-# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Trainer to automate the training."""
-import inspect
-import logging
-import math
-import os
-import traceback
-import warnings
-from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
-from copy import deepcopy
-from datetime import timedelta
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Type, Union
-from weakref import proxy
-import torch
-from packaging.version import Version
-from torch.optim import Optimizer
-from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
-import pytorch_lightning as pl
-from pytorch_lightning.accelerators import Accelerator, GPUAccelerator, HPUAccelerator, IPUAccelerator, TPUAccelerator
-from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import Callback, EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint, ProgressBarBase
-from pytorch_lightning.callbacks.prediction_writer import BasePredictionWriter
-from pytorch_lightning.core.datamodule import LightningDataModule
-from pytorch_lightning.core.optimizer import LightningOptimizer
-from pytorch_lightning.loggers import LightningLoggerBase
-from pytorch_lightning.loggers.base import DummyLogger, LoggerCollection
-from pytorch_lightning.loggers.tensorboard import TensorBoardLogger
-from pytorch_lightning.loops import PredictionLoop, TrainingEpochLoop
-from pytorch_lightning.loops.dataloader.evaluation_loop import EvaluationLoop
-from pytorch_lightning.loops.fit_loop import FitLoop
-from pytorch_lightning.loops.utilities import _parse_loop_limits, _reset_progress
-from pytorch_lightning.plugins import (
- ApexMixedPrecisionPlugin,
- NativeMixedPrecisionPlugin,
- PrecisionPlugin,
-from pytorch_lightning.plugins.environments.slurm_environment import SLURMEnvironment
-from pytorch_lightning.profiler import (
- AdvancedProfiler,
- BaseProfiler,
- PassThroughProfiler,
- Profiler,
- PyTorchProfiler,
- SimpleProfiler,
- XLAProfiler,
-from pytorch_lightning.strategies import ParallelStrategy, Strategy
-from pytorch_lightning.strategies.ddp_spawn import DDPSpawnStrategy
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.callback_hook import TrainerCallbackHookMixin
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.configuration_validator import verify_loop_configurations
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.connectors.accelerator_connector import AcceleratorConnector
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.connectors.callback_connector import CallbackConnector
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.connectors.checkpoint_connector import CheckpointConnector
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.connectors.data_connector import DataConnector
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.connectors.logger_connector import LoggerConnector
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.connectors.logger_connector.result import _ResultCollection
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.connectors.signal_connector import SignalConnector
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.data_loading import TrainerDataLoadingMixin
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.optimizers import TrainerOptimizersMixin
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.states import RunningStage, TrainerFn, TrainerState, TrainerStatus
-from pytorch_lightning.trainer.supporters import CombinedLoader
-from pytorch_lightning.tuner.lr_finder import _LRFinder
-from pytorch_lightning.tuner.tuning import Tuner
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities import (
- AMPType,
- GradClipAlgorithmType,
- parsing,
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.apply_func import apply_to_collection
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.argparse import (
- _defaults_from_env_vars,
- add_argparse_args,
- from_argparse_args,
- parse_argparser,
- parse_env_variables,
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.auto_restart import _add_capture_metadata_collate
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.cloud_io import get_filesystem
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.data import _auto_add_worker_init_fn, has_len_all_ranks
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.distributed import distributed_available
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.exceptions import ExitGracefullyException, MisconfigurationException
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.imports import _fault_tolerant_training
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.meta import is_on_meta_device, materialize_module
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.model_helpers import is_overridden
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_deprecation, rank_zero_info, rank_zero_warn
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.seed import isolate_rng
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.signature_utils import is_param_in_hook_signature
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.types import (
- _PATH,
- LRSchedulerConfig,
-from pytorch_lightning.utilities.warnings import PossibleUserWarning
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# warnings to ignore in trainer
- "ignore", message="torch.distributed.reduce_op is deprecated, please use torch.distributed.ReduceOp instead"
-class Trainer(
- TrainerCallbackHookMixin, # TODO: Remove in v1.8
- TrainerOptimizersMixin, # TODO: Remove in v1.8
- TrainerDataLoadingMixin, # TODO: Remove in v1.8
-[docs] @_defaults_from_env_vars
def __init__(
logger: Union[LightningLoggerBase, Iterable[LightningLoggerBase], bool] = True,
checkpoint_callback: Optional[bool] = None,
enable_checkpointing: bool = True,
callbacks: Optional[Union[List[Callback], Callback]] = None,
default_root_dir: Optional[str] = None,
gradient_clip_val: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
gradient_clip_algorithm: Optional[str] = None,
process_position: int = 0,
num_nodes: int = 1,
num_processes: Optional[int] = None,
devices: Optional[Union[List[int], str, int]] = None,
gpus: Optional[Union[List[int], str, int]] = None,
auto_select_gpus: bool = False,
tpu_cores: Optional[Union[List[int], str, int]] = None,
ipus: Optional[int] = None,
log_gpu_memory: Optional[str] = None, # TODO: Remove in 1.7
progress_bar_refresh_rate: Optional[int] = None, # TODO: remove in v1.7
enable_progress_bar: bool = True,
overfit_batches: Union[int, float] = 0.0,
track_grad_norm: Union[int, float, str] = -1,
check_val_every_n_epoch: int = 1,
fast_dev_run: Union[int, bool] = False,
accumulate_grad_batches: Optional[Union[int, Dict[int, int]]] = None,
max_epochs: Optional[int] = None,
min_epochs: Optional[int] = None,
max_steps: int = -1,
min_steps: Optional[int] = None,
max_time: Optional[Union[str, timedelta, Dict[str, int]]] = None,
limit_train_batches: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
limit_val_batches: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
limit_test_batches: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
limit_predict_batches: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
val_check_interval: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
flush_logs_every_n_steps: Optional[int] = None,
log_every_n_steps: int = 50,
accelerator: Optional[Union[str, Accelerator]] = None,
strategy: Optional[Union[str, Strategy]] = None,
sync_batchnorm: bool = False,
precision: Union[int, str] = 32,
enable_model_summary: bool = True,
weights_summary: Optional[str] = "top",
weights_save_path: Optional[str] = None, # TODO: Remove in 1.8
num_sanity_val_steps: int = 2,
resume_from_checkpoint: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None,
profiler: Optional[Union[BaseProfiler, str]] = None,
benchmark: Optional[bool] = None,
deterministic: bool = False,
reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs: int = 0,
auto_lr_find: Union[bool, str] = False,
replace_sampler_ddp: bool = True,
detect_anomaly: bool = False,
auto_scale_batch_size: Union[str, bool] = False,
prepare_data_per_node: Optional[bool] = None,
plugins: Optional[Union[PLUGIN_INPUT, List[PLUGIN_INPUT]]] = None,
amp_backend: str = "native",
amp_level: Optional[str] = None,
move_metrics_to_cpu: bool = False,
multiple_trainloader_mode: str = "max_size_cycle",
stochastic_weight_avg: bool = False,
terminate_on_nan: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> None:
Customize every aspect of training via flags.
accelerator: Supports passing different accelerator types ("cpu", "gpu", "tpu", "ipu", "hpu", "auto")
as well as custom accelerator instances.
.. deprecated:: v1.5
Passing training strategies (e.g., 'ddp') to ``accelerator`` has been deprecated in v1.5.0
and will be removed in v1.7.0. Please use the ``strategy`` argument instead.
accumulate_grad_batches: Accumulates grads every k batches or as set up in the dict.
Default: ``None``.
amp_backend: The mixed precision backend to use ("native" or "apex").
Default: ``'native''``.
amp_level: The optimization level to use (O1, O2, etc...). By default it will be set to "O2"
if ``amp_backend`` is set to "apex".
auto_lr_find: If set to True, will make trainer.tune() run a learning rate finder,
trying to optimize initial learning for faster convergence. trainer.tune() method will
set the suggested learning rate in self.lr or self.learning_rate in the LightningModule.
To use a different key set a string instead of True with the key name.
Default: ``False``.
auto_scale_batch_size: If set to True, will `initially` run a batch size
finder trying to find the largest batch size that fits into memory.
The result will be stored in self.batch_size in the LightningModule.
Additionally, can be set to either `power` that estimates the batch size through
a power search or `binsearch` that estimates the batch size through a binary search.
Default: ``False``.
auto_select_gpus: If enabled and ``gpus`` or ``devices`` is an integer, pick available
gpus automatically. This is especially useful when
GPUs are configured to be in "exclusive mode", such
that only one process at a time can access them.
Default: ``False``.
benchmark: Sets ``torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark``.
Defaults to ``True`` if :paramref:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.deterministic`
is ``False``. Overwrite to manually set a different value. Default: ``None``.
callbacks: Add a callback or list of callbacks.
Default: ``None``.
checkpoint_callback: If ``True``, enable checkpointing.
Default: ``None``.
.. deprecated:: v1.5
``checkpoint_callback`` has been deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7.
Please consider using ``enable_checkpointing`` instead.
enable_checkpointing: If ``True``, enable checkpointing.
It will configure a default ModelCheckpoint callback if there is no user-defined ModelCheckpoint in
Default: ``True``.
check_val_every_n_epoch: Check val every n train epochs.
Default: ``1``.
default_root_dir: Default path for logs and weights when no logger/ckpt_callback passed.
Default: ``os.getcwd()``.
Can be remote file paths such as `s3://mybucket/path` or 'hdfs://path/'
detect_anomaly: Enable anomaly detection for the autograd engine.
Default: ``False``.
deterministic: If ``True``, sets whether PyTorch operations must use deterministic algorithms.
Default: ``False``.
devices: Will be mapped to either `gpus`, `tpu_cores`, `num_processes` or `ipus`,
based on the accelerator type.
fast_dev_run: Runs n if set to ``n`` (int) else 1 if set to ``True`` batch(es)
of train, val and test to find any bugs (ie: a sort of unit test).
Default: ``False``.
flush_logs_every_n_steps: How often to flush logs to disk (defaults to every 100 steps).
.. deprecated:: v1.5
``flush_logs_every_n_steps`` has been deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7.
Please configure flushing directly in the logger instead.
gpus: Number of GPUs to train on (int) or which GPUs to train on (list or str) applied per node
Default: ``None``.
gradient_clip_val: The value at which to clip gradients. Passing ``gradient_clip_val=None`` disables
gradient clipping. If using Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP), the gradients will be unscaled before.
Default: ``None``.
gradient_clip_algorithm: The gradient clipping algorithm to use. Pass ``gradient_clip_algorithm="value"``
to clip by value, and ``gradient_clip_algorithm="norm"`` to clip by norm. By default it will
be set to ``"norm"``.
limit_train_batches: How much of training dataset to check (float = fraction, int = num_batches).
Default: ``1.0``.
limit_val_batches: How much of validation dataset to check (float = fraction, int = num_batches).
Default: ``1.0``.
limit_test_batches: How much of test dataset to check (float = fraction, int = num_batches).
Default: ``1.0``.
limit_predict_batches: How much of prediction dataset to check (float = fraction, int = num_batches).
Default: ``1.0``.
logger: Logger (or iterable collection of loggers) for experiment tracking. A ``True`` value uses
the default ``TensorBoardLogger``. ``False`` will disable logging. If multiple loggers are
provided and the `save_dir` property of that logger is not set, local files (checkpoints,
profiler traces, etc.) are saved in ``default_root_dir`` rather than in the ``log_dir`` of any
of the individual loggers.
Default: ``True``.
log_gpu_memory: None, 'min_max', 'all'. Might slow performance.
.. deprecated:: v1.5
Deprecated in v1.5.0 and will be removed in v1.7.0
Please use the ``DeviceStatsMonitor`` callback directly instead.
log_every_n_steps: How often to log within steps.
Default: ``50``.
prepare_data_per_node: If True, each LOCAL_RANK=0 will call prepare data.
Otherwise only NODE_RANK=0, LOCAL_RANK=0 will prepare data
.. deprecated:: v1.5
Deprecated in v1.5.0 and will be removed in v1.7.0
Please set ``prepare_data_per_node`` in ``LightningDataModule`` and/or
``LightningModule`` directly instead.
process_position: Orders the progress bar when running multiple models on same machine.
.. deprecated:: v1.5
``process_position`` has been deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7.
Please pass :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.progress.TQDMProgressBar` with ``process_position``
directly to the Trainer's ``callbacks`` argument instead.
progress_bar_refresh_rate: How often to refresh progress bar (in steps). Value ``0`` disables progress bar.
Ignored when a custom progress bar is passed to :paramref:`~Trainer.callbacks`. Default: None, means
a suitable value will be chosen based on the environment (terminal, Google COLAB, etc.).
.. deprecated:: v1.5
``progress_bar_refresh_rate`` has been deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7.
Please pass :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.progress.TQDMProgressBar` with ``refresh_rate``
directly to the Trainer's ``callbacks`` argument instead. To disable the progress bar,
pass ``enable_progress_bar = False`` to the Trainer.
enable_progress_bar: Whether to enable to progress bar by default.
Default: ``False``.
profiler: To profile individual steps during training and assist in identifying bottlenecks.
Default: ``None``.
overfit_batches: Overfit a fraction of training data (float) or a set number of batches (int).
Default: ``0.0``.
plugins: Plugins allow modification of core behavior like ddp and amp, and enable custom lightning plugins.
Default: ``None``.
precision: Double precision (64), full precision (32), half precision (16) or bfloat16 precision (bf16).
Can be used on CPU, GPU, TPUs, HPUs or IPUs.
Default: ``32``.
max_epochs: Stop training once this number of epochs is reached. Disabled by default (None).
If both max_epochs and max_steps are not specified, defaults to ``max_epochs = 1000``.
To enable infinite training, set ``max_epochs = -1``.
min_epochs: Force training for at least these many epochs. Disabled by default (None).
max_steps: Stop training after this number of steps. Disabled by default (-1). If ``max_steps = -1``
and ``max_epochs = None``, will default to ``max_epochs = 1000``. To enable infinite training, set
``max_epochs`` to ``-1``.
min_steps: Force training for at least these number of steps. Disabled by default (``None``).
max_time: Stop training after this amount of time has passed. Disabled by default (``None``).
The time duration can be specified in the format DD:HH:MM:SS (days, hours, minutes seconds), as a
:class:`datetime.timedelta`, or a dictionary with keys that will be passed to
num_nodes: Number of GPU nodes for distributed training.
Default: ``1``.
num_processes: Number of processes for distributed training with ``accelerator="cpu"``.
Default: ``1``.
num_sanity_val_steps: Sanity check runs n validation batches before starting the training routine.
Set it to `-1` to run all batches in all validation dataloaders.
Default: ``2``.
reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs: Set to a non-negative integer to reload dataloaders every n epochs.
Default: ``0``.
replace_sampler_ddp: Explicitly enables or disables sampler replacement. If not specified this
will toggled automatically when DDP is used. By default it will add ``shuffle=True`` for
train sampler and ``shuffle=False`` for val/test sampler. If you want to customize it,
you can set ``replace_sampler_ddp=False`` and add your own distributed sampler.
resume_from_checkpoint: Path/URL of the checkpoint from which training is resumed. If there is
no checkpoint file at the path, an exception is raised. If resuming from mid-epoch checkpoint,
training will start from the beginning of the next epoch.
.. deprecated:: v1.5
``resume_from_checkpoint`` is deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v2.0.
Please pass the path to ``Trainer.fit(..., ckpt_path=...)`` instead.
strategy: Supports different training strategies with aliases
as well custom strategies.
Default: ``None``.
sync_batchnorm: Synchronize batch norm layers between process groups/whole world.
Default: ``False``.
terminate_on_nan: If set to True, will terminate training (by raising a `ValueError`) at the
end of each training batch, if any of the parameters or the loss are NaN or +/-inf.
.. deprecated:: v1.5
Trainer argument ``terminate_on_nan`` was deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in 1.7.
Please use ``detect_anomaly`` instead.
detect_anomaly: Enable anomaly detection for the autograd engine.
Default: ``False``.
tpu_cores: How many TPU cores to train on (1 or 8) / Single TPU to train on (1)
Default: ``None``.
ipus: How many IPUs to train on.
Default: ``None``.
track_grad_norm: -1 no tracking. Otherwise tracks that p-norm. May be set to 'inf' infinity-norm. If using
Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP), the gradients will be unscaled before logging them.
Default: ``-1``.
val_check_interval: How often to check the validation set. Pass a ``float`` in the range [0.0, 1.0] to check
after a fraction of the training epoch. Pass an ``int`` to check after a fixed number of training
Default: ``1.0``.
enable_model_summary: Whether to enable model summarization by default.
Default: ``True``.
weights_summary: Prints a summary of the weights when training begins.
.. deprecated:: v1.5
``weights_summary`` has been deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7.
To disable the summary, pass ``enable_model_summary = False`` to the Trainer.
To customize the summary, pass :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.model_summary.ModelSummary`
directly to the Trainer's ``callbacks`` argument.
weights_save_path: Where to save weights if specified. Will override default_root_dir
for checkpoints only. Use this if for whatever reason you need the checkpoints
stored in a different place than the logs written in `default_root_dir`.
Can be remote file paths such as `s3://mybucket/path` or 'hdfs://path/'
Defaults to `default_root_dir`.
.. deprecated:: v1.6
``weights_save_path`` has been deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. Please pass
``dirpath`` directly to the :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.model_checkpoint.ModelCheckpoint`
move_metrics_to_cpu: Whether to force internal logged metrics to be moved to cpu.
This can save some gpu memory, but can make training slower. Use with attention.
Default: ``False``.
multiple_trainloader_mode: How to loop over the datasets when there are multiple train loaders.
In 'max_size_cycle' mode, the trainer ends one epoch when the largest dataset is traversed,
and smaller datasets reload when running out of their data. In 'min_size' mode, all the datasets
reload when reaching the minimum length of datasets.
Default: ``"max_size_cycle"``.
stochastic_weight_avg: Whether to use `Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA)
Default: ``False``.
.. deprecated:: v1.5
``stochastic_weight_avg`` has been deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7.
Please pass :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.stochastic_weight_avg.StochasticWeightAveraging`
directly to the Trainer's ``callbacks`` argument instead.
log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: Initializing trainer with parameters: {locals()}")
self.state = TrainerState()
# init connectors
self._data_connector = DataConnector(self, multiple_trainloader_mode)
self._accelerator_connector = AcceleratorConnector(
self._logger_connector = LoggerConnector(self, log_gpu_memory)
self._callback_connector = CallbackConnector(self)
self._checkpoint_connector = CheckpointConnector(self, resume_from_checkpoint)
self._signal_connector = SignalConnector(self)
self.tuner = Tuner(self)
min_steps, max_steps, min_epochs, max_epochs, max_time = _parse_loop_limits(
min_steps, max_steps, min_epochs, max_epochs, max_time
fit_loop = FitLoop(min_epochs=min_epochs, max_epochs=max_epochs)
training_epoch_loop = TrainingEpochLoop(min_steps=min_steps, max_steps=max_steps)
# default .fit() loop
self.fit_loop = fit_loop
# default .validate() loop
self.validate_loop = EvaluationLoop()
# default .test() loop
self.test_loop = EvaluationLoop()
# default .predict() loop
self.predict_loop = PredictionLoop()
# set when a checkpoint is loaded via `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}`.
self._ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None
# .validate(), predict() and .test() set these when they load a checkpoint. They will be removed in favor of
# the unified read-only `Trainer.ckpt_path` attribute in v1.8
self._validated_ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None # TODO: remove in v1.8
self._tested_ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None # TODO: remove in v1.8
self._predicted_ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None # TODO: remove in v1.8
# todo: remove in v1.7
self._weights_summary: Optional[str] = None
# init callbacks
# Declare attributes to be set in _callback_connector on_trainer_init
# hook
# init data flags
self.check_val_every_n_epoch: int
if terminate_on_nan is not None:
"Trainer argument `terminate_on_nan` was deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in 1.7."
" Please use `Trainer(detect_anomaly=True)` instead."
if not isinstance(terminate_on_nan, bool):
raise TypeError(f"`terminate_on_nan` should be a bool, got {terminate_on_nan}.")
# gradient clipping
if gradient_clip_val is not None and not isinstance(gradient_clip_val, (int, float)):
raise TypeError(f"`gradient_clip_val` should be an int or a float. Got {gradient_clip_val}.")
if gradient_clip_algorithm is not None and not GradClipAlgorithmType.supported_type(
raise MisconfigurationException(
f"`gradient_clip_algorithm` {gradient_clip_algorithm} is invalid. "
f"Allowed algorithms: {GradClipAlgorithmType.supported_types()}."
# gradient norm tracking
if track_grad_norm != -1 and not (
(isinstance(track_grad_norm, (int, float)) or track_grad_norm == "inf") and float(track_grad_norm) > 0
raise MisconfigurationException(
f"`track_grad_norm` must be a positive number or 'inf' (infinity norm). Got {track_grad_norm}."
self._terminate_on_nan = terminate_on_nan
self.gradient_clip_val: Union[int, float] = gradient_clip_val
self.gradient_clip_algorithm: Optional[GradClipAlgorithmType] = (
GradClipAlgorithmType(gradient_clip_algorithm.lower()) if gradient_clip_algorithm is not None else None
self.track_grad_norm: float = float(track_grad_norm)
self._detect_anomaly: bool = detect_anomaly
# configure tuner
self.tuner.on_trainer_init(auto_lr_find, auto_scale_batch_size)
# configure profiler
# init logger flags
self._loggers: List[LightningLoggerBase]
self._logger_connector.on_trainer_init(logger, flush_logs_every_n_steps, log_every_n_steps, move_metrics_to_cpu)
# init debugging flags
self.val_check_interval: Union[int, float]
# Callback system
- def _init_debugging_flags(
- self,
- limit_train_batches: Optional[Union[int, float]],
- limit_val_batches: Optional[Union[int, float]],
- limit_test_batches: Optional[Union[int, float]],
- limit_predict_batches: Optional[Union[int, float]],
- val_check_interval: Optional[Union[int, float]],
- overfit_batches: Union[int, float],
- fast_dev_run: Union[int, bool],
- ) -> None:
- if isinstance(fast_dev_run, int) and (fast_dev_run < 0):
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- f"fast_dev_run={fast_dev_run} is not a valid configuration. It should be >= 0."
- )
- self.fast_dev_run = fast_dev_run
- # set fast_dev_run=True when it is 1, used while logging
- if fast_dev_run == 1:
- self.fast_dev_run = True
- if fast_dev_run:
- num_batches = int(fast_dev_run)
- limit_train_batches = num_batches
- limit_val_batches = num_batches
- limit_test_batches = num_batches
- limit_predict_batches = num_batches
- self.fit_loop.max_steps = num_batches
- self.num_sanity_val_steps = 0
- self.fit_loop.max_epochs = 1
- val_check_interval = 1.0
- self.check_val_every_n_epoch = 1
- self.loggers = [DummyLogger()] if self.loggers else []
- rank_zero_info(
- "Running in fast_dev_run mode: will run a full train,"
- f" val, test and prediction loop using {num_batches} batch(es)."
- )
- self.limit_train_batches = _determine_batch_limits(limit_train_batches, "limit_train_batches")
- self.limit_val_batches = _determine_batch_limits(limit_val_batches, "limit_val_batches")
- self.limit_test_batches = _determine_batch_limits(limit_test_batches, "limit_test_batches")
- self.limit_predict_batches = _determine_batch_limits(limit_predict_batches, "limit_predict_batches")
- self.val_check_interval = _determine_batch_limits(val_check_interval, "val_check_interval")
- self.overfit_batches = _determine_batch_limits(overfit_batches, "overfit_batches")
- self._determine_data_use_amount(self.overfit_batches)
- def _determine_data_use_amount(self, overfit_batches: float) -> None:
- """Use less data for debugging purposes."""
- if overfit_batches > 0:
- self.limit_train_batches = overfit_batches
- self.limit_val_batches = 0
- def _setup_on_init(self, num_sanity_val_steps: int) -> None:
- self._log_device_info()
- self.should_stop = False
- self.state = TrainerState()
- self.num_training_batches = float("inf")
- self.train_dataloader = None
- if num_sanity_val_steps == -1:
- self.num_sanity_val_steps = float("inf")
- else:
- self.num_sanity_val_steps = num_sanity_val_steps
- self.num_sanity_val_batches = []
- self.num_test_batches = []
- self.num_val_batches = []
- self.test_dataloaders = None
- self.val_dataloaders = None
- self._last_train_dl_reload_epoch = float("-inf")
- self._last_val_dl_reload_epoch = float("-inf")
- self.num_predict_batches = []
- def _call_and_handle_interrupt(self, trainer_fn: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
- r"""
- Error handling, intended to be used only for main trainer function entry points (fit, validate, test, predict)
- as all errors should funnel through them
- Args:
- trainer_fn: one of (fit, validate, test, predict)
- *args: positional arguments to be passed to the `trainer_fn`
- **kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to `trainer_fn`
- """
- try:
- if self.strategy.launcher is not None:
- return self.strategy.launcher.launch(trainer_fn, *args, trainer=self, **kwargs)
- else:
- return trainer_fn(*args, **kwargs)
- # TODO: treat KeyboardInterrupt as BaseException (delete the code below) in v1.7
- except KeyboardInterrupt as exception:
- rank_zero_warn("Detected KeyboardInterrupt, attempting graceful shutdown...")
- # user could press Ctrl+c many times... only shutdown once
- if not self.interrupted:
- self.state.status = TrainerStatus.INTERRUPTED
- self._call_callback_hooks("on_keyboard_interrupt")
- self._call_callback_hooks("on_exception", exception)
- except BaseException as exception:
- self.state.status = TrainerStatus.INTERRUPTED
- if distributed_available() and self.world_size > 1:
- # try syncing remaining processes, kill otherwise
- self.strategy.reconciliate_processes(traceback.format_exc())
- self._call_callback_hooks("on_exception", exception)
- self._teardown()
- # teardown might access the stage so we reset it after
- self.state.stage = None
- raise
-[docs] def fit(
model: "pl.LightningModule",
train_dataloaders: Optional[Union[TRAIN_DATALOADERS, LightningDataModule]] = None,
val_dataloaders: Optional[EVAL_DATALOADERS] = None,
datamodule: Optional[LightningDataModule] = None,
ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
Runs the full optimization routine.
model: Model to fit.
train_dataloaders: A collection of :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader` or a
:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.datamodule.LightningDataModule` specifying training samples.
In the case of multiple dataloaders, please see this :ref:`section <multiple-dataloaders>`.
val_dataloaders: A :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader` or a sequence of them specifying validation samples.
ckpt_path: Path/URL of the checkpoint from which training is resumed. If there is
no checkpoint file at the path, an exception is raised. If resuming from mid-epoch checkpoint,
training will start from the beginning of the next epoch.
datamodule: An instance of :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.datamodule.LightningDataModule`.
self.strategy.model = model
self._fit_impl, model, train_dataloaders, val_dataloaders, datamodule, ckpt_path
- def _fit_impl(
- self,
- model: "pl.LightningModule",
- train_dataloaders: Optional[Union[TRAIN_DATALOADERS, LightningDataModule]] = None,
- val_dataloaders: Optional[EVAL_DATALOADERS] = None,
- datamodule: Optional[LightningDataModule] = None,
- ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None,
- ) -> None:
- Trainer._log_api_event("fit")
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: trainer fit stage")
- self.state.fn = TrainerFn.FITTING
- self.state.status = TrainerStatus.RUNNING
- self.training = True
- self._last_train_dl_reload_epoch = float("-inf")
- self._last_val_dl_reload_epoch = float("-inf")
- # if a datamodule comes in as the second arg, then fix it for the user
- if isinstance(train_dataloaders, LightningDataModule):
- datamodule = train_dataloaders
- train_dataloaders = None
- # If you supply a datamodule you can't supply train_dataloader or val_dataloaders
- if (train_dataloaders is not None or val_dataloaders is not None) and datamodule is not None:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- "You cannot pass `train_dataloader` or `val_dataloaders` to `trainer.fit(datamodule=...)`"
- )
- # links data to the trainer
- self._data_connector.attach_data(
- model, train_dataloaders=train_dataloaders, val_dataloaders=val_dataloaders, datamodule=datamodule
- )
- # TODO: ckpt_path only in v2.0
- ckpt_path = ckpt_path or self.resume_from_checkpoint
- self._ckpt_path = self.__set_ckpt_path(
- ckpt_path, model_provided=True, model_connected=self.lightning_module is not None
- )
- results = self._run(model, ckpt_path=self.ckpt_path)
- assert self.state.stopped
- self.training = False
- return results
-[docs] def validate(
model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None,
dataloaders: Optional[Union[EVAL_DATALOADERS, LightningDataModule]] = None,
ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None,
verbose: bool = True,
datamodule: Optional[LightningDataModule] = None,
Perform one evaluation epoch over the validation set.
model: The model to validate.
dataloaders: A :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader` or a sequence of them,
or a :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.datamodule.LightningDataModule` specifying validation samples.
ckpt_path: Either ``best`` or path to the checkpoint you wish to validate.
If ``None`` and the model instance was passed, use the current weights.
Otherwise, the best model checkpoint from the previous ``trainer.fit`` call will be loaded
if a checkpoint callback is configured.
verbose: If True, prints the validation results.
datamodule: An instance of :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.datamodule.LightningDataModule`.
List of dictionaries with metrics logged during the validation phase, e.g., in model- or callback hooks
like :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule.validation_step`,
:meth:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule.validation_epoch_end`, etc.
The length of the list corresponds to the number of validation dataloaders used.
self.strategy.model = model or self.lightning_module
return self._call_and_handle_interrupt(self._validate_impl, model, dataloaders, ckpt_path, verbose, datamodule)
- def _validate_impl(
- self,
- model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None,
- dataloaders: Optional[Union[EVAL_DATALOADERS, LightningDataModule]] = None,
- ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None,
- verbose: bool = True,
- datamodule: Optional[LightningDataModule] = None,
- # --------------------
- # --------------------
- Trainer._log_api_event("validate")
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: trainer validate stage")
- self.state.fn = TrainerFn.VALIDATING
- self.state.status = TrainerStatus.RUNNING
- self.validating = True
- # if a datamodule comes in as the second arg, then fix it for the user
- if isinstance(dataloaders, LightningDataModule):
- datamodule = dataloaders
- dataloaders = None
- # If you supply a datamodule you can't supply val_dataloaders
- if dataloaders is not None and datamodule:
- raise MisconfigurationException("You cannot pass both `trainer.validate(dataloaders=..., datamodule=...)`")
- model_provided = model is not None
- model = model or self.lightning_module
- if model is None:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- "`model` must be provided to `trainer.validate()` when it hasn't been passed in a previous run"
- )
- self.validate_loop.verbose = verbose
- # links data to the trainer
- self._data_connector.attach_data(model, val_dataloaders=dataloaders, datamodule=datamodule)
- self._ckpt_path = self.__set_ckpt_path(
- ckpt_path, model_provided=model_provided, model_connected=self.lightning_module is not None
- )
- self._validated_ckpt_path = self.ckpt_path # TODO: remove in v1.8
- # run validate
- results = self._run(model, ckpt_path=self.ckpt_path)
- assert self.state.stopped
- self.validating = False
- return results
-[docs] def test(
model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None,
dataloaders: Optional[Union[EVAL_DATALOADERS, LightningDataModule]] = None,
ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None,
verbose: bool = True,
datamodule: Optional[LightningDataModule] = None,
Perform one evaluation epoch over the test set.
It's separated from fit to make sure you never run on your test set until you want to.
model: The model to test.
dataloaders: A :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader` or a sequence of them,
or a :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.datamodule.LightningDataModule` specifying test samples.
ckpt_path: Either ``best`` or path to the checkpoint you wish to test.
If ``None`` and the model instance was passed, use the current weights.
Otherwise, the best model checkpoint from the previous ``trainer.fit`` call will be loaded
if a checkpoint callback is configured.
verbose: If True, prints the test results.
datamodule: An instance of :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.datamodule.LightningDataModule`.
List of dictionaries with metrics logged during the test phase, e.g., in model- or callback hooks
like :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule.test_step`,
:meth:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule.test_epoch_end`, etc.
The length of the list corresponds to the number of test dataloaders used.
self.strategy.model = model or self.lightning_module
return self._call_and_handle_interrupt(self._test_impl, model, dataloaders, ckpt_path, verbose, datamodule)
- def _test_impl(
- self,
- model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None,
- dataloaders: Optional[Union[EVAL_DATALOADERS, LightningDataModule]] = None,
- ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None,
- verbose: bool = True,
- datamodule: Optional[LightningDataModule] = None,
- # --------------------
- # --------------------
- Trainer._log_api_event("test")
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: trainer test stage")
- self.state.fn = TrainerFn.TESTING
- self.state.status = TrainerStatus.RUNNING
- self.testing = True
- # if a datamodule comes in as the second arg, then fix it for the user
- if isinstance(dataloaders, LightningDataModule):
- datamodule = dataloaders
- dataloaders = None
- # If you supply a datamodule you can't supply test_dataloaders
- if dataloaders is not None and datamodule:
- raise MisconfigurationException("You cannot pass both `trainer.test(dataloaders=..., datamodule=...)`")
- model_provided = model is not None
- model = model or self.lightning_module
- if model is None:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- "`model` must be provided to `trainer.test()` when it hasn't been passed in a previous run"
- )
- self.test_loop.verbose = verbose
- # links data to the trainer
- self._data_connector.attach_data(model, test_dataloaders=dataloaders, datamodule=datamodule)
- self._ckpt_path = self.__set_ckpt_path(
- ckpt_path, model_provided=model_provided, model_connected=self.lightning_module is not None
- )
- self._tested_ckpt_path = self.ckpt_path # TODO: remove in v1.8
- # run test
- results = self._run(model, ckpt_path=self.ckpt_path)
- assert self.state.stopped
- self.testing = False
- return results
-[docs] def predict(
model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None,
dataloaders: Optional[Union[EVAL_DATALOADERS, LightningDataModule]] = None,
datamodule: Optional[LightningDataModule] = None,
return_predictions: Optional[bool] = None,
ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Optional[_PREDICT_OUTPUT]:
Run inference on your data.
This will call the model forward function to compute predictions. Useful to perform distributed
and batched predictions. Logging is disabled in the predict hooks.
model: The model to predict with.
dataloaders: A :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader` or a sequence of them,
or a :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.datamodule.LightningDataModule` specifying prediction samples.
datamodule: The datamodule with a predict_dataloader method that returns one or more dataloaders.
return_predictions: Whether to return predictions.
``True`` by default except when an accelerator that spawns processes is used (not supported).
ckpt_path: Either ``best`` or path to the checkpoint you wish to predict.
If ``None`` and the model instance was passed, use the current weights.
Otherwise, the best model checkpoint from the previous ``trainer.fit`` call will be loaded
if a checkpoint callback is configured.
Returns a list of dictionaries, one for each provided dataloader containing their respective predictions.
self.strategy.model = model or self.lightning_module
return self._call_and_handle_interrupt(
self._predict_impl, model, dataloaders, datamodule, return_predictions, ckpt_path
- def _predict_impl(
- self,
- model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None,
- dataloaders: Optional[Union[EVAL_DATALOADERS, LightningDataModule]] = None,
- datamodule: Optional[LightningDataModule] = None,
- return_predictions: Optional[bool] = None,
- ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None,
- ) -> Optional[_PREDICT_OUTPUT]:
- # --------------------
- # --------------------
- Trainer._log_api_event("predict")
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: trainer predict stage")
- self.state.fn = TrainerFn.PREDICTING
- self.state.status = TrainerStatus.RUNNING
- self.predicting = True
- self.predict_loop.return_predictions = return_predictions
- # if a datamodule comes in as the second arg, then fix it for the user
- if isinstance(dataloaders, LightningDataModule):
- datamodule = dataloaders
- dataloaders = None
- if dataloaders is not None and datamodule:
- raise MisconfigurationException("You cannot pass both `trainer.predict(dataloaders=..., datamodule=...)`")
- model_provided = model is not None
- model = model or self.lightning_module
- if model is None:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- "`model` must be provided to `trainer.predict()` when it hasn't been passed in a previous run"
- )
- # links data to the trainer
- self._data_connector.attach_data(model, predict_dataloaders=dataloaders, datamodule=datamodule)
- self._ckpt_path = self.__set_ckpt_path(
- ckpt_path, model_provided=model_provided, model_connected=self.lightning_module is not None
- )
- self._predicted_ckpt_path = self.ckpt_path # TODO: remove in v1.8
- results = self._run(model, ckpt_path=self.ckpt_path)
- assert self.state.stopped
- self.predicting = False
- return results
-[docs] def tune(
model: "pl.LightningModule",
train_dataloaders: Optional[Union[TRAIN_DATALOADERS, LightningDataModule]] = None,
val_dataloaders: Optional[EVAL_DATALOADERS] = None,
datamodule: Optional[LightningDataModule] = None,
scale_batch_size_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
lr_find_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Optional[Union[int, _LRFinder]]]:
Runs routines to tune hyperparameters before training.
model: Model to tune.
train_dataloaders: A collection of :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader` or a
:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.datamodule.LightningDataModule` specifying training samples.
In the case of multiple dataloaders, please see this :ref:`section <multiple-dataloaders>`.
val_dataloaders: A :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader` or a sequence of them specifying validation samples.
datamodule: An instance of :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.datamodule.LightningDataModule`.
scale_batch_size_kwargs: Arguments for :func:`~pytorch_lightning.tuner.batch_size_scaling.scale_batch_size`
lr_find_kwargs: Arguments for :func:`~pytorch_lightning.tuner.lr_finder.lr_find`
self.state.fn = TrainerFn.TUNING
self.state.status = TrainerStatus.RUNNING
self.tuning = True
# if a datamodule comes in as the second arg, then fix it for the user
if isinstance(train_dataloaders, LightningDataModule):
datamodule = train_dataloaders
train_dataloaders = None
# If you supply a datamodule you can't supply train_dataloader or val_dataloaders
if (train_dataloaders is not None or val_dataloaders is not None) and datamodule is not None:
raise MisconfigurationException(
"You cannot pass `train_dataloader` or `val_dataloaders` to `trainer.tune(datamodule=...)`"
# links data to the trainer
model, train_dataloaders=train_dataloaders, val_dataloaders=val_dataloaders, datamodule=datamodule
with isolate_rng():
result = self.tuner._tune(
model, scale_batch_size_kwargs=scale_batch_size_kwargs, lr_find_kwargs=lr_find_kwargs
assert self.state.stopped
self.tuning = False
return result
- def _restore_modules_and_callbacks(self, checkpoint_path: Optional[_PATH] = None) -> None:
- # restore modules after setup
- self._checkpoint_connector.resume_start(checkpoint_path)
- self._checkpoint_connector._restore_quantization_callbacks()
- self._checkpoint_connector.restore_model()
- self._checkpoint_connector.restore_datamodule()
- if self.state.fn == TrainerFn.FITTING:
- # restore callback states
- self._checkpoint_connector.restore_callbacks()
- def _run(
- self, model: "pl.LightningModule", ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None
- ) -> Optional[Union[_EVALUATE_OUTPUT, _PREDICT_OUTPUT]]:
- # clean hparams
- if hasattr(model, "hparams"):
- parsing.clean_namespace(model.hparams)
- # attach model to the strategy
- self.strategy.connect(model)
- self._callback_connector._attach_model_callbacks()
- self._callback_connector._attach_model_logging_functions()
- verify_loop_configurations(self)
- # hook
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: preparing data")
- self._data_connector.prepare_data()
- # ----------------------------
- # ----------------------------
- self._call_callback_hooks("on_before_accelerator_backend_setup")
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: setting up strategy environment")
- self.strategy.setup_environment()
- self.__setup_profiler()
- self._call_setup_hook() # allow user to setup lightning_module in accelerator environment
- # check if we should delay restoring checkpoint till later
- if not self.strategy.restore_checkpoint_after_setup:
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: restoring module and callbacks from checkpoint path: {ckpt_path}")
- self._restore_modules_and_callbacks(ckpt_path)
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: configuring sharded model")
- self._call_configure_sharded_model() # allow user to setup in model sharded environment
- # ----------------------------
- # ----------------------------
- rf"""
- Lightning internal flow looks like this:
- {Trainer.fit} or {Trainer.test} or {Trainer.predict} ||
- | ||
- spawn processes ||
- {self.strategy.setup_environment} ||
- | ||
- setup accelerator ||
- and strategy || LIGHTNING
- | ||
- {self._run_stage} || FLOW
- | ||
- {self._run_train} || DIRECTION
- or {self._run_evaluate} ||
- or {self._run_predict} ||
- | ||
- results \/
- This is used to guide readers to the core loops: train, test, predict.
- {self._run_predict} is the simplest to understand, use `Go to Definition` to read it :)
- """
- # ----------------------------
- # ----------------------------
- # reset logger connector
- self._logger_connector.reset_results()
- self._logger_connector.reset_metrics()
- # strategy will configure model and move it to the device
- self.strategy.setup(self)
- # hook
- if self.state.fn == TrainerFn.FITTING:
- self._call_callback_hooks("on_fit_start")
- self._call_lightning_module_hook("on_fit_start")
- self._log_hyperparams()
- if self.strategy.restore_checkpoint_after_setup:
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: restoring module and callbacks from checkpoint path: {ckpt_path}")
- self._restore_modules_and_callbacks(ckpt_path)
- # restore optimizers, etc.
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: restoring training state")
- self._checkpoint_connector.restore_training_state()
- self._checkpoint_connector.resume_end()
- results = self._run_stage()
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: trainer tearing down")
- self._teardown()
- # ----------------------------
- # POST-Training CLEAN UP
- # ----------------------------
- # hook
- if self.state.fn == TrainerFn.FITTING:
- self._call_callback_hooks("on_fit_end")
- self._call_lightning_module_hook("on_fit_end")
- log.detail(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: calling teardown hooks")
- self._call_teardown_hook()
- self.state.status = TrainerStatus.FINISHED
- self.state.stage = None
- return results
- def _log_hyperparams(self) -> None:
- if not self.loggers:
- return
- # log hyper-parameters
- hparams_initial = None
- # save exp to get started (this is where the first experiment logs are written)
- datamodule_log_hyperparams = self.datamodule._log_hyperparams if self.datamodule is not None else False
- if self.lightning_module._log_hyperparams and datamodule_log_hyperparams:
- datamodule_hparams = self.datamodule.hparams_initial
- lightning_hparams = self.lightning_module.hparams_initial
- inconsistent_keys = []
- for key in lightning_hparams.keys() & datamodule_hparams.keys():
- lm_val, dm_val = lightning_hparams[key], datamodule_hparams[key]
- if type(lm_val) != type(dm_val):
- inconsistent_keys.append(key)
- elif isinstance(lm_val, torch.Tensor) and id(lm_val) != id(dm_val):
- inconsistent_keys.append(key)
- elif lm_val != dm_val:
- inconsistent_keys.append(key)
- if inconsistent_keys:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- f"Error while merging hparams: the keys {inconsistent_keys} are present "
- "in both the LightningModule's and LightningDataModule's hparams "
- "but have different values."
- )
- hparams_initial = {**lightning_hparams, **datamodule_hparams}
- elif self.lightning_module._log_hyperparams:
- hparams_initial = self.lightning_module.hparams_initial
- elif datamodule_log_hyperparams:
- hparams_initial = self.datamodule.hparams_initial
- for logger in self.loggers:
- if hparams_initial is not None:
- logger.log_hyperparams(hparams_initial)
- logger.log_graph(self.lightning_module)
- logger.save()
- def _teardown(self):
- """This is the Trainer's internal teardown, unrelated to the `teardown` hooks in LightningModule and
- Callback; those are handled by :meth:`_call_teardown_hook`."""
- self.strategy.post_dispatch(self)
- self.strategy.teardown()
- loop = self._active_loop
- # loop should never be `None` here but it can because we don't know the trainer stage with `ddp_spawn`
- if loop is not None:
- loop.teardown()
- self._logger_connector.teardown()
- self._signal_connector.teardown()
- def run_stage(self) -> None:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.run_stage` is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. Use"
- " `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}` instead."
- )
- return self._run_stage()
- def _run_stage(self):
- self.strategy.barrier("run-stage")
- self.strategy.dispatch(self)
- if self.evaluating:
- return self._run_evaluate()
- if self.predicting:
- return self._run_predict()
- return self._run_train()
- def _pre_training_routine(self):
- # wait for all to join if on distributed
- self.strategy.barrier("setup_training")
- # register signals
- self._signal_connector.register_signal_handlers()
- # --------------------------
- # Pre-train
- # --------------------------
- self._call_callback_hooks("on_pretrain_routine_start")
- self._call_lightning_module_hook("on_pretrain_routine_start")
- self._call_callback_hooks("on_pretrain_routine_end")
- self._call_lightning_module_hook("on_pretrain_routine_end")
- def _run_train(self) -> None:
- self._pre_training_routine()
- with isolate_rng():
- self._run_sanity_check()
- # enable train mode
- self.model.train()
- torch.set_grad_enabled(True)
- self.fit_loop.trainer = self
- with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(self._detect_anomaly):
- self.fit_loop.run()
- def _run_evaluate(self) -> _EVALUATE_OUTPUT:
- assert self.evaluating
- # reload dataloaders
- self._evaluation_loop._reload_evaluation_dataloaders()
- # reset trainer on this loop and all child loops in case user connected a custom loop
- self._evaluation_loop.trainer = self
- with self.profiler.profile(f"run_{self.state.stage}_evaluation"), torch.no_grad():
- eval_loop_results = self._evaluation_loop.run()
- # remove the tensors from the eval results
- for result in eval_loop_results:
- if isinstance(result, dict):
- for k, v in result.items():
- if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor):
- result[k] = v.cpu().item()
- return eval_loop_results
- def _run_predict(self) -> Optional[_PREDICT_OUTPUT]:
- self.reset_predict_dataloader(self.lightning_module)
- # reset trainer on this loop and all child loops in case user connected a custom loop
- self.predict_loop.trainer = self
- with torch.no_grad():
- return self.predict_loop.run()
- def _run_sanity_check(self) -> None:
- val_loop = self.fit_loop.epoch_loop.val_loop
- should_sanity_check = (
- self.enable_validation
- and self.num_sanity_val_steps > 0
- # do not sanity check if restarting because it would mess up the loaded state
- and not val_loop.restarting
- )
- # run tiny validation (if validation defined)
- # to make sure program won't crash during val
- if should_sanity_check:
- stage = self.state.stage
- self.sanity_checking = True
- # reset logger connector
- self._logger_connector.reset_results()
- self._logger_connector.reset_metrics()
- self._call_callback_hooks("on_sanity_check_start")
- # reload dataloaders
- val_loop._reload_evaluation_dataloaders()
- self.num_sanity_val_batches = [
- min(self.num_sanity_val_steps, val_batches) for val_batches in self.num_val_batches
- ]
- # run eval step
- with torch.no_grad():
- val_loop.run()
- self._call_callback_hooks("on_sanity_check_end")
- # reset logger connector
- self._logger_connector.reset_results()
- self._logger_connector.reset_metrics()
- # reset the progress tracking state after sanity checking. we don't need to set the state before
- # because sanity check only runs when we are not restarting
- _reset_progress(val_loop)
- # restore the previous stage when the sanity check if finished
- self.state.stage = stage
- def __set_ckpt_path(self, ckpt_path: Optional[str], model_provided: bool, model_connected: bool) -> Optional[str]:
- # fault-tolerance takes precedence
- from pytorch_lightning.callbacks.fault_tolerance import _FaultToleranceCheckpoint
- ft_checkpoints = [cb for cb in self.callbacks if isinstance(cb, _FaultToleranceCheckpoint)]
- if ft_checkpoints:
- ft_ckpt_path = ft_checkpoints[0].ckpt_path
- fs = get_filesystem(ft_ckpt_path)
- if fs.exists(ft_ckpt_path):
- return ft_ckpt_path
- if model_provided and ckpt_path is None:
- # use passed model to function without loading weights
- return
- fn = self.state.fn.value
- if model_connected and ckpt_path is None:
- rank_zero_warn(
- f"`.{fn}(ckpt_path=None)` was called without a model."
- " The best model of the previous `fit` call will be used."
- f" You can pass `{fn}(ckpt_path='best')` to use and best model"
- " checkpoint and avoid this warning or"
- " `ckpt_path=trainer.checkpoint_callback.last_model_path` to use the last model."
- )
- ckpt_path = "best"
- if ckpt_path == "best":
- if len(self.checkpoint_callbacks) > 1:
- rank_zero_warn(
- f'`.{fn}(ckpt_path="best")` is called with Trainer configured with multiple `ModelCheckpoint`'
- " callbacks. It will use the best checkpoint path from first checkpoint callback."
- )
- if not self.checkpoint_callback:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- f'`.{fn}(ckpt_path="best")` is set but `ModelCheckpoint` is not configured.'
- )
- if not self.checkpoint_callback.best_model_path:
- if self.fast_dev_run:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- f'You cannot execute `.{fn}(ckpt_path="best")` with `fast_dev_run=True`.'
- f" Please pass an exact checkpoint path to `.{fn}(ckpt_path=...)`"
- )
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- f'`.{fn}(ckpt_path="best")` is set but `ModelCheckpoint` is not configured to save the best model.'
- )
- # load best weights
- ckpt_path = self.checkpoint_callback.best_model_path
- if not ckpt_path:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- f"`.{fn}()` found no path for the best weights: {ckpt_path!r}. Please"
- f" specify a path for a checkpoint `.{fn}(ckpt_path=PATH)`"
- )
- return ckpt_path
- def _call_setup_hook(self) -> None:
- fn = self.state.fn._setup_fn
- self.strategy.barrier("pre_setup")
- if self.datamodule is not None:
- self.datamodule.setup(stage=fn)
- self._call_callback_hooks("setup", stage=fn)
- self._call_lightning_module_hook("setup", stage=fn)
- self.strategy.barrier("post_setup")
- def _call_configure_sharded_model(self) -> None:
- with self.strategy.model_sharded_context():
- self._handle_meta_model()
- self._call_lightning_module_hook("configure_sharded_model")
- self._call_callback_hooks("on_configure_sharded_model")
- def _handle_meta_model(self) -> None:
- if not is_on_meta_device(self.lightning_module):
- return
- if isinstance(self.strategy, DDPSpawnStrategy):
- raise MisconfigurationException("LightningModule on meta device isn't supported with spawn.")
- materialize_module(self.lightning_module)
- # the trainer reference is lost during materialization
- self.lightning_module.trainer = proxy(self)
- def _call_teardown_hook(self) -> None:
- fn = self.state.fn._setup_fn
- if self.datamodule is not None:
- self.datamodule.teardown(stage=fn)
- self._call_callback_hooks("teardown", stage=fn)
- self._call_lightning_module_hook("teardown", stage=fn)
- self.lightning_module._current_fx_name = None
- # these could have become stale if metrics are defined in `setup`
- self.lightning_module._metric_attributes = None
- # todo: TPU 8 cores hangs in flush with TensorBoard. Might do for all loggers.
- # It might be related to xla tensors blocked when moving the cpu kill loggers.
- for logger in self.loggers:
- logger.finalize("success")
- # summarize profile results
- self.profiler.describe()
- def call_hook(
- self, hook_name: str, *args: Any, pl_module: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None, **kwargs: Any
- ) -> Any:
- r"""
- .. deprecated:: v1.6
- The Trainer's `call_hook` method was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8.
- """
- rank_zero_deprecation("The Trainer's `call_hook` method was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8.")
- pl_module = self.lightning_module or pl_module
- if pl_module:
- prev_fx_name = pl_module._current_fx_name
- pl_module._current_fx_name = hook_name
- # always profile hooks
- with self.profiler.profile(hook_name):
- # first call trainer hook
- callback_fx = getattr(self, hook_name, None)
- if callable(callback_fx):
- callback_fx(*args, **kwargs)
- # next call hook in lightningModule
- output = None
- model_fx = getattr(pl_module, hook_name, None)
- if callable(model_fx):
- output = model_fx(*args, **kwargs)
- # call the strategy hook
- if hook_name not in ("setup", "teardown", "on_train_start") and hasattr(self.strategy, hook_name):
- strategy_hook = getattr(self.strategy, hook_name)
- strategy_output = strategy_hook(*args, **kwargs)
- output = strategy_output if output is None else output
- if pl_module:
- # restore current_fx when nested context
- pl_module._current_fx_name = prev_fx_name
- return output
- def _call_lightning_module_hook(
- self,
- hook_name: str,
- *args: Any,
- pl_module: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None,
- **kwargs: Any,
- ) -> Any:
- pl_module = pl_module or self.lightning_module
- if pl_module is None:
- raise TypeError("No Lightning Module is available to call hooks on")
- fn = getattr(pl_module, hook_name)
- if not callable(fn):
- return
- prev_fx_name = pl_module._current_fx_name
- pl_module._current_fx_name = hook_name
- with self.profiler.profile(f"[LightningModule]{pl_module.__class__.__name__}.{hook_name}"):
- output = fn(*args, **kwargs)
- # restore current_fx when nested context
- pl_module._current_fx_name = prev_fx_name
- return output
- def _call_callback_hooks(
- self,
- hook_name: str,
- *args: Any,
- **kwargs: Any,
- ) -> None:
- log.debug(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: calling callback hook: {hook_name}")
- # TODO: remove if block in v1.8
- if hook_name in ("on_init_start", "on_init_end"):
- # these `Callback` hooks are the only ones that do not take a lightning module.
- # we also don't profile bc profiler hasn't been set yet
- for callback in self.callbacks:
- fn = getattr(callback, hook_name)
- if callable(fn):
- fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
- return
- pl_module = self.lightning_module
- if pl_module:
- prev_fx_name = pl_module._current_fx_name
- pl_module._current_fx_name = hook_name
- # TODO: remove if block in v1.7
- if hook_name == "on_train_batch_start":
- with self.profiler.profile(hook_name):
- self._on_train_batch_start(*args, **kwargs)
- elif hook_name == "on_train_batch_end":
- with self.profiler.profile(hook_name):
- self._on_train_batch_end(*args, **kwargs)
- else:
- for callback in self.callbacks:
- fn = getattr(callback, hook_name)
- if callable(fn):
- with self.profiler.profile(f"[Callback]{callback.state_key}.{hook_name}"):
- fn(self, self.lightning_module, *args, **kwargs)
- if pl_module:
- # restore current_fx when nested context
- pl_module._current_fx_name = prev_fx_name
- # TODO: Delete this in v1.7 (deprecations: #9816 and #11148)
- def _on_train_batch_start(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0):
- r"""Called when the training batch begins. This function is needed because of two different deprecations affecting
- the original function in TrainerCallbackHookMixin: #9816 and #11148.
- """
- for callback in self.callbacks:
- if is_param_in_hook_signature(callback.on_train_batch_start, "dataloader_idx", explicit=True):
- callback.on_train_batch_start(self, self.lightning_module, batch, batch_idx, 0)
- else:
- callback.on_train_batch_start(self, self.lightning_module, batch, batch_idx)
- # TODO: Delete this in v1.7 (deprecations: #9816 and #11148)
- def _on_train_batch_end(self, outputs: STEP_OUTPUT, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0):
- r"""Called when the training batch ends. This function is needed because of two different deprecations affecting
- the original function in TrainerCallbackHookMixin: #9816 and #11148.
- """
- for callback in self.callbacks:
- if is_param_in_hook_signature(callback.on_train_batch_end, "dataloader_idx", explicit=True):
- callback.on_train_batch_end(self, self.lightning_module, outputs, batch, batch_idx, 0)
- else:
- callback.on_train_batch_end(self, self.lightning_module, outputs, batch, batch_idx)
- def _call_callbacks_state_dict(self) -> Dict[str, dict]:
- """Called when saving a model checkpoint, calls and returns every callback's `state_dict`, keyed by
- `Callback.state_key`."""
- callback_state_dicts = {}
- for callback in self.callbacks:
- state_dict = callback.state_dict()
- if state_dict:
- callback_state_dicts[callback.state_key] = state_dict
- return callback_state_dicts
- def _call_callbacks_on_save_checkpoint(self, checkpoint: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
- """Called when saving a model checkpoint, calls every callback's `on_save_checkpoint` hook.
- Will be removed in v1.8: If state is returned, we insert the callback state into
- ``checkpoint["callbacks"][Callback.state_key]``. It overrides ``state_dict`` if already present.
- """
- pl_module = self.lightning_module
- if pl_module:
- prev_fx_name = pl_module._current_fx_name
- pl_module._current_fx_name = "on_save_checkpoint"
- for callback in self.callbacks:
- with self.profiler.profile(f"[Callback]{callback.state_key}.on_save_checkpoint"):
- state = callback.on_save_checkpoint(self, self.lightning_module, checkpoint)
- if state:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- f"Returning a value from `{callback.__class__.__name__}.on_save_checkpoint` is deprecated in v1.6"
- " and will be removed in v1.8. Please override `Callback.state_dict`"
- " to return state to be saved."
- )
- checkpoint["callbacks"][callback.state_key] = state
- if pl_module:
- # restore current_fx when nested context
- pl_module._current_fx_name = prev_fx_name
- def _call_callbacks_on_load_checkpoint(self, checkpoint: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
- """Called when loading a model checkpoint.
- Calls every callback's `on_load_checkpoint` hook. We have a dedicated function for this rather than using
- `_call_callback_hooks` because we have special logic for getting callback_states.
- """
- pl_module = self.lightning_module
- if pl_module:
- prev_fx_name = pl_module._current_fx_name
- pl_module._current_fx_name = "on_load_checkpoint"
- callback_states: Dict[Union[Type, str], Dict] = checkpoint.get("callbacks")
- if callback_states is None:
- return
- is_legacy_ckpt = Version(checkpoint["pytorch-lightning_version"]) < Version("1.5.0dev")
- current_callbacks_keys = {cb._legacy_state_key if is_legacy_ckpt else cb.state_key for cb in self.callbacks}
- difference = callback_states.keys() - current_callbacks_keys
- if difference:
- rank_zero_warn(
- "Be aware that when using `ckpt_path`,"
- " callbacks used to create the checkpoint need to be provided during `Trainer` instantiation."
- f" Please add the following callbacks: {list(difference)}.",
- )
- for callback in self.callbacks:
- state = callback_states.get(callback.state_key, callback_states.get(callback._legacy_state_key))
- if state:
- state = deepcopy(state)
- with self.profiler.profile(f"[Callback]{callback.state_key}.on_load_checkpoint"):
- callback.on_load_checkpoint(self, self.lightning_module, state)
- if pl_module:
- # restore current_fx when nested context
- pl_module._current_fx_name = prev_fx_name
- def _call_callbacks_load_state_dict(self, checkpoint: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
- """Called when loading a model checkpoint, calls every callback's `load_state_dict`."""
- callback_states: Dict[Union[Type, str], Dict] = checkpoint.get("callbacks")
- if callback_states is None:
- return
- for callback in self.callbacks:
- state = callback_states.get(callback.state_key, callback_states.get(callback._legacy_state_key))
- if state:
- state = deepcopy(state)
- callback.load_state_dict(state)
- def _call_strategy_hook(
- self,
- hook_name: str,
- *args: Any,
- **kwargs: Any,
- ) -> Any:
- pl_module = self.lightning_module
- prev_fx_name = pl_module._current_fx_name
- pl_module._current_fx_name = hook_name
- fn = getattr(self.strategy, hook_name)
- if not callable(fn):
- return
- with self.profiler.profile(f"[Strategy]{self.strategy.__class__.__name__}.{hook_name}"):
- output = fn(*args, **kwargs)
- # restore current_fx when nested context
- pl_module._current_fx_name = prev_fx_name
- return output
- @staticmethod
- def _log_api_event(event: str) -> None:
- torch._C._log_api_usage_once("lightning.trainer." + event)
- def __init_profiler(self, profiler: Optional[Union[Profiler, str]]) -> None:
- if isinstance(profiler, str):
- "simple": SimpleProfiler,
- "advanced": AdvancedProfiler,
- "pytorch": PyTorchProfiler,
- "xla": XLAProfiler,
- }
- profiler = profiler.lower()
- if profiler not in PROFILERS:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- "When passing string value for the `profiler` parameter of `Trainer`,"
- f" it can only be one of {list(PROFILERS.keys())}"
- )
- profiler_class = PROFILERS[profiler]
- profiler = profiler_class()
- self.profiler: Profiler = profiler or PassThroughProfiler()
- def __setup_profiler(self) -> None:
- local_rank = self.local_rank if self.world_size > 1 else None
- self.profiler._lightning_module = proxy(self.lightning_module)
- self.profiler.setup(stage=self.state.fn._setup_fn, local_rank=local_rank, log_dir=self.log_dir)
- def _log_device_info(self) -> None:
- rank_zero_info(
- f"GPU available: {torch.cuda.is_available()}, used: {isinstance(self.accelerator, GPUAccelerator)}"
- )
- num_tpu_cores = self.num_devices if isinstance(self.accelerator, TPUAccelerator) else 0
- rank_zero_info(f"TPU available: {_TPU_AVAILABLE}, using: {num_tpu_cores} TPU cores")
- num_ipus = self.num_devices if isinstance(self.accelerator, IPUAccelerator) else 0
- rank_zero_info(f"IPU available: {_IPU_AVAILABLE}, using: {num_ipus} IPUs")
- num_hpus = self.num_devices if isinstance(self.accelerator, HPUAccelerator) else 0
- rank_zero_info(f"HPU available: {_HPU_AVAILABLE}, using: {num_hpus} HPUs")
- if torch.cuda.is_available() and not isinstance(self.accelerator, GPUAccelerator):
- rank_zero_warn(
- "GPU available but not used. Set `accelerator` and `devices` using"
- f" `Trainer(accelerator='gpu', devices={GPUAccelerator.auto_device_count()})`.",
- category=PossibleUserWarning,
- )
- if _TPU_AVAILABLE and not isinstance(self.accelerator, TPUAccelerator):
- rank_zero_warn(
- "TPU available but not used. Set `accelerator` and `devices` using"
- f" `Trainer(accelerator='tpu', devices={TPUAccelerator.auto_device_count()})`."
- )
- if _IPU_AVAILABLE and not isinstance(self.accelerator, IPUAccelerator):
- rank_zero_warn(
- "IPU available but not used. Set `accelerator` and `devices` using"
- f" `Trainer(accelerator='ipu', devices={IPUAccelerator.auto_device_count()})`."
- )
- if _HPU_AVAILABLE and not isinstance(self.accelerator, HPUAccelerator):
- rank_zero_warn(
- "HPU available but not used. Set `accelerator` and `devices` using"
- f" `Trainer(accelerator='hpu', devices={HPUAccelerator.auto_device_count()})`."
- )
- """
- Data loading methods
- """
- def reset_train_dataloader(self, model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None) -> None:
- """Resets the train dataloader and initialises required variables (number of batches, when to validate,
- etc.).
- Args:
- model: The ``LightningModule`` if calling this outside of the trainer scope.
- """
- source = self._data_connector._train_dataloader_source
- pl_module = self.lightning_module or model
- has_step = is_overridden("training_step", pl_module)
- enable_training = self.limit_train_batches > 0
- if not (source.is_defined() and has_step and enable_training):
- return
- self.train_dataloader = self._data_connector._request_dataloader(RunningStage.TRAINING, model=model)
- if self.overfit_batches > 0:
- self.train_dataloader = self._data_connector._resolve_overfit_batches(self.train_dataloader)
- # automatically add samplers
- self.train_dataloader = apply_to_collection(
- self.train_dataloader,
- (DataLoader, CombinedLoader),
- self._data_connector._prepare_dataloader,
- mode=RunningStage.TRAINING,
- )
- loaders = (
- self.train_dataloader.loaders
- if isinstance(self.train_dataloader, CombinedLoader)
- else self.train_dataloader
- )
- # check the workers recursively
- apply_to_collection(loaders, DataLoader, self._data_connector._worker_check, "train_dataloader")
- # add worker_init_fn for correct seeding in worker processes
- apply_to_collection(loaders, DataLoader, _auto_add_worker_init_fn, rank=self.global_rank)
- # add collate_fn to collect metadata for fault tolerant training
- if _fault_tolerant_training():
- apply_to_collection(loaders, DataLoader, _add_capture_metadata_collate)
- # wrap the sequence of train loaders to a CombinedLoader object for computing the num_training_batches
- if not isinstance(self.train_dataloader, CombinedLoader):
- self.train_dataloader = CombinedLoader(loaders, self._data_connector.multiple_trainloader_mode)
- module = model or self.lightning_module or self.datamodule
- self.num_training_batches = (
- len(self.train_dataloader)
- if has_len_all_ranks(self.train_dataloader, self.strategy, module)
- else float("inf")
- )
- if isinstance(self.limit_train_batches, int):
- self.num_training_batches = min(self.num_training_batches, int(self.limit_train_batches))
- elif self.num_training_batches != float("inf"):
- self.num_training_batches = int(self.num_training_batches * self.limit_train_batches)
- elif self.limit_train_batches != 1.0:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- "When using an IterableDataset for `limit_train_batches`,"
- " `Trainer(limit_train_batches)` must be `1.0` or an int. An int k specifies"
- " `num_training_batches` to use."
- )
- if isinstance(self.val_check_interval, int):
- self.val_check_batch = self.val_check_interval
- if self.val_check_batch > self.num_training_batches:
- raise ValueError(
- f"`val_check_interval` ({self.val_check_interval}) must be less than or equal "
- f"to the number of the training batches ({self.num_training_batches}). "
- "If you want to disable validation set `limit_val_batches` to 0.0 instead."
- )
- else:
- if not has_len_all_ranks(self.train_dataloader, self.strategy, module):
- if self.val_check_interval == 1.0:
- self.val_check_batch = float("inf")
- else:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- "When using an IterableDataset for `train_dataloader`,"
- " `Trainer(val_check_interval)` must be `1.0` or an int. An int k specifies"
- " checking validation every k training batches."
- )
- else:
- self.val_check_batch = int(self.num_training_batches * self.val_check_interval)
- self.val_check_batch = max(1, self.val_check_batch)
- if self.loggers and self.num_training_batches < self.log_every_n_steps:
- rank_zero_warn(
- f"The number of training batches ({self.num_training_batches}) is smaller than the logging interval"
- f" Trainer(log_every_n_steps={self.log_every_n_steps}). Set a lower value for log_every_n_steps if"
- " you want to see logs for the training epoch.",
- category=PossibleUserWarning,
- )
- # store epoch of dataloader reset for reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs
- self._last_train_dl_reload_epoch = self.current_epoch
- def reset_val_dataloader(self, model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None) -> None:
- """Resets the validation dataloader and determines the number of batches.
- Args:
- model: The ``LightningModule`` if called outside of the trainer scope.
- """
- source = self._data_connector._val_dataloader_source
- pl_module = self.lightning_module or model
- has_step = is_overridden("validation_step", pl_module)
- enable_validation = self.limit_val_batches > 0
- if source.is_defined() and has_step and enable_validation:
- self.num_val_batches, self.val_dataloaders = self._data_connector._reset_eval_dataloader(
- RunningStage.VALIDATING, model=pl_module
- )
- # store epoch of dataloader reset for reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs
- self._last_val_dl_reload_epoch = self.current_epoch
- def reset_test_dataloader(self, model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None) -> None:
- """Resets the test dataloader and determines the number of batches.
- Args:
- model: The ``LightningModule`` if called outside of the trainer scope.
- """
- source = self._data_connector._test_dataloader_source
- pl_module = self.lightning_module or model
- has_step = is_overridden("test_step", pl_module)
- enable_testing = self.limit_test_batches > 0
- if source.is_defined() and has_step and enable_testing:
- self.num_test_batches, self.test_dataloaders = self._data_connector._reset_eval_dataloader(
- RunningStage.TESTING, model=pl_module
- )
- def reset_predict_dataloader(self, model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None) -> None:
- """Resets the predict dataloader and determines the number of batches.
- Args:
- model: The ``LightningModule`` if called outside of the trainer scope.
- """
- source = self._data_connector._predict_dataloader_source
- pl_module = self.lightning_module or model
- enable_prediction = self.limit_predict_batches > 0
- if source.is_defined() and enable_prediction:
- self.num_predict_batches, self.predict_dataloaders = self._data_connector._reset_eval_dataloader(
- RunningStage.PREDICTING, model=pl_module
- )
- def reset_train_val_dataloaders(self, model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"] = None) -> None:
- """Resets train and val dataloaders if none are attached to the trainer.
- The val dataloader must be initialized before training loop starts, as the training loop
- inspects the val dataloader to determine whether to run the evaluation loop.
- Args:
- model: The ``LightningModule`` if called outside of the trainer scope.
- """
- if self.train_dataloader is None:
- self.reset_train_dataloader(model=model)
- if self.val_dataloaders is None:
- self.reset_val_dataloader(model=model)
- """
- Accelerator properties
- """
- @property
- def accelerator(self) -> Accelerator:
- return self.strategy.accelerator
- @property
- def strategy(self) -> Strategy:
- return self._accelerator_connector.strategy
- @property
- def training_type_plugin(self) -> Strategy:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.training_type_plugin` is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. Use"
- " `Trainer.strategy` instead."
- )
- return self.strategy
- @property
- def precision_plugin(self) -> PrecisionPlugin:
- return self.strategy.precision_plugin
- @property
- def global_rank(self) -> int:
- return self.strategy.global_rank
- @property
- def local_rank(self) -> int:
- # some strategies define a local rank
- return getattr(self.strategy, "local_rank", 0)
- @property
- def node_rank(self) -> int:
- # some strategies define a node rank
- return getattr(self.strategy, "node_rank", 0)
- @property
- def world_size(self) -> int:
- # some strategies define a world size
- return getattr(self.strategy, "world_size", 1)
- @property
- def should_rank_save_checkpoint(self) -> bool:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.should_rank_save_checkpoint` is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8.", stacklevel=5
- )
- strategy = self.strategy
- return (
- isinstance(strategy, pl.strategies.TPUSpawnStrategy) and strategy.local_rank == 0 or strategy.is_global_zero
- )
- @property
- def num_nodes(self) -> int:
- return getattr(self.strategy, "num_nodes", 1)
- @property
- def device_ids(self) -> List[int]:
- """List of device indexes per node."""
- devices = (
- self.strategy.parallel_devices
- if isinstance(self.strategy, ParallelStrategy)
- else [self.strategy.root_device]
- )
- device_ids = []
- for idx, device in enumerate(devices):
- if isinstance(device, torch.device):
- device_ids.append(device.index or idx)
- elif isinstance(device, int):
- device_ids.append(device)
- return device_ids
- @property
- def num_devices(self) -> int:
- """Number of devices the trainer uses per node."""
- return len(self.device_ids)
- @property
- def num_processes(self) -> int:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.num_processes` is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. "
- "Please use `Trainer.num_devices` instead."
- )
- return self.num_devices
- @property
- def root_gpu(self) -> Optional[int]:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.root_gpu` is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. "
- "Please use `Trainer.strategy.root_device.index` instead."
- )
- return self.strategy.root_device.index if isinstance(self.accelerator, GPUAccelerator) else None
- @property
- def tpu_cores(self) -> int:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.tpu_cores` is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. "
- "Please use `Trainer.num_devices` instead."
- )
- return self.num_devices if isinstance(self.accelerator, TPUAccelerator) else 0
- @property
- def ipus(self) -> int:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.ipus` was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8."
- " Please use `Trainer.num_devices` instead."
- )
- return self.num_devices if isinstance(self.accelerator, IPUAccelerator) else 0
- @property
- def num_gpus(self) -> int:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.num_gpus` was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8."
- " Please use `Trainer.num_devices` instead."
- )
- return self.num_devices if isinstance(self.accelerator, GPUAccelerator) else 0
- @property
- def devices(self) -> int:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.devices` was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8."
- " Please use `Trainer.num_devices` or `Trainer.device_ids` to get device information instead."
- )
- return self.num_devices
- @property
- def data_parallel_device_ids(self) -> Optional[List[int]]:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.data_parallel_device_ids` was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8."
- " Please use `Trainer.device_ids` instead."
- )
- return self.device_ids if isinstance(self.accelerator, GPUAccelerator) else None
- @property
- def lightning_module(self) -> "pl.LightningModule":
- # TODO: this is actually an optional return
- return self.strategy.lightning_module
- @property
- def optimizers(self) -> List[Optimizer]:
- return self.strategy.optimizers
- @optimizers.setter
- def optimizers(self, new_optims: Optional[List[Optimizer]]) -> None:
- self.strategy.optimizers = new_optims
- @property
- def lightning_optimizers(self) -> Dict[int, LightningOptimizer]:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.lightning_optimizers` is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8", stacklevel=5
- )
- return self.strategy._lightning_optimizers
- @property
- def lr_scheduler_configs(self) -> List[LRSchedulerConfig]:
- return self.strategy.lr_scheduler_configs
- @property
- def lr_schedulers(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.lr_schedulers` is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8."
- " You can use `trainer.lr_scheduler_configs` instead which contains dataclasses instead of dictionaries.",
- stacklevel=5,
- )
- from dataclasses import asdict
- return [asdict(config) for config in self.strategy.lr_scheduler_configs]
- @property
- def optimizer_frequencies(self) -> List[int]:
- return self.strategy.optimizer_frequencies
- @optimizer_frequencies.setter
- def optimizer_frequencies(self, new_freqs: List[int]) -> None:
- self.strategy.optimizer_frequencies = new_freqs
- @property
- def amp_backend(self) -> Optional[AMPType]:
- if isinstance(self.precision_plugin, ApexMixedPrecisionPlugin):
- return AMPType.APEX
- if isinstance(self.precision_plugin, NativeMixedPrecisionPlugin):
- return AMPType.NATIVE
- return None
- @property
- def precision(self) -> Union[str, int]:
- return self.strategy.precision_plugin.precision
- @property
- def scaler(self) -> Optional[Any]:
- return getattr(self.precision_plugin, "scaler", None)
- @property
- def gpus(self) -> Optional[Union[List[int], str, int]]:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.gpus` was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8."
- " Please use `Trainer.num_devices` or `Trainer.device_ids` to get device information instead."
- )
- return self._accelerator_connector.gpus
- @property
- def model(self) -> torch.nn.Module:
- """The LightningModule, but possibly wrapped into DataParallel or DistributedDataParallel.
- To access the pure LightningModule, use
- :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.lightning_module` instead.
- """
- return self.strategy.model
- @model.setter
- def model(self, model: torch.nn.Module) -> None:
- """Setter for the model, pass-through to accelerator and plugin where the model reference is stored. Used
- by the Tuner to reset the state of Trainer and Accelerator.
- Args:
- model: The LightningModule, possibly wrapped into DataParallel or DistributedDataParallel, depending
- on the backend.
- """
- self.strategy.model = model
- """
- General properties
- """
- @property
- def log_dir(self) -> Optional[str]:
- if len(self.loggers) == 1:
- if isinstance(self.logger, TensorBoardLogger):
- dirpath = self.logger.log_dir
- else:
- dirpath = self.logger.save_dir
- else:
- dirpath = self.default_root_dir
- dirpath = self.strategy.broadcast(dirpath)
- return dirpath
- @property
- def use_amp(self) -> bool:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`Trainer.use_amp` is deprecated in v1.6.0 and will be removed in v1.8.0."
- " Please use `Trainer.amp_backend` instead."
- )
- return self.precision == 16
- @property
- def is_global_zero(self) -> bool:
- return self.strategy.is_global_zero
- @property
- def slurm_job_id(self) -> Optional[int]:
- rank_zero_deprecation("Method `slurm_job_id` is deprecated in v1.6.0 and will be removed in v1.7.0.")
- return SLURMEnvironment.job_id()
- @property
- def distributed_sampler_kwargs(self) -> Optional[dict]:
- if isinstance(self.strategy, ParallelStrategy):
- return self.strategy.distributed_sampler_kwargs
- @property
- def data_parallel(self) -> bool:
- return isinstance(self.strategy, ParallelStrategy)
- @property
- def progress_bar_dict(self) -> dict:
- """Read-only for progress bar metrics."""
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`trainer.progress_bar_dict` is deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7."
- " Use `ProgressBarBase.get_metrics` instead."
- )
- ref_model = self.lightning_module
- ref_model = cast(pl.LightningModule, ref_model)
- if self.progress_bar_callback:
- return self.progress_bar_callback.get_metrics(self, ref_model)
- return self.progress_bar_metrics
- @property
- def enable_validation(self) -> bool:
- """Check if we should run validation during training."""
- return (
- self._data_connector._val_dataloader_source.is_defined()
- and is_overridden("validation_step", self.lightning_module)
- and self.limit_val_batches > 0
- )
- @property
- def default_root_dir(self) -> str:
- """The default location to save artifacts of loggers, checkpoints etc.
- It is used as a fallback if logger or checkpoint callback do not define specific save paths.
- """
- if get_filesystem(self._default_root_dir).protocol == "file":
- return os.path.normpath(self._default_root_dir)
- return self._default_root_dir
- @property
- def weights_save_path(self) -> str:
- """
- The default root location to save weights (checkpoints), e.g., when the
- :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.model_checkpoint.ModelCheckpoint` does not define a file path.
- .. deprecated:: v1.6
- `Trainer.weights_save_path` has been deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8.
- """
- rank_zero_deprecation("`Trainer.weights_save_path` has been deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8.")
- return self._weights_save_path_internal
- # TODO: Remove _weights_save_path_internal in v1.8
- @property
- def _weights_save_path_internal(self) -> str:
- """This is an internal implementation of weights_save_path which allows weights_save_path to be used
- internally by the framework without emitting a deprecation warning.
- To be removed in v1.8.
- """
- if get_filesystem(self._weights_save_path).protocol == "file":
- return os.path.normpath(self._weights_save_path)
- return self._weights_save_path
- @property
- def early_stopping_callback(self) -> Optional[EarlyStopping]:
- """The first :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.early_stopping.EarlyStopping` callback in the
- Trainer.callbacks list, or ``None`` if it doesn't exist."""
- callbacks = self.early_stopping_callbacks
- return callbacks[0] if len(callbacks) > 0 else None
- @property
- def early_stopping_callbacks(self) -> List[EarlyStopping]:
- """A list of all instances of :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.early_stopping.EarlyStopping` found in
- the Trainer.callbacks list."""
- return [c for c in self.callbacks if isinstance(c, EarlyStopping)]
- @property
- def prediction_writer_callbacks(self) -> List[BasePredictionWriter]:
- """A list of all instances of :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.prediction_writer.BasePredictionWriter`
- found in the Trainer.callbacks list."""
- return [cb for cb in self.callbacks if isinstance(cb, BasePredictionWriter)]
- @property
- def checkpoint_callback(self) -> Optional[ModelCheckpoint]:
- """The first :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.model_checkpoint.ModelCheckpoint` callback in the
- Trainer.callbacks list, or ``None`` if it doesn't exist."""
- callbacks = self.checkpoint_callbacks
- return callbacks[0] if len(callbacks) > 0 else None
- @property
- def checkpoint_callbacks(self) -> List[ModelCheckpoint]:
- """A list of all instances of :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.model_checkpoint.ModelCheckpoint` found
- in the Trainer.callbacks list."""
- return [c for c in self.callbacks if isinstance(c, ModelCheckpoint)]
- @property
- def progress_bar_callback(self) -> Optional[ProgressBarBase]:
- """An instance of :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.progress.base.ProgressBarBase` found in the
- Trainer.callbacks list, or ``None`` if one doesn't exist."""
- for c in self.callbacks:
- if isinstance(c, ProgressBarBase):
- return c
- return None
- @property
- def resume_from_checkpoint(self) -> Optional[Union[str, Path]]:
- resume_from_checkpoint = self._checkpoint_connector.resume_from_checkpoint_fit_path
- if resume_from_checkpoint is not None:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "`trainer.resume_from_checkpoint` is deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v2.0."
- " Specify the fit checkpoint path with `trainer.fit(ckpt_path=)` instead.",
- stacklevel=5,
- )
- return resume_from_checkpoint
- @property
- def ckpt_path(self) -> Optional[str]:
- """Set to the path/URL of a checkpoint loaded via :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.fit`,
- :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.validate`,
- :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.test`, or
- :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.predict`. ``None`` otherwise."""
- return self._ckpt_path
- @property
- def validated_ckpt_path(self) -> Optional[str]:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "The `Trainer.validated_ckpt_path` attribute was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. The"
- " path of a checkpoint loaded via `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}` should be accessed via"
- " `Trainer.ckpt_path` instead.",
- stacklevel=5,
- )
- return self._validated_ckpt_path
- @validated_ckpt_path.setter
- def validated_ckpt_path(self, ckpt_path: Optional[str]) -> None:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "The `Trainer.validated_ckpt_path` attribute was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. The"
- " path of a checkpoint loaded via `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}` should be accessed via the"
- " read-only `Trainer.ckpt_path`.",
- stacklevel=5,
- )
- self._validated_ckpt_path = ckpt_path
- @property
- def tested_ckpt_path(self) -> Optional[str]:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "The `Trainer.tested_ckpt_path` attribute was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. The"
- " path of a checkpoint loaded via `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}` should be accessed via"
- " `Trainer.ckpt_path` instead.",
- stacklevel=5,
- )
- return self._tested_ckpt_path
- @tested_ckpt_path.setter
- def tested_ckpt_path(self, ckpt_path: Optional[str]) -> None:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "The `Trainer.tested_ckpt_path` attribute was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. The"
- " path of a checkpoint loaded via `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}` should be accessed via the"
- " read-only `Trainer.ckpt_path` instead.",
- stacklevel=5,
- )
- self._tested_ckpt_path = ckpt_path
- @property
- def predicted_ckpt_path(self) -> Optional[str]:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "The `Trainer.predicted_ckpt_path` attribute was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. The"
- " path of a checkpoint loaded via `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}` should be accessed via"
- " `Trainer.ckpt_path` instead.",
- stacklevel=5,
- )
- return self._predicted_ckpt_path
- @predicted_ckpt_path.setter
- def predicted_ckpt_path(self, ckpt_path: Optional[str]) -> None:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "The `Trainer.predicted_ckpt_path` attribute was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. The"
- " path of a checkpoint loaded via `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}` should be accessed via the"
- " read-only `Trainer.ckpt_path` instead.",
- stacklevel=5,
- )
- self._predicted_ckpt_path = ckpt_path
- def save_checkpoint(
- self, filepath: _PATH, weights_only: bool = False, storage_options: Optional[Any] = None
- ) -> None:
- r"""
- Runs routine to create a checkpoint.
- Args:
- filepath: Path where checkpoint is saved.
- weights_only: If ``True``, will only save the model weights.
- storage_options: parameter for how to save to storage, passed to ``CheckpointIO`` plugin
- """
- self._checkpoint_connector.save_checkpoint(filepath, weights_only=weights_only, storage_options=storage_options)
- """
- Parsing properties
- """
- @classmethod
- def default_attributes(cls) -> dict:
- init_signature = inspect.signature(cls)
- return {k: v.default for k, v in init_signature.parameters.items()}
- @classmethod
- def get_deprecated_arg_names(cls) -> List:
- """Returns a list with deprecated Trainer arguments."""
- depr_arg_names = []
- for name, val in cls.__dict__.items():
- if name.startswith("DEPRECATED") and isinstance(val, (tuple, list)):
- depr_arg_names.extend(val)
- return depr_arg_names
- @classmethod
- def from_argparse_args(cls: Any, args: Union[Namespace, ArgumentParser], **kwargs) -> Any:
- return from_argparse_args(cls, args, **kwargs)
- @classmethod
- def parse_argparser(cls, arg_parser: Union[ArgumentParser, Namespace]) -> Namespace:
- return parse_argparser(cls, arg_parser)
- @classmethod
- def match_env_arguments(cls) -> Namespace:
- return parse_env_variables(cls)
- @classmethod
- def add_argparse_args(cls, parent_parser: ArgumentParser, **kwargs) -> ArgumentParser:
- return add_argparse_args(cls, parent_parser, **kwargs)
- """
- State properties
- """
- @property
- def interrupted(self) -> bool:
- return self.state.status == TrainerStatus.INTERRUPTED
- @property
- def training(self) -> bool:
- return self.state.stage == RunningStage.TRAINING
- @training.setter
- def training(self, val: bool) -> None:
- if val:
- self.state.stage = RunningStage.TRAINING
- elif self.training:
- self.state.stage = None
- @property
- def testing(self) -> bool:
- return self.state.stage == RunningStage.TESTING
- @testing.setter
- def testing(self, val: bool) -> None:
- if val:
- self.state.stage = RunningStage.TESTING
- elif self.testing:
- self.state.stage = None
- @property
- def predicting(self) -> bool:
- return self.state.stage == RunningStage.PREDICTING
- @predicting.setter
- def predicting(self, val: bool) -> None:
- if val:
- self.state.stage = RunningStage.PREDICTING
- elif self.predicting:
- self.state.stage = None
- @property
- def tuning(self) -> bool:
- return self.state.stage == RunningStage.TUNING
- @tuning.setter
- def tuning(self, val: bool) -> None:
- if val:
- self.state.stage = RunningStage.TUNING
- elif self.tuning:
- self.state.stage = None
- @property
- def validating(self) -> bool:
- return self.state.stage == RunningStage.VALIDATING
- @validating.setter
- def validating(self, val: bool) -> None:
- if val:
- self.state.stage = RunningStage.VALIDATING
- elif self.validating:
- self.state.stage = None
- @property
- def evaluating(self) -> bool:
- return self.state.stage and self.state.stage.evaluating
- @property
- def sanity_checking(self) -> bool:
- return self.state.stage == RunningStage.SANITY_CHECKING
- @sanity_checking.setter
- def sanity_checking(self, val: bool) -> None:
- if val:
- self.state.stage = RunningStage.SANITY_CHECKING
- elif self.sanity_checking:
- self.state.stage = None
- """
- Loop properties
- """
- @property
- def global_step(self) -> int:
- """The number of optimizer steps taken (does not reset each epoch).
- This includes multiple optimizers and TBPTT steps (if enabled).
- """
- return self.fit_loop.epoch_loop.global_step
- @property
- def current_epoch(self) -> int:
- """The current epoch, updated after the epoch end hooks are run."""
- return self.fit_loop.epoch_progress.current.completed
- @property
- def max_epochs(self) -> int:
- return self.fit_loop.max_epochs
- @property
- def min_epochs(self) -> int:
- return self.fit_loop.min_epochs
- @property
- def max_steps(self) -> int:
- return self.fit_loop.max_steps
- @property
- def min_steps(self) -> Optional[int]:
- return self.fit_loop.min_steps
- @property
- def is_last_batch(self) -> bool:
- return self.fit_loop.epoch_loop.batch_progress.is_last_batch
- @property
- def fit_loop(self) -> FitLoop:
- return self._fit_loop
- @fit_loop.setter
- def fit_loop(self, loop: FitLoop):
- """Attach a custom fit loop to this Trainer.
- It will run with
- :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.fit`.
- """
- loop.trainer = self
- self._fit_loop = loop
- @property
- def validate_loop(self) -> EvaluationLoop:
- return self._validate_loop
- @validate_loop.setter
- def validate_loop(self, loop: EvaluationLoop):
- """Attach a custom validation loop to this Trainer.
- It will run with
- :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.validate`. Note that this loop is different from the one
- running during training inside the :meth:`pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.fit` call.
- """
- loop.trainer = self
- self._validate_loop = loop
- @property
- def test_loop(self) -> EvaluationLoop:
- return self._test_loop
- @test_loop.setter
- def test_loop(self, loop: EvaluationLoop):
- """Attach a custom test loop to this Trainer.
- It will run with
- :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.test`.
- """
- loop.trainer = self
- self._test_loop = loop
- @property
- def predict_loop(self) -> PredictionLoop:
- return self._predict_loop
- @predict_loop.setter
- def predict_loop(self, loop: PredictionLoop):
- """Attach a custom prediction loop to this Trainer.
- It will run with
- :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.predict`.
- """
- loop.trainer = self
- self._predict_loop = loop
- @property
- def verbose_evaluate(self) -> bool:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "The `Trainer.verbose_evaluate` property has been deprecated and will be removed in v1.8. The current value"
- " returned is the union of the validate and test loop values. You can choose which one to access with"
- " `trainer.{validate,test}_loop.verbose`.",
- stacklevel=5,
- )
- return self.validate_loop.verbose or self.test_loop.verbose
- @verbose_evaluate.setter
- def verbose_evaluate(self, verbose: bool) -> None:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- "The `Trainer.verbose_evaluate` property has been deprecated and will be removed in v1.8. This will set"
- " the value for both trainer.{validate,test}_loop.verbose`.",
- stacklevel=5,
- )
- self.validate_loop.verbose = verbose
- self.test_loop.verbose = verbose
- @property
- def _evaluation_loop(self) -> EvaluationLoop:
- if self.state.fn in (TrainerFn.FITTING, TrainerFn.TUNING):
- return self.fit_loop.epoch_loop.val_loop
- if self.state.fn == TrainerFn.VALIDATING:
- return self.validate_loop
- if self.state.fn == TrainerFn.TESTING:
- return self.test_loop
- raise RuntimeError("The `Trainer._evaluation_loop` property isn't defined. Accessed outside of scope")
- @property
- def _active_loop(self) -> Optional[Union[FitLoop, EvaluationLoop, PredictionLoop]]:
- if self.training:
- return self.fit_loop
- if self.sanity_checking or self.evaluating:
- return self._evaluation_loop
- if self.predicting:
- return self.predict_loop
- """
- Logging properties
- """
- @property
- def logger(self) -> Optional[LightningLoggerBase]:
- if len(self.loggers) == 0:
- return None
- if len(self.loggers) == 1:
- return self.loggers[0]
- else:
- rank_zero_warn(
- "Using trainer.logger when Trainer is configured to use multiple loggers."
- " This behavior will change in v1.8 when LoggerCollection is removed, and"
- " trainer.logger will return the first logger in trainer.loggers"
- )
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
- return LoggerCollection(self.loggers)
- @logger.setter
- def logger(self, logger: Optional[LightningLoggerBase]) -> None:
- if not logger:
- self.loggers = []
- elif isinstance(logger, LoggerCollection):
- self.loggers = list(logger)
- else:
- self.loggers = [logger]
- @property
- def loggers(self) -> List[LightningLoggerBase]:
- return self._loggers
- @loggers.setter
- def loggers(self, loggers: Optional[List[LightningLoggerBase]]) -> None:
- self._loggers = loggers if loggers else []
- @property
- def callback_metrics(self) -> dict:
- return self._logger_connector.callback_metrics
- @property
- def logged_metrics(self) -> dict:
- return self._logger_connector.logged_metrics
- @property
- def progress_bar_metrics(self) -> dict:
- return self._logger_connector.progress_bar_metrics
- @property
- def _results(self) -> Optional[_ResultCollection]:
- active_loop = self._active_loop
- if active_loop is not None:
- return active_loop._results
- def _exit_gracefully_on_signal(self) -> None:
- if not _fault_tolerant_training() or not self._should_terminate_gracefully():
- return
- raise ExitGracefullyException(0)
- def _should_terminate_gracefully(self) -> bool:
- value = torch.tensor(int(self._terminate_gracefully), device=self.strategy.root_device)
- return self.strategy.reduce(value, reduce_op="sum") > 0
- @property
- def weights_summary(self) -> Optional[str]:
- rank_zero_deprecation("`Trainer.weights_summary` is deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7.")
- return self._weights_summary
- @weights_summary.setter
- def weights_summary(self, val: Optional[str]) -> None:
- rank_zero_deprecation("Setting `Trainer.weights_summary` is deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7.")
- self._weights_summary = val
- """
- Other
- """
- @property
- def estimated_stepping_batches(self) -> Union[int, float]:
- r"""
- Estimated stepping batches for the complete training inferred from DataLoaders, gradient
- accumulation factor and distributed setup.
- Examples::
- def configure_optimizers(self):
- optimizer = ...
- scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR(
- optimizer, max_lr=1e-3, total_steps=self.trainer.estimated_stepping_batches
- )
- return [optimizer], [scheduler]
- """
- accumulation_scheduler = self.accumulation_scheduler
- if accumulation_scheduler.epochs != [0]:
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- "Estimated stepping batches cannot be computed with different"
- " `accumulate_grad_batches` at different epochs."
- )
- # infinite training
- if self.max_epochs == -1 and self.max_steps == -1:
- return float("inf")
- if self.train_dataloader is None:
- rank_zero_info("Loading `train_dataloader` to estimate number of stepping batches.")
- self.reset_train_dataloader()
- total_batches = self.num_training_batches
- # iterable dataset
- if total_batches == float("inf"):
- return self.max_steps
- self.accumulate_grad_batches = accumulation_scheduler.get_accumulate_grad_batches(self.current_epoch)
- effective_batch_size = self.accumulate_grad_batches
- max_estimated_steps = math.ceil(total_batches / effective_batch_size) * max(self.max_epochs, 1)
- max_estimated_steps = min(max_estimated_steps, self.max_steps) if self.max_steps != -1 else max_estimated_steps
- return max_estimated_steps
- @property
- def terminate_on_nan(self) -> bool:
- rank_zero_deprecation("`Trainer.terminate_on_nan` is deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in 1.7.")
- return self._terminate_on_nan
- @terminate_on_nan.setter
- def terminate_on_nan(self, val: bool) -> None:
- rank_zero_deprecation(
- f"Setting `Trainer.terminate_on_nan = {val}` is deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in 1.7."
- f" Please set `Trainer(detect_anomaly={val})` instead."
- )
- self._terminate_on_nan = val # : 212
-def _determine_batch_limits(batches: Optional[Union[int, float]], name: str) -> Union[int, float]:
- if batches is None:
- # batches is optional to know if the user passed a value so that we can show the above info messages only to the
- # users that set a value explicitly
- return 1.0
- # differentiating based on the type can be error-prone for users. show a message describing the chosen behaviour
- if isinstance(batches, int) and batches == 1:
- if name == "limit_train_batches":
- message = "1 batch per epoch will be used."
- elif name == "val_check_interval":
- message = "validation will run after every batch."
- else:
- message = "1 batch will be used."
- rank_zero_info(f"`Trainer({name}=1)` was configured so {message}")
- elif isinstance(batches, float) and batches == 1.0:
- if name == "limit_train_batches":
- message = "100% of the batches per epoch will be used."
- elif name == "val_check_interval":
- message = "validation will run at the end of the training epoch."
- else:
- message = "100% of the batches will be used."
- rank_zero_info(f"`Trainer({name}=1.0)` was configured so {message}.")
- if 0 <= batches <= 1:
- return batches
- if batches > 1 and batches % 1.0 == 0:
- return int(batches)
- raise MisconfigurationException(
- f"You have passed invalid value {batches} for {name}, it has to be in [0.0, 1.0] or an int."
- )