volume of the channel for the current playing sound. This does + not take into account stereo separation used by + :meth:`Channel.set_volume`. The Sound object also has its own volume + which is mixed with the channel. + + .. ## Channel.get_volume ## + + .. method:: get_busy + + | :sl:`check if the channel is active` + | :sg:`get_busy() -> bool` + + Returns ``True`` if the channel is actively mixing sound. If the channel + is idle this returns ``False``. + + .. ## Channel.get_busy ## + + .. method:: get_sound + + | :sl:`get the currently playing Sound` + | :sg:`get_sound() -> Sound` + + Return the actual Sound object currently playing on this channel. If the + channel is idle ``None`` is returned. + + .. ## Channel.get_sound ## + + .. method:: queue + + | :sl:`queue a Sound object to follow the current` + | :sg:`queue(Sound) -> None` + + When a Sound is queued on a Channel, it will begin playing immediately + after the current Sound is finished. Each channel can only have a single + Sound queued at a time. The queued Sound will only play if the current + playback finished automatically. It is cleared on any other call to + ``Channel.stop()`` or ``Channel.play()``. + + If there is no sound actively playing on the Channel then the Sound will + begin playing immediately. + + .. ## Channel.queue ## + + .. method:: get_queue + + | :sl:`return any Sound that is queued` + | :sg:`get_queue() -> Sound` + + If a Sound is already queued on this channel it will be returned. Once + the queued sound begins playback it will no longer be on the queue. + + .. ## Channel.get_queue ## + + .. method:: set_endevent + + | :sl:`have the channel send an event when playback stops` + | :sg:`set_endevent() -> None` + | :sg:`set_endevent(type) -> None` + + When an endevent is set for a channel, it will send an event to the + pygame queue every time a sound finishes playing on that channel (not + just the first time). Use ``pygame.event.get()`` to retrieve the endevent + once it's sent. + + Note that if you called ``Sound.play(n)`` or ``Channel.play(sound,n)``, + the end event is sent only once: after the sound has been played "n+1" + times (see the documentation of Sound.play). + + If ``Channel.stop()`` or ``Channel.play()`` is called while the sound was + still playing, the event will be posted immediately. + + The type argument will be the event id sent to the queue. This can be any + valid event type, but a good choice would be a value between + ``pygame.locals.USEREVENT`` and ``pygame.locals.NUMEVENTS``. If no type + argument is given then the Channel will stop sending endevents. + + .. ## Channel.set_endevent ## + + .. method:: get_endevent + + | :sl:`get the event a channel sends when playback stops` + | :sg:`get_endevent() -> type` + + Returns the event type to be sent every time the Channel finishes + playback of a Sound. If there is no endevent the function returns + ``pygame.NOEVENT``. + + .. ## Channel.get_endevent ## + + .. ## pygame.mixer.Channel ## + +.. ## pygame.mixer ## diff --git a/docs/ref/mouse.rst b/docs/ref/mouse.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dda6c7b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/mouse.rst @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.mouse` +=================== + +.. module:: pygame.mouse + :synopsis: pygame module to work with the mouse + +| :sl:`pygame module to work with the mouse` + +The mouse functions can be used to get the current state of the mouse device. +These functions can also alter the system cursor for the mouse. + +When the display mode is set, the event queue will start receiving mouse +events. The mouse buttons generate ``pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN`` and +``pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP`` events when they are pressed and released. These +events contain a button attribute representing which button was pressed. The +mouse wheel will generate ``pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN`` and +``pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP`` events when rolled. The button will be set to 4 +when the wheel is rolled up, and to button 5 when the wheel is rolled down. +Whenever the mouse is moved it generates a ``pygame.MOUSEMOTION`` event. The +mouse movement is broken into small and accurate motion events. As the mouse +is moving many motion events will be placed on the queue. Mouse motion events +that are not properly cleaned from the event queue are the primary reason the +event queue fills up. + +If the mouse cursor is hidden, and input is grabbed to the current display the +mouse will enter a virtual input mode, where the relative movements of the +mouse will never be stopped by the borders of the screen. See the functions +``pygame.mouse.set_visible()`` and ``pygame.event.set_grab()`` to get this +configured. + + +**Mouse Wheel Behavior in pygame 2** + +There is proper functionality for mouse wheel behaviour with pygame 2 supporting +``pygame.MOUSEWHEEL`` events. The new events support horizontal and vertical +scroll movements, with signed integer values representing the amount scrolled +(``x`` and ``y``), as well as ``flipped`` direction (the set positive and +negative values for each axis is flipped). Read more about SDL2 +input-related changes here ``_ + +In pygame 2, the mouse wheel functionality can be used by listening for the +``pygame.MOUSEWHEEL`` type of an event (Bear in mind they still emit +``pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN`` events like in pygame 1.x, as well). +When this event is triggered, a developer can access the appropriate ``Event`` object +with ``pygame.event.get()``. The object can be used to access data about the mouse +scroll, such as ``which`` (it will tell you what exact mouse device trigger the event). + +.. code-block:: python + :caption: Code example of mouse scroll (tested on 2.0.0.dev7) + :name: test.py + + # Taken from husano896's PR thread (slightly modified) + import pygame + from pygame.locals import * + pygame.init() + screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) + clock = pygame.time.Clock() + + def main(): + while True: + for event in pygame.event.get(): + if event.type == QUIT: + pygame.quit() + return + elif event.type == MOUSEWHEEL: + print(event) + print(event.x, event.y) + print(event.flipped) + print(event.which) + # can access properties with + # proper notation(ex: event.y) + clock.tick(60) + + # Execute game: + main() + +.. function:: get_pressed + + | :sl:`get the state of the mouse buttons` + | :sg:`get_pressed(num_buttons=3) -> (button1, button2, button3)` + | :sg:`get_pressed(num_buttons=5) -> (button1, button2, button3, button4, button5)` + + Returns a sequence of booleans representing the state of all the mouse + buttons. A true value means the mouse is currently being pressed at the time + of the call. + + Note, to get all of the mouse events it is better to use either + ``pygame.event.wait()`` or ``pygame.event.get()`` and check all of those + events to see if they are ``MOUSEBUTTONDOWN``, ``MOUSEBUTTONUP``, or + ``MOUSEMOTION``. + + Note, that on ``X11`` some X servers use middle button emulation. When you + click both buttons ``1`` and ``3`` at the same time a ``2`` button event + can be emitted. + + Note, remember to call ``pygame.event.get()`` before this function. + Otherwise it will not work as expected. + + To support five button mice, an optional parameter ``num_buttons`` has been + added in pygame 2. When this is set to ``5``, ``button4`` and ``button5`` + are added to the returned tuple. Only ``3`` and ``5`` are valid values + for this parameter. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 ``num_buttons`` argument added + + .. ## pygame.mouse.get_pressed ## + +.. function:: get_pos + + | :sl:`get the mouse cursor position` + | :sg:`get_pos() -> (x, y)` + + Returns the ``x`` and ``y`` position of the mouse cursor. The position is + relative to the top-left corner of the display. The cursor position can be + located outside of the display window, but is always constrained to the + screen. + + .. ## pygame.mouse.get_pos ## + +.. function:: get_rel + + | :sl:`get the amount of mouse movement` + | :sg:`get_rel() -> (x, y)` + + Returns the amount of movement in ``x`` and ``y`` since the previous call to + this function. The relative movement of the mouse cursor is constrained to + the edges of the screen, but see the virtual input mouse mode for a way + around this. Virtual input mode is described at the top of the page. + + .. ## pygame.mouse.get_rel ## + +.. function:: set_pos + + | :sl:`set the mouse cursor position` + | :sg:`set_pos([x, y]) -> None` + + Set the current mouse position to arguments given. If the mouse cursor is + visible it will jump to the new coordinates. Moving the mouse will generate + a new ``pygame.MOUSEMOTION`` event. + + .. ## pygame.mouse.set_pos ## + +.. function:: set_visible + + | :sl:`hide or show the mouse cursor` + | :sg:`set_visible(bool) -> bool` + + If the bool argument is true, the mouse cursor will be visible. This will + return the previous visible state of the cursor. + + .. ## pygame.mouse.set_visible ## + +.. function:: get_visible + + | :sl:`get the current visibility state of the mouse cursor` + | :sg:`get_visible() -> bool` + + Get the current visibility state of the mouse cursor. ``True`` if the mouse is + visible, ``False`` otherwise. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## pygame.mouse.get_visible ## + +.. function:: get_focused + + | :sl:`check if the display is receiving mouse input` + | :sg:`get_focused() -> bool` + + Returns true when pygame is receiving mouse input events (or, in windowing + terminology, is "active" or has the "focus"). + + This method is most useful when working in a window. By contrast, in + full-screen mode, this method always returns true. + + Note: under ``MS`` Windows, the window that has the mouse focus also has the + keyboard focus. But under X-Windows, one window can receive mouse events and + another receive keyboard events. ``pygame.mouse.get_focused()`` indicates + whether the pygame window receives mouse events. + + .. ## pygame.mouse.get_focused ## + +.. function:: set_cursor + + | :sl:`set the mouse cursor to a new cursor` + | :sg:`set_cursor(pygame.cursors.Cursor) -> None` + | :sg:`set_cursor(size, hotspot, xormasks, andmasks) -> None` + | :sg:`set_cursor(hotspot, surface) -> None` + | :sg:`set_cursor(constant) -> None` + + Set the mouse cursor to something new. This function accepts either an explicit + ``Cursor`` object or arguments to create a ``Cursor`` object. + + See :class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor` for help creating cursors and for examples. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.1 + + .. ## pygame.mouse.set_cursor ## + + +.. function:: get_cursor + + | :sl:`get the current mouse cursor` + | :sg:`get_cursor() -> pygame.cursors.Cursor` + + Get the information about the mouse system cursor. The return value contains + the same data as the arguments passed into :func:`pygame.mouse.set_cursor()`. + + .. note:: Code that unpacked a get_cursor() call into + ``size, hotspot, xormasks, andmasks`` will still work, + assuming the call returns an old school type cursor. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.1 + + .. ## pygame.mouse.get_cursor ## + +.. ## pygame.mouse ## diff --git a/docs/ref/music.rst b/docs/ref/music.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96a7b81 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/music.rst @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.mixer.music` +========================= + +.. module:: pygame.mixer.music + :synopsis: pygame module for controlling streamed audio + +| :sl:`pygame module for controlling streamed audio` + +The music module is closely tied to :mod:`pygame.mixer`. Use the music module +to control the playback of music in the sound mixer. + +The difference between the music playback and regular Sound playback is that +the music is streamed, and never actually loaded all at once. The mixer system +only supports a single music stream at once. + +On older pygame versions, ``MP3`` support was limited under Mac and Linux. This +changed in pygame ``v2.0.2`` which got improved MP3 support. Consider using +``OGG`` file format for music as that can give slightly better compression than +MP3 in most cases. + +.. function:: load + + | :sl:`Load a music file for playback` + | :sg:`load(filename) -> None` + | :sg:`load(fileobj, namehint="") -> None` + + This will load a music filename/file object and prepare it for playback. If + a music stream is already playing it will be stopped. This does not start + the music playing. + + If you are loading from a file object, the namehint parameter can be used to specify + the type of music data in the object. For example: :code:`load(fileobj, "ogg")`. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.2 Added optional ``namehint`` argument + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.load ## + +.. function:: unload + + | :sl:`Unload the currently loaded music to free up resources` + | :sg:`unload() -> None` + + This closes resources like files for any music that may be loaded. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.load ## + + +.. function:: play + + | :sl:`Start the playback of the music stream` + | :sg:`play(loops=0, start=0.0, fade_ms=0) -> None` + + This will play the loaded music stream. If the music is already playing it + will be restarted. + + ``loops`` is an optional integer argument, which is ``0`` by default, which + indicates how many times to repeat the music. The music repeats indefinitely if + this argument is set to ``-1``. + + ``start`` is an optional float argument, which is ``0.0`` by default, which + denotes the position in time from which the music starts playing. The starting + position depends on the format of the music played. ``MP3`` and ``OGG`` use + the position as time in seconds. For ``MP3`` files the start time position + selected may not be accurate as things like variable bit rate encoding and ID3 + tags can throw off the timing calculations. For ``MOD`` music it is the pattern + order number. Passing a start position will raise a NotImplementedError if + the start position cannot be set. + + ``fade_ms`` is an optional integer argument, which is ``0`` by default, + which denotes the period of time (in milliseconds) over which the music + will fade up from volume level ``0.0`` to full volume (or the volume level + previously set by :func:`set_volume`). The sample may end before the fade-in + is complete. If the music is already streaming ``fade_ms`` is ignored. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added optional ``fade_ms`` argument + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.play ## + +.. function:: rewind + + | :sl:`restart music` + | :sg:`rewind() -> None` + + Resets playback of the current music to the beginning. If :func:`pause` has + previously been used to pause the music, the music will remain paused. + + .. note:: :func:`rewind` supports a limited number of file types and notably + ``WAV`` files are NOT supported. For unsupported file types use :func:`play` + which will restart the music that's already playing (note that this + will start the music playing again even if previously paused). + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.rewind ## + +.. function:: stop + + | :sl:`stop the music playback` + | :sg:`stop() -> None` + + Stops the music playback if it is currently playing. + endevent will be triggered, if set. + It won't unload the music. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.stop ## + +.. function:: pause + + | :sl:`temporarily stop music playback` + | :sg:`pause() -> None` + + Temporarily stop playback of the music stream. It can be resumed with the + :func:`unpause` function. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.pause ## + +.. function:: unpause + + | :sl:`resume paused music` + | :sg:`unpause() -> None` + + This will resume the playback of a music stream after it has been paused. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.unpause ## + +.. function:: fadeout + + | :sl:`stop music playback after fading out` + | :sg:`fadeout(time) -> None` + + Fade out and stop the currently playing music. + + The ``time`` argument denotes the integer milliseconds for which the + fading effect is generated. + + Note, that this function blocks until the music has faded out. Calls + to :func:`fadeout` and :func:`set_volume` will have no effect during + this time. If an event was set using :func:`set_endevent` it will be + called after the music has faded. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.fadeout ## + +.. function:: set_volume + + | :sl:`set the music volume` + | :sg:`set_volume(volume) -> None` + + Set the volume of the music playback. + + The ``volume`` argument is a float between ``0.0`` and ``1.0`` that sets + the volume level. When new music is loaded the volume is reset to full + volume. If ``volume`` is a negative value it will be ignored and the + volume will remain set at the current level. If the ``volume`` argument + is greater than ``1.0``, the volume will be set to ``1.0``. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.set_volume ## + +.. function:: get_volume + + | :sl:`get the music volume` + | :sg:`get_volume() -> value` + + Returns the current volume for the mixer. The value will be between ``0.0`` + and ``1.0``. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.get_volume ## + +.. function:: get_busy + + | :sl:`check if the music stream is playing` + | :sg:`get_busy() -> bool` + + Returns True when the music stream is actively playing. When the music is + idle this returns False. In pygame 2.0.1 and above this function returns + False when the music is paused. In pygame 1 it returns True when the music + is paused. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.1 Returns False when music paused. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.get_busy ## + +.. function:: set_pos + + | :sl:`set position to play from` + | :sg:`set_pos(pos) -> None` + + This sets the position in the music file where playback will start. + The meaning of "pos", a float (or a number that can be converted to a float), + depends on the music format. + + For ``MOD`` files, pos is the integer pattern number in the module. + For ``OGG`` it is the absolute position, in seconds, from + the beginning of the sound. For ``MP3`` files, it is the relative position, + in seconds, from the current position. For absolute positioning in an ``MP3`` + file, first call :func:`rewind`. + + Other file formats are unsupported. Newer versions of SDL_mixer have + better positioning support than earlier ones. An SDLError is raised if a + particular format does not support positioning. + + Function :func:`set_pos` calls underlining SDL_mixer function + ``Mix_SetMusicPosition``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.set_pos ## + +.. function:: get_pos + + | :sl:`get the music play time` + | :sg:`get_pos() -> time` + + This gets the number of milliseconds that the music has been playing for. + The returned time only represents how long the music has been playing; it + does not take into account any starting position offsets. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.get_pos ## + +.. function:: queue + + | :sl:`queue a sound file to follow the current` + | :sg:`queue(filename) -> None` + | :sg:`queue(fileobj, namehint="", loops=0) -> None` + + This will load a sound file and queue it. A queued sound file will begin as + soon as the current sound naturally ends. Only one sound can be queued at a + time. Queuing a new sound while another sound is queued will result in the + new sound becoming the queued sound. Also, if the current sound is ever + stopped or changed, the queued sound will be lost. + + If you are loading from a file object, the namehint parameter can be used to specify + the type of music data in the object. For example: :code:`queue(fileobj, "ogg")`. + + The following example will play music by Bach six times, then play music by + Mozart once: + + :: + + pygame.mixer.music.load('bach.ogg') + pygame.mixer.music.play(5) # Plays six times, not five! + pygame.mixer.music.queue('mozart.ogg') + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.2 Added optional ``namehint`` argument + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.queue ## + +.. function:: set_endevent + + | :sl:`have the music send an event when playback stops` + | :sg:`set_endevent() -> None` + | :sg:`set_endevent(type) -> None` + + This causes pygame to signal (by means of the event queue) when the music is + done playing. The argument determines the type of event that will be queued. + + The event will be queued every time the music finishes, not just the first + time. To stop the event from being queued, call this method with no + argument. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.set_endevent ## + +.. function:: get_endevent + + | :sl:`get the event a channel sends when playback stops` + | :sg:`get_endevent() -> type` + + Returns the event type to be sent every time the music finishes playback. If + there is no endevent the function returns ``pygame.NOEVENT``. + + .. ## pygame.mixer.music.get_endevent ## + +.. ## pygame.mixer.music ## diff --git a/docs/ref/overlay.rst b/docs/ref/overlay.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04ff9ae --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/overlay.rst @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.Overlay` +===================== + +.. currentmodule:: pygame + +.. warning:: + This module is non functional in pygame 2.0 and above, unless you have manually compiled pygame with SDL1. + This module will not be supported in the future. + +.. class:: Overlay + + | :sl:`pygame object for video overlay graphics` + | :sg:`Overlay(format, (width, height)) -> Overlay` + + The Overlay objects provide support for accessing hardware video overlays. + Video overlays do not use standard ``RGB`` pixel formats, and can use + multiple resolutions of data to create a single image. + + The Overlay objects represent lower level access to the display hardware. To + use the object you must understand the technical details of video overlays. + + The Overlay format determines the type of pixel data used. Not all hardware + will support all types of overlay formats. Here is a list of available + format types: + + :: + + YV12_OVERLAY, IYUV_OVERLAY, YUY2_OVERLAY, UYVY_OVERLAY, YVYU_OVERLAY + + The width and height arguments control the size for the overlay image data. + The overlay image can be displayed at any size, not just the resolution of + the overlay. + + The overlay objects are always visible, and always show above the regular + display contents. + + .. method:: display + + | :sl:`set the overlay pixel data` + | :sg:`display((y, u, v)) -> None` + | :sg:`display() -> None` + + Display the YUV data in SDL's overlay planes. The y, u, and v arguments + are strings of binary data. The data must be in the correct format used + to create the Overlay. + + If no argument is passed in, the Overlay will simply be redrawn with the + current data. This can be useful when the Overlay is not really hardware + accelerated. + + The strings are not validated, and improperly sized strings could crash + the program. + + .. ## Overlay.display ## + + .. method:: set_location + + | :sl:`control where the overlay is displayed` + | :sg:`set_location(rect) -> None` + + Set the location for the overlay. The overlay will always be shown + relative to the main display Surface. This does not actually redraw the + overlay, it will be updated on the next call to ``Overlay.display()``. + + .. ## Overlay.set_location ## + + .. method:: get_hardware + + | :sl:`test if the Overlay is hardware accelerated` + | :sg:`get_hardware(rect) -> int` + + Returns a True value when the Overlay is hardware accelerated. If the + platform does not support acceleration, software rendering is used. + + .. ## Overlay.get_hardware ## + + .. ## pygame.Overlay ## diff --git a/docs/ref/pixelarray.rst b/docs/ref/pixelarray.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9bdc38c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/pixelarray.rst @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:class:`pygame.PixelArray` +========================== + +.. currentmodule:: pygame + +.. class:: PixelArray + + | :sl:`pygame object for direct pixel access of surfaces` + | :sg:`PixelArray(Surface) -> PixelArray` + + The PixelArray wraps a Surface and provides direct access to the + surface's pixels. A pixel array can be one or two dimensional. + A two dimensional array, like its surface, is indexed [column, row]. + Pixel arrays support slicing, both for returning a subarray or + for assignment. A pixel array sliced on a single column or row + returns a one dimensional pixel array. Arithmetic and other operations + are not supported. A pixel array can be safely assigned to itself. + Finally, pixel arrays export an array struct interface, allowing + them to interact with :mod:`pygame.pixelcopy` methods and NumPy + arrays. + + A PixelArray pixel item can be assigned a raw integer values, a + :class:`pygame.Color` instance, or a (r, g, b[, a]) tuple. + + :: + + pxarray[x, y] = 0xFF00FF + pxarray[x, y] = pygame.Color(255, 0, 255) + pxarray[x, y] = (255, 0, 255) + + However, only a pixel's integer value is returned. So, to compare a pixel + to a particular color the color needs to be first mapped using + the :meth:`Surface.map_rgb()` method of the Surface object for which the + PixelArray was created. + + :: + + pxarray = pygame.PixelArray(surface) + # Check, if the first pixel at the topleft corner is blue + if pxarray[0, 0] == surface.map_rgb((0, 0, 255)): + ... + + When assigning to a range of of pixels, a non tuple sequence of colors or + a PixelArray can be used as the value. For a sequence, the length must + match the PixelArray width. + + :: + + pxarray[a:b] = 0xFF00FF # set all pixels to 0xFF00FF + pxarray[a:b] = (0xFF00FF, 0xAACCEE, ... ) # first pixel = 0xFF00FF, + # second pixel = 0xAACCEE, ... + pxarray[a:b] = [(255, 0, 255), (170, 204, 238), ...] # same as above + pxarray[a:b] = [(255, 0, 255), 0xAACCEE, ...] # same as above + pxarray[a:b] = otherarray[x:y] # slice sizes must match + + For PixelArray assignment, if the right hand side array has a row length + of 1, then the column is broadcast over the target array's rows. An + array of height 1 is broadcast over the target's columns, and is equivalent + to assigning a 1D PixelArray. + + Subscript slices can also be used to assign to a rectangular subview of + the target PixelArray. + + :: + + # Create some new PixelArray objects providing a different view + # of the original array/surface. + newarray = pxarray[2:4, 3:5] + otherarray = pxarray[::2, ::2] + + Subscript slices can also be used to do fast rectangular pixel manipulations + instead of iterating over the x or y axis. The + + :: + + pxarray[::2, :] = (0, 0, 0) # Make even columns black. + pxarray[::2] = (0, 0, 0) # Same as [::2, :] + + During its lifetime, the PixelArray locks the surface, thus you explicitly + have to close() it once its not used any more and the surface should perform + operations in the same scope. It is best to use it as a context manager + using the with PixelArray(surf) as pixel_array: style. So it works on pypy too. + + A simple ``:`` slice index for the column can be omitted. + + :: + + pxarray[::2, ...] = (0, 0, 0) # Same as pxarray[::2, :] + pxarray[...] = (255, 0, 0) # Same as pxarray[:] + + A note about PixelArray to PixelArray assignment, for arrays with an + item size of 3 (created from 24 bit surfaces) pixel values are translated + from the source to the destinations format. The red, green, and blue + color elements of each pixel are shifted to match the format of the + target surface. For all other pixel sizes no such remapping occurs. + This should change in later pygame releases, where format conversions + are performed for all pixel sizes. To avoid code breakage when full mapped + copying is implemented it is suggested PixelArray to PixelArray copies be + only between surfaces of identical format. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.4 + + - close() method was added. For explicitly cleaning up. + - being able to use PixelArray as a context manager for cleanup. + - both of these are useful for when working without reference counting (pypy). + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + + - array struct interface + - transpose method + - broadcasting for a length 1 dimension + + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.2 + + - A 2D PixelArray can have a length 1 dimension. + Only an integer index on a 2D PixelArray returns a 1D array. + - For assignment, a tuple can only be a color. Any other sequence type + is a sequence of colors. + + + .. versionadded: 1.8.0 + Subscript support + + .. versionadded: 1.8.1 + Methods :meth:`make_surface`, :meth:`replace`, :meth:`extract`, and + :meth:`compare` + + .. versionadded: 1.9.2 + Properties :attr:`itemsize`, :attr:`ndim`, :attr:`shape`, + and :attr:`strides` + + .. versionadded: 1.9.2 + Array struct interface + + .. versionadded: 1.9.4 + Methods :meth:`close` + + .. attribute:: surface + + | :sl:`Gets the Surface the PixelArray uses.` + | :sg:`surface -> Surface` + + The Surface the PixelArray was created for. + + .. ## PixelArray.surface ## + + .. attribute:: itemsize + + | :sl:`Returns the byte size of a pixel array item` + | :sg:`itemsize -> int` + + This is the same as :meth:`Surface.get_bytesize` for the + pixel array's surface. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + + .. attribute:: ndim + + | :sl:`Returns the number of dimensions.` + | :sg:`ndim -> int` + + A pixel array can be 1 or 2 dimensional. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + + .. attribute:: shape + + | :sl:`Returns the array size.` + | :sg:`shape -> tuple of int's` + + A tuple or length :attr:`ndim` giving the length of each + dimension. Analogous to :meth:`Surface.get_size`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + + .. attribute:: strides + + | :sl:`Returns byte offsets for each array dimension.` + | :sg:`strides -> tuple of int's` + + A tuple or length :attr:`ndim` byte counts. When a stride is + multiplied by the corresponding index it gives the offset + of that index from the start of the array. A stride is negative + for an array that has is inverted (has a negative step). + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + + .. method:: make_surface + + | :sl:`Creates a new Surface from the current PixelArray.` + | :sg:`make_surface() -> Surface` + + Creates a new Surface from the current PixelArray. Depending on the + current PixelArray the size, pixel order etc. will be different from the + original Surface. + + :: + + # Create a new surface flipped around the vertical axis. + sf = pxarray[:,::-1].make_surface () + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.1 + + .. ## PixelArray.make_surface ## + + .. method:: replace + + | :sl:`Replaces the passed color in the PixelArray with another one.` + | :sg:`replace(color, repcolor, distance=0, weights=(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)) -> None` + + Replaces the pixels with the passed color in the PixelArray by changing + them them to the passed replacement color. + + It uses a simple weighted Euclidean distance formula to calculate the + distance between the colors. The distance space ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 + and is used as threshold for the color detection. This causes the + replacement to take pixels with a similar, but not exactly identical + color, into account as well. + + This is an in place operation that directly affects the pixels of the + PixelArray. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.1 + + .. ## PixelArray.replace ## + + .. method:: extract + + | :sl:`Extracts the passed color from the PixelArray.` + | :sg:`extract(color, distance=0, weights=(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)) -> PixelArray` + + Extracts the passed color by changing all matching pixels to white, while + non-matching pixels are changed to black. This returns a new PixelArray + with the black/white color mask. + + It uses a simple weighted Euclidean distance formula to calculate the + distance between the colors. The distance space ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 + and is used as threshold for the color detection. This causes the + extraction to take pixels with a similar, but not exactly identical + color, into account as well. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.1 + + .. ## PixelArray.extract ## + + .. method:: compare + + | :sl:`Compares the PixelArray with another one.` + | :sg:`compare(array, distance=0, weights=(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)) -> PixelArray` + + Compares the contents of the PixelArray with those from the passed in + PixelArray. It returns a new PixelArray with a black/white color mask + that indicates the differences (black) of both arrays. Both PixelArray + objects must have identical bit depths and dimensions. + + It uses a simple weighted Euclidean distance formula to calculate the + distance between the colors. The distance space ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 + and is used as a threshold for the color detection. This causes the + comparison to mark pixels with a similar, but not exactly identical + color, as white. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.1 + + .. ## PixelArray.compare ## + + .. method:: transpose + + | :sl:`Exchanges the x and y axis.` + | :sg:`transpose() -> PixelArray` + + This method returns a new view of the pixel array with the rows and + columns swapped. So for a (w, h) sized array a (h, w) slice is returned. + If an array is one dimensional, then a length 1 x dimension is added, + resulting in a 2D pixel array. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + + .. ## PixelArray.transpose ## + + .. method:: close + + | :sl:`Closes the PixelArray, and releases Surface lock.` + | :sg:`close() -> PixelArray` + + This method is for explicitly closing the PixelArray, and releasing + a lock on the Surface. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.4 + + .. ## PixelArray.close ## + + + .. ## pygame.PixelArray ## diff --git a/docs/ref/pixelcopy.rst b/docs/ref/pixelcopy.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd8ecf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/pixelcopy.rst @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.pixelcopy` +======================= + +.. module:: pygame.pixelcopy + :synopsis: pygame module for general pixel array copying + +| :sl:`pygame module for general pixel array copying` + +The ``pygame.pixelcopy`` module contains functions for copying between +surfaces and objects exporting an array structure interface. It is a backend +for :mod:`pygame.surfarray`, adding NumPy support. But pixelcopy is more +general, and intended for direct use. + +The array struct interface exposes an array's data in a standard way. +It was introduced in NumPy. In Python 2.7 and above it is replaced by the +new buffer protocol, though the buffer protocol is still a work in progress. +The array struct interface, on the other hand, is stable and works with earlier +Python versions. So for now the array struct interface is the predominate way +pygame handles array introspection. + +For 2d arrays of integer pixel values, the values are mapped to the +pixel format of the related surface. To get the actual color of a pixel +value use :meth:`pygame.Surface.unmap_rgb`. 2d arrays can only be used +directly between surfaces having the same pixel layout. + +New in pygame 1.9.2. + +.. function:: surface_to_array + + | :sl:`copy surface pixels to an array object` + | :sg:`surface_to_array(array, surface, kind='P', opaque=255, clear=0) -> None` + + The surface_to_array function copies pixels from a Surface object + to a 2D or 3D array. Depending on argument ``kind`` and the target array + dimension, a copy may be raw pixel value, RGB, a color component slice, + or colorkey alpha transparency value. Recognized ``kind`` values are the + single character codes 'P', 'R', 'G', 'B', 'A', and 'C'. Kind codes are case + insensitive, so 'p' is equivalent to 'P'. The first two dimensions + of the target must be the surface size (w, h). + + The default 'P' kind code does a direct raw integer pixel (mapped) value + copy to a 2D array and a 'RGB' pixel component (unmapped) copy to a 3D array + having shape (w, h, 3). For an 8 bit colormap surface this means the + table index is copied to a 2D array, not the table value itself. A 2D + array's item size must be at least as large as the surface's pixel + byte size. The item size of a 3D array must be at least one byte. + + For the 'R', 'G', 'B', and 'A' copy kinds a single color component + of the unmapped surface pixels are copied to the target 2D array. + For kind 'A' and surfaces with source alpha (the surface was created with + the SRCALPHA flag), has a colorkey + (set with :meth:`Surface.set_colorkey() `), + or has a blanket alpha + (set with :meth:`Surface.set_alpha() `) + then the alpha values are those expected for a SDL surface. + If a surface has no explicit alpha value, then the target array + is filled with the value of the optional ``opaque`` surface_to_array + argument (default 255: not transparent). + + Copy kind 'C' is a special case for alpha copy of a source surface + with colorkey. Unlike the 'A' color component copy, the ``clear`` + argument value is used for colorkey matches, ``opaque`` otherwise. + By default, a match has alpha 0 (totally transparent), while everything + else is alpha 255 (totally opaque). It is a more general implementation + of :meth:`pygame.surfarray.array_colorkey`. + + Specific to surface_to_array, a ValueError is raised for target arrays + with incorrect shape or item size. A TypeError is raised for an incorrect + kind code. Surface specific problems, such as locking, raise a pygame.error. + + .. ## pygame.pixelcopy.surface_to_array ## + +.. function:: array_to_surface + + | :sl:`copy an array object to a surface` + | :sg:`array_to_surface(, ) -> None` + + See :func:`pygame.surfarray.blit_array`. + + .. ## pygame.pixelcopy.array_to_surface ## + +.. function:: map_array + + | :sl:`copy an array to another array, using surface format` + | :sg:`map_array(, , ) -> None` + + Map an array of color element values - (w, h, ..., 3) - to an array of + pixels - (w, h) according to the format of . + + .. ## pygame.pixelcopy.map_array ## + +.. function:: make_surface + + | :sl:`Copy an array to a new surface` + | :sg:`pygame.pixelcopy.make_surface(array) -> Surface` + + Create a new Surface that best resembles the data and format of the array. + The array can be 2D or 3D with any sized integer values. + + .. ## pygame.pixelcopy.make_surface ## + +.. ## pygame.pixelcopy ## diff --git a/docs/ref/pygame.rst b/docs/ref/pygame.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..280831a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/pygame.rst @@ -0,0 +1,505 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame` +============= + +.. module:: pygame + :synopsis: the top level pygame package + +| :sl:`the top level pygame package` + +The pygame package represents the top-level package for others to use. Pygame +itself is broken into many submodules, but this does not affect programs that +use pygame. + +As a convenience, most of the top-level variables in pygame have been placed +inside a module named :mod:`pygame.locals`. This is meant to be used with +``from pygame.locals import *``, in addition to ``import pygame``. + +When you ``import pygame`` all available pygame submodules are automatically +imported. Be aware that some of the pygame modules are considered *optional*, +and may not be available. In that case, pygame will provide a placeholder +object instead of the module, which can be used to test for availability. + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`initialize all imported pygame modules` + | :sg:`init() -> (numpass, numfail)` + + Initialize all imported pygame modules. No exceptions will be raised if a + module fails, but the total number if successful and failed inits will be + returned as a tuple. You can always initialize individual modules manually, + but :func:`pygame.init` is a convenient way to get everything started. The + ``init()`` functions for individual modules will raise exceptions when they + fail. + + You may want to initialize the different modules separately to speed up your + program or to not use modules your game does not require. + + It is safe to call this ``init()`` more than once as repeated calls will have + no effect. This is true even if you have ``pygame.quit()`` all the modules. + + .. ## pygame.init ## + +.. function:: quit + + | :sl:`uninitialize all pygame modules` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + Uninitialize all pygame modules that have previously been initialized. When + the Python interpreter shuts down, this method is called regardless, so your + program should not need it, except when it wants to terminate its pygame + resources and continue. It is safe to call this function more than once as + repeated calls have no effect. + + .. note:: + Calling :func:`pygame.quit` will not exit your program. Consider letting + your program end in the same way a normal Python program will end. + + .. ## pygame.quit ## + +.. function:: get_init + + | :sl:`returns True if pygame is currently initialized` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Returns ``True`` if pygame is currently initialized. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.5 + + .. ## pygame.get_init ## + +.. exception:: error + + | :sl:`standard pygame exception` + | :sg:`raise pygame.error(message)` + + This exception is raised whenever a pygame or SDL operation fails. You + can catch any anticipated problems and deal with the error. The exception is + always raised with a descriptive message about the problem. + + Derived from the ``RuntimeError`` exception, which can also be used to catch + these raised errors. + + .. ## pygame.error ## + +.. function:: get_error + + | :sl:`get the current error message` + | :sg:`get_error() -> errorstr` + + SDL maintains an internal error message. This message will usually be + given to you when :func:`pygame.error` is raised, so this function will + rarely be needed. + + .. ## pygame.get_error ## + +.. function:: set_error + + | :sl:`set the current error message` + | :sg:`set_error(error_msg) -> None` + + SDL maintains an internal error message. This message will usually be + given to you when :func:`pygame.error` is raised, so this function will + rarely be needed. + + .. ## pygame.set_error ## + +.. function:: get_sdl_version + + | :sl:`get the version number of SDL` + | :sg:`get_sdl_version(linked=True) -> major, minor, patch` + + Returns the three version numbers of the SDL library. ``linked=True`` + will cause the function to return the version of the library that pygame + is linked against while ``linked=False`` will cause the function to return + the version of the library that pygame is compiled against. + It can be used to detect which features may or may not be + available through pygame. + + .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 + + .. versionchanged:: 2.2.0 ``linked`` keyword argument added + + .. ## pygame.get_sdl_version ## + +.. function:: get_sdl_byteorder + + | :sl:`get the byte order of SDL` + | :sg:`get_sdl_byteorder() -> int` + + Returns the byte order of the SDL library. It returns ``1234`` for little + endian byte order and ``4321`` for big endian byte order. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## pygame.get_sdl_byteorder ## + +.. function:: register_quit + + | :sl:`register a function to be called when pygame quits` + | :sg:`register_quit(callable) -> None` + + When :func:`pygame.quit` is called, all registered quit functions are + called. Pygame modules do this automatically when they are initializing, so + this function will rarely be needed. + + .. ## pygame.register_quit ## + +.. function:: encode_string + + | :sl:`Encode a Unicode or bytes object` + | :sg:`encode_string([obj [, encoding [, errors [, etype]]]]) -> bytes or None` + + obj: If Unicode, encode; if bytes, return unaltered; if anything else, + return ``None``; if not given, raise ``SyntaxError``. + + encoding (string): If present, encoding to use. The default is + ``'unicode_escape'``. + + errors (string): If given, how to handle unencodable characters. The default + is ``'backslashreplace'``. + + etype (exception type): If given, the exception type to raise for an + encoding error. The default is ``UnicodeEncodeError``, as returned by + ``PyUnicode_AsEncodedString()``. For the default encoding and errors values + there should be no encoding errors. + + This function is used in encoding file paths. Keyword arguments are + supported. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 (primarily for use in unit tests) + + .. ## pygame.encode_string ## + +.. function:: encode_file_path + + | :sl:`Encode a Unicode or bytes object as a file system path` + | :sg:`encode_file_path([obj [, etype]]) -> bytes or None` + + obj: If Unicode, encode; if bytes, return unaltered; if anything else, + return ``None``; if not given, raise ``SyntaxError``. + + etype (exception type): If given, the exception type to raise for an + encoding error. The default is ``UnicodeEncodeError``, as returned by + ``PyUnicode_AsEncodedString()``. + + This function is used to encode file paths in pygame. Encoding is to the + codec as returned by ``sys.getfilesystemencoding()``. Keyword arguments are + supported. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 (primarily for use in unit tests) + + .. ## pygame.encode_file_path ## + + +:mod:`pygame.version` +===================== + +.. module:: pygame.version + :synopsis: small module containing version information + +| :sl:`small module containing version information` + +This module is automatically imported into the pygame package and can be used to +check which version of pygame has been imported. + +.. data:: ver + + | :sl:`version number as a string` + | :sg:`ver = '1.2'` + + This is the version represented as a string. It can contain a micro release + number as well, e.g. ``'1.5.2'`` + + .. ## pygame.version.ver ## + +.. data:: vernum + + | :sl:`tupled integers of the version` + | :sg:`vernum = (1, 5, 3)` + + This version information can easily be compared with other version + numbers of the same format. An example of checking pygame version numbers + would look like this: + + :: + + if pygame.version.vernum < (1, 5): + print('Warning, older version of pygame (%s)' % pygame.version.ver) + disable_advanced_features = True + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.6 Attributes ``major``, ``minor``, and ``patch``. + + :: + + vernum.major == vernum[0] + vernum.minor == vernum[1] + vernum.patch == vernum[2] + + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.6 + ``str(pygame.version.vernum)`` returns a string like ``"2.0.0"`` instead + of ``"(2, 0, 0)"``. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.6 + ``repr(pygame.version.vernum)`` returns a string like + ``"PygameVersion(major=2, minor=0, patch=0)"`` instead of ``"(2, 0, 0)"``. + + .. ## pygame.version.vernum ## + +.. data:: rev + + | :sl:`repository revision of the build` + | :sg:`rev = 'a6f89747b551+'` + + The Mercurial node identifier of the repository checkout from which this + package was built. If the identifier ends with a plus sign '+' then the + package contains uncommitted changes. Please include this revision number + in bug reports, especially for non-release pygame builds. + + Important note: pygame development has moved to github, this variable is + obsolete now. As soon as development shifted to github, this variable started + returning an empty string ``""``. + It has always been returning an empty string since ``v1.9.5``. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.5 + Always returns an empty string ``""``. + + .. ## pygame.version.rev ## + +.. data:: SDL + + | :sl:`tupled integers of the SDL library version` + | :sg:`SDL = '(2, 0, 12)'` + + This is the SDL library version represented as an extended tuple. It also has + attributes 'major', 'minor' & 'patch' that can be accessed like this: + + :: + + >>> pygame.version.SDL.major + 2 + + printing the whole thing returns a string like this: + + :: + + >>> pygame.version.SDL + SDLVersion(major=2, minor=0, patch=12) + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## pygame.version.SDL ## + +.. ## pygame.version ## + +.. ## pygame ## + +.. _environment-variables: + +**Setting Environment Variables** + +Some aspects of pygame's behaviour can be controlled by setting environment variables, they cover a wide +range of the library's functionality. Some of the variables are from pygame itself, while others come from +the underlying C SDL library that pygame uses. + +In python, environment variables are usually set in code like this:: + + import os + os.environ['NAME_OF_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE'] = 'value_to_set' + +Or to preserve users ability to override the variable:: + + import os + os.environ['ENV_VAR'] = os.environ.get('ENV_VAR', 'value') + +If the variable is more useful for users of an app to set than the developer then they can set it like this: + +**Windows**:: + + set NAME_OF_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE=value_to_set + python my_application.py + +**Linux/Mac**:: + + ENV_VAR=value python my_application.py + +For some variables they need to be set before initialising pygame, some must be set before even importing pygame, +and others can simply be set right before the area of code they control is run. + +Below is a list of environment variables, their settable values, and a brief description of what they do. + +| + +**Pygame Environment Variables** + +These variables are defined by pygame itself. + +| + +:: + + PYGAME_DISPLAY - Experimental (subject to change) + Set index of the display to use, "0" is the default. + +This sets the display where pygame will open its window +or screen. The value set here will be used if set before +calling :func:`pygame.display.set_mode()`, and as long as no +'display' parameter is passed into :func:`pygame.display.set_mode()`. + +| + +:: + + PYGAME_FORCE_SCALE - + Set to "photo" or "default". + +This forces set_mode() to use the SCALED display mode and, +if "photo" is set, makes the scaling use the slowest, but +highest quality anisotropic scaling algorithm, if it is +available. Must be set before calling :func:`pygame.display.set_mode()`. + +| + +:: + + PYGAME_BLEND_ALPHA_SDL2 - New in pygame 2.0.0 + Set to "1" to enable the SDL2 blitter. + +This makes pygame use the SDL2 blitter for all alpha +blending. The SDL2 blitter is sometimes faster than +the default blitter but uses a different formula so +the final colours may differ. Must be set before +:func:`pygame.init()` is called. + +| + +:: + + PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT - + Set to "1" to hide the prompt. + +This stops the welcome message popping up in the +console that tells you which version of python, +pygame & SDL you are using. Must be set before +importing pygame. + +| + +:: + + PYGAME_FREETYPE - + Set to "1" to enable. + +This switches the pygame.font module to a pure +freetype implementation that bypasses SDL_ttf. +See the font module for why you might want to +do this. Must be set before importing pygame. + +| + +:: + + PYGAME_CAMERA - + Set to "opencv" or "vidcapture" + +Forces the library backend used in the camera +module, overriding the platform defaults. Must +be set before calling :func:`pygame.camera.init()`. + +In pygame 2.0.3, backends can be set programmatically instead, and the old +OpenCV backend has been replaced with one on top of "opencv-python," rather +than the old "highgui" OpenCV port. Also, there is a new native Windows +backend available. + +| +| + +**SDL Environment Variables** + +These variables are defined by SDL. + +For documentation on the environment variables available in +pygame 1 try `here +`__. +For Pygame 2, some selected environment variables are listed below. + +| + +:: + + SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED - + Set to "1" to enable centering the window. + +This will make the pygame window open in the centre of the display. +Must be set before calling :func:`pygame.display.set_mode()`. + +| + +:: + + SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS - + Set to "x,y" to position the top left corner of the window. + +This allows control over the placement of the pygame window within +the display. Must be set before calling :func:`pygame.display.set_mode()`. + +| + +:: + + SDL_VIDEODRIVER - + Set to "drivername" to change the video driver used. + +On some platforms there are multiple video drivers available and +this allows users to pick between them. More information is available +`here `__. Must be set before +calling :func:`pygame.init()` or :func:`pygame.display.init()`. + +| + +:: + + SDL_AUDIODRIVER - + Set to "drivername" to change the audio driver used. + +On some platforms there are multiple audio drivers available and +this allows users to pick between them. More information is available +`here `__. Must be set before +calling :func:`pygame.init()` or :func:`pygame.mixer.init()`. + +| + +:: + + SDL_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER + Set to "1" to allow screensavers while pygame apps are running. + +By default pygame apps disable screensavers while +they are running. Setting this environment variable allows users or +developers to change that and make screensavers run again. + +| + +:: + + SDL_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR + Set to "0" to re-enable the compositor. + +By default SDL tries to disable the X11 compositor for all pygame +apps. This is usually a good thing as it's faster, however if you +have an app which *doesn't* update every frame and are using linux +you may want to disable this bypass. The bypass has reported problems +on KDE linux. This variable is only used on x11/linux platforms. + +| + +:: + + SDL_JOYSTICK_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_EVENTS + Set to "1" to allow joysticks to be updated even when the window is out of focus + +By default, when the window is not in focus, input devices do not get +updated. However, using this environment variable it is possible to get +joystick updates even when the window is in the background. Must be set +before calling :func:`pygame.init()` or :func:`pygame.joystick.init()`. diff --git a/docs/ref/rect.rst b/docs/ref/rect.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce4e605 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/rect.rst @@ -0,0 +1,604 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.Rect` +================== + +.. currentmodule:: pygame + +.. class:: Rect + + | :sl:`pygame object for storing rectangular coordinates` + | :sg:`Rect(left, top, width, height) -> Rect` + | :sg:`Rect((left, top), (width, height)) -> Rect` + | :sg:`Rect(object) -> Rect` + + Pygame uses Rect objects to store and manipulate rectangular areas. A Rect + can be created from a combination of left, top, width, and height values. + Rects can also be created from Python objects that are already a Rect or + have an attribute named "rect". + + Any Pygame function that requires a Rect argument also accepts any of these + values to construct a Rect. This makes it easier to create Rects on the fly + as arguments for functions. + + The Rect functions that change the position or size of a Rect return a new + copy of the Rect with the affected changes. The original Rect is not + modified. Some methods have an alternate "in-place" version that returns + None but affects the original Rect. These "in-place" methods are denoted + with the "ip" suffix. + + The Rect object has several virtual attributes which can be used to move and + align the Rect: + + :: + + x,y + top, left, bottom, right + topleft, bottomleft, topright, bottomright + midtop, midleft, midbottom, midright + center, centerx, centery + size, width, height + w,h + + All of these attributes can be assigned to: + + :: + + rect1.right = 10 + rect2.center = (20,30) + + Assigning to size, width or height changes the dimensions of the rectangle; + all other assignments move the rectangle without resizing it. Notice that + some attributes are integers and others are pairs of integers. + + If a Rect has a nonzero width or height, it will return ``True`` for a + nonzero test. Some methods return a Rect with 0 size to represent an invalid + rectangle. A Rect with a 0 size will not collide when using collision + detection methods (e.g. :meth:`collidepoint`, :meth:`colliderect`, etc.). + + The coordinates for Rect objects are all integers. The size values can be + programmed to have negative values, but these are considered illegal Rects + for most operations. + + There are several collision tests between other rectangles. Most python + containers can be searched for collisions against a single Rect. + + The area covered by a Rect does not include the right- and bottom-most edge + of pixels. If one Rect's bottom border is another Rect's top border (i.e., + rect1.bottom=rect2.top), the two meet exactly on the screen but do not + overlap, and ``rect1.colliderect(rect2)`` returns false. + + The Rect object is also iterable: + + :: + + r = Rect(0, 1, 2, 3) + x, y, w, h = r + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + The Rect class can be subclassed. Methods such as ``copy()`` and ``move()`` + will recognize this and return instances of the subclass. + However, the subclass's ``__init__()`` method is not called, + and ``__new__()`` is assumed to take no arguments. So these methods should be + overridden if any extra attributes need to be copied. + + .. method:: copy + + | :sl:`copy the rectangle` + | :sg:`copy() -> Rect` + + Returns a new rectangle having the same position and size as the original. + + New in pygame 1.9 + + .. ## Rect.copy ## + + .. method:: move + + | :sl:`moves the rectangle` + | :sg:`move(x, y) -> Rect` + + Returns a new rectangle that is moved by the given offset. The x and y + arguments can be any integer value, positive or negative. + + .. ## Rect.move ## + + .. method:: move_ip + + | :sl:`moves the rectangle, in place` + | :sg:`move_ip(x, y) -> None` + + Same as the ``Rect.move()`` method, but operates in place. + + .. ## Rect.move_ip ## + + .. method:: inflate + + | :sl:`grow or shrink the rectangle size` + | :sg:`inflate(x, y) -> Rect` + + Returns a new rectangle with the size changed by the given offset. The + rectangle remains centered around its current center. Negative values + will shrink the rectangle. Note, uses integers, if the offset given is + too small(< 2 > -2), center will be off. + + .. ## Rect.inflate ## + + .. method:: inflate_ip + + | :sl:`grow or shrink the rectangle size, in place` + | :sg:`inflate_ip(x, y) -> None` + + Same as the ``Rect.inflate()`` method, but operates in place. + + .. ## Rect.inflate_ip ## + + .. method:: scale_by + + | :sl:`scale the rectangle by given a multiplier` + | :sg:`scale_by(scalar) -> Rect` + | :sg:`scale_by(scalex, scaley) -> Rect` + + Returns a new rectangle with the size scaled by the given multipliers. + The rectangle remains centered around its current center. A single + scalar or separate width and height scalars are allowed. Values above + one will increase the size of the rectangle, whereas values between + zero and one will decrease the size of the rectangle. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## Rect.scale_by ## + + .. method:: scale_by_ip + + | :sl:`grow or shrink the rectangle size, in place` + | :sg:`scale_by_ip(scalar) -> None` + | :sg:`scale_by_ip(scalex, scaley) -> None` + + Same as the ``Rect.scale_by()`` method, but operates in place. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## Rect.scale_by_ip ## + + .. method:: update + + | :sl:`sets the position and size of the rectangle` + | :sg:`update(left, top, width, height) -> None` + | :sg:`update((left, top), (width, height)) -> None` + | :sg:`update(object) -> None` + + Sets the position and size of the rectangle, in place. See + parameters for :meth:`pygame.Rect` for the parameters of this function. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.1 + + .. ## Rect.update ## + + .. method:: clamp + + | :sl:`moves the rectangle inside another` + | :sg:`clamp(Rect) -> Rect` + + Returns a new rectangle that is moved to be completely inside the + argument Rect. If the rectangle is too large to fit inside, it is + centered inside the argument Rect, but its size is not changed. + + .. ## Rect.clamp ## + + .. method:: clamp_ip + + | :sl:`moves the rectangle inside another, in place` + | :sg:`clamp_ip(Rect) -> None` + + Same as the ``Rect.clamp()`` method, but operates in place. + + .. ## Rect.clamp_ip ## + + .. method:: clip + + | :sl:`crops a rectangle inside another` + | :sg:`clip(Rect) -> Rect` + + Returns a new rectangle that is cropped to be completely inside the + argument Rect. If the two rectangles do not overlap to begin with, a Rect + with 0 size is returned. + + .. ## Rect.clip ## + + .. method:: clipline + + | :sl:`crops a line inside a rectangle` + | :sg:`clipline(x1, y1, x2, y2) -> ((cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2))` + | :sg:`clipline(x1, y1, x2, y2) -> ()` + | :sg:`clipline((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> ((cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2))` + | :sg:`clipline((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> ()` + | :sg:`clipline((x1, y1, x2, y2)) -> ((cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2))` + | :sg:`clipline((x1, y1, x2, y2)) -> ()` + | :sg:`clipline(((x1, y1), (x2, y2))) -> ((cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2))` + | :sg:`clipline(((x1, y1), (x2, y2))) -> ()` + + Returns the coordinates of a line that is cropped to be completely inside + the rectangle. If the line does not overlap the rectangle, then an empty + tuple is returned. + + The line to crop can be any of the following formats (floats can be used + in place of ints, but they will be truncated): + + - four ints + - 2 lists/tuples/Vector2s of 2 ints + - a list/tuple of four ints + - a list/tuple of 2 lists/tuples/Vector2s of 2 ints + + :returns: a tuple with the coordinates of the given line cropped to be + completely inside the rectangle is returned, if the given line does + not overlap the rectangle, an empty tuple is returned + :rtype: tuple(tuple(int, int), tuple(int, int)) or () + + :raises TypeError: if the line coordinates are not given as one of the + above described line formats + + .. note :: + This method can be used for collision detection between a rect and a + line. See example code below. + + .. note :: + The ``rect.bottom`` and ``rect.right`` attributes of a + :mod:`pygame.Rect` always lie one pixel outside of its actual border. + + :: + + # Example using clipline(). + clipped_line = rect.clipline(line) + + if clipped_line: + # If clipped_line is not an empty tuple then the line + # collides/overlaps with the rect. The returned value contains + # the endpoints of the clipped line. + start, end = clipped_line + x1, y1 = start + x2, y2 = end + else: + print("No clipping. The line is fully outside the rect.") + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + + .. ## Rect.clipline ## + + .. method:: union + + | :sl:`joins two rectangles into one` + | :sg:`union(Rect) -> Rect` + + Returns a new rectangle that completely covers the area of the two + provided rectangles. There may be area inside the new Rect that is not + covered by the originals. + + .. ## Rect.union ## + + .. method:: union_ip + + | :sl:`joins two rectangles into one, in place` + | :sg:`union_ip(Rect) -> None` + + Same as the ``Rect.union()`` method, but operates in place. + + .. ## Rect.union_ip ## + + .. method:: unionall + + | :sl:`the union of many rectangles` + | :sg:`unionall(Rect_sequence) -> Rect` + + Returns the union of one rectangle with a sequence of many rectangles. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## Rect.unionall ## + + .. method:: unionall_ip + + | :sl:`the union of many rectangles, in place` + | :sg:`unionall_ip(Rect_sequence) -> None` + + The same as the ``Rect.unionall()`` method, but operates in place. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## Rect.unionall_ip ## + + .. method:: fit + + | :sl:`resize and move a rectangle with aspect ratio` + | :sg:`fit(Rect) -> Rect` + + Returns a new rectangle that is moved and resized to fit another. The + aspect ratio of the original Rect is preserved, so the new rectangle may + be smaller than the target in either width or height. + + .. ## Rect.fit ## + + .. method:: normalize + + | :sl:`correct negative sizes` + | :sg:`normalize() -> None` + + This will flip the width or height of a rectangle if it has a negative + size. The rectangle will remain in the same place, with only the sides + swapped. + + .. ## Rect.normalize ## + + .. method:: contains + + | :sl:`test if one rectangle is inside another` + | :sg:`contains(Rect) -> bool` + + Returns true when the argument is completely inside the Rect. + + .. ## Rect.contains ## + + .. method:: collidepoint + + | :sl:`test if a point is inside a rectangle` + | :sg:`collidepoint(x, y) -> bool` + | :sg:`collidepoint((x,y)) -> bool` + + Returns true if the given point is inside the rectangle. A point along + the right or bottom edge is not considered to be inside the rectangle. + + .. note :: + For collision detection between a rect and a line the :meth:`clipline` + method can be used. + + .. ## Rect.collidepoint ## + + .. method:: colliderect + + | :sl:`test if two rectangles overlap` + | :sg:`colliderect(Rect) -> bool` + + Returns true if any portion of either rectangle overlap (except the + top+bottom or left+right edges). + + .. note :: + For collision detection between a rect and a line the :meth:`clipline` + method can be used. + + .. ## Rect.colliderect ## + + .. method:: collidelist + + | :sl:`test if one rectangle in a list intersects` + | :sg:`collidelist(list) -> index` + + Test whether the rectangle collides with any in a sequence of rectangles. + The index of the first collision found is returned. If no collisions are + found an index of -1 is returned. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## Rect.collidelist ## + + .. method:: collidelistall + + | :sl:`test if all rectangles in a list intersect` + | :sg:`collidelistall(list) -> indices` + + Returns a list of all the indices that contain rectangles that collide + with the Rect. If no intersecting rectangles are found, an empty list is + returned. + + Not only Rects are valid arguments, but these are all valid calls: + + .. code-block:: python + + Rect = pygame.Rect + r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 10) + + list_of_rects = [Rect(1, 1, 1, 1), Rect(2, 2, 2, 2)] + indices0 = r.collidelistall(list_of_rects) + + list_of_lists = [[1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2]] + indices1 = r.collidelistall(list_of_lists) + + list_of_tuples = [(1, 1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2, 2)] + indices2 = r.collidelistall(list_of_tuples) + + list_of_double_tuples = [((1, 1), (1, 1)), ((2, 2), (2, 2))] + indices3 = r.collidelistall(list_of_double_tuples) + + class ObjectWithRectAttribute(object): + def __init__(self, r): + self.rect = r + + list_of_object_with_rect_attribute = [ + ObjectWithRectAttribute(Rect(1, 1, 1, 1)), + ObjectWithRectAttribute(Rect(2, 2, 2, 2)), + ] + indices4 = r.collidelistall(list_of_object_with_rect_attribute) + + class ObjectWithCallableRectAttribute(object): + def __init__(self, r): + self._rect = r + + def rect(self): + return self._rect + + list_of_object_with_callable_rect = [ + ObjectWithCallableRectAttribute(Rect(1, 1, 1, 1)), + ObjectWithCallableRectAttribute(Rect(2, 2, 2, 2)), + ] + indices5 = r.collidelistall(list_of_object_with_callable_rect) + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## Rect.collidelistall ## + + .. method:: collideobjects + + | :sl:`test if any object in a list intersects` + | :sg:`collideobjects(rect_list) -> object` + | :sg:`collideobjects(obj_list, key=func) -> object` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave collideobjects feedback with authors `_ + + Test whether the rectangle collides with any object in the sequence. + The object of the first collision found is returned. If no collisions are + found then ``None`` is returned + + If key is given, then it should be a method taking an object from the list + as input and returning a rect like object e.g. ``lambda obj: obj.rectangle``. + If an object has multiple attributes of type Rect then key could return one + of them. + + .. code-block:: python + + r = Rect(1, 1, 10, 10) + + rects = [ + Rect(1, 1, 10, 10), + Rect(5, 5, 10, 10), + Rect(15, 15, 1, 1), + Rect(2, 2, 1, 1), + ] + + result = r.collideobjects(rects) # -> + print(result) + + class ObjectWithSomRectAttribute: + def __init__(self, name, collision_box, draw_rect): + self.name = name + self.draw_rect = draw_rect + self.collision_box = collision_box + + def __repr__(self): + return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.name}", {list(self.collision_box)}, {list(self.draw_rect)})>' + + objects = [ + ObjectWithSomRectAttribute("A", Rect(15, 15, 1, 1), Rect(150, 150, 50, 50)), + ObjectWithSomRectAttribute("B", Rect(1, 1, 10, 10), Rect(300, 300, 50, 50)), + ObjectWithSomRectAttribute("C", Rect(5, 5, 10, 10), Rect(200, 500, 50, 50)), + ] + + # collision = r.collideobjects(objects) # this does not work because the items in the list are no Rect like object + collision = r.collideobjects( + objects, key=lambda o: o.collision_box + ) # -> + print(collision) + + screen_rect = r.collideobjects(objects, key=lambda o: o.draw_rect) # -> None + print(screen_rect) + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Rect.collideobjects ## + + .. method:: collideobjectsall + + | :sl:`test if all objects in a list intersect` + | :sg:`collideobjectsall(rect_list) -> objects` + | :sg:`collideobjectsall(obj_list, key=func) -> objects` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave collideobjectsall feedback with authors `_ + + Returns a list of all the objects that contain rectangles that collide + with the Rect. If no intersecting objects are found, an empty list is + returned. + + If key is given, then it should be a method taking an object from the list + as input and returning a rect like object e.g. ``lambda obj: obj.rectangle``. + If an object has multiple attributes of type Rect then key could return one + of them. + + .. code-block:: python + + r = Rect(1, 1, 10, 10) + + rects = [ + Rect(1, 1, 10, 10), + Rect(5, 5, 10, 10), + Rect(15, 15, 1, 1), + Rect(2, 2, 1, 1), + ] + + result = r.collideobjectsall( + rects + ) # -> [, , ] + print(result) + + class ObjectWithSomRectAttribute: + def __init__(self, name, collision_box, draw_rect): + self.name = name + self.draw_rect = draw_rect + self.collision_box = collision_box + + def __repr__(self): + return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.name}", {list(self.collision_box)}, {list(self.draw_rect)})>' + + objects = [ + ObjectWithSomRectAttribute("A", Rect(1, 1, 10, 10), Rect(300, 300, 50, 50)), + ObjectWithSomRectAttribute("B", Rect(5, 5, 10, 10), Rect(200, 500, 50, 50)), + ObjectWithSomRectAttribute("C", Rect(15, 15, 1, 1), Rect(150, 150, 50, 50)), + ] + + # collisions = r.collideobjectsall(objects) # this does not work because ObjectWithSomRectAttribute is not a Rect like object + collisions = r.collideobjectsall( + objects, key=lambda o: o.collision_box + ) # -> [, ] + print(collisions) + + screen_rects = r.collideobjectsall(objects, key=lambda o: o.draw_rect) # -> [] + print(screen_rects) + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## Rect.collideobjectsall ## + + .. method:: collidedict + + | :sl:`test if one rectangle in a dictionary intersects` + | :sg:`collidedict(dict) -> (key, value)` + | :sg:`collidedict(dict) -> None` + | :sg:`collidedict(dict, use_values=0) -> (key, value)` + | :sg:`collidedict(dict, use_values=0) -> None` + + Returns the first key and value pair that intersects with the calling + Rect object. If no collisions are found, ``None`` is returned. If + ``use_values`` is 0 (default) then the dict's keys will be used in the + collision detection, otherwise the dict's values will be used. + + .. note :: + Rect objects cannot be used as keys in a dictionary (they are not + hashable), so they must be converted to a tuple. + e.g. ``rect.collidedict({tuple(key_rect) : value})`` + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## Rect.collidedict ## + + .. method:: collidedictall + + | :sl:`test if all rectangles in a dictionary intersect` + | :sg:`collidedictall(dict) -> [(key, value), ...]` + | :sg:`collidedictall(dict, use_values=0) -> [(key, value), ...]` + + Returns a list of all the key and value pairs that intersect with the + calling Rect object. If no collisions are found an empty list is returned. + If ``use_values`` is 0 (default) then the dict's keys will be used in the + collision detection, otherwise the dict's values will be used. + + .. note :: + Rect objects cannot be used as keys in a dictionary (they are not + hashable), so they must be converted to a tuple. + e.g. ``rect.collidedictall({tuple(key_rect) : value})`` + + .. versionchanged:: 2.5.0 Added support for keyword arguments. + + .. ## Rect.collidedictall ## + + .. ## pygame.Rect ## diff --git a/docs/ref/scrap.rst b/docs/ref/scrap.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1aac5d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/scrap.rst @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.scrap` +=================== + +.. module:: pygame.scrap + :synopsis: pygame module for clipboard support. + +| :sl:`pygame module for clipboard support.` + +**EXPERIMENTAL!**: This API may change or disappear in later pygame releases. If +you use this, your code may break with the next pygame release. + +The scrap module is for transferring data to/from the clipboard. This allows +for cutting and pasting data between pygame and other applications. Some basic +data (MIME) types are defined and registered: + +:: + + pygame string + constant value description + -------------------------------------------------- + SCRAP_TEXT "text/plain" plain text + SCRAP_BMP "image/bmp" BMP encoded image data + SCRAP_PBM "image/pbm" PBM encoded image data + SCRAP_PPM "image/ppm" PPM encoded image data + +``pygame.SCRAP_PPM``, ``pygame.SCRAP_PBM`` and ``pygame.SCRAP_BMP`` are +suitable for surface buffers to be shared with other applications. +``pygame.SCRAP_TEXT`` is an alias for the plain text clipboard type. + +Depending on the platform, additional types are automatically registered when +data is placed into the clipboard to guarantee a consistent sharing behaviour +with other applications. The following listed types can be used as strings to +be passed to the respective :mod:`pygame.scrap` module functions. + +For **Windows** platforms, these additional types are supported automatically +and resolve to their internal definitions: + +:: + + "text/plain;charset=utf-8" UTF-8 encoded text + "audio/wav" WAV encoded audio + "image/tiff" TIFF encoded image data + +For **X11** platforms, these additional types are supported automatically and +resolve to their internal definitions: + +:: + + "text/plain;charset=utf-8" UTF-8 encoded text + "UTF8_STRING" UTF-8 encoded text + "COMPOUND_TEXT" COMPOUND text + +User defined types can be used, but the data might not be accessible by other +applications unless they know what data type to look for. +Example: Data placed into the clipboard by +``pygame.scrap.put("my_data_type", byte_data)`` can only be accessed by +applications which query the clipboard for the ``"my_data_type"`` data type. + +For an example of how the scrap module works refer to the examples page +(:func:`pygame.examples.scrap_clipboard.main`) or the code directly in GitHub +(`pygame/examples/scrap_clipboard.py `_). + +.. versionadded:: 1.8 + +.. note:: + The scrap module is currently only supported for Windows, X11 and Mac OS X. + On Mac OS X only text works at the moment - other types may be supported in + future releases. + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`Initializes the scrap module.` + | :sg:`init() -> None` + + Initialize the scrap module. + + :raises pygame.error: if unable to initialize scrap module + + .. note:: The scrap module requires :func:`pygame.display.set_mode()` be + called before being initialized. + + .. ## pygame.scrap.init ## + +.. function:: get_init + + | :sl:`Returns True if the scrap module is currently initialized.` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Gets the scrap module's initialization state. + + :returns: ``True`` if the :mod:`pygame.scrap` module is currently + initialized, ``False`` otherwise + :rtype: bool + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.5 + + .. ## pygame.scrap.get_init ## + +.. function:: get + + | :sl:`Gets the data for the specified type from the clipboard.` + | :sg:`get(type) -> bytes | None` + + Retrieves the data for the specified type from the clipboard. The data is + returned as a byte string and might need further processing (such as + decoding to Unicode). + + :param string type: data type to retrieve from the clipboard + + :returns: data (bytes object) for the given type identifier or ``None`` if + no data for the given type is available + :rtype: bytes | None + + :: + + text = pygame.scrap.get(pygame.SCRAP_TEXT) + if text: + print("There is text in the clipboard.") + else: + print("There does not seem to be text in the clipboard.") + + .. ## pygame.scrap.get ## + +.. function:: get_types + + | :sl:`Gets a list of the available clipboard types.` + | :sg:`get_types() -> list` + + Gets a list of data type string identifiers for the data currently + available on the clipboard. Each identifier can be used in the + :func:`pygame.scrap.get()` method to get the clipboard content of the + specific type. + + :returns: list of strings of the available clipboard data types, if there + is no data in the clipboard an empty list is returned + :rtype: list + + :: + + for t in pygame.scrap.get_types(): + if "text" in t: + # There is some content with the word "text" in its type string. + print(pygame.scrap.get(t)) + + .. ## pygame.scrap.get_types ## + +.. function:: put + + | :sl:`Places data into the clipboard.` + | :sg:`put(type, data) -> None` + + Places data for a given clipboard type into the clipboard. The data must + be a string buffer. The type is a string identifying the type of data to be + placed into the clipboard. This can be one of the predefined + ``pygame.SCRAP_PBM``, ``pygame.SCRAP_PPM``, ``pygame.SCRAP_BMP`` or + ``pygame.SCRAP_TEXT`` values or a user defined string identifier. + + :param string type: type identifier of the data to be placed into the + clipboard + :param data: data to be place into the clipboard, a bytes object + :type data: bytes + + :raises pygame.error: if unable to put the data into the clipboard + + :: + + with open("example.bmp", "rb") as fp: + pygame.scrap.put(pygame.SCRAP_BMP, fp.read()) + # The image data is now on the clipboard for other applications to access + # it. + pygame.scrap.put(pygame.SCRAP_TEXT, b"A text to copy") + pygame.scrap.put("Plain text", b"Data for user defined type 'Plain text'") + + .. ## pygame.scrap.put ## + +.. function:: contains + + | :sl:`Checks whether data for a given type is available in the clipboard.` + | :sg:`contains(type) -> bool` + + Checks whether data for the given type is currently available in the + clipboard. + + :param string type: data type to check availability of + + :returns: ``True`` if data for the passed type is available in the + clipboard, ``False`` otherwise + :rtype: bool + + :: + + if pygame.scrap.contains(pygame.SCRAP_TEXT): + print("There is text in the clipboard.") + if pygame.scrap.contains("own_data_type"): + print("There is stuff in the clipboard.") + + .. ## pygame.scrap.contains ## + +.. function:: lost + + | :sl:`Indicates if the clipboard ownership has been lost by the pygame application.` + | :sg:`lost() -> bool` + + Indicates if the clipboard ownership has been lost by the pygame + application. + + :returns: ``True``, if the clipboard ownership has been lost by the pygame + application, ``False`` if the pygame application still owns the clipboard + :rtype: bool + + :: + + if pygame.scrap.lost(): + print("The clipboard is in use by another application.") + + .. ## pygame.scrap.lost ## + +.. function:: set_mode + + | :sl:`Sets the clipboard access mode.` + | :sg:`set_mode(mode) -> None` + + Sets the access mode for the clipboard. This is only of interest for X11 + environments where clipboard modes ``pygame.SCRAP_SELECTION`` (for mouse + selections) and ``pygame.SCRAP_CLIPBOARD`` (for the clipboard) are + available. Setting the mode to ``pygame.SCRAP_SELECTION`` in other + environments will not change the mode from ``pygame.SCRAP_CLIPBOARD``. + + :param mode: access mode, supported values are ``pygame.SCRAP_CLIPBOARD`` + and ``pygame.SCRAP_SELECTION`` (``pygame.SCRAP_SELECTION`` only has an + effect when used on X11 platforms) + + :raises ValueError: if the ``mode`` parameter is not + ``pygame.SCRAP_CLIPBOARD`` or ``pygame.SCRAP_SELECTION`` + + .. ## pygame.scrap.set_mode ## + +.. ## pygame.scrap ## diff --git a/docs/ref/sdl2_controller.rst b/docs/ref/sdl2_controller.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbea64a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/sdl2_controller.rst @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame._sdl2.controller` +============================== + +.. module:: pygame._sdl2.controller + :synopsis: pygame module to work with controllers + +| :sl:`Pygame module to work with controllers.` + +.. note:: + Use import pygame._sdl2.controller before using this module. + +This module offers control over common controller types like the dualshock 4 or +the xbox 360 controllers: They have two analog sticks, two triggers, two shoulder buttons, +a dpad, 4 buttons on the side, 2 (or 3) buttons in the middle. + +Pygame uses xbox controllers naming conventions (like a, b, x, y for buttons) but +they always refer to the same buttons. For example ``CONTROLLER_BUTTON_X`` is +always the leftmost button of the 4 buttons on the right. + +Controllers can generate the following events:: + + CONTROLLERAXISMOTION, CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN, CONTROLLERBUTTONUP, + CONTROLLERDEVICEREMAPPED, CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED, CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED + +Additionally if pygame is built with SDL 2.0.14 or higher the following events can also be generated +(to get the version of sdl pygame is built with use :meth:`pygame.version.SDL`):: + + CONTROLLERTOUCHPADDOWN, CONTROLLERTOUCHPADMOTION, CONTROLLERTOUCHPADUP + +These events can be enabled/disabled by :meth:`pygame._sdl2.controller.set_eventstate` +Note that controllers can generate joystick events as well. This function only toggles +events related to controllers. + +.. note:: + See the :mod:`pygame.joystick` for a more versatile but more advanced api. + +.. versionadded:: 2 This module requires SDL2. + +.. function:: init + + | :sl:`initialize the controller module` + | :sg:`init() -> None` + + Initialize the controller module. + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.controller.init ## + +.. function:: quit + + | :sl:`Uninitialize the controller module.` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + Uninitialize the controller module. + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.controller.quit ## + +.. function:: get_init + + | :sl:`Returns True if the controller module is initialized.` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Test if ``pygame._sdl2.controller.init()`` was called. + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.controller.get_init ## + +.. function:: set_eventstate + + | :sl:`Sets the current state of events related to controllers` + | :sg:`set_eventstate(state) -> None` + + Enable or disable events connected to controllers. + + .. note:: + Controllers can still generate joystick events, which will not be toggled by this function. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.2: Changed return type from int to None + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.controller.set_eventstate ## + +.. function:: get_eventstate + + | :sl:`Gets the current state of events related to controllers` + | :sg:`get_eventstate() -> bool` + + Returns the current state of events related to controllers, True meaning + events will be posted. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.2 + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.controller.get_eventstate ## + +.. function:: get_count + + | :sl:`Get the number of joysticks connected` + | :sg:`get_count() -> int` + + Get the number of joysticks connected. + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.controller.get_count ## + +.. function:: is_controller + + | :sl:`Check if the given joystick is supported by the game controller interface` + | :sg:`is_controller(index) -> bool` + + Returns True if the index given can be used to create a controller object. + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.controller.is_controller ## + +.. function:: name_forindex + + | :sl:`Get the name of the controller` + | :sg:`name_forindex(index) -> name or None` + + Returns the name of controller, or None if there's no name or the + index is invalid. + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.controller.name_forindex ## + +.. class:: Controller + + | :sl:`Create a new Controller object.` + | :sg:`Controller(index) -> Controller` + + Create a new Controller object. Index should be integer between + 0 and ``pygame._sdl2.controller.get_count()``. Controllers also + can be created from a ``pygame.joystick.Joystick`` using + ``pygame._sdl2.controller.from_joystick``. Controllers are + initialized on creation. + + .. method:: quit + + | :sl:`uninitialize the Controller` + | :sg:`quit() -> None` + + Close a Controller object. After this the pygame event queue will no longer + receive events from the device. + + It is safe to call this more than once. + + .. ## Controller.quit ## + + .. method:: get_init + + | :sl:`check if the Controller is initialized` + | :sg:`get_init() -> bool` + + Returns True if the Controller object is currently initialised. + + .. ## Controller.get_init ## + + .. staticmethod:: from_joystick + + | :sl:`Create a Controller from a pygame.joystick.Joystick object` + | :sg:`from_joystick(joystick) -> Controller` + + Create a Controller object from a ``pygame.joystick.Joystick`` object + + .. ## Controller.from_joystick ## + + .. method:: attached + + | :sl:`Check if the Controller has been opened and is currently connected.` + | :sg:`attached() -> bool` + + Returns True if the Controller object is opened and connected. + + .. ## Controller.attached ## + + .. method:: as_joystick + + | :sl:`Returns a pygame.joystick.Joystick() object` + | :sg:`as_joystick() -> Joystick object` + + Returns a pygame.joystick.Joystick() object created from this controller's index + + .. ## Controller.as_joystick ## + + .. method:: get_axis + + | :sl:`Get the current state of a joystick axis` + | :sg:`get_axis(axis) -> int` + + Get the current state of a trigger or joystick axis. + The axis argument must be one of the following constants:: + + CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX, CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY, + CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX, CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY, + CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT, CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT + + Joysticks can return a value between -32768 and 32767. Triggers however + can only return a value between 0 and 32768. + + .. ## Controller.get_axis ## + + .. method:: get_button + + | :sl:`Get the current state of a button` + | :sg:`get_button(button) -> bool` + + Get the current state of a button, True meaning it is pressed down. + The button argument must be one of the following constants:: + + CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A, CONTROLLER_BUTTON_B, + CONTROLLER_BUTTON_X, CONTROLLER_BUTTON_Y + CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP, CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN, + CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT, CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT, + CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSHOULDER, CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSHOULDER, + CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSTICK, CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSTICK, + CONTROLLER_BUTTON_BACK, CONTROLLER_BUTTON_GUIDE, + CONTROLLER_BUTTON_START + + + .. ## Controller.get_button ## + + .. method:: get_mapping + + | :sl:`Get the mapping assigned to the controller` + | :sg:`get_mapping() -> mapping` + + Returns a dict containing the mapping of the Controller. For more + information see :meth:`Controller.set_mapping()` + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.2: Return type changed from ``str`` to ``dict`` + + .. ## Contorller.get_mapping ## + + .. method:: set_mapping + + | :sl:`Assign a mapping to the controller` + | :sg:`set_mapping(mapping) -> int` + + Rebind buttons, axes, triggers and dpads. The mapping should be a + dict containing all buttons, hats and axes. The easiest way to get this + is to use the dict returned by :meth:`Controller.get_mapping`. To edit + this mapping assign a value to the original button. The value of the + dictionary must be a button, hat or axis represented in the following way: + + * For a button use: bX where X is the index of the button. + * For a hat use: hX.Y where X is the index and the Y is the direction (up: 1, right: 2, down: 3, left: 4). + * For an axis use: aX where x is the index of the axis. + + An example of mapping:: + + mapping = controller.get_mapping() # Get current mapping + mapping["a"] = "b3" # Remap button a to y + mapping["y"] = "b0" # Remap button y to a + controller.set_mapping(mapping) # Set the mapping + + + The function will return 1 if a new mapping is added or 0 if an existing one is updated. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.2: Renamed from ``add_mapping`` to ``set_mapping`` + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.2: Argument type changed from ``str`` to ``dict`` + + .. ## Contorller.set_mapping ## + + .. method:: rumble + + | :sl:`Start a rumbling effect` + | :sg:`rumble(low_frequency, high_frequency, duration) -> bool` + + Start a rumble effect on the controller, with the specified strength ranging + from 0 to 1. Duration is length of the effect, in ms. Setting the duration + to 0 will play the effect until another one overwrites it or + :meth:`Controller.stop_rumble` is called. If an effect is already + playing, then it will be overwritten. + + Returns True if the rumble was played successfully or False if the + controller does not support it or :meth:`pygame.version.SDL` is below 2.0.9. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.2 + + .. ## Contorller.rumble ## + + .. method:: stop_rumble + + | :sl:`Stop any rumble effect playing` + | :sg:`stop_rumble() -> None` + + Stops any rumble effect playing on the controller. See + :meth:`Controller.rumble` for more information. + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.2 + + .. ## Contorller.stop_rumble ## + +.. ## pygame._sdl2.controller ## diff --git a/docs/ref/sdl2_video.rst b/docs/ref/sdl2_video.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e273363 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/sdl2_video.rst @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.sdl2_video` +======================== + +.. module:: pygame._sdl2.video + :synopsis: Experimental pygame module for porting new SDL video systems + +.. warning:: + This module isn't ready for prime time yet, it's still in development. + These docs are primarily meant to help the pygame developers and super-early adopters + who are in communication with the developers. This API will change. + +| :sl:`Experimental pygame module for porting new SDL video systems` + +.. class:: Window + + | :sl:`pygame object that represents a window` + | :sg:`Window(title="pygame", size=(640, 480), position=None, fullscreen=False, fullscreen_desktop=False, keywords) -> Window` + + .. classmethod:: from_display_module + + | :sl:`Creates window using window created by pygame.display.set_mode().` + | :sg:`from_display_module() -> Window` + + .. classmethod:: from_window + + | :sl:`Create Window from another window. Could be from another UI toolkit.` + | :sg:`from_window(other) -> Window` + + .. attribute:: grab + + | :sl:`Gets or sets whether the mouse is confined to the window.` + | :sg:`grab -> bool` + + .. attribute:: relative_mouse + + | :sl:`Gets or sets the window's relative mouse motion state.` + | :sg:`relative_mouse -> bool` + + .. method:: set_windowed + + | :sl:`Enable windowed mode (exit fullscreen).` + | :sg:`set_windowed() -> None` + + .. method:: set_fullscreen + + | :sl:`Enter fullscreen.` + | :sg:`set_fullscreen(desktop=False) -> None` + + .. attribute:: title + + | :sl:`Gets or sets whether the window title.` + | :sg:`title -> string` + + .. method:: destroy + + | :sl:`Destroys the window.` + | :sg:`destroy() -> None` + + .. method:: hide + + | :sl:`Hide the window.` + | :sg:`hide() -> None` + + .. method:: show + + | :sl:`Show the window.` + | :sg:`show() -> None` + + .. method:: focus + + | :sl:`Raise the window above other windows and set the input focus. The "input_only" argument is only supported on X11.` + | :sg:`focus(input_only=False) -> None` + + .. method:: restore + + | :sl:`Restore the size and position of a minimized or maximized window.` + | :sg:`restore() -> None` + + .. method:: maximize + + | :sl:`Maximize the window.` + | :sg:`maximize() -> None` + + .. method:: minimize + + | :sl:`Minimize the window.` + | :sg:`maximize() -> None` + + .. attribute:: resizable + + | :sl:`Gets and sets whether the window is resizable.` + | :sg:`resizable -> bool` + + .. attribute:: borderless + + | :sl:`Add or remove the border from the window.` + | :sg:`borderless -> bool` + + .. method:: set_icon + + | :sl:`Set the icon for the window.` + | :sg:`set_icon(surface) -> None` + + .. attribute:: id + + | :sl:`Get the unique window ID. *Read-only*` + | :sg:`id -> int` + + .. attribute:: size + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the window size.` + | :sg:`size -> (int, int)` + + .. attribute:: position + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the window position.` + | :sg:`position -> (int, int) or WINDOWPOS_CENTERED or WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED` + + .. attribute:: opacity + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the window opacity. Between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).` + | :sg:`opacity -> float` + + .. attribute:: display_index + + | :sl:`Get the index of the display that owns the window. *Read-only*` + | :sg:`display_index -> int` + + .. method:: set_modal_for + + | :sl:`Set the window as a modal for a parent window. This function is only supported on X11.` + | :sg:`set_modal_for(Window) -> None` + +.. class:: Texture + + | :sl:`pygame object that representing a Texture.` + | :sg:`Texture(renderer, size, depth=0, static=False, streaming=False, target=False) -> Texture` + + .. staticmethod:: from_surface + + | :sl:`Create a texture from an existing surface.` + | :sg:`from_surface(renderer, surface) -> Texture` + + .. attribute:: renderer + + | :sl:`Gets the renderer associated with the Texture. *Read-only*` + | :sg:`renderer -> Renderer` + + .. attribute:: width + + | :sl:`Gets the width of the Texture. *Read-only*` + | :sg:`width -> int` + + .. attribute:: height + + | :sl:`Gets the height of the Texture. *Read-only*` + | :sg:`height -> int` + + .. attribute:: alpha + + | :sl:`Gets and sets an additional alpha value multiplied into render copy operations.` + | :sg:`alpha -> int` + + .. attribute:: blend_mode + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the blend mode for the Texture.` + | :sg:`blend_mode -> int` + + .. attribute:: color + + | :sl:`Gets and sets an additional color value multiplied into render copy operations.` + | :sg:`color -> color` + + .. method:: get_rect + + | :sl:`Get the rectangular area of the texture.` + | :sg:`get_rect(**kwargs) -> Rect` + + .. method:: draw + + | :sl:`Copy a portion of the texture to the rendering target.` + | :sg:`draw(srcrect=None, dstrect=None, angle=0, origin=None, flip_x=False, flip_y=False) -> None` + + .. method:: update + + | :sl:`Update the texture with a Surface. WARNING: Slow operation, use sparingly.` + | :sg:`update(surface, area=None) -> None` + +.. class:: Image + + | :sl:`Easy way to use a portion of a Texture without worrying about srcrect all the time.` + | :sg:`Image(textureOrImage, srcrect=None) -> Image` + + .. method:: get_rect + + | :sl:`Get the rectangular area of the Image.` + | :sg:`get_rect() -> Rect` + + .. method:: draw + + | :sl:`Copy a portion of the Image to the rendering target.` + | :sg:`draw(srcrect=None, dstrect=None) -> None` + + .. attribute:: angle + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the angle the Image draws itself with.` + | :sg:`angle -> float` + + .. attribute:: origin + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the origin. Origin=None means the Image will be rotated around its center.` + | :sg:`origin -> (float, float) or None.` + + .. attribute:: flip_x + + | :sl:`Gets and sets whether the Image is flipped on the x axis.` + | :sg:`flip_x -> bool` + + .. attribute:: flip_y + + | :sl:`Gets and sets whether the Image is flipped on the y axis.` + | :sg:`flip_y -> bool` + + .. attribute:: color + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the Image color modifier.` + | :sg:`color -> Color` + + .. attribute:: alpha + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the Image alpha modifier.` + | :sg:`alpha -> float` + + .. attribute:: blend_mode + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the blend mode for the Image.` + | :sg:`blend_mode -> int` + + .. attribute:: texture + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the Texture the Image is based on.` + | :sg:`texture -> Texture` + + .. attribute:: srcrect + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the Rect the Image is based on.` + | :sg:`srcrect -> Rect` + +.. class:: Renderer + + | :sl:`Create a 2D rendering context for a window.` + | :sg:`Renderer(window, index=-1, accelerated=-1, vsync=False, target_texture=False) -> Renderer` + + .. classmethod:: from_window + + | :sl:`Easy way to create a Renderer.` + | :sg:`from_window(window) -> Renderer` + + .. attribute:: draw_blend_mode + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the blend mode used by the drawing functions.` + | :sg:`draw_blend_mode -> int` + + .. attribute:: draw_color + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the color used by the drawing functions.` + | :sg:`draw_color -> Color` + + .. method:: clear + + | :sl:`Clear the current rendering target with the drawing color.` + | :sg:`clear() -> None` + + .. method:: present + + | :sl:`Updates the screen with any new rendering since previous call.` + | :sg:`present() -> None` + + .. method:: get_viewport + + | :sl:`Returns the drawing area on the target.` + | :sg:`get_viewport() -> Rect` + + .. method:: set_viewport + + | :sl:`Set the drawing area on the target. If area is None, the entire target will be used.` + | :sg:`set_viewport(area) -> None` + + .. attribute:: logical_size + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the logical size.` + | :sg:`logical_size -> (int width, int height)` + + .. attribute:: scale + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the scale.` + | :sg:`scale -> (float x_scale, float y_scale)` + + .. attribute:: target + + | :sl:`Gets and sets the render target. None represents the default target (the renderer).` + | :sg:`target -> Texture or None` + + .. method:: blit + + | :sl:`For compatibility purposes. Textures created by different Renderers cannot be shared!` + | :sg:`blit(source, dest, area=None, special_flags=0)-> Rect` + + .. method:: draw_line + + | :sl:`Draws a line.` + | :sg:`draw_line(p1, p2) -> None` + + .. method:: draw_point + + | :sl:`Draws a point.` + | :sg:`draw_point(point) -> None` + + .. method:: draw_rect + + | :sl:`Draws a rectangle.` + | :sg:`draw_rect(rect)-> None` + + .. method:: fill_rect + + | :sl:`Fills a rectangle.` + | :sg:`fill_rect(rect)-> None` + + .. method:: to_surface + + | :sl:`Read pixels from current render target and create a pygame.Surface. WARNING: Slow operation, use sparingly.` + | :sg:`to_surface(surface=None, area=None)-> Surface` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ref/sndarray.rst b/docs/ref/sndarray.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a17764 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/sndarray.rst @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.sndarray` +====================== + +.. module:: pygame.sndarray + :synopsis: pygame module for accessing sound sample data + +| :sl:`pygame module for accessing sound sample data` + +Functions to convert between NumPy arrays and Sound objects. This +module will only be functional when pygame can use the external NumPy +package. If NumPy can't be imported, ``surfarray`` becomes a ``MissingModule`` +object. + +Sound data is made of thousands of samples per second, and each sample is the +amplitude of the wave at a particular moment in time. For example, in 22-kHz +format, element number 5 of the array is the amplitude of the wave after +5/22000 seconds. + +The arrays are indexed by the ``X`` axis first, followed by the ``Y`` axis. +Each sample is an 8-bit or 16-bit integer, depending on the data format. A +stereo sound file has two values per sample, while a mono sound file only has +one. + +.. function:: array + + | :sl:`copy Sound samples into an array` + | :sg:`array(Sound) -> array` + + Creates a new array for the sound data and copies the samples. The array + will always be in the format returned from ``pygame.mixer.get_init()``. + + .. ## pygame.sndarray.array ## + +.. function:: samples + + | :sl:`reference Sound samples into an array` + | :sg:`samples(Sound) -> array` + + Creates a new array that directly references the samples in a Sound object. + Modifying the array will change the Sound. The array will always be in the + format returned from ``pygame.mixer.get_init()``. + + .. ## pygame.sndarray.samples ## + +.. function:: make_sound + + | :sl:`convert an array into a Sound object` + | :sg:`make_sound(array) -> Sound` + + Create a new playable Sound object from an array. The mixer module must be + initialized and the array format must be similar to the mixer audio format. + + .. ## pygame.sndarray.make_sound ## + +.. function:: use_arraytype + + | :sl:`Sets the array system to be used for sound arrays` + | :sg:`use_arraytype (arraytype) -> None` + + DEPRECATED: Uses the requested array type for the module functions. The + only supported arraytype is ``'numpy'``. Other values will raise ValueError. + Using this function will raise a ``DeprecationWarning``. + .. ## pygame.sndarray.use_arraytype ## + +.. function:: get_arraytype + + | :sl:`Gets the currently active array type.` + | :sg:`get_arraytype () -> str` + + DEPRECATED: Returns the currently active array type. This will be a value of the + ``get_arraytypes()`` tuple and indicates which type of array module is used + for the array creation. Using this function will raise a ``DeprecationWarning``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## pygame.sndarray.get_arraytype ## + +.. function:: get_arraytypes + + | :sl:`Gets the array system types currently supported.` + | :sg:`get_arraytypes () -> tuple` + + DEPRECATED: Checks, which array systems are available and returns them as a tuple of + strings. The values of the tuple can be used directly in the + :func:`pygame.sndarray.use_arraytype` () method. If no supported array + system could be found, None will be returned. Using this function will raise a + ``DeprecationWarning``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## pygame.sndarray.get_arraytypes ## + +.. ## pygame.sndarray ## diff --git a/docs/ref/sprite.rst b/docs/ref/sprite.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82e8cbb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/sprite.rst @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.sprite` +==================== + +.. module:: pygame.sprite + :synopsis: pygame module with basic game object classes + +| :sl:`pygame module with basic game object classes` + +This module contains several simple classes to be used within games. There is +the main Sprite class and several Group classes that contain Sprites. The use +of these classes is entirely optional when using pygame. The classes are fairly +lightweight and only provide a starting place for the code that is common to +most games. + +The Sprite class is intended to be used as a base class for the different types +of objects in the game. There is also a base Group class that simply stores +sprites. A game could create new types of Group classes that operate on +specially customized Sprite instances they contain. + +The basic Group class can draw the Sprites it contains to a Surface. The +``Group.draw()`` method requires that each Sprite have a ``Surface.image`` +attribute and a ``Surface.rect``. The ``Group.clear()`` method requires these +same attributes, and can be used to erase all the Sprites with background. +There are also more advanced Groups: ``pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates()`` and +``pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates()``. + +Lastly, this module contains several collision functions. These help find +sprites inside multiple groups that have intersecting bounding rectangles. To +find the collisions, the Sprites are required to have a ``Surface.rect`` +attribute assigned. + +The groups are designed for high efficiency in removing and adding Sprites to +them. They also allow cheap testing to see if a Sprite already exists in a +Group. A given Sprite can exist in any number of groups. A game could use some +groups to control object rendering, and a completely separate set of groups to +control interaction or player movement. Instead of adding type attributes or +bools to a derived Sprite class, consider keeping the Sprites inside organized +Groups. This will allow for easier lookup later in the game. + +Sprites and Groups manage their relationships with the ``add()`` and +``remove()`` methods. These methods can accept a single or multiple targets for +membership. The default initializers for these classes also takes a single or +list of targets for initial membership. It is safe to repeatedly add and remove +the same Sprite from a Group. + +While it is possible to design sprite and group classes that don't derive from +the Sprite and AbstractGroup classes below, it is strongly recommended that you +extend those when you add a Sprite or Group class. + +Sprites are not thread safe. So lock them yourself if using threads. + +.. class:: Sprite + + | :sl:`Simple base class for visible game objects.` + | :sg:`Sprite(*groups) -> Sprite` + + The base class for visible game objects. Derived classes will want to + override the ``Sprite.update()`` and assign a ``Sprite.image`` and + ``Sprite.rect`` attributes. The initializer can accept any number of Group + instances to be added to. + + When subclassing the Sprite, be sure to call the base initializer before + adding the Sprite to Groups. For example: + + .. code-block:: python + + class Block(pygame.sprite.Sprite): + + # Constructor. Pass in the color of the block, + # and its x and y position + def __init__(self, color, width, height): + # Call the parent class (Sprite) constructor + pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) + + # Create an image of the block, and fill it with a color. + # This could also be an image loaded from the disk. + self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height]) + self.image.fill(color) + + # Fetch the rectangle object that has the dimensions of the image + # Update the position of this object by setting the values of rect.x and rect.y + self.rect = self.image.get_rect() + + .. method:: update + + | :sl:`method to control sprite behavior` + | :sg:`update(*args, **kwargs) -> None` + + The default implementation of this method does nothing; it's just a + convenient "hook" that you can override. This method is called by + ``Group.update()`` with whatever arguments you give it. + + There is no need to use this method if not using the convenience method + by the same name in the Group class. + + .. ## Sprite.update ## + + .. method:: add + + | :sl:`add the sprite to groups` + | :sg:`add(*groups) -> None` + + Any number of Group instances can be passed as arguments. The Sprite will + be added to the Groups it is not already a member of. + + .. ## Sprite.add ## + + .. method:: remove + + | :sl:`remove the sprite from groups` + | :sg:`remove(*groups) -> None` + + Any number of Group instances can be passed as arguments. The Sprite will + be removed from the Groups it is currently a member of. + + .. ## Sprite.remove ## + + .. method:: kill + + | :sl:`remove the Sprite from all Groups` + | :sg:`kill() -> None` + + The Sprite is removed from all the Groups that contain it. This won't + change anything about the state of the Sprite. It is possible to continue + to use the Sprite after this method has been called, including adding it + to Groups. + + .. ## Sprite.kill ## + + .. method:: alive + + | :sl:`does the sprite belong to any groups` + | :sg:`alive() -> bool` + + Returns True when the Sprite belongs to one or more Groups. + + .. ## Sprite.alive ## + + .. method:: groups + + | :sl:`list of Groups that contain this Sprite` + | :sg:`groups() -> group_list` + + Return a list of all the Groups that contain this Sprite. + + .. ## Sprite.groups ## + + .. ## pygame.sprite.Sprite ## + +.. class:: WeakSprite + + | :sl:`A subclass of Sprite that references its Groups weakly. This means that any group this belongs to that is not referenced anywhere else is garbage collected automatically.` + | :sg:`WeakSprite(*groups) -> WeakSprite` + +.. class:: DirtySprite + + | :sl:`A subclass of Sprite with more attributes and features.` + | :sg:`DirtySprite(*groups) -> DirtySprite` + + Extra DirtySprite attributes with their default values: + + dirty = 1 + + :: + + if set to 1, it is repainted and then set to 0 again + if set to 2 then it is always dirty ( repainted each frame, + flag is not reset) + 0 means that it is not dirty and therefore not repainted again + + blendmode = 0 + + :: + + its the special_flags argument of blit, blendmodes + + source_rect = None + + :: + + source rect to use, remember that it is relative to + topleft (0,0) of self.image + + visible = 1 + + :: + + normally 1, if set to 0 it will not be repainted + (you must set it dirty too to be erased from screen) + + layer = 0 + + :: + + (READONLY value, it is read when adding it to the + LayeredDirty, for details see doc of LayeredDirty) + + .. ## ## + + .. ## pygame.sprite.DirtySprite ## + +.. class:: Group + + | :sl:`A container class to hold and manage multiple Sprite objects.` + | :sg:`Group(*sprites) -> Group` + + A simple container for Sprite objects. This class can be inherited to create + containers with more specific behaviors. The constructor takes any number of + Sprite arguments to add to the Group. The group supports the following + standard Python operations: + + :: + + in test if a Sprite is contained + len the number of Sprites contained + bool test if any Sprites are contained + iter iterate through all the Sprites + + The Sprites in the Group are ordered only on python 3.6 and higher. + Below python 3.6 drawing and iterating over the Sprites is in no particular order. + + .. method:: sprites + + | :sl:`list of the Sprites this Group contains` + | :sg:`sprites() -> sprite_list` + + Return a list of all the Sprites this group contains. You can also get an + iterator from the group, but you cannot iterate over a Group while + modifying it. + + .. ## Group.sprites ## + + .. method:: copy + + | :sl:`duplicate the Group` + | :sg:`copy() -> Group` + + Creates a new Group with all the same Sprites as the original. If you + have subclassed Group, the new object will have the same (sub-)class as + the original. This only works if the derived class's constructor takes + the same arguments as the Group class's. + + .. ## Group.copy ## + + .. method:: add + + | :sl:`add Sprites to this Group` + | :sg:`add(*sprites) -> None` + + Add any number of Sprites to this Group. This will only add Sprites that + are not already members of the Group. + + Each sprite argument can also be a iterator containing Sprites. + + .. ## Group.add ## + + .. method:: remove + + | :sl:`remove Sprites from the Group` + | :sg:`remove(*sprites) -> None` + + Remove any number of Sprites from the Group. This will only remove + Sprites that are already members of the Group. + + Each sprite argument can also be a iterator containing Sprites. + + .. ## Group.remove ## + + .. method:: has + + | :sl:`test if a Group contains Sprites` + | :sg:`has(*sprites) -> bool` + + Return True if the Group contains all of the given sprites. This is + similar to using the "in" operator on the Group ("if sprite in group: + ..."), which tests if a single Sprite belongs to a Group. + + Each sprite argument can also be a iterator containing Sprites. + + .. ## Group.has ## + + .. method:: update + + | :sl:`call the update method on contained Sprites` + | :sg:`update(*args, **kwargs) -> None` + + Calls the ``update()`` method on all Sprites in the Group. The base + Sprite class has an update method that takes any number of arguments and + does nothing. The arguments passed to ``Group.update()`` will be passed + to each Sprite. + + There is no way to get the return value from the ``Sprite.update()`` + methods. + + .. ## Group.update ## + + .. method:: draw + + | :sl:`blit the Sprite images` + | :sg:`draw(Surface, bgsurf=None, special_flags=0) -> List[Rect]` + + Draws the contained Sprites to the Surface argument. This uses the + ``Sprite.image`` attribute for the source surface, and ``Sprite.rect`` + for the position. ``special_flags`` is passed to ``Surface.blit()``. + ``bgsurf`` is unused in this method but ``LayeredDirty.draw()`` uses + it. + + The Group does not keep sprites in any order, so the draw order is + arbitrary. + + .. ## Group.draw ## + + .. method:: clear + + | :sl:`draw a background over the Sprites` + | :sg:`clear(Surface_dest, background) -> None` + + Erases the Sprites used in the last ``Group.draw()`` call. The + destination Surface is cleared by filling the drawn Sprite positions with + the background. + + The background is usually a Surface image the same dimensions as the + destination Surface. However, it can also be a callback function that + takes two arguments; the destination Surface and an area to clear. The + background callback function will be called several times each clear. + + Here is an example callback that will clear the Sprites with solid red: + + :: + + def clear_callback(surf, rect): + color = 255, 0, 0 + surf.fill(color, rect) + + .. ## Group.clear ## + + .. method:: empty + + | :sl:`remove all Sprites` + | :sg:`empty() -> None` + + Removes all Sprites from this Group. + + .. ## Group.empty ## + + .. ## pygame.sprite.Group ## + +.. class:: WeakDirtySprite + + | :sl:`A subclass of WeakSprite and DirtySprite that combines the benefits of both classes.` + | :sg:`WeakDirtySprite(*groups) -> WeakDirtySprite` + +.. class:: RenderPlain + + | :sl:`Same as pygame.sprite.Group` + + This class is an alias to ``pygame.sprite.Group()``. It has no additional functionality. + + .. ## pygame.sprite.RenderClear ## + +.. class:: RenderClear + + | :sl:`Same as pygame.sprite.Group` + + This class is an alias to ``pygame.sprite.Group()``. It has no additional functionality. + + .. ## pygame.sprite.RenderClear ## + +.. class:: RenderUpdates + + | :sl:`Group sub-class that tracks dirty updates.` + | :sg:`RenderUpdates(*sprites) -> RenderUpdates` + + This class is derived from ``pygame.sprite.Group()``. It has an extended + ``draw()`` method that tracks the changed areas of the screen. + + .. method:: draw + + | :sl:`blit the Sprite images and track changed areas` + | :sg:`draw(surface, bgsurf=None, special_flags=0) -> Rect_list` + + Draws all the Sprites to the surface, the same as ``Group.draw()``. This + method also returns a list of Rectangular areas on the screen that have + been changed. The returned changes include areas of the screen that have + been affected by previous ``Group.clear()`` calls. ``special_flags`` is + passed to ``Surface.blit()``. + + The returned Rect list should be passed to ``pygame.display.update()``. + This will help performance on software driven display modes. This type of + updating is usually only helpful on destinations with non-animating + backgrounds. + + .. ## RenderUpdates.draw ## + + .. ## pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates ## + +.. function:: OrderedUpdates + + | :sl:`RenderUpdates sub-class that draws Sprites in order of addition.` + | :sg:`OrderedUpdates(*sprites) -> OrderedUpdates` + + This class derives from ``pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates()``. It maintains the + order in which the Sprites were added to the Group for rendering. This makes + adding and removing Sprites from the Group a little slower than regular + Groups. + + .. ## pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates ## + +.. class:: LayeredUpdates + + | :sl:`LayeredUpdates is a sprite group that handles layers and draws like OrderedUpdates.` + | :sg:`LayeredUpdates(*sprites, **kwargs) -> LayeredUpdates` + + This group is fully compatible with :class:`pygame.sprite.Sprite`. + + You can set the default layer through kwargs using 'default_layer' and an + integer for the layer. The default layer is 0. + + If the sprite you add has an attribute _layer then that layer will be used. + If the \**kwarg contains 'layer' then the sprites passed will be added to + that layer (overriding the ``sprite.layer`` attribute). If neither sprite + has attribute layer nor \**kwarg then the default layer is used to add the + sprites. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. method:: add + + | :sl:`add a sprite or sequence of sprites to a group` + | :sg:`add(*sprites, **kwargs) -> None` + + If the ``sprite(s)`` have an attribute layer then that is used for the + layer. If \**kwargs contains 'layer' then the ``sprite(s)`` will be added + to that argument (overriding the sprite layer attribute). If neither is + passed then the ``sprite(s)`` will be added to the default layer. + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.add ## + + .. method:: sprites + + | :sl:`returns a ordered list of sprites (first back, last top).` + | :sg:`sprites() -> sprites` + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.sprites ## + + .. method:: draw + + | :sl:`draw all sprites in the right order onto the passed surface.` + | :sg:`draw(surface, bgsurf=None, special_flags=0) -> Rect_list` + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.draw ## + + .. method:: get_sprites_at + + | :sl:`returns a list with all sprites at that position.` + | :sg:`get_sprites_at(pos) -> colliding_sprites` + + Bottom sprites first, top last. + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.get_sprites_at ## + + .. method:: get_sprite + + | :sl:`returns the sprite at the index idx from the groups sprites` + | :sg:`get_sprite(idx) -> sprite` + + Raises IndexOutOfBounds if the idx is not within range. + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.get_sprite ## + + .. method:: remove_sprites_of_layer + + | :sl:`removes all sprites from a layer and returns them as a list.` + | :sg:`remove_sprites_of_layer(layer_nr) -> sprites` + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.remove_sprites_of_layer ## + + .. method:: layers + + | :sl:`returns a list of layers defined (unique), sorted from bottom up.` + | :sg:`layers() -> layers` + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.layers ## + + .. method:: change_layer + + | :sl:`changes the layer of the sprite` + | :sg:`change_layer(sprite, new_layer) -> None` + + sprite must have been added to the renderer. It is not checked. + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.change_layer ## + + .. method:: get_layer_of_sprite + + | :sl:`returns the layer that sprite is currently in.` + | :sg:`get_layer_of_sprite(sprite) -> layer` + + If the sprite is not found then it will return the default layer. + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.get_layer_of_sprite ## + + .. method:: get_top_layer + + | :sl:`returns the top layer` + | :sg:`get_top_layer() -> layer` + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.get_top_layer ## + + .. method:: get_bottom_layer + + | :sl:`returns the bottom layer` + | :sg:`get_bottom_layer() -> layer` + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.get_bottom_layer ## + + .. method:: move_to_front + + | :sl:`brings the sprite to front layer` + | :sg:`move_to_front(sprite) -> None` + + Brings the sprite to front, changing sprite layer to topmost layer (added + at the end of that layer). + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.move_to_front ## + + .. method:: move_to_back + + | :sl:`moves the sprite to the bottom layer` + | :sg:`move_to_back(sprite) -> None` + + Moves the sprite to the bottom layer, moving it behind all other layers + and adding one additional layer. + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.move_to_back ## + + .. method:: get_top_sprite + + | :sl:`returns the topmost sprite` + | :sg:`get_top_sprite() -> Sprite` + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.get_top_sprite ## + + .. method:: get_sprites_from_layer + + | :sl:`returns all sprites from a layer, ordered by how they where added` + | :sg:`get_sprites_from_layer(layer) -> sprites` + + Returns all sprites from a layer, ordered by how they where added. It + uses linear search and the sprites are not removed from layer. + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.get_sprites_from_layer ## + + .. method:: switch_layer + + | :sl:`switches the sprites from layer1 to layer2` + | :sg:`switch_layer(layer1_nr, layer2_nr) -> None` + + The layers number must exist, it is not checked. + + .. ## LayeredUpdates.switch_layer ## + + .. ## pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates ## + +.. class:: LayeredDirty + + | :sl:`LayeredDirty group is for DirtySprite objects. Subclasses LayeredUpdates.` + | :sg:`LayeredDirty(*sprites, **kwargs) -> LayeredDirty` + + This group requires :class:`pygame.sprite.DirtySprite` or any sprite that + has the following attributes: + + :: + + image, rect, dirty, visible, blendmode (see doc of DirtySprite). + + It uses the dirty flag technique and is therefore faster than the + :class:`pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates` if you have many static sprites. It + also switches automatically between dirty rect update and full screen + drawing, so you do not have to worry what would be faster. + + Same as for the :class:`pygame.sprite.Group`. You can specify some + additional attributes through kwargs: + + :: + + _use_update: True/False default is False + _default_layer: default layer where sprites without a layer are added. + _time_threshold: threshold time for switching between dirty rect mode + and fullscreen mode, defaults to 1000./80 == 1000./fps + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. method:: draw + + | :sl:`draw all sprites in the right order onto the passed surface.` + | :sg:`draw(surface, bgsurf=None, special_flags=None) -> Rect_list` + + You can pass the background too. If a background is already set, then the + bgsurf argument has no effect. If present, the ``special_flags`` argument is + always passed to ``Surface.blit()``, overriding ``DirtySprite.blendmode``. + If ``special_flags`` is not present, ``DirtySprite.blendmode`` is passed + to the ``Surface.blit()`` instead. + + .. ## LayeredDirty.draw ## + + .. method:: clear + + | :sl:`used to set background` + | :sg:`clear(surface, bgd) -> None` + + .. ## LayeredDirty.clear ## + + .. method:: repaint_rect + + | :sl:`repaints the given area` + | :sg:`repaint_rect(screen_rect) -> None` + + screen_rect is in screen coordinates. + + .. ## LayeredDirty.repaint_rect ## + + .. method:: set_clip + + | :sl:`clip the area where to draw. Just pass None (default) to reset the clip` + | :sg:`set_clip(screen_rect=None) -> None` + + .. ## LayeredDirty.set_clip ## + + .. method:: get_clip + + | :sl:`clip the area where to draw. Just pass None (default) to reset the clip` + | :sg:`get_clip() -> Rect` + + .. ## LayeredDirty.get_clip ## + + .. method:: change_layer + + | :sl:`changes the layer of the sprite` + | :sg:`change_layer(sprite, new_layer) -> None` + + sprite must have been added to the renderer. It is not checked. + + .. ## LayeredDirty.change_layer ## + + .. method:: set_timing_treshold + + | :sl:`sets the threshold in milliseconds` + | :sg:`set_timing_treshold(time_ms) -> None` + + DEPRECATED: Use set_timing_threshold() instead. + + .. deprecated:: 2.1.1 + + .. ## LayeredDirty.set_timing_treshold ## + + .. method:: set_timing_threshold + + | :sl:`sets the threshold in milliseconds` + | :sg:`set_timing_threshold(time_ms) -> None` + + Defaults to 1000.0 / 80.0. This means that the screen will be painted + using the flip method rather than the update method if the update + method is taking so long to update the screen that the frame rate falls + below 80 frames per second. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.1 + + :raises TypeError: if ``time_ms`` is not int or float + + .. ## LayeredDirty.set_timing_threshold ## + + .. ## pygame.sprite.LayeredDirty ## + +.. function:: GroupSingle + + | :sl:`Group container that holds a single sprite.` + | :sg:`GroupSingle(sprite=None) -> GroupSingle` + + The GroupSingle container only holds a single Sprite. When a new Sprite is + added, the old one is removed. + + There is a special property, ``GroupSingle.sprite``, that accesses the + Sprite that this Group contains. It can be None when the Group is empty. The + property can also be assigned to add a Sprite into the GroupSingle + container. + + .. ## pygame.sprite.GroupSingle ## + +.. function:: spritecollide + + | :sl:`Find sprites in a group that intersect another sprite.` + | :sg:`spritecollide(sprite, group, dokill, collided = None) -> Sprite_list` + + Return a list containing all Sprites in a Group that intersect with another + Sprite. Intersection is determined by comparing the ``Sprite.rect`` + attribute of each Sprite. + + The dokill argument is a bool. If set to True, all Sprites that collide will + be removed from the Group. + + The collided argument is a callback function used to calculate if two + sprites are colliding. it should take two sprites as values, and return a + bool value indicating if they are colliding. If collided is not passed, all + sprites must have a "rect" value, which is a rectangle of the sprite area, + which will be used to calculate the collision. + + collided callables: + + :: + + collide_rect, collide_rect_ratio, collide_circle, + collide_circle_ratio, collide_mask + + Example: + + .. code-block:: python + + # See if the Sprite block has collided with anything in the Group block_list + # The True flag will remove the sprite in block_list + blocks_hit_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, block_list, True) + + # Check the list of colliding sprites, and add one to the score for each one + for block in blocks_hit_list: + score +=1 + + .. ## pygame.sprite.spritecollide ## + +.. function:: collide_rect + + | :sl:`Collision detection between two sprites, using rects.` + | :sg:`collide_rect(left, right) -> bool` + + Tests for collision between two sprites. Uses the pygame rect colliderect + function to calculate the collision. Intended to be passed as a collided + callback function to the \*collide functions. Sprites must have a "rect" + attributes. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## pygame.sprite.collide_rect ## + +.. function:: collide_rect_ratio + + | :sl:`Collision detection between two sprites, using rects scaled to a ratio.` + | :sg:`collide_rect_ratio(ratio) -> collided_callable` + + A callable class that checks for collisions between two sprites, using a + scaled version of the sprites rects. + + Is created with a ratio, the instance is then intended to be passed as a + collided callback function to the \*collide functions. + + A ratio is a floating point number - 1.0 is the same size, 2.0 is twice as + big, and 0.5 is half the size. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.1 + + .. ## pygame.sprite.collide_rect_ratio ## + +.. function:: collide_circle + + | :sl:`Collision detection between two sprites, using circles.` + | :sg:`collide_circle(left, right) -> bool` + + Tests for collision between two sprites, by testing to see if two circles + centered on the sprites overlap. If the sprites have a "radius" attribute, + that is used to create the circle, otherwise a circle is created that is big + enough to completely enclose the sprites rect as given by the "rect" + attribute. Intended to be passed as a collided callback function to the + \*collide functions. Sprites must have a "rect" and an optional "radius" + attribute. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.1 + + .. ## pygame.sprite.collide_circle ## + +.. function:: collide_circle_ratio + + | :sl:`Collision detection between two sprites, using circles scaled to a ratio.` + | :sg:`collide_circle_ratio(ratio) -> collided_callable` + + A callable class that checks for collisions between two sprites, using a + scaled version of the sprites radius. + + Is created with a floating point ratio, the instance is then intended to be + passed as a collided callback function to the \*collide functions. + + A ratio is a floating point number - 1.0 is the same size, 2.0 is twice as + big, and 0.5 is half the size. + + The created callable tests for collision between two sprites, by testing to + see if two circles centered on the sprites overlap, after scaling the + circles radius by the stored ratio. If the sprites have a "radius" + attribute, that is used to create the circle, otherwise a circle is created + that is big enough to completely enclose the sprites rect as given by the + "rect" attribute. Intended to be passed as a collided callback function to + the \*collide functions. Sprites must have a "rect" and an optional "radius" + attribute. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.1 + + .. ## pygame.sprite.collide_circle_ratio ## + +.. function:: collide_mask + + | :sl:`Collision detection between two sprites, using masks.` + | :sg:`collide_mask(sprite1, sprite2) -> (int, int)` + | :sg:`collide_mask(sprite1, sprite2) -> None` + + Tests for collision between two sprites, by testing if their bitmasks + overlap (uses :func:`pygame.mask.Mask.overlap`). If the sprites have a + ``mask`` attribute, it is used as the mask, otherwise a mask is created from + the sprite's ``image`` (uses :func:`pygame.mask.from_surface`). Sprites must + have a ``rect`` attribute; the ``mask`` attribute is optional. + + The first point of collision between the masks is returned. The collision + point is offset from ``sprite1``'s mask's topleft corner (which is always + (0, 0)). The collision point is a position within the mask and is not + related to the actual screen position of ``sprite1``. + + This function is intended to be passed as a ``collided`` callback function + to the group collide functions (see :meth:`spritecollide`, + :meth:`groupcollide`, :meth:`spritecollideany`). + + .. note:: + To increase performance, create and set a ``mask`` attribute for all + sprites that will use this function to check for collisions. Otherwise, + each time this function is called it will create new masks. + + .. note:: + A new mask needs to be recreated each time a sprite's image is changed + (e.g. if a new image is used or the existing image is rotated). + + :: + + # Example of mask creation for a sprite. + sprite.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(sprite.image) + + :returns: first point of collision between the masks or ``None`` if no + collision + :rtype: tuple(int, int) or NoneType + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.0 + + .. ## pygame.sprite.collide_mask ## + +.. function:: groupcollide + + | :sl:`Find all sprites that collide between two groups.` + | :sg:`groupcollide(group1, group2, dokill1, dokill2, collided = None) -> Sprite_dict` + + This will find collisions between all the Sprites in two groups. + Collision is determined by comparing the ``Sprite.rect`` attribute of + each Sprite or by using the collided function if it is not None. + + Every Sprite inside group1 is added to the return dictionary. The value for + each item is the list of Sprites in group2 that intersect. + + If either dokill argument is True, the colliding Sprites will be removed + from their respective Group. + + The collided argument is a callback function used to calculate if two sprites are + colliding. It should take two sprites as values and return a bool value + indicating if they are colliding. If collided is not passed, then all + sprites must have a "rect" value, which is a rectangle of the sprite area, + which will be used to calculate the collision. + + .. ## pygame.sprite.groupcollide ## + +.. function:: spritecollideany + + | :sl:`Simple test if a sprite intersects anything in a group.` + | :sg:`spritecollideany(sprite, group, collided = None) -> Sprite` Collision with the returned sprite. + | :sg:`spritecollideany(sprite, group, collided = None) -> None` No collision + + If the sprite collides with any single sprite in the group, a single + sprite from the group is returned. On no collision None is returned. + + If you don't need all the features of the ``pygame.sprite.spritecollide()`` function, this + function will be a bit quicker. + + The collided argument is a callback function used to calculate if two sprites are + colliding. It should take two sprites as values and return a bool value + indicating if they are colliding. If collided is not passed, then all + sprites must have a "rect" value, which is a rectangle of the sprite area, + which will be used to calculate the collision. + + .. ## pygame.sprite.spritecollideany ## + +.. ## ## + +.. ## pygame.sprite ## diff --git a/docs/ref/surface.rst b/docs/ref/surface.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82466fc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/surface.rst @@ -0,0 +1,949 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.Surface` +===================== + +.. currentmodule:: pygame + +.. class:: Surface + + | :sl:`pygame object for representing images` + | :sg:`Surface((width, height), flags=0, depth=0, masks=None) -> Surface` + | :sg:`Surface((width, height), flags=0, Surface) -> Surface` + + A pygame Surface is used to represent any image. The Surface has a fixed + resolution and pixel format. Surfaces with 8-bit pixels use a color palette + to map to 24-bit color. + + Call :meth:`pygame.Surface()` to create a new image object. The Surface will + be cleared to all black. The only required arguments are the sizes. With no + additional arguments, the Surface will be created in a format that best + matches the display Surface. + + The pixel format can be controlled by passing the bit depth or an existing + Surface. The flags argument is a bitmask of additional features for the + surface. You can pass any combination of these flags: + + :: + + HWSURFACE (obsolete in pygame 2) creates the image in video memory + SRCALPHA the pixel format will include a per-pixel alpha + + Both flags are only a request, and may not be possible for all displays and + formats. + + Advance users can combine a set of bitmasks with a depth value. The masks + are a set of 4 integers representing which bits in a pixel will represent + each color. Normal Surfaces should not require the masks argument. + + Surfaces can have many extra attributes like alpha planes, colorkeys, source + rectangle clipping. These functions mainly effect how the Surface is blitted + to other Surfaces. The blit routines will attempt to use hardware + acceleration when possible, otherwise they will use highly optimized + software blitting methods. + + There are three types of transparency supported in pygame: colorkeys, + surface alphas, and pixel alphas. Surface alphas can be mixed with + colorkeys, but an image with per pixel alphas cannot use the other modes. + Colorkey transparency makes a single color value transparent. Any pixels + matching the colorkey will not be drawn. The surface alpha value is a single + value that changes the transparency for the entire image. A surface alpha of + 255 is opaque, and a value of 0 is completely transparent. + + Per pixel alphas are different because they store a transparency value for + every pixel. This allows for the most precise transparency effects, but it + also the slowest. Per pixel alphas cannot be mixed with surface alpha and + colorkeys. + + There is support for pixel access for the Surfaces. Pixel access on hardware + surfaces is slow and not recommended. Pixels can be accessed using the + :meth:`get_at()` and :meth:`set_at()` functions. These methods are fine for + simple access, but will be considerably slow when doing of pixel work with + them. If you plan on doing a lot of pixel level work, it is recommended to + use a :class:`pygame.PixelArray`, which gives an array like view of the + surface. For involved mathematical manipulations try the + :mod:`pygame.surfarray` module (It's quite quick, but requires NumPy.) + + Any functions that directly access a surface's pixel data will need that + surface to be lock()'ed. These functions can :meth:`lock()` and + :meth:`unlock()` the surfaces themselves without assistance. But, if a + function will be called many times, there will be a lot of overhead for + multiple locking and unlocking of the surface. It is best to lock the + surface manually before making the function call many times, and then + unlocking when you are finished. All functions that need a locked surface + will say so in their docs. Remember to leave the Surface locked only while + necessary. + + Surface pixels are stored internally as a single number that has all the + colors encoded into it. Use the :meth:`map_rgb()` and + :meth:`unmap_rgb()` to convert between individual red, green, and blue + values into a packed integer for that Surface. + + Surfaces can also reference sections of other Surfaces. These are created + with the :meth:`subsurface()` method. Any change to either Surface will + effect the other. + + Each Surface contains a clipping area. By default the clip area covers the + entire Surface. If it is changed, all drawing operations will only effect + the smaller area. + + .. method:: blit + + | :sl:`draw one image onto another` + | :sg:`blit(source, dest, area=None, special_flags=0) -> Rect` + + Draws a source Surface onto this Surface. The draw can be positioned with + the dest argument. The dest argument can either be a pair of coordinates representing the position of + the upper left corner of the blit or a Rect, where the upper left corner of the rectangle will be used as the + position for the blit. The size of the destination rectangle does not + effect the blit. + + An optional area rectangle can be passed as well. This represents a + smaller portion of the source Surface to draw. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + Optional ``special_flags``: ``BLEND_ADD``, ``BLEND_SUB``, + ``BLEND_MULT``, ``BLEND_MIN``, ``BLEND_MAX``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.1 + Optional ``special_flags``: ``BLEND_RGBA_ADD``, ``BLEND_RGBA_SUB``, + ``BLEND_RGBA_MULT``, ``BLEND_RGBA_MIN``, ``BLEND_RGBA_MAX`` + ``BLEND_RGB_ADD``, ``BLEND_RGB_SUB``, ``BLEND_RGB_MULT``, + ``BLEND_RGB_MIN``, ``BLEND_RGB_MAX``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + Optional ``special_flags``: ``BLEND_PREMULTIPLIED`` + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 + Optional ``special_flags``: ``BLEND_ALPHA_SDL2`` - Uses the SDL2 blitter for alpha blending, + this gives different results than the default blitter, which is modelled after SDL1, due to + different approximations used for the alpha blending formula. The SDL2 blitter also supports + RLE on alpha blended surfaces which the pygame one does not. + + The return rectangle is the area of the affected pixels, excluding any + pixels outside the destination Surface, or outside the clipping area. + + Pixel alphas will be ignored when blitting to an 8 bit Surface. + + For a surface with colorkey or blanket alpha, a blit to self may give + slightly different colors than a non self-blit. + + .. ## Surface.blit ## + + .. method:: blits + + | :sl:`draw many images onto another` + | :sg:`blits(blit_sequence=((source, dest), ...), doreturn=1) -> [Rect, ...] or None` + | :sg:`blits(((source, dest, area), ...)) -> [Rect, ...]` + | :sg:`blits(((source, dest, area, special_flags), ...)) -> [Rect, ...]` + + Draws many surfaces onto this Surface. It takes a sequence as input, + with each of the elements corresponding to the ones of :meth:`blit()`. + It needs at minimum a sequence of (source, dest). + + :param blit_sequence: a sequence of surfaces and arguments to blit them, + they correspond to the :meth:`blit()` arguments + :param doreturn: if ``True``, return a list of rects of the areas changed, + otherwise return ``None`` + + :returns: a list of rects of the areas changed if ``doreturn`` is + ``True``, otherwise ``None`` + :rtype: list or None + + New in pygame 1.9.4. + + .. ## Surface.blits ## + + + .. method:: convert + + | :sl:`change the pixel format of an image` + | :sg:`convert(Surface=None) -> Surface` + | :sg:`convert(depth, flags=0) -> Surface` + | :sg:`convert(masks, flags=0) -> Surface` + + Creates a new copy of the Surface with the pixel format changed. The new + pixel format can be determined from another existing Surface. Otherwise + depth, flags, and masks arguments can be used, similar to the + :meth:`pygame.Surface()` call. + + If no arguments are passed the new Surface will have the same pixel + format as the display Surface. This is always the fastest format for + blitting. It is a good idea to convert all Surfaces before they are + blitted many times. + + The converted Surface will have no pixel alphas. They will be stripped if + the original had them. See :meth:`convert_alpha()` for preserving or + creating per-pixel alphas. + + The new copy will have the same class as the copied surface. This lets + as Surface subclass inherit this method without the need to override, + unless subclass specific instance attributes also need copying. + + .. ## Surface.convert ## + + .. method:: convert_alpha + + | :sl:`change the pixel format of an image including per pixel alphas` + | :sg:`convert_alpha(Surface) -> Surface` + | :sg:`convert_alpha() -> Surface` + + Creates a new copy of the surface with the desired pixel format. The new + surface will be in a format suited for quick blitting to the given format + with per pixel alpha. If no surface is given, the new surface will be + optimized for blitting to the current display. + + Unlike the :meth:`convert()` method, the pixel format for the new + image will not be exactly the same as the requested source, but it will + be optimized for fast alpha blitting to the destination. + + As with :meth:`convert()` the returned surface has the same class as + the converted surface. + + .. ## Surface.convert_alpha ## + + .. method:: copy + + | :sl:`create a new copy of a Surface` + | :sg:`copy() -> Surface` + + Makes a duplicate copy of a Surface. The new surface will have the same + pixel formats, color palettes, transparency settings, and class as the + original. If a Surface subclass also needs to copy any instance specific + attributes then it should override ``copy()``. + + .. ## Surface.copy ## + + .. method:: fill + + | :sl:`fill Surface with a solid color` + | :sg:`fill(color, rect=None, special_flags=0) -> Rect` + + Fill the Surface with a solid color. If no rect argument is given the + entire Surface will be filled. The rect argument will limit the fill to a + specific area. The fill will also be contained by the Surface clip area. + + The color argument can be either a ``RGB`` sequence, a ``RGBA`` sequence + or a mapped color index. If using ``RGBA``, the Alpha (A part of + ``RGBA``) is ignored unless the surface uses per pixel alpha (Surface has + the ``SRCALPHA`` flag). + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + Optional ``special_flags``: ``BLEND_ADD``, ``BLEND_SUB``, + ``BLEND_MULT``, ``BLEND_MIN``, ``BLEND_MAX``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.1 + Optional ``special_flags``: ``BLEND_RGBA_ADD``, ``BLEND_RGBA_SUB``, + ``BLEND_RGBA_MULT``, ``BLEND_RGBA_MIN``, ``BLEND_RGBA_MAX`` + ``BLEND_RGB_ADD``, ``BLEND_RGB_SUB``, ``BLEND_RGB_MULT``, + ``BLEND_RGB_MIN``, ``BLEND_RGB_MAX``. + + This will return the affected Surface area. + + .. ## Surface.fill ## + + .. method:: scroll + + | :sl:`Shift the surface image in place` + | :sg:`scroll(dx=0, dy=0) -> None` + + Move the image by dx pixels right and dy pixels down. dx and dy may be + negative for left and up scrolls respectively. Areas of the surface that + are not overwritten retain their original pixel values. Scrolling is + contained by the Surface clip area. It is safe to have dx and dy values + that exceed the surface size. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9 + + .. ## Surface.scroll ## + + .. method:: set_colorkey + + | :sl:`Set the transparent colorkey` + | :sg:`set_colorkey(Color, flags=0) -> None` + | :sg:`set_colorkey(None) -> None` + + Set the current color key for the Surface. When blitting this Surface + onto a destination, any pixels that have the same color as the colorkey + will be transparent. The color can be an ``RGB`` color or a mapped color + integer. If ``None`` is passed, the colorkey will be unset. + + The colorkey will be ignored if the Surface is formatted to use per pixel + alpha values. The colorkey can be mixed with the full Surface alpha + value. + + The optional flags argument can be set to ``pygame.RLEACCEL`` to provide + better performance on non accelerated displays. An ``RLEACCEL`` Surface + will be slower to modify, but quicker to blit as a source. + + .. ## Surface.set_colorkey ## + + .. method:: get_colorkey + + | :sl:`Get the current transparent colorkey` + | :sg:`get_colorkey() -> RGB or None` + + Return the current colorkey value for the Surface. If the colorkey is not + set then ``None`` is returned. + + .. ## Surface.get_colorkey ## + + .. method:: set_alpha + + | :sl:`set the alpha value for the full Surface image` + | :sg:`set_alpha(value, flags=0) -> None` + | :sg:`set_alpha(None) -> None` + + Set the current alpha value for the Surface. When blitting this Surface + onto a destination, the pixels will be drawn slightly transparent. The + alpha value is an integer from 0 to 255, 0 is fully transparent and 255 + is fully opaque. If ``None`` is passed for the alpha value, then alpha + blending will be disabled, including per-pixel alpha. + + This value is different than the per pixel Surface alpha. For a surface + with per pixel alpha, blanket alpha is ignored and ``None`` is returned. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.0 per-surface alpha can be combined with per-pixel + alpha. + + The optional flags argument can be set to ``pygame.RLEACCEL`` to provide + better performance on non accelerated displays. An ``RLEACCEL`` Surface + will be slower to modify, but quicker to blit as a source. + + .. ## Surface.set_alpha ## + + .. method:: get_alpha + + | :sl:`get the current Surface transparency value` + | :sg:`get_alpha() -> int_value` + + Return the current alpha value for the Surface. + + .. ## Surface.get_alpha ## + + .. method:: lock + + | :sl:`lock the Surface memory for pixel access` + | :sg:`lock() -> None` + + Lock the pixel data of a Surface for access. On accelerated Surfaces, the + pixel data may be stored in volatile video memory or nonlinear compressed + forms. When a Surface is locked the pixel memory becomes available to + access by regular software. Code that reads or writes pixel values will + need the Surface to be locked. + + Surfaces should not remain locked for more than necessary. A locked + Surface can often not be displayed or managed by pygame. + + Not all Surfaces require locking. The :meth:`mustlock()` method can + determine if it is actually required. There is no performance penalty for + locking and unlocking a Surface that does not need it. + + All pygame functions will automatically lock and unlock the Surface data + as needed. If a section of code is going to make calls that will + repeatedly lock and unlock the Surface many times, it can be helpful to + wrap the block inside a lock and unlock pair. + + It is safe to nest locking and unlocking calls. The surface will only be + unlocked after the final lock is released. + + .. ## Surface.lock ## + + .. method:: unlock + + | :sl:`unlock the Surface memory from pixel access` + | :sg:`unlock() -> None` + + Unlock the Surface pixel data after it has been locked. The unlocked + Surface can once again be drawn and managed by pygame. See the + :meth:`lock()` documentation for more details. + + All pygame functions will automatically lock and unlock the Surface data + as needed. If a section of code is going to make calls that will + repeatedly lock and unlock the Surface many times, it can be helpful to + wrap the block inside a lock and unlock pair. + + It is safe to nest locking and unlocking calls. The surface will only be + unlocked after the final lock is released. + + .. ## Surface.unlock ## + + .. method:: mustlock + + | :sl:`test if the Surface requires locking` + | :sg:`mustlock() -> bool` + + Returns ``True`` if the Surface is required to be locked to access pixel + data. Usually pure software Surfaces do not require locking. This method + is rarely needed, since it is safe and quickest to just lock all Surfaces + as needed. + + All pygame functions will automatically lock and unlock the Surface data + as needed. If a section of code is going to make calls that will + repeatedly lock and unlock the Surface many times, it can be helpful to + wrap the block inside a lock and unlock pair. + + .. ## Surface.mustlock ## + + .. method:: get_locked + + | :sl:`test if the Surface is current locked` + | :sg:`get_locked() -> bool` + + Returns ``True`` when the Surface is locked. It doesn't matter how many + times the Surface is locked. + + .. ## Surface.get_locked ## + + .. method:: get_locks + + | :sl:`Gets the locks for the Surface` + | :sg:`get_locks() -> tuple` + + Returns the currently existing locks for the Surface. + + .. ## Surface.get_locks ## + + .. method:: get_at + + | :sl:`get the color value at a single pixel` + | :sg:`get_at((x, y)) -> Color` + + Return a copy of the ``RGBA`` Color value at the given pixel. If the + Surface has no per pixel alpha, then the alpha value will always be 255 + (opaque). If the pixel position is outside the area of the Surface an + ``IndexError`` exception will be raised. + + Getting and setting pixels one at a time is generally too slow to be used + in a game or realtime situation. It is better to use methods which + operate on many pixels at a time like with the blit, fill and draw + methods - or by using :mod:`pygame.surfarray`/:mod:`pygame.PixelArray`. + + This function will temporarily lock and unlock the Surface as needed. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9 + Returning a Color instead of tuple. Use ``tuple(surf.get_at((x,y)))`` + if you want a tuple, and not a Color. This should only matter if + you want to use the color as a key in a dict. + + .. ## Surface.get_at ## + + .. method:: set_at + + | :sl:`set the color value for a single pixel` + | :sg:`set_at((x, y), Color) -> None` + + Set the ``RGBA`` or mapped integer color value for a single pixel. If the + Surface does not have per pixel alphas, the alpha value is ignored. + Setting pixels outside the Surface area or outside the Surface clipping + will have no effect. + + Getting and setting pixels one at a time is generally too slow to be used + in a game or realtime situation. + + This function will temporarily lock and unlock the Surface as needed. + + .. note:: If the surface is palettized, the pixel color will be set to the + most similar color in the palette. + + .. ## Surface.set_at ## + + .. method:: get_at_mapped + + | :sl:`get the mapped color value at a single pixel` + | :sg:`get_at_mapped((x, y)) -> Color` + + Return the integer value of the given pixel. If the pixel position is + outside the area of the Surface an ``IndexError`` exception will be + raised. + + This method is intended for pygame unit testing. It unlikely has any use + in an application. + + This function will temporarily lock and unlock the Surface as needed. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + + .. ## Surface.get_at_mapped ## + + .. method:: get_palette + + | :sl:`get the color index palette for an 8-bit Surface` + | :sg:`get_palette() -> [RGB, RGB, RGB, ...]` + + Return a list of up to 256 color elements that represent the indexed + colors used in an 8-bit Surface. The returned list is a copy of the + palette, and changes will have no effect on the Surface. + + Returning a list of ``Color(with length 3)`` instances instead of tuples. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9 + + .. ## Surface.get_palette ## + + .. method:: get_palette_at + + | :sl:`get the color for a single entry in a palette` + | :sg:`get_palette_at(index) -> RGB` + + Returns the red, green, and blue color values for a single index in a + Surface palette. The index should be a value from 0 to 255. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9 + Returning ``Color(with length 3)`` instance instead of a tuple. + + .. ## Surface.get_palette_at ## + + .. method:: set_palette + + | :sl:`set the color palette for an 8-bit Surface` + | :sg:`set_palette([RGB, RGB, RGB, ...]) -> None` + + Set the full palette for an 8-bit Surface. This will replace the colors in + the existing palette. A partial palette can be passed and only the first + colors in the original palette will be changed. + + This function has no effect on a Surface with more than 8-bits per pixel. + + .. ## Surface.set_palette ## + + .. method:: set_palette_at + + | :sl:`set the color for a single index in an 8-bit Surface palette` + | :sg:`set_palette_at(index, RGB) -> None` + + Set the palette value for a single entry in a Surface palette. The index + should be a value from 0 to 255. + + This function has no effect on a Surface with more than 8-bits per pixel. + + .. ## Surface.set_palette_at ## + + .. method:: map_rgb + + | :sl:`convert a color into a mapped color value` + | :sg:`map_rgb(Color) -> mapped_int` + + Convert an ``RGBA`` color into the mapped integer value for this Surface. + The returned integer will contain no more bits than the bit depth of the + Surface. Mapped color values are not often used inside pygame, but can be + passed to most functions that require a Surface and a color. + + See the Surface object documentation for more information about colors + and pixel formats. + + .. ## Surface.map_rgb ## + + .. method:: unmap_rgb + + | :sl:`convert a mapped integer color value into a Color` + | :sg:`unmap_rgb(mapped_int) -> Color` + + Convert an mapped integer color into the ``RGB`` color components for + this Surface. Mapped color values are not often used inside pygame, but + can be passed to most functions that require a Surface and a color. + + See the Surface object documentation for more information about colors + and pixel formats. + + .. ## Surface.unmap_rgb ## + + .. method:: set_clip + + | :sl:`set the current clipping area of the Surface` + | :sg:`set_clip(rect) -> None` + | :sg:`set_clip(None) -> None` + + Each Surface has an active clipping area. This is a rectangle that + represents the only pixels on the Surface that can be modified. If + ``None`` is passed for the rectangle the full Surface will be available + for changes. + + The clipping area is always restricted to the area of the Surface itself. + If the clip rectangle is too large it will be shrunk to fit inside the + Surface. + + .. ## Surface.set_clip ## + + .. method:: get_clip + + | :sl:`get the current clipping area of the Surface` + | :sg:`get_clip() -> Rect` + + Return a rectangle of the current clipping area. The Surface will always + return a valid rectangle that will never be outside the bounds of the + image. If the Surface has had ``None`` set for the clipping area, the + Surface will return a rectangle with the full area of the Surface. + + .. ## Surface.get_clip ## + + .. method:: subsurface + + | :sl:`create a new surface that references its parent` + | :sg:`subsurface(Rect) -> Surface` + + Returns a new Surface that shares its pixels with its new parent. The new + Surface is considered a child of the original. Modifications to either + Surface pixels will effect each other. Surface information like clipping + area and color keys are unique to each Surface. + + The new Surface will inherit the palette, color key, and alpha settings + from its parent. + + It is possible to have any number of subsurfaces and subsubsurfaces on + the parent. It is also possible to subsurface the display Surface if the + display mode is not hardware accelerated. + + See :meth:`get_offset()` and :meth:`get_parent()` to learn more + about the state of a subsurface. + + A subsurface will have the same class as the parent surface. + + .. ## Surface.subsurface ## + + .. method:: get_parent + + | :sl:`find the parent of a subsurface` + | :sg:`get_parent() -> Surface` + + Returns the parent Surface of a subsurface. If this is not a subsurface + then ``None`` will be returned. + + .. ## Surface.get_parent ## + + .. method:: get_abs_parent + + | :sl:`find the top level parent of a subsurface` + | :sg:`get_abs_parent() -> Surface` + + Returns the parent Surface of a subsurface. If this is not a subsurface + then this surface will be returned. + + .. ## Surface.get_abs_parent ## + + .. method:: get_offset + + | :sl:`find the position of a child subsurface inside a parent` + | :sg:`get_offset() -> (x, y)` + + Get the offset position of a child subsurface inside of a parent. If the + Surface is not a subsurface this will return (0, 0). + + .. ## Surface.get_offset ## + + .. method:: get_abs_offset + + | :sl:`find the absolute position of a child subsurface inside its top level parent` + | :sg:`get_abs_offset() -> (x, y)` + + Get the offset position of a child subsurface inside of its top level + parent Surface. If the Surface is not a subsurface this will return (0, + 0). + + .. ## Surface.get_abs_offset ## + + .. method:: get_size + + | :sl:`get the dimensions of the Surface` + | :sg:`get_size() -> (width, height)` + + Return the width and height of the Surface in pixels. + + .. ## Surface.get_size ## + + .. method:: get_width + + | :sl:`get the width of the Surface` + | :sg:`get_width() -> width` + + Return the width of the Surface in pixels. + + .. ## Surface.get_width ## + + .. method:: get_height + + | :sl:`get the height of the Surface` + | :sg:`get_height() -> height` + + Return the height of the Surface in pixels. + + .. ## Surface.get_height ## + + .. method:: get_rect + + | :sl:`get the rectangular area of the Surface` + | :sg:`get_rect(\**kwargs) -> Rect` + + Returns a new rectangle covering the entire surface. This rectangle will + always start at (0, 0) with a width and height the same size as the image. + + You can pass keyword argument values to this function. These named values + will be applied to the attributes of the Rect before it is returned. An + example would be ``mysurf.get_rect(center=(100, 100))`` to create a + rectangle for the Surface centered at a given position. + + .. ## Surface.get_rect ## + + .. method:: get_bitsize + + | :sl:`get the bit depth of the Surface pixel format` + | :sg:`get_bitsize() -> int` + + Returns the number of bits used to represent each pixel. This value may + not exactly fill the number of bytes used per pixel. For example a 15 bit + Surface still requires a full 2 bytes. + + .. ## Surface.get_bitsize ## + + .. method:: get_bytesize + + | :sl:`get the bytes used per Surface pixel` + | :sg:`get_bytesize() -> int` + + Return the number of bytes used per pixel. + + .. ## Surface.get_bytesize ## + + .. method:: get_flags + + | :sl:`get the additional flags used for the Surface` + | :sg:`get_flags() -> int` + + Returns a set of current Surface features. Each feature is a bit in the + flags bitmask. Typical flags are ``RLEACCEL``, ``SRCALPHA``, and + ``SRCCOLORKEY``. + + Here is a more complete list of flags. A full list can be found in + ``SDL_video.h`` + + :: + + SWSURFACE 0x00000000 # Surface is in system memory + HWSURFACE 0x00000001 # (obsolete in pygame 2) Surface is in video memory + ASYNCBLIT 0x00000004 # (obsolete in pygame 2) Use asynchronous blits if possible + + See :func:`pygame.display.set_mode()` for flags exclusive to the + display surface. + + Used internally (read-only) + + :: + + HWACCEL 0x00000100 # Blit uses hardware acceleration + SRCCOLORKEY 0x00001000 # Blit uses a source color key + RLEACCELOK 0x00002000 # Private flag + RLEACCEL 0x00004000 # Surface is RLE encoded + SRCALPHA 0x00010000 # Blit uses source alpha blending + PREALLOC 0x01000000 # Surface uses preallocated memory + + .. ## Surface.get_flags ## + + .. method:: get_pitch + + | :sl:`get the number of bytes used per Surface row` + | :sg:`get_pitch() -> int` + + Return the number of bytes separating each row in the Surface. Surfaces + in video memory are not always linearly packed. Subsurfaces will also + have a larger pitch than their real width. + + This value is not needed for normal pygame usage. + + .. ## Surface.get_pitch ## + + .. method:: get_masks + + | :sl:`the bitmasks needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer` + | :sg:`get_masks() -> (R, G, B, A)` + + Returns the bitmasks used to isolate each color in a mapped integer. + + This value is not needed for normal pygame usage. + + .. ## Surface.get_masks ## + + .. method:: set_masks + + | :sl:`set the bitmasks needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer` + | :sg:`set_masks((r,g,b,a)) -> None` + + This is not needed for normal pygame usage. + + .. note:: Starting in pygame 2.0, the masks are read-only and + accordingly this method will raise a TypeError if called. + + .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.1 + + .. ## Surface.set_masks ## + + .. method:: get_shifts + + | :sl:`the bit shifts needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer` + | :sg:`get_shifts() -> (R, G, B, A)` + + Returns the pixel shifts need to convert between each color and a mapped + integer. + + This value is not needed for normal pygame usage. + + .. ## Surface.get_shifts ## + + .. method:: set_shifts + + | :sl:`sets the bit shifts needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer` + | :sg:`set_shifts((r,g,b,a)) -> None` + + This is not needed for normal pygame usage. + + .. note:: Starting in pygame 2.0, the shifts are read-only and + accordingly this method will raise a TypeError if called. + + .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 + + .. versionadded:: 1.8.1 + + .. ## Surface.set_shifts ## + + .. method:: get_losses + + | :sl:`the significant bits used to convert between a color and a mapped integer` + | :sg:`get_losses() -> (R, G, B, A)` + + Return the least significant number of bits stripped from each color in a + mapped integer. + + This value is not needed for normal pygame usage. + + .. ## Surface.get_losses ## + + .. method:: get_bounding_rect + + | :sl:`find the smallest rect containing data` + | :sg:`get_bounding_rect(min_alpha = 1) -> Rect` + + Returns the smallest rectangular region that contains all the pixels in + the surface that have an alpha value greater than or equal to the minimum + alpha value. + + This function will temporarily lock and unlock the Surface as needed. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## Surface.get_bounding_rect ## + + .. method:: get_view + + | :sl:`return a buffer view of the Surface's pixels.` + | :sg:`get_view(='2') -> BufferProxy` + + Return an object which exports a surface's internal pixel buffer as + a C level array struct, Python level array interface or a C level + buffer interface. The new buffer protocol is supported. + + The kind argument is the length 1 string '0', '1', '2', '3', + 'r', 'g', 'b', or 'a'. The letters are case insensitive; + 'A' will work as well. The argument can be either a Unicode or byte (char) + string. The default is '2'. + + '0' returns a contiguous unstructured bytes view. No surface shape + information is given. A ``ValueError`` is raised if the surface's pixels + are discontinuous. + + '1' returns a (surface-width * surface-height) array of continuous + pixels. A ``ValueError`` is raised if the surface pixels are + discontinuous. + + '2' returns a (surface-width, surface-height) array of raw pixels. + The pixels are surface-bytesize-d unsigned integers. The pixel format is + surface specific. The 3 byte unsigned integers of 24 bit surfaces are + unlikely accepted by anything other than other pygame functions. + + '3' returns a (surface-width, surface-height, 3) array of ``RGB`` color + components. Each of the red, green, and blue components are unsigned + bytes. Only 24-bit and 32-bit surfaces are supported. The color + components must be in either ``RGB`` or ``BGR`` order within the pixel. + + 'r' for red, 'g' for green, 'b' for blue, and 'a' for alpha return a + (surface-width, surface-height) view of a single color component within a + surface: a color plane. Color components are unsigned bytes. Both 24-bit + and 32-bit surfaces support 'r', 'g', and 'b'. Only 32-bit surfaces with + ``SRCALPHA`` support 'a'. + + The surface is locked only when an exposed interface is accessed. + For new buffer interface accesses, the surface is unlocked once the + last buffer view is released. For array interface and old buffer + interface accesses, the surface remains locked until the BufferProxy + object is released. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + + .. method:: get_buffer + + | :sl:`acquires a buffer object for the pixels of the Surface.` + | :sg:`get_buffer() -> BufferProxy` + + Return a buffer object for the pixels of the Surface. The buffer can be + used for direct pixel access and manipulation. Surface pixel data is + represented as an unstructured block of memory, with a start address + and length in bytes. The data need not be contiguous. Any gaps are + included in the length, but otherwise ignored. + + This method implicitly locks the Surface. The lock will be released when + the returned :mod:`pygame.BufferProxy` object is garbage collected. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## Surface.get_buffer ## + + .. attribute:: _pixels_address + + | :sl:`pixel buffer address` + | :sg:`_pixels_address -> int` + + The starting address of the surface's raw pixel bytes. + + .. versionadded:: 1.9.2 + + .. method:: premul_alpha + + | :sl:`returns a copy of the surface with the RGB channels pre-multiplied by the alpha channel.` + | :sg:`premul_alpha() -> Surface` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave premul_alpha feedback with authors `_ + + Returns a copy of the initial surface with the red, green and blue color channels multiplied + by the alpha channel. This is intended to make it easier to work with the BLEND_PREMULTIPLED + blend mode flag of the blit() method. Surfaces which have called this method will only look + correct after blitting if the BLEND_PREMULTIPLED special flag is used. + + It is worth noting that after calling this method, methods that return the colour of a pixel + such as get_at() will return the alpha multiplied colour values. It is not possible to fully + reverse an alpha multiplication of the colours in a surface as integer colour channel data + is generally reduced by the operation (e.g. 255 x 0 = 0, from there it is not possible to reconstruct + the original 255 from just the two remaining zeros in the colour and alpha channels). + + If you call this method, and then call it again, it will multiply the colour channels by the alpha channel + twice. There are many possible ways to obtain a surface with the colour channels pre-multiplied by the + alpha channel in pygame, and it is not possible to tell the difference just from the information in the pixels. + It is completely possible to have two identical surfaces - one intended for pre-multiplied alpha blending and + one intended for normal blending. For this reason we do not store state on surfaces intended for pre-multiplied + alpha blending. + + Surfaces without an alpha channel cannot use this method and will return an error if you use + it on them. It is best used on 32 bit surfaces (the default on most platforms) as the blitting + on these surfaces can be accelerated by SIMD versions of the pre-multiplied blitter. + + In general pre-multiplied alpha blitting is faster then 'straight alpha' blitting and produces + superior results when blitting an alpha surface onto another surface with alpha - assuming both + surfaces contain pre-multiplied alpha colours. + + .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 + + .. ## Surface.premul_alpha ## + + .. ## pygame.Surface ## + + diff --git a/docs/ref/surfarray.rst b/docs/ref/surfarray.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c29723a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/surfarray.rst @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.surfarray` +======================= + +.. module:: pygame.surfarray + :synopsis: pygame module for accessing surface pixel data using array interfaces + +| :sl:`pygame module for accessing surface pixel data using array interfaces` + +Functions to convert between NumPy arrays and Surface objects. This module +will only be functional when pygame can use the external NumPy package. +If NumPy can't be imported, ``surfarray`` becomes a ``MissingModule`` object. + +Every pixel is stored as a single integer value to represent the red, green, +and blue colors. The 8-bit images use a value that looks into a colormap. Pixels +with higher depth use a bit packing process to place three or four values into +a single number. + +The arrays are indexed by the ``X`` axis first, followed by the ``Y`` axis. +Arrays that treat the pixels as a single integer are referred to as 2D arrays. +This module can also separate the red, green, and blue color values into +separate indices. These types of arrays are referred to as 3D arrays, and the +last index is 0 for red, 1 for green, and 2 for blue. + +The pixels of a 2D array as returned by :func:`array2d` and :func:`pixels2d` +are mapped to the specific surface. Use :meth:`pygame.Surface.unmap_rgb` +to convert to a color, and :meth:`pygame.Surface.map_rgb` to get the surface +specific pixel value of a color. Integer pixel values can only be used directly +between surfaces with matching pixel layouts (see :class:`pygame.Surface`). + +All functions that refer to "array" will copy the surface information to a new +numpy array. All functions that refer to "pixels" will directly reference the +pixels from the surface and any changes performed to the array will make changes +in the surface. As this last functions share memory with the surface, this one +will be locked during the lifetime of the array. + +.. function:: array2d + + | :sl:`Copy pixels into a 2d array` + | :sg:`array2d(Surface) -> array` + + Copy the :meth:`mapped ` (raw) pixels from a Surface + into a 2D array. + The bit depth of the surface will control the size of the integer values, + and will work for any type of pixel format. + + This function will temporarily lock the Surface as pixels are copied + (see the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method). + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.array2d ## + +.. function:: pixels2d + + | :sl:`Reference pixels into a 2d array` + | :sg:`pixels2d(Surface) -> array` + + Create a new 2D array that directly references the pixel values in a + Surface. Any changes to the array will affect the pixels in the Surface. + This is a fast operation since no data is copied. + + Pixels from a 24-bit Surface cannot be referenced, but all other Surface bit + depths can. + + The Surface this references will remain locked for the lifetime of the array, + since the array generated by this function shares memory with the surface. + See the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method. + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.pixels2d ## + +.. function:: array3d + + | :sl:`Copy pixels into a 3d array` + | :sg:`array3d(Surface) -> array` + + Copy the pixels from a Surface into a 3D array. The bit depth of the surface + will control the size of the integer values, and will work for any type of + pixel format. + + This function will temporarily lock the Surface as pixels are copied (see + the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method). + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.array3d ## + +.. function:: pixels3d + + | :sl:`Reference pixels into a 3d array` + | :sg:`pixels3d(Surface) -> array` + + Create a new 3D array that directly references the pixel values in a + Surface. Any changes to the array will affect the pixels in the Surface. + This is a fast operation since no data is copied. + + This will only work on Surfaces that have 24-bit or 32-bit formats. Lower + pixel formats cannot be referenced. + + The Surface this references will remain locked for the lifetime of the array, + since the array generated by this function shares memory with the surface. + See the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method. + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.pixels3d ## + +.. function:: array_alpha + + | :sl:`Copy pixel alphas into a 2d array` + | :sg:`array_alpha(Surface) -> array` + + Copy the pixel alpha values (degree of transparency) from a Surface into a + 2D array. This will work for any type of Surface format. Surfaces without a + pixel alpha will return an array with all opaque values. + + This function will temporarily lock the Surface as pixels are copied (see + the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method). + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.array_alpha ## + +.. function:: pixels_alpha + + | :sl:`Reference pixel alphas into a 2d array` + | :sg:`pixels_alpha(Surface) -> array` + + Create a new 2D array that directly references the alpha values (degree of + transparency) in a Surface. Any changes to the array will affect the pixels + in the Surface. This is a fast operation since no data is copied. + + This can only work on 32-bit Surfaces with a per-pixel alpha value. + + The Surface this references will remain locked for the lifetime of the array, + since the array generated by this function shares memory with the surface. + See the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method. + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha ## + +.. function:: array_red + + | :sl:`Copy red pixels into a 2d array` + | :sg:`array_red(Surface) -> array` + + Copy the pixel red values from a Surface into a 2D array. This will work + for any type of Surface format. + + This function will temporarily lock the Surface as pixels are copied (see + the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method). + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.2 + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.array_red ## + +.. function:: pixels_red + + | :sl:`Reference pixel red into a 2d array.` + | :sg:`pixels_red (Surface) -> array` + + Create a new 2D array that directly references the red values in a Surface. + Any changes to the array will affect the pixels in the Surface. This is a + fast operation since no data is copied. + + This can only work on 24-bit or 32-bit Surfaces. + + The Surface this references will remain locked for the lifetime of the array, + since the array generated by this function shares memory with the surface. + See the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method. + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.pixels_red ## + +.. function:: array_green + + | :sl:`Copy green pixels into a 2d array` + | :sg:`array_green(Surface) -> array` + + Copy the pixel green values from a Surface into a 2D array. This will work + for any type of Surface format. + + This function will temporarily lock the Surface as pixels are copied (see + the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method). + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.2 + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.array_green ## + +.. function:: pixels_green + + | :sl:`Reference pixel green into a 2d array.` + | :sg:`pixels_green (Surface) -> array` + + Create a new 2D array that directly references the green values in a + Surface. Any changes to the array will affect the pixels in the Surface. + This is a fast operation since no data is copied. + + This can only work on 24-bit or 32-bit Surfaces. + + The Surface this references will remain locked for the lifetime of the array, + since the array generated by this function shares memory with the surface. + See the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method. + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.pixels_green ## + +.. function:: array_blue + + | :sl:`Copy blue pixels into a 2d array` + | :sg:`array_blue(Surface) -> array` + + Copy the pixel blue values from a Surface into a 2D array. This will work + for any type of Surface format. + + This function will temporarily lock the Surface as pixels are copied (see + the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method). + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.2 + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.array_blue ## + +.. function:: pixels_blue + + | :sl:`Reference pixel blue into a 2d array.` + | :sg:`pixels_blue (Surface) -> array` + + Create a new 2D array that directly references the blue values in a Surface. + Any changes to the array will affect the pixels in the Surface. This is a + fast operation since no data is copied. + + This can only work on 24-bit or 32-bit Surfaces. + + The Surface this references will remain locked for the lifetime of the array, + since the array generated by this function shares memory with the surface. + See the :meth:`pygame.Surface.lock` - lock the Surface memory for pixel + access method. + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.pixels_blue ## + +.. function:: array_colorkey + + | :sl:`Copy the colorkey values into a 2d array` + | :sg:`array_colorkey(Surface) -> array` + + Create a new array with the colorkey transparency value from each pixel. If + the pixel matches the colorkey it will be fully transparent; otherwise it + will be fully opaque. + + This will work on any type of Surface format. If the image has no colorkey a + solid opaque array will be returned. + + This function will temporarily lock the Surface as pixels are copied. + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.array_colorkey ## + +.. function:: make_surface + + | :sl:`Copy an array to a new surface` + | :sg:`make_surface(array) -> Surface` + + Create a new Surface that best resembles the data and format on the array. + The array can be 2D or 3D with any sized integer values. Function + make_surface uses the array struct interface to acquire array properties, + so is not limited to just NumPy arrays. See :mod:`pygame.pixelcopy`. + + New in pygame 1.9.2: array struct interface support. + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.make_surface ## + +.. function:: blit_array + + | :sl:`Blit directly from a array values` + | :sg:`blit_array(Surface, array) -> None` + + Directly copy values from an array into a Surface. This is faster than + converting the array into a Surface and blitting. The array must be the same + dimensions as the Surface and will completely replace all pixel values. Only + integer, ASCII character and record arrays are accepted. + + This function will temporarily lock the Surface as the new values are + copied. + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.blit_array ## + +.. function:: map_array + + | :sl:`Map a 3d array into a 2d array` + | :sg:`map_array(Surface, array3d) -> array2d` + + Convert a 3D array into a 2D array. This will use the given Surface format + to control the conversion. Palette surface formats are supported for NumPy + arrays. + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.map_array ## + +.. function:: use_arraytype + + | :sl:`Sets the array system to be used for surface arrays` + | :sg:`use_arraytype (arraytype) -> None` + + DEPRECATED: Uses the requested array type for the module functions. + The only supported arraytype is ``'numpy'``. Other values will raise + ValueError. Using this function will raise a ``DeprecationWarning``. + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.use_arraytype ## + +.. function:: get_arraytype + + | :sl:`Gets the currently active array type.` + | :sg:`get_arraytype () -> str` + + DEPRECATED: Returns the currently active array type. This will be a value of the + ``get_arraytypes()`` tuple and indicates which type of array module is used + for the array creation. Using this function will raise a ``DeprecationWarning``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.get_arraytype ## + +.. function:: get_arraytypes + + | :sl:`Gets the array system types currently supported.` + | :sg:`get_arraytypes () -> tuple` + + DEPRECATED: Checks, which array systems are available and returns them as a tuple of + strings. The values of the tuple can be used directly in the + :func:`pygame.surfarray.use_arraytype` () method. If no supported array + system could be found, None will be returned. Using this function will raise a + ``DeprecationWarning``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## pygame.surfarray.get_arraytypes ## + +.. ## pygame.surfarray ## diff --git a/docs/ref/tests.rst b/docs/ref/tests.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88184f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/tests.rst @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.tests` +=================== + +.. module:: pygame.tests + :synopsis: Pygame unit test suite package + +| :sl:`Pygame unit test suite package` + +A quick way to run the test suite package from the command line is to import +the go submodule with the Python -m option: + +:: + + python -m pygame.tests [] + +Command line option --help displays a usage message. Available options +correspond to the :func:`pygame.tests.run` arguments. + +The xxxx_test submodules of the tests package are unit test suites for +individual parts of pygame. Each can also be run as a main program. This is +useful if the test, such as cdrom_test, is interactive. + +For pygame development the test suite can be run from a pygame distribution +root directory. Program ``run_tests.py`` is provided for convenience, though +test/go.py can be run directly. + +Module level tags control which modules are included in a unit test run. Tags +are assigned to a unit test module with a corresponding _tags.py module. +The tags module has the global __tags__, a list of tag names. For example, +``cdrom_test.py`` has a tag file ``cdrom_tags.py`` containing a tags list that +has the 'interactive' string. The 'interactive' tag indicates ``cdrom_test.py`` +expects user input. It is excluded from a ``run_tests.py`` or +``pygame.tests.go`` run. + +Two other tags that are excluded are 'ignore' and 'subprocess_ignore'. These +two tags indicate unit tests that will not run on a particular platform, or +for which no corresponding pygame module is available. + +The test runner will list each excluded module along with the tag responsible. + +.. function:: run + + | :sl:`Run the pygame unit test suite` + | :sg:`run(*args, **kwds) -> tuple` + + Positional arguments (optional): + + :: + + The names of tests to include. If omitted then all tests are run. Test names + need not include the trailing '_test'. + + Keyword arguments: + + :: + + incomplete - fail incomplete tests (default False) + nosubprocess - run all test suites in the current process + (default False, use separate subprocesses) + dump - dump failures/errors as dict ready to eval (default False) + file - if provided, the name of a file into which to dump failures/errors + timings - if provided, the number of times to run each individual test to + get an average run time (default is run each test once) + exclude - A list of TAG names to exclude from the run + show_output - show silenced stderr/stdout on errors (default False) + all - dump all results, not just errors (default False) + randomize - randomize order of tests (default False) + seed - if provided, a seed randomizer integer + multi_thread - if provided, the number of THREADS in which to run + subprocessed tests + time_out - if subprocess is True then the time limit in seconds before + killing a test (default 30) + fake - if provided, the name of the fake tests package in the + run_tests__tests subpackage to run instead of the normal + pygame tests + python - the path to a python executable to run subprocessed tests + (default sys.executable) + + Return value: + + :: + + A tuple of total number of tests run, dictionary of error information. + The dictionary is empty if no errors were recorded. + + By default individual test modules are run in separate subprocesses. This + recreates normal pygame usage where ``pygame.init()`` and ``pygame.quit()`` + are called only once per program execution, and avoids unfortunate + interactions between test modules. + + A time limit is placed on test execution ensuring that any frozen tests + processes are killed when their time allotment is expired. Use the single + process option if threading is not working properly or if tests are taking + too long. It is not guaranteed that all tests will pass in single process + mode. + + Tests are run in a randomized order if the randomize argument is True or a + seed argument is provided. If no seed integer is provided then the system + time is used for the randomization seed value. + + Individual test modules may have a __tags__ attribute, a list of tag strings + used to selectively omit modules from a run. By default only 'interactive' + modules such as cdrom_test are ignored. An interactive module must be run + from the console as a Python program. + + This function can only be called once per Python session. It is not + reentrant. + + .. ## pygame.tests.run ## + +.. ## pygame.tests ## diff --git a/docs/ref/time.rst b/docs/ref/time.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59e0999 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/time.rst @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.time` +================== + +.. module:: pygame.time + :synopsis: pygame module for monitoring time + +| :sl:`pygame module for monitoring time` + +Times in pygame are represented in milliseconds (1/1000 seconds). Most +platforms have a limited time resolution of around 10 milliseconds. This +resolution, in milliseconds, is given in the ``TIMER_RESOLUTION`` constant. + +.. function:: get_ticks + + | :sl:`get the time in milliseconds` + | :sg:`get_ticks() -> milliseconds` + + Return the number of milliseconds since ``pygame.init()`` was called. Before + pygame is initialized this will always be 0. + + .. ## pygame.time.get_ticks ## + +.. function:: wait + + | :sl:`pause the program for an amount of time` + | :sg:`wait(milliseconds) -> time` + + Will pause for a given number of milliseconds. This function sleeps the + process to share the processor with other programs. A program that waits for + even a few milliseconds will consume very little processor time. It is + slightly less accurate than the ``pygame.time.delay()`` function. + + This returns the actual number of milliseconds used. + + .. ## pygame.time.wait ## + +.. function:: delay + + | :sl:`pause the program for an amount of time` + | :sg:`delay(milliseconds) -> time` + + Will pause for a given number of milliseconds. This function will use the + processor (rather than sleeping) in order to make the delay more accurate + than ``pygame.time.wait()``. + + This returns the actual number of milliseconds used. + + .. ## pygame.time.delay ## + +.. function:: set_timer + + | :sl:`repeatedly create an event on the event queue` + | :sg:`set_timer(event, millis) -> None` + | :sg:`set_timer(event, millis, loops=0) -> None` + + Set an event to appear on the event queue every given number of milliseconds. + The first event will not appear until the amount of time has passed. + + The ``event`` attribute can be a ``pygame.event.Event`` object or an integer + type that denotes an event. + + ``loops`` is an integer that denotes the number of events posted. If 0 (default) + then the events will keep getting posted, unless explicitly stopped. + + To disable the timer for such an event, call the function again with the same + event argument with ``millis`` argument set to 0. + + It is also worth mentioning that a particular event type can only be put on a + timer once. In other words, there cannot be two timers for the same event type. + Setting an event timer for a particular event discards the old one for that + event type. + + ``loops`` replaces the ``once`` argument, and this does not break backward + compatibility + + .. versionadded:: 2.0.0.dev3 once argument added. + .. versionchanged:: 2.0.1 event argument supports ``pygame.event.Event`` object + .. versionadded:: 2.0.1 added loops argument to replace once argument + + .. ## pygame.time.set_timer ## + +.. class:: Clock + + | :sl:`create an object to help track time` + | :sg:`Clock() -> Clock` + + Creates a new Clock object that can be used to track an amount of time. The + clock also provides several functions to help control a game's framerate. + + .. method:: tick + + | :sl:`update the clock` + | :sg:`tick(framerate=0) -> milliseconds` + + This method should be called once per frame. It will compute how many + milliseconds have passed since the previous call. + + If you pass the optional framerate argument the function will delay to + keep the game running slower than the given ticks per second. This can be + used to help limit the runtime speed of a game. By calling + ``Clock.tick(40)`` once per frame, the program will never run at more + than 40 frames per second. + + Note that this function uses SDL_Delay function which is not accurate on + every platform, but does not use much CPU. Use tick_busy_loop if you want + an accurate timer, and don't mind chewing CPU. + + .. ## Clock.tick ## + + .. method:: tick_busy_loop + + | :sl:`update the clock` + | :sg:`tick_busy_loop(framerate=0) -> milliseconds` + + This method should be called once per frame. It will compute how many + milliseconds have passed since the previous call. + + If you pass the optional framerate argument the function will delay to + keep the game running slower than the given ticks per second. This can be + used to help limit the runtime speed of a game. By calling + ``Clock.tick_busy_loop(40)`` once per frame, the program will never run at + more than 40 frames per second. + + Note that this function uses :func:`pygame.time.delay`, which uses lots + of CPU in a busy loop to make sure that timing is more accurate. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## Clock.tick_busy_loop ## + + .. method:: get_time + + | :sl:`time used in the previous tick` + | :sg:`get_time() -> milliseconds` + + The number of milliseconds that passed between the previous two calls to + ``Clock.tick()``. + + .. ## Clock.get_time ## + + .. method:: get_rawtime + + | :sl:`actual time used in the previous tick` + | :sg:`get_rawtime() -> milliseconds` + + Similar to ``Clock.get_time()``, but does not include any time used + while ``Clock.tick()`` was delaying to limit the framerate. + + .. ## Clock.get_rawtime ## + + .. method:: get_fps + + | :sl:`compute the clock framerate` + | :sg:`get_fps() -> float` + + Compute your game's framerate (in frames per second). It is computed by + averaging the last ten calls to ``Clock.tick()``. + + .. ## Clock.get_fps ## + + .. ## pygame.time.Clock ## + +.. ## pygame.time ## diff --git a/docs/ref/touch.rst b/docs/ref/touch.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..320da05 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/touch.rst @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame._sdl2.touch` +========================= + +.. module:: pygame._sdl2.touch + :synopsis: pygame module to work with touch input + +| :sl:`pygame module to work with touch input` + +.. versionadded:: 2 This module requires SDL2. + +.. function:: get_num_devices + + | :sl:`get the number of touch devices` + | :sg:`get_num_devices() -> int` + + Return the number of available touch devices. + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.touch.get_num_devices ## + +.. function:: get_device + + | :sl:`get the a touch device id for a given index` + | :sg:`get_device(index) -> touchid` + + :param int index: This number is at least 0 and less than the + :func:`number of devices `. + + Return an integer id associated with the given ``index``. + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.touch.get_device ## + +.. function:: get_num_fingers + + | :sl:`the number of active fingers for a given touch device` + | :sg:`get_num_fingers(touchid) -> int` + + Return the number of fingers active for the touch device + whose id is `touchid`. + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.touch.get_num_fingers ## + +.. function:: get_finger + + | :sl:`get information about an active finger` + | :sg:`get_finger(touchid, index) -> int` + + :param int touchid: The touch device id. + :param int index: The index of the finger to return + information about, between 0 and the + :func:`number of active fingers `. + + Return a dict for the finger ``index`` active on ``touchid``. + The dict contains these keys: + + :: + + id the id of the finger (an integer). + x the normalized x position of the finger, between 0 and 1. + y the normalized y position of the finger, between 0 and 1. + pressure the amount of pressure applied by the finger, between 0 and 1. + + .. ## pygame._sdl2.touch.get_finger ## + +.. ## pygame._sdl2.touch ## diff --git a/docs/ref/transform.rst b/docs/ref/transform.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91a3a8f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ref/transform.rst @@ -0,0 +1,325 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +:mod:`pygame.transform` +======================= + +.. module:: pygame.transform + :synopsis: pygame module to transform surfaces + +| :sl:`pygame module to transform surfaces` + +A Surface transform is an operation that moves or resizes the pixels. All these +functions take a Surface to operate on and return a new Surface with the +results. + +Some of the transforms are considered destructive. These means every time they +are performed they lose pixel data. Common examples of this are resizing and +rotating. For this reason, it is better to re-transform the original surface +than to keep transforming an image multiple times. (For example, suppose you +are animating a bouncing spring which expands and contracts. If you applied the +size changes incrementally to the previous images, you would lose detail. +Instead, always begin with the original image and scale to the desired size.) + +.. versionchanged:: 2.0.2 transform functions now support keyword arguments. + +.. function:: flip + + | :sl:`flip vertically and horizontally` + | :sg:`flip(surface, flip_x, flip_y) -> Surface` + + This can flip a Surface either vertically, horizontally, or both. + The arguments ``flip_x`` and ``flip_y`` are booleans that control whether + to flip each axis. Flipping a Surface is non-destructive and returns a new + Surface with the same dimensions. + + .. ## pygame.transform.flip ## + +.. function:: scale + + | :sl:`resize to new resolution` + | :sg:`scale(surface, size, dest_surface=None) -> Surface` + + Resizes the Surface to a new size, given as (width, height). + This is a fast scale operation that does not sample the results. + + An optional destination surface can be used, rather than have it create a + new one. This is quicker if you want to repeatedly scale something. However + the destination must be the same size as the size (width, height) passed in. Also + the destination surface must be the same format. + + .. ## pygame.transform.scale ## + +.. function:: scale_by + + | :sl:`resize to new resolution, using scalar(s)` + | :sg:`scale_by(surface, factor, dest_surface=None) -> Surface` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave scale_by feedback with authors `_ + + Same as :func:`scale()`, but scales by some factor, rather than taking + the new size explicitly. For example, :code:`transform.scale_by(surf, 3)` + will triple the size of the surface in both dimensions. Optionally, the + scale factor can be a sequence of two numbers, controlling x and y scaling + separately. For example, :code:`transform.scale_by(surf, (2, 1))` doubles + the image width but keeps the height the same. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## pygame.transform.scale_by ## + +.. function:: rotate + + | :sl:`rotate an image` + | :sg:`rotate(surface, angle) -> Surface` + + Unfiltered counterclockwise rotation. The angle argument represents degrees + and can be any floating point value. Negative angle amounts will rotate + clockwise. + + Unless rotating by 90 degree increments, the image will be padded larger to + hold the new size. If the image has pixel alphas, the padded area will be + transparent. Otherwise pygame will pick a color that matches the Surface + colorkey or the topleft pixel value. + + .. ## pygame.transform.rotate ## + +.. function:: rotozoom + + | :sl:`filtered scale and rotation` + | :sg:`rotozoom(surface, angle, scale) -> Surface` + + This is a combined scale and rotation transform. The resulting Surface will + be a filtered 32-bit Surface. The scale argument is a floating point value + that will be multiplied by the current resolution. The angle argument is a + floating point value that represents the counterclockwise degrees to rotate. + A negative rotation angle will rotate clockwise. + + .. ## pygame.transform.rotozoom ## + +.. function:: scale2x + + | :sl:`specialized image doubler` + | :sg:`scale2x(surface, dest_surface=None) -> Surface` + + This will return a new image that is double the size of the original. It + uses the AdvanceMAME Scale2X algorithm which does a 'jaggie-less' scale of + bitmap graphics. + + This really only has an effect on simple images with solid colors. On + photographic and antialiased images it will look like a regular unfiltered + scale. + + An optional destination surface can be used, rather than have it create a + new one. This is quicker if you want to repeatedly scale something. However + the destination must be twice the size of the source surface passed in. Also + the destination surface must be the same format. + + .. ## pygame.transform.scale2x ## + +.. function:: smoothscale + + | :sl:`scale a surface to an arbitrary size smoothly` + | :sg:`smoothscale(surface, size, dest_surface=None) -> Surface` + + Uses one of two different algorithms for scaling each dimension of the input + surface as required. For shrinkage, the output pixels are area averages of + the colors they cover. For expansion, a bilinear filter is used. For the + x86-64 and i686 architectures, optimized ``MMX`` routines are included and + will run much faster than other machine types. The size is a 2 number + sequence for (width, height). This function only works for 24-bit or 32-bit + surfaces. An exception will be thrown if the input surface bit depth is less + than 24. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## pygame.transform.smoothscale ## + +.. function:: smoothscale_by + + | :sl:`resize to new resolution, using scalar(s)` + | :sg:`smoothscale_by(surface, factor, dest_surface=None) -> Surface` + + **Experimental:** feature still in development available for testing and feedback. It may change. + `Please leave smoothscale_by feedback with authors `_ + + Same as :func:`smoothscale()`, but scales by some factor, rather than + taking the new size explicitly. For example, + :code:`transform.smoothscale_by(surf, 3)` will triple the size of the + surface in both dimensions. Optionally, the scale factor can be a sequence + of two numbers, controlling x and y scaling separately. For example, + :code:`transform.smoothscale_by(surf, (2, 1))` doubles the image width but + keeps the height the same. + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 + + .. ## pygame.transform.smoothscale_by ## + +.. function:: get_smoothscale_backend + + | :sl:`return smoothscale filter version in use: 'GENERIC', 'MMX', or 'SSE'` + | :sg:`get_smoothscale_backend() -> string` + + Shows whether or not smoothscale is using ``MMX`` or ``SSE`` acceleration. + If no acceleration is available then "GENERIC" is returned. For a x86 + processor the level of acceleration to use is determined at runtime. + + This function is provided for pygame testing and debugging. + + .. ## pygame.transform.get_smoothscale_backend ## + +.. function:: set_smoothscale_backend + + | :sl:`set smoothscale filter version to one of: 'GENERIC', 'MMX', or 'SSE'` + | :sg:`set_smoothscale_backend(backend) -> None` + + Sets smoothscale acceleration. Takes a string argument. A value of 'GENERIC' + turns off acceleration. 'MMX' uses ``MMX`` instructions only. 'SSE' allows + ``SSE`` extensions as well. A value error is raised if type is not + recognized or not supported by the current processor. + + This function is provided for pygame testing and debugging. If smoothscale + causes an invalid instruction error then it is a pygame/SDL bug that should + be reported. Use this function as a temporary fix only. + + .. ## pygame.transform.set_smoothscale_backend ## + +.. function:: chop + + | :sl:`gets a copy of an image with an interior area removed` + | :sg:`chop(surface, rect) -> Surface` + + Extracts a portion of an image. All vertical and horizontal pixels + surrounding the given rectangle area are removed. The corner areas (diagonal + to the rect) are then brought together. (The original image is not altered + by this operation.) + + ``NOTE``: If you want a "crop" that returns the part of an image within a + rect, you can blit with a rect to a new surface or copy a subsurface. + + .. ## pygame.transform.chop ## + +.. function:: laplacian + + | :sl:`find edges in a surface` + | :sg:`laplacian(surface, dest_surface=None) -> Surface` + + Finds the edges in a surface using the laplacian algorithm. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + + .. ## pygame.transform.laplacian ## + +.. function:: average_surfaces + + | :sl:`find the average surface from many surfaces.` + | :sg:`average_surfaces(surfaces, dest_surface=None, palette_colors=1) -> Surface` + + Takes a sequence of surfaces and returns a surface with average colors from + each of the surfaces. + + palette_colors - if true we average the colors in palette, otherwise we + average the pixel values. This is useful if the surface is actually + greyscale colors, and not palette colors. + + Note, this function currently does not handle palette using surfaces + correctly. + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + .. versionadded:: 1.9 ``palette_colors`` argument + + .. ## pygame.transform.average_surfaces ## + +.. function:: average_color + + | :sl:`finds the average color of a surface` + | :sg:`average_color(surface, rect=None, consider_alpha=False) -> Color` + + Finds the average color of a Surface or a region of a surface specified by a + Rect, and returns it as a Color. If consider_alpha is set to True, then alpha is + taken into account (removing the black artifacts). + + .. versionadded:: 2.1.2 ``consider_alpha`` argument + + .. ## pygame.transform.average_color ## + +.. function:: grayscale + + | :sl:`grayscale a surface` + | :sg:`grayscale(surface, dest_surface=None) -> Surface` + + Returns a grayscaled version of the original surface using the luminosity formula which weights red, green and blue according to their wavelengths. + + An optional destination surface can be passed which is faster than creating a new Surface. + This destination surface must have the same dimensions (width, height) and depth as the source Surface. + + .. ## pygame.transform.grayscale ## + +.. function:: threshold + + | :sl:`finds which, and how many pixels in a surface are within a threshold of a 'search_color' or a 'search_surf'.` + | :sg:`threshold(dest_surface, surface, search_color, threshold=(0,0,0,0), set_color=(0,0,0,0), set_behavior=1, search_surf=None, inverse_set=False) -> num_threshold_pixels` + + This versatile function can be used for find colors in a 'surf' close to a 'search_color' + or close to colors in a separate 'search_surf'. + + It can also be used to transfer pixels into a 'dest_surf' that match or don't match. + + By default it sets pixels in the 'dest_surf' where all of the pixels NOT within the + threshold are changed to set_color. If inverse_set is optionally set to True, + the pixels that ARE within the threshold are changed to set_color. + + If the optional 'search_surf' surface is given, it is used to threshold against + rather than the specified 'set_color'. That is, it will find each pixel in the + 'surf' that is within the 'threshold' of the pixel at the same coordinates + of the 'search_surf'. + + :param dest_surf: Surface we are changing. See 'set_behavior'. + Should be None if counting (set_behavior is 0). + :type dest_surf: pygame.Surface or None + + :param pygame.Surface surf: Surface we are looking at. + + :param pygame.Color search_color: Color we are searching for. + + :param pygame.Color threshold: Within this distance from search_color (or search_surf). + You can use a threshold of (r,g,b,a) where the r,g,b can have different + thresholds. So you could use an r threshold of 40 and a blue threshold of 2 + if you like. + + :param set_color: Color we set in dest_surf. + :type set_color: pygame.Color or None + + :param int set_behavior: + - set_behavior=1 (default). Pixels in dest_surface will be changed to 'set_color'. + - set_behavior=0 we do not change 'dest_surf', just count. Make dest_surf=None. + - set_behavior=2 pixels set in 'dest_surf' will be from 'surf'. + + :param search_surf: + - search_surf=None (default). Search against 'search_color' instead. + - search_surf=Surface. Look at the color in 'search_surf' rather than using 'search_color'. + :type search_surf: pygame.Surface or None + + :param bool inverse_set: + - False, default. Pixels outside of threshold are changed. + - True, Pixels within threshold are changed. + + :rtype: int + :returns: The number of pixels that are within the 'threshold' in 'surf' + compared to either 'search_color' or `search_surf`. + + :Examples: + + See the threshold tests for a full of examples: https://github.com/pygame/pygame/blob/main/test/transform_test.py + + .. literalinclude:: ../../../test/transform_test.py + :pyobject: TransformModuleTest.test_threshold_dest_surf_not_change + + + .. versionadded:: 1.8 + .. versionchanged:: 1.9.4 + Fixed a lot of bugs and added keyword arguments. Test your code. + + .. ## pygame.transform.threshold ## + +.. ## pygame.transform ## diff --git a/docs/tut/CameraIntro.rst b/docs/tut/CameraIntro.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f99c55 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/CameraIntro.rst @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +.. TUTORIAL:Camera Module Introduction + +.. include:: common.txt + +************************************************* + Pygame Tutorials - Camera Module Introduction +************************************************* + + +Camera Module Introduction +========================== + +.. rst-class:: docinfo + +:Author: by Nirav Patel +:Contact: nrp@eclecti.cc + + +Pygame 1.9 comes with support for interfacing cameras, allowing you to capture +still images, watch live streams, and do some simple computer vision. This +tutorial will cover all of those use cases, providing code samples you can base +your app or game on. You can refer to the :mod:`reference documentation ` +for the full API. + +.. note:: + + As of Pygame 1.9, the camera module offers native support for cameras + that use v4l2 on Linux. There is support for other platforms via Videocapture + or OpenCV, but this guide will focus on the native module. Most of the code + will be valid for other platforms, but certain things like controls will not + work. The module is also marked as **EXPERIMENTAL**, meaning the API could + change in subsequent versions. + + +Import and Init +--------------- + +:: + + import pygame + import pygame.camera + from pygame.locals import * + + pygame.init() + pygame.camera.init() + +As the camera module is optional, it needs to be imported and initialized +manually as shown above. + + +Capturing a Single Image +------------------------ + +Now we will go over the simplest case of opening a camera and capturing a frame +as a surface. In the below example, we assume that there is a camera at +/dev/video0 on the computer, and initialize it with a size of 640 by 480. +The surface called image is whatever the camera was seeing when get_image() was +called. :: + + cam = pygame.camera.Camera("/dev/video0",(640,480)) + cam.start() + image = cam.get_image() + + +Listing Connected Cameras +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +You may be wondering, what if we don't know the exact path of the camera? +We can ask the module to provide a list of cameras attached to the +computer and initialize the first camera in the list. :: + + camlist = pygame.camera.list_cameras() + if camlist: + cam = pygame.camera.Camera(camlist[0],(640,480)) + + +Using Camera Controls +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Most cameras support controls like flipping the image and changing brightness. +set_controls() and get_controls() can be used at any point after using start(). :: + + cam.set_controls(hflip = True, vflip = False) + print camera.get_controls() + + +Capturing a Live Stream +----------------------- + +The rest of this tutorial will be based around capturing a live stream of +images. For this, we will be using the class below. As described, it will +simply blit a constant stream of camera frames to the screen, effectively +showing live video. It is basically what you would expect, looping get_image(), +blitting to the display surface, and flipping it. For performance reasons, +we will be supplying the camera with the same surface to use each time. :: + + class Capture: + def __init__(self): + self.size = (640,480) + # create a display surface. standard pygame stuff + self.display = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size, 0) + + # this is the same as what we saw before + self.clist = pygame.camera.list_cameras() + if not self.clist: + raise ValueError("Sorry, no cameras detected.") + self.cam = pygame.camera.Camera(self.clist[0], self.size) + self.cam.start() + + # create a surface to capture to. for performance purposes + # bit depth is the same as that of the display surface. + self.snapshot = pygame.surface.Surface(self.size, 0, self.display) + + def get_and_flip(self): + # if you don't want to tie the framerate to the camera, you can check + # if the camera has an image ready. note that while this works + # on most cameras, some will never return true. + if self.cam.query_image(): + self.snapshot = self.cam.get_image(self.snapshot) + + # blit it to the display surface. simple! + self.display.blit(self.snapshot, (0,0)) + pygame.display.flip() + + def main(self): + going = True + while going: + events = pygame.event.get() + for e in events: + if e.type == QUIT or (e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE): + # close the camera safely + self.cam.stop() + going = False + + self.get_and_flip() + + +Since get_image() is a blocking call that could take quite a bit of time on a +slow camera, this example uses query_image() to see if the camera is ready. +This allows you to separate the framerate of your game from that of your camera. +It is also possible to have the camera capturing images in a separate thread, +for approximately the same performance gain, if you find that your camera does +not support the query_image() function correctly. + + +Basic Computer Vision +--------------------- + +By using the camera, transform, and mask modules, pygame can do some basic +computer vision. + + +Colorspaces +^^^^^^^^^^^ + +When initializing a camera, colorspace is an optional parameter, with 'RGB', +'YUV', and 'HSV' as the possible choices. YUV and HSV are both generally more +useful for computer vision than RGB, and allow you to more easily threshold by +color, something we will look at later in the tutorial. + +:: + + self.cam = pygame.camera.Camera(self.clist[0], self.size, "RGB") + +.. image:: camera_rgb.jpg + :class: trailing + +:: + + self.cam = pygame.camera.Camera(self.clist[0], self.size, "YUV") + +.. image:: camera_yuv.jpg + :class: trailing + +:: + + self.cam = pygame.camera.Camera(self.clist[0], self.size, "HSV") + +.. image:: camera_hsv.jpg + :class: trailing + + +Thresholding +^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Using the threshold() function from the transform module, one can do simple +green screen like effects, or isolate specifically colored objects in a scene. +In the below example, we threshold out just the green tree and make the rest +of the image black. Check the reference documentation for details on the +:func:`threshold function `\ . + +:: + + self.thresholded = pygame.surface.Surface(self.size, 0, self.display) + self.snapshot = self.cam.get_image(self.snapshot) + pygame.transform.threshold(self.thresholded,self.snapshot,(0,255,0),(90,170,170),(0,0,0),2) + +.. image:: camera_thresholded.jpg + :class: trailing + + +Of course, this is only useful if you already know the exact color of the object +you are looking for. To get around this and make thresholding usable in the +real world, we need to add a calibration stage where we identify the color of an +object and use it to threshold against. We will be using the average_color() +function of the transform module to do this. Below is an example calibration +function that you could loop until an event like a key press, and an image of +what it would look like. The color inside the box will be the one that is +used for the threshold. Note that we are using the HSV colorspace in the below +images. + +:: + + def calibrate(self): + # capture the image + self.snapshot = self.cam.get_image(self.snapshot) + # blit it to the display surface + self.display.blit(self.snapshot, (0,0)) + # make a rect in the middle of the screen + crect = pygame.draw.rect(self.display, (255,0,0), (145,105,30,30), 4) + # get the average color of the area inside the rect + self.ccolor = pygame.transform.average_color(self.snapshot, crect) + # fill the upper left corner with that color + self.display.fill(self.ccolor, (0,0,50,50)) + pygame.display.flip() + +.. image:: camera_average.jpg + :class: trailing + +:: + + pygame.transform.threshold(self.thresholded,self.snapshot,self.ccolor,(30,30,30),(0,0,0),2) + +.. image:: camera_thresh.jpg + :class: trailing + + +You can use the same idea to do a simple green screen/blue screen, by first +getting a background image and then thresholding against it. The below example +just has the camera pointed at a blank white wall in HSV colorspace. + +:: + + def calibrate(self): + # capture a bunch of background images + bg = [] + for i in range(0,5): + bg.append(self.cam.get_image(self.background)) + # average them down to one to get rid of some noise + pygame.transform.average_surfaces(bg,self.background) + # blit it to the display surface + self.display.blit(self.background, (0,0)) + pygame.display.flip() + +.. image:: camera_background.jpg + :class: trailing + +:: + + pygame.transform.threshold(self.thresholded,self.snapshot,(0,255,0),(30,30,30),(0,0,0),1,self.background) + +.. image:: camera_green.jpg + :class: trailing + + +Using the Mask Module +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +The stuff above is great if you just want to display images, but with the +:mod:`mask module `, you can also use a camera as an +input device for a game. For example, going back to the example of +thresholding out a specific object, we can find the position of that object and +use it to control an on screen object. + +:: + + def get_and_flip(self): + self.snapshot = self.cam.get_image(self.snapshot) + # threshold against the color we got before + mask = pygame.mask.from_threshold(self.snapshot, self.ccolor, (30, 30, 30)) + self.display.blit(self.snapshot,(0,0)) + # keep only the largest blob of that color + connected = mask.connected_component() + # make sure the blob is big enough that it isn't just noise + if mask.count() > 100: + # find the center of the blob + coord = mask.centroid() + # draw a circle with size variable on the size of the blob + pygame.draw.circle(self.display, (0,255,0), coord, max(min(50,mask.count()/400),5)) + pygame.display.flip() + +.. image:: camera_mask.jpg + :class: trailing + + +This is just the most basic example. You can track multiple different colored +blobs, find the outlines of objects, have collision detection between real life +and in game objects, get the angle of an object to allow for even finer control, +and more. Have fun! diff --git a/docs/tut/ChimpLineByLine.rst b/docs/tut/ChimpLineByLine.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb7a0f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/ChimpLineByLine.rst @@ -0,0 +1,541 @@ +.. TUTORIAL:Line by Line Descriptions of the Chimp Example + +.. include:: common.txt + +************************************************* + Pygame Tutorials - Line By Line Chimp Example +************************************************* + + +Line By Line Chimp +================== + +.. rst-class:: docinfo + +:Author: Pete Shinners +:Contact: pete@shinners.org + +.. toctree:: + :hidden: + + chimp.py + + +Introduction +------------ + +In the *pygame* examples there is a simple example named "chimp". +This example simulates a punchable monkey moving around the screen with +promises of riches and reward. The example itself is very simple, and a +bit thin on error-checking code. This example program demonstrates many of +pygame's abilities, like creating a window, loading images and sounds, +rendering text, and basic event and mouse handling. + +The program and images can be found inside the standard source distribution +of pygame. You can run it by running `python -m pygame.examples.chimp` in +your terminal. + +This tutorial will go through the code block by block. Explaining how +the code works. There will also be mention of how the code could be improved +and what error checking could help out. + +This is an excellent tutorial for people getting their first look at +the *pygame* code. Once *pygame* is fully installed, you can find +and run the chimp demo for yourself in the examples directory. + +.. container:: fullwidth leading trailing + + .. rst-class:: small-heading + + (no, this is not a banner ad, it's the screenshot) + + .. image:: chimpshot.gif + :alt: chimp game banner + + :doc:`Full Source ` + + +Import Modules +-------------- + +This is the code that imports all the needed modules into your program. +It also checks for the availability of some of the optional pygame modules. :: + + # Import Modules + import os + import pygame as pg + + if not pg.font: + print("Warning, fonts disabled") + if not pg.mixer: + print("Warning, sound disabled") + + main_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] + data_dir = os.path.join(main_dir, "data") + + +First, we import the standard "os" python module. This allow +us to do things like create platform independent file paths. + +In the next line, we import the pygame package. In our case, we import +pygame as ``pg``, so that all of the functionality of pygame is able to +be referenced from the namespace ``pg``. + +Some pygame modules are optional, and if they aren't found, +they evaluate to ``False``. Because of that, we decide to print +a nice warning message if the :mod:`font` or +:mod:`mixer ` modules in pygame are not available. +(Although they will only be unavailable in very uncommon situations). + +Lastly, we prepare two paths for the rest of the code to use. +``main_dir`` uses the `os.path` module and the `__file__` variable provided +by Python to locate the game's python file, and extract the folder from +that path. It then prepares the variable ``data_dir`` to tell the +loading functions exactly where to look. + + +Loading Resources +----------------- + +Here we have two functions we can use to load images and sounds. We will +look at each function individually in this section. :: + + def load_image(name, colorkey=None, scale=1): + fullname = os.path.join(data_dir, name) + image = pg.image.load(fullname) + + size = image.get_size() + size = (size[0] * scale, size[1] * scale) + image = pg.transform.scale(image, size) + + image = image.convert() + if colorkey is not None: + if colorkey == -1: + colorkey = image.get_at((0, 0)) + image.set_colorkey(colorkey, pg.RLEACCEL) + return image, image.get_rect() + + +This function takes the name of an image to load. It also optionally +takes an argument it can use to set a colorkey for the image, and an argument +to scale the image. A colorkey is used in graphics to represent a color of the +image that is transparent. + +The first thing this function does is create a full pathname to the file. +In this example all the resources are in a "data" subdirectory. By using +the `os.path.join` function, a pathname will be created that works for whatever +platform the game is running on. + +Next we load the image using the :func:`pygame.image.load` function. +After the image is loaded, we make an important +call to the `convert()` function. This makes a new copy of a Surface and converts +its color format and depth to match the display. This means blitting the +image to the screen will happen as quickly as possible. + +We then scale the image, using the :func:`pygame.transform.scale` function. +This function takes a Surface and the size it should be scaled to. To scale +by a scalar, we can get the size and scale the x and y by the scalar. + +Last, we set the colorkey for the image. If the user supplied an argument +for the colorkey argument we use that value as the colorkey for the image. +This would usually just be a color RGB value, like (255, 255, 255) for +white. You can also pass a value of -1 as the colorkey. In this case the +function will lookup the color at the topleft pixel of the image, and use +that color for the colorkey. :: + + def load_sound(name): + class NoneSound: + def play(self): + pass + + if not pg.mixer or not pg.mixer.get_init(): + return NoneSound() + + fullname = os.path.join(data_dir, name) + sound = pg.mixer.Sound(fullname) + + return sound + + +Next is the function to load a sound file. The first thing this function +does is check to see if the :mod:`pygame.mixer` module was imported correctly. +If not, it returns a small class instance that has a dummy play method. +This will act enough like a normal Sound object for this game to run without +any extra error checking. + +This function is similar to the image loading function, but handles some +different problems. First we create a full path to the sound image, and +load the sound file. Then we simply return the loaded Sound object. + + +Game Object Classes +------------------- + +Here we create two classes to represent the objects in our game. Almost +all the logic for the game goes into these two classes. We will look over +them one at a time here. :: + + class Fist(pg.sprite.Sprite): + """moves a clenched fist on the screen, following the mouse""" + + def __init__(self): + pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) # call Sprite initializer + self.image, self.rect = load_image("fist.png", -1) + self.fist_offset = (-235, -80) + self.punching = False + + def update(self): + """move the fist based on the mouse position""" + pos = pg.mouse.get_pos() + self.rect.topleft = pos + self.rect.move_ip(self.fist_offset) + if self.punching: + self.rect.move_ip(15, 25) + + def punch(self, target): + """returns true if the fist collides with the target""" + if not self.punching: + self.punching = True + hitbox = self.rect.inflate(-5, -5) + return hitbox.colliderect(target.rect) + + def unpunch(self): + """called to pull the fist back""" + self.punching = False + + +Here we create a class to represent the players fist. It is derived from +the `Sprite` class included in the :mod:`pygame.sprite` module. The `__init__` function +is called when new instances of this class are created. The first thing +we do is be sure to call the `__init__` function for our base class. This +allows the Sprite's `__init__` function to prepare our object for use as a +sprite. This game uses one of the sprite drawing Group classes. These classes +can draw sprites that have an "image" and "rect" attribute. By simply changing +these two attributes, the renderer will draw the current image at the current +position. + +All sprites have an `update()` method. This function is typically called +once per frame. It is where you should put code that moves and updates +the variables for the sprite. The `update()` method for the fist moves the +fist to the location of the mouse pointer. It also offsets the fist position +slightly if the fist is in the "punching" state. + +The following two functions `punch()` and `unpunch()` change the punching +state for the fist. The `punch()` method also returns a true value if the fist +is colliding with the given target sprite. :: + + class Chimp(pg.sprite.Sprite): + """moves a monkey critter across the screen. it can spin the + monkey when it is punched.""" + + def __init__(self): + pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) # call Sprite initializer + self.image, self.rect = load_image("chimp.png", -1, 4) + screen = pg.display.get_surface() + self.area = screen.get_rect() + self.rect.topleft = 10, 90 + self.move = 18 + self.dizzy = False + + def update(self): + """walk or spin, depending on the monkeys state""" + if self.dizzy: + self._spin() + else: + self._walk() + + def _walk(self): + """move the monkey across the screen, and turn at the ends""" + newpos = self.rect.move((self.move, 0)) + if not self.area.contains(newpos): + if self.rect.left < self.area.left or self.rect.right > self.area.right: + self.move = -self.move + newpos = self.rect.move((self.move, 0)) + self.image = pg.transform.flip(self.image, True, False) + self.rect = newpos + + def _spin(self): + """spin the monkey image""" + center = self.rect.center + self.dizzy = self.dizzy + 12 + if self.dizzy >= 360: + self.dizzy = False + self.image = self.original + else: + rotate = pg.transform.rotate + self.image = rotate(self.original, self.dizzy) + self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=center) + + def punched(self): + """this will cause the monkey to start spinning""" + if not self.dizzy: + self.dizzy = True + self.original = self.image + + +The `Chimp` class is doing a little more work than the fist, but nothing +more complex. This class will move the chimp back and forth across the +screen. When the monkey is punched, he will spin around to exciting effect. +This class is also derived from the base :class:`Sprite ` +class, and is initialized the same as the fist. While initializing, the class +also sets the attribute "area" to be the size of the display screen. + +The `update` function for the chimp simply looks at the current "dizzy" +state, which is true when the monkey is spinning from a punch. It calls either +the `_spin` or `_walk` method. These functions are prefixed with an underscore. +This is just a standard python idiom which suggests these methods should +only be used by the `Chimp` class. We could go so far as to give them a double +underscore, which would tell python to really try to make them private +methods, but we don't need such protection. :) + +The `_walk` method creates a new position for the monkey by moving the current +rect by a given offset. If this new position crosses outside the display +area of the screen, it reverses the movement offset. It also mirrors the +image using the :func:`pygame.transform.flip` function. This is a crude effect +that makes the monkey look like he's turning the direction he is moving. + +The `_spin` method is called when the monkey is currently "dizzy". The dizzy +attribute is used to store the current amount of rotation. When the monkey +has rotated all the way around (360 degrees) it resets the monkey image +back to the original, non-rotated version. Before calling the +:func:`pygame.transform.rotate` function, you'll see the code makes a local +reference to the function simply named "rotate". There is no need to do that +for this example, it is just done here to keep the following line's length a +little shorter. Note that when calling the `rotate` function, we are always +rotating from the original monkey image. When rotating, there is a slight loss +of quality. Repeatedly rotating the same image and the quality would get worse +each time. Also, when rotating an image, the size of the image will actually +change. This is because the corners of the image will be rotated out, making +the image bigger. We make sure the center of the new image matches the center +of the old image, so it rotates without moving. + +The last method is `punched()` which tells the sprite to enter its dizzy +state. This will cause the image to start spinning. It also makes a copy +of the current image named "original". + + +Initialize Everything +--------------------- + +Before we can do much with pygame, we need to make sure its modules +are initialized. In this case we will also open a simple graphics window. +Now we are in the `main()` function of the program, which actually runs everything. :: + + pg.init() + screen = pg.display.set_mode((1280, 480), pg.SCALED) + pg.display.set_caption("Monkey Fever") + pg.mouse.set_visible(False) + +The first line to initialize *pygame* takes care of a bit of +work for us. It checks through the imported *pygame* modules and attempts +to initialize each one of them. It is possible to go back and check if modules +failed to initialize, but we won't bother here. It is also possible to +take a lot more control and initialize each specific module by hand. That +type of control is generally not needed, but is available if you desire. + +Next we set up the display graphics mode. Note that the :mod:`pygame.display` +module is used to control all the display settings. In this case we are +asking for a 1280 by 480 window, with the ``SCALED`` display flag. +This automatically scales up the window for displays much larger than the +window. + +Last we set the window title and turn off the mouse cursor for our +window. Very basic to do, and now we have a small black window ready to +do our bidding. Usually the cursor defaults to visible, so there is no need +to really set the state unless we want to hide it. + + +Create The Background +--------------------- + +Our program is going to have text message in the background. It would +be nice for us to create a single surface to represent the background and +repeatedly use that. The first step is to create the surface. :: + + background = pg.Surface(screen.get_size()) + background = background.convert() + background.fill((170, 238, 187)) + +This creates a new surface for us that is the same size as the display +window. Note the extra call to `convert()` after creating the Surface. The +convert with no arguments will make sure our background is the same format +as the display window, which will give us the fastest results. + +We also fill the entire background with a certain green color. The fill() +function usually takes an RGB triplet as arguments, but supports many +input formats. See the :mod:`pygame.Color` for all the color formats. + + +Put Text On The Background, Centered +------------------------------------ + +Now that we have a background surface, lets get the text rendered to it. We +only do this if we see the :mod:`pygame.font` module has imported properly. +If not, we just skip this section. :: + + if pg.font: + font = pg.font.Font(None, 64) + text = font.render("Pummel The Chimp, And Win $$$", True, (10, 10, 10)) + textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=background.get_width() / 2, y=10) + background.blit(text, textpos) + +As you see, there are a couple steps to getting this done. First we +must create the font object and render it into a new surface. We then find +the center of that new surface and blit (paste) it onto the background. + +The font is created with the `font` module's `Font()` constructor. Usually +you will pass the name of a TrueType font file to this function, but we +can also pass `None`, which will use a default font. The `Font` constructor +also needs to know the size of font we want to create. + +We then render that font into a new surface. The `render` function creates +a new surface that is the appropriate size for our text. In this case +we are also telling render to create antialiased text (for a nice smooth +look) and to use a dark grey color. + +Next we need to find the centered position of the text on our display. +We create a "Rect" object from the text dimensions, which allows us to +easily assign it to the screen center. + +Finally we blit (blit is like a copy or paste) the text onto the background +image. + + +Display The Background While Setup Finishes +------------------------------------------- + +We still have a black window on the screen. Lets show our background +while we wait for the other resources to load. :: + + screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) + pg.display.flip() + +This will blit our entire background onto the display window. The +blit is self explanatory, but what about this flip routine? + +In pygame, changes to the display surface are not immediately visible. +Normally, a display must be updated in areas that have changed for them +to be visible to the user. In this case the `flip()` function works nicely +because it simply handles the entire window area. + + +Prepare Game Object +------------------- + +Here we create all the objects that the game is going to need. + +:: + + whiff_sound = load_sound("whiff.wav") + punch_sound = load_sound("punch.wav") + chimp = Chimp() + fist = Fist() + allsprites = pg.sprite.RenderPlain((chimp, fist)) + clock = pg.time.Clock() + +First we load two sound effects using the `load_sound` function we defined +above. Then we create an instance of each of our sprite classes. And lastly +we create a sprite :class:`Group ` which will contain all +our sprites. + +We actually use a special sprite group named :class:`RenderPlain +`. This sprite group can draw all the sprites it +contains to the screen. It is called `RenderPlain` because there are actually +more advanced Render groups. But for our game, we just need simple drawing. We +create the group named "allsprites" by passing a list with all the sprites that +should belong in the group. We could later on add or remove sprites from this +group, but in this game we won't need to. + +The `clock` object we create will be used to help control our game's framerate. +we will use it in the main loop of our game to make sure it doesn't run too fast. + + +Main Loop +--------- + +Nothing much here, just an infinite loop. :: + + going = True + while going: + clock.tick(60) + +All games run in some sort of loop. The usual order of things is to +check on the state of the computer and user input, move and update the +state of all the objects, and then draw them to the screen. You'll see +that this example is no different. + +We also make a call to our `clock` object, which will make sure our game +doesn't run faster than 60 frames per second. + + +Handle All Input Events +----------------------- + +This is an extremely simple case of working the event queue. :: + + for event in pg.event.get(): + if event.type == pg.QUIT: + going = False + elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE: + going = False + elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: + if fist.punch(chimp): + punch_sound.play() # punch + chimp.punched() + else: + whiff_sound.play() # miss + elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP: + fist.unpunch() + +First we get all the available Events from pygame and loop through each +of them. The first two tests see if the user has quit our game, or pressed +the escape key. In these cases we just set ``going`` to ``False``, allowing +us out of the infinite loop. + +Next we just check to see if the mouse button was pressed or released. +If the button was pressed, we ask the fist object if it has collided with +the chimp. We play the appropriate sound effect, and if the monkey was hit, +we tell him to start spinning (by calling his `punched()` method). + + +Update the Sprites +------------------ + +:: + + allsprites.update() + +Sprite groups have an `update()` method, which simply calls the update method +for all the sprites it contains. Each of the objects will move around, depending +on which state they are in. This is where the chimp will move one step side +to side, or spin a little farther if he was recently punched. + + +Draw The Entire Scene +--------------------- + +Now that all the objects are in the right place, time to draw them. :: + + screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) + allsprites.draw(screen) + pg.display.flip() + +The first blit call will draw the background onto the entire screen. This +erases everything we saw from the previous frame (slightly inefficient, but +good enough for this game). Next we call the `draw()` method of the sprite +container. Since this sprite container is really an instance of the "RenderPlain" +sprite group, it knows how to draw our sprites. Lastly, we `flip()` the contents +of pygame's software double buffer to the screen. This makes everything we've +drawn visible all at once. + + +Game Over +--------- + +User has quit, time to clean up. :: + + pg.quit() + +Cleaning up the running game in *pygame* is extremely simple. +Since all variables are automatically destructed, we don't really have to do +anything, but calling `pg.quit()` explicitly cleans up pygame's internals. diff --git a/docs/tut/DisplayModes.rst b/docs/tut/DisplayModes.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c251898 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/DisplayModes.rst @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +.. TUTORIAL: Choosing and Configuring Display Modes + +.. include:: common.txt + +******************************************** + Pygame Tutorials - Setting Display Modes +******************************************** + + +Setting Display Modes +===================== + +.. rst-class:: docinfo + +:Author: Pete Shinners +:Contact: pete@shinners.org + + +Introduction +------------ + +Setting the display mode in *pygame* creates a visible image surface +on the monitor. +This surface can either cover the full screen, or be windowed +on platforms that support a window manager. +The display surface is nothing more than a standard *pygame* surface object. +There are special functions needed in the :mod:`pygame.display` +module to keep the image surface contents updated on the monitor. + +Setting the display mode in *pygame* is an easier task than with most +graphic libraries. +The advantage is if your display mode is not available, +*pygame* will emulate the display mode that you asked for. +*Pygame* will select a display resolution and color depth that best matches +the settings you have requested, +then allow you to access the display with the format you have requested. +In reality, since the :mod:`pygame.display` module is +a binding around the SDL library, SDL is really doing all this work. + +There are advantages and disadvantages to setting the display mode in this +manner. +The advantage is that if your game requires a specific display mode, +your game will run on platforms that do not support your requirements. +It also makes life easier when you're getting something started, +it is always easy to go back later and make the mode selection a little more +particular. +The disadvantage is that what you request is not always what you will get. +There is also a performance penalty when the display mode must be emulated. +This tutorial will help you understand the different methods for querying +the platforms display capabilities, and setting the display mode for your game. + + +Setting Basics +-------------- + +The first thing to learn about is how to actually set the current display mode. +The display mode may be set at any time after the :mod:`pygame.display` +module has been initialized. +If you have previously set the display mode, +setting it again will change the current mode. +Setting the display mode is handled with the function +:func:`pygame.display.set_mode((width, height), flags, depth) +`. +The only required argument in this function is a sequence containing +the width and height of the new display mode. +The depth flag is the requested bits per pixel for the surface. +If the given depth is 8, *pygame* will create a color-mapped surface. +When given a higher bit depth, *pygame* will use a packed color mode. +Much more information about depths and color modes can be found in the +documentation for the display and surface modules. +The default value for depth is 0. +When given an argument of 0, *pygame* will select the best bit depth to use, +usually the same as the system's current bit depth. +The flags argument lets you control extra features for the display mode. +Again, more information about this is found in the *pygame* reference documents. + + +How to Decide +------------- + +So how do you select a display mode that is going to work best with your +graphic resources and the platform your game is running on? +There are several methods for gathering information about the display device. +All of these methods must be called after the display module has been +initialized, but you likely want to call them before setting the display mode. +First, :func:`pygame.display.Info() ` +will return a special object type of VidInfo, +which can tell you a lot about the graphics driver capabilities. +The function +:func:`pygame.display.list_modes(depth, flags) ` +can be used to find the supported graphic modes by the system. +:func:`pygame.display.mode_ok((width, height), flags, depth) +` takes the same arguments as +:func:`set_mode() `, +but returns the closest matching bit depth to the one you request. +Lastly, :func:`pygame.display.get_driver() ` +will return the name of the graphics driver selected by *pygame*. + +Just remember the golden rule. +*Pygame* will work with pretty much any display mode you request. +Some display modes will need to be emulated, +which will slow your game down, +since *pygame* will need to convert every update you make to the +"real" display mode. The best bet is to always let *pygame* +choose the best bit depth, +and convert all your graphic resources to that format when they are loaded. +You let *pygame* choose its bit depth by calling +:func:`set_mode() ` +with no depth argument or a depth of 0, +or you can call +:func:`mode_ok() ` +to find a closest matching bit depth to what you need. + +When your display mode is windowed, +you usually must match the same bit depth as the desktop. +When you are fullscreen, some platforms can switch to any bit depth that +best suits your needs. +You can find the depth of the current desktop if you get a VidInfo object +before ever setting your display mode. + +After setting the display mode, +you can find out information about its settings by getting a VidInfo object, +or by calling any of the Surface.get* methods on the display surface. + + +Functions +--------- + +These are the routines you can use to determine the most appropriate +display mode. +You can find more information about these functions in the display module +documentation. + + :func:`pygame.display.mode_ok(size, flags, depth) ` + + This function takes the exact same arguments as pygame.display.set_mode(). + It returns the best available bit depth for the mode you have described. + If this returns zero, + then the desired display mode is not available without emulation. + + :func:`pygame.display.list_modes(depth, flags) ` + + Returns a list of supported display modes with the requested + depth and flags. + An empty list is returned when there are no modes. + The flags argument defaults to :any:`FULLSCREEN `\ . + If you specify your own flags without :any:`FULLSCREEN `\ , + you will likely get a return value of -1. + This means that any display size is fine, since the display will be windowed. + Note that the listed modes are sorted largest to smallest. + + :func:`pygame.display.Info() ` + + This function returns an object with many members describing + the display device. + Printing the VidInfo object will quickly show you all the + members and values for this object. :: + + >>> import pygame.display + >>> pygame.display.init() + >>> info = pygame.display.Info() + >>> print(info) + + +You can test all these flags as simply members of the VidInfo object. + + +Examples +-------- + +Here are some examples of different methods to init the graphics display. +They should help you get an idea of how to go about setting your display mode. :: + + >>> # give me the best depth with a 640 x 480 windowed display + >>> pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) + + >>> # give me the biggest 16-bit display available + >>> modes = pygame.display.list_modes(16) + >>> if not modes: + ... print('16-bit not supported') + ... else: + ... print('Found Resolution:', modes[0]) + ... pygame.display.set_mode(modes[0], FULLSCREEN, 16) + + >>> # need an 8-bit surface, nothing else will do + >>> if pygame.display.mode_ok((800, 600), 0, 8) != 8: + ... print('Can only work with an 8-bit display, sorry') + ... else: + ... pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600), 0, 8) diff --git a/docs/tut/ImportInit.rst b/docs/tut/ImportInit.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1077126 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/ImportInit.rst @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +.. TUTORIAL:Import and Initialize + +.. include:: common.txt + +******************************************** + Pygame Tutorials - Import and Initialize +******************************************** + +Import and Initialize +===================== + +.. rst-class:: docinfo + +:Author: Pete Shinners +:Contact: pete@shinners.org + + +Getting pygame imported and initialized is a very simple process. It is also +flexible enough to give you control over what is happening. Pygame is a +collection of different modules in a single python package. Some of the +modules are written in C, and some are written in python. Some modules +are also optional, and might not always be present. + +This is just a quick introduction on what is going on when you import pygame. +For a clearer explanation definitely see the pygame examples. + + +Import +------ + +First we must import the pygame package. Since pygame version 1.4 this +has been updated to be much easier. Most games will import all of pygame like this. :: + + import pygame + from pygame.locals import * + +The first line here is the only necessary one. It imports all the available pygame +modules into the pygame package. The second line is optional, and puts a limited +set of constants and functions into the global namespace of your script. + +An important thing to keep in mind is that several pygame modules are optional. +For example, one of these is the font module. When you "import pygame", pygame +will check to see if the font module is available. If the font module is available +it will be imported as "pygame.font". If the module is not available, "pygame.font" +will be set to None. This makes it fairly easy to later on test if the font module is available. + + +Init +---- + +Before you can do much with pygame, you will need to initialize it. The most common +way to do this is just make one call. :: + + pygame.init() + +This will attempt to initialize all the pygame modules for you. Not all pygame modules +need to be initialized, but this will automatically initialize the ones that do. You can +also easily initialize each pygame module by hand. For example to only initialize the +font module you would just call. :: + + pygame.font.init() + +Note that if there is an error when you initialize with "pygame.init()", it will silently fail. +When hand initializing modules like this, any errors will raise an exception. Any +modules that must be initialized also have a "get_init()" function, which will return true +if the module has been initialized. + +It is safe to call the init() function for any module more than once. + + +Quit +---- + +Modules that are initialized also usually have a quit() function that will clean up. +There is no need to explicitly call these, as pygame will cleanly quit all the +initialized modules when python finishes. diff --git a/docs/tut/MakeGames.rst b/docs/tut/MakeGames.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31e1d76 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/MakeGames.rst @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +.. TUTORIAL:Tom Chance's Making Games Tutorial + +.. include:: common.txt + +**************************** + Making Games With Pygame +**************************** + + +Making Games With Pygame +======================== + +.. toctree:: + :hidden: + :glob: + + tom_games2 + tom_games3 + tom_games4 + tom_games5 + tom_games6 + +Table of Contents +----------------- + +\1. :ref:`Introduction ` + + \1.1. :ref:`A note on coding styles ` + +\2. :ref:`Revision: Pygame fundamentals ` + + \2.1. :ref:`The basic pygame game ` + + \2.2. :ref:`Basic pygame objects ` + + \2.3. :ref:`Blitting ` + + \2.4. :ref:`The event loop ` + + \2.5. :ref:`Ta-da! ` + +\3. :ref:`Kicking things off ` + + \3.1. :ref:`The first lines, and loading modules ` + + \3.2. :ref:`Resource handling functions ` + +\4. :ref:`Game object classes ` + + \4.1. :ref:`A simple ball class ` + + \4.1.1. :ref:`Diversion 1: Sprites ` + + \4.1.2. :ref:`Diversion 2: Vector physics ` + +\5. :ref:`User-controllable objects ` + + \5.1. :ref:`A simple bat class ` + + \5.1.1. :ref:`Diversion 3: Pygame events ` + +\6. :ref:`Putting it all together ` + + \6.1. :ref:`Let the ball hit sides ` + + \6.2. :ref:`Let the ball hit bats ` + + \6.3. :ref:`The Finished product ` + + +.. _makegames-1: + +1. Introduction +--------------- + +First of all, I will assume you have read the :doc:`Line By Line Chimp ` +tutorial, which introduces the basics of Python and pygame. Give it a read before reading this +tutorial, as I won't bother repeating what that tutorial says (or at least not in as much detail). This tutorial is aimed at those +who understand how to make a ridiculously simple little "game", and who would like to make a relatively simple game like Pong. +It introduces you to some concepts of game design, some simple mathematics to work out ball physics, and some ways to keep your +game easy to maintain and expand. + +All the code in this tutorial works toward implementing `TomPong `_, +a game I've written. By the end of the tutorial, you should not only have a firmer grasp of pygame, but +you should also understand how TomPong works, and how to make your own version. + +Now, for a brief recap of the basics of pygame. A common method of organising the code for a game is to divide it into the following +six sections: + + - **Load modules** which are required in the game. Standard stuff, except that you should + remember to import the pygame local names as well as the pygame module itself + + - **Resource handling classes**; define some classes to handle your most basic resources, + which will be loading images and sounds, as well as connecting and disconnecting to and from networks, loading save game + files, and any other resources you might have. + + - **Game object classes**; define the classes for your game object. In the pong example, + these will be one for the player's bat (which you can initialise multiple times, one for each player in the game), and one + for the ball (which can again have multiple instances). If you're going to have a nice in-game menu, it's also a good idea to make a + menu class. + + - **Any other game functions**; define other necessary functions, such as scoreboards, menu + handling, etc. Any code that you could put into the main game logic, but that would make understanding said logic harder, should + be put into its own function. So as plotting a scoreboard isn't game logic, it should be moved into a function. + + - **Initialise the game**, including the pygame objects themselves, the background, the game + objects (initialising instances of the classes) and any other little bits of code you might want to add in. + + - **The main loop**, into which you put any input handling (i.e. watching for users hitting + keys/mouse buttons), the code for updating the game objects, and finally for updating the screen. + +Every game you make will have some or all of those sections, possibly with more of your own. For the purposes of this tutorial, I will +write about how TomPong is laid out, and the ideas I write about can be transferred to almost any kind of game you might make. I will +also assume that you want to keep all of the code in a single file, but if you're making a reasonably large game, it's often a good +idea to source certain sections into module files. Putting the game object classes into a file called ``objects.py``, for +example, can help you keep game logic separate from game objects. If you have a lot of resource handling code, it can also be handy +to put that into ``resources.py``. You can then :code:`from objects,resources import *` to import all of the +classes and functions. + + +.. _makegames-1-1: + +1.1. A note on coding styles +---------------------------- + +The first thing to remember when approaching any programming project is to decide on a coding style, and stay consistent. Python +solves a lot of the problems because of its strict interpretation of whitespace and indentation, but you can still choose the size +of your indentations, whether you put each module import on a new line, how you comment code, etc. You'll see how I do all of this +in the code examples; you needn't use my style, but whatever style you adopt, use it all the way through the program code. Also try +to document all of your classes, and comment on any bits of code that seem obscure, though don't start commenting the obvious. I've +seen plenty of people do the following:: + + player1.score += scoreup # Add scoreup to player1 score + +The worst code is poorly laid out, with seemingly random changes in style, and poor documentation. Poor code is not only annoying +for other people, but it also makes it difficult for you to maintain. diff --git a/docs/tut/MoveIt.rst b/docs/tut/MoveIt.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27fe0f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/MoveIt.rst @@ -0,0 +1,603 @@ +.. TUTORIAL:Help! How Do I Move An Image? + +.. include:: common.txt + +**************************************************** + Pygame Tutorials - Help! How Do I Move An Image? +**************************************************** + +Help! How Do I Move An Image? +============================= + +.. rst-class:: docinfo + +:Author: Pete Shinners +:Contact: pete@shinners.org + + +Many people new to programming and graphics have a hard time figuring +out how to make an image move around the screen. Without understanding +all the concepts, it can be very confusing. You're not the first person +to be stuck here, I'll do my best to take things step by step. We'll even +try to end with methods of keeping your animations efficient. + +Note that we won't be teaching you to program with python in this article, +just introduce you to some of the basics with pygame. + + +Just Pixels On The Screen +------------------------- + +Pygame has a display Surface. This is basically an image that is visible +on the screen, and the image is made up of pixels. The main way you change +these pixels is by calling the blit() function. This copies the pixels +from one image onto another. + +This is the first thing to understand. When you blit an image onto the +screen, you are simply changing the color of the pixels on the screen. +Pixels aren't added or moved, we just change the colors of the pixels already +on the screen. These images you blit to the screen are also Surfaces in +pygame, but they are in no way connected to the display Surface. When they +are blitted to the screen they are copied into the display, but you still +have a unique copy of the original. + +With this brief description. Perhaps you can already understand what +is needed to "move" an image. We don't actually move anything at all. We +simply blit the image in a new position. But before we draw the image in +the new position, we'll need to "erase" the old one. Otherwise the image +will be visible in two places on the screen. By rapidly erasing the image +and redrawing it in a new place, we achieve the "illusion" of movement. + +Through the rest of this tutorial we will break this process down into +simpler steps. Even explaining the best ways to have multiple images moving +around the screen. You probably already have questions. Like, how do we +"erase" the image before drawing it in a new position? Perhaps you're still +totally lost? Well hopefully the rest of this tutorial can straighten things +out for you. + + +Let's Go Back A Step +-------------------- + +Perhaps the concept of pixels and images is still a little foreign to +you? Well good news, for the next few sections we are going to use code that +does everything we want, it just doesn't use pixels. We're going to create +a small python list of 6 numbers, and imagine it represents some fantastic +graphics we could see on the screen. It might actually be surprising how +closely this represents exactly what we'll later be doing with real graphics. + +So let's begin by creating our screen list and fill it with a beautiful +landscape of 1s and 2s. :: + + >>> screen = [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1] + >>> print(screen) + [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1] + + +Now we've created our background. It's not going to be very exciting +unless we also draw a player on the screen. We'll create a mighty hero +that looks like the number 8. Let's stick him near the middle of the map +and see what it looks like. :: + + >>> screen[3] = 8 + >>> print(screen) + [1, 1, 2, 8, 2, 1] + + +This might have been as far as you've gotten if you jumped right in doing +some graphics programming with pygame. You've got some nice looking stuff +on the screen, but it cannot move anywhere. Perhaps now that our screen +is just a list of numbers, it's easier to see how to move him? + + +Making The Hero Move +-------------------- + +Before we can start moving the character. We need to keep track of some +sort of position for him. In the last section when we drew him, we just picked +an arbitrary position. Let's do it a little more officially this time. :: + + >>> playerpos = 3 + >>> screen[playerpos] = 8 + >>> print(screen) + [1, 1, 2, 8, 2, 1] + + +Now it is pretty easy to move him to a new position. We simply change +the value of playerpos, and draw him on the screen again. :: + + >>> playerpos = playerpos - 1 + >>> screen[playerpos] = 8 + >>> print(screen) + [1, 1, 8, 8, 2, 1] + + +Whoops. Now we can see two heroes. One in the old position, and one +in his new position. This is exactly the reason we need to "erase" the hero +in his old position before we draw him in the new position. To erase him, +we need to change that value in the list back to what it was before the hero +was there. That means we need to keep track of the values on the screen before +the hero replaced them. There's several ways you could do this, but the easiest +is usually to keep a separate copy of the screen background. This means +we need to make some changes to our little game. + + +Creating A Map +-------------- + +What we want to do is create a separate list we will call our background. +We will create the background so it looks like our original screen did, +with 1s and 2s. Then we will copy each item from the background to the screen. +After that we can finally draw our hero back onto the screen. :: + + >>> background = [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1] + >>> screen = [0]*6 #a new blank screen + >>> for i in range(6): + ... screen[i] = background[i] + >>> print(screen) + [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1] + >>> playerpos = 3 + >>> screen[playerpos] = 8 + >>> print(screen) + [1, 1, 2, 8, 2, 1] + + +It may seem like a lot of extra work. We're no farther off than we were +before the last time we tried to make him move. But this time we have the +extra information we need to move him properly. + + +Making The Hero Move (Take 2) +----------------------------- + +This time it will be easy to move the hero around. First we will erase +the hero from his old position. We do this by copying the correct value +from the background onto the screen. Then we will draw the character in his +new position on the screen + + + >>> print(screen) + [1, 1, 2, 8, 2, 1] + >>> screen[playerpos] = background[playerpos] + >>> playerpos = playerpos - 1 + >>> screen[playerpos] = 8 + >>> print(screen) + [1, 1, 8, 2, 2, 1] + + +There it is. The hero has moved one space to the left. We can use this +same code to move him to the left again. :: + + >>> screen[playerpos] = background[playerpos] + >>> playerpos = playerpos - 1 + >>> screen[playerpos] = 8 + >>> print(screen) + [1, 8, 2, 2, 2, 1] + + +Excellent! This isn't exactly what you'd call smooth animation. But with +a couple small changes, we'll make this work directly with graphics on +the screen. + + +Definition: "blit" +------------------ + +In the next sections we will transform our program from using lists to +using real graphics on the screen. When displaying the graphics we will +use the term **blit** frequently. If you are new to doing graphics +work, you are probably unfamiliar with this common term. + +BLIT: Basically, blit means to copy graphics from one image +to another. A more formal definition is to copy an array of data +to a bitmapped array destination. You can think of blit as just +*"assigning"* pixels. Much like setting values in our screen-list +above, blitting assigns the color of pixels in our image. + +Other graphics libraries will use the word *bitblt*, or just *blt*, +but they are talking about the same thing. It is basically copying +memory from one place to another. Actually, it is a bit more advanced than +straight copying of memory, since it needs to handle things like pixel +formats, clipping, and scanline pitches. Advanced blitters can also +handle things like transparency and other special effects. + + +Going From The List To The Screen +--------------------------------- + +To take the code we see in the above to examples and make them work with +pygame is very straightforward. We'll pretend we have loaded some pretty +graphics and named them "terrain1", "terrain2", and "hero". Where before +we assigned numbers to a list, we now blit graphics to the screen. Another +big change, instead of using positions as a single index (0 through 5), we +now need a two dimensional coordinate. We'll pretend each of the graphics +in our game is 10 pixels wide. :: + + >>> background = [terrain1, terrain1, terrain2, terrain2, terrain2, terrain1] + >>> screen = create_graphics_screen() + >>> for i in range(6): + ... screen.blit(background[i], (i*10, 0)) + >>> playerpos = 3 + >>> screen.blit(playerimage, (playerpos*10, 0)) + + +Hmm, that code should seem very familiar, and hopefully more importantly; +the code above should make a little sense. Hopefully my illustration of setting +simple values in a list shows the similarity of setting pixels on the screen +(with blit). The only part that's really extra work is converting the player position +into coordinates on the screen. For now we just use a crude :code:`(playerpos*10, 0)` , +but we can certainly do better than that. Now let's move the player +image over a space. This code should have no surprises. :: + + >>> screen.blit(background[playerpos], (playerpos*10, 0)) + >>> playerpos = playerpos - 1 + >>> screen.blit(playerimage, (playerpos*10, 0)) + + +There you have it. With this code we've shown how to display a simple background +with a hero's image on it. Then we've properly moved that hero one space +to the left. So where do we go from here? Well for one the code is still +a little awkward. First thing we'll want to do is find a cleaner way to represent +the background and player position. Then perhaps a bit of smoother, real +animation. + + +Screen Coordinates +------------------ + +To position an object on the screen, we need to tell the blit() function +where to put the image. In pygame we always pass positions as an (X,Y) coordinate. +This represents the number of pixels to the right, and the number of pixels +down to place the image. The top-left corner of a Surface is coordinate (0, +0). Moving to the right a little would be (10, 0), and then moving down just +as much would be (10, 10). When blitting, the position argument represents +where the topleft corner of the source should be placed on the destination. + +Pygame comes with a convenient container for these coordinates, it is a +Rect. The Rect basically represents a rectangular area in these coordinates. +It has topleft corner and a size. The Rect comes with a lot of convenient +methods which help you move and position them. In our next examples we will +represent the positions of our objects with the Rects. + +Also know that many functions in pygame expect Rect arguments. All of these +functions can also accept a simple tuple of 4 elements (left, top, width, +height). You aren't always required to use these Rect objects, but you will +mainly want to. Also, the blit() function can accept a Rect as its position +argument, it simply uses the topleft corner of the Rect as the real position. + + +Changing The Background +----------------------- + +In all our previous sections, we've been storing the background as a list +of different types of ground. That is a good way to create a tile-based game, +but we want smooth scrolling. To make that a little easier, we're going to +change the background into a single image that covers the whole screen. This +way, when we want to "erase" our objects (before redrawing them) we only need +to blit the section of the erased background onto the screen. + +By passing an optional third Rect argument to blit, we tell blit to only +use that subsection of the source image. You'll see that in use below as we +erase the player image. + +Also note, now when we finish drawing to the screen, we call pygame.display.update() +which will show everything we've drawn onto the screen. + + +Smooth Movement +--------------- + +To make something appear to move smoothly, we only want to move it a couple +pixels at a time. Here is the code to make an object move smoothly across +the screen. Based on what we already now know, this should look pretty simple. :: + + >>> screen = create_screen() + >>> clock = pygame.time.Clock() #get a pygame clock object + >>> player = load_player_image() + >>> background = load_background_image() + >>> screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) #draw the background + >>> position = player.get_rect() + >>> screen.blit(player, position) #draw the player + >>> pygame.display.update() #and show it all + >>> for x in range(100): #animate 100 frames + ... screen.blit(background, position, position) #erase + ... position = position.move(2, 0) #move player + ... screen.blit(player, position) #draw new player + ... pygame.display.update() #and show it all + ... clock.tick(60) #update 60 times per second + + +There you have it. This is all the code that is needed to smoothly animate +an object across the screen. We can even use a pretty background character. +Another benefit of doing the background this way, the image for the player +can have transparency or cutout sections and it will still draw correctly +over the background (a free bonus). + +We also throw in a call to pygame.time.Clock() to grab the clock element. +With it, we can call clock.tick() to set the framerate in frames per second. +This slows down our program a little, otherwise it might run so fast you might +not see it. + + +So, What Next? +-------------- + +Well there we have it. Hopefully this article has done everything it promised +to do. But, at this point the code really isn't ready for the next best-selling +game. How do we easily have multiple moving objects? What exactly are those +mysterious functions like load_player_image()? We also need a way to get simple +user input, and loop for more than 100 frames. We'll take the example we +have here, and turn it into an object oriented creation that would make momma +proud. + + +First, The Mystery Functions +---------------------------- + +Full information on these types of functions can be found in other tutorials +and reference. The pygame.image module has a load() function which will do +what we want. The lines to load the images should become this. :: + + >>> player = pygame.image.load('player.bmp').convert() + >>> background = pygame.image.load('liquid.bmp').convert() + + +We can see that's pretty simple, the load function just takes a filename +and returns a new Surface with the loaded image. After loading we make a call +to the Surface method, convert(). Convert returns us a new Surface of the +image, but now converted to the same pixel format as our display. Since the +images will be the same format at the screen, they will blit very quickly. +If we did not convert, the blit() function is slower, since it has to convert +from one type of pixel to another as it goes. + +You may also have noticed that both the load() and convert() return new +Surfaces. This means we're really creating two Surfaces on each of these +lines. In other programming languages, this results in a memory leak (not +a good thing). Fortunately Python is smart enough to handle this, and pygame +will properly clean up the Surface we end up not using. + +The other mystery function we saw in the above example was create_screen(). +In pygame it is simple to create a new window for graphics. The code to create +a 640x480 surface is below. By passing no other arguments, pygame will just +pick the best color depth and pixel format for us. :: + + >>> screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) + + +Handling Some Input +------------------- + +We desperately need to change the main loop to look for any user input, (like +when the user closes the window). We need to add "event handling" to our +program. All graphical programs use this Event Based design. The program +gets events like "keyboard pressed" or "mouse moved" from the computer. Then +the program responds to the different events. Here's what the code should +look like. Instead of looping for 100 frames, we'll keep looping until the +user asks us to stop. :: + + >>> while True: + ... for event in pygame.event.get(): + ... if event.type == pygame.QUIT: + ... sys.exit() + ... move_and_draw_all_game_objects() + + +What this code simply does is, first loop forever, then check if there are +any events from the user. We exit the program if the user presses the close +button on the window. After we've checked all the events we move and draw +our game objects. (We'll also erase them before they move, too) + + +Moving Multiple Images +---------------------- + +Here's the part where we're really going to change things around. Let's +say we want 10 different images moving around on the screen. A good way to +handle this is to use python's classes. We'll create a class that represents +our game object. This object will have a function to move itself, and then +we can create as many as we like. The functions to draw and move the object +need to work in a way where they only move one frame (or one step) at a time. +Here's the python code to create our class. :: + + >>> class GameObject: + ... def __init__(self, image, height, speed): + ... self.speed = speed + ... self.image = image + ... self.pos = image.get_rect().move(0, height) + ... def move(self): + ... self.pos = self.pos.move(self.speed, 0) + ... if self.pos.right > 600: + ... self.pos.left = 0 + + +So we have two functions in our class. The init function constructs our object. +It positions the object and sets its speed. The move method moves the object +one step. If it's gone too far, it moves the object back to the left. + + +Putting It All Together +----------------------- + +Now with our new object class, we can put together the entire game. Here +is what the main function for our program will look like. :: + + >>> screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) + >>> clock = pygame.time.Clock() #get a pygame clock object + >>> player = pygame.image.load('player.bmp').convert() + >>> background = pygame.image.load('background.bmp').convert() + >>> screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) + >>> objects = [] + >>> for x in range(10): #create 10 objects + ... o = GameObject(player, x*40, x) + ... objects.append(o) + >>> while True: + ... for event in pygame.event.get(): + ... if event.type == pygame.QUIT: + ... sys.exit() + ... for o in objects: + ... screen.blit(background, o.pos, o.pos) + ... for o in objects: + ... o.move() + ... screen.blit(o.image, o.pos) + ... pygame.display.update() + ... clock.tick(60) + + +And there it is. This is the code we need to animate 10 objects on the screen. +The only point that might need explaining is the two loops we use to clear +all the objects and draw all the objects. In order to do things properly, +we need to erase all the objects before drawing any of them. In our sample +here it may not matter, but when objects are overlapping, using two loops +like this becomes important. + + +Preparing for Improved User Input +--------------------------------- + +With all keyboard input terminating the program, that's not very interactive. +Let's add some extra user input! + +First we should create a unique character that the player will control. We +can do that in much the same way we created the other movable entities. Let's +call the player object p. We can already move any object, but, a player should +have more input than simply moving right. To accommodate this, let's revamp +our move function under our GameObject class. :: + + >>> def move(self, up=False, down=False, left=False, right=False): + ... if right: + ... self.pos.right += self.speed + ... if left: + ... self.pos.right -= self.speed + ... if down: + ... self.pos.top += self.speed + ... if up: + ... self.pos.top -= self.speed + ... if self.pos.right > WIDTH: + ... self.pos.left = 0 + ... if self.pos.top > HEIGHT-SPRITE_HEIGHT: + ... self.pos.top = 0 + ... if self.pos.right < SPRITE_WIDTH: + ... self.pos.right = WIDTH + ... if self.pos.top < 0: + ... self.pos.top = HEIGHT-SPRITE_HEIGHT + +There's certainly a lot more going on here, so let's take it one step at a time. +First, we've added some default values into the move function, declared as up, +down, left, and right. These booleans will allow us to specifically select a +direction that the object is moving in. The first part, where we go through and +check True for each variable, is where we will add to the position of the object, +much like before. Right controls horizontal, and top controls vertical positions. + +Additionally, we've removed the magic number present previously, and replaced it +with the constants WIDTH, HEIGHT, SPRITE_WIDTH, and SPRITE_HEIGHT. These values +represent the screen width and height, along with the width and height of the object +displayed on the screen. + +The second part, where the position is being checked, ensures that the position +is within the confines of our screen. With this in place, we need to make sure that +when one of our other objects calls move, we set right to true. + + +Adding the User Input +--------------------- + +We've already seen that pygame has event handling, and we know that KEYDOWN is +an event in this loop. We could, under KEYDOWN, assert the key press matches an +arrow key, where we would then call move. However, this movement will only occur +once every time a key is pressed, and it therefore will be extremely choppy and +unpleasant. + +For this, we can use pygame.key.get_pressed(), which returns a list of all keys, +and whether or not they are currently pressed. Since we want these key presses +to be maintained whether an event is currently happening or not, we should put +it outside of the main event handling loop, but still within our game loop. +Our functionality will look like this. :: + + >>> keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() + >>> if keys[pygame.K_UP]: + ... p.move(up=True) + >>> if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]: + ... p.move(down=True) + >>> if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: + ... p.move(left=True) + >>> if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: + ... p.move(right=True) + +We simply get our list of keys pressed, called keys. We can then check the index +at the key code position to see if it is held down. For more key codes, I recommend +checking out the documentation on pygame.key. + +When up is held, we move our object, p, up. When down is held, we move down. Rinse and +repeat for all cases, and we're good to go! + + +Putting it all Together One More time +------------------------------------- + +Now that we're finished with the player functionality, let's take one last look to make +sure we understand everything. :: + + >>> screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) + >>> clock = pygame.time.Clock() #get a pygame clock object + >>> player = pygame.image.load('player.bmp').convert() + >>> entity = pygame.image.load('alien1.bmp').convert() + >>> background = pygame.image.load('background.bmp').convert() + >>> screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) + >>> objects = [] + >>> p = GameObject(player, 10, 3) #create the player object + >>> for x in range(10): #create 10 objects + ... o = GameObject(entity, x*40, x) + ... objects.append(o) + >>> while True: + ... screen.blit(background, p.pos, p.pos) + ... for o in objects: + ... screen.blit(background, o.pos, o.pos) + ... keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() + ... if keys[pygame.K_UP]: + ... p.move(up=True) + ... if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]: + ... p.move(down=True) + ... if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: + ... p.move(left=True) + ... if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: + ... p.move(right=True) + ... for event in pygame.event.get(): + ... if event.type == pygame.QUIT: + ... sys.exit() + ... screen.blit(p.image, p.pos) + ... for o in objects: + ... o.move() + ... screen.blit(o.image, o.pos) + ... pygame.display.update() + ... clock.tick(60) + +A few things not mentioned earlier: we load in a second image and call it entity, +and we use that for all objects that aren't the player, which uses the player +image defined earlier. + +And that's all there is to it! Now we have a fully functional player object that +is controlled using the arrow keys! + + +You Are On Your Own From Here +----------------------------- + +So what would be next on your road to learning? Well first playing around +with this example a bit. The full running version of this example is available +in the pygame examples directory. It is the example named +:func:`moveit.py ` . +Take a look at the code and play with it, run it, learn it. + +Things you may want to work on is maybe having more than one type of object. +Finding a way to cleanly "delete" objects when you don't want to show them +any more. Also updating the display.update() call to pass a list of the areas +on-screen that have changed. + +There are also other tutorials and examples in pygame that cover these +issues. So when you're ready to keep learning, keep on reading. :-) + +Lastly, you can feel free to come to the pygame mailing list or chatroom +with any questions on this stuff. There's always folks on hand who can help +you out with this sort of business. + +Lastly, have fun, that's what games are for! diff --git a/docs/tut/PygameIntro.rst b/docs/tut/PygameIntro.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa27ca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/PygameIntro.rst @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +.. TUTORIAL:Pygame Python Introduction + +.. include:: common.txt + +**************** + Pygame Intro +**************** + + +Python Pygame Introduction +========================== + +.. rst-class:: docinfo + +:Author: Pete Shinners +:Contact: pete@shinners.org + + +This article is an introduction to the `pygame library `_ +for `Python programmers `_. +The original version appeared in the `PyZine volume 1 issue 3 +`_. +This version contains minor revisions, to +create an all-around better article. Pygame is a Python extension +library that wraps the `SDL `_ library +and its helpers. + + +HISTORY +------- + +Pygame started in the summer of 2000. Being a C programmer of many +years, I discovered both Python and SDL at about the same time. You are +already familiar with Python, which was at version 1.5.2. You may need +an introduction to SDL, which is the Simple DirectMedia Layer. +Created by Sam Lantinga, SDL is a cross-platform C library for +controlling multimedia, comparable to DirectX. It has been used for +hundreds of commercial and open source games. I was impressed at how clean +and straightforward both projects were and it wasn't long before I +realized mixing Python and SDL was an interesting proposal. + +I discovered a small project already under-way with exactly the same +idea, PySDL. Created by Mark Baker, PySDL was a straightforward +implementation of SDL as a Python extension. The interface was cleaner +than a generic SWIG wrapping, but I felt it forced a "C style" of code. +The sudden death of PySDL prompted me to take on a new project of my +own. + +I wanted to put together a project that really took advantage of +Python. My goal was to make it easy to do the simple things, and +straightforward to do the difficult things. Pygame was started in +October, 2000. Six months later pygame version 1.0 was released. + + +TASTE +----- + + +I find the best way to understand a new library is to jump straight +into an example. In the early days of pygame, I created a bouncing ball +animation with 7 lines of code. Let's take a look at a friendlier +version of that same thing. This should be simple enough to follow +along, and a complete breakdown follows. + +.. image:: intro_ball.gif + :class: inlined-right + +.. code-block:: python + + import sys, pygame + pygame.init() + + size = width, height = 320, 240 + speed = [2, 2] + black = 0, 0, 0 + + screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) + + ball = pygame.image.load("intro_ball.gif") + ballrect = ball.get_rect() + + while True: + for event in pygame.event.get(): + if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() + + ballrect = ballrect.move(speed) + if ballrect.left < 0 or ballrect.right > width: + speed[0] = -speed[0] + if ballrect.top < 0 or ballrect.bottom > height: + speed[1] = -speed[1] + + screen.fill("black") + screen.blit(ball, ballrect) + pygame.display.flip() + +This is as simple as you can get for a bouncing animation. +First we see importing and initializing pygame is nothing noteworthy. +The ``import pygame`` imports the package with all the available +pygame modules. +The call to ``pygame.init()`` initializes each of these modules. +Make sure the gif file of the bouncing ball is in the same folder +as the code block. +On :clr:`line 4` we set the size of the display window, for best +results you can change these numbers to match your own monitor's +resolution. +On :clr:`line 8` we create a +graphical window with the call to ``pygame.display.set_mode()``. +Pygame and SDL make this easy by defaulting to the best graphics modes +for the graphics hardware. You can override the mode and SDL will +compensate for anything the hardware cannot do. Pygame represents +images as *Surface* objects. +The ``display.set_mode()`` function creates a new *Surface* +object that represents the actual displayed graphics. Any drawing you +do to this Surface will become visible on the monitor. + +At :clr:`line 10` we load +our ball image. Pygame supports a variety of image formats through the +SDL_image library, including BMP, JPG, PNG, TGA, and GIF. +The ``pygame.image.load()`` function +returns us a Surface with the ball data. The Surface will keep any +colorkey or alpha transparency from the file. After loading the ball +image we create a variable named ballrect. Pygame comes with a +convenient utility object type named :class:`Rect `, +which represents a rectangular area. Later, in the animation part of +the code, we will see what the *Rect* objects can do. + +At this point, :clr:`line 13`, +our program is initialized and ready to run. Inside an infinite loop we +check for user input, move the ball, and then draw the ball. If you are +familiar with GUI programming, you have had experience with events and +event loops. In pygame this is no different, +we check if a *QUIT* event has happened. If so we +simply exit the program, pygame will ensure everything is cleanly +shutdown. + +It is time to update our position for the ball. +:clr:`Lines 17` moves the ballrect variable by the current speed. +:clr:`Lines 18 thru 21` reverse the speed if the ball has moved outside the screen. +Not exactly Newtonian physics, but it is all we need. + +On :clr:`line 23` we erase +the screen by filling it with a black RGB color. If you have never +worked with animations this may seem strange. You may be asking "Why do +we need to erase anything, why don't we just move the ball on the +screen?" That is not quite the way computer animation works. Animation +is nothing more than a series of single images, which when displayed in +sequence do a very good job of fooling the human eye into seeing +motion. The screen is just a single image that the user sees. If we did +not take the time to erase the ball from the screen, we would actually +see a "trail" of the ball as we continuously draw the ball in its new +positions. + +On :clr:`line 24` we draw the ball image onto the screen. +Drawing of images is handled by the +:meth:`Surface.blit() ` method. +A blit basically means copying pixel colors from one image to another. +We pass the blit method a source :class:`Surface ` +to copy from, and a position to place the source onto the destination. + +The last thing we need to do is actually update the visible display. +Pygame manages the display with a double buffer. When we are finished +drawing we call the :func:`pygame.display.flip()` method. +This makes everything we have drawn on the screen Surface +become visible. This buffering makes sure we only see completely drawn +frames on the screen. Without it, the user would see the half completed +parts of the screen as they are being created. + +That concludes this short introduction to pygame. Pygame also has +modules to do things like input handling for the keyboard, mouse, and +joystick. It can mix audio and decode streaming music. +With the *Surfaces* you can draw simple +shapes, rotate and scale the picture, and even manipulate the pixels of +an image in realtime as numpy arrays. +Pygame also has the ability to act as a +cross platform display layer for PyOpenGL. Most of the pygame modules +are written in C, few are actually done in Python. + +The pygame website has full reference documentation for every pygame +function and tutorials for all ranges of users. The pygame source comes +with many examples of things like monkey punching and UFO shooting. + + +PYTHON AND GAMING +----------------- + +"Is Python suitable for gaming?" The answer is, "It depends on the +game." + +Python is actually quite capable at running games. It will likely even +surprise you how much is possible in under 30 milliseconds. Still, it +is not hard to reach the ceiling once your game begins to get more +complex. Any game running in realtime will be making full use of the +computer. + +.. image:: intro_blade.jpg + :class: inlined-right + +Over the past several years there has been an interesting trend in game development, +the move towards higher level languages. Usually a game is split into +two major parts. The game engine, which must be as fast as possible, +and the game logic, which makes the engine actually do something. It +wasn't long ago when the engine of a game was written in assembly, with +portions written in C. Nowadays, C has moved to the game engine, while +often the game itself is written in higher level scripting languages. +Games like Quake3 and Unreal run these scripts as portable bytecode. + +In early 2001, developer Rebel Act Studios finished their game, +Severance: Blade of Darkness. Using their own custom 3D engine, the +rest of the game is written with Python. The game is a bloody action +3rd person perspective fighter. You control medieval warriors into +intricate decapitating combination attacks while exploring dungeons and +castles. You can download third party add-ons for this game, and find +they are nothing more than Python source files. + +More recently, Python has been used in a variety of games like Freedom +Force, and Humungous' Backyard Sports Series. + +.. image:: intro_freedom.jpg + :class: inlined-right + +Pygame and SDL serve as an excellent C engine for 2D games. +Games will still find the largest part of their runtime is spent +inside SDL handling the graphics. +SDL can take advantage of graphics hardware acceleration. +Enabling this can change a game from running around 40 frames per +second to over 200 frames per second. When you see your Python game +running at 200 frames per second, you realize that Python and games can +work together. + +It is impressive how well both Python and SDL work on multiple +platforms. For example, in May of 2001 I released my own full pygame +project, SolarWolf, an arcade style action game. One thing that has +surprised me is that one year later there has been no need for any +patches, bug fixes, or updates. The game was developed entirely on +windows, but runs on Linux, Mac OSX, and many Unixes without any extra +work on my end. + +Still, there are very clear limitations. The best way to manage +hardware accelerated graphics is not always the way to get fastest +results from software rendering. Hardware support is not available on +all platforms. When a game gets more complex, it often must commit to +one or the other. SDL has some other design limitations, things like +full screen scrolling graphics can quickly bring your game down to +unplayable speeds. While SDL is not suitable for all types of games, +remember companies like Loki have used SDL to run a wide variety of +retail quality titles. + +Pygame is fairly low-level when it comes to writing games. You'll +quickly find yourself needing to wrap common functions into your own +game environment. The great thing about this is there is nothing inside +pygame to get in your way. Your program is in full control of +everything. The side effect of that is you will find yourself borrowing +a lot of code to get a more advanced framework put together. You'll +need a better understanding of what you are doing. + + +CLOSING +------- + +Developing games is very rewarding, there is something exciting about +being able to see and interact with the code you've written. Pygame +currently has almost 30 other projects using it. Several of them are +ready to play now. You may be surprised to visit the pygame website, +and see what other users have been able to do with Python. + +One thing that has caught my attention is the amount of people coming +to Python for the first time to try game development. I can see why +games are a draw for new programmers, but it can be difficult since +creating games requires a firmer understanding of the language. I've +tried to support this group of users by writing many examples and +pygame tutorials for people new to these concepts. + +In the end, my advice is to keep it simple. I cannot stress this +enough. If you are planning to create your first game, there is a +lot to learn. Even a simpler game will challenge your designs, and +complex games don't necessarily mean fun games. When you understand +Python, you can use pygame to create a simple game in only one or two +weeks. From there you'll need a surprising amount of time to add +the polish to make that into a full presentable game. + +Pygame Modules Overview +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +.. csv-table:: + :class: more-to-explore + :widths: 20, 50 + + :mod:`cdrom `, "playback" + :mod:`cursors `, "load cursor images, includes standard cursors" + :mod:`display `, "control the display window or screen" + :mod:`draw `, "draw simple shapes onto a Surface" + :mod:`event `, "manage events and the event queue" + :mod:`font `, "create and render TrueType fonts" + :mod:`image `, "save and load images" + :mod:`joystick `, "manage joystick devices" + :mod:`key `, "manage the keyboard" + :mod:`mouse `, "manage the mouse" + :mod:`sndarray `, "manipulate sounds with numpy" + :mod:`surfarray `, "manipulate images with numpy" + :mod:`time `, "control timing" + :mod:`transform `, "scale, rotate, and flip images" diff --git a/docs/tut/SpriteIntro.rst b/docs/tut/SpriteIntro.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ba571f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/SpriteIntro.rst @@ -0,0 +1,415 @@ +.. TUTORIAL: Sprite Module Introduction + +.. include:: common.txt + +************************************************* + Pygame Tutorials - Sprite Module Introduction +************************************************* + + +Sprite Module Introduction +========================== + +.. rst-class:: docinfo + +:Author: Pete Shinners +:Contact: pete@shinners.org + +Pygame version 1.3 comes with a new module, ``pygame.sprite``. This module is +written in Python and includes some higher-level classes to manage your game +objects. By using this module to its full potential, you can easily manage and +draw your game objects. The sprite classes are very optimized, so it's likely +your game will run faster with the sprite module than without. + +The sprite module is also meant to be very generic. It turns out you can use it +with nearly any type of gameplay. All this flexibility comes with a slight +penalty, it needs a little understanding to properly use it. The +:mod:`reference documentation ` for the sprite module can keep +you running, but you'll probably need a bit more explanation of how to use +``pygame.sprite`` in your own game. + +Several of the pygame examples (like "chimp" and "aliens") have been updated to +use the sprite module. You may want to look into those first to see what this +sprite module is all about. The chimp module even has its own line-by-line +tutorial, which may help get more an understanding of programming with python +and pygame. + +Note that this introduction will assume you have a bit of experience +programming with python, and are somewhat familiar with the different parts of +creating a simple game. In this tutorial the word "reference" is occasionally +used. This represents a python variable. Variables in python are references, +so you can have several variables all pointing to the same object. + +History Lesson +-------------- + +The term "sprite" is a holdover from older computer and game machines. These +older boxes were unable to draw and erase normal graphics fast enough for them +to work as games. These machines had special hardware to handle game like +objects that needed to animate very quickly. These objects were called +"sprites" and had special limitations, but could be drawn and updated very +fast. They usually existed in special overlay buffers in the video. These days +computers have become generally fast enough to handle sprite like objects +without dedicated hardware. The term sprite is still used to represent just +about anything in a 2D game that is animated. + +The Classes +----------- + +The sprite module comes with two main classes. The first is :class:`Sprite +`, which should be used as a base class for all your game +objects. This class doesn't really do anything on its own, it just includes +several functions to help manage the game object. The other type of class is +:class:`Group `. The ``Group`` class is a container for +different ``Sprite`` objects. There are actually several different types of +group classes. Some of the ``Groups`` can draw all the elements they contain, +for example. + +This is all there really is to it. We'll start with a description of what each +type of class does, and then discuss the proper ways to use these two classes. + + +The Sprite Class +---------------- + +As mentioned before, the Sprite class is designed to be a base class for all +your game objects. You cannot really use it on its own, as it only has several +methods to help it work with the different ``Group`` classes. The sprite keeps +track of which groups it belongs to. +The class constructor (``__init__`` method) takes an argument of a +``Group`` (or list of ``Groups``) the ``Sprite`` instance should belong to. +You can also change the ``Group`` membership for the ``Sprite`` with the +:meth:`add() ` and +:meth:`remove() ` methods. +There is also a :meth:`groups() ` method, +which returns a list of the current groups containing the sprite. + +When using the your Sprite classes it's best to think of them as "valid" or +"alive" when they are belonging to one or more ``Groups``. When you remove the +instance from all groups pygame will clean up the object. (Unless you have your +own references to the instance somewhere else.) The :meth:`kill() +` method removes the sprite from all groups it +belongs to. This will cleanly delete the sprite object. If you've put some +little games together, you'll know sometimes cleanly deleting a game object can +be tricky. The sprite also comes with an :meth:`alive() +` method, which returns true if it is still a +member of any groups. + + +The Group Class +--------------- + +The ``Group`` class is just a simple container. Similar to the sprite, it has +an :meth:`add() ` and :meth:`remove() +` method which can change which sprites belong to +the group. You also can pass a sprite or list of sprites to the constructor +(``__init__()`` method) to create a ``Group`` instance that contains some +initial sprites. + + +The ``Group`` has a few other methods like :meth:`empty() +` to remove all sprites from the group and +:meth:`copy() ` which will return a copy of the group +with all the same members. Also the :meth:`has() ` +method will quickly check if the ``Group`` contains a sprite or list of +sprites. + +The other function you will use frequently is the :meth:`sprites() +` method. This returns an object that can be +looped on to access every sprite the group contains. Currently this is just a +list of the sprites, but in later version of python this will likely use +iterators for better performance. + +As a shortcut, the ``Group`` also has an :meth:`update() +` method, which will call an ``update()`` method on +every sprite in the group. Passing the same arguments to each one. Usually in a +game you need some function that updates the state of a game object. It's very +easy to call your own methods using the ``Group.sprites()`` method, but this is +a shortcut that's used enough to be included. Also note that the base +``Sprite`` class has a "dummy" ``update()`` method that takes any sort of +arguments and does nothing. + +Lastly, the Group has a couple other methods that allow you to use it with +the builtin ``len()`` function, getting the number of sprites it contains, and +the "truth" operator, which allows you to do "if mygroup:" to check if the +group has any sprites. + + +Mixing Them Together +-------------------- + +At this point the two classes seem pretty basic. Not doing a lot more than you +can do with a simple list and your own class of game objects. But there are +some big advantages to using the ``Sprite`` and ``Group`` together. A sprite +can belong to as many groups as you want. Remember as soon as it belongs to no +groups, it will usually be cleared up (unless you have other "non-group" +references to that object). + +The first big thing is a fast simple way to categorize sprites. For example, +say we had a Pacman-like game. We could make separate groups for the different +types of objects in the game. Ghosts, Pac, and Pellets. When Pac eats a power +pellet, we can change the state for all ghost objects by effecting everything +in the Ghost group. This is quicker and simpler than looping through a list +of all the game objects and checking which ones are ghosts. + +Adding and removing groups and sprites from each other is a very fast +operation, quicker than using lists to store everything. Therefore you can very +efficiently change group memberships. Groups can be used to work like simple +attributes for each game object. Instead of tracking some attribute like +"close_to_player" for a bunch of enemy objects, you could add them to a +separate group. Then when you need to access all the enemies that are near the +player, you already have a list of them, instead of going through a list of all +the enemies, checking for the "close_to_player" flag. Later on your game could +add multiple players, and instead of adding more "close_to_player2", +"close_to_player3" attributes, you can easily add them to different groups for +each player. + +Another important benefit of using the ``Sprites`` and ``Groups`` is that the groups +cleanly handle the deleting (or killing) of game objects. In a game where many +objects are referencing other objects, sometimes deleting an object can be the +hardest part, since it can't go away until it is not referenced by anyone. Say +we have an object that is "chasing" another object. The chaser can keep a +simple Group that references the object (or objects) it is chasing. If the +object being chased happens to be destroyed, we don't need to worry about +notifying the chaser to stop chasing. The chaser can see for itself that its +group is now empty, and perhaps find a new target. + +Again, the thing to remember is that adding and removing sprites from groups is +a very cheap/fast operation. You may be best off by adding many groups to +contain and organize your game objects. Some could even be empty for large +portions of the game, there isn't any penalties for managing your game like +this. + + +The Many Group Types +-------------------- + +The above examples and reasons to use ``Sprites`` and ``Groups`` are only a tip +of the iceberg. Another advantage is that the sprite module comes with several +different types of ``Groups``. These groups all work just like a regular old +``Group``, but they also have added functionality (or slightly different +functionality). Here's a list of the ``Group`` classes included with the +sprite module. + + :class:`Group ` + + This is the standard "no frills" group mainly explained above. Most of the + other ``Groups`` are derived from this one, but not all. + + :class:`GroupSingle ` + + This works exactly like the regular ``Group`` class, but it only contains + the most recently added sprite. Therefore when you add a sprite to this group, + it "forgets" about any previous sprites it had. Therefore it always contains + only one or zero sprites. + + :class:`RenderPlain ` + + This is a standard group derived from ``Group``. It has a draw() method + that draws all the sprites it contains to the screen (or any ``Surface``). For + this to work, it requires all sprites it contains to have a "image" and "rect" + attributes. It uses these to know what to blit, and where to blit it. + + :class:`RenderClear ` + + This is derived from the ``RenderPlain`` group, and adds a method named + ``clear()``. This will erase the previous position of all drawn sprites. It + uses a background image to fill in the areas where the sprite were. It is smart + enough to handle deleted sprites and properly clear them from the screen when + the ``clear()`` method is called. + + :class:`RenderUpdates ` + + This is the Cadillac of rendering ``Groups``. It is inherited from + ``RenderClear``, but changes the ``draw()`` method to also return a list of + pygame ``Rects``, which represent all the areas on screen that have been + changed. + +That is the list of different groups available We'll discuss more about these +rendering groups in the next section. There's nothing stopping you from +creating your own Group classes as well. They are just python code, so you can +inherit from one of these and add/change whatever you want. In the future I +hope we can add a couple more ``Groups`` to this list. A ``GroupMulti`` which +is like the ``GroupSingle``, but can hold up to a given number of sprites (in +some sort of circular buffer?). Also a super-render group that can clear the +position of the old sprites without needing a background image to do it (by +grabbing a copy of the screen before blitting). Who knows really, but in the +future we can add more useful classes to this list. + + +The Rendering Groups +-------------------- + +From above we can see there are three different rendering groups. We could +probably just get away with the ``RenderUpdates`` one, but it adds overhead not +really needed for something like a scrolling game. So we have a couple tools +here, pick the right one for the right job. + +For a scrolling type game, where the background completely changes every frame, +we obviously don't need to worry about python's update rectangles in the call +to ``display.update()``. You should definitely go with the ``RenderPlain`` +group here to manage your rendering. + +For games where the background is more stationary, you definitely don't want +pygame updating the entire screen (since it doesn't need to). This type of game +usually involves erasing the old position of each object, then drawing it in a +new place for each frame. This way we are only changing what is necessary. +Most of the time you will just want to use the ``RenderUpdates`` class here. +Since you will also want to pass this list of changes to the +``display.update()`` function. + +The ``RenderUpdates`` class also does a good job at minimizing overlapping +areas in the list of updated rectangles. If the previous position and current +position of an object overlap, it will merge them into a single rectangle. +Combined with the fact that it properly handles deleted objects, this is +one powerful ``Group`` class. If you've written a game that manages the changed +rectangles for the objects in a game, you know this the cause for a lot of +messy code in your game. Especially once you start to throw in objects that can +be deleted at any time. All this work is reduced to a ``clear()`` and +``draw()`` method with this monster class. Plus with the overlap checking, it +is likely faster than when you did it manually. + +Also note that there's nothing stopping you from mixing and matching these +render groups in your game. You should definitely use multiple rendering groups +when you want to do layering with your sprites. Also if the screen is split +into multiple sections, perhaps each section of the screen should use an +appropriate render group? + + +Collision Detection +------------------- + +The sprite module also comes with two very generic collision detection +functions. For more complex games, these really won't work for you, but you +can easily grab the source code for them, and modify them as needed. + +Here's a summary of what they are, and what they do. + + :func:`spritecollide(sprite, group, dokill) -> list ` + + This checks for collisions between a single sprite and the sprites in a group. + It requires a "rect" attribute for all the sprites used. It returns a list of + all the sprites that overlap with the first sprite. The "dokill" argument is a + boolean argument. If it is true, the function will call the ``kill()`` method + on all the sprites. This means the last reference to each sprite is probably in + the returned list. Once the list goes away so do the sprites. A quick example + of using this in a loop :: + + >>> for bomb in sprite.spritecollide(player, bombs, 1): + ... boom_sound.play() + ... Explosion(bomb, 0) + + This finds all the sprites in the "bomb" group that collide with the player. + Because of the "dokill" argument it deletes all the crashed bombs. For each + bomb that did collide, it plays a "boom" sound effect, and creates a new + ``Explosion`` where the bomb was. (Note, the ``Explosion`` class here knows to + add each instance to the appropriate class, so we don't need to store it in a + variable, that last line might feel a little "funny" to you python programmers.) + + :func:`groupcollide(group1, group2, dokill1, dokill2) -> dictionary ` + + This is similar to the ``spritecollide`` function, but a little more complex. + It checks for collisions for all the sprites in one group, to the sprites in + another. There is a ``dokill`` argument for the sprites in each list. When + ``dokill1`` is true, the colliding sprites in ``group1`` will be ``kill()``ed. + When ``dokill2`` is true, we get the same results for ``group2``. The + dictionary it returns works like this; each key in the dictionary is a sprite + from ``group1`` that had a collision. The value for that key is a list of the + sprites that it collided with. Perhaps another quick code sample explains it + best :: + + >>> for alien in sprite.groupcollide(aliens, shots, 1, 1).keys() + ... boom_sound.play() + ... Explosion(alien, 0) + ... kills += 1 + + This code checks for the collisions between player bullets and all the aliens + they might intersect. In this case we only loop over the dictionary keys, but + we could loop over the ``values()`` or ``items()`` if we wanted to do something + to the specific shots that collided with aliens. If we did loop over the + ``values()`` we would be looping through lists that contain sprites. The same + sprite may even appear more than once in these different loops, since the same + "shot" could have collided against multiple "aliens". + +Those are the basic collision functions that come with pygame. It should be +easy to roll your own that perhaps use something different than the "rect" +attribute. Or maybe try to fine-tweak your code a little more by directly +effecting the collision object, instead of building a list of the collision? +The code in the sprite collision functions is very optimized, but you could +speed it up slightly by taking out some functionality you don't need. + + +Common Problems +--------------- + +Currently there is one main problem that catches new users. When you derive +your new sprite class with the Sprite base, you **must** call the +``Sprite.__init__()`` method from your own class ``__init__()`` method. If you +forget to call the ``Sprite.__init__()`` method, you get a cryptic error, like +this :: + + AttributeError: 'mysprite' instance has no attribute '_Sprite__g' + + +Extending Your Own Classes *(Advanced)* +--------------------------------------- + +Because of speed concerns, the current ``Group`` classes try to only do exactly +what they need, and not handle a lot of general situations. If you decide you +need extra features, you may want to create your own ``Group`` class. + +The ``Sprite`` and ``Group`` classes were designed to be extended, so feel free +to create your own ``Group`` classes to do specialized things. The best place +to start is probably the actual python source code for the sprite module. +Looking at the current ``Sprite`` groups should be enough example on how to +create your own. + +For example, here is the source code for a rendering ``Group`` that calls a +``render()`` method for each sprite, instead of just blitting an "image" +variable from it. Since we want it to also handle updated areas, we will start +with a copy of the original ``RenderUpdates`` group, here is the code:: + + class RenderUpdatesDraw(RenderClear): + """call sprite.draw(screen) to render sprites""" + def draw(self, surface): + dirty = self.lostsprites + self.lostsprites = [] + for s, r in self.spritedict.items(): + newrect = s.draw(screen) #Here's the big change + if r is 0: + dirty.append(newrect) + else: + dirty.append(newrect.union(r)) + self.spritedict[s] = newrect + return dirty + +Following is more information on how you could create your own ``Sprite`` and +``Group`` objects from scratch. + +The ``Sprite`` objects only "require" two methods. "add_internal()" and +"remove_internal()". These are called by the ``Group`` classes when they are +removing a sprite from themselves. The ``add_internal()`` and +``remove_internal()`` have a single argument which is a group. Your ``Sprite`` +will need some way to also keep track of the ``Groups`` it belongs to. You will +likely want to try to match the other methods and arguments to the real +``Sprite`` class, but if you're not going to use those methods, you sure don't +need them. + +It is almost the same requirements for creating your own ``Group``. In fact, if +you look at the source you'll see the ``GroupSingle`` isn't derived from the +``Group`` class, it just implements the same methods so you can't really tell +the difference. Again you need an "add_internal()" and "remove_internal()" +method that the sprites call when they want to belong or remove themselves from +the group. The ``add_internal()`` and ``remove_internal()`` have a single +argument which is a sprite. The only other requirement for the ``Group`` +classes is they have a dummy attribute named "_spritegroup". It doesn't matter +what the value is, as long as the attribute is present. The Sprite classes can +look for this attribute to determine the difference between a "group" and any +ordinary python container. (This is important, because several sprite methods +can take an argument of a single group, or a sequence of groups. Since they +both look similar, this is the most flexible way to "see" the difference.) + +You should go through the code for the sprite module. While the code is a bit +"tuned", it's got enough comments to help you follow along. There's even a +TODO section in the source if you feel like contributing. + diff --git a/docs/tut/SurfarrayIntro-rest b/docs/tut/SurfarrayIntro-rest new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d9690a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/SurfarrayIntro-rest @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ + +Hopefully by this point you are starting to see how surfarray can be used to +perform special effects and transformations that are only possible at the pixel +level. At the very least, you can use the surfarray to do a lot of Surface.set_at() +Surface.get_at() type operations very quickly. But don't think you are finished +yet, there is still much to learn. + + + +Surface Locking +=============== + +Like the rest of pygame, surfarray will lock any Surfaces it needs to +automatically when accessing pixel data. There is one extra thing to be aware +of though. When creating the *pixel* arrays, the original surface will +be locked during the lifetime of that pixel array. This is important to remember. +Be sure to *"del"* the pixel array or let it go out of scope *(ie, when the function returns, etc)*. + +Also be aware that you really don't want to be doing much *(if any)* +direct pixel access on hardware surfaces *(HWSURFACE)*. This is because +the actual surface data lives on the graphics card, and transferring pixel +changes over the PCI/AGP bus is not fast. + + + + +Transparency +============ + +.. comment out + The surfarray module has several methods for accessing a Surface's alpha/colorkey + values. None of the alpha functions are effected by overal transparency of a + Surface, just the pixel alpha values. Here's the list of those functions. +
Creates a 2D array *(integer pixel values)* that references the original surface alpha data. This will only + work on 32bit images with an 8bit alpha component.
+ +
Creates a 2D array *(integer pixel values)* that is copied from any type of surface. If the surface has no alpha + values, the array will be fully opaque values *(255)*. + +
Creates a 2D array + *(integer pixel values)* that is set to transparent *(0)* wherever + that pixel color matches the Surface colorkey. + +
+ + + +Other Surfarray Functions +========================= + +.. comment out + There are only a few other functions available in surfarray. + You can get a better list with more documentation on the + :mod:`surfarray reference page `. + There is one very useful function though. +
``surfarray.blit_array(surface, array)``
This will transfer + any type of 2D or 3D surface array onto a Surface of the same dimensions. + This surfarray blit will generally be faster than assigning an array to a + referenced pixel array. Still, it should not be as fast as normal Surface + blitting, since those are very optimized. +
+ + + + +More Advanced NumPy +===================== + +There's a couple last things you should know about NumPy arrays. When dealing +with very large arrays, like the kind that are 640x480 big, there are some extra +things you should be careful about. Mainly, while using the operators like + and +* on the arrays makes them easy to use, it is also very expensive on big arrays. +These operators must make new temporary copies of the array, that are then +usually copied into another array. This can get very time consuming. Fortunately, +all the NumPy operators come with special functions that can perform the +operation *"in place"*. For example, you would want to replace +``screen[:] = screen + brightmap`` with the much faster +``add(screen, brightmap, screen)``. +Anyways, you'll want to read up on the NumPy UFunc +documentation for more about this. It is important when dealing with the arrays. + +When dealing with the 16bit pixel arrays, NumPy doesn't offer an unsigned 16bit +datatype, so some values will be treated as signed. Hopefully this does not +present a problem. + +Another thing to be aware of when working with NumPy arrays is the datatype +of the array. Some of the arrays (especially the mapped pixel type) often return +arrays with an unsigned 8bit value. These arrays will easily overflow if you are +not careful. NumPy will use the same coercion that you find in C programs, so +mixing an operation with 8bit numbers and 32bit numbers will give a result as +32bit numbers. You can convert the datatype of an array, but definitely be +aware of what types of arrays you have, if NumPy gets in a situation where +precision would be ruined, it will raise an exception. + +Lastly, be aware that when assigning values into the 3D arrays, they must be +between 0 and 255, or you will get some undefined truncating. + + + +Graduation +========== + +Well there you have it. My quick primer on Numeric Python and surfarray. +Hopefully now you see what is possible, and even if you never use them for +yourself, you do not have to be afraid when you see code that does. Look into +the vgrade example for more numeric array action. There are also some *"flame"* +demos floating around that use surfarray to create a realtime fire effect. + +Best of all, try some things on your own. Take it slow at first and build up, +I've seen some great things with surfarray already like radial gradients and +more. Good Luck. diff --git a/docs/tut/SurfarrayIntro.rst b/docs/tut/SurfarrayIntro.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d29376c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/SurfarrayIntro.rst @@ -0,0 +1,580 @@ +.. TUTORIAL:Introduction to the surfarray module + +.. include:: common.txt + +********************************************* + Pygame Tutorials - Surfarray Introduction +********************************************* + +.. currentmodule:: surfarray + +Surfarray Introduction +====================== + +.. rst-class:: docinfo + +:Author: Pete Shinners +:Contact: pete@shinners.org + + +Introduction +------------ + +This tutorial will attempt to introduce users to both NumPy and the pygame +surfarray module. To beginners, the code that uses surfarray can be quite +intimidating. But actually there are only a few concepts to understand and +you will be up and running. Using the surfarray module, it becomes possible +to perform pixel level operations from straight python code. The performance +can become quite close to the level of doing the code in C. + +You may just want to jump down to the *"Examples"* section to get an +idea of what is possible with this module, then start at the beginning here +to work your way up. + +Now I won't try to fool you into thinking everything is very easy. To get +more advanced effects by modifying pixel values is very tricky. Just mastering +Numeric Python (SciPy's original array package was Numeric, the predecessor of NumPy) +takes a lot of learning. In this tutorial I'll be sticking with +the basics and using a lot of examples in an attempt to plant seeds of wisdom. +After finishing the tutorial you should have a basic handle on how the surfarray +works. + + +Numeric Python +-------------- + +If you do not have the python NumPy package installed, +you will need to do that now, by following the +`NumPy Installation Guide `_. +To make sure NumPy is working for you, +you should get something like this from the interactive python prompt. :: + + >>> from numpy import * #import numeric + >>> a = array((1,2,3,4,5)) #create an array + >>> a #display the array + array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) + >>> a[2] #index into the array + 3 + >>> a*2 #new array with twiced values + array([ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]) + +As you can see, the NumPy module gives us a new data type, the *array*. +This object holds an array of fixed size, and all values inside are of the same +type. The arrays can also be multidimensional, which is how we will use them +with images. There's a bit more to it than this, but it is enough to get us +started. + +If you look at the last command above, you'll see that mathematical operations +on NumPy arrays apply to all values in the array. This is called "element-wise +operations". These arrays can also be sliced like normal lists. The slicing +syntax is the same as used on standard python objects. +*(so study up if you need to :] )*. +Here are some more examples of working with arrays. :: + + >>> len(a) #get array size + 5 + >>> a[2:] #elements 2 and up + array([3, 4, 5]) + >>> a[:-2] #all except last 2 + array([1, 2, 3]) + >>> a[2:] + a[:-2] #add first and last + array([4, 6, 8]) + >>> array((1,2,3)) + array((3,4)) #add arrays of wrong sizes + Traceback (most recent call last): + File "", line 1, in + ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (3,) (2,) + +We get an error on the last command, because we try add together two arrays +that are different sizes. In order for two arrays two operate with each other, +including comparisons and assignment, they must have the same dimensions. It is +very important to know that the new arrays created from slicing the original all +reference the same values. So changing the values in a slice also changes the +original values. It is important how this is done. :: + + >>> a #show our starting array + array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) + >>> aa = a[1:3] #slice middle 2 elements + >>> aa #show the slice + array([2, 3]) + >>> aa[1] = 13 #chance value in slice + >>> a #show change in original + array([ 1, 2, 13, 4, 5]) + >>> aaa = array(a) #make copy of array + >>> aaa #show copy + array([ 1, 2, 13, 4, 5]) + >>> aaa[1:4] = 0 #set middle values to 0 + >>> aaa #show copy + array([1, 0, 0, 0, 5]) + >>> a #show original again + array([ 1, 2, 13, 4, 5]) + +Now we will look at small arrays with two +dimensions. Don't be too worried, getting started it is the same as having a +two dimensional tuple *(a tuple inside a tuple)*. Let's get started with +two dimensional arrays. :: + + >>> row1 = (1,2,3) #create a tuple of vals + >>> row2 = (3,4,5) #another tuple + >>> (row1,row2) #show as a 2D tuple + ((1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5)) + >>> b = array((row1, row2)) #create a 2D array + >>> b #show the array + array([[1, 2, 3], + [3, 4, 5]]) + >>> array(((1,2),(3,4),(5,6))) #show a new 2D array + array([[1, 2], + [3, 4], + [5, 6]]) + +Now with this two +dimensional array *(from now on as "2D")* we can index specific values +and do slicing on both dimensions. Simply using a comma to separate the indices +allows us to lookup/slice in multiple dimensions. Just using "``:``" as an +index *(or not supplying enough indices)* gives us all the values in +that dimension. Let's see how this works. :: + + >>> b #show our array from above + array([[1, 2, 3], + [3, 4, 5]]) + >>> b[0,1] #index a single value + 2 + >>> b[1,:] #slice second row + array([3, 4, 5]) + >>> b[1] #slice second row (same as above) + array([3, 4, 5]) + >>> b[:,2] #slice last column + array([3, 5]) + >>> b[:,:2] #slice into a 2x2 array + array([[1, 2], + [3, 4]]) + +Ok, stay with me here, this is about as hard as it gets. When using NumPy +there is one more feature to slicing. Slicing arrays also allow you to specify +a *slice increment*. The syntax for a slice with increment is +``start_index : end_index : increment``. :: + + >>> c = arange(10) #like range, but makes an array + >>> c #show the array + array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) + >>> c[1:6:2] #slice odd values from 1 to 6 + array([1, 3, 5]) + >>> c[4::4] #slice every 4th val starting at 4 + array([4, 8]) + >>> c[8:1:-1] #slice 1 to 8, reversed + array([8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]) + +Well that is it. There's enough information there to get you started using +NumPy with the surfarray module. There's certainly a lot more to NumPy, but +this is only an introduction. Besides, we want to get on to the fun stuff, +correct? + + +Import Surfarray +---------------- + +In order to use the surfarray module we need to import it. Since both surfarray +and NumPy are optional components for pygame, it is nice to make sure they +import correctly before using them. In these examples I'm going to import +NumPy into a variable named *N*. This will let you know which functions +I'm using are from the NumPy package. +*(and is a lot shorter than typing NumPy before each function)* :: + + try: + import numpy as N + import pygame.surfarray as surfarray + except ImportError: + raise ImportError, "NumPy and Surfarray are required." + + +Surfarray Introduction +---------------------- + + +There are two main types of functions in surfarray. One set of functions for +creating an array that is a copy of a surface pixel data. The other functions +create a referenced copy of the array pixel data, so that changes to the array +directly affect the original surface. There are other functions that allow you +to access any per-pixel alpha values as arrays along with a few other helpful +functions. We will look at these other functions later on. + +When working with these surface arrays, there are two ways of representing the +pixel values. First, they can be represented as mapped integers. This type of +array is a simple 2D array with a single integer representing the surface's +mapped color value. This type of array is good for moving parts of an image +around. The other type of array uses three RGB values to represent each pixel +color. This type of array makes it extremely simple to do types of effects that +change the color of each pixel. This type of array is also a little trickier to +deal with, since it is essentially a 3D numeric array. Still, once you get your +mind into the right mode, it is not much harder than using the normal 2D arrays. + +The NumPy module uses a machine's natural number types to represent the data +values, so a NumPy array can consist of integers that are 8-bits, 16-bits, and 32-bits. +*(the arrays can also use other types like floats and doubles, but for our image +manipulation we mainly need to worry about the integer types)*. +Because of this limitation of integer sizes, you must take a little extra care +that the type of arrays that reference pixel data can be properly mapped to a +proper type of data. The functions create these arrays from surfaces are: + +.. function:: pixels2d(surface) + :noindex: + + Creates a 2D array *(integer pixel values)* that reference the original surface data. + This will work for all surface formats except 24-bit. + +.. function:: array2d(surface) + :noindex: + + Creates a 2D array *(integer pixel values)* that is copied from any type of surface. + +.. function:: pixels3d(surface) + :noindex: + + Creates a 3D array *(RGB pixel values)* that reference the original surface data. + This will only work on 24-bit and 32-bit surfaces that have RGB or BGR formatting. + +.. function:: array3d(surface) + :noindex: + + Creates a 3D array *(RGB pixel values)* that is copied from any type of surface. + +Here is a small chart that might better illustrate what types of functions +should be used on which surfaces. As you can see, both the arrayXD functions +will work with any type of surface. + +.. csv-table:: + :class: matrix + :header: , "32-bit", "24-bit", "16-bit", "8-bit(c-map)" + :widths: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 + :stub-columns: 1 + + "pixel2d", "yes", , "yes", "yes" + "array2d", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes" + "pixel3d", "yes", "yes", , + "array3d", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes" + + +Examples +-------- + + +With this information, we are equipped to start trying things with surface +arrays. The following are short little demonstrations that create a NumPy +array and display them in pygame. These different tests are found in the +*arraydemo.py* example. There is a simple function named *surfdemo_show* +that displays an array on the screen. + +.. container:: examples + + .. container:: example + + .. image:: surfarray_allblack.png + :alt: allblack + + :: + + allblack = N.zeros((128, 128)) + surfdemo_show(allblack, 'allblack') + + Our first example creates an all black array. Whenever you need + to create a new numeric array of a specific size, it is best to use the + ``zeros`` function. Here we create a 2D array of all zeros and display + it. + + .. container:: break + + .. + + .. container:: example + + .. image:: surfarray_striped.png + :alt: striped + + :: + + striped = N.zeros((128, 128, 3)) + striped[:] = (255, 0, 0) + striped[:,::3] = (0, 255, 255) + surfdemo_show(striped, 'striped') + + Here we are dealing with a 3D array. We start by creating an all red image. + Then we slice out every third row and assign it to a blue/green color. As you + can see, we can treat the 3D arrays almost exactly the same as 2D arrays, just + be sure to assign them 3 values instead of a single mapped integer. + + .. container:: break + + .. + + .. container:: example + + .. image:: surfarray_rgbarray.png + :alt: rgbarray + + :: + + imgsurface = pygame.image.load('surfarray.png') + rgbarray = surfarray.array3d(imgsurface) + surfdemo_show(rgbarray, 'rgbarray') + + Here we load an image with the image module, then convert it to a 3D + array of integer RGB color elements. An RGB copy of a surface always + has the colors arranged as a[r,c,0] for the red component, + a[r,c,1] for the green component, and a[r,c,2] for blue. This can then + be used without caring how the pixels of the actual surface are configured, + unlike a 2D array which is a copy of the :meth:`mapped ` + (raw) surface pixels. We will use this image in the rest of the samples. + + .. container:: break + + .. + + .. container:: example + + .. image:: surfarray_flipped.png + :alt: flipped + + :: + + flipped = rgbarray[:,::-1] + surfdemo_show(flipped, 'flipped') + + Here we flip the image vertically. All we need to do is take the original + image array and slice it using a negative increment. + + .. container:: break + + .. + + .. container:: example + + .. image:: surfarray_scaledown.png + :alt: scaledown + + :: + + scaledown = rgbarray[::2,::2] + surfdemo_show(scaledown, 'scaledown') + + Based on the last example, scaling an image down is pretty logical. We just + slice out all the pixels using an increment of 2 vertically and horizontally. + + .. container:: break + + .. + + + .. container:: example + + .. image:: surfarray_scaleup.png + :alt: scaleup + + :: + + shape = rgbarray.shape + scaleup = N.zeros((shape[0]*2, shape[1]*2, shape[2])) + scaleup[::2,::2,:] = rgbarray + scaleup[1::2,::2,:] = rgbarray + scaleup[:,1::2] = scaleup[:,::2] + surfdemo_show(scaleup, 'scaleup') + + Scaling the image up is a little more work, but is similar to the previous + scaling down, we do it all with slicing. First we create an array that is + double the size of our original. First we copy the original array into every + other pixel of the new array. Then we do it again for every other pixel doing + the odd columns. At this point we have the image scaled properly going across, + but every other row is black, so we simply need to copy each row to the one + underneath it. Then we have an image doubled in size. + + .. container:: break + + .. + + + .. container:: example + + .. image:: surfarray_redimg.png + :alt: redimg + + :: + + redimg = N.array(rgbarray) + redimg[:,:,1:] = 0 + surfdemo_show(redimg, 'redimg') + + Now we are using 3D arrays to change the colors. Here we + set all the values in green and blue to zero. + This leaves us with just the red channel. + + .. container:: break + + .. + + + .. container:: example + + .. image:: surfarray_soften.png + :alt: soften + + :: + + factor = N.array((8,), N.int32) + soften = N.array(rgbarray, N.int32) + soften[1:,:] += rgbarray[:-1,:] * factor + soften[:-1,:] += rgbarray[1:,:] * factor + soften[:,1:] += rgbarray[:,:-1] * factor + soften[:,:-1] += rgbarray[:,1:] * factor + soften //= 33 + surfdemo_show(soften, 'soften') + + Here we perform a 3x3 convolution filter that will soften our image. + It looks like a lot of steps here, but what we are doing is shifting + the image 1 pixel in each direction and adding them all together (with some + multiplication for weighting). Then average all the values. It's no Gaussian, + but it's fast. One point with NumPy arrays, the precision of arithmetic + operations is determined by the array with the largest data type. + So if factor was not declared as a 1 element array of type numpy.int32, + the multiplications would be performed using numpy.int8, the 8 bit integer + type of each rgbarray element. This will cause value truncation. The soften + array must also be declared to have a larger integer size than rgbarray to + avoid truncation. + + .. container:: break + + .. + + + .. container:: example + + .. image:: surfarray_xfade.png + :alt: xfade + + :: + + src = N.array(rgbarray) + dest = N.zeros(rgbarray.shape) + dest[:] = 20, 50, 100 + diff = (dest - src) * 0.50 + xfade = src + diff.astype(N.uint) + surfdemo_show(xfade, 'xfade') + + Lastly, we are cross fading between the original image and a solid bluish + image. Not exciting, but the dest image could be anything, and changing the 0.50 + multiplier will let you choose any step in a linear crossfade between two images. + + .. container:: break + + .. + +Hopefully by this point you are starting to see how surfarray can be used to +perform special effects and transformations that are only possible at the pixel +level. At the very least, you can use the surfarray to do a lot of Surface.set_at() +Surface.get_at() type operations very quickly. But don't think you are finished +yet, there is still much to learn. + + +Surface Locking +--------------- + +Like the rest of pygame, surfarray will lock any Surfaces it needs to +automatically when accessing pixel data. There is one extra thing to be aware +of though. When creating the *pixel* arrays, the original surface will +be locked during the lifetime of that pixel array. This is important to remember. +Be sure to *"del"* the pixel array or let it go out of scope +*(ie, when the function returns, etc)*. + +Also be aware that you really don't want to be doing much *(if any)* +direct pixel access on hardware surfaces *(HWSURFACE)*. This is because +the actual surface data lives on the graphics card, and transferring pixel +changes over the PCI/AGP bus is not fast. + + +Transparency +------------ + +The surfarray module has several methods for accessing a Surface's alpha/colorkey +values. None of the alpha functions are affected by overall transparency of a +Surface, just the pixel alpha values. Here's the list of those functions. + +.. function:: pixels_alpha(surface) + :noindex: + + Creates a 2D array *(integer pixel values)* that references the original + surface alpha data. + This will only work on 32-bit images with an 8-bit alpha component. + +.. function:: array_alpha(surface) + :noindex: + + Creates a 2D array *(integer pixel values)* that is copied from any + type of surface. + If the surface has no alpha values, + the array will be fully opaque values *(255)*. + +.. function:: array_colorkey(surface) + :noindex: + + Creates a 2D array *(integer pixel values)* that is set to transparent + *(0)* wherever that pixel color matches the Surface colorkey. + + +Other Surfarray Functions +------------------------- + +There are only a few other functions available in surfarray. You can get a better +list with more documentation on the +:mod:`surfarray reference page `. +There is one very useful function though. + +.. function:: surfarray.blit_array(surface, array) + :noindex: + + This will transfer any type of 2D or 3D surface array onto a Surface + of the same dimensions. + This surfarray blit will generally be faster than assigning an array to a + referenced pixel array. + Still, it should not be as fast as normal Surface blitting, + since those are very optimized. + + +More Advanced NumPy +------------------- + +There's a couple last things you should know about NumPy arrays. When dealing +with very large arrays, like the kind that are 640x480 big, there are some extra +things you should be careful about. Mainly, while using the operators like + and +* on the arrays makes them easy to use, it is also very expensive on big arrays. +These operators must make new temporary copies of the array, that are then +usually copied into another array. This can get very time consuming. Fortunately, +all the NumPy operators come with special functions that can perform the +operation *"in place"*. For example, you would want to replace +``screen[:] = screen + brightmap`` with the much faster +``add(screen, brightmap, screen)``. +Anyway, you'll want to read up on the NumPy UFunc +documentation for more about this. +It is important when dealing with the arrays. + +Another thing to be aware of when working with NumPy arrays is the datatype +of the array. Some of the arrays (especially the mapped pixel type) often return +arrays with an unsigned 8-bit value. These arrays will easily overflow if you are +not careful. NumPy will use the same coercion that you find in C programs, so +mixing an operation with 8-bit numbers and 32-bit numbers will give a result as +32-bit numbers. You can convert the datatype of an array, but definitely be +aware of what types of arrays you have, if NumPy gets in a situation where +precision would be ruined, it will raise an exception. + +Lastly, be aware that when assigning values into the 3D arrays, they must be +between 0 and 255, or you will get some undefined truncating. + + +Graduation +---------- + +Well there you have it. My quick primer on Numeric Python and surfarray. +Hopefully now you see what is possible, and even if you never use them for +yourself, you do not have to be afraid when you see code that does. Look into +the vgrade example for more numeric array action. There are also some *"flame"* +demos floating around that use surfarray to create a realtime fire effect. + +Best of all, try some things on your own. Take it slow at first and build up, +I've seen some great things with surfarray already like radial gradients and +more. Good Luck. diff --git a/docs/tut/camera_average.jpg b/docs/tut/camera_average.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..043e485 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/camera_average.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/tut/camera_background.jpg b/docs/tut/camera_background.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfcbd02 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/camera_background.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/tut/camera_green.jpg b/docs/tut/camera_green.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24c4b09 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/camera_green.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/tut/camera_hsv.jpg b/docs/tut/camera_hsv.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afe9559 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/camera_hsv.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/tut/camera_mask.jpg b/docs/tut/camera_mask.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd8ed1d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/camera_mask.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/tut/camera_rgb.jpg b/docs/tut/camera_rgb.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3401421 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/camera_rgb.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/tut/camera_thresh.jpg b/docs/tut/camera_thresh.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb2426f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/camera_thresh.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/tut/camera_thresholded.jpg b/docs/tut/camera_thresholded.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4ee891 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/camera_thresholded.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/tut/camera_yuv.jpg b/docs/tut/camera_yuv.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cda596 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/camera_yuv.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/tut/chimp.py.rst b/docs/tut/chimp.py.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ee3815 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/chimp.py.rst @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +**************************** + pygame/examples/chimp.py +**************************** + +.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/chimp.py + :language: python diff --git a/docs/tut/chimpshot.gif b/docs/tut/chimpshot.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c27191d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/chimpshot.gif differ diff --git a/docs/tut/common.txt b/docs/tut/common.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edf0f15 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/common.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +.. Common definitions for tutorials + +.. include:: ../common.txt + +.. role:: codelineref + +.. role:: clr(codelineref) + :class: codelineref diff --git a/docs/tut/intro_ball.gif b/docs/tut/intro_ball.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbc4a95 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/intro_ball.gif differ diff --git a/docs/tut/intro_blade.jpg b/docs/tut/intro_blade.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ed490c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/intro_blade.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/tut/intro_freedom.jpg b/docs/tut/intro_freedom.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ed473d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/intro_freedom.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/tut/newbieguide.rst b/docs/tut/newbieguide.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93bc457 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/newbieguide.rst @@ -0,0 +1,494 @@ +.. TUTORIAL: David Clark's Newbie Guide To Pygame + +.. include:: common.txt + +************************** + Newbie Guide to Pygame +************************** + +.. title:: A Newbie Guide to pygame + + +A Newbie Guide to pygame +======================== + +or **Things I learned by trial and error so you don't have to,** + +or **How I learned to stop worrying and love the blit.** + +Pygame_ is a python wrapper for SDL_, written by Pete Shinners. What this +means is that, using pygame, you can write games or other multimedia +applications in Python that will run unaltered on any of SDL's supported +platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, and others). + +Pygame may be easy to learn, but the world of graphics programming can be +pretty confusing to the newcomer. I wrote this to try to distill the practical +knowledge I've gained over the past year or so of working with pygame, and its +predecessor, PySDL. I've tried to rank these suggestions in order of +importance, but how relevant any particular hint is will depend on your own +background and the details of your project. + + +Get comfortable working in Python. +---------------------------------- + +The most important thing is to feel confident using python. Learning something +as potentially complicated as graphics programming will be a real chore if +you're also unfamiliar with the language you're using. Write a few sizable +non-graphical programs in python -- parse some text files, write a guessing +game or a journal-entry program or something. Get comfortable with string and +list manipulation -- know how to split, slice and combine strings and lists. +Know how ``import`` works -- try writing a program that is spread across +several source files. Write your own functions, and practice manipulating +numbers and characters; know how to convert between the two. Get to the point +where the syntax for using lists and dictionaries is second-nature -- you don't +want to have to run to the documentation every time you need to slice a list or +sort a set of keys. Get comfortable using file paths -- this will come in handy +later when you start loading assets and creating save files. + +Resist the temptation to ask for direct help online when +you run into trouble. Instead, fire up the interpreter and play with the +problem for a few hours, or use print statements and debugging tools to find out +what's going wrong in your code. Get into the habit of looking things up in the +official `Python documentation`_, and Googling error messages to figure out what +they mean. + +This may sound incredibly dull, but the confidence you'll gain through your +familiarity with python will work wonders when it comes time to write your +game. The time you spend making python code second-nature will be nothing +compared to the time you'll save when you're writing real code. + + +Recognize which parts of pygame you really need. +------------------------------------------------ + +Looking at the jumble of classes at the top of the pygame documentation index +may be confusing. The important thing is to realize that you can do a great +deal with only a tiny subset of functions. Many classes you'll probably never +use -- in a year, I haven't touched the ``Channel``, ``Joystick``, ``cursors``, +``surfarray`` or ``version`` functions. + + +Know what a surface is. +----------------------- + +The most important part of pygame is the surface. Just think of a surface as a +blank piece of paper. You can do a lot of things with a surface -- you can +draw lines on it, fill parts of it with color, copy images to and from it, and +set or read individual pixel colors on it. A surface can be any size (within +reason) and you can have as many of them as you like (again, within reason). +One surface is special -- the one you create with +:func:`pygame.display.set_mode()`. This 'display surface' represents the screen; +whatever you do to it will appear on the user's screen. + +So how do you create surfaces? As mentioned above, you create the special +'display surface' with ``pygame.display.set_mode()``. You can create a surface +that contains an image by using :func:`pygame.image.load()`, or you can make a surface +that contains text with :func:`pygame.font.Font.render()`. You can even create a surface that +contains nothing at all with :func:`pygame.Surface()`. + +Most of the surface functions are not critical. Just learn :meth:`.Surface.blit()`, +:meth:`.Surface.fill()`, :meth:`.Surface.set_at()` and :meth:`.Surface.get_at()`, and you'll be fine. + + +Use Surface.convert(). +---------------------- + +When I first read the documentation for :meth:`.Surface.convert()`, I didn't think +it was something I had to worry about. 'I only use PNGs, therefore everything I +do will be in the same format. So I don't need ``convert()``';. It turns out I +was very, very wrong. + +The 'format' that ``convert()`` refers to isn't the *file* format (i.e. PNG, +JPEG, GIF), it's what's called the 'pixel format'. This refers to the +particular way that a surface records individual colors in a specific pixel. +If the surface format isn't the same as the display format, SDL will have to +convert it on-the-fly for every blit -- a fairly time-consuming process. Don't +worry too much about the explanation; just note that ``convert()`` is necessary +if you want to get any kind of speed out of your blits. + +How do you use convert? Just call it after creating a surface with the +:func:`.image.load()` function. Instead of just doing:: + + surface = pygame.image.load('foo.png') + +Do:: + + surface = pygame.image.load('foo.png').convert() + +It's that easy. You just need to call it once per surface, when you load an +image off the disk. You'll be pleased with the results; I see about a 6x +increase in blitting speed by calling ``convert()``. + +The only times you don't want to use ``convert()`` is when you really need to +have absolute control over an image's internal format -- say you were writing +an image conversion program or something, and you needed to ensure that the +output file had the same pixel format as the input file. If you're writing a +game, you need speed. Use ``convert()``. + + +Be wary of outdated, obsolete, and optional advice. +--------------------------------------------------- + +Pygame has been around since the early 2000s, and a lot has changed since then -- +both within the framework itself and within the broader computing landscape as a +whole. Make sure to check the dates on materials you read (including this guide!), +and take older advice with a grain of salt. Here are some common things that +stick out to me: + +**Dirty Rects & performance 'tricks'** + +When you read older bits of pygame documentation or guides online, you may see +some emphasis on only updating portions of the screen that are dirty, for the +sake of performance (in this context, "dirty" means the region has changed since +the previous frame was drawn). + +Generally this entails calling :func:`pygame.display.update()` (with a list of +rects) instead of :func:`pygame.display.flip()`, not having scrolling backgrounds, +or even not filling the screen with a background color every frame because pygame +supposedly can't handle it. Some of pygame's API is designed to support this +paradigm as well (e.g. :func:`pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates`), which made a lot of +sense in the early years of pygame. + +In the present day (2022) though, most modest desktop computers are powerful enough to +refresh the entire display once per frame at 60 FPS and beyond. You can have a moving +camera, or dynamic backgrounds and your game should run totally fine at 60 FPS. CPUs are +more powerful nowadays, and you can use ``display.flip()`` without fear. + +That being said there are still some times when this old technique is still useful +for squeezing out a few extra FPS. For example, with a single screen game like +an Asteroids or Space Invaders. Here is the rough process for how it works: + +Instead of updating the whole screen every frame, only the parts that changed since +the last frame are updated. You do this by keeping track of those rectangles in a list, +then calling ``update(the_dirty_rectangles)`` at the end of the frame. In detail +for a moving sprite: + + * Blit a piece of the background over the sprite's current location, erasing it. + * Append the sprite's current location rectangle to a list called dirty_rects. + * Move the sprite. + * Draw the sprite at its new location. + * Append the sprite's new location to my dirty_rects list. + * Call ``display.update(dirty_rects)`` + +Even though this technique is not required for making performant 2D games with +modern CPUs, it is still useful to be aware of. There are also still plenty of other ways +to accidentally tank your game's performance with poorly optimized rendering logic. +For example, even on modern hardware it's probably too slow to call ``set_at`` once per pixel +on the display surface. Being mindful of performance is still something you'll have to +do. + +There just aren't that many 'one neat trick to fix your code performance' tips. Every game +is different and there are different problems and different algorithms to solve them +efficiently in each type of game. Pretty much every time your 2D game code is failing to hit a +reasonable frame rate the underlying cause turns out to be bad algorithm or a misunderstanding +of fundamental game design patterns. + +If you are having performance problems, first make sure you aren't loading files repeatedly in your +game loop, then use one of the many options for profiling your code to find out what is taking up the +most time. Once you are armed with at least some knowledge on why your game is slow, try asking the +internet (via google), or the pygame community if they've got some better algorithms to help you out. + +**HWSURFACE and DOUBLEBUF** + +The HWSURFACE :func:`.display.set_mode()` flag does nothing in pygame versions 2.0.0 and +later (you can check the docs if you don't believe me)! There's no reason to +use it anymore. Even in pygame 1, its effect is pretty nuanced and +generally misunderstood by most pygame users. It was never a magic speed-up +flag, unfortunately. + +DOUBLEBUF still has some use, but is also not a magic speed up flag. + +**The Sprite class** + +You don't need to use the built-in :class:`.Sprite` or :class:`.Group` classes +if you don't want to. In a lot of tutorials, it may seem like ``Sprite`` is the +fundamental "GameObject" of pygame, from which all other objects must derive, +but in reality it's pretty much just a wrapper around a ``Rect`` and a +``Surface``, with some additional convenience methods. You may find it +more intuitive (and fun) to write your game's core logic and classes from +scratch. + + +There is NO rule six. +--------------------- + + +Don't get distracted by side issues. +------------------------------------ + +Sometimes, new game programmers spend too much time worrying about issues that +aren't really critical to their game's success. The desire to get secondary +issues 'right' is understandable, but early in the process of creating a game, +you cannot even know what the important questions are, let alone what answers +you should choose. The result can be a lot of needless prevarication. + +For example, consider the question of how to organize your graphics files. +Should each frame have its own graphics file, or each sprite? Perhaps all the +graphics should be zipped up into one archive? A great deal of time has been +wasted on a lot of projects, asking these questions on mailing lists, debating +the answers, profiling, etc, etc. This is a secondary issue; any time spent +discussing it should have been spent coding the actual game. + +The insight here is that it is far better to have a 'pretty good' solution that +was actually implemented, than a perfect solution that you never got around to +writing. + + +Rects are your friends. +----------------------- + +Pete Shinners' wrapper may have cool alpha effects and fast blitting speeds, +but I have to admit my favorite part of pygame is the lowly :class:`.Rect` class. +A rect is simply a rectangle -- defined only by the position of its top left +corner, its width, and its height. Many pygame functions take rects as +arguments, and they also take 'rectstyles', a sequence that has the same values +as a rect. So if I need a rectangle that defines the area between 10, 20 and +40, 50, I can do any of the following:: + + rect = pygame.Rect(10, 20, 30, 30) + rect = pygame.Rect((10, 20, 30, 30)) + rect = pygame.Rect((10, 20), (30, 30)) + rect = (10, 20, 30, 30) + rect = ((10, 20, 30, 30)) + +If you use any of the first three versions, however, you get access to Rect's +utility functions. These include functions to move, shrink and inflate rects, +find the union of two rects, and a variety of collision-detection functions. + +For example, suppose I'd like to get a list of all the sprites that contain a +point (x, y) -- maybe the player clicked there, or maybe that's the current +location of a bullet. It's simple if each sprite has a .rect member -- I just +do:: + + sprites_clicked = [sprite for sprite in all_my_sprites_list if sprite.rect.collidepoint(x, y)] + +Rects have no other relation to surfaces or graphics functions, other than the +fact that you can use them as arguments. You can also use them in places that +have nothing to do with graphics, but still need to be defined as rectangles. +Every project I discover a few new places to use rects where I never thought +I'd need them. + + +Don't bother with pixel-perfect collision detection. +---------------------------------------------------- + +So you've got your sprites moving around, and you need to know whether or not +they're bumping into one another. It's tempting to write something like the +following: + + * Check to see if the rects are in collision. If they aren't, ignore them. + * For each pixel in the overlapping area, see if the corresponding pixels from both sprites are opaque. If so, there's a collision. + +There are other ways to do this, with ANDing sprite masks and so on, but any +way you do it in pygame, it's probably going to be too slow. For most games, +it's probably better just to do 'sub-rect collision' -- create a rect for each +sprite that's a little smaller than the actual image, and use that for +collisions instead. It will be much faster, and in most cases the player won't +notice the imprecision. + + +Managing the event subsystem. +----------------------------- + +Pygame's event system is kind of tricky. There are actually two different ways +to find out what an input device (keyboard, mouse or joystick) is doing. + +The first is by directly checking the state of the device. You do this by +calling, say, :func:`pygame.mouse.get_pos()` or :func:`pygame.key.get_pressed()`. +This will tell you the state of that device *at the moment you call the +function.* + +The second method uses the SDL event queue. This queue is a list of events -- +events are added to the list as they're detected, and they're deleted from the +queue as they're read off. + +There are advantages and disadvantages to each system. State-checking (system +1) gives you precision -- you know exactly when a given input was made -- if +``mouse.get_pressed([0])`` is 1, that means that the left mouse button is +down *right at this moment*. The event queue merely reports that the +mouse was down at some time in the past; if you check the queue fairly often, +that can be ok, but if you're delayed from checking it by other code, input +latency can grow. Another advantage of the state-checking system is that it +detects "chording" easily; that is, several states at the same time. If you +want to know whether the ``t`` and ``f`` keys are down at the same time, just +check:: + + if key.get_pressed[K_t] and key.get_pressed[K_f]: + print("Yup!") + +In the queue system, however, each keypress arrives in the queue as a +completely separate event, so you'd need to remember that the ``t`` key was +down, and hadn't come up yet, while checking for the ``f`` key. A little more +complicated. + +The state system has one great weakness, however. It only reports what the +state of the device is at the moment it's called; if the user hits a mouse +button then releases it just before a call to ``mouse.get_pressed()``, the +mouse button will return 0 -- ``get_pressed()`` missed the mouse button press +completely. The two events, ``MOUSEBUTTONDOWN`` and ``MOUSEBUTTONUP``, will +still be sitting in the event queue, however, waiting to be retrieved and +processed. + +The lesson is: choose the system that meets your requirements. If you don't +have much going on in your loop -- say you're just sitting in a ``while True`` +loop, waiting for input, use ``get_pressed()`` or another state function; the +latency will be lower. On the other hand, if every keypress is crucial, but +latency isn't as important -- say your user is typing something in an editbox, +use the event queue. Some key presses may be slightly late, but at least you'll +get them all. + +A note about ``event.poll()`` vs. ``wait()`` -- ``poll()`` may seem better, +since it doesn't block your program from doing anything while it's waiting for +input -- ``wait()`` suspends the program until an event is received. +However, ``poll()`` will consume 100% of available CPU time while it runs, +and it will fill the event queue with ``NOEVENTS``. Use ``set_blocked()`` to +select just those event types you're interested in -- your queue will be much +more manageable. + +Another note about the event queue -- even if you don't want to use it, you must +still clear it periodically because it's still going to be filling up with events +in the background as the user presses keys and mouses over the window. On Windows, +if your game goes too long without clearing the queue, the operating system will +think it has frozen and show a "The application is not responding" message. +Iterating over ``event.get()`` or simply calling ``event.clear()`` once per frame +will avoid this. + + +Colorkey vs. Alpha. +------------------- + +There's a lot of confusion around these two techniques, and much of it comes +from the terminology used. + +'Colorkey blitting' involves telling pygame that all pixels of a certain color +in a certain image are transparent instead of whatever color they happen to be. +These transparent pixels are not blitted when the rest of the image is blitted, +and so don't obscure the background. This is how we make sprites that aren't +rectangular in shape. Simply call :meth:`.Surface.set_colorkey()`, and pass in +an RGB tuple -- say (0,0,0). This would make every pixel in the source image +transparent instead of black. + +'Alpha' is different, and it comes in two flavors. 'Image alpha' applies to the +whole image, and is probably what you want. Properly known as 'translucency', +alpha causes each pixel in the source image to be only *partially* opaque. +For example, if you set a surface's alpha to 192 and then blitted it onto a +background, 3/4 of each pixel's color would come from the source image, and 1/4 +from the background. Alpha is measured from 255 to 0, where 0 is completely +transparent, and 255 is completely opaque. Note that colorkey and alpha +blitting can be combined -- this produces an image that is fully transparent in +some spots, and semi-transparent in others. + +'Per-pixel alpha' is the other flavor of alpha, and it's more complicated. +Basically, each pixel in the source image has its own alpha value, from 0 to +255. Each pixel, therefore, can have a different opacity when blitted onto a +background. This type of alpha can't be mixed with colorkey blitting, +and it overrides per-image alpha. Per-pixel alpha is rarely used in +games, and to use it you have to save your source image in a graphic +editor with a special *alpha channel*. It's complicated -- don't use it +yet. + + +Software architecture, design patterns, and games. +-------------------------------------------------- + +You may reach a point where you're comfortable writing code, you're able to solve +complex problems without assistance, you understand how to use most of pygame's +modules, and yet, as you work on larger projects they always seem to get messier +and harder to maintain as time goes on. This can manifest in many ways -- for +example, fixing bugs in one place might always seem to create new bugs elsewhere, +figuring out *where* code should go might become a challenge, adding new +things might frequently require you to rewrite many other things, and so on. +Finally, you decide to cut your losses and start fresh on something new. + +This is a common issue and it can be frustrating -- on the one hand, your +programming skills are improving, and yet you aren't able to finish the games +you start due to somewhat nebulous organizational problems. + +This brings us to the concept of software architecture and design patterns. You +may be familiar with pygame's "standard" base template (there are many equivalent +variations of this, so don't stress about the small details too much):: + + import pygame + + pygame.init() + + screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1280,720)) + + clock = pygame.time.Clock() + + while True: + # Process player inputs. + for event in pygame.event.get(): + if event.type == pygame.QUIT: + pygame.quit() + raise SystemExit + + # Do logical updates here. + # ... + + screen.fill("purple") # Fill the display with a solid color + + # Render the graphics here. + # ... + + pygame.display.flip() # Refresh on-screen display + clock.tick(60) # wait until next frame (at 60 FPS) + +It does some initial setup, starts a loop, and then proceeds to repeatedly +collect input, handle the game's logic, and draw the current frame forever until +the program ends. The update, render, wait loop shown here is actually a design +pattern that serves as the skeleton of most games -- it's prolific because it's +clean, it's organized, and it works. (There's also an important but easy-to-miss +design feature here in the form of a strict division between the game's logic +and rendering routines. This decision alone prevents a whole category of potential +bugs related to objects updating and rendering concurrently, which is nice). + +It turns out that there are many design patterns like this that are used frequently +in games and in software development at large. For a great resource on this +specifically for games, I highly recommend `Game Programming Patterns`_, a short +free, e-book on the topic. It covers a bunch of useful patterns and concrete situations +where you might want to employ them. It won't instantly make you a better coder, +but learning some theory about software architecture can go a long way towards +helping you escape plateaus and tackle larger projects more confidently. + + +Do things the pythony way. +-------------------------- + +A final note (this isn't the least important one; it just comes at the end). +Pygame is a pretty lightweight wrapper around SDL, which is in turn a pretty +lightweight wrapper around your native OS graphics calls. Chances are pretty +good that if your code is still slow, and you've done the things I've mentioned +above, then the problem lies in the way you're addressing your data in python. +Certain idioms are just going to be slow in python no matter what you do. +Luckily, python is a very clear language -- if a piece of code looks awkward or +unwieldy, chances are its speed can be improved, too. Read over `Why Pygame is +Slow`_ for some deeper insight into why pygame might be considered slower than +other frameworks/engines, and what that actually means in practice. +And if you're truly stumped by performance problems, profilers like cProfile_ +(or SnakeViz_, a visualizer for cProfile) can help identify bottlenecks (they'll +tell you which parts of the code are taking the longest to execute). That said, +premature optimisation is the root of all evil; if it's already fast enough, +don't torture the code trying to make it faster. If it's fast enough, let it +be :) + + +There you go. Now you know practically everything I know about using pygame. +Now, go write that game! + +---- + +*David Clark is an avid pygame user and the editor of the Pygame Code +Repository, a showcase for community-submitted python game code. He is also +the author of Twitch, an entirely average pygame arcade game.* + +*This guide was substantially updated in 2022.* + +.. _Pygame: https://www.pygame.org/ +.. _SDL: http://libsdl.org +.. _Python documentation: https://docs.python.org/3/ +.. _Game Programming Patterns: https://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/contents.html +.. _Why Pygame is Slow: https://blubberquark.tumblr.com/post/630054903238262784/why-pygame-is-slow +.. _cProfile: https://docs.python.org/3/library/profile.html +.. _SnakeViz: https://jiffyclub.github.io/snakeviz/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/tut/surfarray.png b/docs/tut/surfarray.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c5c918 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/surfarray.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/surfarray_allblack.png b/docs/tut/surfarray_allblack.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80cbc35 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/surfarray_allblack.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/surfarray_flipped.png b/docs/tut/surfarray_flipped.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..742f4f3 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/surfarray_flipped.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/surfarray_redimg.png b/docs/tut/surfarray_redimg.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58e9c3f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/surfarray_redimg.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/surfarray_rgbarray.png b/docs/tut/surfarray_rgbarray.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8513ef7 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/surfarray_rgbarray.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/surfarray_scaledown.png b/docs/tut/surfarray_scaledown.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0be3541 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/surfarray_scaledown.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/surfarray_scaleup.png b/docs/tut/surfarray_scaleup.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff1f15e Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/surfarray_scaleup.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/surfarray_soften.png b/docs/tut/surfarray_soften.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1d4ce4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/surfarray_soften.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/surfarray_striped.png b/docs/tut/surfarray_striped.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ca4a79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/surfarray_striped.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/surfarray_xfade.png b/docs/tut/surfarray_xfade.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b90706 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/surfarray_xfade.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/tom_basic.png b/docs/tut/tom_basic.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..849adb5 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/tom_basic.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/tom_event-flowchart.png b/docs/tut/tom_event-flowchart.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a33613 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/tom_event-flowchart.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/tom_formulae.png b/docs/tut/tom_formulae.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f04b482 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/tom_formulae.png differ diff --git a/docs/tut/tom_games2.rst b/docs/tut/tom_games2.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a69dff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/tom_games2.rst @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +********************************* + Revision: Pygame fundamentals +********************************* + +.. role:: firstterm(emphasis) + +.. _makegames-2: + +2. Revision: Pygame fundamentals +================================ + +.. _makegames-2-1: + +2.1. The basic Pygame game +-------------------------- + +For the sake of revision, and to ensure that you are familiar with the basic structure of a Pygame program, I'll briefly run through +a basic Pygame program, which will display no more than a window with some text in it, that should, by the end, look something like +this (though of course the window decoration will probably be different on your system): + +.. image:: tom_basic.png + +The full code for this example looks like this:: + + #!/usr/bin/python + + import pygame + from pygame.locals import * + + def main(): + # Initialise screen + pygame.init() + screen = pygame.display.set_mode((150, 50)) + pygame.display.set_caption('Basic Pygame program') + + # Fill background + background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()) + background = background.convert() + background.fill((250, 250, 250)) + + # Display some text + font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) + text = font.render("Hello There", 1, (10, 10, 10)) + textpos = text.get_rect() + textpos.centerx = background.get_rect().centerx + background.blit(text, textpos) + + # Blit everything to the screen + screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) + pygame.display.flip() + + # Event loop + while True: + for event in pygame.event.get(): + if event.type == QUIT: + return + + screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) + pygame.display.flip() + + + if __name__ == '__main__': main() + + +.. _makegames-2-2: + +2.2. Basic Pygame objects +------------------------- + +As you can see, the code consists of three main objects: the screen, the background, and the text. Each of these objects is created +by first calling an instance of an in-built Pygame object, and then modifying it to fit our needs. The screen is a slightly special +case, because we still modify the display through Pygame calls, rather than calling methods belonging to the screen object. But for +all other Pygame objects, we first create the object as a copy of a Pygame object, giving it some attributes, and build our game +objects from them. + +With the background, we first create a Pygame Surface object, and make it the size of the screen. We then perform the convert() +operation to convert the Surface to a single pixel format. This is more obviously necessary when we have several images and surfaces, +all of different pixel formats, which makes rendering them quite slow. By converting all the surfaces, we can drastically speed up +rendering times. Finally, we fill the background surface with white (255, 255, 255). These values are :firstterm:`RGB` (Red Green +Blue), and can be worked out from any good paint program. + +With the text, we require more than one object. First, we create a font object, which defines which font to use, and the size of the +font. Then we create a text object, by using the ``render`` method that belongs to our font object, supplying three arguments: +the text to be rendered, whether or not it should be anti-aliased (1=yes, 0=no), and the color of the text (again in RGB format). Next +we create a third text object, which gets the rectangle for the text. The easiest way to understand this is to imagine drawing a +rectangle that will surround all of the text; you can then use this rectangle to get/set the position of the text on the screen. So +in this example we get the rectangle, set its ``centerx`` attribute to be the ``centerx`` attribute of the +background (so the text's center will be the same as the background's center, i.e. the text will be centered on the screen on the x +axis). We could also set the y coordinate, but it's not any different so I left the text at the top of the screen. As the screen is +small anyway, it didn't seem necessary. + + +.. _makegames-2-3: + +2.3. Blitting +------------- + +Now we have created our game objects, we need to actually render them. If we didn't and we ran the program, we'd just see a +blank window, and the objects would remain invisible. The term used for rendering objects is :firstterm:`blitting`, which is where +you copy the pixels belonging to said object onto the destination object. So to render the background object, you blit it onto the +screen. In this example, to make things simple, we blit the text onto the background (so the background will now have a copy of the +text on it), and then blit the background onto the screen. + +Blitting is one of the slowest operations in any game, so you need to be careful not to blit too much onto the screen in every frame. +If you have a background image, and a ball flying around the screen, then you could blit the background and then the ball in every +frame, which would cover up the ball's previous position and render the new ball, but this would be pretty slow. A better solution is +to blit the background onto the area that the ball previously occupied, which can be found by the ball's previous rectangle, and then +blitting the ball, so that you are only blitting two small areas. + + +.. _makegames-2-4: + +2.4. The event loop +------------------- + +Once you've set the game up, you need to put it into a loop so that it will continuously run until the user signals that he/she wants +to exit. So you start an open ``while`` loop, and then for each iteration of the loop, which will be each frame of the game, +update the game. The first thing is to check for any Pygame events, which will be the user hitting the keyboard, clicking a mouse +button, moving a joystick, resizing the window, or trying to close it. In this case, we simply want to watch out for for user trying +to quit the game by closing the window, in which case the game should ``return``, which will end the ``while`` loop. +Then we simply need to re-blit the background, and flip (update) the display to have everything drawn. OK, as nothing moves or happens +in this example, we don't strictly speaking need to re-blit the background in every iteration, but I put it in because when things are +moving around on the screen, you will need to do all your blitting here. + + +.. _makegames-2-5: + +2.5. Ta-da! +----------- + +And that's it - your most basic Pygame game! All games will take a form similar to this, but with lots more code for the actual game +functions themselves, which are more to do your with programming, and less guided in structure by the workings of Pygame. This is what +this tutorial is really about, and will now go onto. diff --git a/docs/tut/tom_games3.rst b/docs/tut/tom_games3.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bad807e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/tom_games3.rst @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +********************** + Kicking things off +********************** + +.. role:: citetitle(emphasis) + +.. _makegames-3: + +3. Kicking things off +===================== + +The first sections of code are relatively simple, and, once written, can usually be reused in every game you consequently make. They +will do all of the boring, generic tasks like loading modules, loading images, opening networking connections, playing music, and so +on. They will also include some simple but effective error handling, and any customisation you wish to provide on top of functions +provided by modules like ``sys`` and ``pygame``. + + +.. _makegames-3-1: + +3.1. The first lines, and loading modules +----------------------------------------- + +First off, you need to start off your game and load up your modules. It's always a good idea to set a few things straight at the top of +the main source file, such as the name of the file, what it contains, the license it is under, and any other helpful info you might +want to give those who will be looking at it. Then you can load modules, with some error checking so that Python doesn't print out +a nasty traceback, which non-programmers won't understand. The code is fairly simple, so I won't bother explaining any of it:: + + #!/usr/bin/env python + # + # Tom's Pong + # A simple pong game with realistic physics and AI + # http://tomchance.org.uk/projects/pong + # + # Released under the GNU General Public License + + VERSION = "0.4" + + try: + import sys + import random + import math + import os + import getopt + import pygame + from socket import * + from pygame.locals import * + except ImportError, err: + print(f"couldn't load module. {err}") + sys.exit(2) + + +.. _makegames-3-2: + +3.2. Resource handling functions +-------------------------------- + +In the :doc:`Line By Line Chimp ` example, the first code to be written was for loading images and sounds. As these +were totally independent of any game logic or game objects, they were written as separate functions, and were written first so +that later code could make use of them. I generally put all my code of this nature first, in their own, classless functions; these +will, generally speaking, be resource handling functions. You can of course create classes for these, so that you can group them +together, and maybe have an object with which you can control all of your resources. As with any good programming environment, it's up +to you to develop your own best practice and style. + +It's always a good idea to write your own resource handling functions, +because although Pygame has methods for opening images and sounds, and other modules will have their methods of opening other +resources, those methods can take up more than one line, they can require consistent modification by yourself, and they often don't +provide satisfactory error handling. Writing resource handling functions gives you sophisticated, reusable code, and gives you more +control over your resources. Take this example of an image loading function:: + + def load_png(name): + """ Load image and return image object""" + fullname = os.path.join("data", name) + try: + image = pygame.image.load(fullname) + if image.get_alpha() is None: + image = image.convert() + else: + image = image.convert_alpha() + except FileNotFoundError: + print(f"Cannot load image: {fullname}") + raise SystemExit + return image, image.get_rect() + +Here we make a more sophisticated image loading function than the one provided by :func:`pygame.image.load`. Note that +the first line of the function is a documentation string describing what the function does, and what object(s) it returns. The +function assumes that all of your images are in a directory called data, and so it takes the filename and creates the full pathname, +for example ``data/ball.png``, using the :citetitle:`os` module to ensure cross-platform compatibility. Then it +tries to load the image, and convert any alpha regions so you can achieve transparency, and it returns a more human-readable error +if there's a problem. Finally it returns the image object, and its :class:`rect `. + +You can make similar functions for loading any other resources, such as loading sounds. You can also make resource handling classes, +to give you more flexibility with more complex resources. For example, you could make a music class, with an ``__init__`` +function that loads the sound (perhaps borrowing from a ``load_sound()`` function), a function to pause the music, and a +function to restart. Another handy resource handling class is for network connections. Functions to open sockets, pass data with +suitable security and error checking, close sockets, finger addresses, and other network tasks, can make writing a game with network +capabilities relatively painless. + +Remember the chief task of these functions/classes is to ensure that by the time you get around to writing game object classes, +and the main loop, there's almost nothing left to do. Class inheritance can make these basic classes especially handy. Don't go +overboard though; functions which will only be used by one class should be written as part of that class, not as a global +function. diff --git a/docs/tut/tom_games4.rst b/docs/tut/tom_games4.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a4f400 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/tom_games4.rst @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +*********************** + Game object classes +*********************** + +.. role:: firstterm(emphasis) + +.. _makegames-4: + +4. Game object classes +====================== + +Once you've loaded your modules, and written your resource handling functions, you'll want to get on to writing some game objects. +The way this is done is fairly simple, though it can seem complex at first. You write a class for each type of object in the game, +and then create an instance of those classes for the objects. You can then use those classes' methods to manipulate the objects, +giving objects some motion and interactive capabilities. So your game, in pseudo-code, will look like this:: + + #!/usr/bin/python + + # [load modules here] + + # [resource handling functions here] + + class Ball: + # [ball functions (methods) here] + # [e.g. a function to calculate new position] + # [and a function to check if it hits the side] + + def main: + # [initiate game environment here] + + # [create new object as instance of ball class] + ball = Ball() + + while True: + # [check for user input] + + # [call ball's update function] + ball.update() + +This is, of course, a very simple example, and you'd need to put in all the code, instead of those little bracketed comments. But +you should get the basic idea. You create a class, into which you put all the functions for a ball, including ``__init__``, +which would create all the ball's attributes, and ``update``, which would move the ball to its new position, before blitting +it onto the screen in this position. + +You can then create more classes for all of your other game objects, and then create instances of them so that you can handle them +easily in the ``main`` function and the main program loop. Contrast this with initiating the ball in the ``main`` +function, and then having lots of classless functions to manipulate a set ball object, and you'll hopefully see why using classes is +an advantage: It allows you to put all of the code for each object in one place; it makes using objects easier; it makes adding new +objects, and manipulating them, more flexible. Rather than adding more code for each new ball object, you could simply create new +instances of the ``Ball`` class for each new ball object. Magic! + + +.. _makegames-4-1: + +4.1. A simple ball class +------------------------ + +Here is a simple class with the functions necessary for creating a ball object that will, if the ``update`` function is called +in the main loop, move across the screen:: + + class Ball(pygame.sprite.Sprite): + """A ball that will move across the screen + Returns: ball object + Functions: update, calcnewpos + Attributes: area, vector""" + + def __init__(self, vector): + pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) + self.image, self.rect = load_png('ball.png') + screen = pygame.display.get_surface() + self.area = screen.get_rect() + self.vector = vector + + def update(self): + newpos = self.calcnewpos(self.rect,self.vector) + self.rect = newpos + + def calcnewpos(self,rect,vector): + (angle,z) = vector + (dx,dy) = (z*math.cos(angle),z*math.sin(angle)) + return rect.move(dx,dy) + +Here we have the ``Ball`` class, with an ``__init__`` function that sets the ball up, an ``update`` +function that changes the ball's rectangle to be in the new position, and a ``calcnewpos`` function to calculate the ball's +new position based on its current position, and the vector by which it is moving. I'll explain the physics in a moment. The one other +thing to note is the documentation string, which is a little bit longer this time, and explains the basics of the class. These strings +are handy not only to yourself and other programmers looking at the code, but also for tools to parse your code and document it. They +won't make much of a difference in small programs, but with large ones they're invaluable, so it's a good habit to get into. + + +.. _makegames-4-1-1: + +4.1.1. Diversion 1: Sprites +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +The other reason for creating a class for each object is sprites. Each image you render in your game will be a sprite object, and so +to begin with, the class for each object should inherit the :class:`Sprite ` class. +This is a really nice feature of Python - class +inheritance. Now the ``Ball`` class has all of the functions that come with the ``Sprite`` class, and any object +instances of the ``Ball`` class will be registered by Pygame as sprites. Whereas with text and the background, which don't +move, it's OK to blit the object onto the background, Pygame handles sprite objects in a different manner, which you'll see when we +look at the whole program's code. + +Basically, you create both a ball object, and a sprite object for that ball, and you then call the ball's update function on the +sprite object, thus updating the sprite. Sprites also give you sophisticated ways of determining if two objects have collided. +Normally you might just check in the main loop to see if their rectangles overlap, but that would involve a lot of code, which would +be a waste because the ``Sprite`` class provides two functions (``spritecollide`` and ``groupcollide``) +to do this for you. + + +.. _makegames-4-1-2: + +4.1.2. Diversion 2: Vector physics +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Other than the structure of the ``Ball`` class, the notable thing about this code is the vector physics, used to calculate +the ball's movement. With any game involving angular movement, you won't get very far unless you're comfortable with trigonometry, so +I'll just introduce the basics you need to know to make sense of the ``calcnewpos`` function. + +To begin with, you'll notice that the ball has an attribute ``vector``, which is made up of ``angle`` and ``z``. +The angle is measured in radians, and will give you the direction in which the ball is moving. Z is the speed at which the ball +moves. So by using this vector, we can determine the direction and speed of the ball, and therefore how much it will move on the x and +y axes: + +.. image:: tom_radians.png + +The diagram above illustrates the basic maths behind vectors. In the left hand diagram, you can see the ball's projected movement +represented by the blue line. The length of that line (z) represents its speed, and the angle is the direction in which +it will move. The angle for the ball's movement will always be taken from the x axis on the right, and it is measured clockwise from +that line, as shown in the diagram. + +From the angle and speed of the ball, we can then work out how much it has moved along the x and y axes. We need to do this because +Pygame doesn't support vectors itself, and we can only move the ball by moving its rectangle along the two axes. So we need to +:firstterm:`resolve` the angle and speed into its movement on the x axis (dx) and on the y axis (dy). This is a simple matter of +trigonometry, and can be done with the formulae shown in the diagram. + +If you've studied elementary trigonometry before, none of this should be news to you. But just in case you're forgetful, here are some +useful formulae to remember, that will help you visualise the angles (I find it easier to visualise angles in degrees than in radians!) + +.. image:: tom_formulae.png + diff --git a/docs/tut/tom_games5.rst b/docs/tut/tom_games5.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcfae12 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/tom_games5.rst @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +***************************** + User-controllable objects +***************************** + +.. _makegames-5: + +5. User-controllable objects +============================ + +So far you can create a Pygame window, and render a ball that will fly across the screen. The next step is to make some bats which +the user can control. This is potentially far more simple than the ball, because it requires no physics (unless your user-controlled +object will move in ways more complex than up and down, e.g. a platform character like Mario, in which case you'll need more physics). +User-controllable objects are pretty easy to create, thanks to Pygame's event queue system, as you'll see. + + +.. _makegames-5-1: + +5.1. A simple bat class +----------------------- + +The principle behind the bat class is similar to that of the ball class. You need an ``__init__`` function to initialise the +ball (so you can create object instances for each bat), an ``update`` function to perform per-frame changes on the bat before +it is blitted the bat to the screen, and the functions that will define what this class will actually do. Here's some sample code:: + + class Bat(pygame.sprite.Sprite): + """Movable tennis 'bat' with which one hits the ball + Returns: bat object + Functions: reinit, update, moveup, movedown + Attributes: which, speed""" + + def __init__(self, side): + pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) + self.image, self.rect = load_png("bat.png") + screen = pygame.display.get_surface() + self.area = screen.get_rect() + self.side = side + self.speed = 10 + self.state = "still" + self.reinit() + + def reinit(self): + self.state = "still" + self.movepos = [0,0] + if self.side == "left": + self.rect.midleft = self.area.midleft + elif self.side == "right": + self.rect.midright = self.area.midright + + def update(self): + newpos = self.rect.move(self.movepos) + if self.area.contains(newpos): + self.rect = newpos + pygame.event.pump() + + def moveup(self): + self.movepos[1] = self.movepos[1] - (self.speed) + self.state = "moveup" + + def movedown(self): + self.movepos[1] = self.movepos[1] + (self.speed) + self.state = "movedown" + +As you can see, this class is very similar to the ball class in its structure. But there are differences in what each function does. +First of all, there is a reinit function, which is used when a round ends, and the bat needs to be set back in its starting place, +with any attributes set back to their necessary values. Next, the way in which the bat is moved is a little more complex than with the +ball, because here its movement is simple (up/down), but it relies on the user telling it to move, unlike the ball which just keeps +moving in every frame. To make sense of how the bat moves, it is helpful to look at a quick diagram to show the sequence of events: + +.. image:: tom_event-flowchart.png + +What happens here is that the person controlling the bat pushes down on the key that moves the bat up. For each iteration of the main +game loop (for every frame), if the key is still held down, then the ``state`` attribute of that bat object will be set to +"moving", and the ``moveup`` function will be called, causing the ball's y position to be reduced by the value of the +``speed`` attribute (in this example, 10). In other words, so long as the key is held down, the bat will move up the screen +by 10 pixels per frame. The ``state`` attribute isn't used here yet, but it's useful to know if you're dealing with spin, or +would like some useful debugging output. + +As soon as the player lets go of that key, the second set of boxes is invoked, and the ``state`` attribute of the bat object +will be set back to "still", and the ``movepos`` attribute will be set back to [0,0], meaning that when the ``update`` function is called, it won't move the bat any more. So when the player lets go of the key, the bat stops moving. Simple! + + +.. _makegames-5-1-1: + +5.1.1. Diversion 3: Pygame events +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +So how do we know when the player is pushing keys down, and then releasing them? With the Pygame event queue system, dummy! It's a +really easy system to use and understand, so this shouldn't take long :) You've already seen the event queue in action in the basic +Pygame program, where it was used to check if the user was quitting the application. The code for moving the bat is about as simple +as that:: + + for event in pygame.event.get(): + if event.type == QUIT: + return + elif event.type == KEYDOWN: + if event.key == K_UP: + player.moveup() + if event.key == K_DOWN: + player.movedown() + elif event.type == KEYUP: + if event.key == K_UP or event.key == K_DOWN: + player.movepos = [0,0] + player.state = "still" + +Here assume that you've already created an instance of a bat, and called the object ``player``. You can see the familiar +layout of the ``for`` structure, which iterates through each event found in the Pygame event queue, which is retrieved with +the :mod:`event.get() ` function. As the user hits keys, pushes mouse buttons and moves the joystick about, those actions are +pumped into the Pygame event queue, and left there until dealt with. So in each iteration of the main game loop, you go through +these events, checking if they're ones you want to deal with, and then dealing with them appropriately. The :func:`event.pump() ` +function that was in the ``Bat.update`` function is then called in every iteration to pump out old events, and keep the queue +current. + +First we check if the user is quitting the program, and quit it if they are. Then we check if any keys are being pushed down, and if +they are, we check if they're the designated keys for moving the bat up and down. If they are, then we call the appropriate moving +function, and set the player state appropriately (though the states moveup and movedown and changed in the ``moveup()`` and +``movedown()`` functions, which makes for neater code, and doesn't break *encapsulation*, which means that you +assign attributes to the object itself, without referring to the name of the instance of that object). Notice here we have three +states: still, moveup, and movedown. Again, these come in handy if you want to debug or calculate spin. We also check if any keys have +been "let go" (i.e. are no longer being held down), and again if they're the right keys, we stop the bat from moving. diff --git a/docs/tut/tom_games6.rst b/docs/tut/tom_games6.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75f28f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tut/tom_games6.rst @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +.. include:: common.txt + +*************************** + Putting it all together +*************************** + +.. _makegames-6: + +6. Putting it all together +============================ + +So far you've learnt all the basics necessary to build a simple game. You should understand how to create Pygame objects, how Pygame +displays objects, how it handles events, and how you can use physics to introduce some motion into your game. Now I'll just show how +you can take all those chunks of code and put them together into a working game. What we need first is to let the ball hit the sides +of the screen, and for the bat to be able to hit the ball, otherwise there's not going to be much gameplay involved. We do this +using Pygame's :meth:`collision ` methods. + + +.. _makegames-6-1: + +6.1. Let the ball hit sides +--------------------------- + +The basic principle behind making it bounce of the sides is easy to grasp. You grab the coordinates of the four corners of the ball, +and check to see if they correspond with the x or y coordinate of the edge of the screen. So if the top right and top left corners both +have a y coordinate of zero, you know that the ball is currently on the top edge of the screen. We do all this in the ``update`` function, +after we've worked out the new position of the ball. + +:: + + if not self.area.contains(newpos): + tl = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.topleft) + tr = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.topright) + bl = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.bottomleft) + br = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.bottomright) + if tr and tl or (br and bl): + angle = -angle + if tl and bl: + self.offcourt(player=2) + if tr and br: + self.offcourt(player=1) + + self.vector = (angle,z) + +Here we check to see if the ``area`` +contains the new position of the ball (it always should, so we needn't have an ``else`` clause, +though in other circumstances you might want to consider it). We then check if the coordinates for the four corners +are *colliding* with the area's edges, and create objects for each result. If they are, the objects will have a value of 1, +or ``True``. If they don't, then the value will be ``None``, or ``False``. We then see if it has hit the top or bottom, and if it +has we change the ball's direction. Handily, using radians we can do this by simply reversing its positive/negative value. +We also check to see if the ball has gone off the sides, and if it has we call the ``offcourt`` function. +This, in my game, resets the ball, adds 1 point to the score of the player specified when calling the function, and displays the new score. + +Finally, we recompile the vector based on the new angle. And that is it. The ball will now merrily bounce off the walls and go +offcourt with good grace. + + +.. _makegames-6-2: + +6.2. Let the ball hit bats +-------------------------- + +Making the ball hit the bats is very similar to making it hit the sides of the screen. We still use the collide method, but this time +we check to see if the rectangles for the ball and either bat collide. In this code I've also put in some extra code to avoid various +glitches. You'll find that you'll have to put all sorts of extra code in to avoid glitches and bugs, so it's good to get used to seeing +it. + +:: + + else: + # Deflate the rectangles so you can't catch a ball behind the bat + player1.rect.inflate(-3, -3) + player2.rect.inflate(-3, -3) + + # Do ball and bat collide? + # Note I put in an odd rule that sets self.hit to 1 when they collide, and unsets it in the next + # iteration. this is to stop odd ball behaviour where it finds a collision *inside* the + # bat, the ball reverses, and is still inside the bat, so bounces around inside. + # This way, the ball can always escape and bounce away cleanly + if self.rect.colliderect(player1.rect) == 1 and not self.hit: + angle = math.pi - angle + self.hit = not self.hit + elif self.rect.colliderect(player2.rect) == 1 and not self.hit: + angle = math.pi - angle + self.hit = not self.hit + elif self.hit: + self.hit = not self.hit + self.vector = (angle,z) + +We start this section with an ``else`` statement, because this carries on from the previous chunk of code to check if the ball +hits the sides. It makes sense that if it doesn't hit the sides, it might hit a bat, so we carry on the conditional statement. The +first glitch to fix is to shrink the players' rectangles by 3 pixels in both dimensions, to stop the bat catching a ball that goes +behind them (if you imagine you just move the bat so that as the ball travels behind it, the rectangles overlap, and so normally the +ball would then have been "hit" - this prevents that). + +Next we check if the rectangles collide, with one more glitch fix. Notice that I've commented on these odd bits of code - it's always +good to explain bits of code that are abnormal, both for others who look at your code, and so you understand it when you come back to +it. The without the fix, the ball might hit a corner of the bat, change direction, and one frame later still find itself inside the +bat. Then it would again think it has been hit, and change its direction. This can happen several times, making the ball's motion +completely unrealistic. So we have a variable, ``self.hit``, which we set to ``True`` when it has been hit, and ``False`` one frame +later. When we check if the rectangles have collided, we also check if ``self.hit`` is ``True``/``False``, to stop internal bouncing. + +The important code here is pretty easy to understand. All rectangles have a :meth:`colliderect ` +function, into which you feed the rectangle of another object, which returns ``True`` if the rectangles do overlap, and ``False`` if not. +If they do, we can change the direction by subtracting the current angle from ``pi`` (again, a handy trick you can do with radians, +which will adjust the angle by 90 degrees and send it off in the right direction; you might find at this point that a thorough +understanding of radians is in order!). Just to finish the glitch checking, we switch ``self.hit`` back to ``False`` if it's the frame +after they were hit. + +We also then recompile the vector. You would of course want to remove the same line in the previous chunk of code, so that you only do +this once after the ``if-else`` conditional statement. And that's it! The combined code will now allow the ball to hit sides and bats. + + +.. _makegames-6-3: + +6.3. The Finished product +------------------------- + +The final product, with all the bits of code thrown together, as well as some other bits ofcode to glue it all together, will look +like this:: + + # + # Tom's Pong + # A simple pong game with realistic physics and AI + # http://tomchance.org.uk/projects/pong + # + # Released under the GNU General Public License + + VERSION = "0.4" + + try: + import sys + import random + import math + import os + import getopt + import pygame + from socket import * + from pygame.locals import * + except ImportError, err: + print(f"couldn't load module. {err}") + sys.exit(2) + + def load_png(name): + """ Load image and return image object""" + fullname = os.path.join("data", name) + try: + image = pygame.image.load(fullname) + if image.get_alpha is None: + image = image.convert() + else: + image = image.convert_alpha() + except FileNotFoundError: + print(f"Cannot load image: {fullname}") + raise SystemExit + return image, image.get_rect() + + class Ball(pygame.sprite.Sprite): + """A ball that will move across the screen + Returns: ball object + Functions: update, calcnewpos + Attributes: area, vector""" + + def __init__(self, (xy), vector): + pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) + self.image, self.rect = load_png("ball.png") + screen = pygame.display.get_surface() + self.area = screen.get_rect() + self.vector = vector + self.hit = 0 + + def update(self): + newpos = self.calcnewpos(self.rect,self.vector) + self.rect = newpos + (angle,z) = self.vector + + if not self.area.contains(newpos): + tl = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.topleft) + tr = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.topright) + bl = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.bottomleft) + br = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.bottomright) + if tr and tl or (br and bl): + angle = -angle + if tl and bl: + #self.offcourt() + angle = math.pi - angle + if tr and br: + angle = math.pi - angle + #self.offcourt() + else: + # Deflate the rectangles so you can't catch a ball behind the bat + player1.rect.inflate(-3, -3) + player2.rect.inflate(-3, -3) + + # Do ball and bat collide? + # Note I put in an odd rule that sets self.hit to 1 when they collide, and unsets it in the next + # iteration. this is to stop odd ball behaviour where it finds a collision *inside* the + # bat, the ball reverses, and is still inside the bat, so bounces around inside. + # This way, the ball can always escape and bounce away cleanly + if self.rect.colliderect(player1.rect) == 1 and not self.hit: + angle = math.pi - angle + self.hit = not self.hit + elif self.rect.colliderect(player2.rect) == 1 and not self.hit: + angle = math.pi - angle + self.hit = not self.hit + elif self.hit: + self.hit = not self.hit + self.vector = (angle,z) + + def calcnewpos(self,rect,vector): + (angle,z) = vector + (dx,dy) = (z*math.cos(angle),z*math.sin(angle)) + return rect.move(dx,dy) + + class Bat(pygame.sprite.Sprite): + """Movable tennis 'bat' with which one hits the ball + Returns: bat object + Functions: reinit, update, moveup, movedown + Attributes: which, speed""" + + def __init__(self, side): + pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) + self.image, self.rect = load_png("bat.png") + screen = pygame.display.get_surface() + self.area = screen.get_rect() + self.side = side + self.speed = 10 + self.state = "still" + self.reinit() + + def reinit(self): + self.state = "still" + self.movepos = [0,0] + if self.side == "left": + self.rect.midleft = self.area.midleft + elif self.side == "right": + self.rect.midright = self.area.midright + + def update(self): + newpos = self.rect.move(self.movepos) + if self.area.contains(newpos): + self.rect = newpos + pygame.event.pump() + + def moveup(self): + self.movepos[1] = self.movepos[1] - (self.speed) + self.state = "moveup" + + def movedown(self): + self.movepos[1] = self.movepos[1] + (self.speed) + self.state = "movedown" + + + def main(): + # Initialise screen + pygame.init() + screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) + pygame.display.set_caption("Basic Pong") + + # Fill background + background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()) + background = background.convert() + background.fill((0, 0, 0)) + + # Initialise players + global player1 + global player2 + player1 = Bat("left") + player2 = Bat("right") + + # Initialise ball + speed = 13 + rand = ((0.1 * (random.randint(5,8)))) + ball = Ball((0,0),(0.47,speed)) + + # Initialise sprites + playersprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain((player1, player2)) + ballsprite = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain(ball) + + # Blit everything to the screen + screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) + pygame.display.flip() + + # Initialise clock + clock = pygame.time.Clock() + + # Event loop + while True: + # Make sure game doesn't run at more than 60 frames per second + clock.tick(60) + + for event in pygame.event.get(): + if event.type == QUIT: + return + elif event.type == KEYDOWN: + if event.key == K_a: + player1.moveup() + if event.key == K_z: + player1.movedown() + if event.key == K_UP: + player2.moveup() + if event.key == K_DOWN: + player2.movedown() + elif event.type == KEYUP: + if event.key == K_a or event.key == K_z: + player1.movepos = [0,0] + player1.state = "still" + if event.key == K_UP or event.key == K_DOWN: + player2.movepos = [0,0] + player2.state = "still" + + screen.blit(background, ball.rect, ball.rect) + screen.blit(background, player1.rect, player1.rect) + screen.blit(background, player2.rect, player2.rect) + ballsprite.update() + playersprites.update() + ballsprite.draw(screen) + playersprites.draw(screen) + pygame.display.flip() + + + if __name__ == "__main__": + main() + + +As well as showing you the final product, I'll point you back to TomPong, upon which all of this is based. Download it, have a look +at the source code, and you'll see a full implementation of pong using all of the code you've seen in this tutorial, as well as lots of +other code I've added in various versions, such as some extra physics for spinning, and various other bug and glitch fixes. + +Oh, find TomPong at http://tomchance.org.uk/projects/pong. diff --git a/docs/tut/tom_radians.png b/docs/tut/tom_radians.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4569df1 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tut/tom_radians.png differ