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498 lines (398 loc) · 19.4 KB



Dotfiles for 🦀(MLOps) and 🐲(Data Scientist): A Sara Pope's Spin-Off.

CleanShot 2024-06-22 at 19 34 12@2x

Managing Aliases

The dotfiles include a comprehensive set of aliases to streamline your workflow. You can view and manage these aliases using the script. To see a list of available alias categories, run:


To describe a specific category, use:

aliases --help <category_name>

To describe a specific alias, use:

aliases --describe <alias_name>

For example, to see what the alias gp does, you would run:

aliases --describe gp

Before you get started make sure you give full disk access permission to your terminal (for writing macos defaults). System Preferences -> Privacy -> Full Disk Access.

Add [+] Utilities > Terminal

To install:

curl -L | sh

This expands to which will fetch this repo and run the install script.

🫸🏾 don't accept macOS changes unless you know what it means

File overview

The install script will also setup Python, Node and Bun versions/environments:

  • rye sets the global Python version to latest stable version and installs additional tools like aider
  • n sets the global Node version to LTS
  • bun all-in-one toolkit for JavaScript and TypeScript apps
Brewfile Tools Definitions
# GUI & Command Line Tools
# Utilities and tools to enhance the command line interface experience
"ack" # A tool like grep, optimized for programmers
"aldente" # Battery life 
"applesimutils" # Apple Simulator Utilities
"arc" # Browser for the future - 1Password, Vimium C extentions
"alttab" # Better preview app switcher 
"azure-cli" # Microsoft Azure Command Line Interface
"bat" # A cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration
"bpytop" # Resource monitor that shows usage and stats
"binutils" # GNU binary tools for native development
"chruby" # Changes the current Ruby
"cleanshot" # Better screen capture
"coreutils" # GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities
"diffutils" # File comparison utilities
"direnv" # Environment switcher for the shell
"espanso" # Expands text shortcuts to full template
"eza" # A better ls and tree
"fd" # A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
"ffmpeg" # A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
"figlet" # ascii fonts similar to toilet but with better fonts
"findutils" # GNU `find`, `locate`, `updatedb`, and `xargs` commands
"fzf" # Command-line fuzzy finder
"gawk" # GNU awk utility
"gh" # GitHub cli used by plenary
"git" # Distributed revision control system
"git-lfs" # Git Large Files Storage
"gnu-sed" # GNU implementation of the famous stream editor
"gnu-tar" # GNU version of the tar archiving utility
"gnu-time" # GNU implementation of the time utility
"gnu-which" # GNU implementation of the 'which' utility to find path of executables
"gnupg" # GNU Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) package
"go" # The Go programming language
"graphviz" # Visualizing graphs
"grep" # GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
"gum" # Glamorous shell scripts
"gzip" # GNU compression utility
"hiddenbar" # Hides unpopular tab icons
"hyperfine" # A command-line benchmarking tool
"jq" # Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
"lazygit" # The lazier way to manage everything git
"lazydocker" # The lazier way to manage everything docker
"mongosh" # Mongo DB shell
"moreutils" # Collection of tools that nobody wrote when UNIX was young
"ncdu" # NCurses Disk Usage
"neovim" # Ambitious Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility
"node" # Platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications
"ollama" # Running Large Language Models offline
"pixi" # Fast than mamba: Drop in replacer of Pyenv + Poetry for conda universe
"python" # Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
"raycast" # A better spotlight - CleanShotX, Ollama, OpenAI, Alacritty, Brew extensitions
"rename" # Perl-powered file rename script with many helpful built-ins
"ripgrep" # Recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
"rsync" # Utility that provides fast incremental file transfer
"rust" # Safe, concurrent, practical language
"rye" # Python's Cargo
"screen" # GNU screen, terminal multiplexer
"shotcat" # Vimium C for Apps: Path to Mouseless World
"starship" # Cross-shell prompt for astronauts
"stow" # Manage installation of multiple softwares in the same directory structure
"terraform" # Tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently
"thefuck" # Autocorrection with f as alias
"tldr" # Too long I did nor read man
"toilet" # ascii art fonting similar to figlet but with filter and boarder e.g. toilet -F border -f future Welcome Prayson
"tmux" # Terminal multiplexer
"universal-ctags" # Creates a compressed version of a code bases used by Aider
"uv" # Better drop in pip replacer alias pip='uv pip'
"vim" # Highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing
"watchman" # Watch files and take action when they change
"wget" # Internet file retriever
"yarn" # JavaScript package manager
"yazi" # Terminal file management
"zlib" # General-purpose lossless data-compression library
"zplug" # A next-generation plugin manager for zsh
"zsh" # UNIX shell (command interpreter)
"zoxide" # A faster way to navigate your filesystem

# Custom Taps (Specialized tools)
"koekeishiya/formulae/skhd" # Simple hotkey daemon for macOS
"koekeishiya/formulae/yabai" # A tiling window manager for macOS

# GUI Applications (Casks)
# Various applications installed through Homebrew Cask
"1password" # Password manager
"alacritty" # GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
"docker" # Platform to develop, ship, and run applications



  • Be sure to update the user name/email values in the global gitconfig

Color Schemes

After First Installation, Sync dotfile with GitHub

Configure GitHub to usee SSH Configure + Setup

Change dotfile remote url to use ssh: git remote set-url origin [email protected]:Proteusiq/dotfiles.git

MacOS settings

Steps of updating or changing `macos/.macos` to fit your preferences

Example changing Clock to Analog:

# step 1: generate before change default settings
defaults read > before
# step 2: make changes on the UI. For example change clock appearance settings and go back to terminal
defaults read > after
# step 3: used `diff before after` or VSCode to change the difference. On VSCode right click `before` > Select for Compare, right click `after`> Compare with Selected
# find the changes that highlights the UI chnages


Translate the changes to .macos

# Prayson's Clock Preferences Dock
defaults write IsAnalog -int 0
defaults write ShowAMPM  -int 1
defaults write ShowDate -int 0
defaults write ShowDayOfWeek  -int 0
defaults write ShowSeconds  -int 0

See RexYuan's settings for inspiration and examples

Oh Vim

🧘🏾‍♂️ Vim Grammar: Verb + Noun

In Vim, editing operations follow a grammar-like structure: Verb + Noun. The verb represents an action, while the noun represents the text or movement the action operates on. This allows for flexible and powerful editing. See: Learn Vim the Smarter Way. Note: Visual mode Noun + Verb*.


Verb Action
d delete
c change (delete + enter insert mode)
y yank (copy)

Nouns (Motions)

Noun Description
w word (forward by word)
b back (backward by word)
3j down 3 lines
G down to bottom
gg up to top
s sentence
p paragraph

Nouns (Text Objects)

Noun Description
iw inner word
ib inner bracket (i{ or i() )
i" inner quotes
is inner sentence
as a sentence

Nouns (Parameterizers)

Noun Description
f, F find the next character
t, T find until next character
/ next match (word/pattern)

Examples: Verb + Noun

Preferably Text Objects for repeatability with dot .

Command Action
diw delete inner word
da" delete contents a(rround) and include "
yib yank (copy) inner bracket
cfK change to next occurrence of character K

Why Text Objects over Motions:

cw change executes from the current cursor position, while ciw execute whole object regardless of the cursor position. Allowing dot . of action.

Prefix: g (Super Prefix to Extend Commands)

Command Action
gUaw uppercase a word
:g/^\s*$/d search and remove all empty lines.

This structure allows you to combine commands fluidly, increasing efficiency in text editing. By mastering verbs, nouns, and their combinations, you can perform powerful editing operations with minimal keystrokes.

More Vim keybindings:


Key Explanation
Esc Command mode
i Edit mode
V Visual mode
a Move cursor forward and enter edit mode
A Move cursor to the end of the line, enter edit mode
o Add newline below and enter edit mode
O Add newline above

Deleting and Changing Text

Key Explanation
x Delete the character under the cursor
~ Swap the case of the character under the cursor
dd Cut the current line
d} Cut until the end of the block
cw Change word: delete the word in focus and enter edit mode
dw Delete word
D Delete to the end of the line
C Delete to the end of the line and enter edit mode
ct<char> Delete up to (but not including) the specified character
. Repeat the last action
u Undo
3u Undo last 3 changes
Ctrl-r Redo

Better grammar diw or daw - delete inside/arround word


Key Explanation
hjkl Move cursor (left, down, up, right)
20j Go down 20 lines
:20 Jump to line 20
w Move to the next word
b Move backward one word
4b Move backward 4 words
0 Move to the beginning of the line
^ Move to the first non-blank character of the line
t<char> Move just before the specified character
f<char> Move to the specified character
% Move to the matching parenthesis, bracket, or brace
gg Go to the top of the file
G Go to the bottom of the file
{ Jump backward by paragraph
} Jump forward by paragraph
* Jump to the next occurrence of the word under the cursor
z Center the line with the cursor in the middle of the screen

Copy and Paste

Key Explanation
yy Copy (yank) the current line
P Paste before the cursor
p Paste after the cursor

Search and Help

Key Explanation
:h navigation Help on navigation
:h search Help on search commands
* Search for the word under the cursor

File and URL Handling

Key Explanation
gf Go to file path and open
gx Go to URL and open in browser

Recording and Running Commands

Key Explanation
qa ... q Record macro
@a Repeat recorded macro
13@a Repeat recorded macro 13 times
Shift+V Shift+G : Select to the end of the document
:'<,'> norm A! Jump to the end and add !
:norm I Jump to the beginning and enter insert mode

Browsing in Edit Mode

Key Explanation
Ctrl-p / Ctrl-n Browse written variables or names in edit mode

Who You Gonna Call? 👻 - curl<cli_command>

Using Tools

Tips + Tricks


Ctrl + f

Sesh Tmux

raycast plugins sesh + sesh connect on terminal rocks + k

Using tmux

# installl plugins
<leader> + I # prefix is <leader key> which is C-b

<leader> + c # create a new session
<leader> + n # previous session or instead of n, a <NUMBER> to switch to session
<leader> + "Shift + 2" (") or i to split horizontal
<leader> + "Shift + 5"  (%) o - to split vertical
<leader> + Arrows or hjkl # move across panes
<leader> + : # command mode (:rename-window <NAME> :rename-session <NAME> :kill-session -a #kill all session but this one :kill-session -t <NAME or NUM>, :kill-server # kills all session)
<leader> + d # dettach session
tmux ls # list sessions
<leader> + s # list sessions
<leader> + , # rename window
<leader> + & # close window

<leader> + z # min/maximize pane
<leader> + p (P menu) # => popup terminal (leader + p to close)
<leader> + O  # => popup sessions (esc to close)

# custom
iexit # alias to kill-session
ikill # alias to kill-server
iswitch # alias to switch-session
ipop # alias for popup window

Using fzf

# search
fzf # fzf -q .py$ -e
# open files/folders with nvim
nvim # Ctrl + t (C-t)
nvim ** # + TAB

# open files and folder
cd ** # + TAB

# commands things with fzf (kill, unalias, unset, export, ssh)
kill -9 ** # TAB (Next TAB will multiselect and Shift+Tab to deselect)

# looking throw the history
# C-r 
docker # + C-r filter search to 'docker' history

Using lazyVim

<leader> # Space
<C-w> # window actions
     # w # moves back to Neo-Tree
[b ]b  # option/alt 8 and 9 for [] to navigate buffers(tabs)  

# command mode
: # run sh commands: use case sort data, select and execute : <','>!sort or structure JSON <','> !jq
# Visual mode select: 
#   '<,'>s/^./# &/ -> replace anything with '#' to all non-blank lines"
#   '<,'>s/^\([^#]\)/# &/ -> replace anything but lines  starting with '#' with # "
: + !(Shift + 1) # filter mode: echo "OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-****** >> .env"

# Telescope:
:Telescope keymap
:Telescope lsp_definition `gd`
:Telescope live_grep
:Telescope lsp_reference `gr`
:Telescope git_branches
:Telescopes buffers

# More

Switch words
:s/\(hello\)\s\(there\)/\2 \1/

= => indent =G indent all to bottom
:help or :h v_d(help of visual mode d) (ctrl + wc) window close

# Debugging
## Key Mappings

| Shortcut      | Description                  |
| `<leader>dm`  | Debug Test Method             |
| `<leader>dc`  | Debug Test Class              |
| `<leader>df`  | Debug Python File             |
| `<leader>du`  | Debug Function Under Cursor   |
| `<leader>dk`  | Debug Class Under Cursor      |
