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File metadata and controls

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SQLite_db_analysis_tool is a web application designed to allow users to view and analyze data stored in SQLite databases. The tool provides a user-friendly frontend interface for uploading and managing databases, and it supports detailed inspection of database contents.

Project Structure

The project consists of a Node.js backend and a frontend utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The backend is responsible for handling SQLite database file uploads, storage, and data retrieval. It exposes RESTful endpoints to the frontend for these operations.


The server is implemented in app.js, using the Express framework and includes additional routes defined in the developmentPlans.js and developmentSteps.js files.

Key features include:

  • Database file upload and storage mechanism.
  • REST API endpoints to list databases, fetch apps, development plans, and steps.
  • Middleware for processing and categorizing development steps based on prompt path.


The frontend is a set of static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Users can select existing databases, upload new ones, and navigate through apps, development plans, and steps.

Key interfaces include:

  • Database selection and upload.
  • Display of apps and their related development details.

Key JavaScript modules responsible for these features are database-selection.js, development-steps.js, and upload-handler.js.

Database Schema

The SQLite database conforms to a particular schema where app contains app details, development_planning stores development tasks for apps, and development_steps holds individual steps for development tasks.

Setup and Usage

To set up the application:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run npm install to install the required dependencies.
  3. Start the server using npm start.

Once the server is running, the front end can be accessed via a web browser to manage and analyze SQLite databases.

API Reference

The backend offers several API endpoints:

  • POST /upload: Upload a new SQLite database file.
  • GET /databases: List all uploaded SQLite database files.
  • GET /apps: Get all apps from the selected SQLite database.
  • GET /development_plans: Get all development tasks for a specific app.
  • GET /development_steps: Get all steps for a particular development task.


  • express
  • multer for handling multipart/form-data.
  • sqlite3 for interacting with SQLite databases.
  • cors for enabling CORS.
  • body-parser for parsing incoming request bodies.
  • dotenv for loading environment variables.

For the full list of dependencies, refer to package.json.


Contributions are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change or add.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.