Releases: PunishedPineapple/Distance
Releases · PunishedPineapple/Distance
- Changed to allow arbitrary distance widgets. For example, you can have one for focus target, one for target that's offset by 15y, one for mouseover target, etc. One widget is set up by default that matches the distance widget defaults from the previous version.
- Added a text command to enable/disable/toggle widgets by name.
- Removed the text command to change distance mode, since you can now have widgets with different modes that you can just turn on or off.
- Added an option to draw a small arc that shows the aggro distance from your target. It looks about as janky as other screen-space projections do, but that can't really be helped.
- Updated aggro distance data to include most trials and 8-man raids up until EW. The current savage tier is also included, less p3s. I don't have and cannot get data for EW normal raids, EW trials, and ultimates, so feel free to contribute if you wish (see this plugin's readme for more information).
- Fixed an issue that prevented loading aggro distance data for some recent bosses.
- Fixed text commands, and added one to change distance measurement mode.
- Added an option for the distance readout color to match the target bar color.
- Rewrote some code for how distance data gets passed around in order to possibly support more readouts in the future.
- Changed aggro distances to use distance from boss ring instead of from boss center following additional testing.
- Added the ability to attempt to download updated aggro data.
- Made the aggro widget configurable, and added distance-based coloring options to it.
Initial release, probably good enough for basic testing/use.
Known Issues:
- Command line help is totally irrelevant.
- Only a couple of testing bosses have aggro range data.
Missing Features :
- Aggro range readout is not separately configurable at all (besides just turning it off).
- Lacks any means for adding boss aggro ranges besides editing the dat file yourself and reloading.