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JSON schema reference for the data returned by the 'dsc resource list' command.
dsc resource list result schema reference

dsc resource list result schema reference


The result output from the dsc resource list command.


Type:          object


The output from the dsc resource list command includes a representation of discovered DSC Resources as a series of JSON Lines. This schema describes the JSON object returned for each resource.

Required properties

Each resource in the output always includes these properties:



Identifies the fully qualified type name of the resource. It's used to specify the resource in configuration documents and as the value of the --resource flag when using the dsc resource * commands. For more information about resource type names, see DSC Resource fully qualified type name schema reference.

Type:     string
Required: true
Pattern:  ^\w+(\.\w+){0,2}\/\w+$


Identifies whether a resource is an adapter resource, a group resource, or neither. This value is either defined in the resource manifest or inferred by DSC. For more information about resource kinds, see DSC Resource kind schema reference.

Type:          string
Required:      true
ValidValues:  [Resource, Adapter, Group]


Represents the current version of the resource as a valid semantic version (semver) string. The version applies to the resource, not the software it manages.

Type:     string
Required: true
Pattern:  ^(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$


Defines the operations and behaviors the resource is implemented to support. This property is an array of capabilities. Resources always have the Get capability, but the other capabilities are optional and depend on the resource.

The following list describes the available capabilities for a resource:

  • Get - The resource supports retrieving the current state of an instance. All DSC Resources must have this capability. A resource has this capability when it defines the mandatory get property in its resource manifest.

  • Set - The resource supports enforcing the desired state of an instance. A resource has this capability when it defines the set property in its resource manifest. Resources without this capability can't be used with the dsc resource set or dsc config set commands unless they're in a Microsoft.DSC/Assertion group as a nested instance.

  • SetHandlesExist - The resource supports the _exist property directly. A resource has this capability when it defines the handlesExist property as true in the definition of the set command property in its resource manifest.

    When a resource has this capability, the _exist property is part of the resource's instance schema and the resource handles deleting instances of the resource in its set command.

    When a resource doesn't have this capability, when DSC finds an instance of the resource with _exist set to false, it handles calling the delete operation for the resource.

    If the resource doesn't have this capability or the Delete capability, DSC raises an error when an instance defines _exist as false.

  • WhatIf - The resource supports returning explicit information about how it will modify state when a user calls dsc config set with the --what-if option. A resource has this capability when it defines the What-if method in its resource manifest.

    When a resource has this capability, DSC calls the defined command with its arguments when a user executes the dsc config set command with the --what-if option.

    When a resource doesn't have this capability, DSC synthesizes how the resource will change and instance by converting the Test result for the instance into a Set result. The synthetic operation can't indicate potential issues or changes that can't be determined by comparing the result of the Test operation against the resource's desired state. For example, the credentials used to test a resource might be valid for that operation, but not have permissions to actually modify the system state. Only a resource with this capability can fully report whether and how the resource will change system state.

  • Test - The resource supports validating the desired state of an instance against the current state of the instance. A resource has this capability when it defines the test property in its resource manifest.

    If a resource doesn't have the Test capability, DSC uses a synthetic test for instances of the resource. The synthetic test compares each property for the desired state of an instance against the actual state. The synthetic test uses strict, case-sensitive equivalence. If the desired state for a property and the actual state aren't the same, DSC marks the property as out of the desired state.

  • Delete - The resource supports removing an instance. A resource has this capability when it defines the delete property in its resource manifest. This capability isn't mutually exclusive with the SetHandlesExist property. A resource can handle the _exist property in set operations and be called directly with dsc resource delete to remove an instance.

  • Export - The resource supports enumerating every instance of the resource. A resource has this capability when it defines the export property in its resource manifest. Only resources with this capability are usable with the dsc resource export and dsc config export commands.

  • Resolve - The resource supports resolving nested resource instances from an external source. A resource has this capability when it defines the resolve property in its resource manifest. This functionality is primarily used by importer resources.

Type:              array
Required:          true
ItemsMustBeUnique: true
ItemsType:         string
ItemsValidValues: [Get, Set, SetHandlesExist, Test, Delete, Export]


Defines a synopsis for the resource's purpose as a short string. If the resource doesn't have a description, this property is null.

Type:     [string, 'null']
Required: true


Represents the path to the resource's manifest on the machine. For adapted resources, this property identifies the path to the file that defines the resource instead.

Type:     string
Required: true


Represents the path to the folder containing the resource's manifest on the machine. For adapted resources, this property identifies the path to the folder containing the file that defines the resource instead.

Type:     string
Required: true


Indicates how the DSC Resource was implemented. For command-based resources, this value is always Command.


Indicates the name of the person or organization that developed and maintains the DSC Resource. If this property is null, the author is unknown.

Type:     [string, 'null']
Required: true


Defines the property names for adapted resources. For non-adapted resources, this property is an empty array.

Type:         array
Required:     true
ItemsType:    string
ItemsPattern: ^\w+$


Defines the fully qualified type name of the DSC Resource Adapter that this resource is made available through. This value is only defined for adapted resources. For non-adapted resources, this value is always null.

Type:     [string, 'null']
Required: true


Represents the values defined in the resource's manifest. This value is null for resources that aren't command-based. For more information on the value for this property, see Command-based DSC Resource manifest schema reference.

Type:     [object, 'null']
Required: true